Cloudforce Sydney 2012 - Building Community with Social Networking - Masterclass

Post on 20-May-2015

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Learn more about Social Media and how to build communities with Natalie Swainston.This was presented during a Masterclass Session held in the Social Media Lounge at Cloudforce Sydney 2012 ( ). For more info about the Social Media Lounge -->

Transcript of Cloudforce Sydney 2012 - Building Community with Social Networking - Masterclass

Building Community

in Social Media Nathalie Swainston Brand & Marketing Manager

Friday, 15 June 2012

Inspire's mission is to help young people lead happier lives

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“Because we think we need one” isn’t a why!

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Ask why.

Where is your target audience talking? What are they talking about? How are they talking about it?

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Listen and learn.

Once you think you’ve got an idea, ask your target market whether it’s a good one.

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When you’re done listening, ask!

And make that person someone you trust with your brand.

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Have a dedicated resource.

Then learn, then test again, then learn some more.

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Start small and test.

People are busy – if they’re going to give you their time, you’ve got to make it worth it.

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Be interesting and add value.

Set the guidelines, step back, and only step in when you have to.

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Facilitate more than you moderate.

Next to your staff, they’re your biggest asset.

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Empower your champions.

Good things take time. And you’re only going to know if it’s good if you’re measuring it.

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Be patient and measure.

12 Inspire's mission is to help young people lead happier lives

It’s all just a conversation…

Finally, remember…


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