Climatic prediction till 2050

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Climatic prediction till 2050

Presentation on climatic prediction till 2050

Presented to:Medam Mariyam khalid

Presented by:Muhammad azaz

Roll no:1811

Department of Geography GC University Faisalabad

Climate Climate is defined as the average weather patterns existing throughout several years over a large portion of Earth's surface.  30-35 years. Climate therefore varies from weather

because weather is concerned only with short term events. 

Causes of climate change

Natural causes of climate change. El Niño Earth axis Sun spots Meteorites and meteor Plate tectonics  Greenhouse gases

Human Causes of Climate Change

Global warming Methane Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)

Predicted future climate till 2050

Increase in temperature Average global temperatures are

expected to increase by 2°F to 11.5°F by 2100, depending on the level of future greenhouse gas emissions, and the outcomes from various climate models.

Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations Increase Earth's average temperature.

Influence the patterns and amounts of precipitation.

Reduce ice and snow cover. Raise sea level. Increase the acidity of the oceans.

Miami, the great world city, is drowning till 2050.

Low-lying south Florida, at the front line of climate change in the US, will be swallowed as sea levels rise.

Astonishingly, the population is growing, house prices are rising and building goes on. 

World's coral reefs could be gone by 2050 Warmer seas caused by global warming

or “coral bleaching”.  Oceanic acidification blamed on carbon

dioxide pollution which reduces the coral growth.

where corals lose their colorful symbiotic algae, exposing their white skeletons.

Heavy rain in southern Brazil and the west

Amazon In June 2050, people may see heavy

rainfall in southern Brazil and the west Amazon.

In a few days, the rain will exceed the amount expected for the entire month, which increases the risk of heavy flooding and disaster landslides.

Mega droughts up till 2050

Drought is a condition which faces the shortage of water.

Mega droughts have occurred throughout history, roughly every 400 to 600 years.

The last mega drought to plague the U.S. occurred in the western U.S. in the mid-12th century.

Exceptional drought, the most severe category, afflicts over 58 percent of California. 

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