Climatic and tectonic controls on carbonate deposition in ... · carbonate deposits. The results...

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Climatic and tectonic controls on carbonate deposition insyn-rift siliciclastic fluvial systems: A case of microbialites andassociated facies in the Late Jurassic

CONCHA ARENAS*, LAURA PI ~NUELA† and JOS �E CARLOS GARC�IA-RAMOS†*Dpto. de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Zaragoza, C/Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza,Spain (E-mail:†Museo del Jur�asico de Asturias (MUJA), 33328 Colunga, Spain

Associate Editor – Daniel Ariztegui


This work provides new insights to assess the factors controlling carbonate

deposition in the siliciclastic fluvial systems of rift basins. Sedimentological

and stable-isotope data of microbialites and associated carbonate facies,

along with regional geological information, are shown to reveal the influence

of climate and tectonics on the occurrence and attributes of carbonate

deposits in these settings. The Vega Formation – a 150 m thick Lower Kim-

meridgian siliciclastic fluvial sequence in Asturias Province (northern

Spain) – constitutes a candidate for this approach. This unit includes varied

facies (stromatolites; rudstones, packstones and wackestones containing on-

coids, intraclasts, charophytes and shell bioclasts; marlstones and polygenic

calcareous conglomerates) that formed in a low-gradient fluvial–lacustrinesystem consisting of shallow, low-sinuosity oncoid-bearing channels and

pools within marshy areas, with sporadic coarse alluvial deposition. The

sedimentological attributes indicate common erosion by channel overflow

and rapid lateral changes of subenvironments caused by water-discharge

variations. The carbonate fluvial–lacustrine system developed near uplifted

marine Jurassic rocks. The occurrence of the system was conditioned by nor-

mal faults (active during the deposition of the unit) that favoured: (i) springs

of HCO3–Ca-rich water from a Rhaetian–Sinemurian carbonate rock aquifer;

and (ii) carbonate deposition in areas partially isolated from the adjacent

siliciclastic fluvial system. The microbialite d13C and d18O values support

deposition in a hydrologically open system, fed by ambient-temperature

meteoric water, with riparian vegetation. Three types of lamination in the

stromatolites and oncoids reflect distinct morphological types of cyanobacte-

rial communities. The textural pattern of lamination parallels d13C and

d18O changes, suggesting short-term cycles of precipitation and temperature.

A moderately to strongly contrasted seasonal and/or pluriannual precipita-

tion regime is inferred from the cyclic d13C pattern of the lamination and

from the discontinuous and asymmetrical growth of oncoids. Thus, the iso-

topic and sedimentological attributes of the carbonate deposits were linked

to short-term climate changes associated with semi-arid conditions, consis-

tent with the studied climatic zone.

Keywords Allocyclic factors, carbonates, fluvial–lacustrine facies model,microbialites, rift basin.

1149© 2014 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2014 International Association of Sedimentologists

Sedimentology (2015) 62, 1149–1183 doi: 10.1111/sed.12182


Laminated microbialites (i.e. stromatolites andoncolites) are common structures of fluvial andlacustrine environments in different types ofbasins throughout the geological record. Manyancient oncoidal and associated carbonatedeposits are reported to occur mainly in fluvialand fluvial–lacustrine systems (Leinfelder &Hartkopf-Fr€oder, 1990; Zamarre~no et al., 1997;Hern�andez G�omez, 2000; Mel�endez & G�omez-Fern�andez, 2000; Arenas et al., 2007; Astibiaet al., 2012). During the Late Jurassic–Early Cre-taceous these deposits were particularly abun-dant in relation to syn-rift fluvial and lacustrinesystems (Leinfelder, 1985; Perry, 1994; Hern�an-dez G�omez, 2000; Mel�endez & G�omez-Fern�an-dez, 2000; Shapiro et al., 2009; Bosence, 2012);their occurrence and evolution have beenexplained in terms of both tectonic and climaticfactors. Tectonics primarily control the originand evolution of such continental basins, theextent and lithology of catchment areas and thepreservation potential of deposits through subsi-dence (Miall, 1996). Most fluvial and fluvial–lacustrine carbonate systems are principallylinked to water supplies from carbonate-rockcatchments and aquifers, which are directlyrelated to climate and bedrock structure(Ord�o~nez & Garc�ıa del Cura, 1983; Evans, 1999;Dunagan & Turner, 2004; Arenas-Abad et al.,2010).Microbial lamination records a complex inter-

action of physical, chemical and biologicalparameters (Monty, 1976; Golubic, 1991; Merz-Preiß & Riding, 1999; Riding, 2000; Noffke &Awramik, 2013) that greatly depend on climateand hydrology. The analysis of lamination inancient microbialites has been the focus of manysedimentological works (Zamarre~no et al., 1997;Seong-Joo et al., 2000; Su�arez-Gonz�alez et al.,2014). However, the interpretation of the envi-ronmental and temporal significance of lamina-tion from thickness and textural features is notalways straightforward and unequivocal expla-nations are uncommon (Seong-Joo et al., 2000;Storrie-Lombardi & Awramik, 2006; Petryshynet al., 2012). The stable-isotope composition(d13C and d18O) reveals that lamination in micro-bialites can record short-term climatic andhydrological changes on different time scales(i.e. seasonal, interannual and decadal); there-fore, laminated microbialites are consideredhigh-resolution records of palaeoenvironmentalconditions (Chafetz et al., 1991; Woo et al.,

2004; Andrews & Brasier, 2005; Os�acar et al.,2013).The Late Jurassic record of Asturias (northern

Spain, Fig. 1) mostly consists of a fluvial silici-clastic unit overlain by shelf lagoonal and deltaicsandstone, limestone and marl deposits, all ofwhich formed in the extensional tectonic regimethat affected the region from the beginning of theLate Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous (Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2011). The middle and distal flu-vial deposits (mudstones and sandstones, VegaFormation) of the siliciclastic unit (Kimmerid-gian) contain several limestone beds consistingof oncoids, intraclasts and bioclasts, along withcalcareous conglomerate beds, that are interbed-ded at different stratigraphic positions (Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2010a,b). These carbonate depositsare the main focus of this work. Their distinctfacies, their occurrence within a siliciclasticsequence and their close association with normalfaults in the underlying marine Jurassicsequence provide an excellent scenario for dis-cussion of the combined influence of tectonicsand climate on the fluvial environment. In addi-tion, well-preserved laminated structures in theoncoids provide an opportunity to examine theeffects of environmental factors on microbialdeposits through textural and stable-isotopeanalyses.Based on the sedimentological and stable-iso-

tope analyses of the carbonate deposits in theVega Formation, complemented with regionalstratigraphic data, the purpose of this work was:(i) to characterize the different carbonate faciesand depositional environments and propose asedimentary facies model that explains their dis-tribution and evolution through space and time;(ii) to infer the climatic conditions and theirimprint in the microbial laminated deposits; and(iii) to discern the influence of climate and tec-tonics on the occurrence and evolution of thecarbonate deposits. The results provide newinsights that may help to interpret other exam-ples in which carbonate deposits develop inassociation with siliciclastic fluvial systems inrift basins.


The most spectacular and best-preserved Juras-sic outcrops in Asturias (northern Spain) extendalmost continuously along a narrow section of

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coast (ca 60 km long) between the Cabo Torres,in Gij�on, and Arra beach, in Ribadesella (Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2011; Fig. 1). The Jurassic outcropsare part of the so-called Gij�on-Villaviciosa Basin(Ram�ırez del Pozo, 1969), whose western end isbounded by the Veri~na fault, located 2 km westof Gij�on (Lepvrier & Mart�ınez Garc�ıa, 1990). Thebasin extends eastward to the Ribadesella fault,coinciding with Arra beach (Alonso et al.,2009). The Jurassic to Cenozoic rocks in easternAsturias (Fig. 1B) overlie diverse Variscan units(Precambrian to Carboniferous of the CantabrianZone) and Permian–Triassic units. Further westand south, outside of Fig. 1B, mostly Variscanpre-Devonian rocks crop out (Western Asturian–Leonese Zone) (Aramburu & Bastida, 1995).The Jurassic record of Asturias (Fig. 2A)

begins with a succession of limestones,dolostones and marls (Gij�on Formation) that

originated on a low and irregular coast, rich incarbonate muds and evaporites (coastal sabkha).This succession also includes some stratiformcalcareous breccias of metre-scale thicknesses.Their origin is related to dissolution of gypsumlayers intercalated among highly fractured lime-stones (collapse breccias; Valenzuela et al.,1986; Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2006).During the Late Sinemurian, a gradual relative

rise in the sea-level caused a great part of theregion to be submerged, at times to depthsgreater than 100 m. The Rodiles Formation rep-resents the resulting marine deposits. This for-mation has two distinct parts (Fig. 2A): thelower part is made up of nodular limestoneswith several thin marly layers, representing theproximal portion of a carbonate ramp; theoverlying part features layers of limestones andmarls, with tabular geometry and rhythmic



Fig. 1. Location (A) and geological map of the area (B), with the main studied sections: 1 – La Griega–Lastres;2 – Vega; 3 – Abeu; 4 – La Fumarea; 5 – Fuente del Gato.

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character, representing the middle and externalportions of the ramp (Valenzuela et al., 1986;B�adenas et al., 2012).At the beginning of the Late Jurassic, a drastic

change in the landscape occurred due the acti-vity of extensional faults, which eventuallyproduced the uplift and emergence of part of theterritory – including a great area of Asturias,which was submerged during the Early and

Middle Jurassic – giving rise to new coastlinesand emerged lands that were soon colonized bydinosaurs and other coetaneous vertebrates. Theuppermost carbonate marine succession was ero-sively truncated by Late Jurassic siliciclasticfluvial sediments. The youngest marine rocksunderlying the fluvial succession are EarlyBajocian in age (Su�arez Vega, 1974). This tec-tonic activity, controlled by extensional faults,




Fig. 2. (A) General stratigraphic sections of the Jurassic in Asturias (present coastal sectors). Modified fromGarc�ıa-Ramos et al. (2006, 2011). (B) and (C) Detailed stratigraphic sections with carbonate intervals (see Fig. 1Bfor location). (D) Legend for (B) and (C) – Abeu and Vega sections. Texture and lithology of stratigraphic sections(B) and (C): M – mudstone; W – wackestone; P – packstone; G – grainstone; B – boundstone; F – floatstone;R – rudstone. M-F – marls and fines; S – sand; G – gravel.

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represented the first stages of rifting that endedin the Early Cretaceous. The activity generatedan uplifted area in the south-western part of theregion, within the Western Asturian–LeoneseZone, whose erosion provided the first contribu-tions of siliciclastic continental sediments to thebasin (Garc�ıa-Ramos, 1997). Then, karstificationof the emerged marine carbonate successions ofthe uppermost Triassic and Lower and MiddleJurassic occurred, leading to the formation ofdecalcification clays, collapse breccias and pal-aeovalleys excavated in the underlying calca-reous rocks (Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2006).In the western part of the basin (sector 1 in

Figs 1B and 2A), coarse clastic sediments ofalluvial origin accumulated, initially filling thepalaeovalleys and karstic cavities. The succes-sion is composed mainly of siliceous conglome-rates, with small intercalations of sandstones,and red mudstones with calcareous palaeosols,arranged vertically into metre-scale fining-upward cycles. These rocks constitute the La~Nora Formation. To the north-east (sector 2 inFigs 1B and 2A), the La ~Nora Formation gradeslaterally to alternating white, grey and reddishsandstones and red mudstones with several con-glomeratic beds (Vega Formation), all of whichare siliceous in nature, likewise arranged inminor fining-upward cycles within a major cycleof the same character (Garc�ıa-Ramos et al.,2010a). These rocks represent fluvial depositsformed by ephemeral and highly sinuousstreams separated by extensive floodplains onwhich calcareous palaeosols (calcretes) deve-loped (Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2010a; Gutierrez &Sheldon, 2012). Deposits consisting of intraclas-tic and oncoidal limestones, as well as sparsepolygenic calcareous conglomerates, are inter-bedded within the siliciclastic fluvial succes-sion. These limestones were interpreted torepresent deposition in ponds partly fed by anumber of freshwater carbonate-rich springscoming from faulted zones of the uppermost Tri-assic–Lower Jurassic carbonate rocks (Garc�ıa-Ra-mos et al., 2010b). These limestone strata andthe associated polygenic conglomeratic beds ofthe Vega Formation are the main focus of thiswork (Fig. 2).Another relative rise in the sea-level drove the

coastline into the interior of present Asturias. Arestricted shallow sea developed (a shelflagoon), separated from the ocean by a thresholdor barrier of tectonic origin that impeded theentry of marine fauna. A thick sequence of cal-careous dark muds, rich in organic matter and

brackish invertebrate fauna (bivalves, gastropodsand ostracods), accumulated (Tere~nes Forma-tion; F€ursich et al., 2012). This area also servedas a refuge for crocodiles, turtles and fishes. Int-erbedded mudstones, sandstones, marls andminor limestones that formed in fluvial-domi-nated deltaic systems constitute the Lastres For-mation (Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2006, 2011),completing the Jurassic succession in this region.

The Vega Formation: studied sections

The Vega Formation crops out as incomplete sec-tions in different fault-affected areas of Asturias,rendering it difficult to accurately measure thetotal thickness of the unit. The estimated thick-ness is ca 150 m. The unit contains several lime-stone and polygenic calcareous conglomeratestrata with distinct facies that are interbedded atdifferent stratigraphic positions throughout thesiliciclastic sequence (Figs 2 and 3).The studied sections that contain limestone

intervals are distributed in the north-east (sector2; Fig. 1B) and in the south-west (sector 3;Fig. 1B). The lithostratigraphic attribution oflimestones in sector 3 has not yet been formallyestablished, but their stratigraphic position andabundance of oncoidal facies support theiroccurrence in a time-equivalent unit to the VegaFormation. For the purposes of this study, theoncoidal limestones in sector 3 are consideredto belong to the Vega Formation. In sector 3,where the formation is thinner and finer relativeto sector 2, the total thickness of limestone inter-vals is greater than along the coast (sector 2),where thicker siliciclastic deposits occur. In thesouth-western outcrops (sector 3), although theexposures are poor, the thickness of single lime-stone intervals is estimated to be ca 3 m. Theselimestones, formerly termed pisolitic limestones(Ram�ırez del Pozo, 1969), chiefly correspond tooncoidal rudstones. In the north-eastern out-crops (sector 2), single limestone intervals areup to ca 4 m thick, and commonly have sharpcontacts with the underlying and overlying sili-ceous sandstone and mudstone deposits. Theselimestones consist of decimetre-thick to metre-thick tabular and gently lenticular strata ofintraclast–oncoid rudstones and packstones, bio-clast (bivalve, ostracod and charophyte) and in-traclast wackestones, and rare stromatolites(Fig. 2B and C). Conglomeratic beds (mostly ofpolygenic calcareous clasts) occur underlyingand within the limestone succession (for exam-ple, in section 1). Locally, the conglomerates

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Fig. 3. Field views of limestone and marlstone beds (arrows) and associated conglomerates interbedded withinthe siliciclastic deposits of the Vega Formation. (A) Polygenic calcareous conglomerates overlain by an oncoidrudstone (La Griega section). (B) Detail of conglomerate texture: these are mostly composed of calcareous clasts(light grey-coloured and dark reddish-coloured marine Jurassic rocks and limestones of the Vega Formation) andless abundant siliciclastic clasts (quartz grains and reddish mudstones). (C) Vega section; note the gypsum veinsand pedogenic features (calcite nodules and bioturbation) in the thick mudstone beds at the base. Persons forscale are ca 1.8 m tall. (D) Detail of (C) showing tabular, lenticular and gentle channel-shaped geometry of lime-stone and marlstone strata. The interval between the arrows is ca 2 m thick. (E) and (F) – Abeu section: (E) Gentlechannel-shaped deposit consisting of oncoid–intraclast rudstones; person for scale is ca 1.8 m tall. (F) Rudstonecontaining mostly intraclasts; note the darker grey colour at the top (see Fig. 1B for location).

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can be up to 3 m thick (Fig. 2B). Occasionally,tabular beds, up to 10 cm thick, of siliceoussandstones and microconglomerates are found tobe interbedded with the limestone strata (forexample, in sections 1 and 4; Fig. 1B).


Samples of different carbonate facies from thestudied sections were collected for analysis oftheir textural features, mineralogy and stable-isotope compositions. A total of 29 thin sectionsand 35 polished slabs were prepared for inspec-tion by means of optical microscopy. Eightsamples were examined by scanning electronmicroscopy using a JEOL JSM 6400 (JEOL Lim-ited, Tokyo, Japan) of the Servicio de Micro-scop�ıa Electr�onica at the University of Zaragoza(Spain). Unfortunately, the results were poor inrelation to microbial remain findings.Samples were selected for mineralogy and for

stable-isotope analyses after inspection with apetrographic microscope. The samples wereobtained from the correlative polished slabs,selecting the parts of the rock with minimumpresence of cements or recrystallization features(as determined in the thin sections). For themineralogical analysis, samples were groundand sieved (53 lm). For the stable-isotope analy-sis, powdered samples of rock were obtainedthrough drilling (with a microdrill) in theselected areas, which were magnified with a ste-reo microscope. These samples corresponded tolight and dark laminated intervals in the micro-bialites, as well as bulk oncoid coatings and thematrix between oncoids.The mineralogical composition of 17 samples

was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Theanalyses were carried out at the X-ray Diffractionand Fluorescence Analysis Service of the Univer-sity of Zaragoza (Spain) using a D-Max Rigaku dif-fractometer (Rigaku Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)equipped with a graphite monochromator andCuKa radiation.The stable-isotope ratios (d13C and d18O) of 46

calcite samples were determined at the ServiciosCient�ıfico-T�ecnicos (CCIT-UB Serveis) of the Uni-versity of Barcelona (Spain). The d13C and d18Ovalues were measured in a mass spectrometer(MAT-252, Thermo Finnigan; Thermo Fisher Sci-entific, Waltham, MA, USA) via CO2 obtained ina Carbonate Kiel Device III (Thermo Finnigan)by the reaction of samples with 100% H3PO4

at 70°C for 3 min (McCrea, 1950). The interna-

tional standard NBS-19 (d13CV-PDB = +1�95& andd18OV-PDB = �2�20&) was used. The results arereported in d& notation relative to Vienna PeeDee Belemnite (V-PDB). The overall reproducibi-lity was better than �0�04& for d13C and 0�12&for d18O. The results of the mineralogical and iso-topic analyses are shown in Appendices 1 and 2.


The carbonate deposits of the Vega Formationconsist of several limestone beds and polygenicconglomeratic beds interbedded at differentstratigraphic positions within the general fluvialsequence of siliceous mudstones, sandstones andconglomerates (Fig. 2). The limestone samplesconsist of calcite, minor quartz and less abun-dant phyllosilicates (muscovite and kaolinite), asdetermined by XRD and microscope analyses(Appendix 1). These siliceous detrital particles(determined through optical microscopy) com-monly represent 1 to 10% of the sample, but insome cases as much as 35%. Therefore, somesamples correspond to quartz-rich limestones.Samples containing calcite and up to 76% of sili-ceous grains correspond to siliceous–calcareoussandstones and microconglomerates. Based onthe textural characteristics, several carbonatefacies are distinguished (Table 1). The mostabundant limestone facies are the oncoid rud-stones, followed by the oncoid–intraclast rud-stones and packstones. These two facies arepresent in all studied sections (Table 1).

Polygenic calcareous conglomerates (Co)

The conglomerates, exceptionally up to 4 mthick, are arranged in decimetre-thick tabularand lenticular (channel-shaped) strata that gen-erally occur as isolated bodies within the silici-clastic mudstones and also are associated withthe limestone intervals (for example, in sections1 and 3), commonly underlying them (Fig. 3A);they either fine-upward or lack grain-size varia-tion. Commonly, these bodies are structureless,but in certain cases they exhibit trough cross-stratification and horizontal stratification.These are clast-supported rocks composed of

carbonate clasts from different underlying Juras-sic marine units and from limestones of theVega Formation. Less abundant and smallersiliceous clasts (mainly of fine sandstones andsiltstones/mudstones) are also present (Fig. 3B).

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The varied colour of clasts led to them beingdescribed as ‘poudingues fleuris’ (Ciry, 1940;Rat, 1962; Hern�andez G�omez, 2000). Similarconglomerates have been described in theCamp�oo Group (Upper Jurassic–Lower Creta-ceous) in northern Spain (Pujalte et al., 1996).In the study area, the clasts are poorly sorted;the carbonate clasts range from a few milli-metres to 15 cm in diameter and are poorly towell-rounded. The siliceous clasts are up to1 cm in diameter and range from angular to sub-rounded. The matrix consists of sand-sized car-bonate detrital particles and very minorsiliceous particles.These deposits formed through deposition of

coarse sediments by mostly sheet-like and gentlychannelized currents. The clast sizes and theassociation of the conglomerate deposits with si-liciclastic mudstones suggest that this faciesformed in middle to distal areas of alluvial fans.A similar interpretation was made for the micro-conglomerates containing microbialite intraclastsin the Upper Oligocene alluvial deposits ofnorth-eastern Spain (Parcerisa et al., 2006). Ingeneral, these deposits are associated with high-energy to moderate-energy events in alluvialfans (Miall, 1996; L�opez-G�omez & Arche, 1997;Kumar et al., 2007). In the study area, the con-glomerate composition indicates that the alluvialfans were sourced from the Jurassic marine lime-stones and, downstream, the ephemeral currentsflowed over deposits of the concurrent carbonateand siliciclastic fluvial systems of the VegaFormation.

Stromatolites (Ls)

Stromatolites are rare and limited to a few pla-nar layers up to 5 cm thick, interbedded withinoncoidal limestone strata in the La Griega sec-tion (Fig. 4A). More commonly, fragments ofstromatolitic deposits are found as intraclasts ofhighly variable size and shape in the oncoidaland intraclastic limestones at a number of sites(Fig. 4B and C). The lamination of stromatolitesis flat to slightly wavy. Both the internal struc-ture and the texture are similar to those of onc-oids that are described in detail below.The limited exposure of stromatolitic deposits

precludes a precise interpretation. In other fluvialcarbonate-rich contexts, stromatolites representboth low-energy conditions (for example, linkedto final deposition in abandoned channels andpools; Leinfelder, 1985; Arenas et al., 2007) andhigh-energy conditions (for example, fluvial

stretches with increased slope; V�azquez-Urbezet al., 2010, 2012). The lack of geometrical attri-butes and associated facies indicative of high-slope depositional areas in the studied contextsuggests that stromatolites probably formed incalm to low-energy conditions after the waningof energy in fluvial channels or in shallow pools,some of which could have formed through theisolation of oncoidal channels. A similar inter-pretation was given to stromatolites of the Kim-meridgian in Portugal (Leinfelder, 1985), theTertiary in the Ebro Basin (Zamarre~no et al.,1997; V�azquez-Urbez et al., 2013) and the Qua-ternary of Lake Natron (Casanova, 1994). Duringhigh-energy episodes produced by increasedwater discharge, stromatolites and associateddeposits (for example, oncoidal and bioclasticfacies) would have been eroded, and their frag-ments redeposited in nearby fluvial areas, mostlyin channels.

Oncoid rudstones (Lo)

Deposits composed of this facies are common inall sections and consist of tabular, undulate andlenticular strata, with channel-shaped bases inplaces, that are decimetres to 1 m thick(Figs 3A, 3C and 4D). The strata can be groupedinto tabular or lenticular intervals up to 1�5 mthick, commonly associated with deposits ofother carbonate facies within thicker tabularintervals (up to 4 m thick, in the Vega section;Fig. 2C). In some cases, the strata show coarsehorizontal and trough cross-stratification(Fig. 4D and E). The general trend of the indi-vidual strata is usually fining-upward, based onthe size and/or volume of allochems. In somecases, strata composed of this facies containdark grey-coloured intraclasts and oncoids at thetop. Oncoid–intraclast rudstones overlie thisfacies.This facies is composed of oncoids and com-

monly includes a small percentage of brokenoncoids, calcite-coated phytoclasts, stromatolitefragments, isolated microbial calcite bodies and/or rare coated grains. Ooids may also be presentin certain sites (for example, section 1), locallyforming packstones and grainstones. Dark greyto light grey, massive micritic fragments alsooccur. In general, these components range fromsubmillimetre to 28 cm long (Figs 4C to E and5A to E). The matrix is composed of micrite andoccasionally rounded micrite intraclast wacke-stone to packstone (Figs 5F and 6A). Sparcement is not abundant. Detrital siliceous

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Fig. 4. Field views of stromatolites and oncoid rudstones of the Vega Formation. (A) Undulate layer ofstromatolites among an oncoid rudstone. (B) Oncoids and an overturned stromatolite or oncoidal fragment.Note the round nuclei in certain oncoids. (C) Oncoid rudstone containing a convex-up stromatolite fragment.(D) Gentle channel-shaped surfaces and trough cross-stratification in an oncoid rudstone. Note the fining-upward evolution of oncoids within the layers. (E) Irregular and gentle channel-shaped surfaces bounding thefining-upward layers in an oncoid rudstone. (F) Oncoid–intraclast rudstone passing upward into an intraclastpackstone.

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Fig. 5. Field views and hand samples of oncoids and oncoid rudstones. (A) and (B) Rudstones containing oncoidswith elliptical and round sections. Asymmetrical and truncated oncoids are indicated by arrows. Note the stromato-lite fragment in (B). (C) and (D) Asymmetrical oncoids developed on bivalves. (E) Rudstones containing symmetricaland asymmetrical (arrowed) oncoids developed on various nuclei including grey-coloured limestone and yellow tored-coloured mudstone extraclasts, as well as intraclasts. Note the small particles of these compositions among theoncoids. (F) Partial view of an asymmetrical oncoid developed on an intraclast consisting of bioclast–intraclast pack-stone. Surrounding mass: micrite intraclasts, ooids and smaller oncoids (with sparry nuclei) within spar cement.

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particles (mostly single quartz grains, up to1 mm in diameter, and mudstone clasts, up to5 mm in diameter) can be found scattered in thematrix (Figs 5E, 7C and 8D).In general, the oncoidal deposits formed in wide

and shallow channels of low sinuosity and in

ponds, where oncoids developed in slow-flowingconditions, as recognized in modern rivers andlakes (Ord�o~nez et al., 1980; H€agele et al., 2006),and in many ancient fluvial and lacustrinesystems (Leinfelder & Hartkopf-Fr€oder, 1990;Zamarre~no et al., 1997; Arenas et al., 2007;





Fig. 6. Photomicrographs (optical microscope) of oncoids and types of lamination. (A) Oncoid rudstone. Note theasymmetrical growth on the laminated nucleus and erosion of the outer laminae. (B) Slightly wavy laminae in anoncoid (type 1 lamination). (C) and (D) Domed and columnar structures (type 3 lamination) at the base and chieflyflat laminae toward the top of (C). Note the lateral change from small domes to flat laminae at the base of (D). (E)Wavy and irregular laminae (type 2 lamination). (F) Columnar structure that characterizes type 3 lamination.

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Fig. 7. Type 2 lamination and associated microbial bush-like bodies (optical microscope). (A) Wavy andirregular laminae with bush-like bodies. (B) Detail of (A) showing the bush-like arrangement of spar andmicrite. (C) Fragment of laminated microbial deposit in a quartz-rich rudstone that evokes a mat ofintertwined, closely packed filaments. (D) Detail of (C), showing a bush-like body of filaments. (E) Laminatedbush-like body made of micrite and spar filaments. (F) Adjoining bush-like bodies forming a palisade. Notethe evolution toward micrite-rich laminae at the top. (G) Two stacked bush-like bodies with micrite-richlaminae at their tops.

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Shapiro et al., 2009; V�azquez-Urbez et al., 2013).Fining-upward sequences result from waningenergy conditions in channels, ending with thefilling of the channels or ponds (Ord�o~nez & Garc�ıadel Cura, 1983; Arenas et al., 2000; Mel�endez &G�omez-Fern�andez, 2000). The common presenceof broken limestone particles provides evidence ofhigher energy episodes that resulted in partialabrasion and breakage of bed-load particles (i.e.oncoids) and the erosion of previous depositsformed in nearby ponded areas and fluvialchannels (for example, micrite-rich deposits andstromatolites) and palustrine fringes (in situcalcite-coated stems). The fragments of suchdeposits were incorporated as bed-load into theoncoidal channels and/or deposited on inactivefluvial areas (ponded floodplain areas). Similarprocesses were interpreted from Tertiarysequences in north-east Spain (Arenas et al., 2007;

V�azquez-Urbez et al., 2013). The presence of extra-clasts mixed with oncoids and intraclasts in cer-tain sections suggests that these higher energyepisodes also affected nearby siliciclastic deposits.

Morphology and structure of oncoidsOncoids are present in all studied sections,either as the main allochem component or asso-ciated with fragments of stromatolites and mas-sive micritic limestones. The size of oncoidsvaries from a few millimetres to 10 cm in length,and exceptionally up to 12 cm in length. Typi-cally, they are between 3 cm and 8 cm long(Figs 4 and 5). The largest specimens are in theLa Griega section; they can be subspherical,ovoid, cylindrical and discoid in shape. Themost abundant examples are ovoid and cylindri-cal (Fig. 5). The outer surfaces range fromsmooth to slightly knobby. The nuclei are heter-



Fig. 8. Type 2 lamination and associated microbial fan-like bodies (optical microscope). (A) Irregular laminationmade of adjacent fan-like bodies consisting of radially arranged filaments. Note the truncation by detrital depositsat the top (arrowed). (B) and (C) Detail of adjacent fan-like bodies consisting of radially arranged filaments. Notethe lamination within the fan-like bodies. (D) Laminated fan-like body consisting of radially arranged filaments ina quartz-rich intraclastic rudstone.

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ogeneous. In some cases, their shapes resembleplant stems and bivalve shells (Figs 4B, 5A, 5Cand 5D), the latter identified as freshwater bival-ves (Delvene et al., 2013); these nuclei are filledwith coarse spar calcite and less commonly areempty. In other cases, the nuclei consist of anintraclast (either massive or laminated microbiallimestone), a mixture of intraclasts and extra-clasts (mostly quartz) or siliceous extraclasts(Figs 5A, 5E, 5F and 6A).The thickness of the oncoid coatings varies

from a few millimetres to 6 cm and is mostlysymmetrical around the nuclei (symmetrical orslightly asymmetrical cortices; Figs 5B and 6B),although highly asymmetrical cortices exist(Figs 5C and 6A). In hand sample sections, thelaminae are smooth or slightly wavy and mostlycontinuous (Fig. 5B and E). The outermost lami-nae tend to be smooth to gently wavy.

Microscopic features of laminatedmicrobialites (oncoids and stromatolites)The entire and broken oncoids, calcite-coatedphytoclasts and stromatolites (in situ anddetached) exhibit similar microscopic characte-ristics in terms of lamination and microbialcomponents. The differences between the stud-ied sections are related to the relative abun-dance of distinct types of microbial structures(i.e. types of lamination and microbial bodies, asdescribed below).Typically, the lamination consists of alternat-

ing light (spar, microspar and micritic calcite)and dark (micrite calcite) laminae (Figs 6, 7A, 7Fand 7G). Single light and dark laminae varywidely in thickness: light laminae are between80 lm and 1 mm thick, and dark laminae arebetween 30 lm and 400 lm thick. Light and darkcomposite intervals made of several single lightand dark laminae are present (Figs 6C, 6D and9A to C); the thickness of these composite inter-vals can be up to 1 mm, and in certain cases upto several millimetres. These intervals can bedistinguished with naked-eye observations ofhand samples. Several oncoids include massiveintervals of thrombolitic texture (up to 200 lmthick) intercalated between the thinly laminatedintervals. Within certain oncoids and stromato-lites, fragmented laminae, along with quartzgrains in some cases, and sharp vertical changesin colour occur (Figs 6A, 6C, 6D and 8A).Based on the shape and mode of vertical

arrangement of the laminae and the morphologi-cal types of microbial bodies, three broad typesof lamination have been distinguished. Essen-

tially, these correspond to the three laminationtypes defined by Arenas et al. (2007) in theEocene and Oligocene continental microbialitedeposits of Mallorca (Spain).

Smooth to slightly wavy thin lamination (type1; light laminae: 80 to 300 lm thick; dark lami-nae: 50 to 150 lm thick) is not volumetricallyabundant and mostly appears laterally and verti-cally associated with lamination of types 2 and3. This type forms continuous intervals up to1 mm thick (Fig. 6A to D). These intervals maycap wavy or domed structures. The microbialremains consist of single or grouped, mostlyunbranched, micrite filamentous bodies thatextend upward through one or two laminae(Fig. 6B and C). These bodies appear similar tothe modern genus Phormidium. This type ofarrangement has been found in oncoids of sec-tions 1, 3 and 5 (see Fig. 1 for location).

Wavy or irregular thick lamination (type 2)exhibits a wide variety of lamina shapes: undu-late, festooned and single and multiconvex(Figs 6E, 7A, 7F, 7G and 8A to C). The lightlaminae are 200 lm to 1 mm thick, and the darklaminae are 100 to 400 lm thick. Based on thearrangement of the microbial filamentous bodies,two types of microbial bodies are distinguished:

1 Bush-like bodies composed of thick tufts thatmay laterally coalesce forming palisade-likeunits, up to 7 mm high (Figs 6E and 7A to F).Some of these bodies resemble certain moderncyanobacteria of the genera Dichothix and cer-tain filamentous algae, such as, perhaps, Vau-cheria (Zamarre~no et al., 1997; Freytet &Verrecchia, 1998). Very similar structures inrecent oncoids correspond to Schizothrix calci-cola (H€agele et al., 2006). Bush-like bodies areparticularly abundant in the oncoids of sections3, 4 and 5.2 Hemispherical, fan-like bodies (in sagittalcross-section) composed of radially oriented,mostly branched filamentous bodies (Fig. 8).The fans may appear isolated or laterally linked,and are up to 2�5 mm high. Their shape resem-bles certain modern cyanobacteria of the generaRivularia and Gloeotrichia (Freytet & Verrecchia,1998; Caudwell et al., 2001). Similar radial fila-ment arrangements in modern oncoids corre-spond to Rivularia haematites (H€agele et al.,2006; Pentecost & Franke, 2010). This type ofmicrobial body is present in all studied sections.

Both the bush-like and fan-like microbialbodies can be laminated, featuring alternating

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light and dark parts that generally grade out-ward into darker and more micritic laminae(Figs 7E, 7F and 8). A similar lamination ten-dency was described by Caudwell et al. (2001)and H€agele et al. (2006) in microbial bodiescomposed of radially oriented filaments.

Domed, pseudocolumnar and columnar lami-nation (type 3) consists of alternating laminae oflight microspar and spar (50 to 300 lm thick)and dark micrite (50 to 100 lm thick). The baseof these structures can be made of peloidal mi-crite. The laminae are single convex, multicon-vex or closed parabolic, discontinuous in domesand columns and semicontinuous in pseudocol-umns (Fig. 9). The domes and columns are upto 1�2 mm high. Isolated or loosely grouped,unbranched micrite filamentous bodies extendacross two to four laminae, with a roughly radialorientation (Fig. 9C to G). These micrite bodiescorrespond to cyanobacterial remains thatresemble the modern genus Calothrix (H€ageleet al., 2006).The lamination of type 2 is more common at

the base of the microbialites, whereas the lami-nation of type 3 is more common toward theouter part, although different arrangements exist.The lamination of type 1 is interlayered withboth types 2 and 3.Most oncoids show a distinctive arrangement

consisting of bush-shaped and fan-shapedbodies or domed and columnar structures at thebase, which gradually pass upward into thinner,more continuous and smoother laminae, in somecases ending up with the type 1 lamination(Figs 6C, 6D, 7F and 7G). In general, the lowerpart of every unit is more porous and/or lighterin colour (microspar-rich and light micrite-rich)than the upper part, which tends to be denserand/or darker (micrite-rich) in colour. Up to fiveconsecutive units can be seen in some oncoids.

Oncoid–intraclast rudstones, packstones andwackestones (Li)

This facies forms tabular, undulate and lenticularstrata, in places with channel-shaped bases.These strata can be decimetre to 1�3 m thick(Figs 2B, 2C and 3C to F). These strata areusually grouped into tabular units (up to 2�5 mthick) and generally overlie the oncoid rudstones.Fining-upward sequences, based on the size ofallochems and/or the abundance of matrix, areobserved in the Vega section (Fig. 2C), whererudstone–packstone–wackestone/floatstone suc-

cessions, decimetre to 1�3 m thick, are present.However, certain strata feature the largestintraclasts at their tops (for example, the Abeusection). In that section, the carbonate unit com-posed of this facies has a darker grey colour atthe top (Fig. 3F).This facies is composed of intraclasts and

minor oncoids (complete and broken) of highlyvariable size and shape (Fig. 10A to C). The in-traclasts are varied in nature and include lami-nated microbial deposits (oncoids and probablystromatolites), single or grouped bush-like andfan-like microbial bodies, and dark grey to lightgrey coloured massive and peloidal micrite andintraclastic limestones (Fig. 10E to F). The intra-clasts, subrounded to subangular, range frommillimetre to 20 cm long (exceptionally, 30 cmlong). The most angular are those of the lami-nated microbial particles. External moulds andfragments of coaly vegetal matter (mostly stems)can reach 50 cm long. The complete oncoids aremillimetre to 12 cm long. The matrix betweenthese components is micrite, and in places con-sists of intraclast wackestone. Variable amountsof spar cement are present. Detrital siliceousgrains (mostly of quartz), up to 1 to 2 mm indiameter, can be abundant in the matrix of cer-tain samples (for example, sections 1 and 3; Fig.10E and F). Occasionally, yellowish to brownishrounded particles of siliceous mudstones arepresent.This facies formed through deposition in flu-

vial channels and overbank areas, includingponded zones. The allochems provide evidenceof erosion of earlier carbonate deposits formedin nearby ponded areas (micrite-rich depositsand stromatolites), the palustrine fringes (in situcoated stems) and fluvial channels (oncoidaldeposits). The high quantity of extraclastsmixed with intraclasts in certain sections sup-ports the hypothesis that erosion affected nearbysiliciclastic deposits as well (for example, sandyand silty sediments). During high-dischargeperiods, carbonate fragments and siliceousgrains were incorporated as bed-load into thechannels and/or deposited in the interchannelareas. Fining-upward deposits represent the fillof channels in waning conditions; the coarserdeposits at the top of certain beds correspond tohigh-discharge conditions during flooding onoverbank areas. Similar processes were inter-preted from Tertiary sequences in north-eastSpain (Arenas et al., 2007; V�azquez-Urbez et al.,2013). The deposits composed dominantly of

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Fig. 9. Type 3 lamination and associated microbial fan-like bodies (optical microscope). (A) Stacked domes withcontinuous and discontinuous laminae. (B) Stacked intervals composed of laminated domes. Note the lateral varia-tion in thickness of one of them. (C) Upward evolution from domed lamination at the base toward continuous, slightlywavy lamination at the top. (D) Detail of the laminae in the domes. Note the presence of loose micrite filaments with aradial orientation. (E) Upward evolution from flat and slightly domed to domed to columnar lamination. Note thepresence of loose micrite filaments subperpendicular to the laminae. (F) Upward evolution from slightly domed toslightly wavy lamination with darker and micrite-rich laminae toward the top. Note the existence of radially arrangedmicrite filaments. (G) Detail of the lamination in a column, with micrite filaments subperpendicular to the laminae.

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intraclasts represent higher energy conditionsduring which oncoid formation was reduced.The dark grey colour at the top of certain

deposits suggests stagnation during the final fill-ing process of abandoned channel reaches andpools. Darker grey-coloured intraclasts probably







Fig. 10. Field views (A to C) and photomicrographs (optical microscope, D to F) of oncoid–intraclast rudstonesand packstones. (A) and (B) Plan view of a rudstone. (C) Highly heterometric intraclasts from base to top. (D) Mas-sive and laminated, mostly angular, intraclasts and oncoid (laminated calcite coating a stem). Note the abundanceof detrital quartz grains. (E) and (F) Packstones containing intraclasts, mostly stromatolitic or oncolitic in (E) andmicritic in (F), with detrital quartz grains.

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formed from erosion of organic-matter-rich stag-nant zones (Platt, 1989).

Oncoid–charophyte bioclast–intraclastpackstones and rudstones (Lich)

This facies forms the base of gently lenticularstrata that are up to 1 m thick and are mostlycomposed of oncoid rudstones in the Vega sec-tion (Figs 2C, 3C and 3D). The attributes of in-traclasts and oncoids of this facies are identicalto those described above, although the overallsize of these allochems is smaller (submillimetreto 2 cm long). Commonly, micritic intraclastsare dominant. The charophyte remains areobserved as cross-sections of stems coated bycalcite, both laminated and non-laminated,scattered among the other allochems (Fig. 11Aand B).

These deposits represent deposition inshallow fluvial channels and overbank areas fol-lowing erosion of previous sediments formed inthe adjacent ponded areas where charophytescould dwell and oncoids could form. Alterna-tively, these deposits could have formed throughdeposition in ponded areas after lacustrinesediment remobilization due to overflowing ofoncoid-bearing channels (Arenas et al., 2007).

Intraclast–bioclast wackestones (Lib/Lbi)

The deposits of this facies are not abundant andhave only been found in the Vega section(Fig. 2C), forming centimetre-thick to decimetre-thick beds interbedded within the intraclasticlimestones (Li). In one case, facies Lib consti-tutes the upper part of a 0�7 m thick body witha rather planar base (with sauropod tracks) and



Fig. 11. (A) and (B) Photomicrographs (optical microscope) of packstones and rudstones containing massivemicritic intraclasts, charophyte stems and small oncoids. Note that some charophyte stems are coated by massiveand laminated micrite. (C) and (D) Photomicrographs (optical microscope) of wackestones containing intraclastsand bioclasts (bivalves and ostracods), with scattered quartz grains.

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an undulate top (Fig. 3D) made of packstones/rudstones containing heterogeneous particles(carbonate intraclasts, detrital quartz and red toorange siliceous mudstone fragments).This bioclast–intraclast wackestone exhibitsnodulization.Depending on the abundance of intraclasts,

this facies is termed Lib (intraclastic and bio-clastic) and Lbi (less abundant intraclasts).Locally, packstones and mudstones–wacke-stones are present. Intraclasts are submillimetreto millimetre long, mostly rounded to subangu-lar grains of massive and peloidal micrite. Thebioclasts consist of ostracods (separate valves)and bivalve molluscs (broken shells). Detritalquartz grains are present in small amounts(Fig. 11C and D).This facies formed in small shallow lakes

(shallow ponded areas) in which ostracods andfreshwater bivalves dwelled (Platt, 1989).These areas developed after, or were affectedby, high-discharge events (for example, chan-nel overflow) that involved partial erosion ofdeposits of the carbonate system and the silici-clastic floodplain that had been subject tointense desiccation (with the development ofpalaeosols). In the Oligocene deposits of Mall-orca, bioclastic facies at the top of fining-upward sequences were interpreted as the finalfill stage of oncoidal channels with lacustrinesedimentation (Arenas et al., 2007). The mar-ginal lacustrine facies of the Morrison Forma-tion (Late Jurassic, western USA) includeintraclastic and bioclastic limestones with ped-ogenic features that represent deposition onlow-gradient lake margins and in secondaryponds subject to desiccation and reworking(Dunagan & Turner, 2004).

Marlstones and marly limestones (M)

These form thin tabular beds (commonly up5 cm thick, and exceptionally 0�7 m thick), gen-erally structureless, and are interbedded withstrata of intraclastic packstones (Figs 2B, 2C and3C). Marlstones and marly limestones are grey-coloured and can contain millimetre-long scat-tered intraclasts of dark grey limestones. In somecases, root traces are present.Marls and marly lime mud formed as a result

of surface water input with fine siliciclasticdetritus into small lakes or ponded areas, whichcaused a rise of water level, followed by the set-tling of the particles (Dunagan & Turner, 2004);increasing lime mud deposition resumed after

the inflow waned. Hydrophilous plants coulddwell in such muddy areas (Platt, 1989; Arenas-Abad et al., 2010).


Facies associations

Four main facies associations (FA) were distin-guished. Three of these represent subenviron-ments and processes of the studied carbonatesystem (Fig. 12A): (i) channels and overbankareas; (ii) channels/overbank areas to lacustrineareas; and (iii) middle-distal alluvial fan areas.Facies association 1 reflects deposition in low-sinuosity channels, mostly with oncoids andminor intraclasts, which flowed through a tufa-palustrine area. Stromatolites represent the finalfill in lower energy conditions. Higher dischargeprocesses that caused channel overflow and ero-sion of interchannel areas produced intraclasticdeposits. The alternation of these two facies (Loand Li) thus record changing energy conditions.Facies association 2 records the development ofponded areas both in abandoned channelizedareas and depressions in the overbank/inter-channel areas. The ponds were habitat for fresh-water bivalves, charophytes and ostracods(facies Lib, Lbi and Lich) and could be affectedby erosion during higher discharge events.Facies association 3 corresponds to depositionby sheet-like and gently channelized flows fromalluvial fans that entered the carbonate fluvial–lacustrine system, resulting in deposition of cal-careous and minor siliciclastic extraclasts andcarbonate allochems as tabular bodies. Aftersuch alluvial events (represented by facies Co),carbonate deposition resumed (facies Lo and Li).Similar facies associations have been describedby V�azquez-Urbez et al. (2013) in the Ebro Basin(Spain). Finally, facies association 4 (inferredfrom Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2010a) representscoarse siliceous sand deposition by high-sinuo-sity channels (facies St) in a wide floodplain(facies Fm) that experienced desiccation andpedogenesis (Platt, 1995; Gutierrez & Sheldon,2012).

Sedimentary facies model

Carbonate sedimentation in the Vega Formationtook place in shallow, low sinuosity channelsand pools within a marshy area (Fig. 12B) that,

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as a whole, might be envisaged as a wetlandwithin the east/north-eastward-flowing siliciclas-tic fluvial system. A broadly similar scenario wasproposed for the Kimmeridgian oncoid-rich lime-stones of Portugal (Leinfelder, 1985), albeit with-out the connection to sea water and associatedsalinity variations in the Vega case. The studiedcarbonate fluvial–lacustrine system of Asturias

was characterized by the large-scale developmentof oncoids and tufaceous palustrine facies, andfits the classification of a low-gradient fluvial car-bonate system (cf. classification of Arenas-Abadet al., 2010). Commonly, a high content of HCO3

and Ca++ in the water is required to form thesefacies, and these components are generally sup-plied by carbonate-hosted aquifers (Ord�o~nez &



Fig. 12. Facies associations (A) and the sedimentary facies model (B) of the fluvial–lacustrine carbonate depositsof the Vega Formation. Explanation in the text – Facies association 4 is inferred from information of Garc�ıa-Ramoset al. (2010a). Labels of carbonate facies are those defined in this work. St: siliceous sandstones with cross-stratifi-cation. Fm: siliceous mudstones.

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Garc�ıa del Cura, 1983; Hern�andez G�omez, 2000;Pedley, 2009; Arenas-Abad et al., 2010; V�azquez-Urbez et al., 2013). Nonetheless, the sources forcarbonate sediment also include land transport ofcarbonates as bed-load, suspended and dissolvedparticles from older calcareous rocks, whichmight be particularly important in distal areas offluvial systems (Gierlowski-Kordesch, 1998).Many carbonate deposits described in distal areasand floodplains of fluvial systems correspond tolacustrine and palustrine environments in whichHCO3

� and Ca++ ions are primarily suppliedthrough surface flows (Pla-Pueyo et al., 2009;Gierlowski-Kordesch et al., 2013). The distribu-tion of the studied carbonate deposits in the pre-sent interior area (sector 3; Fig. 1B) along normalfaults that affected the uppermost Triassic to Mid-dle Jurassic rocks in the Late Jurassic suggests theexistence of water springs from an uppermost Tri-assic–Lower Jurassic rock aquifer emerging fromthe fractured zone (Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2010b).Similarly, in the outcrops along the modern coast(for example, in La Griega, section 1, Fig. 1B), theclose relationship between certain channel-shaped deposits and normal faults also suggestswater springs as the main water source of the car-bonate system (Garc�ıa-Ramos et al., 2010b). Theassociation of water springs and faults was alsoproposed by Hern�andez et al. (1998) for the Kim-meridgian–Berriasian travertines to the south-eastof the studied area. Evans (1999) suggested astructural control for the occurrence of Eocenetufas and travertines in the Chaldron Formation(USA), in which the groundwater discharge wasinfluenced by fractures.The extent of the studied fluvial–lacustrine

carbonate system is difficult to estimate giventhe physical disconnections of the outcrops dueto tectonics and the scarcity of outcrops, whichimpedes precise correlation among the sections.The deposits crop out in areas that are morethan 50 km apart.The oncoids formed in slow-moving water

conditions in shallow, wide channels andinterchannel and intrachannel ponds subject tocontinuous or episodic water movement. Thecontinuous and isopachous lamination, withoutlateral changes in the type of lamination aroundthe oncoids, suggest continuous or episodicmovement of the oncoids that allowed cyanobac-teria and small algae to grow continuously on allsides of the oncoids. The asymmetrical or discon-tinuous growth observed in certain oncoidsprobably resulted from longer periods of motion-lessness (Freytet & Plaziat, 1982). Moreover, the

presence of sharp vertical changes in colour anderosional features within the microbial lamina-tion indicate periods of interruption in oncoidaccretion (for example, as recognized in theCamp�oo Group, Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceousof northern Spain by Hern�andez G�omez, 2000)which could be linked to periods of both desicca-tion and increased energy.The existence of vegetated areas (hydrophi-

lous grassy plants) in the channels and inter-channel ponds is suggested by the nature of theoncoid nuclei (in most cases, moulds of plantstems) and the presence of calcite-coated phyto-clasts (fragments of calcite-coated stems) in theoncoidal and intraclastic facies. The submergedparts of these plants were coated by calcite withthe same structure of microbial lamination as inthe oncoids. During storms or increased dis-charge, coated and uncoated parts of plantswould be broken and deposited nearby, and thecoated fragments would be preserved as phyto-clasts. Alternatively, coated and uncoated plantsalso served as nuclei for the development ofoncoids (Di�eguez et al., 2009; V�azquez-Urbezet al., 2012). However, the deposits made of insitu plants (i.e. stem boundstones) are almostabsent, which suggests the common occurrenceof erosion processes in these marshy areas. Ero-sion events are also suggested by the abundanceof broken particles of different nature (oncoids,stromatolites and massive limestones) that aremixed with entire oncoids and that probablyresulted from increased discharge and overbankflooding. High discharge would affect ponds inwhich the bioclastic facies formed. Together,these observations indicate the great mobilityand shallowness of the carbonate fluvial chan-nels and common overflowing (FA 1, Fig. 12).Ponds that developed close to springs and in

interchannel and intrachannel areas would beloci for stromatolites to form in calm conditions,possibly as the final fill deposits. However, thescarce stromatolite outcrops prevent an accurateinterpretation. In the ponded areas, ostracods,freshwater bivalves (Unionoids) and/or charo-phytes could dwell, some of which acted asnuclei for oncoids. Some of these areas were feddirectly from springs and temporarily connectedto running water channels. In other cases, theponds developed after shallowing and/or aban-donment of the oncoid-bearing channels (FA 2,Fig. 12; Leinfelder, 1985; Arenas et al., 2007). Ineither case, the deposits formed in these pondedareas (lime mud with bioclasts) were affected byremobilization and/or erosion, as suggested by

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the common mixture of intraclasts and bioclastsin facies Lib, and the nature of intraclasts andcertain oncoid nuclei of facies Li.In addition, small alluvial fans (represented

by facies Co) were sourced from the upliftedareas of Lower and Middle Jurassic rocksoccurring near the carbonate fluvial–lacustrinesystem. Middle and distal alluvial depositsreached the deposition areas of the system dur-ing moderate to high-discharge periods, whichcaused extensive erosion of former and concur-rent deposits of both the carbonate system andthe siliciclastic system (FA 3; Fig. 12B).The presence of intraclasts (composed of mi-

crobialites and bioclastic limestones) and extra-clasts in certain carbonate deposits indicate thatthe carbonate system experienced episodicincreases in discharge that resulted in extensiveerosion. During high-discharge periods, erosionaffected not only the fluvial–lacustrine carbonatedeposits, but also the deposits of the coexistingeast/north-eastward flowing siliciclastic fluvialsystem. This caused the incorporation of sili-ceous particles into the carbonate deposits.Together, these facts suggest that the differentsubenvironments of the carbonate fluvial–lacus-trine system experienced rapid lateral changes,which were probably conditioned by the rathervariable hydrology linked to the precipitationpattern. The alluvial fan sediments progradedover the fluvial–lacustrine carbonate system dur-ing episodes of higher discharge.The adjacent siliciclastic floodplain, far from

the surface water supply, experienced strongdesiccation and pedogenesis (Gutierrez & Shel-don, 2012). Groundwater derived from theuppermost Triassic–Lower Jurassic rock aquiferprovided HCO3

� and Ca++ for carbonate soil for-mation.


Lamination in microbialites is commonlydescribed on the basis of the alternation of lami-nae of different colour, crystal size and/or poro-sity, and the presence of microbial attributes(Monty, 1976; Golubic, 1991; Riding, 2000;Seong-Joo et al., 2000). However, lamination canbe observed at different scales, which makesinterpretation of the lamination in terms ofenvironmental and temporal significance morecomplex (Storrie-Lombardi & Awramik, 2006;Petryshyn et al., 2012). In addition, diagenesis

may overwhelm the original textural attributes(Park, 1976; Golubic et al., 2008).The different lamination types associated with

distinct morphological types of microbes andmicrobial arrangement (i.e. types 1, 2 and 3 inthis work) reflect the response of microbialgrowth and concurrent mineral precipitation toepisodic, in some cases iterative, changes in awide array of physical and chemical parametersover different time spans. Single laminae withuniform textures (for example, in the laminationof types 1 and 3, Figs 6B, 9D and 9G), as definedthrough microscopic observations, constitute thesimplest single units in this work. In general, thistype of simple lamination/laminae may resultfrom seasonal and intraseasonal changes in envi-ronmental parameters (chiefly, biological andphysico-chemical parameters dependent on tem-perature, insolation and/or precipitation), as dis-cussed by Seong-Joo et al. (2000), Merz-Preiß &Riding (1999) and Riding (2000). However, sim-ple lamination has also been reported as annual(Petryshyn et al., 2012). The sublaminae thatcompose certain laminae (for example, withinthe bush and fan-shaped microbial bodies in lam-ination of type 2; Figs 7E and 8) may thus reflectshorter intraseasonal variations linked to biologi-cal growth (for example, related to light intensityand turbulence; Seong-Joo et al., 2000; Caudwellet al., 2001; Noffke & Awramik, 2013).Moreover, in the study case, a composite lami-

nation results from the alternation or successionof intervals consisting of several alternating lightand dark simple laminae, in which each compo-site interval (i.e. composite lamina) is dominatedby either: (i) light, microsparitic, sparitic and/orporous laminae; or (ii) dark, micritic and/or denselaminae (Fig. 6C and D). For the most part, thiscomposite lamination corresponds to the lamina-tion pattern distinguished without direct magnifi-cation in the studied Jurassic samples (Fig. 5B, Cand D). This style of composite lamination mayreflect seasonal, annual or pluriannual cyclesrelated to variations in climatic and hydrologicalparameters (e.g. Andersen et al., 2011; Petryshynet al., 2012; Arenas et al., 2014). The texturalanalysis and deposition rates obtained from mod-ern oncolites and stromatolites in fluvial carbo-nate systems (from 0�4 to 1�7 cm yr�1 instromatolites) indicate that a number of simplelaminae can form in several months (Ord�o~nezet al., 1980; Drysdale & Gillieson, 1997; Gradzi�n-ski, 2010; V�azquez-Urbez et al., 2010; Manzoet al., 2012; Arenas et al., 2014) which is consis-tent with the above temporal interpretation of the

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ancient microbial lamination. In the studiedJurassic microbialites, most composite laminaerange from 0�5 to 8 mm thick. Therefore, a sea-sonal duration of the dark and light compositelaminae is plausible in such microbialites.


A careful selection of samples, avoiding cementsand recrystallization areas, was carried out fromseveral oncoid rudstones and stromatolites to



Fig. 13. Stable-isotope composition (d13C and d18O) of microbialite samples from the Vega Formation. (A) d13Cversus d18O of all analysed samples (n = 46). Values of dark and light intervals are distinguished (sampled inter-vals correspond to simple and composite laminae, as described in the text). Group 1: La Fumarea (JLF; section 4);Group 2: Lastres and Abeu (JLV-1 and JAV-3; sections 1 and 3); Group 3: rest of sections (La Griega, JGV-1, 4, 8;Lastres, JLV-2, section 1; Fuente del Gato, JFG-1A, 1B, 1C and 3A; section 5). (B) d18O values of successive darkand light intervals in oncoids. (C) d13C values of successive dark and light intervals in oncoids. Legend of samplelabels in (B) and (C): JLF: section 4; JGV: section 1; JFG: section 5; JAV: section 3. See Fig. 1B for location andAppendix 2 for stable-isotope values.

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obtain environmental information from the sta-ble-isotope compositions. The samples selectedfor stable-isotope analyses correspond to succes-sive dark and light intervals in the microbialitesand, in a few cases, to matrix between the on-coids and bulk oncoid coatings. Most sampledintervals, each ca 0�5 to 8 mm thick, containseveral laminae, thus corresponding to compo-site laminae (as defined above). No distinctionwas made between the three types of lamina-tion. Light intervals are commonly more porous,thicker and/or correspond to a dominance of mi-crospar and light micrite laminae; dark intervalsare commonly denser, thinner and/or corre-spond to a dominance of dark micrite laminae(Fig. 5B, C and E). In other cases, the sampledintervals mostly correspond to single laminae.Therefore, the sampled intervals represent dif-ferent time spans, probably from seasonal(which would be the case for most of them) topluriannual cycles.


The d13C values exhibit a wide range of varia-tion (from �5�43 to �7�86&), with a mean valueof �6�34& V-PDB. The d18O values range from�3�95 to �6�10&, with a mean value of �4�82&V-PDB (Fig. 13A; Table 2; Appendix 2). Threeseparate groups can be differentiated (Fig. 13A):(i) the group of La Fumarea samples (group 1;section 4), with lower d13C values and a widerange of d18O values; (ii) the group containingAbeu (JAV-3; section 3) and Lastres (JLV-1;section 1) samples (group 2), with lower d18Ovalues and a wide range of d13C values; and (iii)the group containing the rest of samples (group3; JGV and JLV-2, section 1; JFG, section 5), witha smaller range of d13C and d18O values. Foreach group, no differences in isotopic composi-tion of the different components analysed

(oncoid coatings, stromatolites and matrixbetween oncoids) were observed, except for thelower d18O values of the matrix in group 2. Cor-relation between d13C and d18O (Table 2) isalmost absent in groups 1 (r = �0�19; n = 6) and3 (r = �0�02; n = 34), but it increases for group 2(r = 0�86; n = 6). Most samples from the lightintervals display lower d13C and d18O valuesthan the dark intervals, although exceptionsexist (Fig. 13A to C; Table 2).

Environmental interpretationOverall, d13C and d18O values of the studiedJurassic samples are within the range of valuesobtained in laminated microbialites of other flu-vial and fluvial–lacustrine systems (Chafetzet al., 1991; Andrews et al., 1993, 1997; Zam-arre~no et al., 1997; Ord�o~nez et al., 2005; Arenaset al., 2007). The values fit a meteoric origin ofthe water and a variable influence of soil-derived 12C (Leng & Marshall, 2004; Andrews,2006). Moreover, the poor correlation coeffi-cients between d13C and d18O may be related todeposition in hydrologically open systems (Tal-bot & Kelts, 1990; Dunagan & Turner, 2004; Leng& Marshall, 2004; Cyr et al., 2005; V�azquez-Urbez et al., 2013), which fits the overallfluvial–lacustrine environment of the UpperJurassic study area. In group 2, the moderatecorrelation value might be indicative of a longerresidence time of the water.The lower d13C values of group 1 (section 4,

La Fumarea; Fig. 13A) suggests a larger contribu-tion of 12C from soil organic matter to the waterand calcite, probably from more abundant soildevelopment relative to the areas represented bythe other two groups of samples. However, themodern soil cover might have influenced lowd13C values; therefore, environmental interpreta-tion based on this group should be cautious.Samples of group 2 show the lowest d18O

Table 2. Mean and range of stable-isotope values of the microbialite facies in the Vega Formation. Pearsoncorrelation coefficient (r) is also indicated. Groups refer to fields in Fig. 13A.

d13C & V-PDB d18O & V-PDB

Correlationcoefficient (r)Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean

All samples, n = 46 �7�86 �5�36 �6�34 �6�10 �3�95 �4�82 �0�13Group 1 (JLF), n = 6 �7�86 �7�61 �7�79 �5�48 �3�97 �4�74 �0�19Group 2 (JAV-3, JLV-1), n = 6 �6�91 �5�36 �5�93 �6�10 �5�46 �5�73 +0�86Group 3 (rest of samples), n = 34 �6�82 �5�79 �6�16 �5�17 �3�95 �4�69 �0�02Light intervals, n = 17 �7�86 �5�98 �6�35 �5�95 �3�95 �4�87 +0�21Dark intervals, n = 19 �7�61 �5�36 �6�06 �5�60 �4�23 �4�76 �0�21

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values, probably indicating a greater influence of16O-enriched water, which suggests dominantinputs of isotopically less-evolved meteoricwater (Andrews, 2006). This observation is inaccordance with the common presence of sili-ceous extraclasts, which are related to erosionduring higher discharge episodes as a result ofincreased precipitation. However, the moderatecorrelation between d13C and d18O of this groupmight reflect other fractionation processes (forexample, the effects of evaporation). Given thesmall number of samples, this issue remainsuncertain. In contrast, group 3 indicates thatmost studied sites had similar environmentalconditions. The values suggest little to moderatechange relative to the meteoric-water d18O signa-ture and moderate contributions of soil-derived12C. This group reflects similar carbon isotopicprocesses and sources. Overall, the isotopiccomposition of group 3 is consistent with calciteprecipitation in channels and mostly open(or short-term closed) ponded areas, includingtufaceous palustrine areas, all of which were fedby meteoric, isotopically non-evolved water andsupported riparian vegetation.The cyclic variations of calcite d18O values in

the light and dark intervals (Fig. 13B) mostlyreflect the dominant temperature-dependentfractionation effects (Hoefs, 1980) because eva-poration should be negligible given the prevail-ing open character of the depositional system.According to the d18O variations, most light,porous intervals and dark, dense intervals corre-spond to higher and lower water temperatures,respectively, as reported for d18O values of lami-nated microbial deposits from other ancient andrecent continental systems (Chafetz et al., 1991;Os�acar et al., 2013). However, the reverse pat-tern is also present in certain studied samples.An increase in water temperature of 1°C

causes a decrease in the d18O value of the asso-ciated calcite sediment of ca 0�24& (Craig,1965). Based on this relationship, the differencein water temperature reflected by the dark andlight intervals within each sampled oncoidranges from 0�4 to 3�7°C, although most samplesyield a range between 0�5°C and 2°C. The meantemperature difference is ca 0�6°C if the meanvalues of all dark and all light intervals are con-sidered. Therefore, water temperature in thedepositional environment of the carbonate flu-vial–lacustrine system possibly experienced onlysmall changes through time (seasonal and/orpluriannual changes). Nonetheless, the obtainedvalues represent the minimum range of tempera-

ture variation because, in addition to tempera-ture, other processes (for example, variableintensity of mechanical CO2-removal or post-sedimentary processes) may have contributed tothe calcite oxygen isotope composition.The parameters that may influence the sedi-

ment d13C values are more diverse (Talbot &Kelts, 1990; Leng & Marshall, 2004). The patternshown by most samples, with higher values fordark intervals and lower values for light inter-vals (Fig. 13C), may be related to changes in theprecipitation volume through time (for example,rainy versus arid conditions). These changes canproduce differences in: (i) the aquifer recharge,and thus the isotopic composition of thegroundwater that feeds the streams; and (ii) thedevelopment of vegetation and the resultingsoil-derived CO2 supply (Garnett et al., 2004;Andrews, 2006). Thus, the light intervals formedin more rainy conditions, in which the vegeta-tion cover provided water with 12C-enrichedCO2. In addition, the dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) of groundwater feeding the streams waslikely to be 13C-depleted due to the highrecharge and short residence time of the waterin the aquifer, relative to less rainy or drier con-ditions. In contrast, the dark intervals formed inless rainy conditions, with a lower supply of12C-enriched CO2 from soils and the contribu-tion of 13C-enriched DIC from the aquifer to thestreams. The higher values of d13C in recent stro-matolites of the Ruidera Lakes Systems wereinterpreted to represent periods of drought,which featured lower quantities of organic car-bon in the soils (Ord�o~nez et al., 2005). In thestudied Jurassic case, the differences in d13Cvalues between the light and dark intervals forsingle oncoids are up to 1& (Fig. 13C), whichmight correspond, at least partially, to moderateseasonal and/or pluriannual variations in theprecipitation volume.Temperature can also influence the calcite

d13C composition through its effect on CO2-de-gassing in groundwater. Matsuoka et al. (2001)argued that the cyclic variation of d13C values inpresent-day fluvial laminated tufa deposits inJapan was related to seasonal changes in thed13C value of DIC in the groundwater, whichwas most likely to be caused by in-aquifer CO2

degassing. The degassing effect is stronger dur-ing winter, due to decreased subsurface airpCO2, which causes degassing of isotopicallylight CO2 from the groundwater, resulting inhigher d13C values for the remaining DIC in thegroundwater fed-stream. The authors thus

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concluded that the positive covariation betweend13C and d18O values was linked to temperature.The effects of photosynthesis on the calcite

isotopic composition through CO2 removal arenot yet fully proven (Arp et al., 2001). Theimprint of photosynthesis in fluvial tufa depo-sits is likely to be small, except perhaps in aridsystems (Andrews & Brasier, 2005; Andrews,2006).Therefore, the cyclic and parallel variation of

d13C and d18O values in most light and darkintervals (Fig. 13B and C) in the studied Jurassicsamples might be explained, at least partially,by changes in water temperature and precipita-tion volume. These changes might correspond toseasonal and/or pluriannual variations.


The most noticeable features of the studied car-bonate deposits are their occurrence within a flu-vial siliciclastic succession and their closeassociation with normal faults. The extensionaltectonic regime that affected the region duringthe Late Jurassic caused the uplift and emergenceof a large part of the territory. The siliciclasticdeposits of the Vega Formation represent themiddle and distal parts of an east/north-eastwardflowing siliciclastic fluvial system that wassourced from Proterozoic and Lower Palaeozoicrocks (Garc�ıa-Ramos, 1997). Close to the studiedsites, the presence of faults with general north-west/south-east and east–west orientations(Fig. 1B) that operated as normal faults in theLate Jurassic (Uzqueda et al., 2013) controlledthe presence of uplifted areas of Triassic–MiddleJurassic rocks and favoured: (i) springs of waterrich in HCO3

� and Ca++ from the uppermost Tri-assic–Lower Jurassic (Hettangian–Sinemurian)rock aquifer, delivered to otherwise dry lands;and (ii) the occurrence of fluvial, palustrine andlacustrine carbonate deposition in areas partiallyisolated (elevated) from the adjacent siliciclasticfluvial system (Fig. 12). Subsidence induced byfault activity also controlled the thickness distri-bution through space (Platt, 1995), with thickercarbonate deposits located in the south-western,siliciclastic-starved sector closer to the carbonatesources (sector 3), and thicker siliciclastic depos-its located towards the north-eastern sector (sec-tor 2). Accordingly, the distal areas of thecarbonate system could be influenced more by

progradation or lateral migration processes of thesiliciclastic fluvial system.To the south-east of the studied area (ca

100 km), Hern�andez et al. (1998) also proposeda fault-controlled context to explain the deve-lopment of microbial carbonate deposits close toa north-west/south-east normal fault during theKimmeridgian–Berriasian. These deposits,referred to as travertines, formed in streams fedby springs arising from the fault-controlled reliefand were associated with lacustrine areas. More-over, the activity of such fault determined theorigin and sedimentary evolution of the basin.The studied carbonate deposits of the Vega

Formation crop out over areas that are morethan 50 km apart. In many current tufa-precipi-tating streams, the locus at which calcite depo-sition commences is often located welldownstream from the springs, as far as requiredfor CO2 outgassing to cause the calcite saturationindex to rise to positive values (e.g. Herman &Lorah, 1988; Liu et al., 1995; Kawai et al., 2006;Arp et al., 2010; Auqu�e et al., 2013; Arenaset al., 2014). This fact supports the hypothesisthat the Late Jurassic springs could have beenlocated at some distance from the outcroppingcarbonate deposits. The carbonate intercalationswithin the siliciclastic system reflect the vari-able extent/development of a single carbonatefluvial–lacustrine system and coexisting smallalluvial fans through time.In the Late Jurassic, Iberia was an isolated

landmass in the dry (semi-arid) zone. Palaeolati-tude estimates for Iberia range from ca 30° north(Smith et al., 1994; Golonka et al., 1996) to 30°to 40° north (Stampfli & Borel, 2002) or evenlower (ca 25° north; Thierry, 2000; Osete et al.,2011). Platt (1995) suggested a semi-arid envir-onment for Upper Jurassic alluvial fans andpaleosols in the western Cameros Basin (north-ern Spain). According to Myers et al. (2012) theLate Jurassic palaeoclimate of Portugal waswarm and sub-humid with a strongly seasonalpattern of precipitation. These authors providedmaximum estimates of soil temperature derivedfrom isotopic analysis of clay minerals in palae-osols between 27°C and 34°C (surface tempera-tures) and a mean annual precipitation estimateof ca 1100 mm yr�1. Although seasonal precipi-tation and moisture deficits were indicated bythe palaeosols, a coastal marine climate regimewas proposed by those authors to explain morerainfall in Portugal than in other interior areasof similar latitude (for example, the MorrisonFormation in the western USA). Demko et al.

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(2004), based on calcareous palaeosol analysis,and Parrish et al. (2004), based on botanicalstudies, also concluded that the deposition ofthe Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation occurredin a semi-arid climate. Moreover, Dunagan &Turner (2004) provided sedimentological, palae-ontological and stable-isotope data that sup-ported semi-arid conditions during depositionin open carbonate lakes and wetlands of theMorrison Formation. More recent multiproxystudies provided evidence of highly variablepalaeoprecipitation in the Morrison Formation,and suggested that the mean annual precipita-tion estimates from the Vega Formation are clo-ser to those of the arid continental-interiorenvironments of the Morrison Formation (Myerset al., 2014).Studies of different lacustrine and fluvial

deposits around the world support general semi-arid conditions during the Late Jurassic, even inhigher latitude areas (Rees et al., 2004). Thelower Purbeck limestones on the Dorset coast(UK) contain soils that are interpreted to haveformed in a seasonally arid (Mediterranean-type)climate setting (Francis, 1984). More recently,Bosence (2012) argued that the environment inwhich the lower Purbeck limestones formed onthe Isle of Portland varied laterally from a hy-persaline to brackish and possibly freshwaterlacustrine system; in this system, the conifertrees and soils indicate a seasonal, semi-aridclimate. The sedimentary features of the PuestoAlmada Member (southern Argentina) are inaccordance with an arid climatic scenariothroughout the Late Jurassic and record strongseasonality, with periods of higher humidityrepresented by wetlands and lacustrinesediments (Cabaleri et al., 2013).The climate during deposition of the Vega

Formation conforms to semi-arid conditions, asindicated by the local presence of gypsum(interstitial deposits), the palynological compo-sition and the attributes of extensive palaeosolsin the fine-grained floodplain deposits of thesiliciclastic system. The studies of pollen andspores in different deposits of the Vega Forma-tion indicate the dominance of coastal gymno-sperms and ferns adapted to dryness andsuggest a subtropical climate, mostly warm andarid, with occasional occurrence of slightly morehumid conditions (Barr�on et al., 2008; Barr�on,2010). Based on the palaeosol types and theirfeatures, Gutierrez & Sheldon (2012) suggestedthat short-stature, shrubby vegetation inhabitedthose flood plains. Those authors estimated

mean annual precipitation values of 400 to980 mm yr�1 and mean annual temperature val-ues of 8 to 15°C, and proposed a strongly sea-sonal precipitation regime in Asturias duringthe Late Jurassic.The sedimentological features of the studied

carbonate–lacustrine deposits in the Vega For-mation (i.e. frequent erosion linked to channeloverflowing and rapid lateral changes of the dif-ferent subenvironments) are in accordance witha semi-arid climatic scenario, in which thechanges in water discharge were associated withstrong seasonal and/or pluriannual variations inprecipitation. The cyclic pattern of d13C valuesof the light and dark intervals in oncoids proba-bly reflects changes in precipitation throughvariations in the aquifer recharge and vegetationdevelopment (for example, as described byMatsuoka et al., 2001 and Andrews, 2006).Moreover, the discontinuous growth of themicrobial lamination and the asymmetricalthicknesses in certain oncoids also attest to vari-able hydrological conditions. It should be notedthat the La Fumarea area (section 4) might corre-spond to a context with more vegetation and/orsoils, based on the lower d13C values of the on-coids, perhaps an area of higher elevation withgreater water supply. Although the availabled13C data are inconclusive, the sedimentologicaldata suggests that this area was a relatively sili-ciclastic-starved, perhaps partially isolated, set-ting in sector 3, bounded by Jurassic reliefassociated with dominantly north-west/south-east oriented faults, from which a greater watersupply may have been provided during wetterperiods.Regarding temperature, the mean annual air

temperature values of 8 to 15°C proposed byGutierrez & Sheldon (2012) seem more reason-able for the studied area than the much highervalues estimated by Myers et al. (2012) in Portu-gal. Regardless, seasonal variations in air tem-perature are expected to have been mild giventhe latitudinal position of the study area. Thecyclic d18O pattern in the light and dark inter-vals in the oncoids reflects slight seasonal and/or pluriannual changes in the water temperatureof the carbonate system. Nonetheless, theexpected mostly constant water temperature ofsprings feeding the system through the yearmight have decreased the influence of air tem-perature on the streams and ponds. However,the estimated water temperature ranges shouldbe regarded as minima, given that other factorsmay have influenced the isotopic composition.

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In any case, the carbonate facies of the Vega For-mation are typical of the ambient-temperaturefluvial environment, and there is no sedimento-logical or isotopic evidence of hot-springinfluence.Environmental changes through time are diffi-

cult to envisage, given the lack of precise corre-lation among the different studied sites in thiswork. Moreover, the available data from thepresent outcrops do not allow for the assessmentof the influence of fault activity on the evolutionof the alluvial fans or progradation stages of thecarbonate fluvial–lacustrine system (for example,through changes in slope). The results of thisstudy suggest that the variable development (i.e.extent) of the carbonate fluvial–lacustrine systemthrough time was possibly controlled by climate(through changes in the precipitation). Withinthe general semi-arid context in Late Jurassictimes, the greatest development of the carbonatefluvial–lacustrine system might have occurredduring periods of slightly wetter conditions.This phenomenon is compatible with the isoto-pic and sedimentological attributes of the car-bonate fluvial–lacustrine system that wereimpacted by short-term climate changes consis-tent with a general semi-arid climate.


The Vega Formation carbonate deposits formedin a low-gradient fluvial–lacustrine system withshallow channels and ponds in a marshy area.The microbialite d13C and d18O values and theirpoor correlation are consistent with depositionin a hydrologically open system fed by ambient-temperature meteoric water and with riparianvegetation.The carbonate fluvial–lacustrine system was

supplied by water sourced from a Rhaetian toSinemurian rock aquifer in an otherwise dryarea. Normal faults that were active duringdeposition of the Vega Formation created thescenario that favoured: (i) HCO3

�-rich and Ca++-rich springs from the carbonate rock aquifer;and (ii) the occurrence of fluvial, palustrine andlacustrine carbonate deposition in areas partiallyisolated (elevated) from the adjacent siliciclasticfluvial system. Fault-induced subsidence con-trolled the thicknesses of the carbonates in thesiliciclastic-starved areas close to the Jurassicrock relief.Seven carbonate facies have been character-

ized. Stromatolites and oncoid rudstones formed

in channels and shallow ponds. Oncoid–intra-clast rudstones and packstones formed as aresult of high-discharge episodes associated withchannel overflow and extensive erosion; thisaffected the deposits of the concurrent siliciclas-tic system. Facies containing charophytes,ostracods and freshwater bivalves (oncoid–bio-clast–intraclast rudstones, packstones and wa-ckestones and intraclast–bioclast wackestones)developed in intrachannel and interchannelponds that were affected by channel overflow.Marlstones and marly limestones were depositedas a result of stream input that led to the levelrise of small lakes. In addition, clast-supportedpolygenic calcareous conglomerates representdeposition of small alluvial fans that weresourced from uplifted Lower and Middle Juras-sic rocks, and that reached the carbonate flu-vial–lacustrine system during higher dischargeepisodes.The three types of lamination in stromatolites

and oncoids reflect distinct morphological typesof the cyanobacterial communities. Compositelamination probably represents seasonal to plu-riannual deposition. The textural pattern of lam-ination shows covariant d13C and d18Ovariations, most probably linked to seasonaland/or pluriannual cycles of changing precipita-tion and temperature.The sedimentological features of the carbonate

fluvial–lacustrine system indicate frequent ero-sion by channel overflowing and rapid lateralvariations in the different subenvironments. Thecyclic d13C pattern of light and dark intervals inoncoids and the discontinuous or asymmetricalgrowth of certain oncoids attest to short-termvariations in the precipitation regime. Theseobservations support a variable hydrology linkedto a moderately to strongly contrasted seasonaland/or pluriannual precipitation regime, consis-tent with the semi-arid conditions during theLate Jurassic in the studied palaeolatitudinalzone. The maximum development of the carbo-nate system could have been related to periodsof slightly wetter conditions.The results reveal the influence of short-term

climate cycles on the isotopic and sedimentolo-gical attributes of carbonate fluvial–lacustrinedeposits, whose occurrence in a semi-arid con-text is associated with water springs in partiallyisolated areas related to normal-fault activity.Therefore, the studied system represents anexample of the combined influence of climateand tectonics which provides new insightsinto interpreting the occurrence of carbonate

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deposition in siliciclastic fluvial systems offault-controlled basins.


This research was financed by projects CG2009-09216BTE and CGL2012-33281 (Spanish Govern-ment and European Regional DevelopmentFund). It forms part of the activities of theResearch Group Continental Sedimentary BasinAnalysis (Government of Arag�on-University ofZaragoza). Dr. Pardo is thanked for his wiseadvice. We are also grateful to the reviewers andeditors, whose comments improved the manu-script substantially.


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Manuscript received 16 April 2014; revision accepted1 December 2014

© 2014 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2014 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 62, 1149–1183

Carbonate deposition in a syn-rift fluvial system 1181

APPENDIX 1. Mineralogical composition from X-RayDiffraction Analyses (semi-quantitative weight percentage) of selected

Vega Formation samples.

Calcite Quartz Phyllosilicates

JLF-1 99�00 1�00 0�00JLF-2 95�70 4�30 0�00JLF-3 98�52 1�48 0�00JGV-1A 39�50 46�02 14�48JGV-1B 32�94 56�09 10�97JGV-4 89�72 10�28 0�00JGV-7 89�40 10�60 0�00JGV-8 62�88 24�38 12�74FG-1 96�48 1�42 2�10FG-2 96�79 1�28 1�93FG-3 96�66 1�32 2�02JAV-2 68�41 30�09 1�50JAV-3 62�58 25�30 12�12JLV-1 88�80 11�20 0�00JLV-2 71�00 29�00 0�00JVV-1 86�26 10�63 3�11JVV-2 86�96 13�04 0�00

JLF: La Fumarea; JGV: La Griega; JFG: Fuente del Gato; JAV: Abeu; JLV: Lastres; JVV: Vega (See Fig. 1B forlocation).

APPENDIX 2. Stable-isotope values (d13C and d18O) of the different studiedcarbonate facies.

Samples Sedimentary faciesSampled componentsfor stable-isotope analysis

d13C& V-PDB

d18O& V-PDB

JLF-1 Entire and broken oncoid andstromatolite rudstone

JLF-1 Laminated oncoidal coating �7�80 �4�45

JLF-2 Oncoids and microbiallaminated intraclast rudstone

JLF-2-1 Laminated oncoidal coating �7�83 �3�97JLF-2-2 Laminated oncoidal coating �7�83 �4�67JLF-2-3 Matrix among oncoids �7�80 �4�75

JLF-3 Oncoid rudstone JLF-3-1 Dark porous interval in an oncoid �7�61 �5�09JLF-3-2 Light dense interval in an oncoid �7�86 �5�48

JGV-1A Oncoid rudstonewith extraclasts

JGV-1A-1 Dark dense (thick) interval �5�90 �5�03JGV-1A-2 Light porous (thick) interval �6�09 �4�56JGV-1A-3 Dark dense (thick) interval �5�79 �4�48JGV-1A-4 Light porous interval �6�33 �5�08

JGV-1B Stromatolite JGV-1B Laminated interval �6�25 �4�24JGV-4 Oncoid rudstone JGV-4-1 Light porous interval in an oncoid �6�74 �4�53

JGV-4-2 Dark dense interval in an oncoid �6�00 �4�73JGV-4-3 Light interval in an oncoid �6�39 �4�97JGV-4-4 Dark interval in an oncoid �5�91 �4�75

JGV-8 Oncoid–intraclastrudstone with extraclasts

JGV-8-1 Dark interval in an oncoid �6�36 �4�50JGV-8-2 Light interval in an oncoid �6�21 �3�95JGV-8-3 Dark interval in an oncoid �5�93 �4�30JGV-8-4 Light interval in an oncoid �6�82 �4�61

© 2014 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2014 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 62, 1149–1183

1182 C. Arenas et al.

Appendix 2. (continued)

Samples Sedimentary faciesSampled componentsfor stable-isotope analysis

d13C& V-PDB

d18O& V-PDB

FG-1A Oncoid rudstone FG-1A-1 Dark interval (thick) in an oncoid �6�19 �4�72FG-1A-2 Light interval (thin) in an oncoid �6�03 �4�76FG-1A-3 Dark interval (thin) in an oncoid �6�12 �4�23FG-1A-4 Dark (+Light) interval (mixture) �6�11 �4�95FG-1A-5 Dark interval (thin) in an oncoid �6�28 �4�62

FG-1B Oncoid rudstone FG-1B-1 Dark interval in an oncoid �6�04 �4�76FG-1B-2 Light interval in an oncoid �6�25 �5�17FG-1B-3 Dark interval in an oncoid �6�15 �4�29FG-1B-4 Light interval in an oncoid �6�26 �4�78

FG-1C Oncoid rudstone FG-1C-1 Dark interval in an oncoid �5�93 �4�72FG-1C-2 Light interval in an oncoid �5�98 �4�66FG-1C-3 Dark interval in an oncoid �5�86 �4�75FG-1C-4 Light interval in an oncoid �6�24 �4�88FG-1C-5 Dark interval in an oncoid �5�95 �4�92FG-1C-6 Dark interval in an oncoid �6�20 �4�48

FG-3A Oncoid rudstone FG-3A-1 Light interval in an oncoid �6�28 �4�97FG-3A-2 Dark interval in an oncoid �6�20 �4�72FG-3A-3 Light interval in an oncoid �6�15 �5�07FG-3A-4 Dark interval in an oncoid �6�11 �4�76

JAV-3 Oncoid rudstone withextraclasts

JAV-3-1 Dark interval in an oncoid �5�36 �5�46JAV-3-2 Light interval in an oncoid �6�08 �5�95JAV-3-3 Dark interval in an oncoid �5�43 �5�60

JLV-1 Oncoid–intraclast rudstone JLV-1-1 Dark + Light laminae (mixture) �5�67 �5�37JLV-1-2 Dark + Light laminae (mixture) �5�85 �5�55JLV-1-3 Matrix among oncoids �6�91 �6�10

JLV-2 Oncoid–intraclastrudstone with extraclasts

JLV-2-1 Matrix among oncoids �6�18 �4�71JLV-2-2 Laminated oncoidal coating �6�27 �4�80

JLF: La Fumarea; JGV: La Griega; JFG: Fuente del Gato; JAV: Abeu; JLV: Lastres; JVV: Vega (See Fig. 1B forlocation).

Carbonate deposition in a syn-rift fluvial system 1183

© 2014 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2014 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 62, 1149–1183