Classroom highlights term 4 2013

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Classroom highlights term 4 2013


Room 29 have been learning how to write recounts and discussions during the

term so far. Our discussions have been about whether or not vandals should

clean up their own mess and if Pukekohe Hill School should have a uniform.

We have been learning how to be more independent with our writing. We are

able to assess our own work and the work of a peer. We can recognise areas we

need to work on and try to fill gaps that we have.

Using the success criteria checklists we are given makes knowing what we are

learning and how to do it a lot easier.

To the right is an example of the check lists we use.

Room 29 Books We have also been doing lots of creative

writing activities. We have published about 5

new books for our class to read during SSR. We

even scanned our published and illustrated

work and put it on our wiki page.

We have created books of poetry and written

alternative endings for narratives we have

read. But most interesting are the books where

we can write whatever we want to as long as it

matches the cover.

Mr McDonald shares a new book with us but all

of the pages are missing. It is our job to fill it up

with whatever we want. Some people write

recipes, narratives, recounts, newspaper

reports and discussions. Then we get to share!


This term we have been learning how to retell a story, how to read

between the line and how to get extra information from pictures.

We have all just done a reading assessment with Mr McDonald and he

told us that we have ALL made improvements. Most of us have even

gone up a reading level.

We work in groups for reading and our groups are called: Stars,

Moons, Suns, Clouds and Rockets.

Each week we also study a poem to improve our vocabulary and oral

and visual literacy (the kids actually use these words). Our poetry

books are works of art. They’re filled with fantastic craft and art to go

with our poems.

Room 29 Classroom Highlights This is our class wiki page address. It is full of photos and video and other examples of our learning.


Room 29 have been learning to solve addition

and subtraction problems and how to solve

multiplication and division problems this term.

We work in maths groups to help us with our

learning. We all have a chance to share our

thinking and record our answers in our

modelling books.

We can use our modelling books to remind us

of the strategies we are learning to use if we get

stuck on a tricky problem.

The names of our maths groups are: Circles,

Triangles, Rectangles, Pentagons and Hexagons.


Our concept this term is Resources. We have been learning about what resources are and how we manage them. We have

been working in groups to conduct an inquiry based on a resource. We all had questions about resources and lots of them

were about recycling. We have created slide shows to answer our inquiry questions. We will present our work to the class

when it is finished. We will also publish our slideshows onto our class wiki.

In Room 29 we use lots of ICT. We use our new tablet to take video, type and search the internet. We use our iPod touch to

take photos and video and to play maths games. Our computers are used almost all day long every day. We have ICT Experts

to help people when they get stuck.


This term we have created some interesting

artworks. We have made a collage picture of a

garbage bin using scrap coloured paper. We also

created colourful butterflies using old milk bottles

and some vivids.

We have been playing the recorder and using the

percussion instruments to create accompaniments

to our favourite recorder song ‘Skateboarding’.

The Fox Says

We are making our own

music video clip to the

song ‘What Does the Fox

Say’. We have made masks

and worked hard in groups

to create dance moves.


We all have our own character in our class

dojo. We get points getting caught being great
