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Classification. Presentation from Ms. Priya. Sec 3S1

Transcript of Classification


Living organisms are arranged in different groups due to their

similarities and differences. This grouping is called CLASSIFICATION.

orClassification means to put things

intogroups according to theircharacteristics.

Binomial nomenclature  is a formal system of naming species  of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts, both of which use Latin grammatical forms, although they can be based on words from other languages. Such a name is called a binomial name (which may be shortened to just "binomial"), a binomen or a scientific name; more informally it is also called a Latin name. 

Binomial system

Each species has two names. These are used together to give a precise reference to this species.

Genus is given first and is always written with an upper case letter. e.g. Homo

Species follows the genus and is written in lower case e.g. sapiens

Therefore the species name for humans is Homo sapiens

There are many different types of animals in the world. Many animals are quite similar to each other. Others are quite different.

Invertebrates Animals 

without a Backboneor Spinal Column

Vertebrates Animals 

with a Backbone or Spinal Column

Animal Kingdom

No body layers rather there is an aggregate of different cell types.

Support is from either silica or calcium based spicules which link together to provide some support.

Body plan is built around water canals that circulate nutrient through the sponge for ingestion by specialised cells.

There is no mouth or anus

Phylum: Porifera (sponges)

These have 2 layers in the body  Jelly fish are mobile organisms. Sea

anemones are sessile organisms. These organisms are posses stinging cells

with toxins called nematocysts to disable prey.

Phylum: Cnidaria (Jelly fish, Sea anemones, Corals)

3 layers in the body plan. One entrance to 'gut' which can have many

folds to increase surface area. largely parasitic includes flukes

Phylum: Platyhelminthes (flatworms)

3 layers to the body plan / bilateral symmetry

body divided into ringed segments with some specialization of segments

Mouth connected via gut to a separate anus.

Skin surface used for gas exchange. Many marine forms but also terrestrial

species usually soil burrowing

Phylum: Annelida (segment worms)

Body plan has three major features: Foot, a muscular structure used for

movement and burrowing. Central visceral mass containing all the

organ structures (separate mouth and anus) Mantle a folded membrane structure that

can surround other tissues and create a cavity containing a gill.

The mantle frequently secretes a calcareous shell.

Phylum: Mollusca (Snails, slugs and octopus)

Hard exoskeleton composed of chitin. Jointed body segments. Jointed appendages. Some flying organisms in the class Insecta. (

106+ species) Separate mouth and anus.

Phylum: Arthropoda ( Insects, Crustaceans, Spiders, Scorpions, Millipedes)

Design Principles: Each question divides the group of organisms into two

smaller groups based on a pair of alternative characteristics

Subsequent groups may focus on more minor detail In most cases the characteristic will be readily observed

or measurable It is better to choose characteristics that are not

influenced by the environment Shape and number are often good characteristics on

which to base alternative pairings of questions A complete key will have each type of organism

classified separated along with a final identifying name.

Apply and design a key for a group of up to eight organisms.(3)

Below is a gallery of species with their common namesTry to create a dichotomous key for the identification of these animals.

Examples: earthworms, leeches, polychetes• coelomate• Ventral nerve cord• Two types of muscles - longitudinal &

circular• Full utilization of coelom in movement,


Phylum Annelida - segmented worms

Examples: scorpions, spiders, insects coelomate Hardened chitinous exoskeleton Specialized segmentation Jointed appendages Specialized respiratory organs (fully

terrestrial) Division of labor in life cycle

Phylum Arthropoda - arthropods

Examples: snails, clams, octopus coelomates Mantle tissue - secretes shell radula (chitinous tongue - used like a rasp) advanced sensor organs & nervous tissue•

Class Gastropoda - snails & slugsUsually have a coiled shell

• Extremely diverse• Slugs = terrestrial gastropod which has lost


Phylum Mollusca

Class Cephalopoda octopus,squid, Nautilus

Loss of shell (in all but Nautilus)Most advanced nervous system and sensory organs of any invertebrate

Class Bivalva - clams, oysters

Two shells which can open and closeAquatic

Examples: sea urchins, starfish, sea cucumbers

Phylum Echinodermata

Water vascular system - system unique to this phylum◦ Functions in movement, support, respiration,

digestion Decentralized nervous system Rapid regeneration Secondary radial symmetry

◦ Larvae are bilaterally symmetrical◦ Adults are radially symmetrical

Amphibians Examples: frogs, salamanders

Living skin - must be moist to breatheLay eggs in water

Outcompeted in water (fish) and land (reptiles)

Waterproof skin covered in scales Ectothermic, cold blooded Hard shelled eggs that are waterproof Reptiles are mainly or partially carnivorous

though there are some herbivorous species.

Class Reptilia - reptiles

Feathers warm-blooded (high metabolic rate) hollow bones

Class Aves - birdsExamples: robin, jays, emu

Examples: elephant, bats Hair mammary glands teeth warm-blooded 

Class Mammalia - mammals

1) They are aquatic vertebrates that live in water. They have representation both in fresh waters and in marine waters and are also represented in brackish waters.

2) Their body is invariably stream lined and they swim with the help of tail.

3) They have paired appendages in the form of fins. Unpaired fins are also present. Fins help in balancing during swimming.

Characteristics of Super Class Pisces are given below:

The five kingdom classification proposed by R.H.Whittaker

1. KINGDOM: MONERA (prokaryotic organisms)

2. KINGDOM: PROTISTA (primitive eukaryotic organisms)

3. KINGDOM: MYCOTA (exclusively fungi) 4. KINGDOM: METAPHYTA (advanced

eukaryotic plants) 5. KINGDOM: METAZOA (all multicellular


Five Kingdom Classification

The Five Kingdom System of Classification

This system of classification looks more scientific and natural because of the following considerations:

Separation of prokaryotes into an independent kingdom is justifiable because they differ from all other organisms in their general organization.

Grouping of all unicellular eukaryotes under the kingdom Protista has solved many problems, particularly related to the position of organisms like Euglena.

Merits and Demerits of Five Kingdom Classification

Elevation of the group fungi to the status of a kingdom is justifiable since fungi totally differ from other primitive eukaryotes like algae and protozoans.

The five-kingdom classification has certain drawbacks also,

The kingdoms Monera and Protista include diverse, heterogeneous forms of life. In both the kingdoms there are photosynthetic (autotrophic) as well as non-photosynthetic (heterotrophic) organisms

Both the kingdoms include organisms which have cells with cell wall as well as without cell wall.

Viruses have not been given proper place in this system of classification.

Due to the absence of a cellular organization viruses cannot be placed with either prokaryotes or eukaryotes. They are considered as intermediate between living and non-living systems. Viruses are active and show reproduction only inside the host cell. In the free state they are totally inactive. They may even be purified and crystallized like chemical substances. Viruses have a genetic material represented by either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein sheath. Viruses reproduce by using the metabolic machinery and raw materials of the host cell.

The five kingdoms currently accepted by most (but not all) scientists are the Monera Kingdom, the Protist Kingdom, the Fungi Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom, and the Animal Kingdom.

The Five Kingdoms – Monera The Monera Kingdom consists of unicellular

lifeforms. Unicellular means that they only have one cell. Moneran cells are far simpler and more basic than the cells of other lifeforms.

Monera are classified into two phyla, or groups, autotrophs and heterotrophs. Autotrophs are able to create their own food, similar to plants. Heterotrophs cannot create their own food, and so must rely on autotrophs as their food source.

Bacteria are commonly placed in the Monera Kingdom. Monera are considered by many scientists to be the oldest lifeforms on Earth, and the ancestors of all the other types of life that have since evolved.

The Protista Kingdom consists of unicellular lifeforms (lifeforms with only one cell) who have a nucleus. The primary difference between protists and monera is that protists are more complex, having a nucleus.


The Fungi Kingdom is made up of a variety of different fungi. For many years, it was believed that fungi were plants. Today we know that fungi are different from plants in some very important ways.

unlike plants, fungi cannot make their own food.


The Plantae Kingdom is made up of all the plants that you see each day. Most plants are multi-cellular, meaning that they consist of many cells. Different types of plants include trees, grass, flowers, and some types of algae.

Plants use the light from the Sun to produce their own food. 


Like many other lifeforms, animals are multi-cellular. These cells come together, forming tissues, organs and organ systems, that help sustain the life of the animal. From elephants to snails, animals come in many shapes and sizes, and can be found all over the world.

Animals cannot make their own food. They must rely on other living things, such as plants, fungi, and other animals to sustain them.
