CLASS · Lesson: 3 ‘The...

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Transcript of CLASS · Lesson: 3 ‘The...


Lesson: 3 ‘The Bell’

“The Bell” is a story of a young rebellious girl written by Gita krishnankutty.

There was an argument at lunch time between the young girl and her family about the south Indian culture of ringing temple bell by priest’s daughter. The young rebellious girl want to ring the bell as she taught that ‘Thangam’ is not different then her and her friends. She also added that ‘we all are equal in the eyes of god.’

Family members did not take the argument seriously and thought that she will understand as she grow up and also she will accept the wisdom and authority unquestioningly and would not dream of

going against them.

The young rebellious girl started to listen all the instructions of her family which she didn't like at all. She went to river side for bath with her grandmother, and comb her hair tightly after applying so much of oil.

Kelu Nair, the servant of the family was instructed to accompany her on her way to the temple, when she denied, mother ignored her.

The young girl wanted to cover the path as early as possible. At the temple she saw usual group of women gathered around the outer door of the temple to pray. She increased her speed and ignored Kelu Nair’s advice. Her mind was full of her secret mission.

She felt cool rock beneath her feet. As she entered into the temple. She bowed down in front of Goddess Parvati with crossed arms and touched her ears and came upon the crowded main sanctuary. The Namboodiri women were standing in close circle so that no one could enter in. They were praying with closed eyes. The girl could see the priest’s daughter ‘Thangam’ chanting continuously. Before she would regret on the decision, she elbowed her self quickly through the circle of Namboodiri women, she ignored Kelu Nair’s shouting, ran towards the bell and quickly in excitement rang the bell and quickly came down before all could understand what had happened.

she was light hearted, happy. As she turned back she saw the temple, she felt the blessing. As she reached home she found that silence was more eloquent than speech. She felt so as she saw the absence of Papadams in her plate.

The chapter ends with the feeling of

happiness as the young girl knew that God in whose

Eyes all are equal had accepted her gesture.

1. Goading – to provoke or annoy to stimulate action.

2. Menaced – to be a threat or a possible danger.

3. Embellished – to make more attractive by decorating.

4. Incomprehensible – not intelligible.

5. Façade – outward appearance or the face of a building.

6. Vehement – showing strong feeling.

7. Conspicuous – clearly visible.

Q1. Why were the adults outraged when the rebellious little girl said she intended to ring the temple bell at the hour of lamp lighting?

A1. The adults were outraged due to the announcement made by the rebellious little girl. She said if Thangam could ring the temple bell, she could too.

Q2. What reason did the grown-ups give for refusing her the right to ring the bell? What reason did she give for Thangam not being any different from herself?

A2. The adult asserted that Thangam was the daughter of the temple priest and so she was permitted to ring the temple bell, she said that Thangam came over to play hide and seek every afternoon, and she behaved no differently from any of them.

Q3. Why did she accompany her grandmother to the tank for her evening both?

A3. She agreed to accompany her grandmother to the tank for her evening bath so that the adults would not be angry with her.

Q4. Why did kelu Nair accompany her to the temple? Was he successful in accomplishing his task?

A4. Kelu Nair was a major domestic help at home as he was asked to accompany her before the lighting of the lamp ceremony as it was not socially accepted that a young girl would walk down the road alone. No, he was not successful in accomplishing his task.

Q5. What did she do after seeing the Namboodiri women praying? What was Kelu Nair’s reaction?

A5. When she saw the Namboodiri women praying, she edged her way towards them, ignored Kelu Nair’s shocked whispers of protest and went towards the main attar of the temple. She was the golden vision of the deity and suddenly reached up and rang the temple bell. Kelu Nair was shocked beyond disbelief at what the Namboodiri women and men would say. There after, Kelu Nair

dragged her away.

Q6. Why did she feel happy even though she had disobeyed the elders and would probably get into trouble?

A6. The young girl has defied societal norms and achieved what she wanted to. She also believed that the god was happy with her.


Q1. ‘If Thangam can ring it, so can I’, she debated hotly.

(A) Who is the speaker and who is Thangam?

(ans) The speaker is the young girl. Thangam is the daughter of the temple priest.

(B) What did she want to ring and why?

(ans) She wanted to ring the bell because she believed that there were no differences among people in eyes of the god.

(C) How did she try to reason with the elders for her rights?

(ans) She told the elders that if Thangam, the Namboodiri girls could ring the temple bell, so could she. Besides when Thangam came to play with them, she was no different from all of them.

Q2. Her mother simply pretended not to hear.

(A) What did her mother pretend not to hear? Why?

(ans) Her mother pretended not to hear her reminds that she would walk alone to the school every day while in the town, she would go to the bakery to buy sweets and cookies. She questioned why Kelu Nair had to accompany her that day to the temple.

(B) Who was Kelu Nair? Where did he accompany her to and why?

(ans) Kelu Nair was the head of her domestic help at home and he accompanied her to the temple to watch the evening

lightning of the lamp.

(C) What had Kelu Nair tried to dissuade her from the night?

(ans) Kelu Nair had tried to dissuade her from running away and going to the temple entrance.

Q3. Dimly, she was aware of the dark looks and sundered murmurs pursuing her.

(A) What had she just done to evoke such a response among others?

(ans) The young rebellious girl had rung the temple bell.

(B) Prior to this incident, who had the sole authority over the bell?

(ans) Thangam, the daughter of the temple priest, had solo right over the bell.

(C) Why was she in dire disgrace?

(ans) She had done wrong by ringing the temple bell without the permission of the family members or of society.

Q1. Describe the transformation of worship that you have observed in the temple of India today. What is your opinion of these changes?

A1. In temples of India, now ways of worship have changed. Today the age old practice of the caste system does not prevail. Equality among all members of the society is seen in most temples and other places of worship.

What is prefix?

A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a root word that modify the meaning of a word.

Ex: (B) Circle the prefix in each word and underline the root word.

1. Unlike 2. Illogic 3. Inappropriate

4. Inconsiderate 5. Nonprofit 6. Disappear

7. Disadvantage 8. Nonsense 9. Improbable

10. Impossible

Finite and Non-finite verbs.

* Finite verbs – Verbs which have the past or the present forms are called finite verbs. E.g. she walks home. (here we see that finite verb is walks and it can be changed according to the tense)

* Non-finite verbs – A verb that doesn't change its form even when the person, number of subjects and tense change, is called a Non-finite verb. E.g. I need to go to sleep.

1. She hated the slippery stone steps of the tank. –Finite

2.It had a dangerous look and always felt bitterly cold. – Non-finite

3. She loves camping in the woods. – Non-finite

4. I walked her home. – Finite

5. He loved to play football in the rain. – Finite

6. They painted the town red with their singing. –Finite

7. Ram’s mother baked a fantastic cake for my birthday. – Finite

8. Shyam’s father disliked going to the movies. –Non-finite

Ex: (B) Form the new words by prefixing ‘en or sub’ to the following words.

1. Enable

2. Subclause

3. Engulf

4. Subcontinent

5. Enlighten

6. Submarine

7. Subconstituency