Clarion Valentine Concert Text

Post on 13-Apr-2016

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Sung Text for Clarion Chamber Ensemble "Let's Get Intimate" Concert

Transcript of Clarion Valentine Concert Text

La Flute Enchantee from “Scheherazade” by Maurice Ravel

L'ombre est douce et mon maître dortCoiffé d'un bonnet conique de soieEt son long nez jaune en sa barbe blanche. Mais moi, je suis éveillée encorEt j'écoute au dehorsUne chanson de flûte où s'épancheTour à tour la tristesse ou la joie. Un air tour à tour langoureux ou frivoleQue mon amoureux chéri joue,Et quand je m'approche de la croiséeIl me semble que chaque note s'envoleDe la flûte vers ma joueComme un mystérieux baiser.

The shade is sweet and my master sleeps,Wearing a conical silk bonnet, With his long yellow nose in his white beardBut I, I waken againAnd hear outsideThe song of a flute pour forthBy turns sadness and joy.A song by turns languorous and frivolousWhich my dear lover plays,And when I approach by the window.It seems to me that each note steals awayFrom the flute toward my cheekLike a mysterious kiss.

Deh, vieni alla finestra Don Giovanni's aria from “Don Giovanni”by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Deh, vieni alla finestra, o mio tesoro,O come to the window, beloved; Deh, vieni a consolar il pianto mio.O come and dispel all my sorrow! Se neghi a me di dar qualche ristoro,If you refuse me some solace, Davanti agli occhi tuoi morir vogl'io!before you dear eyes I will die.

Tu ch'hai la bocca dolce più del miele,Your lips are sweeter than honey,

Tu che il zucchero porti in mezzo al core!your heart is sweetness itself: Non esser, gioia mia, con me crudele!then be not cruel, my angel, Lasciati almen veder, mio bell'amore! I beg for one glance, my beloved!

“Cinque, dieci…” Figaro and Susanna duet from “Le Nozze di Figaro”by WA Mozart

FIGARO: Cinque ... dieci ... venti ... Five ... ten ... twenty ... trenta ... trentasei ... quarantatre. thirty ... thirty-six ... forty-three.

SUSANNA:Ora sì ch'io son contenta; Yes, I'm happy with it now; sembra fatto inver per me. It seems as if it was made for me. Guarda un po', mio caro Figaro, Just look a moment, my dearest Figaro, guarda adesso il mio cappello. look over here at my hat.

FIGARO:Sì mio core, or è più bello, Yes, my heart, it's much prettier now, sembra fatto inver per te. It seems as if it was made for you.

SUSANNA:Ah, il mattino alle nozze vicino Ah, on the morning of our wedding day quanto è dolce al mio tenero sposo How sweet to my loving bridegroom questo bel cappellino vezzoso is this charming little hat, che Susanna ella stessa si fe'. which Susanna made herself.

Porgy:Bess, you is my woman now,you is, you is!An' you mus' laugh an' sing an' dancefor two instead of one.Want no wrinkle on yo' brow,Nohow,Because de sorrow of de past is all done doneOh, Bess, my Bess!

Bess:Porgy, I's yo' woman now,I is, I is!An' I ain't never goin' nowhere 'less you shares de fun.Dere's no wrinkle on my brow,Nohow,But I ain't goin'! You hear me sayin',If you ain' goin', wid you I'm stayin'!

Porgy, I's yo' woman now!I's yours forever -Mornin' time an' evenin' time an'summer time an' winter time.

Porgy:Mornin' time an' evenin' time an'summer time an' winter time.Bess, you got yo' man.

Bess, you is my woman now and forever.Dis life is jes' begun,Bess, we two is oneNow an' forever.Oh, bess, don't min' dose women.You got yo' Porgy.I knows you means it,I seen it in yo' eyes, Bess.We'll go swingin'Through de years a-singin'.

Bess:Mornin' time an' evenin' time an'summer time an' winter time.

Porgy:Mornin' time an' evenin' time an'summer time an' winter time.

Bess:Oh, my Porgy, my man, Porgy.

Porgy: My bess, my Bess.

Bess: From dis minute I'm tellin' you, I keep dis vow: Porgy, I's yo'woman now.

Porgy:From dis minute I'm tellin' you, I keep dis vow:Oh, my Bessie, we's happy now. We is one now.

Nedda and Silvio duet from “I Pagliacci”By Ruggero Leoncavallo

Silvio:E fra quest' ansie in eterno vivrai?Decidi il mio destin, Nedda, Nedda rimani!Tu il sai; la festa ha fin e parte ognun dimani.E quando tu di qui sarai partita che addiverrà di me de la mia vita?


Silvio: Nedda, rispondimi. Se è ver che Canio non amasti mai,se è vero che t'è in odio il ramingare e il mestier che tu fai,se l'immenso amor tuo fola non è questa notte partiam!...fuggi con me.

Nedda:Non mi tentar! Vuoi tu perder la vita mia? Taci Silvio, non più.E deliro è follìa! Io mi confido a te a te cui diedi il cor Non abusar di me de'1 mio febbrile amor! Non mi tentar!

Silvio:No, più non m'ami!

Nedda:Sì, t'amo t'amo!

Silvio:E parti domattina?

E allor perchè, di’, tu m' hai stregato se vuoi lasciarmi senza pietà? Quel bacio tuo perchè me 1' hai dato fra spasimi ardenti di voluttà? Se tu scordasti 1'ore fugaci io non lo posso, e voglio ancor que' spasmi ardenti, que' caldi baci che tanta febbre m' han messo in cori

Nedda:Nulla scordai sconvolta e turbata m’ha questo amor che ne'1 guardo ti sfavilla. Viver voglio a te avvinta, affascinata una vita d'amor calma e tranquilla. A te mi dono; su me solo impera. Ed io ti prendo e m'abbandono intera.


Nedda:Sì. Baciami!

Silvio:Tutto scordiamo.

Nedda:Negli occhi guardami.

Silvio: Sì, ti guardo e ti bacio, t'amo, t'amo

Silvio:Why wilt thou live, then, forever like this, Nedda?My fate is in thy hands. Nedda, pity my sorrow.To-night the fair is o'er. Thou wilt be gone to-morrow. Ah, what of me, when thou art departed?How shall I live apart from thee And broken-hearted?Nedda...Nedda, hear, I implore thee!If for thy husband no passion inspires thee,If all this roving life sickens and tires thee,If this great love of thine is not empty delight,Fly with me, fly with me, dearest, to-night!

Nedda:Ah, tempt me not! Has not life enough of sadness?

Silvio, tempt me no more. 'Tis folly, 'tis madness!Have I not given thee my heart? Thou hast my love for aye.Then say good-bye and part. Thou wilt not then betray.Ah, tempt me not, for pity's sake, my heart will break! Who knows, dear heart, 'tis best to partTears are vain, all is vain; we must not meet again.

And yet remembering all our love, since first I met thee,I shall dream of thee, live for thee, never forget thee.

Silvio:No, you do not love me.

Nedda:I love thee, love thee!

Silvio:And yet you leave me tomorrow. Why hast thou taught me Love's magic story, If thou wilt leave me, hopeless, alone?Why press to mine thy lips in their glory. Why fold thy heart unto mine own? If thou forget all our caressesI still remember that dream divine, I want thy heart, thy passionate kisses, I want thy spirit to melt in mine

Nedda:Can I forget, as I see thee before me, The spell of love thy heart has woven o'er me? By the words thou hast spoken, the ties that have bound me, All I want is thy love, folded around me. Ah, do not leave me! wherefore must we sever ? Thou hast my heart, and I am thine forever

Silvio:Wilt come?

Nedda:Yes! Kiss me, love!

Silvio:Forget the past, think not of tomorrow!

Nedda:Look in mine eyes, and kiss away my sorrow.

Silvio:In thy dear eyes, I kiss away my sorrow.

“Lippen Schweigen” Danilo and Hanna duet from “Die Lustige Witwe”by Franz Lehar


Lippen schweigen,‘s flüstern Geigen:hab mich lieb!All die Schrittesagen: Bitte,hab mich lieb!Jeder Druck der Händedeutlich mir’s beschrieb.Er sagt klar, ‘s ist wahr, ‘s ist wahr,du hast mich lieb!

Hanna:Bei jedem Walzerschritttanzt auch die Seele mit,da hüpft das Herzchen klein,es klopft und pocht:Sei mein! Sei mein!Und der Mund, er spricht kein Wort,doch tönt es fort und immerfort:Ich hab’ dich ja so lieb,ich hab’ dich lieb!

Hanna und Danilo:Jeder Druck der Händedeutlich mir’s beschrieb.Er sagt klar,‘s ist wahr, ‘s ist wahr,du hast mich lieb!

Danilo:Lips are silent,violins whisper:Love me!Every stepsays: pleaselove me!Every hand-claspshows it clearly.Now I know, it’s so, it’s so,you love me!

Hanna:At each step of the waltz,my soul joins in the dance,my eager heart leaps,knocks, and pounds:be mine, be mine!And my lips say no word,yet still it echoes on and on:I love you, oh, so much,I love you!

Hanna and Danilo:Every hand-claspshows it clearly,now I knowit’s so, it’s so,you love me!