Claim Adjusters & Third Party Administrators€¦ · Claim Adjusters & Third Party Administrators 6...

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Transcript of Claim Adjusters & Third Party Administrators€¦ · Claim Adjusters & Third Party Administrators 6...

This month we’re proud to feature Liability Claims Supervisor Javier Melendez in our StaffSpotlight. Mr. Melendez joined Johns Eastern in 2006 as a Senior Adjuster and Team Leader andby 2008 he was promoted to Liability Supervisor.

Mr. Melendez has worked in the insurance industry for over 15 years and has handled claims inCommercial General Liability, Commercial Crime, Products Liability, Automobile Liability,Automobile Physical Damage, Property, Garage Liability, Garage Operations, Fidelity, Errors &Omissions, Directors & Officers, Employment Practices Liability, and Bonds and Bankers Liabilityclaims, as well as personal lines.

He currently oversees adjusters handling claims for Collier County Public Schools, the City of Coral Gables, theCity of Dunedin, the Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church, Manatee County Public Schools, theMonroe County School District, the Panhandle Area Educational Consortium, the Pasco County Board of CountyCommissioners, Polk County Public Schools and Sarasota County Public Schools.

Those who handle claimsinvolving first responders areall too familiar with what arecommonly referred to as“presumption claims.”Currently, section 112.18 ofthe Florida Statute providesa presumption forhypertension, heart disease,and tuberculosis. Section112.181 covers hepatitis,meningococcal meningitisand tuberculosis. Now, aproposed Florida Senate billwould create a statutorypresumption for cancer inFlorida for firefighters.

Currently, more than 30states have some form of acancer presumption.1 Somestate presumptive laws applyto all cancers, while othersare more limited. Forexample, California has arebuttable presumption for allforms of cancer, includingleukemia.2 Colorado’s statuteprovides for a rebuttablepresumption for firefighterswho have been employed forfive or more years, but limitsthe coverage to cancer of

the brain, skin, digestivesystem, hematologicalsystem or genitourinarysystem.3 In the state ofWashington, firefighters whohave at least 10 years of

service are entitled to apresumption for prostatecancer (diagnosed beforeage 50), primary braincancer, malignantmelanoma, leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma,bladder cancer, uretercancer, colorectal cancer,multiple myeloma, testicularcancer and kidney cancer.4

Florida Senate Bill 456,

sponsored by Senator JackLatvala (R-District 20),proposes the enactment ofsection 112.1816, whichwould create a presumptionthat any type of cancersuffered by a firefighter issuffered in the line of dutyand therefore compensableunder Chapter 440. Similarto Florida Statute section112.18, section 112.1816requires the firefighter tohave suffered disability (totalor partial). Like section112.18, section 112.1816has a pre-employmentphysical requirement, butunlike 112.18, section112.1816 requires specifictests be completed as partof the pre-employmentphysical. If the agencydecides not to administer apre-employment physical, apost-employment physicalcan be utilized. The standardfor rebutting the presumptionis the same as that set forthin 112.18, “competentevidence.”

See for the fulltext of the bill.

We invite you to like, share, hashtag and follow Johns Eastern aswe create an online community to share news and ideas. We also

invite you to check out our blog at

JOHNS EASTERN COMPANYIntegrity. Experience. Results.

Publisher Beverly Adkins

Editor-In-Chief Alice Bane

Graphic Designer Deirdre Harris


● Business Insurance● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

● Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

● Karen Cullen, EsquireBroussard & Cullen, P.A.

● Healthesystems Clinical Services Team

● Rose Rome, Johns Eastern● Sniffen & Spellman, P.A.

PO Box 110259Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211-0004

Phone: 941-907-3100Toll Free: 877-326-JECO

Fax: 813-402-7913


JOHNS EASTERN COMPANY, INC.Claim Adjusters & Third Party Administrators



Florida Senate Bill WouldCreate StatutoryPresumption for Cancer


Continued on page 5

Fourth Quarter 2015



11/17/15:“Medicare/MSA2015 AnnualUpdates” byGENEX. 11:30 AM– 12:30 PM,Holiday InnLakewood Ranch,6231 Lake OspreyDrive.

1/28/16:“SuccessfulSubrogation 2.0”by Linda Farrell withBoyd & Jenerette,P.A. 11:30 AM –2:00 PM, HolidayInn LakewoodRanch.

For more details,contact: Rose Rome

Page 2Private-Label TopicalMedication Safety

Page 4Changes to ICDBilling Codes

Page 3Promote HearingHealth to Workers


This is not the first time that aproposed cancer bill has beenbefore the Florida Legislature. Ifthe bill were to pass and becomelaw, the financial impact ongovernmental entities would bestaggering.

As your trusted partner in thirdparty claims adjusting, JohnsEastern intends to closelymonitor the status of this bill andadvise our clients of any newdevelopments. Governmentalentities are encouraged tocontact their legislative

delegation, lobbyist, or otheragency capable of expressingconcerns to the LegislativeBranch.

1David B. Torrey, National Association ofWorkers’ Compensation Judiciary, FirefighterCancer Presumption Statutes in Workers’Compensation and Related Laws: AnIntroduction and a Statutory/Regulatory/CaseLaw Table.2California Labor Code section 3212.1.3 C.R.S.8-41-209.4 Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) section 51.32.185.

Karen Cullen, Esq.Broussard & Cullen, P.A.

2 5

STUDENTS EXPLORE CAREERS IN MIDDLE SCHOOLApprenticeship opportunities at thehigh school level have beencommonplace for quite some time,but now even middle schools arestarting to get involved. Middleschools across the country areexposing students to differentcareer opportunities so they canappreciate and understand therelevance of what they are learningtoday and how it can be applied attheir future jobs. Organizations,such as the United Way, arebacking the programs by issuinggrants worth thousands of dollars tomiddle school communities thathelp place students with differentcompanies.

There are hurdles, however, thatmust be overcome. While manybelieve middle school-aged childrenare too immature to benefit from awork experience, others believe it isimportant to start the process in

middle school so that students willhave an idea of the types of jobsthat they want to pursue by the timethey reach high school.

Look for the middle schoolparticipation to trend upwards in thecoming years. Research shows 60to 70 percent of students in 7th and8th grades become “chronicallydisengaged,” so it is important toprovide an early sense of careeropportunities. As more and moreorganizations and businesses getinvolved, the overarching hope is toreduce dropout rates and getchildren excited about their future. Sniffen & Spellman, P.A.


Plan now to join us at one of the followingupcoming conferences:

National Workers’ Compensation andDisability ConferenceNovember 11 - 13, 2015Las Vegas, NV

Palm Beach RIMS Educational MeetingNovember 12, 2015West Palm Beach, FL

Virginia Self-Insurers AssociationAnnual MeetingDecember 2 - 3, 2015Williamsburg, VA

A number of over-hyped, private-label gels, creams,ointments and lotions claiming to relieve muscle achesand arthritis pain are driving up costs in the workers’compensation system. These copycat products mimicwell-known, moderately priced brands, but often comewith inflated claims and exorbitant price tags. Physicianprescribing of these private-label topical analgesics hasincreased in workers’ compensation, with prescribingrates doubling since 2012.1 Awareness of theseexpensive and clinically unproven products is becomingincreasingly important due to their potential safety andcost implications.

From a clinical perspective, private-label topicals offer nogreater benefit to the patient thanover-the-counter (OTC) alternativesfound in national retail chains.While these products typicallyrepresent a very small portion ofprescriptions written, the potentialcost per prescription isdisproportionately high. Pricesassociated with private-labeltopicals often exceed $500.1Common examples of some ofthese products are Medrox,Dendracin, Terocin, Medi-Derm,and Xoten-C. Meanwhile,therapeutically comparable OTCalternatives, which include brandssuch as BenGay® or IcyHot®,typically retail for less than $10.

What are Private-Label Topical Analgesics?• Independently manufactured OTC products• Contain similar ingredients as OTC products• Significantly higher average whole sale price (AWP) vs OTC products

• Pose an increased risk of skin burns due to high concentrations of specific ingredients (menthol, methyl salicylate, capsaicin)

• Prescribed for temporary relief of minor pain associated with injury, including back & shoulder

• Most commonly dispensed by physicians or smaller, independent pharmacies

What are They NOT?• Not FDA-approved• Not clinically tested for safety or efficacy• Not cost-effective• Not compounds• Not available OTC at retail chains

Prescribing and Patient SafetySo why are these products being prescribed? In somecases, it is based on misperception. Prescribers maybelieve they are recommending a superior product,without fully realizing the safety or cost implications. Inreality, the active ingredients in these products – whichfrequently include methyl salicylate, menthol, and

capsaicin – commonly overlap withinexpensive and widely accessible OTCalternatives. However, the concentrations ofingredients found in private-label products areoften much higher than FDA-recommendedsafety thresholds,2 which can put patients atincreased risk for skin burns without offeringany clinically proven benefit. It is important forphysicians to recognize that there aresuitable alternatives available.

Education and AwarenessAs prescribing of private-label topicalanalgesics continues to trend upwards, thereis a greater need for oversight of theseproducts. Further education is needed,including familiarity with product names, an

understanding of the safety and cost implications forthese products, and the channels through which privatelabel topicals are being dispensed; in the majority ofcases, by the physician or smaller, independentpharmacies.1 Healthesystems data, 2015.2 FDA Drug Safety Communication: Rare cases of serious burns with use ofover-the-counter topical muscle and joint pain relievers. September 2012.Rockville, MD: US Food and Drug Administration. Accessed February 27, 2015.

Vendor Partner: Clinical Services Team, Healthesystems


Continued from page 1


The Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) recommends ayearly flu vaccine for all people 6months and older.

Flu shots are now available for 2015-2016.

The vaccine is available as a traditional shot or anasal spray. If you have questions about whichvaccine is best for you, talk to your doctor or otherhealth care professional.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Johns Eastern has finished our 3rd quarter fundraising activity byproviding books and funds for the United Way of Manatee County’sReading Pals Program. This program pairs volunteers withkindergarten students from the School District of Manatee County foran extra hour of reading help every week.

Our goal was to contribute 75 books and $1,500 to Reading Pals.Thanks to the generosity of our great employees, we donated 213books and $985. Johns Eastern matched our employee donations, so

we donated a total of $1970 to Reading Pals.

As the holiday season approaches, the Johns Eastern Charity Committee is looking forward to the4th quarter events that will benefit the Manatee County School District’s ESOL/Migrant Departmentand a program we call Our little Angels. The aim of this program is to give support to families whowould otherwise be unable to provide gifts to their little ones during the holidays.



Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most commonwork-related illnesses in the United States. Each year,an estimated 22 million U.S. workers encounter noiseexposures loud enough to be potentially hazardous. Inaddition to hearing loss and other hearing disorders,prolonged exposure to noise can increase cardiovascularhealth risks, affect workers'quality of life, and carry a higheconomic price to society.

Are My Employees at Risk?Occupational hearing loss occursas a result of workers' exposureto loud noise. Noise levels over85 decibels can be hazardous tohearing. If you have to raise yourvoice to speak to someone anarm’s length away, the noiselevels may be loud enough todamage your hearing. If you are concerned about noiselevels at your workplace, consider using a smartphonesound level meter app to get a rough estimate of noiselevels.

Several factors that can increase risk include:

• Noise level – as noise level increases, the risk also increases

• Duration of exposure – the longer the noise lasts, the more hazardous it becomes• Impulsiveness – noises that have very abrupt starts and stops (such as hammering, gunfire, or fireworks) are more dangerous than constant noise of the same overall level

The ear does not experience painin the same way the rest of thebody does. If your ears feel stuffyor full, your ears may be tellingyou that you have potentiallyharmed them. Ringing or roaringin your ears could indicate aserious noise exposure, which ifallowed to continue, could lead topermanent damage and hearingloss.

How Can I Protect Myself and My Employees?The best practice for hearing safety is to eliminate orreduce noise in the workplace. If it is not possible toeliminate noise exposure, employees should wearhearing protectors in situations where there aredangerous noise levels. A few easy steps can helpeliminate hearing damage and loss for your employees.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


On October 1, 2015, the Centers for Medicare &Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced the InternationalClassification of Diseases, 10th Revision – ICD-10. TheInternational Classification of Diseases is a set ofstandardized codes that identify conditions andprocedures in medical billings.

With this change, medicalproviders will need to switchfrom ICD-9, which includesabout 17,000 diagnosis andprocedure codes, to ICD-10,which includes more than155,000 diagnosis andprocedure codes. The changeto ICD-10 allows more detailsabout the health status ofpatients to be captured andsets the stage for improvedpatient care and public healthsurveillance. Providers andinsurers subject to the Health Insurance PortabilityAccountability Act (HIPAA) are required to begin usingICD-10 codes, according to the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services (HHS) in its final rulepublished in 2014.

While the HIPAA law says workers’ compensationprograms are exempt from medical privacy compliance,the HHS acknowledged in its rule that the new codeswere likely to affect workers’ compensation. The newcodes will likely have the largest impact on workers’

compensation payers who deal with MedicareSecondary Payer Compliance.

The Medicare Secondary Payer Act requires insurersand self-insured employers to notify CMS of anyworkers compensation or liability claim settlement

involving a Medicare-eligibleindividual. CMS can issueliens requiring that settlementsbe used to reimburse theagency for medical care it paidon a claimant's behalf, or thatpayers set aside money to payfor future medical care relatedto a compensable injury.

Medicare Secondary Payerexperts say workers’compensation insurers andself-insured employers oftenare asked to reimburse

Medicare for injuries or illnesses unrelated to a workers’compensation claim because those conditions arelumped in with the claimant’s occupational injury inmedical records. The new ICD-10 codes will beparticularly helpful in allowing workers’ compensationinsurers and self-insured employers to specify whichinjuries they accept responsibility for and which shouldbe paid for by Medicare.

Business Insurance and the Centers for Medicare and MedicaidServices



After 27 years with Johns Eastern, our Liability Quality Assurance Manager, James Boelter, hasannounced he will retire at the end of 2015.

Mr. Boelter joined Johns Eastern in early 1988 with a background in law enforcement and in accidentinvestigation. He was promoted to Branch Manager in 1990 and in 2008 he transitioned to theLiability Quality Assurance Manager. Mr. Boelter has been active in the liability fields, both personaland commercial lines and has handled general liability, automobile, workers’ compensation, medicalmalpractice, public officials, and errors and omission claims. As Quality Assurance Manager, Mr.

Boelter oversees liability subrogation and excess recoveries and is also responsible for the overall operationalproduction of Medicare Reporting. His replacement as Liability QA Manager will be John Powers who is currently alegal adjuster in our Sarasota TPA Liability Office.

Mr. Boelter will certainly be missed and we wish him all the best in his upcoming retirement!


This is not the first time that aproposed cancer bill has beenbefore the Florida Legislature. Ifthe bill were to pass and becomelaw, the financial impact ongovernmental entities would bestaggering.

As your trusted partner in thirdparty claims adjusting, JohnsEastern intends to closelymonitor the status of this bill andadvise our clients of any newdevelopments. Governmentalentities are encouraged tocontact their legislative

delegation, lobbyist, or otheragency capable of expressingconcerns to the LegislativeBranch.

1David B. Torrey, National Association ofWorkers’ Compensation Judiciary, FirefighterCancer Presumption Statutes in Workers’Compensation and Related Laws: AnIntroduction and a Statutory/Regulatory/CaseLaw Table.2California Labor Code section 3212.1.3 C.R.S.8-41-209.4 Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) section 51.32.185.

Karen Cullen, Esq.Broussard & Cullen, P.A.

2 5

STUDENTS EXPLORE CAREERS IN MIDDLE SCHOOLApprenticeship opportunities at thehigh school level have beencommonplace for quite some time,but now even middle schools arestarting to get involved. Middleschools across the country areexposing students to differentcareer opportunities so they canappreciate and understand therelevance of what they are learningtoday and how it can be applied attheir future jobs. Organizations,such as the United Way, arebacking the programs by issuinggrants worth thousands of dollars tomiddle school communities thathelp place students with differentcompanies.

There are hurdles, however, thatmust be overcome. While manybelieve middle school-aged childrenare too immature to benefit from awork experience, others believe it isimportant to start the process in

middle school so that students willhave an idea of the types of jobsthat they want to pursue by the timethey reach high school.

Look for the middle schoolparticipation to trend upwards in thecoming years. Research shows 60to 70 percent of students in 7th and8th grades become “chronicallydisengaged,” so it is important toprovide an early sense of careeropportunities. As more and moreorganizations and businesses getinvolved, the overarching hope is toreduce dropout rates and getchildren excited about their future. Sniffen & Spellman, P.A.


Plan now to join us at one of the followingupcoming conferences:

National Workers’ Compensation andDisability ConferenceNovember 11 - 13, 2015Las Vegas, NV

Palm Beach RIMS Educational MeetingNovember 12, 2015West Palm Beach, FL

Virginia Self-Insurers AssociationAnnual MeetingDecember 2 - 3, 2015Williamsburg, VA

A number of over-hyped, private-label gels, creams,ointments and lotions claiming to relieve muscle achesand arthritis pain are driving up costs in the workers’compensation system. These copycat products mimicwell-known, moderately priced brands, but often comewith inflated claims and exorbitant price tags. Physicianprescribing of these private-label topical analgesics hasincreased in workers’ compensation, with prescribingrates doubling since 2012.1 Awareness of theseexpensive and clinically unproven products is becomingincreasingly important due to their potential safety andcost implications.

From a clinical perspective, private-label topicals offer nogreater benefit to the patient thanover-the-counter (OTC) alternativesfound in national retail chains.While these products typicallyrepresent a very small portion ofprescriptions written, the potentialcost per prescription isdisproportionately high. Pricesassociated with private-labeltopicals often exceed $500.1Common examples of some ofthese products are Medrox,Dendracin, Terocin, Medi-Derm,and Xoten-C. Meanwhile,therapeutically comparable OTCalternatives, which include brandssuch as BenGay® or IcyHot®,typically retail for less than $10.

What are Private-Label Topical Analgesics?• Independently manufactured OTC products• Contain similar ingredients as OTC products• Significantly higher average whole sale price (AWP) vs OTC products

• Pose an increased risk of skin burns due to high concentrations of specific ingredients (menthol, methyl salicylate, capsaicin)

• Prescribed for temporary relief of minor pain associated with injury, including back & shoulder

• Most commonly dispensed by physicians or smaller, independent pharmacies

What are They NOT?• Not FDA-approved• Not clinically tested for safety or efficacy• Not cost-effective• Not compounds• Not available OTC at retail chains

Prescribing and Patient SafetySo why are these products being prescribed? In somecases, it is based on misperception. Prescribers maybelieve they are recommending a superior product,without fully realizing the safety or cost implications. Inreality, the active ingredients in these products – whichfrequently include methyl salicylate, menthol, and

capsaicin – commonly overlap withinexpensive and widely accessible OTCalternatives. However, the concentrations ofingredients found in private-label products areoften much higher than FDA-recommendedsafety thresholds,2 which can put patients atincreased risk for skin burns without offeringany clinically proven benefit. It is important forphysicians to recognize that there aresuitable alternatives available.

Education and AwarenessAs prescribing of private-label topicalanalgesics continues to trend upwards, thereis a greater need for oversight of theseproducts. Further education is needed,including familiarity with product names, an

understanding of the safety and cost implications forthese products, and the channels through which privatelabel topicals are being dispensed; in the majority ofcases, by the physician or smaller, independentpharmacies.1 Healthesystems data, 2015.2 FDA Drug Safety Communication: Rare cases of serious burns with use ofover-the-counter topical muscle and joint pain relievers. September 2012.Rockville, MD: US Food and Drug Administration. Accessed February 27, 2015.

Vendor Partner: Clinical Services Team, Healthesystems


Continued from page 1


The Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) recommends ayearly flu vaccine for all people 6months and older.

Flu shots are now available for 2015-2016.

The vaccine is available as a traditional shot or anasal spray. If you have questions about whichvaccine is best for you, talk to your doctor or otherhealth care professional.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


This month we’re proud to feature Liability Claims Supervisor Javier Melendez in our StaffSpotlight. Mr. Melendez joined Johns Eastern in 2006 as a Senior Adjuster and Team Leader andby 2008 he was promoted to Liability Supervisor.

Mr. Melendez has worked in the insurance industry for over 15 years and has handled claims inCommercial General Liability, Commercial Crime, Products Liability, Automobile Liability,Automobile Physical Damage, Property, Garage Liability, Garage Operations, Fidelity, Errors &Omissions, Directors & Officers, Employment Practices Liability, and Bonds and Bankers Liabilityclaims, as well as personal lines.

He currently oversees adjusters handling claims for Collier County Public Schools, the City of Coral Gables, theCity of Dunedin, the Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church, Manatee County Public Schools, theMonroe County School District, the Panhandle Area Educational Consortium, the Pasco County Board of CountyCommissioners, Polk County Public Schools and Sarasota County Public Schools.

Those who handle claimsinvolving first responders areall too familiar with what arecommonly referred to as“presumption claims.”Currently, section 112.18 ofthe Florida Statute providesa presumption forhypertension, heart disease,and tuberculosis. Section112.181 covers hepatitis,meningococcal meningitisand tuberculosis. Now, aproposed Florida Senate billwould create a statutorypresumption for cancer inFlorida for firefighters.

Currently, more than 30states have some form of acancer presumption.1 Somestate presumptive laws applyto all cancers, while othersare more limited. Forexample, California has arebuttable presumption for allforms of cancer, includingleukemia.2 Colorado’s statuteprovides for a rebuttablepresumption for firefighterswho have been employed forfive or more years, but limitsthe coverage to cancer of

the brain, skin, digestivesystem, hematologicalsystem or genitourinarysystem.3 In the state ofWashington, firefighters whohave at least 10 years of

service are entitled to apresumption for prostatecancer (diagnosed beforeage 50), primary braincancer, malignantmelanoma, leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma,bladder cancer, uretercancer, colorectal cancer,multiple myeloma, testicularcancer and kidney cancer.4

Florida Senate Bill 456,

sponsored by Senator JackLatvala (R-District 20),proposes the enactment ofsection 112.1816, whichwould create a presumptionthat any type of cancersuffered by a firefighter issuffered in the line of dutyand therefore compensableunder Chapter 440. Similarto Florida Statute section112.18, section 112.1816requires the firefighter tohave suffered disability (totalor partial). Like section112.18, section 112.1816has a pre-employmentphysical requirement, butunlike 112.18, section112.1816 requires specifictests be completed as partof the pre-employmentphysical. If the agencydecides not to administer apre-employment physical, apost-employment physicalcan be utilized. The standardfor rebutting the presumptionis the same as that set forthin 112.18, “competentevidence.”

See for the fulltext of the bill.

We invite you to like, share, hashtag and follow Johns Eastern aswe create an online community to share news and ideas. We also

invite you to check out our blog at

JOHNS EASTERN COMPANYIntegrity. Experience. Results.

Publisher Beverly Adkins

Editor-In-Chief Alice Bane

Graphic Designer Deirdre Harris


● Business Insurance● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

● Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

● Karen Cullen, EsquireBroussard & Cullen, P.A.

● Healthesystems Clinical Services Team

● Rose Rome, Johns Eastern● Sniffen & Spellman, P.A.

PO Box 110259Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211-0004

Phone: 941-907-3100Toll Free: 877-326-JECO

Fax: 813-402-7913


JOHNS EASTERN COMPANY, INC.Claim Adjusters & Third Party Administrators



Florida Senate Bill WouldCreate StatutoryPresumption for Cancer


Continued on page 5

Fourth Quarter 2015



11/17/15:“Medicare/MSA2015 AnnualUpdates” byGENEX. 11:30 AM– 12:30 PM,Holiday InnLakewood Ranch,6231 Lake OspreyDrive.

1/28/16:“SuccessfulSubrogation 2.0”by Linda Farrell withBoyd & Jenerette,P.A. 11:30 AM –2:00 PM, HolidayInn LakewoodRanch.

For more details,contact: Rose Rome

Page 2Private-Label TopicalMedication Safety

Page 4Changes to ICDBilling Codes

Page 3Promote HearingHealth to Workers