Civil War review 2009-10. Chancellorsville Battle where the South won but General Stonewall Jackson...

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Transcript of Civil War review 2009-10. Chancellorsville Battle where the South won but General Stonewall Jackson...

Civil War review 2009-10


• Battle where the South won but General Stonewall Jackson lost his arm after his men fired on him

• FRIENDLY FIRE• The high point for the Confederacy


• Bloodiest 12 HOUR day of the war


• Grant wins here in the Mississippi river town on a cliff and splits the Confederacy right down the middle

Appomattox Courthouse

• Surrender of the South to the North is signed here by Lee and Grant

Supreme Commander of the Union army for last year of the war

• General Ulysses S.Grant

William TecumsehSherman

• Northern general who believes in total war• Burns Atlanta because it is a hub of trade • Carries out the March to the Sea ( Atlanta

to Savannah) causing $100 million in damage to Georgia

• Brings Georgia to its knees• Breaks the will of the Confederate army to


Who had more guns, bullets, factories, railroads, banks, men,


• The North/Union

Who had the draft?

• The North

• Also called


Lee’s Last attempt to go up into the

North and win the war

• Was stopped at the battle of Gettysburg

• Turning point of the war

Lee’s right arm

• General Stonewall Jackson

Habeas Corpus is

• Where is the body?

• People have the right to be arraigned and prove themselves innocent in a court of law with a jury

Why did Lincoln suspend Habeas Corpus?

• Lincoln stopped the right to Habeas corpus

• He did this so he could keep people in jail until the end of the war that he thought were dangerous to the Union because they were carrying out anti-war activities

President of the Union was

• Abraham Lincoln

President of the Confederate States was

• Jefferson Davis

Unconditional Surrender was his nickname

General Ulysses Grant

Supreme General of the South

• Robert E. Lee• Defeated union troops

at Chancellorsburg and Fredericksburg

• Surrendered at Appotmattox Courthouse

Characteristics of Bull Run

• First battle and the South wins

• A holiday feeling was in the air

• The north broke and ran

• The South did not

pursue them

Where were Grant’s military successes located

• Mainly in the

Western theatre

What area of the war was the Mississippi river in

• The West

Ordered to march on a southern city and burn it

• Gen William T. Sherman and he burned Atlanta to the ground

High point of the war for the South

Battle of Chancellorsville

Turning point of the war

• Gettysburg

Resources the North could rely on

• Population, factories, money, gold, railroads, technology,

Resources the south could rely on

• Better generals,

• fighting a defensive war,

• lots of cotton that

Europe needed

North won because

• Population, factories, money, gold, railroads, technology, more banks and gold, no inflation,

South lost because

• Inflation• Not enough gold to back the paper money• Ran out of supplies• Not enough factories, guns, and bullets• Food supply deceasing as railroads are

destroyed by the North• Europe never came in and helped them• North had more soldiers

The purpose of the Blockade of Southern ports was

• To stop all imports into the South and exports out of the South

• To stop Europe from supplying the confederacy

Emancipation Proclamation did what

• Freed the slaves in the Confederate states only

• Stopped Europe from coming to the aid of the South

• Made the war about slavery

Gettysburg address said what

• All men are created equal

• Our nation, which was created in Liberty and freedom, is undergoing a test to see if such a nation can last on the earth or will it all end here

Civil war began where

• Fort Sumter,

South Carolina

Civil war ended where

• Appomattox courthouse

Why was Maryland important to the South and North

• Because it is where Washington, DC, the Union capital is located

• Lee needed to take it in order to

win the war

• Lincoln needed to keep it in order

to win the war

How were soldiers Identified in the Civil war

• Paper with their name on it in their pocket

• Later came

dog tags

Bloodiest 12 hour day of the war

• Antietam

What is a substitute

• Could hire a “Substitute” to fight for you in the war for a sum of money usually $300

What was Lincoln’s hidden purpose in freeing the slaves

• To stop Europe from helping out the South

Why did the South suffer from inflation

• They did not have the gold to back their paper money so as they printed more, it became less valuable

• Prices rose sharply and

money was worthless

Pickett’s charge

• Gen George Pickett charged with his men up cemetery ridge at Gettysburg and lost half his men

• End of the finest

soldiers of the


some say


• A soldier wounded or killed in war or battle

War goal of the Union at beginning of the war

• Original goal of Lincoln was to “Preserve the Union.”

War goal of the Union at end of the war

• As war progressed, freeing the slaves became a new goal

War goals of the South for the war

• The sole purpose of the war was for independence from the Union.

• Protection of land and family.

• Fight a defensive war.

What is a defensive war?

• Defending your own land

Are we having fun yet?

Defensive war was fought by who

• The South

Offensive war was fought by who

• The North

Anaconda Plan

Three part plan by the North to surround the South and then squeeze it until it surrendered

Civil war begins at

• Fort Sumter in South Carolina right after Lincoln is elected in 1861

What events led to the Nullification crisis?

1. Federal government makes a tariff in 1832

2. South Carolina says we’re not going to pay it

3. President Andrew Jackson says pay it or hang

4. Congress passes a bill to allow President to enforce the tariff

5. South Carolina decides to repeal the tariff and pay it

Why did the South hate tariffs?

• They led to an increase in the price of manufactured goods which the South bought quite a lot of

Presidents who upheld the supreme power of the federal


• Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln

The 2nd inaugural address of Lincoln that shows he wanted the South to receive fair

treatment after the war

• "With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, : to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and all nations."

Inflation in the South

• Due to the Blockade• The worth of the dollar is devalued or

decreases and there is a corresponding rise in prices

Dred Scott supreme court case

• Ruled slaves to be property and not citizens of America

Who did the tariff of 1832 also called the tariff of abominations


• The agricultural Southern planters

Popular sovereignty

• Policy that allowed the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to vote if they wanted to be slave or free states

Feb 1861

• The first 7 states to secede met in Alabama and founded the Confederate states of America with Benjamin Davis as its President

William Lloyd Garrison

• Head of newspaper the Liberator

• Abolitionist-against slavery

Missouri Compromise

• Dealt with the expansion of slavery into the territories acquired in the Louisiana Purchase

• Missouri came in as a slave state and Maine as a free state

• Set 36 / 30 line

Antebellum south

• Means before the civil war

• Most people in the south were non-slave holding farmers

• Minority were

large slave



Why did we win the Mexican American war?

• The Mexican army and government were plagued or bothered by instability hurting their ability to fight consistently or well.

The Grimke sisters

• Abolitionists against slavery

Fugitive slave Law

• Law making the officials in the North accountable for helping return escaped slaves to their owners in the South

• The North hated this law and helped hide escaped slaves

Wilmot proviso

• Senator David Wilmot from Connecticut tried to get slavery banned in territories taken from Mexico in the Mexican war

• He failed

Nat Turner• Initiated a slave revolt that killed 870 white people

• Result was severe limitation on the legal rights of free blacks and slaves in the South

What issue led to the Civil war in the era of manifest destiny, the

early and mid 1800’s ?

• Whether, if and how should slavery spread across the USA from sea to shining sea

John Brown

• Led raid on Harper's Ferry to get weapons to start an uprising of slaves against their owners

The rhyme you need to memorize is …..

• In 1861, ______________________

• In 1862, ______________________

• In 1863, _______________________

• In 1864, _______________________

• In 1865, _________________________

The End