Civil War PPT

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Transcript of Civil War PPT

Civil War1861 - 1865

Difference Between North and South

North• Industries• Large population• Transportation-

supplies• Opposed slavery• Ability to raise $$


South• Raw materials• Knowledge of

territory• Leadership--generals• Slave labor• Cause—way of life


Missouri Compromise

• Missouri requested admission to Union– 11 Slave, 11 Free States– Upset balance in Senate

• Missouri Compromise --– Maine admitted as free state– Missouri admitted as slave state

• Rest of Louisiana Territory split – 36 30’ north latitude (southern border of

Missouri)• North of line—free• South of line–slavery legal

Nullification Crisis

• Tariffs on Imports 1824 & 1828• Hurt Southern economy

– Loss of inexpensive British imports– Forced to buy expensive Northern goods– Felt North getting rich off South

• John Calhoun developed nullification theory– Constitution established by sovereign states– States still sovereign

• Have right to determine Congressional acts unconstitutional

• South Carolina declares tariffs null and void within state– Couldn’t get support from other Southern states– South Carolina did get tariffs lowered

• Proved a single state could force its will on Congress


Statehood for California

• Gold Rush caused California population to grow

• Applied for statehood as free state• Compromise of 1850

– California admitted as free– No slavery restrictions on rest of Mexican

cession– Slave trade abolished D.C., not slavery– New fugitive slave law passed

• Threats of southern secession became more frequent


Fugitive Slave Act

• Allowed owners to hunt down runaways– Accused runaways sent back to South

• Hurt Southern cause– Newspaper accounts changed attitudes– Previously indifferent Northerners now

hostile– Northerners actions increased

• Led to Underground Railroad

Independent Work for Tonight

• READ Chapter 6, beginning pg 218• In your notes at this point, write a

brief summary about – the Fugitive Slave Act pg 221 of

textbook AND– Explain the Underground Railroad– SUMMARIZE THESE IN YOUR OWN

WORDS– This is test material


Conflicts Lead to Secession

Kansas-Nebraska Act

• Settling the Great Plains– Sen. Stephen Douglas wanted to settle

Nebraska Territory allowing slavery issue based on popular sovereignty

• Problem: Kansas and Nebraska territory lay north of Missouri Compromise line

• Solution: divide territory– Nebraska in north next to free state Illinois– Kansas in south just west of slave state


• Significance of Act – repealed Missouri Compromise


Dred Scott v. Sanford

• Dred Scott– slave living in Missouri– taken by owner to free states to live for a

while– returned to Missouri

• 1854 sued in federal court for – believed since had lived in free territory,

should be free– federal court ruled against him

• Appealed to Supreme Court – ruled against him

• since not a citizen, did not have right to use court system

• living in free state does not make him free


Harpers Ferry• Abolitionist John Brown planned

insurrection– Help slaves break free from masters– Needed weapons to give to slaves

• Oct. 16, 1859 led a band of men into Harpers Ferry, Virginia– goal to seize the federal arsenal and start a

slave uprising

• Federal troops put down rebellion– authorities tried Brown and sentenced to

death by hanging

Harpers Ferry cont’d

• Effects:– Strengthened abolitionists feeling

in North– Boosted abolitionist movement– Turning point for South

•Viewed as proof Northerners were plotting to murder slave holders

•Caused South to plan for war


Lincoln Elected President

• 1860 Presidential election– Abraham Lincoln, Republican candidate– pledge to halt the further spread of slavery– reassured the Southerners that he would not

“interfere with their slaves, or with them, about their slaves”

– Viewed as enemy by many Southerners

• Lincoln’s victory leads to Southern secession– less than half the popular votes– no electoral votes from the South

• saw his victory as a loss of political voice in national gov’t



• South Carolina seceded Dec. 20, 1860– Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia,

Louisiana, and Texas

• Formed the Confederate States of America – Jefferson Davis elected President

• Fort Sumter, South Carolina– Confederacy demanded Union troops leave

fort– Confederates attacked fort April 1861

• forced Union to surrender• marks beginning of Civil War

Independent Work for Tonight:

using your textbook, Chp 7 complete a brief 1-2 sentence summary on the

IMPORTANCE/SIGNIFICANCE over the outcome of the following battles:

• 1st Battle of Bull Run• Battle of Antietam• Battle of Vicksburg• Battle of Gettysburg

Significant Battles

• First Battle of Bull Run– Significance

Made it clear North needed large, well-trained army to defeat the South


Significant Battles

• Antietam– Significance

Bloodiest 1-day battle in American History; convinced Lincoln time had come to end slavery


Significant Battles

• Vicksburg– Significance

Cut the Confederacy in two


Significant Battles

• Gettysburg– Significance

Turning point in East; Union victory ensured Britain not recognize Confederacy as nation


Emancipation Proclamation

• Sept 1862 Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation – Freed all enslaved persons in states still at war with

the Union after Jan 1, 1863– Only applied to those states within Confederacy– Border states could still have slaves

• Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and Delaware were slave states that remained in the Union

• Proclamation gave war moral purpose– Moving away from secession issues to a war to free



The War Ends

April 9, 1865Confederate General Robert E. Lee

surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant

at Appomattox Courthouse

Civil War Amendments(Civil Rights Amendments)

• Thirteenth Amendment - abolished slavery• Fourteenth Amendment – granted

citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States”

• Fifteenth Amendment – granted suffrage (voting rights) to African American males


• Rebuilding of the South– Physically, economically, politically

• Military districts were created to help bring order to South

• Southern states had to write new constitution and ratify 14th Amendment before allowed back in Union

• South could never return to pre-Civil War status

Cause and Effects of Civil War

• Conflicts over slavery issues

• Economic differences between North and South

• Election of Lincoln• Secession of

Southern states• Attack on Ft.


• Abolishment of slavery

• Reconstruction of the South

• Nation reunited• Civil Rights laws



PowerPoint Credits • Textbook: The American Republic Since 1877; Glencoe, McGraw-

Hill• Maps (listed by PowerPoint screen number):

– Screens 5, 9, 17:

– Screen 14:• Video Clips (listed by screen number on PowerPoint):

-- Screen 3: Causes of the Civil War. 100% Educational Videops. 2003. unitedstreaming. 18 September 2006

- Video segment used: - Screen 3: The Industrial Revolution (01:29)

Cont’d on next slide

– Screen 7: America’s Era of Expansion and Reform, 1817-1860: America Under Andrew Jackson, 1829-1836: The Indian Removal Act, The Nullification Crisis, The Battle of the Alamo. United Learning. 2003. unitedstreaming. 27 September 2006

• Video segment used:– The Bank of the United States and the “Nullification Crisis,” 1832-1833 (01:41)

– Screen 10, 13, 18, 20, 23, 25: American Civil War, The: The Causes of War. United Learning. 1996 unitedstreaming. 18 September 2006

• Video segments used:– Screen 10: The Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Law Act (00:52)– Screen 13: The Underground Railroa (05:49)– Screen 18: The Kansas-Nebraska Act (00:44)– Screen 20: Dred Scott (01:19)– Screen 23: Abolitionists (01:06)– Screen 25: Abraham Lincoln Elected President (05:49)

Cont’d on next slide

– Screen 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 42: American Civil War, The: The War Years: Part 1: 1861-1862 and Part 2: 1863-1865. United Learning. 1996. united streaming. 18 September 2006

• Video segments used:– Screen 29: First Battle of Bull Run, Manassas, Virginia (July 21, 1861) (02:19)– Screen 31: General Lee’s Invasion of the North: Battle of Antietam, Sharpsburg,

Maryland (September 17, 1862) (02:20)– Screen 33: The Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi (May 19-July 4, 1863) (01:42)– Screen 35: Battle of Gettysburg, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (July 1-3, 1863)

(08:18)– Screen 37: The Effects of the Emancipation Proclamation (02:28)– Screen 42: The Civil War Ends (00:59)