Civil Engineers Books - November 2010

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Ideal References for Civil Engineers

Transcript of Civil Engineers Books - November 2010


Construction Engineering ......................................3

Structural Engineering..........................................11

Dams & Hydraulic Engineering............................19

Earthquake Engineering ......................................20

Geotechnical Engineering ....................................22

Transportation Engineering..................................27

General References Engineering ..........................29

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Construction Engineering

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QualityManagement inConstructionProjectsAbdul Razzak RumaneEngineer, Consultant, SSHInternational EngineeringConsultants, Kuwait

Series: Industrial Innovation

Concise and easy to read, this book presents infor-mation on how to approach quality for construc-tion projects. Containing quick reference tablesand a wealth of figures, the book presents valuablequality-related data and guidelines, with coveragethat spans project inception to issuance of a com-pletion certificate. In addition to procedures andconcepts, the author discusses a wide range oftools and techniques to address quality manage-ment, including Six Sigma, TRIZ, and Total QualityManagement, as well as ISO 9000 and the ISO14000 Environmental Management System.

Go the extra distance and become the consummate professional:

• Anticipate costs involved with quality• Check lists for design review • Develop ways to assess your quality efforts• Explore important points to be considered

while developing detail design• Learn about different types of contract deliver-

able systems• Plan for major activities during construction

process• Understand reasons why an executed work

may be rejected

This information will also prove valuable for cutting-edge instructors who wish to provide engineer-ing/management students with in-depth knowl-edge about current practices and familiarize themwith the vernacular used in discussing quality assur-ance practices within the construction industry.


• Contains many valuable quick reference tablesand a wealth of figures

• Covers ISO certification, TRIZ, Six Sigma, TotalQuality Management, QFD, 5S for construc-tion, Quality in use of CAD software, SiteSafety and more

• Discusses development of the Contractor’sQuality Control Plan, Contractor’s ConstructionSchedule using the DMADV tool, and ValueEngineering

Catalog no. K11759, November 2010, 464 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-3871-6, $89.95 / £57.99


ModernConstructionLean Project Deliveryand IntegratedPracticesLincoln H. Forbes andSyed M. AhmedCollege of Engineering, FloridaInternational University, Miami,USA

Series: Industrial Innovation

During the past several decades, the manufactur-ing and service industries significantly increasedtheir levels of productivity, quality, and profitabili-ty through the application of process improve-ment techniques and information technology.Unfortunately, the construction industry lags farbehind in the application of improvement andoptimization techniques, as well as its overall com-petitiveness. Modern Construction: Lean ProjectDelivery and Integrated Practices offers cutting-edge lean tools and other productive strategies forthe management of people and processes in theconstruction industry.

The tools and strategies offered draw on the suc-cess of the world-renowned Toyota ProductionSystem (TPS) adapted to the construction envi-ronment by construction professionals andresearchers involved in developing and advocatinglean construction methods. The book discusseswhy true Lean construction can best occur whenall the construction stakeholders, owners, design-ers, constructors, and material suppliers are com-mitted to the concept of optimizing the flow ofactivities holistically while de-emphasizing theirself-interest.

The authors also reintroduce process improve-ment approaches such as TQM and Six Sigma asa foundation for the adoption of lean methodolo-gies, and then demonstrate how these methodscan improve projects in a so-called traditional envi-ronment. The book integrates these methods withemerging interest in "green construction" and theuse of information technology and BuildingInformation Modeling (BIM), while recognizingthe human element in relation to motivation, safe-ty, and environmental stresses.

Catalog no. 6312X, October 2010, 524 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4200-6312-7, $129.95 / £82.00

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Construction Engineering


Lean Culture forthe ConstructionIndustryBuilding Responsibleand CommittedProject TeamsGary SantorellaInteractive Consulting,Providence, Rhode Island, USA


• Addresses people issues in terms of productivi-ty and waste

• Implements behavioral psychology principleson a tactical level for better application

• Includes stories and practical examples towhich every construction professional can relate

Written by a veteran in the construction field, thisreference addresses the direct application of leaninitiatives to that specific industry. It addressespeople issues in terms of productivity and wasteby applying behavioral psychology principles at atactical level. The author expands the notion ofethics beyond the simple litmus test of right andwrong so team leaders can adopt proper profes-sional and diplomatic attitudes and behaviorstoward the implementation of Lean improve-ments. Stories and practical examples are includedto better aid construction professionals in relatingto and applying principles.

Topics covered include:

• Relearning the Basics from a Lean ThinkingPerspective

• Lean and Effective Safety

• Continuous Assessment

• Stress Management

• Interacting with Owners and Architects

• Working Effectively with Large Groups

• Leadership Skills

Author Gary Santorella is the owner of InteractiveConsulting, a firm that provides a variety of servic-es exclusively for the construction industry, includ-ing team assessment, team building, partnering,conflict resolution, corporate training, strategicplanning, and both individual and managementteam coaching.

Catalog no. K11583, December 2010, 264 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-3508-1, $59.95 / £38.99


Mining and RockConstructionTechnology DeskReferenceRock Mechanics,Drilling & BlastingEdited by

Agne Rustan, Claude Cunningham, WilliamFourney, Alex Spathis, and K.R.Y. Simha

Mining and Rock Construction TechnologyDesk Reference enables newcomers and workersin the field of mining, geotechnical, geological,tunneling, and construction engineering to com-municate and learn effectively by standardizingthe language of these disciplines.

Terms from related disciplines commonly usedinclude chemistry, detonics, fractography, fracturedynamics, mechanics and strength of materials,micro mechanics, geology, geophysics, imageanalysis, petrology, physics and seismology. Thisvolume presents not only short definitions of theterms, but also quantifies and defines their rela-tionship to other parameters.

Catalog no. K12378, November 2010, 510 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-60043-9, $119.95 / £76.99


Elements of Industrial HazardsHealth, Safety, Environment and LossPreventionRatan Raj TatiyaSultan Qaboos University, Oman, United Arab Emirates

Intended for a wide audience, Elements ofIndustrial Hazards is an introductory course onHealth, Safety, and Environment in three parts asapplicable to all manufacturing and explorationengineering industries. It begins with fundamentalecology and environmental engineering, and cov-ers air and water pollution sources, magnitude,measuring techniques and remedial measures tominimize pollution. Industrial hazards, health andsafety follows, including standards, strategies, riskassessment and accident analysis. Finally, the textcovers eight elements of HSE management, a crit-ical activity for virtually any engineering business.

Catalog no. K12406, November 2010, 418 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-88645-1, $139.95 / £89.00


Construction Engineering

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Home Builder'sGuide toContinuousImprovementSchedule, Quality,CustomerSatisfaction, Cost,and SafetyJack B. ReVelleReVelle Solutions LLC, Santa Ana, California, USA

Derek N. MargettsPhoenix, Arizona, USA


• Presents residential construction industry termi-nology to enhance understanding of continu-ous improvement concepts

• Includes examples and case studies from theauthor's personal experience working withhome builders

• Contains numerous figures and graphics forconcept clarification

• Features easy-to-follow language and does notrequire any previous math or statistics back-ground

Presenting well-known tools and techniques, thisbook provides important insights into and neces-sary information on reducing cycle time durationand variation in order to improve quality and cus-tomer satisfaction and to minimize costs and acci-dents. Each chapter offers examples based on theauthors' personal experience working withbuilders and trade contractors. Including figuresand graphs to enhance the text, this book con-tains simple language, using residential construc-tion industry terminology to improve understand-ing of continuous improvement concepts andpractices. No previous math background isrequired, making it suitable for all levels.

Topics Include:

• Applicable Software

• Continuous Improvement

• Cycle Time Management

• Data Analysis

• Experiment Design

• Introductory Statistics

• Problem Identification and Solving

Catalog no. 55070, January 2010, 224 pp.,Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-5507-8,$79.95 / £49.99

ConstructionManagementSubcontractor Scopesof WorkJason G SmithConstruction Analysis Planning,LLC, Santa Monica, California,USA

Jimmie HinzeUniversity of Florida, Gainesville,USA

A single mistake, whether made during the bid-ding process or when executing a constructionproject, can potentially cost tens of thousands ofdollars or more. Of course, the sooner mistakes arecaught, the less costly they become. Based on theauthors’ combined experience working on proj-ects large and small, Construction Management:Subcontractor Scopes of Work delineates howproject teams can avoid mistakes and run projectsmore intelligently, effectively, and efficiently.

This book’s concentration on the nuts and bolts ofa construction project, rather than on basicphilosophies and concepts, sets it apart. It focusesnot on the mechanics of writing subcontractscopes of work, but on why they are written theway they are. Designed by contractors for con-tractors, this is not a book of simple checklistsdescribing how to address various issues, but acompilation of practical examples and lessonslearned to form a knowledge base that can beapplied to any project. This knowledge can beused to prepare bid documents that clearly definethe roles of the various subcontractors, ensuringthe full scope of the project is covered withoutredundancy or duplication.

Auxiliary multiple choice tests and answer keys areavailable for download from the CRC website.Using this feature, executives will spend less timepreparing and presenting in-house seminars, andemployees can study when they want and takethe tests at opportune times. With this book anddownloadable tests, the productivity lost due totraining is reduced tremendously.

Catalog no. K10468, January 2010, 464 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0941-9, $139.95 / £89.00

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Construction Engineering

EngineeredConcreteMix Design and Test Methods,Second EditionIrving KettCalifornia State University, LosAngeles, USA

As every civil engineer knows, Portland Cement isthe most versatile and important material of con-struction, and will probably remain so far into thefuture. Yet few books, if any, exist that offer an in-depth analysis of the mixing and testing methodsof this vital hydraulic cement. This statement, writ-ten about the first edition of EngineeredConcrete: Mix Design and Test Methods,remains as true today as it was ten years ago.Revised and updated, the second edition of thisgroundbreaking resource completely coversPortland Cement, Portland Cement Concrete, andtheir uses.

What’s new in the Second Edition:

• New coverage of the latest concrete technolo-gies such as high-performance and lightweightconcrete

• Several new tests and sample tearsheets

• Additional and updated data sheets

The body of the book is divided into several sec-tions, with the first explaining how concretebatches are designed, mixed, and measured forvarious consistencies. Another section details thetests of the primary component materials of con-crete other than water—namely Portland Cement,aggregates, and mortar—while the final sectionincludes some of the fundamental concrete test-ing procedures for different strength parameters inconformity with the standards of the AmericanSociety for Testing Materials.

Solidly researched and written, the book suppliesa fundamental understanding of cement, con-crete, and mixing and testing methods that allowreaders to produce the most economical combi-nations of concrete materials and satisfy perform-ance requirements and specifications.

Catalog no. 91018, January 2010, 246 pp.,Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-9101-4,$129.95 / £82.00

Self-CompactingConcrete Geert De Schutter, Peter J.M. Bartos, Peter Domone, and John Gibbs

Self-Compacting Concrete defines the key prop-erties that make fresh concrete self-compactingand outlines test methods for its assessment. Itcovers the basic principles and underlying scientif-ic theory, practical advice for production of SCCand its use in construction practice, includinghealth and safety of workers. It reviews all stages ofthe self-compacting concrete construction processare, from selection of materials, mix design andmixing process to transport, placing and finishing.

Catalog no. WH6833, 2008, 288 pp., ISBN: 978-0-142-0068-337, $157.95

HeavyConstruction,Third EditionPlanning, Equipmentand MethodsJagman SinghPunjab Technical University,India

This third edition of Heavy Construction offers anexcellent systematic step-by-step analysis of thecomplexity involved in the selection, operationand maintenance procedures required for theoptimization of cost-effective equipment andmanagement techniques for large complex civilengineering projects.

Keeping in view the complexity of heavy con-struction and the often astronomical costs of thestructures involved, the book demonstrates howto reduce both time and costs without compro-mising on specifications, and how to ensure opti-mum utilization of men, materials and resources.

Catalog no. K10579, 2009, 1688 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-54906-6, $279.95 / £178.00


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Deterioration Processes andStandard Test Methods,

Volume 1Many concrete structures and elements of concreteinfrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.) have exceededtheir original design lives and are deteriorating to anextent where they are becoming dangerous. Thisbreakdown can be internal or not obvious andtherefore becomes evident only through detailedtesting. Older methods of testing often involveddamaging the structure, but this book provides acomprehensive review of the vital subject of the lat-est non-destructive evaluation of reinforced con-crete structures. It provides an overview of deterio-ration and reviews classic testing methods.

Catalog no. N10170, July 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4398-2976-9, $139.95 / £89.00


Materials forEnergy Efficiencyand ThermalComfort inBuildingsEdited by

Matthew R. HallUniversity of Nottingham, UK

A review of advanced materials and sustainabletechnologies for applicable for improving thebuilding environment, Materials for EnergyEfficiency and Thermal Comfort in Buildingsexamines fundamental building physics and occu-pant comfort, heat and mass transport, hypother-mal behavior, ventilation, the thermal comfort andhealth and safety requirements. It details thedevelopment of advanced materials, sustainabletechnologies and covers modern methods of con-struction, roofing design, and benchmarking offaçades for optimized building thermal perform-ance.

Catalog no. N10167, May 2010, 732 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-2970-7, $279.95 / £170.00

Non Destructive TestingMethods, Volume 2

Engineers have a range of sophisticated tech-niques at their disposal to assess the condition ofreinforced concrete structures that do not causematerial damage and which usually enable thestructure to be used while the surveys are carriedout. Non-destructive evaluation of the infrastruc-ture also plays a key role in calculating and priori-tizing where money should be spent on repair orreplacement. Providing details of related tech-niques and case studies, this book offers anoverview of how to plan and implement the NDTof reinforced concrete structures.

Catalog no. N10267, August 2010, 624 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-4112-9, $249.95 / £160.00

TechnologyInnovation inUndergroundConstructionEdited by

Gernot BeerInstitute for Structural Analysis,Graz University of Technology,Austria

A richly-illustrated reference guide, this book pres-ents innovative techniques focused on reducingtime, cost, and risk in the construction and main-tenance of underground facilities.

It presents the latest technological innovations inunderground design, construction, and operationand comprehensively discusses novelties inground improvement, simulation, process integra-tion, safety, monitoring, environmental impact,equipment, boring and cutting, personnel train-ing, materials, robotics and more.

Catalog no. K10506, January 2010, 528 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-55105-2, $139.95 / £89.00


Non-Destructive Evaluation ofReinforced Concrete Structures

Volumes 1 & 2Edited by

C. MaierhoferBAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing,

Berlin, Germany

H.W. ReinhardtUniversity of Stuttgart, Germany

G. DobmannFraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing (IZFP),


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Construction Engineering

The RotaryCement KilnTotal ProductiveMaintenance,Techniques andManagementJ.P. SaxenaConsulting Engineering SaudiCement Company, Saudi Arabiaand (fomerly) Director, NationalCouncil for Cement and Building Materials, India

The Rotary Cement Kiln covers various aspects ofkiln maintenance, including the wear of compo-nents, operational parameters and their impact onthe condition of the kiln, maintenance-friendlydesign considerations of kiln components, on-linetechniques for condition monitoring, repair dur-ing operation, effective management of a kilnshutdown, and some management approaches. Itpresents systematic analyses of the problemsencountered during the life span of the kilns andsuggests appropriate responses to meet the needsof engineers and operators involved.

Catalog no. K11481, January 2010, 340 pp.,ISBN: 978-81-88305-95-7, $199.95 / £127.00

Site EngineersManualSecond EditionEdited by

David DoranConsultant, Civil/StructuralEngineers, formerly ChiefStructural Engineer, Wimpey plc,UK

This new edition of the high-ly successful first edition of Site Engineers Manualincludes a new chapter on glass, a thoroughupdate of the health and safety chapter, an addi-tional section providing information on the man-agement of demolition projects, plus additionalillustrations throughout the book. It remains acompendium of valuable practical engineeringexperience contributing to good working practice,and a comprehensive handbook providing bestpractical guidance for engineers on site.

Catalog no. N10079, January 2010, 512 pp.,Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0869-6, $119.95

Refurbishmentand Repair inConstructionEdited by

David DoranConsultant, Civil/StructuralEngineers, formerly ChiefStructural Engineer, Wimpey plc,UK

James DouglasRichard Pratley

The nature of refurbishment and repair is marked-ly different from new-build work since it is neces-sary to work within the restraints of a pre-deter-mined situation. Refurbishment and Repair inConstruction discusses methods to acquiring inti-mate knowledge of the structure under considera-tion necessary for refurbishment or repair. It pro-ceeds logically through the reasons to considerrefurbishment and repair and offers advice onrisks, discovery, contracts, and materials. Casestudies are included to illustrate best practices.

Catalog no. N10080, January 2010, 480 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0871-9, $129.95

GeopolymersStructures,Pricessing, Propertiesand IndustrialApplicationsEdited by

J.L. Provis and J.S.J. van DeventerUniversity of Melbourne

A review of the latest research involving geopoly-mers, Geopolymers discusses their synthesis andcharacterization, properties, and applications. Thedistinguished editors and international contribu-tors discuss topics such as fly ash chemistry andinorganic polymer cements, geopolymer precur-sor design, nanostructure/microstructure ofmetakaolin and fly ash geopolymers, acceleratedaging, and chemical durability. The book alsoexplores engineering properties, the production offire and heat resistant geopolymers, miningwastes, thermal properties, commercialization forconstruction, and applications in waste manage-ment.

Catalog no. N10092, January 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0970-9, $229.95 / £145.00


Construction Engineering

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ModernProtectiveStructuresTheodor Krauthammer University of Florida, Gainesville,USA

Modern Protective Structures provides a gener-al background on explosive devices and theircapabilities as well as explosive effects and theprocesses that generate them. The author discuss-es the effects of conventional and nuclear explo-sions, and details the significant design differencesbetween conventional and nuclear loads andbetween existing design procedures and state-of-the-art information from recent research. He sum-marizes existing blast-resistant design approachesand describes the dynamic responses of structuralsystems to blasts, shocks, and impacts. Additionalcoverage includes the behavior of specific struc-tural connections, the traditional concept of P-Idiagrams, and progressive collapse.

Catalog no. DK3186, 2008, 528 pp., ISBN: 978-0-824-72526-6, $146.95 / £93.00

ComputationalAnalysis ofRandomness inStructuralMechanicsStructures andInfrastructures BookSeries, Vol. 3,Christian BucherCenter of Mechanics and Structural Dynamics, ViennaUniversity of Technology, Vienna, Austria

Series: Structures and Infrastructures

Computational Analysis of Randomness inStructural Mechanics details the computationalaspects of stochastic analysis within the field ofstructural mechanics. It starts with a few motivat-ing examples that demonstrate the various ran-dom effects within the context of simple structur-al analysis models. It then reviews fundamentalconcepts from continuum mechanics and putsthem in the perspective of modern numericaltools, such as the finite element method. Moreadvanced topics are developed step by step whilegradually increasing the complexity of the struc-tural and probabilistic analyses.

Catalog no. K00052, 2009, 248 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-40354-2, $99.95 / £63.99

Sustainability ofConstructionMaterialsEdited by

J. KhatibUniversity of Wolverhampton, UK

Sustainability of Construction Materials bringstogether a wealth of recent research cost-effective,durable and sustainable building materials. It pro-vides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of thesustainability of materials such as: aggregates,wood, bamboo, vegetable fibers, masonry,cement, concrete and cement replacement mate-rials, metals and alloys, glass, and engineeredwood products. Final chapters cover the use ofrecycled tire rubber in civil engineering works, thedurability of sustainable materials, and nanotech-nology in sustainable construction.

Catalog no. N10024, 2009, 384 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0130-7, $209.95 / £130.00

Handbook forDesigningCement PlantsS.P. DeolalkarDeolalkar Consultants,Hyderabad, India

Comprehensive and practical, Handbook forDesigning Cement Plants explains theoreticalaspects of various processes involved in cement-making, as well as procedures used in designingmajor machinery and auxiliaries. The contents aredivided into eight sections covering all aspects ofdesigning cement plants from scratch to guidestep by step through various stages involved insetting up a cement plant. Topics include machin-ery, techno-economic feasibility studies, civildesign and construction, electrical and instrumen-tation, layouts, and selecting and orderingmachinery.

Catalog no. K00109, 2009, 1295 pp., ISBN: 978-81-7800-145-6, $379.95 / £241.00

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Construction Engineering

ConstructionSupply ChainManagementHandbookEdited by

William J. O'Brien, Carlos T. Formoso, Vrijhoef Ruben, and Kerry London

Increasing demands for quality and cost improve-ments as well as the revolution in global logisticshas brought research on construction supply chainmanagement to the forefront. With internationalcontributors providing interdisciplinary perspec-tives, this volume provides a comprehensivereview of CSCM methodologies and presentsleading examples of best practices. Keeping pacewith advances in the field, the book addressesmajor areas of concern, including management ofproduction operations, organizational arrange-ments and contracts, and the use of informationtechnology to define the current state of the art.

Catalog no. 47450, 2009, 508 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-4745-5, $129.95 / £82.00

Construction ofMarine andOffshoreStructuresThird EditionBen C. Gerwick, JrBen C. Gerwick, Inc. , SanFrancisco, USA

" interesting as well as educational reading." —Books-On-Line, June 2007

The third edition of the bestselling Construction ofMarine and Offshore Structures continues to bethe most modern and authoritative guide in thefield. Updated and expanded throughout toreflect new technologies, methods, and materials,it includes new information on such topics as liq-uefaction of loose sediments, scour and erosion,archaeological concerns, high-performance steel,ultra-high-performance concrete, steel H piles,and damage from sabotage and terrorism.

Catalog no. 3052, 2007, 840 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-3052-0, $139.95 / £90.00

PavementEngineeringPrinciples andPracticeRajib B. MallickCEE Department, WPI, Worcester,MA, USA

Tahar El-KorchiWaban, Massachusetts, USA

Pavement Engineering covers the entire range ofpavement construction, from soil preparation tostructural design and life-cycle costing and analy-sis. It links the concepts of mix and structuraldesign, while also placing emphasis on pavementevaluation and rehabilitation techniques. State-of-the-art content introduces the latest concepts andtechniques, including ground-penetrating radarand seismic testing.

The text facilitates a general course for upper-levelundergraduates, covering the selection of materi-als, mix and structural design, and construction.

Catalog no. 60295, 2009, 536 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-6029-4, $121.95 / £51.99

ConcreteConstructionEngineeringHandbookEdited by

Edward G. NawyRutgers University, Piscataway,New Jersey, USA

Newly revised, Concrete ConstructionEngineering Handbook provides in depth cover-age of concrete construction engineering andtechnology. It features state-of-the-art discussionson the latest advances in engineered concretematerials, reinforced concrete construction, spe-cialized construction techniques, and design rec-ommendations for high performance. This valu-able reference will help designers, constructors,and others produce durably engineered construct-ed facilities.

Catalog no. 7492, 2008, 1584 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-7492-0, $179.95 / £113.00


Structural Engineering

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ConstructionManagementand Design ofIndustrialConcrete andSteel StructuresMohamed A. El-ReedyEngineering Consultant (oil &gas industry), Giza, Egypt

A worldwide boom in the use of reinforced con-crete structures for industrial projects has resultedin a wealth of new research leading to improvedquality and lowered costs. Drawing on the bestpractices currently employed ConstructionManagement and Design of IndustrialConcrete and Steel Structures provides com-plete coverage of the latest in the design, materi-als, construction, and maintenance of reinforcedconcrete and steel structures. In addition to vasttechnical engineering information, it providesdetailed coverage of construction managementissues, including quality control, project and riskmanagement, technical and commercial evalua-tion, cost analyses and calculations, and mainte-nance strategies.


• Presents the latest technologies in new build-ing materials-particularly new types of con-crete-and new construction methods for steeland concrete structures

• Discusses foundation construction for differenttypes of industrial applications (buildings, stor-age tanks, pipelines, towers, offshore struc-tures, etc.)

• Examines different loads that affect industrialbuildings utilizing both ACI (AmericanConcrete Institute) and BS (British Standard)building codes

• Contains a dedicated chapter on soil testingand preparation

• Includes numerous examples, internationalcase studies

• Makes electronic spreadsheets for cost calcula-tions readily available online

Currently, author Dr. EI-Reedy is responsible forreliability, inspection, and maintenance strategyfor onshore concrete structures and offshore steelstructure platforms. He has performed these tasksfor hundreds of structures in the Gulf of Suez inthe Red Sea.

Catalog no. K10820, September 2010, 576 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-1599-1, $139.95 / £89.00

ReinforcedConcrete Design of Tall BuildingsBungale S. TaranathDeSimone Consulting Engineers,Los Vegas, Nevada, USA

An exploration of the world of concrete as itapplies to the construction of buildings,Reinforced Concrete Design of Tall Buildingsprovides a practical perspective on all aspects ofreinforced concrete used in the design of struc-tures, with particular focus on tall and ultra-tallbuildings. Dozens of cases studies of tall buildingsthroughout the world, many designed by theauthor, provide in-depth insight on why and howspecific structural system choices are made.

This book discusses:

• The latest building codes, including ASCE/SEI7-05, IBC-06/09, ACI 318-05/08, and ASCE/SEI41-06

• Recent developments in studies of seismic vul-nerability and retrofit design

• Earthquake hazard mitigation technology,including seismic base isolation, passive energydissipation, and damping systems

• Lateral bracing concepts and gravity-resistingsystems

• Performance based design trends

• Dynamic response spectrum and equivalentlateral load procedures

Using realistic examples throughout, the authorshows how to create sound, cost-efficient high risestructures. His lucid and thorough explanationsprovide the tools required to derive systems thatgracefully resist the battering forces of naturewhile addressing the specific needs of buildingowners, developers, and architects. The book ispacked with broad-ranging material from funda-mental principles to the state-of-the-art technolo-gies and includes techniques thoroughly devel-oped to be highly adaptable. Offering completeguidance, instructive examples, and color illustra-tions, the author develops several approaches fordesigning tall buildings.

Catalog no. K10266, January 2010, 989 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0480-3, $159.95 / £99.00

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Structural Engineering


Principles ofStructural DesignWood, Steel, andConcreteRam S. GuptaRoger Williams University, Bristol,Rhode Island, USA

Principles of Structural Design: Wood, Steel,and Concrete provides a self-contained authorita-tive source that elaborates on the most recentpractices together with the code-connected fun-damentals that other books often take for granted.

The author, a professional engineer, offers insightsgarnered over his 40-year international career.Organized for ready reference, the book is dividedinto four main sections:

• Loads, load combinations, and specific coderequirements for different types of loads. Itelaborates on the LRFD (load resistance factordesign) philosophy and the unified approachto design.

• Sawn lumber, structural glued laminated tim-ber, and structural composite lumber. Itreviews tension, compression, and bendingmembers, as well as the effects of column andbeam stabilities and combined forces.

• The steel design of individual tension, com-pression, and bending members. Additionally,it provides designs for braced and unbracedframes. Open-web steel joists and joist girdersare included here as they form a common typeof flooring system for steel-frame buildings.

• Design of reinforced beams and slabs, shearand torsion, compression and combined com-pression, and flexure in relation to basic con-crete structures.

This book presents the LRFD approach for design-ing structural elements according to the latestcodes. Written for architecture and constructionmanagement professionals, it is equally suitablefor civil and structural engineers.

Catalog no. 73397, August 2010, 488 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7339-3, $119.95 / £63.99

RetrofittingDesign ofBuildingStructuresEdited by

Xilin LuTongji University, Shanghai, China

Retrofitting of building structures, including main-tenance, rehabilitation, and strengthening, animportant and common issue for structural engi-neers in property management disciplines.Retrofitting Design of Building Structures intro-duces basic theory and practical methods forretrofitting design of building structures. Theauthors emphasize the significance of structuralretrofitting and the procedure of whole retrofittingwork. The book introduces detailed inspectionmethods and structural assessment methodolo-gies for building structures. Additional topicsinclude retrofitting design methods and construc-tion requirements for concrete structures, mason-ry structures, and timber structures.

Catalog no. 91786, March 2010, 176 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-9178-6, $119.95 / £76.99


DynamicResponseAnalysis andMoving LoadIdentificationTechniquesEdited by

Siu-Seong LawHong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Xin-Qun ZhuUniversity of Western Sydney, NSW, Australia

Dynamic Response Analysis and Moving LoadIdentification Techniques treats the fundamentalsof moving loads problems with accurate identifica-tion and computational efficiency. It starts withdetailed descriptions of the dynamic behavior ofcontinuous beam, beam-slab type bridge deck andmulti-box spline bridge decks under the passage ofmoving loads. The second part addresses movingload identification problems with both simplemethods for universal application and with special-ized techniques. A final chapter treats problemsassociated with the practical application of movingload identification techniques.

Catalog no. K11537, December 2010, 400 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-87877-7, $149.95 / £95.00


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Coming Soon!

Design DecisionsunderUncertainty withLimitedInformationEfstratios NikolaidisUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Zissimos P. MourelatosOakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA

Vijitashwa Pandey

Series: Structures and Infrastructures

Reliability methods are becoming increasinglypopular in engineering design because they canbe used to build safer and more efficient productsthan traditional deterministic methods. A principalchallenge in using these methods in practicaldesign problems is to model uncertainty when lit-tle data is available and the underlying mechanismof uncertain events is unknown. There is a need foran integrated presentation of tools for modelinguncertainty and making design decisions undersevere uncertainty.

Bridging the gap between theory and practice formethods for design under uncertainty, DesignDecisions under Uncertainty with LimitedInformation illustrates practical design problemsolving techniques in the aerospace and automo-tive engineering industries with a balancedapproach explaining both the theoretical founda-tions of methods and their application to engi-neering design. It contains problems and exam-ples to help readers understand what tools aremost suitable based on the information available.

Readers will learn a structured, risk-basedapproach for design under uncertainty when lim-ited information is available, which tools are avail-able and which to select and apply given a designdecision problem.


Design Decision under Uncertainty. Overview ofTheories of Uncertainty and Tools for ModelingUncertainty. Objective Probability. StatisticalInference – Constructing Probabilistic Modelsfrom Observations. Probabilistic Analysis ofDynamic Systems. Subjective (Bayesian)Probability. Decision Analysis. Multi-attributeConsiderations in Design. Glossary.

Catalog no. K00104, January 2011, 500 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-49247-8, $149.95 / £95.00


Limit Analysisand ConcretePlasticityThird EditionM.P. NielsenTechnical University of Denmark,Bygning

L.C. Hoang

Now in its third edition, Limit Analysis andConcrete Plasticity describes the basic principlesof plasticity theory and its application to thedesign of reinforced and pre-stressed concretestructures. This edition includes formulas for rein-forcement design for three-dimensional stressfields, describes the theory of rigid-plastic dynam-ics, contains a heightened explanation of the the-ory of crack sliding to enable practical applicationsand to explain punching shear, and explores shearin beams and columns with circular cross sections.

Catalog no. K10220, December 2010, 840 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0396-7, $149.95 / £95.00


Optimization of FiniteDimensionalStructuresMakoto OhsakiKyoto University, Japan

This book reviews of the basics of optimization offrame structures such as trusses, building frames,and long-span trusses. It introduces methodolo-gies and applications to design problems of finitedimensional structures, creating a bridge betweenthe communities of structural optimization inmechanical engineering and the researchers andengineers in civil engineering. It also covers thehistorical development of the methodologies andtheorems on optimization of finite dimensionalstructures. Illustrative examples introduce basicconcepts and methods without difficult mathe-matics and continuum mechanics.

Catalog no. K11056, July 2010, 439 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-2003-2, $129.95 / £82.00

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Structural Engineering

Formulas forMechanical andStructural Shockand ImpactGregory SzuladzinskiAnalytical Service Co., Killara,Australia

Formulas for Mechanical and Structural Shockand Impact addresses explosive action and theassociated failure of structural elements in anapproachable and comprehensive way, coveringthe civilian, military, and infrastructure protectionfields. Self-contained and concise, it presents for-mulas and methodology to determine dynamicresponse to shock loads. It also explores a range ofmechanical and civil engineering applications. Thetext enables engineers to calculate what happensto structures and objects when pushed, pulled, orjerked, by giving formulas, solved problems, andillustrations.

Catalog no. 65564, January 2010, 790 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4200-6556-5, $159.95 / £99.00


UnderstandingBridge CollapsesBjorn AkessonConsulting Engineer, Fagersta,Sweden

Understanding Bridge Collapses unveils exten-sive research and literature results on rivetedbridges' fatigue live and shows how to take fatigueproperly into account when deciding about thefuture service life of a riveted railway bridge. Itdeals with the expected fatigue live, level of stressranges by traffic, effect of temperature and age-ing, loading histories, crack detection, loose rivets,other defects, repair and strengthening, providingproper instructions and more. Intended for struc-tural, bridge and steel construction engineers.

Catalog no. K11374, April 2010, 170 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-87676-6, $89.95 / £57.99


Advances inStructuralAdhesiveBondingEdited by

D. DillardVirginia Tech, USA

Advances in Structural Adhesive Bondingreviews recent improvements in adhesive bondingand their wide-ranging potential in structural engi-neering. Part one discusses methods for selectingthe correct adhesive. The second set of chaptersdiscusses the various types of adherents. A thirdset of chapters analyses methods and techniquesfor joint design. The final chapters give useful andpractical insight into the problems and solutions ofadhesive bonding in a variety of hostile environ-ments such as chemical, wet, and extreme tem-peratures.

Catalog no. N10053, May 2010, 400 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-0217-5, $249.95 / £160.00

Failure, Distressand Repair ofConcreteStructuresEdited by

N. DelatteCleveland State University, USA

Failure, Distress and Repair of ConcreteStructures reviews concrete deterioration defectsand damage, as well as discussing conditionassessment and repair techniques. Part 1 discussesfailure mechanisms in concrete and covers topicssuch as causes and mechanisms of deterioration inreinforced concrete, types of damage in concretestructures, types and causes of cracking, and con-dition assessment. Part 2 reviews the repair of con-crete structures and includes themes such as stan-dards and guidelines for repairing concrete struc-tures, methods of crack repair, repair materials,bonded concrete overlays, repairing, and retro-fitting concrete structures with fiber-reinforcedpolymers.

Catalog no. N10124, January 2010, 352 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-1874-9, $211.95 / £135.00


Structural Engineering

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Steel-ReinforcedConcreteStructuresAssessment andRepair of CorrosionMohamed El-ReedyEngineering Consultant (oil &gas industry), Giza, Egypt

Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures providesprocedures for corrosion diagnosis and determin-ing the appropriate methods for repair, as well asan economic model for on-site decision making. Itincludes new ways of protecting steel-reinforcedbars and the latest methods for repairing them.The author explains the importance of imple-menting an integrity management system to pro-vide for a comprehensive maintenance strategyand concludes with coverage of the traditional,time-tested, and advanced repair techniques.Advanced maintenance plan philosophy and risk-based maintenance for reinforced concrete struc-tures is emphasized.

Catalog no. 54309, 2008, 216 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5430-9, $139.95 / £90.00

Stresses inBeams, Plates,and ShellsThird EditionAnsel C. UguralNew Jersey Institute ofTechnology, Newark, USA

Series: ComputationalMechanics and Applied Analysis

This volume is considered one of the top referenceson the subject of elasticity and stress in construc-tion. The author presents many examples andapplications to review and support several founda-tional concepts. The more advanced concepts inelasticity and stress are accompanied by even moreexamples and engineering applications in additionto numerous illustrations. Chapter problems arecarefully arranged from the basic to the more chal-lenging. Newer computer methods, including FEAand computational/equation-solving software, arecovered in the book, and in many cases, classicalapproaches and numerical/computer approachesare both presented.

Catalog no. K10142, January 2010, 596 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0270-0, $129.95 / £82.00

StructuralDetailing inTimberA Comparative Studyof British, Europeanand American Codesand PracticesEdited by

M.Y.H. BangashLondon, UK

This book provides practical and up-to-date infor-mation on timber construction and covers the fun-damentals of drawing and drafting practices, con-nections and fastening and structural detailing ofvarious timber elements. The types of structurescovered represent the bulk of the typical fabrica-tor's work in timber structures such as buildings,bridges, grid-works, shells, folded plates etc. Itincludes some examples of timber detailing inCAD form as well as numerous line drawings anddetailing sheets, the latter linked to internationalcodes of practice.

Catalog no. WH6834, January 2010, 256 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4200-6834-4, $180.95

Seismic DesignAids forNonlinearAnalysis ofReinforcedConcreteStructuresSrinivasan Chandrasekaran,Luciano Nunziante, Giorgio Serino and Federico CarannanteUniversity of Naples Federico II, Italy

Series: Advances in Earthquake Engineering

Seismic Design Aids for Nonlinear Analysis ofReinforced Concrete Structures explores seismicdesign aids and nonlinear properties of RC elementsin a form that is useful for practicing engineers andresearchers to readily use without solving complexequations. With step-by-step numerical proceduresand supplemental online material, the text clarifiesthe complexities involved in estimating basic inputparameters required for nonlinear analysis of RCbeam and frame structures under seismic loads untilcollapse. With several case examples of beam andframes, this superior reference is ideal for academi-cians and graduate engineering students.

Catalog no. K10453, January 2010, 258 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0914-3, $99.95 / £63.99

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Structural Engineering

AdvancedMaterials andTechniques forReinforcedConcreteStructuresMohamed El-ReedyEngineering Consultant (oil &gas industry), Giza, Egypt

Amazing buildings and unusual structures createattention with the uniqueness of their design.While attractive to developers and investors, thesafe and economic design and construction ofreinforced concrete buildings can sometimes beproblematic. Advanced Materials andTechniques for Reinforced Concrete Structuresdiscusses how to create safety and economy indesign, construction, and maintenance operationsplans. The author presents up-to-date data onadvanced materials and techniques, exploring theadvantages and disadvantages of different struc-ture systems in durability, reliability, construction,and architectural requirements.

Catalog no. 88912, 2009, 327 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-8891-5, $129.95 / £78.99

Scientific MethodApplications inFailure Investigationand Forensic ScienceRandall K. NoonNoon Consulting, Hiawatha,Kansas, USA

Series: International ForensicScience and Investigation, Vol.17

Focused primarily on forensic engineering, thisvolume explains how scientific investigative meth-ods can best be used to determine why and howa particular failure occurred. Using principles andideas that are applicable to most of the forensicsciences, the author examines the role of the fail-ure investigator, discusses the optimal way toorganize evidence, and explores the four mostcommon reasons why some investigations fail.The book provides case studies and examples thatexemplify proper methods and report writing.

Catalog no. 92804, 2009, 216 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-9280-6, $79.95 / £48.99

Wavelet-BasedVibration Controlof SmartBuildings andBridgesHojjat AdeliOhio State University, Columbus,USA

Hongjin KimKyungpook National University,Buk-gu Daegu, Korea

Wavelet-Based Vibration Control of SmartBuildings and Bridges introduces the concept ofwavelets into the field of structural vibration con-trol. It presents a new control algorithm for robustcontrol of smart civil structures subjected todestructive environmental forces, and the newhybrid tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) sys-tem. This new hybrid control system, which com-bines passive and semi-active control systems, isintended to achieve increased reliability and max-imum operability of the control system duringpower failure and to eliminate the need for a larg-er power requirement.

Catalog no. 89234, 2009, 238 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4200-8923-3, $129.95 / £78.99

IntelligentInfrastructureNeural Networks,Wavelets, and ChaosTheory for IntelligentTransportationSystems and SmartStructuresHojjat AdeliOhio State University, Columbus,USA

Xiaomo JiangGE-Energy, Greenville, South Carolina, USA

Presenting a new vision and way of designing andmanaging the civil infrastructure of the nation,Intelligent Infrastructure introduces novel tech-nologies, methods, and detailed computationalalgorithms for the creation of smart structures andintelligent freeways. Cutting across the disciplinesof structural and transportation engineering, it pro-vides a unique treatise for attacking and solvingsome of the most complex and intractable prob-lems encountered in the emerging fields of smartstructures and intelligent transportation systems.

Catalog no. 85360, 2009, 440 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-8536-5, $167.95 / £104.00


Structural Engineering

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UnderstandingStructuresAn Introduction toStructural AnalysisMete A. SozenPurdue University, WestLafayette, Indiana, USA

Toshikatsu IchinoseNagoya Institute of Technology,Japan

Understanding Structures explains how build-ings and bridges resist gravity, wind, and earth-quake loads. Employing an interactive presenta-tion of topics, it spans elementary concepts, fromforce in trusses to bending of beams and theresponse of multi-story, multi-bay frames. Thisbook features free access to GOYA software, whichruns easily on JAVA-enabled systems. Developedby the authors to improve understanding of struc-tures through repetition, GOYA enables readers tosolve problems of increasing complexity with rela-tive ease, thereby expediting the process of safestructure design.

Catalog no. 6861X, 2009, 368 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-6861-0, $99.95 / £46.99

StructuralIdentificationand DamageDetection usingGeneticAlgorithmsChan Ghee KohNational University of Singapore,Singapore

Michael J. PerryKeppel Offshore and Marine Technology, Singapore

Series: Structures and Infrastructures

A comprehensive review or robust methods basedon genetic algorithms (GA), this book presentsreaders with the background and recent develop-ments required to conduct research and apply GA-based methods for parameter identification,model updating, and damage detection of struc-tural dynamic systems. It demonstrates a novelstrategy that focuses on structural identificationproblems with limited and noise contaminatedmeasurements. This book also presents parameterestimation of non-linear structural systems to illus-trate the power and versatility of the GA-basedidentification strategy.

Catalog no. SW1022, January 2010, 140 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-46102-3, $69.95 / £42.99

Blast Protectionof CivilInfrastructuresand Vehiclesusing CompositesEdited by

N. UddinUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

This volume provides structural engineers andmaterial scientists with an authoritative referencethat covers general technical issues including keyinformation on threats and types of blast damage,and detailed information on the development,effectiveness, associated specifications, and properuse of matrix composites to meet a variety of blastprotection needs in new and old structures as wellas land and sea vehicles. It reviews applicationsincluding the use of a variety of composites forballistic protection of structures, vehicles, and per-sonnel.

Catalog no. N10154, April 2010, 448 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-2771-0, $219.95 / £140.00


ShotcreteElements of a SystemEdited by

Stefan BernardTSE Pty. Ltd., Sydney, Australia

Shotcrete: Elements of a System includes aselection of papers describing recent develop-ments in the evolving field of shotcrete technolo-gy, written by a wide range of authors fromaround the world. The subjects range from min-ing-related ground control requirements, testingand performance characterization, and durability,to nozzleman education and accreditationrequirements. The result is a reference providing auseful compendium of recent developmentswhich should appeal to shotcrete technologistsand practitioners alike.

Catalog no. K10274, March 2010, 310 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-47589-1, $149.95 / £95.00

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Structural Engineering

Designing SteelStructures forFire SafetyEdited by

Jean Marc FranssenDepartment of Architecture,Geology, Environment &Constructions, University ofLiège, Belgium

Venkatesh KodurDepartment of Civil & Environmental Engineering,Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA

Raul ZahariaDepartment of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics,“Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania

Designing Steel Structures for Fire Safety pro-vides guidance for those wishing to apply engi-neering methodologies for fire design of steelstructures. Theoretical and technical backgroundshelp to understand more clearly the calculationmethodologies, while examples on how a com-plete structure can be analyzed are also included.The volume will be invaluable to a worldwideaudience, from academics, students and profes-sionals in civil engineering and architecture, tobuilding officials and regulators.

Catalog no. K10547, 2009, 182 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-54828-1, $109.00 / £69.00

Structural HealthMonitoring ofCivilInfrastructureSystemsEdited by

V.M. KarbhariThe University of Alabama inHuntsville, USA

F. AnsariUniversity of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Proper structural health monitoring assesses thelevel of deterioration and remaining service life ofcivil infrastructure systems. Structural HealthMonitoring of Civil Infrastructure Systemsreviews key developments in research, technolo-gies, and applications in this area of civil engineer-ing. It discusses ways of obtaining and analyzingdata, sensor technologies, and methods of sensingchanges in structural performance characteristics.It also discusses data transmission and the applica-tion of both individual technologies and entire sys-tems to bridges and buildings.

Catalog no. N10025, January 2010, 552 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0131-4, $244.95 / £155.00

StructuralAnalysisThe AnalyticalMethodRamon V. Jarquio, P.E.Engineering Consultant, Bayside,New York, USA

Structural Analysis: The Analytical Method illus-trates analytical procedures for predicting thecapacities of circular and rectangular sections inconcrete and steel materials. This new analyticalmethod uses the capacity axis not only to deter-mine the minimum capacity for biaxial bendingbut also to satisfy the equilibrium of external andinternal forces. Under the current standard inter-action formula, satisfaction of equilibrium condi-tions is not possible. The author demonstrateshow the currently accepted method is crude andineffective and proves this condition using theresults of the analytical method.

Catalog no. 60236, 2008, 240 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-6023-2, $139.95 / £90.00


Practical Designof SteelStructuresKaruna Moy Ghosh

Practical Design of Steel Structures presentspractical design examples and calculations for amulti-bay, steel-framed industrial building underthe actions of a variety of loads, including travel-ling crane loads, dead and imposed loads, andwind forces. Engineers and students alike canappreciate the complete design process throughthe analysis of the whole structure and the designof structural members. The calculations are clearlypresented, employing a step-by-step approachstating the design philosophy, design considera-tions and clarifying the referred clauses of the codeof practice.

Catalog no. N10242, July 2010, 224 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3571-5,$79.95


Dams & Hydraulic Engineering

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Open ChannelFlowNumerical Methodsand ComputerApplicationsRoland JeppsonProfessor Emeritus, Utah StateUniversity, Logan, USA

Suitable for a graduate-level open channel flow orhydraulics course, this comprehensive book startswith basic principles and gradually advances tocomplete problems involving systems of channelsthat require the simultaneous solutions of systemsof nonlinear equations. The text offers numerouspractical examples and end-of-chapter homeworkproblems that expand upon the methodologiespresented and encourage readers to apply therelated principles in practice. The accompanyingCD-ROM provides solutions and programs withqualifying course adoptions.


• Provides complete coverage of open channelhydraulics

• Presents numerical methods for solving nonlin-ear and ordinary differential equations (ODEs)

• Contains multiple examples and computercodes

• Includes numerous practical examples andend-of-chapter exercises

• Offers numerical solutions and computer pro-grams on an accompanying CD-ROM

Material Covered:

• Dimensions, Terminology and Review of BasicFluid Mechanics

• Energy and Its Dissipation in Open Channels

• The Momentum Principle Applied to OpenChannel Flows

• Unsteady and Nonuniform Flows

• Techniques Used in Practice and Controls

• Numerical Solution of the St. Venant Equations

Author Roland Jeppson is Professor Emeritus ofcivil and environmental engineering in the UtahWater Research Laboratory (UWRL) at Utah StateUniversity in Logan.

Catalog no. K11831, November 2010, 1258 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-3975-1, $179.95 / £114.00


Urban FloodManagementChris Zevenbergen, Adrian Cashman, Niki Evelpidou, Erik Pasche, Stephen Garvin, andRichard Ashley

This textbook integrates the expertise from disci-plines such as hydrology, sociology, architecture,urban design, construction and water resourcesengineering. Various case studies, exercises, expertadvice, and literature recommendations areincluded to support the theory and illustrations.Developed by a team of specialists, this volume isintended for urban flood management educationof hydrology, geography, civil and environmentalengineering and management students at univer-sity level. Moreover, professionals will find thisbook useful as a reference

Catalog no. K10973, September 2010, 340 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-55944-7, $89.95 / £57.99


Concrete FaceRockfill DamsPaulo Teixeira da CruzDam Consulting Engineer, SaoPaolo, Brazil

Bayardo MateronBayardo Materon & Associates,Sao Paulo, Brazil

Manoel De Souza Freitas Jr.Hydrogeo Engenharia S/C Ltda, Sao Paulo, Brazil

An illustrated work on the state-of-the-art of damdesign and construction, this consulting guidepresents all details and analyses of 28 large CRFDdams worldwide, including the highest dam in theworld. Specialist information is provided on con-cepts, designs, technical specifications, construc-tion details and instrumentation. Both successesand failures that have led to substantial knowledgebreakthroughs are discussed. Intended for damengineers, this illustrated reference volume is alsowarmly recommended to other engineering pro-fessionals working on the design, construction andoperation of dams and related hydraulic structures.

Catalog no. K11605, September 2010, 406 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-57869-1, $129.95 / £82.99

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Earthquake Engineering

Spatial Variationof SeismicGround MotionsModeling andEngineeringApplicationsAspasia ZervaDrexel University, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, USA

Series: Advances in EngineeringSeries


• Covers array data and implementation of spa-tial variability

• Includes example applications

• Presents techniques for evaluation

• Serves as a complete resource on seismicground strains and differential motions

Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this book pro-vides coverage from seismological and engineer-ing, deterministic and stochastic, as well as physi-cal and mathematical points of view. The authordescribes the estimation of spatial variability fromrecorded data, its physical interpretation, and thedevelopment of spatial variability/coherency mod-els. She uses random variation analysis to illustratethe effect of differential ground motions on thequasi-static and dynamic response of extendedstructures. Worked-out applications demonstratethe significance of seismic ground strains and dif-ferential motions on the seismic response of foun-dations, bridges, and dams.

Topics Covered:

• Conditionally simulated ground motions

• Parametric modeling and physical characteri-zation of spatial variability

• Random vibrations for multi-support excita-tions

• Seismic ground-surface strains

• Simulations of spatially variable groundmotions

• Stochastic estimation of spatial variability

Catalog no. 9929, 2009, 486 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-9929-9, $139.95 / £89.00

FundamentalConcepts ofEarthquakeEngineeringRoberto VillaverdeUniversity of California, Irvine,USA

While successfully preventing earthquakes maystill be beyond the capacity of modern engineer-ing, the ability to mitigate damages with strongstructural designs and other measures are wellwithin the purview of science. FundamentalConcepts of Earthquake Engineering presentsthe concepts, procedures, and code provisionsused to make structures as earthquake-resistant asis presently feasible.

The book begins by describing the purpose, mainaspects, and historical development of earthquakeengineering and provides an overview of the typeand extent of damage an earthquake can pro-duce. It then introduces the concepts of seismolo-gy, the mechanisms of earthquake generation andpropagation, and the difference between the var-ious scales used to quantify the size of an earth-quake and its potential to cause damage. Thebook also discusses the response spectrum and thedifferent ways earthquake ground motions maybe characterized and how local soil conditionsmay affect ground motion characteristics. Laterchapters examine the design spectrum, conven-tional methods used to calculate the response ofstructures, soil-structure systems, and nonstructur-al components to earthquake ground motions.


• Contains four chapters devoted to seismologyand explains the latest seismic building codes

• Presents seismic hazard assessment techniques

• Examines soil ground motion amplification andsoil-structure interaction

• Numerous photographs and figures to illustrate concepts

Catalog no. 64959, 2009, 960 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-6495-7, $129.95 / £59.99


Earthquake Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit

ArchitecturalGlass to ResistSeismic andExtreme ClimaticEventsEdited by

R.A. BehrPennsylvania State University,USA

Glass is increasingly being used as a structuralmaterial in new buildings. The structural envelopemay consist either entirely or partially of glass, andthis trend to avoid traditional materials such asbrick and concrete for steel-framed, glass cladbuildings presents inherent problems. A majorissue is the performance of glazing during earth-quakes and extreme climatic events, such as wind-storms and heavy snow loads. This authoritativebook reviews the current state-of-the art in glassand glazing technology to resist failure due tothese natural events.

Catalog no. N10037, January 2010, 272 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0170-3, $199.95 / £125.00

StructuralDynamics ofEarthquakeEngineeringTheory andApplication usingMATHEMATICA andMATLAB®

Edited by

S. RajasekaranPSG College of Technology, India

Structural Dynamics of Earthquake Engineeringdiscusses free vibration of single-degree-of-freedom(SDOF) systems and forced vibration of SDOF sys-tems. It covers response to periodic dynamic load-ings and impulse loads and two degrees of freedomlinear system response methods and free vibrationof multiple degrees of freedom. Topics include timehistory response by natural mode superposition,numerical solution methods for natural frequenciesand mode shapes and differential quadrature, trans-formation, and Finite Element methods for vibrationproblems. Worked examples in Mathematica andMATLAB® are provided.

Catalog no. N10026, January 2010, 896 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0132-1, $309.95 / £195.00

Atlas ofRemoteSensing oftheWenchuanEarthquakeEdited by

Guo HuadongChinese Academy ofSciences, Beijing, China

In 2008, Wenchuan County suffered a devastatingearthquake. After the initial communicationsbreakdown, The Chinese Academy of Scienceslaunched into action, making full use of its state-of-the-art facilities, remote sensing planes, andsatellites to amass invaluable data. Translated intoEnglish, this over-sized atlas presents a pictorialsummation of this unique project. It includes over300 color images from a range of perspectives,including geological and infrastructural. This vol-ume dramatically demonstrates the value ofremote sensing for understanding how an earth-quake unfolds and its potential in helping coordi-nate emergency relief.

Catalog no. K10861, January 2010, 259 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-1674-5, $149.95 / £95.00

Smart StructuresInnovative Systemsfor Seismic ResponseControlFranklin Y. ChengUniversity of Missouri, Rolla, USA

Hongping JiangRobertson-Ceco Corp.,Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Kangyu LouOffice of Statewide Health Planning & Devel., LosAngeles, California, USA

An innovative concept, smart structural systemshave proven to be extremely effective in limitingstructural collapse and subsequent injury. SmartStructures organizes current research and technolo-gy to provide researchers, practicing engineers, andadvanced students with the means to learn aboutand apply the latest smart structure innovations. Keyfeatures include complete mathematical formula-tions and numerical procedures, new technologies,design guidelines and examples based on currentofficial codes, consideration of smart structures on avariety of foundations, and discussion of the use ofsmart structures with passive or semi-active devices.

Catalog no. 8532, 2008, 672 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-8532-2, $135.95 / £86.00

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Geotechnical Engineering


GeomaticsEngineeringA Practical Guide toProject DesignClement A. OgajaCalifornia State University,Fresno, USA


• Provides a simple guide on key concepts ofproject design for land surveyors

• Presents examples with various tables andcharts, graphically designed to communicateimportant information in an easy-to-under-stand format

• Offers a thorough exploration of contemporaryissues of project design

• Contains case examples from real-life past proj-ects

• Includes end-of-chapter questions on the keyconcepts covered

Presenting the nuts and bolts of geomatics proj-ects, Geomatics Engineering examines key com-ponents and aspects of land surveying and geo-matics projects. It reviews the experience of pastprojects and identifies priority areas of attentionfor planning new projects. The text guides readersthrough the project design and request for pro-posal process commonly used for soliciting profes-sional geomatics engineering services. The authorprovides an understanding of professional andethical responsibility, the impact of engineeringsolutions in a global and social context, as well asa host of other contemporary issues such as budg-etary and scheduling constraints.

Topics Covered:

• Project Design Process

• Contemporary Issues

• Planning and Design

• Proposal Development

Author Clement A. Ogaja is a professor in theDepartment of Civil and Geomatics Engineering atCalifornia State University, Fresno.

Catalog no. K10904, September 2010, 296 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-1743-8, $99.95 / £63.99


Soil MechanicsFundamentalsIsao IshibashiOld Dominion University, VA,USA

Hemanta HazarikaKyushu University, Japan


• Clearly explains various behaviors of soils basedon mathematics, physics, and chemistry

• Includes only the essential engineering equa-tions to emphasize importance of fundamentals

• Presents new concepts in a systematic, step-by-step way with a smooth flow of information

• Includes 47 examples and 180 problems

Comprehensive and introductory, this textbookcovers all basic fundamental concepts of soilmechanics. It delineates how soil behaves, why itbehaves that way, and the engineering signifi-cance of such behavior. The text clearly explainsthe various behaviors of soils based on mathemat-ics, physics, and chemistry in simple but compre-hensive ways. The authors include essential engi-neering equations to emphasize the importance offundamentals, and 180 problems and solutions toaid with application.

Topics Covered:

• Bearing Capacity

• Clays and their Behavior

• Compaction

• Effective Stress

• Flow of Water through Soils

• Lateral Earth Pressures

• Mohr's Circles in Soil Mechanics

• Physical Properties of Soils

• Settlements

• Shear Strength

• Soil Classifications

• Stress Increments in Soil Mass

Author Isao Ishibashi is Graduate Program Directorfor the Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering at Old Dominion University.

Catalog no. K12080, December 2010, 480 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-4644-5, $79.95 / £49.99


Geotechnical Engineering

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Subdividing theLandMetes and Boundsand RectangularSurvey SystemsGaby M. NeunzertColorado School of Mines,Golden, USA

Ideally every tract of land has a description onpaper and a physical survey on the ground. Whenboundary disputes arise, all parties concernedmust quickly learn the vocabulary and processesinvolved with real estate. Written for anyone deal-ing in real estate transactions, Subdividing theLand: Metes and Bounds and RectangularSurvey Systems provides this background. Itdefines key legal terms, examines key concepts ofMetes and Bounds, the structure of the U.S. LandSurvey System and offers many illustrations andtables that clearly explain the concepts.

Each state has its own property laws, but thebook's material is generic enough to be applicableacross the entire United States and even Canada.Taking into account that local laws may be influ-enced by many factors, the book also covers theroots of English property laws and effects ofFrench, Spanish, and Mexican legacies. Theauthor discusses topics such as water law, miningclaims, and the Metes and Bounds and Torrenssystem of property registry. He provides a sectionof basic legal concepts applicable to land transac-tions and a glossary of special or semi-technicalterms. Unlike most other topics related to survey-ing, there is no math associated with the topicsgiven; yet the subjects can be complex and tricky.

Topics Covered:

• Metes and Bound Surveys

• U.S.Rectangular Survey System

• History of Surveying

• Mining Claims

• Water Laws

• Legal Concepts and Definitions

Catalog no. K11357, November 2010, 172 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-2747-5, $79.95 / £49.99

ShallowFoundationsBearing Capacityand Settlement,Second EditionBraja M. DasCalifornia State University,Sacramento, USA


• Discusses the principles for estimating the set-tlement of foundations—both elastic and con-solidation

• Examines Westergaard’s solution for stress dis-tribution

• Details new procedures to estimate the elasticsettlement of foundations on granular soil

• Delves into the dynamic bearing capacity andassociated settlement, including lab and fieldtests

• Presents the state- of- the- art on reinforcementmaterials include galvanized steel strips andgeogrid

• Provides example problems to illustrate thetheories covered in each chapter

Completely reworked and written by one of thetop men in the field, the second edition ofShallow Foundations covers current develop-ments and approaches. Equally valuable toresearchers and designers as it is to engineeringstudents, this resource updates data and providesrevised theories on the ultimate and allowablebearing capacities of shallow foundations. It addsrefinements to a number of unique circumstancessuch as foundations on soil with geogrid rein-forcement as well as bearing capacity relationshipsfor shallow foundations subjected to eccentric andinclined loads. It also covers advances in reinforce-ment materials.

Topics Covered:

• Dynamic Bearing Capacity and Settlement

• Settlement and Allowable Bearing Capacity

• Shallow Foundations on Reinforced Soil

• Special Cases of Shallow Foundations

• Ultimate Bearing Capacity

• Uplift Capacity of Shallow foundations

Catalog no. 70061, 2009, 334 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7006-4, $149.95 / £95.00

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Geotechnical Engineering


GeologicalEngineeringLuis Gonzalez de VallejoUniversidad Complutense deMadrid, Spain

Mercedes FerrerInstituto Geológico y Minero deEspaña, Madrid, Spain

A guide for developing integrated engineeringsolutions, this extensively illustrated text coversthe subject area of geological engineering in foursections: fundamentals, methods, applications,and geohazards. Covering topics such as siteinvestigation, rock mechanics, and slope stability,Geological Engineering provides an extensivefoundation in the basic concepts of soil mechanicsand hydrogeology, while also including stat-of-theare applications. In addition to its superb academ-ic features, the book will also be useful for practic-ing engineering geologist and those involved inthe design and construction of foundations.

Catalog no. SW3524, November 2010, 700 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-41352-7, $119.95 / £76.99


Single Piles andPile GroupsUnder LateralLoading2nd EditionLymon C. ReeseUniversity of Austin, Texas, USA

Willem van ImpeGhent University, Belgium

This second edition of Single Piles and PileGroups Under Lateral Loading includes newhomework problems and new and updated casestudies. The book is a details methods of analysisfor single piles and groups of piles under lateralloading. The method makes use of load-transferfunctions that are based heavily on testing resultsof full-scale, heavily instrumented piles under care-fully controlled lateral loading, coupled with theuse of soil-structured interaction mechanics.

Catalog no. Y008701, November 2010, 480 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-46988-3, $119.95 / £76.99


Rotary Drillingand Blasting inLarge SurfaceMinesBalchandra V. Gokhale

Both new and classic concepts, techniques andmethodologies are presented in Rotary Drillingand Blasting in Large Surface Mines, supportedby numerous illustrations and practical data. Intwenty six chapters, drilling, surface blasting, rock,rock mass, machinery, tools and accessories, com-pressors and air flushing, computing and practiceare many other relevant subjects are treated. Thefirst sixteen chapters deal with rotary blastholedrilling, and the ten next chapters with the con-cepts, theory and practice of blasting. Fourteenappendices provide vital technical and commercialdata.

Catalog no. K11538, December 2010, 450 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-87878-4, $159.95 / £99.00


Fundamentals ofPlasticity inGeomechanicsS. PietruszczakMcMaster University, Hamilton,Ontario, Canada

This book presents a concise, yet reasonably com-prehensive, overview of fundamental notions ofplasticity in relation to geomechanics and shouldbe perceived as an introduction to the broad areaof ineleastic response of geomaterials.The textexamines basic concepts and fundamental postu-lates, and reviews the elastic-perfectly plastic for-mulations in geomechanics. The text discussesisotropic strain-hardening framework and isotrop-ic-kinematic hardening rules, the latter formulatedwithin the context of bounding surface plasticity.Introductory mathematics and applications areintroduced. The inherent anisotropy and experi-mental response of geomaterials is discussed.

Catalog no. K11839, September 2010, 206 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-58516-3, $69.95 / £44.99


Geotechnical Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit


Modern WellDesignSecond EditionBernt S. AadnoyUniversity of Stavanger, Norway

Modern Well Design, Second Edition presents aunified approach to the well design process anddrilling operations. Following an introduction tothe field, text addresses drilling fluids, as well asoptimal mud weight, hole cleaning, hydraulicoptimization, and methods to handle circulationlosses. A relatively large chapter on geomechanicsfollows, presenting methods for wellbore fractureand collapse modeling, including methods tointerpret caliper logs. Further chapters discuss dataand design strategies, and actual well design inextreme conditions.

Catalog no. K12196, September 2010, 314 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-88467-9, $149.95 / £95.00

The GlobalPositioningSystem andArcGISThird EditionMichael KennedyUniversity of Kentucky,Lexington, USA

Retaining the in-depth description of GPS and GIS,the third edition of The Global PositioningSystem and ArcGIS includes a discussion of gen-eral procedures that allows the text to be applica-ble to a variety of hardware/software products. Itdetails how to use GPS as a source of input to GISregardless of the data capture mechanism.Updates to this edition include ArcGis Desktop,ESRI software, and an accompanying CD with GPSdata sets for exercises in Trimble SSF and ESRIshapefile formats.

Catalog no. 87991, January 2010, 312 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4200-8799-4, $99.95 / £63.99


Soil and Rock Description inEngineering PracticeDavid NorburyConsultant; Director, David Norbury Limited, Reading, UK

Field logs often provide the only record of pre-construction tracts of land. It is essential that log-gers have ample knowledge and be cognizant ofcommon descriptors so that records are accurateand easily comparable one to the next. Soil andRock Description in Engineering Practiceenables engineers to record variations in agrono-my and geology worthy of note, including color,texture, density, and weatherization. An invaluableguide for beginning and practiced engineers, thetext covers classification schemes, and theapproach to the description process itself.

Catalog no. N10243, July 2010, 288 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-3634-7, $139.95


Soil Physics withHYDRUSModeling andApplicationsDavid E. RadcliffeUniversity of Georgia, Athens,USA

Jiri SimunekUniversity of California, Riverside,USA

One of the most advanced and popular numericalcomputer models in soil physics, the HYDRUSseries is used for the analysis of water flow andsolute transport in variably saturated porousmedia. Soil Physics with HYDRUS demonstratestwo-and three- dimensional simulations and com-puter animations of numerical models using thesoftware. This volume includes numerous exam-ples and homework problems. It provides studentswith access to the base HYDRUS program as wellas the Rosetta Database, which contains large vol-umes of information on the hydraulic properties ofsoils.

Catalog no. 7380X, May 2010, 388 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-7380-5, $99.95 / £63.99

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Geotechnical Engineering

Basic GISCoordinatesSecond EditionJan Van SickleVan Sickle LLC, Denver,Colorado, USA

This second edition of the bestselling Basic GISCoordinates covers ellipsoids, datums, and planecoordinates as they are used in GIS and GPS, aswell as the geoid and the concepts of elevation.The author explains complex topics while avoid-ing getting bogged down in the mathematics.The new edition expands the material withupdates that have occurred in the field during thepast five years, especially in the World GeodeticSystem and International Terrestrial ReferenceFrame, and includes the upcoming GNSS constel-lations and coordinate implications.

Catalog no. 92316, April 2010, 200 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-9231-8, $89.95 / £57.99

Fractured RockHydraulicsFernando Olavo FrancissPROGEO Consultoria deEngenharia Ltda., Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

This advanced-level introduction provides tools tosolve practical engineering problems. After cover-ing fundamentals of fractured rock hydraulicsunder a tensor approach, the author presentssome key concepts about approximate solutions.The author introduces a few data analysis tech-niques applied to groundwater modeling andunique 3D finite difference algorithms to simulatepractical problems concerning the hydraulicbehavior of saturated, heterogeneous and ran-domly fractured rock masses without restriction tothe geometry and properties of their discontinu-ities.

Catalog no. K10975, January 2010, 188 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-87418-2, $89.95 / £57.99

GeotechnicalSlope AnalysisRobin ChowdhuryEmeritus Professor, University ofWollongong, NSW, Australia

Phil FlentjeUniversity of Wollongong, NSW,Australia

Gautam BhattacharyaBengal Engineering University,West Bengal, India

This reference gives a complete overview of thedevelopments in slope engineering in the last 30years. Its multi-disciplinary, critical approach andthe chapters devoted to seismic effects and prob-abilistic approaches and reliability analyses.Subjects discussed are: the understanding of slopeperformance, mechanisms of instability, require-ments for modeling and analysis, and new tech-niques for observation and modeling. All theory issupported by numerous examples.

Catalog no. SW9740, January 2010, 762 pp.,ISBN: 978-0-415-46974-6, $179.95 / £109.00

GeologyBasics for EngineersAurele ParriauxFederal Institute of Technology(EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland

Geology: Basics for Engineers presents the phys-ical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, thenature and the properties of rocks and unconsoli-dated deposits/sediments, the action of water,how the earth is transformed by various phenom-ena at different scales of time and space, and howto harness or avoid these phenomena in engineer-ing. This instructional text imparts knowledge andpractical experience to engineering students aswell as to experts in the fields of civil engineering,environmental engineering, earth sciences, archi-tecture, land and urban planning.

Catalog no. SW6165, January 2010, 590 pp.,Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46165-8, $109.95 / £66.99


Transportation Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit


Stone MatrixAsphaltTheory and PracticeKrzysztof BlazejowskiTransportation EngineeringConsultant, Jozefow, Poland

A comprehensive and accessible introduction,Stone Matrix Asphalt presents the history, mate-rials, requirements, properties, and applications ofStone Matrix Asphalt (SMA). Detailing the require-ments and materials for the mix, including asphaltcement, aggregates, and stabilizers, the authordiscusses design processes and implementation,alternative design methods, and best practicesand production processes both in the U.S. andabroad. It covers issues specific to the mix, such aspermanent deformation and fatigue resistance, aswell as special applications of SMA, includingbridge deck surfacing, airfields, and runways.

Catalog no. K11037, October 2010, 343 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-1971-5, $129.95 / £82.00

Design ofModern SteelRailway BridgesJohn F. UnsworthCanadian Pacific Railway,Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This book examines modern methods and technol-ogy used in the analysis and design of new steelsuperstructures for modern railway bridges. Whilethe focus is on replacement superstructures, manyof the principles and methods outlined will also beuseful in the maintenance and rehabilitation ofexisting steel railway bridges. The author providesintroductory and general information while exam-ining topics including load development, structuralanalysis, and the detailed design of modern steelrailway bridge superstructures.

Catalog no. 82175, March 2010, 453 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-8217-3, $129.95 / £82.00

IntelligentTransportationSystemsSmart and GreenInfrastructure Design,Second EditionSumit GhoshStevens Institute of Technology,Hoboken, New Jersey, USA

Tony S. LeeYahoo, Palo Alto, California, USA

Mechanical Engineering Series

The second edition of a bestseller, IntelligentTransportation Systems critically examines thesuccesses and failures of intelligent transportationsystems (ITS) during the course of the pastdecade. The new subtitle reflects this edition’sfocus on meta-principles critical to moving aheadand successfully building ITS infrastructures thattake advantage of smart/green technologies. Thebook identifies challenging problems that must beaddressed in order to bring real quality of lifeimprovements and positively impact our environ-mental and civil infrastructure systems.

Catalog no. K11587, May 2010, 217 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-3518-0, $119.95 / £76.99


Statistical andEconometricMethods forTransportationData AnalysisSecond EditionSimon P. WashingtonUniversity of California, Berkeley, USA

Matthew G. KarlaftisNational Technical University of Athens, Greece

Fred L. ManneringPurdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Now in its second edition, Statistical andEconometric Methods from TransportationData Analysis describes tools that are commonlyused in transportation data analysis. The text pro-vides statistical fundamentals followed by continu-ous dependent variable models. With a focus oncount and discrete dependent variable models,mixed logit models, logistic regression, andordered probability models populate the secondhalf of the text, followed by additional coverage ofBayesian statistical modeling, including Bayesianinference and Markov chain Monte Carlo meth-ods. Data sets are available online.

Catalog no. C285X, December 2010, 600 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4200-8285-2, $99.95 / £63.99

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Transportation Engineering


TransportationStatistics andMicrosimulationClifford SpiegelmanTexas A&M University, CollegeStation, USA

Eun Sug ParkTexas Transportation Institute,College Station, USA

Laurence R. RilettUniversity of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA

Transportation Statistics and Microsimulationuses statistical concepts to provides the necessarybackground for making informed transportation-related decisions. It explains the why behind stan-dard methods and uses real-world transportationexamples and problems to illustrate key concepts.The book covers the statistical techniques mostfrequently employed by transportation and pave-ment professionals. To familiarize readers with theunderlying theory and equations, it contains prob-lems that can be solved using SAS’s JMP package,which enables users to interactively explore andvisualize data.

Catalog no. K10032, October 2010, 383 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0023-2, $59.95 / £36.99

Fatigue inRailwayInfrastructureEdited by

A.M. RobinsonThe Advanced Railway ResearchCentre

A. KapoorUniversity of Sheffield, UK

Fatigue in Railway Infrastructure provides anoverview of the subject, discussing fatigue at thewheel-rail interface and in other aspects of infra-structure and safety. It then considers fatigue inrailway and tramway track, looking at causes ofpotential failure in such areas as rails and fixings. Italso reviews failure points in structures such asembankments and cuttings. The book then ana-lyzes fatigue in railway bridges, looking in particu-lar at masonry arch bridges and metal and con-crete bridges.

Catalog no. N10123, January 2010, 128 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-1873-2, $179.95 / £115.00

Wheel/RailInterfaceHandbookEdited by

R. LewisSheffield University, UK

U. OlofssonKTH Machine Design, Sweden

Wheel/Rail Interface Handbook discusses thesafety critical role and challenges of the wheel/railinterface. The book provides the fundamentals ofcontact mechanics, wear, fatigue, and lubricationas well as state-of-the-art research and emergingtechnologies. It contains an overview of industrialpractice from several different regions of theworld, illustrating the challenges in managing thewheel/rail interface in a variety of environmentsand circumstances. It provides insight into thewheel/rail issues that have a major influence onthe running of a reliable, efficient, and safe railway.

Catalog no. N10033, January 2010, 856 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0146-8, $309.95 / £195.00

Optimal TrafficControlUrban IntersectionsSlobodan Guberinic,Gordana Senborn andBratislav LazicInstitute MIHAILO PUPIN,Belgrade, Serbia

Optimal Traffic Control uses control theory,graph theory, and combinatorial optimization toderive a full mathematical description of the trafficcontrol problem and enumerate all combinatorialaspects. The result is a set of algorithmic solutionsto various problems along with a computer imple-mentation that readers can incorporate into realtraffic control systems for immediate results. Thebook concludes by evaluating the influence onintersection performance of the choice of a com-plete set of signal groups.

Catalog no. 62689, 2008, 368 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-6268-7, $139.95 / £90.00


General Reference Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit


Energy Audit ofBuilding SystemsAn EngineeringApproach, SecondEditionMoncef KrartiUniversity of Colorado atBoulder, USA

Mechanical Engineering Series

The second edition of a bestseller, Energy Auditof Building Systems offers a systematic engineer-ing approach to a wide range of measures andopportunities for saving energy and reducingoperating costs in residential and commercialbuildings. The author provides general tools, sim-plified calculations, and procedures for performingbuilding energy audits, including economic analy-sis, building energy simulation, and field testing.His focus then turns to various subsystems, explor-ing the techniques and technologies that canreduce energy use or operating costs.

Catalog no. K11410, November 2010, 454 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-2871-7, $129.95 / £82.00

Life CycleCosting forEngineersB.S. DhillonUniversity of Ottawa, Canada

In today’s global economy, the procurement deci-sions of many engineering products are not entire-ly made on initial procurement costs alone but ontheir life cycle costs. Past experiences indicate thatproduct ownership cost often exceeds the pro-curement cost. Eliminating the need to consultmany different sources, Life Cycle Costing forEngineers brings together useful, up-to-date lifecycle costing concepts for various industrial sec-tors. It explores the economics of life cycle costing,presents introductory engineering reliability andmaintainability concepts, and includes numerousexamples with solutions.

Catalog no. K10869, January 2010, 224 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-1688-2, $99.95 / £63.99

Sustainabilityand DesignEthicsTom RussCollege of Southern Maryland,La Plata, USA

Major revisions of traditional professional codes ofethics are required to reflect emerging environ-mental concerns and the corresponding standardsof care and professional practice. Drawing on theauthor's experience as a design professional andbusiness ethics studies, Sustainability and DesignEthics explores the underlying ethical reasoninginvolved in contemporary design. It considers theimplications of sustainability from traditional ethi-cal points of view and provides a balanced analy-sis of how a sustainable standard of care might becomposed.

Catalog no. K10423, March 2010, 176 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0854-2, $59.95 / £38.99

CompressorHandbookPrinciples andPracticeAnthony GiampaoloMSME, PE

Compressor Handbook provides a practical intro-duction to dynamic and positive displacementcompressors, including compressor performance,operation, and problem awareness. It covers whatis needed to select, operate, and troubleshootcompressors. Complete with real-life case histo-ries, the book demonstrates investigative tech-niques for identifying and isolating various con-tributing causes, including design deficiencies,manufacturing defects, adverse environmentalconditions, operating errors, and intentional orunintentional changes of the machinery processthat usually precede failure.

Catalog no. N10112, July 2010, 300 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1571-7, $124.95 / £82.00

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General Reference Engineering


Strength of MaterialsB.S. Basavarajaiah and P. MahadevappaNational Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India

Strength of Materials presents the principlesbehind the methods of solving problems on mate-rial behavior when subjected to different types ofloads. It elucidates the subject in simple language,lucidly and clearly, to enable students to compre-hend the principles involved. Each chapter dealswith definitions, analysis of problems involved,derivations and applications. It contains more than380 worked examples and exercises have alsobeen added at the end of each chapter for prac-tice. S.I units have been adopted throughout.

Catalog no. N10325, September 2010, 768 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-5419-8, $169.95 / £108.00

Social-EnvironmentalPlanningThe Design InterfaceBetween Everyforestand EverycityChris MaserConsultant, Corvallis, Oregon,USA

Social Environmental Planning focuses on cityand community based solutions to sustainabilityproblems. The author suggests that beforechanges can be made, society must adapt to thecircumstances of global climate change as theyalready are and determine what we can do to sta-bilize global climate as effectively and quickly aspossible. He explores the reciprocal interfacebetween communities and the landscape, andexplains that when this interface includes govern-ment agencies, it can create solutions that work.

Catalog no. K10751, January 2010, 328 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-1459-8, $69.95 / £44.99

Forensic PolymerEngineeringEdited by

Peter Rhys Lewis andColin GaggOpen University, Milton Keynes,UK

Forensic Polymer Engineering illustrates the dif-ferent types of failures with a series of detailed casestudies. It begins with an introduction to forensicpolymer engineering and an overview of theexamination and analysis of failed polymer com-ponents. The case studies cover the forensic inves-tigation of polymeric medical devices, polymerstorage tanks, small polymeric containers, polymerpipes and fittings, polymeric seals, polymeric toolsand ladders, polymer components in transportapplications, and polymer consumer products.The final chapter examines the various causes forproduct failures.

Catalog no. N10190, March 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3114-4, $249.95 / £155.00

City Planning forCivil Engineers,EnvironmentalEngineers, andSurveyorsKurt W. BauerSE Wisconsin Regional PlanningCommission, USA

An introduction to land use planning, CityPlanning for Civil Engineers, EnvironmentalEngineers, and Surveyors stresses basic conceptsand principles involved in urban planning as mostwidely practiced, particularly in small and mediumsized communities. It also presents zoning, landsubdivision control, and official mapping whilealso discussing factors in good land subdivisiondesign and improvement. In addition, the textillustrates the importance of good mapping andcontrol surveys for planning. Written from the per-spective that cities are social and economic as wellas physical entities, the book offers a historicalcontext for urban planning.

Catalog no. K10440, January 2010, 368 pp.,ISBN: 978-1-4398-0892-4, $89.95 / £57.99














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