Civics & Economics Chapter 8

Post on 14-May-2015

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Transcript of Civics & Economics Chapter 8



Throughout the next few weeks we will be taking a closer look at the Constitution and how it developed the ideas of Checks and Balances and Separation of Powers.

Divide the powers of government – so no one becomes too powerful / avoid misuse of power

3 Branches – Each keeps the others in check

Introduction – What it hopes to achieve

To Make Laws

To Enforce Laws

To Interpret the Laws

This is considered the UPPER house. 2 senators from each state are elected to 6 year terms. These terms are staggered – roughly 1/3 every 2 years.

The LOWER house. Made up of 435 members. Each state is apportioned a number of Reps based on population. States are divided into districts. The people within a Reps district are called CONSTITUENTS.

North Carolina has 13 districts

Johnston County is in the second districtThe seat is currently held by democrat, Bob Etheridge

Congressional districts are drawn up by State Legislatures……….Can you see a possible issue?

Political parties try to draw lines to favor their own party…..this is called GERRYMANDERING. The NC 12th district is an example of this….

In the past districts were unequal in population. Rural areas had on a few constituents whereas urban districts had many more.

Supreme Court ruled that districts had to be equal in terms of population

Speaker of the House

Majority Leader Minority Leader

Chief Whip Chief Whip

Party Whip Party Whip Vice President

President Pro Tempore

Majority Leader Minority Leader

More important in the House, Why?

Always there

Limited period / something special

Senate and House resolve issue with Bill

Involve both houses – just a few

(Enumerated, or Expressed Powers)

You can find the following in Article I of the US Constitution.

Remember – Only Congress has this power.

Article I, Section 8 , Clause 18

Accuse government officials of misconduct while in office

Impeachment is rare – usually federal judges.

-There have been two Presidents impeached =

Andrew Johnson 1868 Bill Clinton 1998

Both cases involved partisan politics – both were acquitted by the Senate.

Congress can’t suspend Habeas Corpus – Accused must be brought before a judge and charges explained.

Laws that punish the accused without trial

Acts committed before it was a crime.

Casework – looking after people from your home district

Working with LOBBYISTS – people hired to influence government.

A military bill goes through Congress. A senator refuses to sign unless $10 mil is given to his state for bridge construction

Unrelated items added are called - Riders

House of Commons

First to handle Bills involving money/revenue

Reelected every 2 years = more aware of needs their constituents

Represent a much smaller group of people