CIUS 2002 Section VI - Law Enforcement Personnel ...LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL 323 Nation’s sworn...

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Transcript of CIUS 2002 Section VI - Law Enforcement Personnel ...LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL 323 Nation’s sworn...



Law Enforcement Personnel

Law enforcement personnelprovide services in cities, colleges anduniversities, suburban counties, ruralcounties, and states, each populationwith its own unique law enforcementneeds. Even within a particularcommunity type, such as cities, thelaw enforcement needs vary fromlocale to locale. For example, a smalltown positioned between two largercities may need more law enforce-ment personnel than a same-sizedcommunity that does not have anearby urban center. A city with legalgambling establishments may poseunique law enforcement challengeswhen compared to a similarly popu-lated city with a neighboring militarybase.

Not only are the law enforce-ment needs of various locales differ-ent, but the functions of the officersserving those areas differ as well. Insome areas, the county sheriff’s offi-cers may be responsible for a varietyof civil functions such as tax collec-tion; they may also be the enforce-ment authority for local and statecourts; and they may administer jailfacilities. In other locales, officersmay be the only law enforcementagency in the county and, thus,responsible for providing all neces-sary services across what may be alarge geographical area. State policeand highway patrol officers may focusprimarily on traffic enforcement onhighways and interstates or investiga-tive responsibilities of violent crimesthroughout the state. Data users mustconsider the different service require-ments and duties when attempting anycomparison of law enforcementemployee rates.

The data presented in the follow-ing tables should be viewed as guide-lines or averages; they should not beconsidered recommended staffing

levels. Only after careful study andanalysis of a myriad of conditionsaffecting service requirements can theappropriate personnel needs of anyjurisdiction be determined.

The average number of lawenforcement personnel collectivelyemployed by agencies within each ofthe UCR population groups arepresented in Tables 70–75. Table 76reports the number of law enforce-ment employees working within statelaw enforcement agencies for eachstate; Tables 77–81 present thenumber of law enforcement employ-ees for states, cities, colleges anduniversities, and suburban and ruralcounties. Table 82 offers data fromcounty and city agencies serving theNation’s transit systems, parks andforests, schools and school districts,hospitals, etc., that usually shareconcurrent jurisdiction with local lawenforcement.

Law Enforcement Rate

On average, there were 3.5 full-time law enforcement employees, offi-cers and civilians, for every 1,000inhabitants in the Nation in 2002.(Based on Table 74.) In the Nationduring 2002, a total of 13,981 city,college and university, county, andstate police agencies employed665,555 full-time officers and 291,947civilians providing law enforcementservices for more than 271 millioninhabitants. (See Table 74.)

Collectively, cities in the UnitedStates reported 3.1 law enforcementemployees per 1,000 inhabitants in2002. The highest average amongcities, 4.1 law enforcement employeesper 1,000 in population, was recordedin those with fewer than 10,000 inpopulation. Those cities with a popu-lation of 250,000 or more inhabitants

had an average of 3.9 law enforce-ment employees per 1,000 inhabitants.(See Table 70.) Suburban countiesreported the highest rate, an averageof 4.7 law enforcement employees.Rural counties had an average of 4.2law enforcement employees per 1,000inhabitants. (Based on Table 74.)

By region, the cities in theNortheast and the South each posted alaw enforcement employee rate of 3.5per 1,000 in population. Cities in theMidwest recorded a rate of 2.8; incities in the West, the rate was 2.4.(See Table 70.)

Sworn Personnel

When considering only swornofficers, the Nation’s cities recorded arate of 2.3 officers per 1,000 inhabi-tants. By population grouping, ratesranged from 1.8 officers per 1,000inhabitants for cities with 25,000 to99,999 in population to 3.2 officersfor cities with fewer than 10,000inhabitants. (See Table 71.)Suburban counties reported an aver-age of 2.7 sworn officers per 1,000;rural counties had an average of 2.5.(Based on Table 74.)

In terms of geographic location,cities in the Northeast had the highestratio of sworn officers to populationwith 2.7 officers for every 1,000persons. The South followed with 2.6officers for every 1,000 inhabitants,and the Midwest had a rate of 2.2officers. The West had a rate of 1.7sworn officers per 1,000 inhabitants.(See Table 71.)

Males comprised the majority ofsworn officers, 88.7 percent, nation-ally and also in cities collectively. Inrural counties, 92.1 percent of swornofficers were males; 86.9 percent insuburban counties were males.Females made up 11.3 percent of the


Nation’s sworn officers in 2002.Cities with a population of 1 millioninhabitants or more had the highestpercentage of sworn female officers at17.5 percent. (See Table 74.)

Civilian Employees

Civilians made up 30.5 percentof the total national law enforcementwork force in 2002. In cities collec-tively, they represented 23.4 percentof law enforcement employees. Insuburban counties, civilians consti-tuted 41.0 percent of the law enforce-

ment workforce; in rural counties,they accounted for 39.4 percent. (SeeTable 75.) Females comprised 62.1percent of all civilian employees.(See Table 74.)

Law Enforcement Officers Killedand Assaulted

In 2002, 56 law enforcementofficers were feloniously killed whilecarrying out their duties, whichdecreased from 2001 when 70 officerswere feloniously slain. The 2001figure does not include the 72 officers

who lost their lives in the terroristattacks on September 11, 2001.

Accidental law enforcementdeaths also decreased from 2001—77officers were accidentally killed in2002; 78 officers lost their lives inaccidents in 2001. More extensivedata on line-of-duty deaths as well asassaults on city, county, state, andfederal officers is contained in theUniform Crime Reports annual publi-cation Law Enforcement OfficersKilled and Assaulted.


Table 70

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees1 as of October 31, 2002Number and Rate per 1,000 Inhabitantsby Geographic Region and Division by Population Group[2002 estimated population]

Geographic region/division

Group VI(7,509 cities,



Group V(1,763 cities,

10,000to 24,999;population27,930,903)

Group IV(760 cities,

25,000to 49,999;population26,374,112)

Group III(389 cities,

50,000to 99,999;population26,808,264)

Group II(162 cities,

100,000to 249,999;population24,457,039)

Group I(70 cities,250,000

and over;population52,879,728)

Total(10,653 cities;


TOTAL CITIES: 10,653 cities; population 182,456,027:Number of employees 558,892 205,573 61,739 62,203 61,343 68,513 99,521Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 3.1 3.9 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.5 4.1

New England: 758 cities; population 12,313,029:Number of employees 32,668 2,771 4,785 5,904 6,782 7,061 5,365 Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 2.7 4.6 3.6 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.9

Middle Atlantic: 1,567 cities; population 29,933,085:Number of employees 114,757 64,343 4,745 8,753 11,751 12,378 12,787Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 3.8 6.3 3.4 2.6 2.4 2.1 3.0

NORTHEAST: 2,325 cities; population 42,246,114:Number of employees 147,425 67,114 9,530 14,657 18,533 19,439 18,152Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 3.5 6.2 3.5 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.9

East North Central: 1,991 cities; population 31,512,235:Number of employees 91,525 31,322 7,334 10,367 12,012 14,769 15,721Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 2.9 4.4 2.5 2.2 2.1 2.3 3.3

West North Central: 1,159 cities; population 12,573,771:Number of employees 31,694 7,713 3,038 3,702 4,055 4,828 8,358Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 2.5 3.5 2.2 1.8 2.0 2.2 3.1

MIDWEST: 3,150 cities; population 44,086,006:Number of employees 123,219 39,035 10,372 14,069 16,067 19,597 24,079Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 2.8 4.2 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.3 3.2

South Atlantic: 1,660 cities; population 20,995,073:Number of employees 83,945 21,293 12,207 11,094 7,654 10,254 21,443Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 4.0 4.5 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.3 7.1

East South Central: 941 cities; population 8,764,850:Number of employees 32,425 6,860 4,348 2,045 3,551 5,480 10,141Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 3.7 3.4 3.5 3.3 2.9 3.1 5.2

West South Central: 1,210 cities; population 21,822,633:Number of employees 63,499 23,529 7,695 6,213 5,833 6,706 13,523Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 2.9 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.5 2.7 4.9

SOUTH: 3,811 cities; population 51,582,556:Number of employees 179,869 51,682 24,250 19,352 17,038 22,440 45,107Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 3.5 3.4 2.9 2.8 2.8 3.1 5.8

Mountain: 593 cities; population 13,392,422:Number of employees 35,833 14,733 5,979 3,552 2,968 2,915 5,686Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 2.7 2.8 2.2 2.1 2.3 2.5 4.3

Pacific: 774 cities; population 31,148,929:Number of employees 72,546 33,009 11,608 10,573 6,737 4,122 6,497Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 2.3 2.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.1 4.8

WEST: 1,367 cities; population 44,541,351:Number of employees 108,379 47,742 17,587 14,125 9,705 7,037 12,183Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 2.4 2.7 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.2 4.6

Population group

Suburban Area2: 6,528 agencies; population 108,747,307: County3: 3,328 agencies; population 88,784,510:Number of employees 418,093 Number of employees 398,610Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 3.8 Average number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants 4.5

1 Full-time law enforcement employees include civilians.2 Suburban area includes law enforcement agencies in cities with less than 50,000 inhabitants and county law enforcement agencies that are within a Metropolitan Statistical Area(see Appendix III). Suburban area excludes all metropolitan agencies associated with a central city. The agencies associated with suburban areas also appear in other groups withinthis table.

3 County is a combination of both suburban and rural counties.


Table 71

Full-time Law Enforcement Officers as of October 31, 2002Number and Rate per 1,000 Inhabitantsby Geographic Region and Division by Population Group[2002 estimated population]

Geographic region/division

Group VI(7,509 cities,



Group V(1,763 cities,

10,000to 24,999;population27,930,903)

Group IV(760 cities,

25,000to 49,999;population26,374,112)

Group III(389 cities,

50,000to 99,999;population26,808,264)

Group II(162 cities,

100,000to 249,999;population24,457,039)

Group I(70 cities,250,000

and over;population52,879,728)

Total(10,653 cities;


TOTAL CITIES: 10,653 cities; population 182,456,027:Number of officers 428,365 154,116 46,124 47,762 47,960 54,413 77,990 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.3 2.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.9 3.2

New England: 758 cities; population 12,313,029:Number of officers 26,633 2,143 3,855 5,042 5,661 5,750 4,182 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.2 3.6 2.9 2.1 1.9 1.8 2.3

Middle Atlantic: 1,567 cities; population 29,933,085:Number of officers 89,216 46,603 3,959 7,236 9,818 10,555 11,045 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 3.0 4.6 2.8 2.2 2.0 1.8 2.5

NORTHEAST: 2,325 cities; population 42,246,114:Number of officers 115,849 48,746 7,814 12,278 15,479 16,305 15,227 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.7 4.5 2.8 2.1 2.0 1.8 2.5

East North Central: 1,991 cities; population 31,512,235:Number of officers 74,325 26,552 5,930 8,079 9,365 11,664 12,735Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.4 3.7 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.7

West North Central: 1,159 cities; population 12,573,771:Number of officers 24,577 5,480 2,384 2,907 3,143 3,803 6,860Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.0 2.5 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.8 2.5

MIDWEST: 3,150 cities; population 44,086,006:Number of officers 98,902 32,032 8,314 10,986 12,508 15,467 19,595 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.2 3.4 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.8 2.6

South Atlantic: 1,660 cities; population 20,995,073:Number of officers 63,780 15,791 9,093 8,399 5,907 8,012 16,578 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 3.0 3.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.6 5.5

East South Central: 941 cities; population 8,764,850:Number of officers 24,583 4,914 3,124 1,563 2,798 4,253 7,931Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.4 4.1

West South Central: 1,210 cities; population 21,822,633:Number of officers 48,083 18,353 5,747 4,759 4,340 5,135 9,749Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.2 2.2 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.1 3.5

SOUTH: 3,811 cities; population 51,582,556:Number of officers 136,446 39,058 17,964 14,721 13,045 17,400 34,258 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.6 2.6 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.4 4.4

Mountain: 593 cities; population 13,392,422:Number of officers 25,099 9,989 4,129 2,535 2,122 2,159 4,165Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 1.9 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.9 3.1

Pacific: 774 cities; population 31,148,929:Number of officers 52,069 24,291 7,903 7,242 4,806 3,082 4,745 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 1.7 2.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 3.5

WEST: 1,367 cities; population 44,541,351:Number of officers 77,168 34,280 12,032 9,777 6,928 5,241 8,910 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 1.7 2.0 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.7 3.3

Population group

Suburban Area1: 6,528 agencies; population 108,747,307: County2: 3,328 agencies; population 88,784,510:Number of officers 275,584 Number of officers 237,190Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.5 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.7

1 Suburban area includes law enforcement agencies in cities with less than 50,000 inhabitants and county law enforcement agencies that are within a Metropolitan Statistical Area(see Appendix III). Suburban area excludes all metropolitan agencies associated with a central city. The agencies associated with suburban areas also appear in other groups withinthis table.

2 County is a combination of both suburban and rural counties.


Table 72

Agencies with Full-time Law Enforcement Employees1 as of October 31, 2002Range in Rate per 1,000 Inhabitantsby Population Group[2002 estimated population]

Rate range

Group VI(6,637 cities,



Group V(1,763 cities,

10,000to 24,999;population27,930,903)

Group IV(760 cities,

25,000to 49,999;population26,374,112)

Group III(389 cities,

50,000to 99,999;population26,808,264)

Group II(162 cities,

100,000to 249,999;population24,457,039)

Group I(70 cities,250,000

and over;population52,879,728)

Total cities2

(9,781 cities;population


.1-.5 Number 87 – – 1 3 7 76 Percent 0.9 – – 0.3 0.4 0.4 1.1

.6-1.0 Number 381 – – 2 11 39 329 Percent 3.9 – – 0.5 1.4 2.2 5.0

1.1-1.5 Number 1,007 – 11 34 82 158 722 Percent 10.3 – 6.8 8.7 10.8 9.0 10.9

1.6-2.0 Number 1,752 6 46 130 196 368 1,006 Percent 17.9 8.6 28.4 33.4 25.8 20.9 15.2

2.1-2.5 Number 1,982 18 43 117 225 480 1,099 Percent 20.3 25.7 26.5 30.1 29.6 27.2 16.6

2.6-3.0 Number 1,481 17 25 51 129 361 898 Percent 15.1 24.3 15.4 13.1 17.0 20.5 13.5

3.1-3.5 Number 958 9 17 24 71 164 673 Percent 9.8 12.9 10.5 6.2 9.3 9.3 10.1

3.6-4.0 Number 637 5 13 15 23 100 481 Percent 6.5 7.1 8.0 3.9 3.0 5.7 7.2

4.1-4.5 Number 420 3 3 7 13 38 356 Percent 4.3 4.3 1.9 1.8 1.7 2.2 5.4

4.6-5.0 Number 263 5 4 6 4 22 222 Percent 2.7 7.1 2.5 1.5 0.5 1.2 3.3

5.1 and over Number 813 7 – 2 3 26 775 Percent 8.3 10.0 – 0.5 0.4 1.5 11.7

Total Cities Number 9,781 70 162 389 760 1,763 6,637 Percent3 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

1 Full-time law enforcement employees include civilians.2 The number of agencies used to compile these figures differs from the other Law Enforcement Employee tables because agencies with no resident population are excluded from thistable. These agencies include those associated with universities and colleges (see Table 79) and other agencies (see Table 82), as well as some state agencies that have concurrentjurisdiction with other local law enforcement.

3 Because of rounding, the percentages may not add to 100.0.


Table 73

Agencies with Full-time Law Enforcement Officers as of October 31, 2002Range in Rate per 1,000 Inhabitantsby Population Group[2002 estimated population]

Rate range

Group VI(6,637 cities,



Group V(1,763 cities,

10,000to 24,999;population27,930,903)

Group IV(760 cities,

25,000to 49,999;population26,374,112)

Group III(389 cities,

50,000to 99,999;population26,808,264)

Group II(162 cities,

100,000to 249,999;population24,457,039)

Group I(70 cities,250,000

and over;population52,879,728)

Total cities1

(9,781 cities;population


.1-.5 Number 105 – – 1 3 9 92 Percent 1.1 – – 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.4

.6-1.0 Number 524 1 7 21 43 78 374 Percent 5.4 1.4 4.3 5.4 5.7 4.4 5.6

1.1-1.5 Number 1,811 7 59 138 223 369 1,015 Percent 18.5 10.0 36.4 35.5 29.3 20.9 15.3

1.6-2.0 Number 2,528 26 40 124 270 655 1,413 Percent 25.8 37.1 24.7 31.9 35.5 37.2 21.3

2.1-2.5 Number 1,865 13 31 65 135 374 1,247 Percent 19.1 18.6 19.1 16.7 17.8 21.2 18.8

2.6-3.0 Number 1,070 9 11 22 58 168 802 Percent 10.9 12.9 6.8 5.7 7.6 9.5 12.1

3.1-3.5 Number 661 4 13 11 21 70 542 Percent 6.8 5.7 8.0 2.8 2.8 4.0 8.2

3.6-4.0 Number 344 2 1 5 6 24 306 Percent 3.5 2.9 0.6 1.3 0.8 1.4 4.6

4.1-4.5 Number 239 3 – 1 – 8 227 Percent 2.4 4.3 – 0.3 – 0.5 3.4

4.6-5.0 Number 150 4 – – – 3 143 Percent 1.5 5.7 – – – 0.2 2.2

5.1 and over Number 484 1 – 1 1 5 476 Percent 4.9 1.4 – 0.3 0.1 0.3 7.2

Total Cities Number 9,781 70 162 389 760 1,763 6,637 Percent2 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

1 The number of agencies used to compile these figures differs from the other Law Enforcement Officer tables because agencies with no resident population are excluded from thistable. These agencies include those associated with universities and colleges (see Table 79) and other agencies (see Table 82), as well as some state agencies that have concurrentjurisdiction with other local law enforcement.

2 Because of rounding, the percentages may not add to 100.0.


TOTAL AGENCIES: 13,981 agencies;population 271,240,537 957,502 73.2 26.8 665,555 88.7 11.3 291,947 37.9 62.1

TOTAL CITIES: 10,653 cities;population 182,456,027 558,892 75.1 24.9 428,365 88.7 11.3 130,527 30.2 69.8

GROUP I70 cities, 250,000 and over;population 52,879,728 205,573 70.5 29.5 154,116 83.5 16.5 51,457 31.8 68.2 10 cities, 1,000,000 and over;

population 24,682,265 112,183 69.6 30.4 83,925 82.5 17.5 28,258 31.4 68.622 cities, 500,000 to 999,999;

population 14,767,287 52,626 72.6 27.4 40,101 84.0 16.0 12,525 36.1 63.9 38 cities, 250,000 to 499,999;

population 13,430,176 40,764 70.4 29.6 30,090 85.6 14.4 10,674 27.8 72.2

GROUP II162 cities, 100,000 to 249,999;

population 24,457,039 61,739 73.2 26.8 46,124 89.0 11.0 15,615 26.4 73.6

GROUP III389 cities, 50,000 to 99,999;

population 26,808,264 62,203 76.3 23.7 47,762 91.3 8.7 14,441 26.9 73.1

GROUP IV760 cities, 25,000 to 49,999;

population 26,374,112 61,343 78.0 22.0 47,960 92.2 7.8 13,383 27.3 72.7

GROUP V1,763 cities, 10,000 to 24,999;

population 27,930,903 68,513 79.4 20.6 54,413 93.1 6.9 14,100 26.5 73.5

GROUP VI7,509 cities, under 10,000;

population 24,005,981 99,521 79.9 20.1 77,990 92.1 7.9 21,531 35.8 64.2


population 57,536,474 268,044 69.8 30.2 158,104 86.9 13.1 109,940 45.3 54.7

RURAL COUNTIES2,364 agencies;

population 31,248,036 130,566 72.1 27.9 79,086 92.1 7.9 51,480 41.5 58.5


6,528 agencies;population 108,747,307 418,093 73.3 26.7 275,584 89.2 10.8 142,509 42.5 57.5


Table 74

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002Percent Male and Femaleby Population Group[2002 estimated population]

Population group Male FemaleTotal

Percentlaw enforcement


1 Suburban area includes law enforcement agencies in cities with less than 50,000 inhabitants and county law enforcement agencies that are within a Metropolitan Statistical Area(see Appendix III). Suburban area excludes all metropolitan agencies associated with a central city. The agencies associated with suburban areas also appear in other groups withinthis table.

Male FemaleTotal


Male FemaleTotal



Table 75

Full-time Civilian Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002Percent of Totalby Population Group[2002 estimated population]

Population group

TOTAL AGENCIES: 13,981 agencies; GROUP IVpopulation 271,240,537 30.5 760 cities, 25,000 to 49,999; population 26,374,112 21.8

TOTAL CITIES: 10,653 cities; GROUP Vpopulation 182,456,027 23.4 1,763 cities, 10,000 to 24,999; population 27,930,903 20.6

GROUP I GROUP VI70 cities, 250,000 and over; population 52,879,728 25.0 7,509 cities, under 10,000; population 24,005,981 21.6

10 cities, 1,000,000 and over; population 24,682,265 25.2 22 cities, 500,000 to 999,999; population 14,767,287 23.8 SUBURBAN COUNTIES38 cities, 250,000 to 499,999; population 13,430,176 26.2 964 agencies; population 57,536,474 41.0

GROUP II RURAL COUNTIES162 cities, 100,000 to 249,999; population 24,457,039 25.3 2,364 agencies; population 31,248,036 39.4


389 cities, 50,000 to 99,999; population 26,808,264 23.2 6,528 agencies; population 108,747,307 34.1


employees Population group



1 Suburban area includes law enforcement agencies in cities with less than 50,000 inhabitants and county law enforcement agencies that are within a Metropolitan Statistical Area(see Appendix III). Suburban area excludes all metropolitan agencies associated with a central city. The agencies associated with suburban areas also appear in other groups withinthis table.


Table 76

Full-time State Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by State

State FemaleMaleFemaleMale


TotalciviliansTotal law

enforcementemployees State FemaleMaleFemaleMale


TotalciviliansTotal law


ALABAMADepartment of Public Safety 1,248 616 15 182 435Other state agencies 230 177 8 7 38

ALASKAState Police 585 323 18 94 150

ARIZONADepartment of Public Safety 1,894 1,013 77 323 481Other state agencies 70 24 5 26 15

CALIFORNIAHighway Patrol 10,317 6,245 602 1,544 1,926Other state agencies 1,151 817 204 51 79

COLORADOState Patrol 962 672 40 67 183Other state agencies 54 39 10 1 4

CONNECTICUTState Police 1,793 1,163 85 237 308Other state agencies 32 23 1 6 2

DELAWAREState Police 859 561 64 98 136Other state agencies 792 437 87 64 204

FLORIDAHighway Patrol 2,126 1,451 183 180 312Other state agencies 1,491 1,040 103 105 243

GEORGIADepartment of Public Safety 1,384 845 27 273 239Other state agencies 1,622 701 57 313 551

IDAHOState Police 330 237 13 8 72

ILLINOISState Police 3,840 1,932 204 637 1,067Other state agencies 398 279 29 37 53

INDIANAState Police 1,916 1,164 66 283 403Other state agencies 7 7 0 0 0

IOWADepartment of Public Safety 894 582 37 107 168

KANSASHighway Patrol 811 506 20 117 168Other state agencies 454 262 14 57 121

KENTUCKYState Police 1,681 907 34 370 370Other state agencies 536 410 11 54 61

LOUISIANAState Police 1,607 974 35 222 376Other state agencies 3 2 0 1 0

MAINEState Police 478 307 20 64 87Other state agencies 130 32 2 48 48

MARYLANDState Police 2,356 1,425 153 400 378Other state agencies 1,835 1,032 188 345 270

MASSACHUSETTSState Police 2,742 2,135 219 198 190

MICHIGANState Police 2,956 1,792 243 404 517Other state agencies 20 17 3 0 0

MINNESOTAState Patrol 796 474 51 164 107

MISSISSIPPIHighway Safety Patrol 1,016 521 9 151 335

MISSOURIState Highway Patrol 2,167 1,037 38 516 576Other state agencies 519 418 28 33 40

MONTANAHighway Patrol 270 196 9 21 44Other state agencies 15 12 0 0 3

NEBRASKAState Patrol 670 464 21 57 128

NEVADAHighway Patrol 1,249 621 94 139 395

NEW HAMPSHIREState Police 400 259 25 43 73Other state agencies 32 17 3 3 9

NEW JERSEYState Police 3,982 2,638 97 568 679Other state agencies 75 67 7 0 1Port Authority of New Yorkand New Jersey1 656 555 29 19 53

NEW MEXICOState Police 714 556 20 48 90

NEW YORKState Police 5,443 4,202 351 346 544Other state agencies 225 196 12 8 9Port Authority of New Yorkand New Jersey2 880 801 56 1 22

NORTH CAROLINAHighway Patrol 1,804 1,340 28 266 170Other state agencies 1,115 703 128 66 218

NORTH DAKOTAHighway Patrol 187 121 5 45 16

OHIOState Highway Patrol 2,638 1,386 140 511 601Other state agencies 480 404 25 12 39

OKLAHOMADepartment of Public Safety 1,451 830 22 268 331

OREGONState Police 1,160 682 71 136 271


Table 76

Full-time State Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by State—Continued

State FemaleMaleFemaleMale


TotalciviliansTotal law

enforcementemployees State FemaleMaleFemaleMale


TotalciviliansTotal law


PENNSYLVANIAState Police 5,859 3,971 169 834 885Other state agencies 629 479 58 28 64

RHODE ISLANDState Police 257 192 19 27 19Other state agencies 37 26 4 3 4

SOUTH CAROLINAHighway Patrol 1,092 856 27 66 143Other state agencies 354 190 43 84 37

SOUTH DAKOTAHighway Patrol 221 144 1 56 20Other state agencies 129 35 0 33 61

TENNESSEEDepartment of Safety 1,831 868 42 217 704Other state agencies 1,151 591 50 188 322

TEXASDepartment of Public Safety 7,480 2,853 178 1,530 2,919

UTAHHighway Patrol 458 416 11 7 24Other state agencies 176 162 6 2 6

VERMONTState Police 474 274 21 61 118

VIRGINIAState Police 2,466 1,741 76 215 434Other state agencies 873 584 73 92 124

WASHINGTONState Patrol 2,034 1,020 85 422 507

WEST VIRGINIAState Police 938 568 15 110 245Other state agencies 151 137 1 0 13

WISCONSINState Patrol 709 461 68 72 108Other state agencies 302 237 21 22 22

WYOMINGHighway Patrol 320 167 5 65 83

1 Data reported are the number of law enforcement employees for the state of New Jersey.2 Data reported are the number of law enforcement employees for the state of New York.

NOTE: Caution should be used when comparing data from one state to that of another. The responsibilities of the various state police, highway patrol, and department of publicsafety agencies range from full law enforcement duties to only traffic patrol, which can impact both level of employment for agencies as well as the ratio of sworn officers to civil-ians employed. Any valid comparison must take these factors and the other identified crime factors (see page iv) into consideration.


Table 77

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by State[2002 estimated population]

State FemaleMaleFemaleMale


TotalciviliansTotal law

enforcementemployees State FemaleMaleFemaleMale


TotalciviliansTotal law


ALABAMA 297 agencies;population 3,930,746 13,613 8,664 687 1,519 2,743

ALASKA 41 agencies;population 642,955 1,857 1,052 109 219 477

ARIZONA 101 agencies;population 5,443,984 18,731 9,784 1,180 3,228 4,539

ARKANSAS 206 agencies;population 2,710,079 7,638 4,520 544 1,007 1,567

CALIFORNIA 462 agencies;population 30,685,929 113,827 65,011 9,163 14,557 25,096

COLORADO 233 agencies;population 4,403,008 15,489 9,388 1,316 1,404 3,381

CONNECTICUT 97 agencies;population 3,374,179 9,741 7,122 666 708 1,245

DELAWARE 51 agencies;population 807,385 3,101 1,948 258 349 546


population 570,898 4,923 3,084 939 281 619

FLORIDA 407 agencies;population 16,401,547 69,762 36,158 5,353 10,853 17,398

GEORGIA 431 agencies;population 7,226,657 26,651 16,336 2,417 2,819 5,079

HAWAII 4 agencies;population 1,244,898 3,553 2,530 269 217 537

IDAHO 114 agencies;population 1,311,796 3,502 2,223 135 217 927

ILLINOIS 751 agencies;population 12,542,030 50,441 31,109 5,280 6,181 7,871

INDIANA 253 agencies;population 6,049,242 17,292 9,945 797 2,954 3,596

IOWA 231 agencies;population 2,916,660 7,529 4,709 344 880 1,596

KANSAS 343 agencies;population 2,691,202 9,980 6,276 511 1,274 1,919

KENTUCKY 383 agencies;population 4,068,895 10,035 7,109 610 836 1,480

LOUISIANA 207 agencies;population 4,356,611 22,539 13,558 3,399 1,943 3,639

MAINE 134 agencies;population 1,291,698 2,927 2,062 133 334 398

MARYLAND 123 agencies;population 5,291,592 19,516 12,763 2,064 1,824 2,865

MASSACHUSETTS 328 agencies;population 6,268,238 19,749 15,132 1,293 1,420 1,904

MICHIGAN 606 agencies;population 9,976,197 28,080 18,175 2,831 2,882 4,192

MINNESOTA 285 agencies;population 4,859,720 12,583 7,220 884 1,809 2,670

MISSISSIPPI 170 agencies;population 2,426,944 8,381 4,862 415 1,195 1,909

MISSOURI 536 agencies;population 5,604,305 18,838 11,960 1,242 2,128 3,508

MONTANA 106 agencies;population 909,453 2,707 1,488 93 478 648

NEBRASKA 164 agencies;population 1,719,618 4,649 3,043 343 284 979

NEVADA 36 agencies;population 2,173,491 8,312 4,397 510 1,157 2,248

NEW HAMPSHIRE131 agencies;population 925,055 2,523 1,794 123 177 429

NEW JERSEY 530 agencies;population 8,331,239 38,931 28,331 2,152 3,030 5,418

NEW MEXICO 110 agencies;population 1,851,009 5,660 3,779 363 432 1,086

NEW YORK 425 agencies;population 16,675,972 80,990 51,892 7,762 6,936 14,400

NORTH CAROLINA513 agencies;population 8,313,727 27,852 17,510 2,181 3,372 4,789

NORTH DAKOTA 89 agencies;population 608,703 1,542 1,021 83 172 266

OHIO 555 agencies;population 10,878,422 33,621 21,099 2,565 3,935 6,022

OKLAHOMA 302 agencies;population 3,493,714 10,585 6,590 518 1,446 2,031

OREGON 164 agencies;population 3,492,816 7,679 5,066 551 441 1,621

PENNSYLVANIA 779 agencies;population 8,590,601 28,183 21,015 2,698 1,720 2,750

RHODE ISLAND 43 agencies;population 1,063,557 3,122 2,324 161 286 351

SOUTH CAROLINA260 agencies;population 3,735,856 12,128 7,791 996 1,277 2,064

SOUTH DAKOTA 130 agencies;population 747,844 2,016 1,198 69 335 414

TENNESSEE 437 agencies;population 5,787,364 23,962 13,629 1,545 3,272 5,516

TEXAS 965 agencies;population 21,670,261 77,464 42,806 4,904 12,935 16,819

UTAH 124 agencies;population 2,315,689 6,872 4,260 376 969 1,267

VERMONT 58 agencies;population 364,545 1,343 888 68 132 255

VIRGINIA 278 agencies;population 7,292,028 21,540 14,787 1,765 1,470 3,518

WASHINGTON 251 agencies;population 6,064,698 13,747 8,910 958 1,225 2,654

WEST VIRGINIA 352 agencies;population 1,790,599 3,959 2,936 92 358 573

WISCONSIN 316 agencies;population 4,849,982 15,848 9,781 1,566 1,531 2,970

WYOMING 66 agencies;population 496,899 1,989 1,153 86 245 505

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State


Abbeville 19 11 8Adamsville 30 18 12Alabaster 59 48 11Albertville 53 35 18Alexander City 65 48 17Aliceville 11 7 4Andalusia 35 26 9Anniston 112 83 29Arab 34 24 10Ardmore 11 6 5Argo 4 4 0Ashford 9 5 4Ashland 12 8 4Ashville 5 5 0Athens 51 40 11Atmore 30 26 4Attalla 28 22 6Auburn 77 71 6Bay Minette 27 20 7Bayou La Batre 22 17 5Bear Creek 2 2 0Bessemer 134 114 20Birmingham 1,125 833 292Blountsville 8 8 0Boaz 33 23 10Brantley 5 3 2Brent 4 4 0Brewton 30 20 10Bridgeport 11 7 4Brighton 13 9 4Brundidge 13 9 4Butler 8 5 3Camden 8 8 0Carbon Hill 7 4 3Castleberry 2 1 1Centreville 6 6 0Chatom 6 6 0Chickasaw 21 16 5Citronelle 11 7 4Clanton 22 21 1Cleveland 2 2 0Clio 4 3 1Coffeeville 1 1 0Collinsville 9 5 4Columbiana 14 10 4Coosada 2 2 0Cordova 8 5 3Cottonwood 3 3 0Creola 12 8 4Crossville 7 4 3Cullman 70 49 21Dadeville 11 11 0Daleville 23 17 6Daphne 61 37 24Dauphin Island 11 7 4Decatur 147 124 23Demopolis 25 21 4Dora 6 3 3Dothan 200 135 65Dozier 1 1 0East Brewton 6 4 2Eclectic 10 5 5Elba 28 19 9Enterprise 54 48 6Eufaula 51 36 15Eutaw 13 8 5Evergreen 22 16 6Fairfield 53 40 13


Fairhope 36 24 12Fayette 14 14 0Flomaton 12 7 5Florala 5 5 0Florence 116 92 24Foley 55 35 20Fort Payne 40 36 4Frisco City 2 2 0Fultondale 24 18 6Gadsden 137 104 33Gardendale 32 25 7Geneva 16 11 5Glencoe 9 6 3Gordo 5 4 1Grant 3 3 0Greensboro 9 9 0Greenville 38 30 8Grove Hill 6 6 0Gulf Shores 38 28 10Guntersville 35 26 9Hackleburg 4 4 0Haleyville 19 14 5Hamilton 14 13 1Hanceville 12 8 4Hartford 12 7 5Hartselle 37 30 7Headland 10 5 5Heflin 9 9 0Helena 20 15 5Hobson City 3 3 0Hokes Bluff 9 6 3Hollywood 3 2 1Homewood 106 72 34Hoover 189 137 52Hueytown 28 23 5Huntsville 515 345 170Irondale 38 31 7Jackson 24 19 5Jacksonville 28 23 5Jasper 72 49 23Jemison 6 6 0Killen 5 5 0Kimberly 4 4 0Kinsey 3 3 0Lafayette 17 15 2Lanett 22 21 1Leeds 31 25 6Leighton 3 3 0Level Plains 5 4 1Lexington 2 2 0Lincoln 21 16 5Linden 6 6 0Lipscomb 11 6 5Littleville 7 5 2Livingston 12 8 4Lockhart 2 2 0Louisville 3 3 0Loxley 14 8 6Luverne 16 12 4Madison 70 50 20Maplesville 4 4 0McIntosh 6 6 0McKenzie 2 1 1Millbrook 27 20 7Millport 2 2 0Millry 4 4 0Mobile 720 526 194Monroeville 24 18 6

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Montevallo 19 14 5Montgomery 639 446 193Moody 18 16 2Morris 4 4 0Mosses 1 1 0Moulton 11 11 0Moundville 5 4 1Mountain Brook 58 47 11Mount Vernon 9 8 1Muscle Shoals 42 33 9Napier Field 1 1 0New Hope 4 4 0New Site 1 1 0Newville 1 1 0Northport 75 59 16Oneonta 18 17 1Opelika 91 76 15Opp 28 22 6Orange Beach 48 31 17Owens Crossroads 3 3 0Oxford 55 44 11Ozark 48 42 6Pelham 74 60 14Pell City 32 30 2Phenix City 93 73 20Phil Campbell 4 4 0Pickensville 2 2 0Piedmont 18 15 3Pinckard 2 2 0Pine Hill 5 5 0Pleasant Grove 20 16 4Prattville 90 83 7Priceville 4 4 0Prichard 77 60 17Ragland 8 5 3Rainbow City 33 22 11Rainsville 14 10 4Ranburne 3 2 1Red Bay 10 6 4Reform 5 5 0Riverside 5 5 0Roanoke 27 23 4Robertsdale 14 9 5Russellville 27 23 4Samson 5 5 0Saraland 50 38 12Sardis City 4 4 0Satsuma 18 14 4Scottsboro 60 44 16Section 1 1 0Selma 105 57 48Sheffield 38 32 6Shorter 4 4 0Silas 1 1 0Silverhill 2 2 0Snead 5 5 0Southside 14 8 6Spanish Fort 8 7 1Springville 7 7 0Steele 11 3 8Stevenson 9 5 4St. Florian 3 3 0Sumiton 14 9 5Summerdale 4 4 0Sylacauga 48 36 12Talladega 59 47 12Tallassee 25 19 6Tarrant City 29 23 6

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Taylor 2 2 0Thomasville 22 18 4Thorsby 4 4 0Town Creek 4 4 0Triana 1 1 0Trinity 5 5 0Troy 62 47 15Tuscaloosa 303 236 67Tuscumbia 26 20 6Tuskegee 40 28 12Union Springs 13 8 5Valley 36 27 9Valley Head 3 2 1Vance 1 1 0Vestavia Hills 67 65 2Wadley 8 4 4Warrior 21 15 6Weaver 11 8 3Wedowee 8 8 0Wetumpka 32 24 8Winfield 11 9 2


Anchorage 463 313 150Bethel 25 14 11Bristol Bay Borough 8 2 6Cordova 11 5 6Craig 10 5 5Dillingham 16 7 9Emmonak 12 5 7Fairbanks 56 41 15Haines 10 5 5Homer 25 11 14Hoonah 6 5 1Juneau 85 45 40Kake 6 3 3Kenai 25 16 9Ketchikan 33 25 8Klawock 2 2 0Kodiak 31 17 14Kotzebue 18 8 10Nenana 2 2 0Nome 14 8 6North Pole 16 11 5North Slope Borough 62 37 25Palmer 22 7 15Petersburg 13 8 5Sand Point 6 4 2Seldovia 1 1 0Seward 21 9 12Sitka 34 19 15Skagway 7 4 3Soldotna 13 12 1St. Paul 7 4 3Unalaska 29 13 16Valdez 21 11 10Wasilla 20 19 1Whittier 3 3 0Wrangell 12 6 6


Apache Junction 78 51 27Avondale 92 71 21Benson 20 13 7Bisbee 22 15 7Buckeye 33 25 8


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Bullhead City 114 75 39Camp Verde 29 18 11Casa Grande 83 58 25Chandler 447 286 161Chino Valley 28 18 10Clarkdale 11 9 2Colorado City 6 5 1Coolidge 40 31 9Cottonwood 38 24 14Douglas 43 30 13Eagar 11 8 3El Mirage 56 46 10Eloy 44 30 14Flagstaff 138 92 46Florence 24 15 9Fredonia 5 5 0Gilbert 166 116 50Glendale 379 271 108Globe 33 24 9Goodyear 62 47 15Hayden 8 7 1Holbrook 24 17 7Huachuca City 10 4 6Jerome 4 4 0Kearny 12 7 5Kingman 67 45 22Lake Havasu City 94 72 22Mammoth 8 5 3Marana 69 52 17Mesa 1,243 772 471Miami 8 6 2Nogales 78 60 18Oro Valley 90 65 25Page 29 18 11Paradise Valley 45 34 11Parker 15 11 4Patagonia 3 3 0Payson 36 25 11Peoria 186 134 52Phoenix 3,628 2,773 855Pima 3 3 0Pinetop-Lakeside 25 15 10Prescott 93 59 34Prescott Valley 52 41 11Quartzsite 8 6 2Safford 20 17 3Sahuarita 12 11 1San Luis 37 28 9Scottsdale 577 347 230Sedona 35 26 9Show Low 36 24 12Sierra Vista 85 56 29Snowflake-Taylor 15 10 5Somerton 27 19 8South Tucson 36 26 10Springerville 10 8 2St. Johns 11 8 3Superior 13 8 5Surprise 89 66 23Tempe 534 339 195Thatcher 11 10 1Tolleson 28 19 9Tombstone 8 6 2Tucson 1,290 969 321Wellton 4 4 0Wickenburg 19 12 7Willcox 18 11 7Williams 19 11 8


Winslow 36 28 8Youngtown 11 10 1Yuma 195 126 69


Alma 15 8 7Arkadelphia 27 22 5Ashdown 12 11 1Atkins 7 6 1Bald Knob 9 5 4Barling 8 8 0Beebe 15 9 6Benton 69 59 10Bentonville 62 41 21Berryville 10 9 1Blytheville 68 51 17Booneville 11 7 4Brinkley 14 10 4Bryant 32 25 7Bull Shoals 3 3 0Cabot 40 29 11Caddo Valley 6 5 1Camden 39 26 13Carlisle 10 6 4Cherokee Village 7 6 1Clarksville 19 15 4Clinton 7 6 1Conway 118 95 23Corning 11 7 4Crossett 25 17 8Danville 6 5 1Dardanelle 13 9 4De Queen 16 13 3Dermott 16 9 7Des Arc 4 4 0De Witt 14 9 5Dumas 25 11 14Earle 11 8 3El Dorado 65 48 17England 12 7 5Etowah 1 1 0Eudora 12 8 4Eureka Springs 15 10 5Fairfield Bay 16 7 9Farmington 7 7 0Fayetteville 146 97 49Flippin 7 6 1Fordyce 12 8 4Forrest City 42 31 11Fort Smith 183 142 41Greenbrier 16 10 6Green Forest 9 7 2Greenland 4 4 0Greenwood 18 17 1Gurdon 5 4 1Hamburg 7 6 1Harrisburg 5 4 1Harrison 49 27 22Hazen 8 4 4Heber Springs 21 13 8Helena 17 12 5Hermitage 4 4 0Hope 36 26 10Horseshoe Bend 7 6 1Hot Springs 123 92 31Hoxie 8 4 4Jacksonville 76 65 11

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Jonesboro 117 107 10Keiser 3 1 2Lake Village 15 9 6Lincoln 5 5 0Little Rock 681 543 138Lonoke 17 12 5Lowell 12 11 1Magnolia 27 20 7Malvern 26 22 4Marianna 16 11 5Marion 17 16 1Marked Tree 12 8 4Maumelle 27 18 9Mayflower 5 4 1McGehee 15 8 7Mena 17 15 2Monticello 27 20 7Morrilton 28 17 11Mountain Home 33 25 8Mountain View 9 8 1Mulberry 3 3 0Nashville 14 13 1Newport 22 16 6North Little Rock 242 199 43Osceola 38 23 15Ozark 9 8 1Paragould 44 37 7Paris 14 9 5Piggott 9 9 0Pine Bluff 164 139 25Pocahontas 14 13 1Pottsville 4 3 1Prairie Grove 8 7 1Prescott 9 8 1Rogers 102 73 29Rose Bud 3 2 1Russellville 68 56 12Searcy 49 38 11Sheridan 26 11 15Sherwood 82 63 19Siloam Springs 43 26 17Smackover 5 4 1Springdale 134 93 41Star City 5 4 1Stuttgart 30 21 9Texarkana 116 79 37Trumann 21 15 6Tuckerman 6 5 1Van Buren 50 37 13Vilonia 6 6 0Waldron 7 7 0Walnut Ridge 12 8 4Ward 7 6 1Warren 24 15 9West Fork 5 5 0West Helena 25 19 6West Memphis 91 76 15White Hall 12 11 1Wynne 20 18 2


Alameda 159 104 55Albany 29 24 5Alhambra 131 83 48Alturas 11 10 1Anaheim 552 400 152Anderson 26 16 10

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Angels Camp 9 8 1Antioch 145 97 48Arcadia 110 75 35Arcata 38 26 12Arroyo Grande 36 26 10Arvin 18 10 8Atascadero 39 30 9Atherton 28 22 6Atwater 41 31 10Auburn 34 24 10Azusa 84 60 24Bakersfield 439 316 123Baldwin Park 104 75 29Banning 48 34 14Barstow 51 31 20Bear Valley 13 7 6Beaumont 30 23 7Bell 46 37 9Bell Gardens 67 48 19Belmont 45 30 15Belvedere 8 7 1Benicia 49 35 14Berkeley 293 181 112Beverly Hills 214 141 73Bishop 20 14 6Blue Lake 2 2 0Blythe 36 24 12Brawley 44 31 13Brea 130 106 24Brentwood 55 42 13Brisbane 20 17 3Broadmoor 13 12 1Buena Park 145 94 51Burbank 259 168 91Burlingame 71 50 21Calexico 61 45 16California City 20 14 6Calipatria 7 6 1Calistoga 10 10 0Campbell 65 44 21Capitola 32 21 11Carlsbad 144 106 38Carmel 22 14 8Cathedral City 82 52 30Ceres 56 40 16Chico 139 85 54Chino 119 91 28Chowchilla 24 17 7Chula Vista 332 226 106Claremont 61 42 19Clayton 14 11 3Clearlake 33 24 9Cloverdale 19 12 7Clovis 132 86 46Coalinga 24 18 6Colma 23 18 5Colton 89 61 28Colusa 8 7 1Concord 219 157 62Corcoran 28 19 9Corning 23 15 8Corona 236 153 83Coronado 56 41 15Costa Mesa 233 159 74Cotati 20 13 7Covina 89 58 31Crescent City 14 13 1Culver City 174 124 50


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Cypress 75 57 18Daly City 151 114 37Davis 88 53 35Delano 65 45 20Del Rey Oaks 6 6 0Desert Hot Springs 22 17 5Dinuba 31 23 8Dixon 26 22 4Dos Palos 8 8 0Downey 157 109 48Dublin 54 46 8East Palo Alto 47 32 15El Cajon 209 139 70El Centro 72 50 22El Cerrito 41 34 7El Monte 216 156 60El Segundo 96 65 31Emeryville 47 33 14Escalon 10 7 3Escondido 227 161 66Etna 3 2 1Eureka 75 44 31Exeter 18 16 2Fairfax 17 12 5Fairfield 164 107 57Farmersville 15 14 1Ferndale 5 5 0Firebaugh 16 12 4Folsom 81 58 23Fontana 202 141 61Fort Bragg 20 14 6Fortuna 16 16 0Foster City 59 40 19Fountain Valley 87 64 23Fowler 8 7 1Fremont 316 199 117Fresno 1,046 688 358Fullerton 222 151 71Galt 34 23 11Gardena 105 83 22Garden Grove 238 165 73Gilroy 95 53 42Glendale 355 237 118Glendora 89 58 31Gonzales 14 13 1Grass Valley 32 22 10Greenfield 20 17 3Gridley 20 15 5Grover Beach 26 17 9Guadalupe 15 12 3Gustine 11 10 1Half Moon Bay 23 18 5Hanford 61 43 18Hawthorne 137 96 41Hayward 323 205 118Healdsburg 26 16 10Hemet 96 67 29Hercules 24 21 3Hermosa Beach 49 38 11Hillsborough 32 24 8Hollister 41 34 7Holtville 11 8 3Hughson 5 4 1Huntington Beach 371 222 149Huntington Park 110 73 37Huron 12 8 4Imperial 13 12 1Indio 81 52 29


Inglewood 250 188 62Ione 8 7 1Irvine 212 142 70Irwindale 31 24 7Isleton 3 3 0Jackson 13 10 3Kensington 10 10 0Kerman 19 16 3King City 20 16 4Kingsburg 20 15 5Laguna Beach 86 50 36La Habra 108 64 44Lakeport 17 13 4Lake Shastina 5 4 1La Mesa 90 64 26La Palma 35 26 9La Verne 64 47 17Lemoore 32 25 7Lincoln 27 23 4Lindsay 27 17 10Livermore 136 93 43Livingston 23 18 5Lodi 113 78 35Lompoc 68 47 21Long Beach 1,366 869 497Los Alamitos 27 24 3Los Altos 45 30 15Los Angeles 12,178 9,056 3,122Los Banos 51 32 19Los Gatos 65 46 19Madera 63 49 14Mammoth Lakes 22 17 5Manhattan Beach 90 66 24Manteca 91 64 27Marina 39 32 7Martinez 52 39 13Marysville 36 23 13Maywood 43 32 11Menlo Park 76 54 22Merced 105 76 29Millbrae 40 27 13Mill Valley 25 19 6Milpitas 120 91 29Modesto 353 250 103Monrovia 83 58 25Montclair 79 53 26Montebello 129 84 45Monterey 79 56 23Monterey Park 117 74 43Moraga 13 12 1Morgan Hill 48 32 16Morro Bay 29 21 8Mountain View 130 95 35Mount Shasta 16 9 7Murrieta 64 46 18Napa 119 75 44National City 115 79 36Nevada City 10 9 1Newark 82 57 25Newman 15 12 3Newport Beach 234 148 86Novato 82 59 23Oakdale 29 26 3Oakland 1,232 814 418Oceanside 263 178 85Ontario 324 214 110Orange 224 153 71Orland 11 10 1

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Oroville 30 22 8Oxnard 308 209 99Pacifica 53 42 11Pacific Grove 37 28 9Palm Springs 133 79 54Palo Alto 174 101 73Palos Verdes Estates 33 24 9Paradise 37 22 15Parlier 16 14 2Pasadena 387 248 139Paso Robles 45 36 9Patterson 15 13 2Petaluma 66 66 0Piedmont 28 20 8Pinole 41 27 14Pismo Beach 32 23 9Pittsburg 110 78 32Placentia 71 55 16Placerville 30 18 12Pleasant Hill 67 45 22Pleasanton 101 81 20Pomona 294 165 129Porterville 62 41 21Port Hueneme 23 23 0Red Bluff 39 26 13Redding 162 111 51Redlands 145 79 66Redondo Beach 157 105 52Redwood City 140 100 40Reedley 41 27 14Rialto 134 96 38Richmond 281 198 83Ridgecrest 45 32 13Rio Dell 6 6 0Rio Vista 14 12 2Ripon 27 19 8Riverbank 17 14 3Riverside 526 358 168Rocklin 63 43 20Rohnert Park 101 67 34Roseville 150 89 61Ross 7 6 1Sacramento 1,055 680 375Salinas 215 159 56San Anselmo 26 19 7San Bernardino 430 279 151San Bruno 70 52 18San Carlos 46 31 15Sand City 10 9 1San Diego 2,913 2,123 790San Fernando 54 38 16San Francisco 2,661 2,274 387San Gabriel 67 52 15Sanger 33 22 11San Jacinto 33 24 9San Jose 1,819 1,378 441San Leandro 139 94 45San Luis Obispo 86 60 26San Marino 36 27 9San Mateo 158 113 45San Pablo 66 44 22San Rafael 106 78 28Santa Ana 669 353 316Santa Barbara 222 144 78Santa Clara 200 148 52Santa Cruz 127 95 32Santa Maria 133 95 38Santa Monica 399 207 192

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Santa Paula 42 32 10Santa Rosa 262 174 88Sausalito 27 22 5Scotts Valley 28 20 8Seal Beach 42 33 9Seaside 53 41 12Sebastopol 23 16 7Selma 40 27 13Shafter 24 18 6Sierra Madre 22 18 4Signal Hill 39 24 15Simi Valley 185 122 63Soledad 16 16 0Sonoma 22 14 8Sonora 17 13 4South Gate 120 83 37South Lake Tahoe 67 49 18South Pasadena 46 35 11South San Francisco 114 83 31Stallion Springs 3 3 0St. Helena 19 13 6Stockton 570 384 186Suisun City 38 28 10Sunnyvale 308 205 103Susanville 23 20 3Sutter Creek 8 7 1Taft 20 10 10Tiburon 17 14 3Torrance 359 234 125Tracy 113 72 41Trinidad 3 3 0Tulare 74 50 24Tulelake 4 2 2Turlock 86 59 27Tustin 132 92 40Twin Cities 45 34 11Ukiah 37 28 9Union City 124 74 50Upland 120 80 40Vacaville 169 107 62Vallejo 230 158 72Ventura 195 125 70Vernon 81 58 23Visalia 162 111 51Walnut Creek 111 78 33Watsonville 80 61 19Weed 16 10 6West Covina 160 116 44Westminster 143 99 44Westmorland 4 4 0West Sacramento 87 57 30Wheatland 8 8 0Whittier 199 129 70Williams 10 9 1Willits 24 15 9Willows 14 11 3Winters 11 10 1Woodlake 15 13 2Woodland 86 65 21Yreka 24 16 8Yuba City 72 45 27


Alamosa 30 25 5Alma 1 1 0Antonito 3 3 0Arvada 209 135 74


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Aspen 36 26 10Ault 6 6 0Aurora 765 529 236Avon 17 15 2Basalt 10 8 2Bayfield 4 4 0Berthoud 7 6 1Black Hawk 33 22 11Boulder 253 167 86Bow Mar 2 2 0Breckenridge 23 18 5Brighton 58 45 13Brush 15 12 3Buena Vista 9 7 2Burlington 11 10 1Calhan 1 1 0Canon City 48 33 15Carbondale 18 15 3Castle Rock 55 41 14Cedaredge 6 5 1Center 6 5 1Central City 8 7 1Cherry Hills Village 22 21 1Colorado Springs 940 651 289Columbine Valley 3 3 0Commerce City 91 64 27Cortez 49 28 21Craig 27 22 5Crested Butte 8 6 2Cripple Creek 23 12 11Dacono 10 8 2De Beque 1 1 0Del Norte 6 5 1Delta 20 15 5Denver 1,778 1,451 327Dillon 9 8 1Dinosaur 1 1 0Durango 56 46 10Eagle 9 7 2Eaton 9 7 2Edgewater 18 15 3Elizabeth 10 7 3Empire 1 1 0Englewood 113 75 38Erie 18 15 3Estes Park 26 15 11Evans 25 21 4Fairplay 2 2 0Federal Heights 34 24 10Firestone 12 9 3Florence 14 9 5Fort Collins 226 151 75Fort Lupton 18 14 4Fort Morgan 34 25 9Fountain 46 31 15Fowler 2 2 0Frederick 12 10 2Frisco 14 11 3Fruita 11 9 2Georgetown 3 3 0Gilcrest 3 3 0Glendale 40 26 14Glenwood Springs 34 25 9Golden 52 37 15Grand Junction 139 85 54Greeley 202 112 90Green Mountain Falls 2 2 0Greenwood Village 80 60 20


Gunnison 26 15 11Haxtun 3 3 0Hayden 4 4 0Holyoke 3 3 0Hotchkiss 3 3 0Hugo 3 3 0Idaho Springs 8 7 1Ignacio 7 7 0Johnstown 12 11 1Kersey 3 3 0Kremmling 4 4 0Lafayette 47 36 11La Jara 4 4 0La Junta 20 17 3Lakeside 5 5 0Lakewood 395 266 129Lamar 34 21 13La Salle 5 5 0Las Animas 9 7 2La Veta 4 3 1Leadville 10 8 2Limon 6 5 1Littleton 98 70 28Lochbuie 8 6 2Log Lane Village 4 4 0Lone Tree 9 9 0Longmont 143 111 32Louisville 38 33 5Loveland 125 82 43Mancos 3 3 0Manitou Springs 20 14 6Manzanola 1 1 0Meeker 6 5 1Milliken 10 9 1Minturn 3 3 0Monte Vista 16 12 4Montrose 47 32 15Monument 10 9 1Morrison 2 1 1Mountain View 7 6 1Mount Crested Butte 8 7 1Nederland 6 5 1New Castle 6 6 0Northglenn 81 61 20Oak Creek 1 1 0Olathe 4 4 0Ouray 5 5 0Pagosa Springs 7 7 0Palisade 8 6 2Palmer Lake 4 4 0Paonia 4 4 0Parachute 5 5 0Parker 53 42 11Platteville 7 7 0Pueblo 255 194 61Rangely 13 8 5Ridgway 2 2 0Rifle 18 15 3Rocky Ford 11 9 2Salida 15 15 0Sheridan 27 20 7Silt 7 6 1Silverthorne 22 18 4Simla 2 2 0Snowmass Village 13 9 4Springfield 3 3 0Steamboat Springs 35 24 11Sterling 38 22 16

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Stratton 1 1 0Telluride 13 9 4Thornton 160 128 32Trinidad 27 18 9Vail 58 27 31Victor 5 5 0Walsenburg 21 13 8Westminster 218 151 67Wheat Ridge 91 63 28Wiggins 2 2 0Windsor 19 16 3Woodland Park 27 19 8Wray 7 6 1Yuma 8 7 1


Ansonia 51 42 9Avon 37 30 7Berlin 46 37 9Bethel 46 33 13Bloomfield 52 43 9Branford 62 49 13Bridgeport 560 457 103Bristol 126 115 11Brookfield 37 31 6Canton 19 14 5Cheshire 56 46 10Clinton 26 23 3Coventry 18 13 5Cromwell 31 24 7Danbury 152 146 6Darien 56 50 6Derby 26 26 0East Hampton 17 15 2East Hartford 170 129 41East Haven 51 48 3Easton 21 14 7Enfield 114 95 19Fairfield 112 106 6Farmington 58 42 16Glastonbury 74 59 15Granby 18 13 5Greenwich 180 159 21Groton 35 30 5Groton Long Point 5 5 0Groton Town 74 70 4Guilford 41 34 7Hamden 123 102 21Hartford 601 397 204Manchester 151 119 32Meriden 142 131 11Middlebury 18 12 6Middletown 113 99 14Milford 120 104 16Monroe 49 38 11Naugatuck 66 55 11New Britain 161 148 13New Canaan 49 45 4New Haven 538 427 111Newington 56 45 11New London 95 79 16New Milford 62 47 15Newtown 45 39 6North Branford 28 21 7Norwalk 201 175 26Norwich 100 81 19Old Saybrook 31 26 5

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Orange 52 40 12Plainfield 21 18 3Plainville 37 30 7Plymouth 19 19 0Portland 11 10 1Putnam 19 15 4Redding 18 13 5Ridgefield 44 39 5Rocky Hill 38 35 3Seymour 37 35 2Shelton 59 51 8Simsbury 44 34 10Southington 73 58 15South Windsor 50 39 11Stamford 364 297 67Stonington 45 34 11Stratford 114 105 9Suffield 20 15 5Thomaston 16 12 4Torrington 81 74 7Vernon 65 51 14Wallingford 91 68 23Waterbury 385 341 44Waterford 51 44 7Watertown 46 36 10West Hartford 146 124 22West Haven 126 111 15Weston 16 15 1Westport 87 72 15Wethersfield 56 45 11Willimantic 42 37 5Wilton 48 44 4Winchester 33 24 9Windsor 66 56 10Windsor Locks 30 24 6Wolcott 32 24 8Woodbridge 32 24 8


Bethany Beach 12 11 1Bridgeville 4 4 0Camden 8 7 1Cheswold 1 1 0Clayton 4 4 0Dagsboro 2 2 0Delaware City 3 3 0Delmar 11 10 1Dewey Beach 8 8 0Dover 111 81 30Ellendale 2 2 0Elsmere 11 10 1Felton 4 4 0Fenwick Island 6 5 1Frederica 1 1 0Georgetown 15 13 2Greenwood 6 4 2Harrington 10 9 1Laurel 10 9 1Lewes 14 13 1Milford 34 26 8Millsboro 11 10 1Milton 7 5 2Newark 72 55 17New Castle 18 17 1Newport 8 7 1Ocean View 8 7 1Rehoboth Beach 25 18 7


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Seaford 27 20 7Selbyville 6 6 0Smyrna 23 17 6South Bethany 6 6 0Wilmington 352 279 73Wyoming 2 2 0


Washington 4,445 3,655 790


Alachua 25 20 5Altamonte Springs 139 102 37Altha 1 1 0Apalachicola 8 7 1Apopka 81 72 9Arcadia 24 20 4Astatula 4 4 0Atlantic Beach 36 26 10Atlantis 17 12 5Auburndale 41 32 9Aventura 98 66 32Avon Park 40 25 15Baldwin 11 6 5Bal Harbour Village 28 22 6Bartow 75 50 25Bay Harbor Island 29 22 7Belleair 15 10 5Belleair Beach 7 7 0Belle Glade 53 42 11Belleview 16 14 2Biscayne Park 10 9 1Blountstown 12 7 5Boca Raton 243 154 89Bonifay 9 5 4Bowling Green 6 6 0Boynton Beach 182 134 48Bradenton 127 101 26Bradenton Beach 10 10 0Brooksville 25 15 10Bunnell 12 10 2Bushnell 10 9 1Cape Coral 224 146 78Carrabelle 4 4 0Casselberry 86 55 31Cedar Grove 6 5 1Cedar Key 3 3 0Center Hill 3 3 0Chattahoochee 11 10 1Chiefland 11 8 3Chipley 10 9 1Clearwater 390 252 138Clermont 39 29 10Clewiston 23 15 8Cocoa 91 70 21Cocoa Beach 50 34 16Coconut Creek 117 82 35Coleman 2 2 0Cooper City 78 55 23Coral Gables 223 168 55Coral Springs 278 184 94Cottondale 4 4 0Crescent City 10 9 1Crestview 46 37 9Cross City 5 5 0Crystal River 22 19 3


Dade City 34 23 11Dania 75 65 10Davenport 7 6 1Davie 221 166 55Daytona Beach 292 213 79Daytona Beach Shores 41 33 8Deerfield Beach 118 102 16De Funiak Springs 16 14 2Deland 86 59 27Delray Beach 220 149 71Dundee 16 10 6Dunnellon 11 9 2Eagle Lake 5 5 0Eatonville 12 11 1Edgewater 40 35 5Edgewood 12 11 1El Portal 8 8 0Eustis 53 39 14Fellsmere 9 8 1Fernandina Beach 44 35 9Flagler Beach 13 12 1Florida City 36 24 12Fort Lauderdale 751 494 257Fort Meade 19 14 5Fort Myers 223 156 67Fort Pierce 136 103 33Fort Walton Beach 68 54 14Frostproof 15 10 5Fruitland Park 10 9 1Gainesville 339 274 65Golden Beach 20 15 5Graceville 11 9 2Greenacres City 69 48 21Green Cove Springs 24 18 6Greensboro 1 1 0Gretna 3 3 0Groveland 14 9 5Gulf Breeze 25 18 7Gulfport 37 27 10Gulf Stream 10 10 0Haines City 59 42 17Hallandale 119 88 31Hampton 1 1 0Havana 13 9 4Hialeah 465 348 117Hialeah Gardens 48 36 12Highland Beach 14 13 1High Springs 13 8 5Hillsboro Beach 16 14 2Holly Hill 31 24 7Hollywood 488 318 170Holmes Beach 19 12 7Homestead 98 70 28Howey-in-the-Hills 5 5 0Indialantic 18 12 6Indian Creek Village 15 11 4Indian Harbour Beach 23 16 7Indian River Shores 22 21 1Indian Shores 13 11 2Inglis 6 5 1Interlachen 3 3 0Inverness 15 14 1Jacksonville 2,592 1,562 1,030Jacksonville Beach 68 50 18Jasper 8 8 0Jennings 2 2 0Juno Beach 19 14 5Jupiter 135 99 36

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Jupiter Inlet Colony 5 5 0Jupiter Island 20 16 4Kenneth City 16 14 2Key Biscayne 38 28 10Key West 105 81 24Kissimmee 171 109 62Lady Lake 31 22 9Lake Alfred 14 11 3Lake City 51 38 13Lake Clarke Shores 10 10 0Lake Hamilton 7 6 1Lake Helen 6 6 0Lakeland 334 232 102Lake Mary 46 32 14Lake Placid 11 8 3Lake Wales 55 40 15Lake Worth 135 91 44Lantana 38 30 8Largo 177 118 59Lauderhill 111 88 23Leesburg 93 69 24Lighthouse Point 37 28 9Live Oak 20 16 4Longboat Key 29 20 9Longwood 42 38 4Lynn Haven 31 24 7Madison 14 13 1Maitland 51 40 11Manalapan 13 9 4Mangonia Park 19 18 1Marco Island 28 26 2Margate 176 112 64Marianna 25 18 7Mascotte 9 8 1Medley 39 32 7Melbourne 210 155 55Melbourne Beach 9 8 1Melbourne Village 6 6 0Mexico Beach 6 5 1Miami 1,408 1,075 333Miami Beach 518 370 148Miami Shores 42 32 10Miami Springs 49 37 12Milton 27 19 8Miramar 205 152 53Monticello 14 10 4Mount Dora 45 30 15Mulberry 14 10 4Naples 117 77 40Neptune Beach 25 18 7New Port Richey 38 31 7New Smyrna Beach 56 47 9Niceville 25 20 5North Bay Village 32 25 7North Miami 146 110 36North Miami Beach 140 102 38North Palm Beach 45 36 9North Port 64 45 19Oak Hill 7 7 0Oakland 10 9 1Oakland Park 10 9 1Ocala 234 151 83Ocean Ridge 20 15 5Ocoee 71 63 8Okeechobee 28 22 6Opa Locka 45 33 12Orange City 19 17 2Orange Park 27 22 5

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Orlando 968 680 288Ormond Beach 98 68 30Oviedo 70 52 18Pahokee 20 18 2Palatka 39 32 7Palm Bay 198 131 67Palm Beach 127 78 49Palm Beach Gardens 117 89 28Palm Beach Shores 14 9 5Palmetto 45 33 12Palm Springs 41 32 9Panama City 133 94 39Panama City Beach 61 46 15Parker 8 7 1Parkland 32 29 3Pembroke Park 61 53 8Pembroke Pines 275 217 58Pensacola 220 159 61Perry 25 23 2Pinellas Park 125 95 30Plantation 290 182 108Plant City 90 67 23Pompano Beach 292 210 82Ponce Inlet 17 11 6Port Orange 95 74 21Port Richey 20 14 6Port St. Joe 11 9 2Port St. Lucie 202 144 58Punta Gorda 47 33 14Quincy 40 29 11Riviera Beach 129 95 34Rockledge 63 46 17Royal Palm Beach 61 45 16Sanford 136 111 25Sanibel 42 18 24Sarasota 265 194 71Satellite Beach 26 19 7Sea Ranch Lakes 10 7 3Sebastian 48 31 17Sebring 49 36 13Sewall’s Point 8 8 0Shalimar 4 4 0Sneads 9 5 4South Bay 18 16 2South Daytona 38 28 10South Miami 66 56 10South Palm Beach 9 9 0Springfield 22 15 7Starke 28 20 8St. Augustine 63 49 14St. Augustine Beach 13 11 2St. Cloud 59 41 18St. Pete Beach 44 30 14St. Petersburg 773 507 266Stuart 59 42 17Sunny Isles Beach 52 42 10Sunrise 229 163 66Surfside 28 19 9Sweetwater 31 23 8Tallahassee 477 336 141Tamarac 93 82 11Tampa 1,277 956 321Tarpon Springs 57 47 10Tavares 22 21 1Temple Terrace 63 47 16Tequesta 22 18 4Titusville 115 81 34Treasure Island 28 21 7


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Trenton 4 3 1Umatilla 9 8 1Valparaiso 13 9 4Venice 71 52 19Vero Beach 90 63 27Village of Pinecrest 69 50 19Virginia Gardens 9 7 2Waldo 9 8 1Wauchula 18 14 4Webster 3 3 0Welaka 1 1 0West Melbourne 32 27 5West Miami 19 15 4West Palm Beach 370 269 101White Springs 4 4 0Wildwood 19 14 5Williston 19 11 8Wilton Manors 44 33 11Windermere 10 9 1Winter Garden 48 38 10Winter Haven 113 76 37Winter Park 115 85 30Winter Springs 80 58 22Zephyrhills 40 27 13Zolfo Springs 3 2 1


Acworth 44 28 16Adairsville 10 8 2Adel 21 17 4Adrian 2 2 0Alapaha 2 2 0Albany 220 194 26Alma 16 14 2Alpharetta 96 71 25Americus 55 40 15Aragon 5 4 1Arcade 9 9 0Arlington 3 3 0Ashburn 15 13 2Athens-Clarke County 255 198 57Atlanta 2,090 1,535 555Attapulgus 1 1 0Auburn 19 14 5Bainbridge 41 36 5Baldwin 9 7 2Ball Ground 4 4 0Barnesville 16 14 2Bartow 2 1 1Baxley 15 13 2Berlin 4 4 0Blackshear 15 13 2Blue Ridge 7 7 0Bowdon 14 10 4Brooklet 3 3 0Broxton 5 5 0Brunswick 83 75 8Buena Vista 9 7 2Byron 18 15 3Cairo 24 21 3Calhoun 49 45 4Camilla 25 19 6Canton 42 35 7Carrollton 77 62 15Cartersville 53 42 11Cave Spring 5 5 0Cedartown 28 25 3


Centerville 17 14 3Chamblee 45 31 14Chatsworth 15 13 2Claxton 9 8 1Clayton 11 11 0Cleveland 7 7 0Cochran 15 14 1Collins 1 1 0Colquitt 9 8 1Columbus 478 375 103Comer 2 2 0Commerce 23 19 4Conyers 57 40 17Coolidge 1 1 0Cordele 37 30 7Cornelia 21 18 3Crawfordville 2 2 0Cumming 20 14 6Cusseta 7 5 2Cuthbert 15 11 4Dallas 19 14 5Dalton 100 85 15Damascus 1 1 0Danielsville 1 1 0Darien 5 5 0Dawson 24 19 5Doerun 5 4 1Donalsonville 12 9 3Douglas 46 38 8Dublin 56 48 8Duluth 66 43 23Eastman 14 13 1Edison 4 4 0Ellijay 9 8 1Enigma 1 1 0Eton 3 2 1Euharlee 8 7 1Fairburn 31 24 7Fairmount 2 2 0Fayetteville 43 39 4Fitzgerald 33 28 5Flowery Branch 9 8 1Folkston 6 5 1Forest Park 80 58 22Fort Gaines 6 5 1Fort Oglethorpe 28 23 5Gainesville 114 94 20Garden City 38 34 4Glenwood 4 3 1Gordon 11 7 4Grantville 5 5 0Gray 13 8 5Greensboro 16 15 1Greenville 8 7 1Grovetown 26 17 9Hagan 2 2 0Hahira 8 7 1Hampton 12 11 1Hapeville 54 41 13Harlem 14 8 6Hawkinsville 12 11 1Hazlehurst 16 13 3Helen 13 9 4Hephzibah 4 4 0Hinesville 87 77 10Hiram 7 6 1Hoboken 2 2 0Hogansville 15 11 4

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Holly Springs 13 12 1Homerville 9 8 1Hoschton 3 3 0Ideal 1 1 0Irwinton 1 1 0Jackson 16 11 5Jasper 11 10 1Jefferson 20 17 3Jeffersonville 4 4 0Jesup 32 28 4Kennesaw 61 40 21Kingsland 36 32 4Lafayette 19 16 3LaGrange 92 83 9Lake City 17 16 1Lakeland 9 7 2Lake Park 3 3 0Lawrenceville 67 51 16Leary 2 2 0Leesburg 9 9 0Lenox 2 1 1Leslie 1 1 0Locust Grove 15 13 2Loganville 24 20 4Lookout Mountain 7 7 0Louisville 7 7 0Lumpkin 6 5 1Lyons 15 14 1Macon 375 295 80Madison 13 12 1Manchester 18 13 5Marietta 164 135 29Marshallville 3 2 1Maysville 4 4 0McCaysville 4 4 0McDonough 33 31 2McRae 10 6 4Meigs 7 6 1Metter 12 11 1Milledgeville 58 38 20Milner 1 1 0Montezuma 17 12 5Morrow 35 32 3Moultrie 45 40 5Mt. Zion 6 6 0Nahunta 4 4 0Nashville 20 13 7Nelson 2 1 1Newington 2 2 0Newnan 69 59 10Newton 1 1 0Nicholls 3 2 1Norcross 38 30 8Norman Park 2 2 0Oakwood 10 9 1Ocilla 15 13 2Oconee 1 1 0Oglethorpe 6 5 1Omega 4 4 0Palmetto 12 10 2Patterson 1 1 0Pavo 3 3 0Peachtree City 58 54 4Pearson 6 5 1Pelham 18 10 8Pembroke 8 7 1Perry 43 32 11Pinehurst 1 1 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Pine Lake 3 3 0Pine Mountain 8 7 1Pineview 1 1 0Pooler 24 21 3Portal 2 2 0Porterdale 7 7 0Port Wentworth 18 16 2Powder Springs 34 25 9Ray City 3 2 1Reidsville 9 8 1Remerton 9 8 1Richland 4 4 0Richmond Hill 23 18 5Rincon 13 11 2Roberta 3 3 0Rochelle 8 4 4Rockmart 17 15 2Rome 108 95 13Rossville 9 8 1Royston 16 13 3Sardis 6 6 0Savannah 524 419 105Screven 2 2 0Sky Valley 6 6 0Smithville 4 4 0Smyrna 140 93 47Snellville 46 36 10Soperton 10 6 4Springfield 8 7 1Statesboro 63 53 10Statham 4 4 0Stillmore 2 1 1St. Marys 36 33 3Stone Mountain 25 21 4Suwanee 34 26 8Swainsboro 22 18 4Sycamore 4 2 2Sylvania 15 12 3Sylvester 25 20 5Tallapoosa 14 13 1Tallulah Falls 3 2 1Temple 6 6 0Tennille 7 7 0Thomaston 46 37 9Thomasville 58 53 5Thomson 17 14 3Tifton 56 47 9Tignall 2 1 1Toccoa 34 22 12Trenton 7 7 0Trion 8 8 0Tunnel Hill 5 3 2Twin City 4 4 0Tybee Island 25 14 11Tyrone 13 12 1Union City 38 34 4Union Point 10 9 1Valdosta 133 115 18Vidalia 39 30 9Vienna 8 7 1Villa Rica 45 37 8Wadley 6 4 2Warm Springs 2 1 1Warner Robins 134 104 30Warwick 4 4 0Washington 17 16 1Watkinsville 5 5 0Waynesboro 27 19 8


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


West Point 17 12 5Whitesburg 4 4 0Willacoochee 5 5 0Winterville 3 3 0Woodbine 4 4 0Woodbury 14 8 6Wrens 10 6 4Wrightsville 6 6 0Zebulon 9 8 1


Honolulu 2,455 1,973 482


Aberdeen 8 5 3American Falls 11 9 2Bellevue 3 3 0Blackfoot 25 22 3Boise 326 262 64Bonners Ferry 8 8 0Buhl 10 8 2Caldwell 59 46 13Cascade 4 4 0Challis 1 1 0Chubbuck 26 17 9Coeur d’Alene 74 61 13Cottonwood 1 1 0Emmett 13 12 1Filer 5 5 0Fruitland 9 8 1Garden City 33 28 5Gooding 6 6 0Grangeville 6 6 0Hagerman 1 1 0Hailey 14 12 2Heyburn 7 6 1Homedale 5 5 0Idaho Falls 118 86 32Jerome 18 16 2Kamiah 4 4 0Kellogg 8 7 1Ketchum 21 10 11Kimberly 7 6 1Lewiston 65 45 20McCall 10 8 2Meridian 53 45 8Montpelier 6 6 0Moscow 46 35 11Mountain Home 25 21 4Nampa 105 80 25Orofino 6 5 1Osburn 2 2 0Parma 4 4 0Payette 13 11 2Pinehurst 2 2 0Pocatello 126 90 36Ponderay 4 4 0Post Falls 50 30 20Preston 6 6 0Rathdrum 13 10 3Rexburg 37 31 6Rigby 7 7 0Rupert 17 16 1Sandpoint 37 20 17Shelley 8 8 0Soda Springs 8 7 1


Spirit Lake 4 4 0St. Anthony 7 7 0St. Maries 6 5 1Sun Valley 10 9 1Twin Falls 74 53 21Weiser 12 10 2Wendell 3 3 0Wilder 4 4 0


Abingdon 5 5 0Addison 88 63 25Albany 1 1 0Albers 1 1 0Albion 2 2 0Aledo 8 6 2Algonquin 55 42 13Alorton 4 4 0Alsip 53 41 12Altamont 5 5 0Alton 93 69 24Amboy 3 3 0Andalusia 3 3 0Anna 9 9 0Annawan 3 3 0Antioch 30 20 10Arcola 6 6 0Arlington Heights 143 107 36Arthur 5 5 0Ashland 2 2 0Assumption 1 1 0Astoria 1 1 0Athens 3 3 0Atkinson 1 1 0Atlanta 3 3 0Auburn 9 5 4Augusta 1 1 0Aurora 344 268 76Aviston 1 1 0Bannockburn 7 7 0Barrington 43 34 9Barrington Hills 27 19 8Barry 1 1 0Bartlett 64 47 17Bartonville 16 11 5Batavia 49 42 7Beardstown 13 9 4Beckemeyer 1 1 0Bedford Park 43 35 8Beecher 6 6 0Belleville 98 80 18Bellwood 61 47 14Belvidere 36 34 2Benld 4 4 0Bensenville 52 38 14Benton 15 10 5Berkeley 20 16 4Berwyn 116 91 25Bethalto 23 16 7Bloomingdale 66 49 17Bloomington 128 108 20Blue Island 65 40 25Blue Mound 2 2 0Bolingbrook 145 100 45Bourbonnais 26 19 7Bradley 37 29 8Braidwood 22 14 8

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Breese 7 6 1Bridgeport 2 2 0Bridgeview 47 44 3Brighton 5 3 2Broadview 45 36 9Brookfield 37 30 7Brooklyn 6 6 0Buffalo Grove 84 71 13Bull Valley 2 2 0Bunker Hill 5 4 1Burbank 65 49 16Burnham 14 10 4Burr Ridge 29 25 4Byron 7 6 1Cahokia 46 35 11Cairo 12 7 5Calumet City 109 80 29Calumet Park 28 20 8Cambridge 1 1 0Camp Point 2 2 0Canton 32 23 9Carbon Cliff 3 3 0Carbondale 75 59 16Carlinville 18 12 6Carlyle 8 7 1Carmi 10 9 1Carol Stream 86 60 26Carpentersville 71 60 11Carrier Mills 2 2 0Carrollton 6 6 0Carterville 7 7 0Carthage 4 4 0Cary 32 24 8Casey 9 8 1Caseyville 13 9 4Catlin 1 1 0Central City 4 4 0Centralia 38 26 12Centreville 20 15 5Chadwick 1 1 0Champaign 148 117 31Channahon 15 13 2Charleston 36 33 3Chatham 17 12 5Chenoa 4 4 0Cherry Valley 15 15 0Chester 13 10 3Chicago 14,932 13,609 1,323Chicago Heights 116 81 35Chicago Ridge 34 30 4Chillicothe 14 10 4Christopher 4 4 0Cicero 152 131 21Clarendon Hills 15 15 0Clinton 15 14 1Coal City 11 11 0Coal Valley 7 6 1Cobden 2 2 0Collinsville 47 37 10Colona 11 9 2Columbia 19 14 5Cordova 2 2 0Cortland 2 2 0Coulterville 1 1 0Country Club Hills 42 31 11Countryside 29 23 6Crest Hill 28 25 3Crestwood 3 2 1

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Crete 18 16 2Creve Coeur 10 8 2Crystal Lake 80 60 20Cuba 2 2 0Dallas City 1 1 0Danvers 1 1 0Danville 81 64 17Darien 55 38 17Decatur 184 154 30Deerfield 53 38 15De Kalb 69 56 13De Pue 2 2 0De Soto 3 3 0Des Plaines 131 107 24Divernon 1 1 0Dixmoor 20 15 5Dixon 30 26 4Dolton 66 50 16Downers Grove 114 80 34Dupo 6 6 0Du Quoin 14 10 4Durand 1 1 0Dwight 10 9 1Earlville 3 3 0East Alton 17 12 5East Carondelet 2 2 0East Dubuque 7 7 0East Dundee 15 14 1East Galesburg 1 1 0East Hazel Crest 12 10 2East Moline 50 39 11East Peoria 50 37 13East St. Louis 88 67 21Edwardsville 48 35 13Effingham 37 24 13Elburn 8 7 1Eldorado 12 8 4Elgin 227 170 57Elizabeth 1 1 0Elk Grove Village 109 96 13Elmhurst 91 69 22Elmwood 1 1 0Elmwood Park 48 37 11El Paso 5 5 0Energy 4 4 0Enfield 1 1 0Erie 3 3 0Essex 2 2 0Eureka 5 5 0Evanston 207 159 48Evergreen Park 65 53 12Fairbury 7 7 0Fairfield 17 13 4Fairmont City 8 5 3Fairview 1 1 0Fairview Heights 51 40 11Farmer City 6 3 3Farmington 4 4 0Fisher 2 2 0Flora 16 11 5Flossmoor 25 19 6Ford Heights 23 14 9Forest Park 54 38 16Forest View 11 8 3Fox Lake 32 26 6Fox River Grove 11 11 0Fox River Valley Gardens 1 1 0Frankfort 28 25 3


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Franklin Park 65 48 17Freeburg 9 8 1Freeport 76 58 18Fulton 8 7 1Galena 12 10 2Galesburg 81 53 28Galva 3 3 0Geneseo 21 14 7Geneva 47 35 12Genoa 8 8 0Georgetown 4 4 0Germantown 2 2 0Gibson City 11 6 5Gifford 1 1 0Gilberts 6 5 1Gillespie 10 6 4Gilman 2 2 0Girard 5 5 0Glen Carbon 24 17 7Glencoe 44 34 10Glendale Heights 78 52 26Glen Ellyn 47 37 10Glenview 101 74 27Glenwood 26 19 7Golf 4 4 0Grafton 2 2 0Granite City 63 53 10Grant Park 6 5 1Granville 3 3 0Grayslake 42 28 14Grayville 7 3 4Greenfield 1 1 0Greenup 4 4 0Green Valley 3 3 0Greenville 14 10 4Gridley 1 1 0Gurnee 88 62 26Hamilton 5 5 0Hampshire 11 10 1Hampton 4 4 0Hanover 2 2 0Hanover Park 68 48 20Harrisburg 14 13 1Hartford 4 3 1Harvard 24 18 6Harvey 93 56 37Harwood Heights 36 27 9Havana 14 9 5Hawthorn Woods 12 11 1Hazel Crest 39 30 9Hebron 3 3 0Henry 4 4 0Herrin 20 14 6Herscher 2 2 0Hickory Hills 36 29 7Highland 26 18 8Highland Park 75 53 22Highwood 15 13 2Hillsboro 8 8 0Hillside 38 29 9Hinckley 3 3 0Hinsdale 39 28 11Hodgkins 19 17 2Hoffman Estates 115 96 19Homer 1 1 0Hometown 5 1 4Homewood 48 36 12Hoopeston 17 11 6


Hopedale 1 1 0Hopkins Park 5 5 0Huntley 25 21 4Indian Head Park 13 10 3Island Lake 17 12 5Itasca 38 28 10Jacksonville 51 42 9Jerome 6 6 0Jerseyville 19 13 6Johnsburg 9 8 1Johnston City 5 5 0Joliet 347 262 85Jonesboro 3 3 0Justice 32 26 6Kankakee 98 73 25Kenilworth 14 10 4Kewanee 30 22 8Kildeer 18 17 1Kirkland 3 3 0Knoxville 4 4 0Lacon 3 3 0La Grange 34 28 6La Grange Park 29 24 5Lake Bluff 20 15 5Lake Forest 63 45 18Lake-in-the-Hills 49 36 13Lakemoor 9 8 1Lake Villa 18 16 2Lakewood 9 8 1Lake Zurich 57 38 19La Moille 1 1 0Lanark 2 2 0Lansing 81 62 19La Salle 24 19 5Lebanon 9 9 0Leland 1 1 0Leland Grove 6 6 0Lemont 32 28 4Lenzburg 1 1 0Le Roy 5 5 0Lewistown 3 3 0Lexington 3 3 0Libertyville 57 41 16Lincoln 32 28 4Lincolnshire 34 23 11Lincolnwood 45 34 11Lindenhurst 16 14 2Lisle 56 43 13Litchfield 23 15 8Livingston 1 1 0Lockport 34 30 4Lombard 86 69 17Loves Park 39 30 9Ludlow 3 3 0Lynwood 21 15 6Lyons 28 22 6Mackinaw 2 2 0Macomb 26 23 3Madison 17 13 4Mahomet 7 6 1Manhattan 7 7 0Manito 5 5 0Manteno 15 14 1Marengo 17 12 5Marion 32 22 10Marissa 5 5 0Markham 40 32 8Maroa 3 3 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Marquette Heights 5 5 0Marseilles 14 10 4Marshall 11 10 1Martinsville 2 2 0Maryville 15 10 5Mascoutah 14 12 2Mason City 4 4 0Matteson 47 39 8Mattoon 57 45 12Maywood 72 53 19McCook 19 15 4McCullom Lake 1 1 0McHenry 57 43 14McLean 1 1 0McLeansboro 5 5 0Melrose Park 79 65 14Mendota 20 15 5Meredosia 2 2 0Metamora 6 6 0Metropolis 21 16 5Midlothian 31 24 7Milan 22 13 9Milledgeville 2 2 0Millstadt 5 5 0Minier 2 2 0Minonk 2 2 0Minooka 15 13 2Mokena 28 26 2Moline 108 82 26Momence 8 8 0Monee 11 10 1Monmouth 26 17 9Montgomery 23 15 8Monticello 7 6 1Morris 33 26 7Morrison 6 6 0Morton 29 22 7Morton Grove 64 46 18Mound City 3 3 0Mount Carmel 16 12 4Mount Carroll 3 3 0Mount Morris 6 5 1Mount Olive 4 2 2Mount Prospect 102 82 20Mount Pulaski 4 4 0Mount Sterling 10 5 5Mount Vernon 60 46 14Mount Zion 11 9 2Moweaqua 2 2 0Mundelein 56 39 17Murphysboro 25 16 9Naperville 276 180 96Nashville 7 6 1Nauvoo 3 3 0Neoga 3 3 0New Athens 4 4 0New Baden 3 3 0New Lenox 31 28 3Newman 1 1 0Newton 8 7 1Niles 70 54 16Nokomis 7 4 3Normal 79 69 10Norridge 54 39 15North Aurora 25 23 2Northbrook 91 62 29North Chicago 75 56 19Northfield 30 21 9

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Northlake 47 31 16North Pekin 2 2 0North Riverside 38 30 8Oak Brook 52 44 8Oakbrook Terrace 21 19 2Oak Forest 52 39 13Oak Lawn 153 105 48Oak Park 132 117 15Oblong 2 2 0O’Fallon 63 43 20Oglesby 19 9 10Okawville 3 3 0Olney 19 13 6Olympia Fields 20 18 2Oregon 8 7 1Orion 3 3 0Orland Hills 17 15 2Orland Park 121 93 28Oswego 39 36 3Ottawa 40 31 9Palatine 140 110 30Palestine 3 3 0Palmyra 1 1 0Palos Heights 29 27 2Palos Hills 38 35 3Palos Park 9 9 0Pana 13 9 4Paris 21 16 5Park City 12 8 4Park Forest 52 37 15Park Ridge 68 54 14Pawnee 10 6 4Paxton 7 7 0Pecatonica 3 3 0Pekin 59 53 6Peoria 280 234 46Peoria Heights 14 10 4Peotone 11 10 1Peru 26 20 6Petersburg 6 6 0Phoenix 2 1 1Pinckneyville 11 8 3Piper City 1 1 0Pittsfield 6 6 0Plainfield 40 34 6Plano 16 14 2Plymouth 1 1 0Polo 4 4 0Pontiac 25 22 3Pontoon Beach 19 13 6Port Byron 2 2 0Posen 14 12 2Princeton 16 15 1Prophetstown 3 2 1Prospect Heights 34 26 8Quincy 90 72 18Ramsey 1 1 0Rantoul 42 33 9Raymond 1 1 0Red Bud 5 5 0Richmond 5 5 0Richton Park 34 27 7Ridge Farm 1 1 0Ridgway 3 3 0Riverdale 49 35 14River Forest 34 31 3River Grove 30 23 7Riverside 25 19 6


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Robbins 13 6 7Robinson 14 12 2Rochelle 25 19 6Rochester 7 7 0Rockdale 3 3 0Rock Falls 29 21 8Rockford 330 297 33Rock Island 113 86 27Rockton 14 13 1Rolling Meadows 80 56 24Romeoville 66 52 14Roodhouse 5 5 0Roscoe 11 10 1Roselle 51 36 15Rosemont 84 70 14Rossville 2 2 0Round Lake 19 15 4Round Lake Beach 48 37 11Round Lake Heights 4 4 0Round Lake Park 13 11 2Roxana 6 5 1Royalton 2 2 0Rushville 5 5 0Salem 21 14 7Sandwich 19 13 6Sauget 13 12 1Sauk Village 24 18 6Savanna 8 8 0Schaumburg 203 134 69Schiller Park 38 31 7Seneca 9 4 5Sesser 6 5 1Shawneetown 4 4 0Shelbyville 8 7 1Sheridan 2 2 0Sherman 6 6 0Shiloh 11 11 0Shorewood 22 19 3Silvis 21 14 7Skokie 142 109 33Sleepy Hollow 7 6 1Smithton 5 4 1Somonauk 4 4 0South Barrington 20 16 4South Beloit 12 9 3South Chicago Heights 11 9 2South Elgin 35 27 8Southern View 4 4 0South Holland 55 43 12South Jacksonville 6 5 1South Pekin 2 2 0South Roxana 5 5 0Sparta 17 12 5Springfield 322 272 50Spring Grove 9 8 1Spring Valley 13 9 4St. Anne 3 3 0Staunton 10 7 3St. Charles 60 49 11Steger 23 16 7Sterling 43 30 13Stickney 21 16 5Stockton 3 3 0Stone Park 30 21 9Stonington 1 1 0Streamwood 67 56 11Streator 30 25 5Sugar Grove 9 8 1


Sullivan 10 8 2Summit 41 35 6Sumner 2 2 0Swansea 21 16 5Sycamore 32 22 10Tampico 1 1 0Taylorville 29 22 7Thomasboro 2 2 0Thomson 1 1 0Thornton 11 10 1Tilton 3 3 0Tinley Park 89 69 20Tolono 4 4 0Tremont 3 3 0Trenton 3 3 0Troy 20 15 5Tuscola 7 6 1University Park 20 17 3Urbana 63 50 13Valmeyer 1 1 0Vandalia 18 13 5Venice 7 4 3Vernon Hills 72 48 24Vienna 3 3 0Villa Grove 5 4 1Villa Park 53 38 15Virden 12 7 5Virginia 1 1 0Wamac 4 4 0Warren 3 3 0Warrensburg 1 1 0Warrenville 31 24 7Washburn 2 2 0Washington 26 17 9Washington Park 14 10 4Waterloo 16 14 2Waterman 1 1 0Watseka 12 11 1Wauconda 34 20 14Waukegan 219 163 56Wayne 4 4 0Wayne City 1 1 0Westchester 50 38 12West Chicago 58 47 11West City 11 4 7West Dundee 23 20 3Western Springs 27 21 6West Frankfort 20 14 6Westmont 60 44 16West Salem 1 1 0Westville 3 3 0Wheaton 93 69 24Wheeling 87 63 24White Hall 7 4 3Williamsfield 1 1 0Williamsville 3 3 0Willowbrook 29 25 4Willow Springs 19 14 5Wilmette 57 40 17Wilmington 19 13 6Winchester 4 4 0Winfield 22 20 2Winnebago 5 5 0Winnetka 39 28 11Winthrop Harbor 17 10 7Witt 1 1 0Wood Dale 52 34 18Woodhull 1 1 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Woodridge 72 50 22Wood River 26 19 7Woodstock 44 32 12Worden 1 1 0Worth 27 25 2Yates City 1 1 0Yorkville 20 18 2Zeigler 2 2 0Zion 60 44 16


Albion 5 5 0Alexandria 17 13 4Anderson 151 130 21Angola 20 16 4Attica 6 6 0Auburn 28 21 7Aurora 12 8 4Austin 6 6 0Batesville 15 10 5Bedford 41 32 9Beech Grove 41 30 11Berne 6 6 0Bicknell 11 7 4Bloomington 108 78 30Bluffton 30 20 10Boonville 14 13 1Brazil 16 12 4Bremen 16 12 4Brookville 10 9 1Brownsburg 39 28 11Burns Harbor 2 2 0Cambridge City 5 5 0Carmel 89 75 14Cedar Lake 18 14 4Charlestown 17 12 5Chesterfield 6 6 0Chesterton 25 20 5Clarksville 44 35 9Clinton 11 7 4Columbia City 19 17 2Columbus 79 73 6Connersville 39 37 2Corydon 7 7 0Covington 6 6 0Crawfordsville 43 29 14Crown Point 42 31 11Culver 5 4 1Decatur 21 17 4Delphi 11 7 4Dunkirk 10 6 4Dyer 32 25 7East Chicago 149 117 32Edinburgh 14 9 5Elkhart 150 116 34Elwood 21 17 4Evansville 323 285 38Fairmount 9 5 4Fishers 67 60 7Fort Wayne 549 413 136Fowler 3 3 0Frankfort 38 29 9Franklin 46 33 13Garrett 15 11 4Gary 374 284 90Gas City 16 12 4Georgetown 3 3 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Goshen 60 53 7Greencastle 17 15 2Greendale 15 11 4Greenfield 36 29 7Greensburg 27 18 9Greenwood 76 54 22Griffith 39 31 8Hagerstown 5 5 0Hammond 256 207 49Hartford City 12 10 2Hebron 9 8 1Highland 50 42 8Hobart 69 54 15Huntingburg 10 9 1Huntington 44 33 11Indianapolis 2,665 1,589 1,076Jasonville 5 5 0Jasper 25 18 7Jeffersonville 57 49 8Kendallville 25 18 7Kingsford Heights 2 2 0Knox 8 8 0Kokomo 137 99 38Kouts 4 4 0Lafayette 137 106 31Lake Station 28 23 5La Porte 52 47 5Lawrence 60 53 7Lawrenceburg 21 17 4Lebanon 29 28 1Ligonier 9 9 0Linton 13 9 4Logansport 54 44 10Long Beach 6 5 1Loogootee 7 5 2Lowell 19 14 5Madison 34 27 7Marion 89 73 16Martinsville 26 19 7Merrillville 64 52 12Michigan City 103 88 15Mishawaka 125 97 28Mitchell 14 9 5Monticello 16 12 4Mooresville 26 20 6Mount Vernon 15 14 1Muncie 128 120 8Munster 46 35 11Nappanee 21 15 6New Albany 78 61 17New Castle 39 36 3New Chicago 5 1 4New Haven 24 18 6New Whiteland 11 7 4Noblesville 71 61 10North Liberty 4 4 0North Manchester 15 11 4North Vernon 19 16 3Oakland City 5 5 0Peru 30 28 2Petersburg 5 5 0Plainfield 37 34 3Plymouth 30 24 6Portage 69 51 18Portland 17 13 4Princes Lakes 4 4 0Princeton 17 16 1Rensselaer 14 9 5


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Richmond 93 79 14Rochester 20 14 6Rushville 18 13 5Salem 20 14 6Schererville 63 50 13Scottsburg 15 13 2Sellersburg 16 11 5Seymour 51 36 15Shelbyville 53 40 13South Bend 326 256 70Speedway 40 31 9St. John 19 14 5Sullivan 8 8 0Tell City 18 13 5Terre Haute 151 128 23Tipton 16 12 4Trail Creek 4 4 0Union City 10 7 3Valparaiso 67 48 19Vincennes 43 37 6Wabash 31 26 5Walkerton 12 7 5Warsaw 47 35 12Washington 24 18 6Waterloo 6 5 1Westfield 27 23 4West Lafayette 56 40 16West Terre Haute 12 7 5Westville 5 4 1Whitestown 1 1 0Whiting 28 22 6Winchester 16 12 4Winona Lake 5 5 0


Adel 8 8 0Albia 7 6 1Algona 15 10 5Altoona 22 20 2Ames 70 47 23Anamosa 8 7 1Ankeny 44 34 10Atlantic 14 12 2Audubon 3 3 0Belle Plaine 8 4 4Belmond 5 5 0Bettendorf 60 45 15Bloomfield 5 5 0Boone 22 17 5Burlington 61 45 16Camanche 7 7 0Carlisle 5 5 0Carroll 16 15 1Carter Lake 10 9 1Cedar Falls 44 41 3Cedar Rapids 237 196 41Centerville 19 14 5Chariton 7 6 1Charles City 13 12 1Cherokee 10 9 1Clarinda 15 11 4Clarion 7 6 1Clear Lake 19 14 5Clinton 52 43 9Clive 22 19 3Coralville 33 29 4Council Bluffs 135 116 19


Cresco 8 8 0Creston 16 12 4Davenport 202 159 43Decorah 18 13 5Denison 17 12 5Des Moines 495 359 136De Witt 9 9 0Dubuque 108 102 6Dyersville 11 6 5Eagle Grove 7 7 0Eldora 6 6 0Eldridge 7 7 0Emmetsburg 7 6 1Estherville 12 12 0Evansdale 8 7 1Fairfield 20 14 6Forest City 9 9 0Fort Dodge 46 43 3Fort Madison 26 21 5Garner 5 5 0Glenwood 13 11 2Grinnell 17 15 2Grundy Center 2 2 0Hampton 13 8 5Harlan 9 8 1Hawarden 4 4 0Hiawatha 8 8 0Humboldt 6 6 0Independence 15 11 4Indianola 19 17 2Iowa City 101 72 29Iowa Falls 16 11 5Jefferson 8 8 0Johnston 14 13 1Keokuk 35 25 10Knoxville 18 13 5Lake Mills 5 5 0Le Claire 8 7 1Le Mars 15 14 1Manchester 14 9 5Maquoketa 17 12 5Marion 47 38 9Marshalltown 61 43 18Mason City 57 44 13Missouri Valley 7 7 0Monticello 7 6 1Mount Pleasant 16 14 2Mount Vernon 6 6 0Muscatine 51 38 13Nevada 10 9 1New Hampton 6 6 0Newton 34 27 7North Liberty 3 3 0Norwalk 12 10 2Oelwein 15 10 5Ogden 3 3 0Onawa 7 7 0Orange City 7 7 0Osage 5 5 0Osceola 11 10 1Oskaloosa 19 17 2Ottumwa 43 36 7Pella 17 14 3Perry 19 13 6Pleasant Hill 11 11 0Polk City 5 5 0Red Oak 12 11 1Rock Rapids 3 3 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Sac City 4 4 0Sergeant Bluff 9 8 1Sheldon 12 8 4Shenandoah 14 10 4Sioux Center 7 7 0Sioux City 164 133 31Spencer 27 20 7Spirit Lake 8 7 1St. Ansgar 1 1 0Storm Lake 22 18 4Story City 5 5 0Tama 6 6 0Tipton 6 6 0Urbandale 44 40 4Vinton 7 7 0Washington 11 11 0Waterloo 131 121 10Waukee 11 9 2Waukon 7 7 0Waverly 16 15 1Webster City 21 14 7West Burlington 10 9 1West Des Moines 70 58 12West Liberty 6 5 1West Union 5 5 0Williamsburg 5 5 0Wilton 5 5 0Windsor Heights 12 11 1Winterset 9 8 1


Abilene 16 14 2Alma 1 1 0Altamont 4 4 0Andover 19 14 5Anthony 5 5 0Arkansas City 31 23 8Arma 4 4 0Atchison 25 23 2Attica 1 1 0Atwood 1 1 0Augusta 32 24 8Baldwin City 8 7 1Basehor 6 5 1Baxter Springs 14 10 4Bel Aire 9 8 1Belle Plaine 4 4 0Belleville 5 5 0Beloit 14 9 5Bird City 1 1 0Blue Rapids 2 2 0Bonner Springs 23 21 2Buhler 3 3 0Burlingame 3 3 0Burlington 9 7 2Burrton 1 1 0Bushton 1 1 0Caldwell 4 4 0Caney 9 5 4Canton 2 2 0Carbondale 3 3 0Cawker City 1 1 0Cedar Vale 1 1 0Chanute 22 19 3Chapman 2 2 0Cheney 3 3 0Cherokee 1 1 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Cherryvale 6 6 0Chetopa 4 4 0Cimarron 3 3 0Claflin 2 2 0Clay Center 7 6 1Clearwater 6 6 0Coffeyville 29 23 6Colby 17 12 5Columbus 10 8 2Colwich 3 3 0Concordia 16 10 6Conway Springs 3 3 0Council Grove 5 5 0Derby 45 34 11Dodge City 55 42 13Eastborough 7 7 0Edwardsville 16 15 1El Dorado 25 23 2Elkhart 3 3 0Ellinwood 5 5 0Ellis 5 5 0Ellsworth 6 5 1Elwood 3 3 0Emporia 70 49 21Enterprise 1 1 0Erie 3 3 0Eskridge 1 1 0Eudora 8 8 0Fairway 9 8 1Florence 1 1 0Fort Scott 22 17 5Fredonia 6 5 1Frontenac 9 6 3Galena 14 9 5Galva 1 1 0Garden City 81 53 28Garden Plain 2 2 0Gardner 22 21 1Garnett 12 8 4Girard 7 7 0Goddard 4 4 0Goodland 11 10 1Grandview Plaza 4 4 0Great Bend 37 32 5Halstead 6 5 1Harper 3 3 0Haven 3 3 0Hays 43 29 14Haysville 32 24 8Herington 11 6 5Hesston 7 6 1Hiawatha 7 6 1Highland 3 3 0Hill City 4 4 0Hillsboro 6 6 0Hoisington 10 7 3Holcomb 4 3 1Holton 11 7 4Hope 1 1 0Horton 10 6 4Hoxie 2 2 0Hugoton 6 6 0Humboldt 6 6 0Hutchinson 98 72 26Independence 31 23 8Inman 2 2 0Iola 27 17 10Junction City 66 50 16


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Kansas City 408 338 70Kechi 2 2 0Kingman 6 6 0Kinsley 3 3 0Kiowa 3 3 0La Crosse 3 3 0La Cygne 2 2 0Lake Quivira 2 2 0Lansing 13 11 2Larned 9 9 0Lawrence 164 131 33Leavenworth 84 62 22Leawood 75 54 21Lebo 1 1 0Lenexa 117 73 44Le Roy 1 1 0Liberal 46 35 11Lindsborg 7 6 1Little River 1 1 0Louisburg 9 9 0Lyndon 3 3 0Lyons 8 7 1Macksville 1 1 0Maize 7 5 2Maple Hill 1 1 0Marion 3 3 0Marquette 1 1 0Marysville 7 6 1McLouth 1 1 0McPherson 30 25 5Meade 3 3 0Medicine Lodge 6 6 0Merriam 30 26 4Minneapolis 5 5 0Mission 23 22 1Moran 1 1 0Moundridge 3 3 0Mount Hope 2 2 0Mulberry 1 1 0Mulvane 17 12 5Neodesha 8 7 1Newton 33 29 4Nickerson 5 5 0North Newton 2 2 0Norton 5 5 0Oakley 11 6 5Oberlin 3 3 0Olathe 183 143 40Osage City 6 6 0Osawatomie 17 11 6Osborne 4 4 0Oswego 6 5 1Ottawa 29 26 3Overbrook 2 2 0Overland Park 256 207 49Oxford 3 3 0Paola 21 15 6Park City 17 15 2Parsons 29 21 8Peabody 3 3 0Pittsburg 52 38 14Plainville 5 5 0Pleasanton 2 2 0Prairie Village 52 40 12Pratt 21 14 7Quinter 1 1 0Roeland Park 16 14 2Rolla 1 1 0


Rose Hill 8 7 1Rossville 3 3 0Russell 19 8 11Sabetha 5 5 0Salina 104 76 28Scott City 12 7 5Scranton 1 1 0Sedan 2 2 0Sedgwick 2 2 0Seneca 4 4 0Sharon Springs 1 1 0Shawnee 108 87 21Silver Lake 2 2 0Smith Center 3 3 0South Hutchinson 9 7 2Spearville 1 1 0Spring Hill 8 7 1Stafford 4 4 0Sterling 5 5 0St. Francis 5 4 1St. George 1 1 0St. John 4 4 0St. Marys 5 5 0Stockton 4 4 0Tonganoxie 8 7 1Topeka 344 286 58Towanda 3 3 0Troy 1 1 0Udall 2 2 0Ulysses 12 11 1Valley Center 12 7 5Valley Falls 2 2 0Victoria 2 2 0Wa Keeney 5 5 0Wakefield 1 1 0Wamego 11 6 5Waterville 1 1 0Wathena 2 2 0Waverly 1 1 0Weir 1 1 0Wellington 18 14 4Wellsville 3 3 0Westwood 8 7 1Wichita 830 636 194Wilson 1 1 0Winfield 29 22 7Yates Center 4 4 0


Adairville 1 1 0Albany 11 10 1Alexandria 13 12 1Allen 1 1 0Anchorage 14 10 4Ashland 56 48 8Auburn 3 3 0Audubon Park 6 6 0Augusta 3 3 0Barbourville 16 13 3Bardstown 25 20 5Bardwell 1 1 0Beattyville 7 5 2Beaver Dam 6 6 0Bellefonte 2 2 0Bellevue 10 9 1Benham 5 4 1Benton 9 7 2

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Berea 31 25 6Bloomfield 1 1 0Booneville 2 2 0Bowling Green 118 87 31Brandenburg 4 4 0Brodhead 1 1 0Brooksville 1 1 0Brownsville 1 1 0Burkesville 9 5 4Burnside 4 4 0Butler 1 1 0Cadiz 10 9 1Calhoun 2 2 0Calvert City 6 5 1Campbellsburg 1 1 0Campbellsville 32 21 11Campton 1 1 0Caneyville 1 1 0Carlisle 8 6 2Carrollton 12 11 1Catlettsburg 8 8 0Cave City 6 6 0Central City 13 12 1Clarkson 2 2 0Clay 1 1 0Clay City 3 3 0Clinton 5 5 0Cloverport 2 2 0Cold Spring 9 9 0Columbia 10 10 0Corbin 28 21 7Covington 143 113 30Crab Orchard 2 2 0Crescent Springs 9 9 0Crofton 1 1 0Cumberland 10 7 3Cynthiana 16 15 1Danville 24 23 1Dawson Springs 10 6 4Dayton 8 8 0Earlington 2 2 0Edgewood 12 12 0Edmonton 6 6 0Elizabethtown 53 39 14Elkhorn City 5 4 1Elkton 8 8 0Elsmere 12 11 1Eminence 6 6 0Erlanger 40 32 8Eubank 1 1 0Evarts 5 5 0Falmouth 7 6 1Flatwoods 14 10 4Fleming-Neon 3 3 0Flemingsburg 7 7 0Florence 57 53 4Fort Mitchell 13 12 1Fort Thomas 23 22 1Fort Wright 10 10 0Frankfort 58 53 5Franklin 23 20 3Fulton 15 11 4Gamaliel 1 1 0Georgetown 49 42 7Glasgow 48 36 12Graymoor-Devondale 3 3 0Grayson 10 10 0Greensburg 6 6 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Greenup 3 3 0Greenville 9 9 0Guthrie 6 5 1Hardinsburg 4 4 0Harlan 15 11 4Harrodsburg 28 18 10Hartford 5 5 0Hawesville 1 1 0Hazard 26 20 6Henderson 67 59 8Hickman 3 3 0Highland Heights 11 10 1Hillview 11 11 0Hindman 2 2 0Hodgenville 7 7 0Hopkinsville 75 67 8Horse Cave 5 5 0Hustonville 1 1 0Independence 25 23 2Indian Hills 8 7 1Inez 2 2 0Irvine 7 7 0Irvington 4 4 0Jackson 11 10 1Jamestown 5 5 0Jeffersontown 58 50 8Jenkins 5 5 0Junction City 5 5 0La Center 2 2 0La Grange 13 12 1Lakeside Park-Crestview Hills 9 8 1Lancaster 8 8 0Lawrenceburg 24 17 7Lebanon 23 15 8Lebanon Junction 5 5 0Leitchfield 16 15 1Lewisburg 1 1 0Lewisport 3 3 0Lexington 651 496 155Liberty 4 4 0Livermore 2 2 0Livingston 1 1 0London 33 30 3Lone Oak 2 2 0Louisa 7 7 0Louisville 927 709 218Loyall 4 1 3Ludlow 10 8 2Lynch 2 2 0Lynnview 1 1 0Madisonville 48 38 10Manchester 13 13 0Marion 7 7 0Martin 5 5 0Mayfield 36 28 8Maysville 31 25 6McKee 2 2 0Middlesboro 28 24 4Millersburg 3 3 0Monticello 9 9 0Morehead 29 20 9Morganfield 13 8 5Morgantown 4 4 0Mortons Gap 1 1 0Mount Olivet 1 1 0Mount Sterling 28 19 9Mount Vernon 8 8 0Mount Washington 14 13 1


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Muldraugh 3 3 0Munfordville 5 5 0Murray 35 30 5New Castle 1 1 0New Haven 1 1 0Newport 68 53 15Nicholasville 56 53 3Nortonville 1 1 0Oak Grove 16 12 4Olive Hill 7 7 0Owensboro 139 105 34Owenton 3 3 0Owingsville 3 3 0Paducah 91 77 14Paintsville 21 13 8Paris 23 22 1Park City 1 1 0Park Hills 6 6 0Pembroke 1 1 0Perryville 1 1 0Pikeville 28 20 8Pineville 8 8 0Pioneer Village 5 5 0Pippa Passes 1 1 0Powderly 3 2 1Prestonsburg 15 15 0Princeton 17 15 2Prospect 10 9 1Providence 6 6 0Raceland 6 5 1Radcliff 51 36 15Ravenna 2 2 0Richmond 61 47 14Russell 13 13 0Russell Springs 8 7 1Russellville 26 24 2Sadieville 2 2 0Salyersville 4 4 0Science Hill 1 1 0Scottsville 20 15 5Sebree 2 2 0Shelbyville 22 21 1Shepherdsville 17 16 1Shively 28 22 6Silver Grove 1 1 0Somerset 32 29 3Southgate 6 6 0South Shore 2 2 0Springfield 8 8 0Stamping Ground 1 1 0Stanford 9 8 1Stanton 10 10 0St. Matthews 37 31 6Sturgis 5 5 0Taylor Mill 9 8 1Taylorsville 4 4 0Tompkinsville 11 8 3Trenton 1 1 0Uniontown 2 2 0Vanceburg 6 6 0Versailles 32 22 10Villa Hills 9 8 1Vine Grove 7 7 0Warsaw 4 4 0Wayland 1 1 0West Buechel 11 11 0West Liberty 9 4 5West Point 4 4 0


Wheelwright 1 1 0Whitesburg 6 6 0Wickliffe 1 1 0Wilder 7 7 0Williamsburg 12 11 1Williamstown 6 6 0Wilmore 9 8 1Winchester 42 29 13Wingo 1 1 0Worthington 4 4 0Wurtland 1 1 0


Abita Springs 8 7 1Addis 6 5 1Alexandria 188 154 34Amite 20 20 0Baker 31 31 0Baldwin 9 8 1Ball 5 4 1Basile 14 8 6Bastrop 49 44 5Baton Rouge 749 593 156Bernice 6 6 0Berwick 10 10 0Blanchard 4 4 0Bogalusa 58 38 20Bossier City 204 150 54Breaux Bridge 22 22 0Broussard 16 14 2Brusly 10 9 1Church Point 17 17 0Clinton 7 7 0Coushatta 6 6 0Covington 42 32 10Crowley 33 32 1Cullen 5 5 0Denham Springs 42 27 15De Quincy 13 13 0De Ridder 25 24 1Dixie Inn 3 3 0Dubach 2 2 0Elton 5 5 0Erath 10 7 3Eunice 45 40 5Farmerville 13 13 0Ferriday 16 11 5Folsom 3 2 1Franklin 22 21 1Franklinton 19 13 6French Settlement 2 2 0Glenmora 6 6 0Golden Meadow 5 4 1Gonzales 30 30 0Grambling 18 13 5Gramercy 7 7 0Gretna 101 80 21Hammond 96 71 25Harahan 25 25 0Haughton 6 6 0Haynesville 8 8 0Homer 11 11 0Houma 86 71 15Independence 7 7 0Iota 4 4 0Iowa 12 10 2Jackson 7 6 1

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Jeanerette 15 11 4Jena 5 5 0Jennings 40 32 8Jonesboro 15 11 4Kaplan 22 22 0Kenner 256 176 80Kentwood 10 10 0Kinder 13 13 0Krotz Springs 8 3 5Lafayette 287 212 75Lake Arthur 10 10 0Lake Charles 177 170 7Lake Providence 11 11 0Leesville 28 28 0Lockport 5 5 0Mamou 18 15 3Mandeville 46 37 9Mansfield 15 11 4Many 14 13 1Marksville 22 14 8McNary 2 1 1Minden 34 33 1Monroe 234 186 48Morgan City 57 47 10Napoleonville 3 3 0Natchitoches 67 54 13New Iberia 85 69 16New Orleans 2,000 1,613 387New Roads 19 17 2Norwood 2 1 1Oakdale 25 25 0Olla 3 3 0Opelousas 73 57 16Patterson 19 18 1Pearl River 10 6 4Pineville 48 43 5Plaquemine 24 20 4Pollock 2 2 0Ponchatoula 21 16 5Port Allen 23 19 4Port Vincent 4 3 1Rayne 25 24 1Rayville 10 10 0Richwood 13 6 7Ruston 50 41 9Shreveport 638 499 139Sicily Island 3 2 1Simmesport 5 5 0Slidell 112 76 36Sorrento 5 5 0Springhill 13 13 0Sterlington 5 5 0St. Gabriel 15 7 8St. Martinville 23 15 8Stonewall 1 1 0Sulphur 61 57 4Tallulah 16 16 0Thibodaux 69 55 14Tickfaw 7 7 0Vidalia 22 16 6Ville Platte 23 23 0Vinton 12 12 0Vivian 12 9 3Washington 5 5 0Waterproof 8 6 2Welsh 13 13 0Westlake 21 20 1West Monroe 76 71 5

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Westwego 38 37 1Winnfield 23 15 8Youngsville 10 8 2Zachary 34 33 1


Ashland 3 3 0Auburn 59 51 8Augusta 57 42 15Baileyville 8 8 0Bangor 88 73 15Bar Harbor 13 9 4Bath 24 19 5Belfast 14 12 2Berwick 11 10 1Bethel 4 4 0Biddeford 68 48 20Boothbay Harbor 7 5 2Brewer 19 17 2Bridgton 12 8 4Brownville 2 2 0Brunswick 47 33 14Bucksport 11 7 4Buxton 13 8 5Calais 12 8 4Camden 15 11 4Cape Elizabeth 17 13 4Caribou 16 14 2Carrabassett Valley 7 1 6Clinton 2 2 0Cumberland 16 11 5Damariscotta 6 5 1Dexter 6 5 1Dixfield 4 4 0Dover-Foxcroft 5 5 0East Millinocket 5 5 0Eastport 4 4 0Eddington 1 1 0Eliot 8 8 0Ellsworth 17 13 4Fairfield 13 12 1Falmouth 23 16 7Farmington 15 14 1Fort Fairfield 4 4 0Fort Kent 9 5 4Freeport 17 12 5Fryeburg 5 5 0Gardiner 16 11 5Gorham 28 20 8Gouldsboro 1 1 0Greenville 4 3 1Hallowell 5 5 0Hampden 12 11 1Houlton 18 13 5Jay 11 7 4Kennebunk 26 20 6Kennebunkport 12 11 1Kittery 27 19 8Lewiston 96 83 13Limestone 5 5 0Lincoln 7 6 1Lisbon 21 16 5Livermore Falls 11 7 4Machias 4 4 0Madawaska 7 6 1Madison 6 5 1Mechanic Falls 5 5 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Mexico 4 4 0Milbridge 2 2 0Millinocket 9 9 0Milo 3 3 0Monmouth 5 5 0Mount Desert 10 6 4Newport 5 5 0North Berwick 9 8 1Norway 8 7 1Oakland 10 9 1Ogunquit 9 8 1Old Orchard Beach 25 17 8Old Town 19 15 4Orono 15 13 2Oxford 5 4 1Paris 9 8 1Phippsburg 1 1 0Pittsfield 6 6 0Portland 218 152 66Presque Isle 22 18 4Rangeley 3 3 0Richmond 5 5 0Rockland 21 18 3Rockport 8 7 1Rumford 16 16 0Sabattus 8 7 1Saco 45 33 12Sanford 45 32 13Scarborough 46 31 15Searsport 3 3 0Skowhegan 17 12 5South Berwick 11 7 4South Portland 68 51 17Southwest Harbor 9 5 4Swan’s Island 1 1 0Thomaston 5 5 0Topsham 18 14 4Van Buren 4 4 0Veazie 8 7 1Waldoboro 6 5 1Washburn 2 2 0Waterville 37 29 8Wells 31 23 8Westbrook 43 31 12Wilton 5 5 0Windham 29 22 7Winslow 9 8 1Winter Harbor 1 1 0Winthrop 12 8 4Wiscasset 6 5 1Yarmouth 17 12 5York 34 24 10


Aberdeen 48 39 9Annapolis 148 108 40Baltimore 3,888 3,316 572Baltimore City Sheriff 147 127 20Bel Air 42 30 12Berlin 20 15 5Berwyn Heights 7 6 1Bladensburg 22 18 4Brunswick 12 10 2Cambridge 54 45 9Capitol Heights 12 10 2Centreville 7 7 0Chestertown 13 11 2


Cheverly 15 13 2Cottage City 3 3 0Crisfield 15 12 3Cumberland 58 47 11Delmar 11 10 1Denton 10 9 1District Heights 10 8 2Easton 62 47 15Edmonston 6 6 0Elkton 40 30 10Fairmount Heights 5 4 1Federalsburg 11 10 1Forest Heights 4 3 1Frederick 161 128 33Frostburg 20 16 4Fruitland 13 12 1Glenarden 7 5 2Greenbelt 63 49 14Greensboro 3 3 0Hagerstown 119 98 21Hampstead 9 8 1Hancock 5 4 1Havre de Grace 36 27 9Hurlock 8 7 1Hyattsville 41 32 9Landover Hills 3 2 1La Plata 11 10 1Laurel 57 42 15Luke 2 2 0Manchester 4 4 0Morningside 12 9 3Mount Rainier 16 13 3North East 8 7 1Oakland 7 6 1Ocean City 113 93 20Ocean Pines 19 14 5Oxford 4 4 0Pocomoke City 17 12 5Port Deposit 4 4 0Preston 2 2 0Princess Anne 10 9 1Ridgely 4 4 0Rising Sun 7 5 2Riverdale Park 28 19 9Rock Hall 3 3 0Salisbury 105 79 26Seat Pleasant 14 9 5Smithsburg 3 2 1Snow Hill 9 8 1St. Michaels 5 4 1Sykesville 8 7 1Takoma Park 51 37 14Taneytown 7 7 0Thurmont 10 10 0University Park 7 7 0Westernport 2 2 0Westminster 53 41 12


Abington 32 30 2Acton 37 31 6Acushnet 19 17 2Adams 24 18 6Agawam 59 50 9Amesbury 40 33 7Amherst 60 50 10Andover 71 52 19

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Aquinnah 3 3 0Arlington 82 69 13Ashburnham 9 8 1Ashby 6 6 0Ashfield 2 2 0Ashland 30 23 7Athol 25 20 5Attleboro 79 66 13Auburn 41 31 10Avon 17 14 3Ayer 20 15 5Barnstable 131 111 20Barre 10 6 4Becket 1 1 0Bedford 34 26 8Belchertown 22 17 5Bellingham 38 31 7Belmont 54 50 4Berkley 4 4 0Berlin 11 7 4Bernardston 3 3 0Beverly 75 72 3Billerica 86 66 20Blackstone 17 15 2Bolton 13 8 5Boston 2,771 2,143 628Bourne 40 33 7Boxborough 11 10 1Boxford 14 13 1Boylston 12 9 3Braintree 87 78 9Brewster 25 19 6Bridgewater 42 38 4Brockton 220 188 32Brookfield 3 3 0Brookline 152 134 18Buckland 2 2 0Burlington 68 60 8Canton 45 44 1Carlisle 14 11 3Carver 18 13 5Charlton 22 18 4Chatham 28 22 6Chelmsford 71 56 15Chelsea 101 85 16Chicopee 127 123 4Clinton 34 29 5Cohasset 24 18 6Concord 41 34 7Dalton 12 10 2Danvers 63 47 16Dartmouth 86 62 24Dedham 62 60 2Deerfield 7 6 1Dennis 50 41 9Dighton 9 9 0Douglas 15 11 4Dover 17 16 1Dracut 47 42 5Dudley 20 16 4Dunstable 7 7 0Duxbury 40 31 9East Bridgewater 27 24 3East Brookfield 3 3 0Eastham 20 14 6Easthampton 28 27 1East Longmeadow 24 22 2Easton 34 30 4

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Edgartown 16 15 1Egremont 2 2 0Erving 3 3 0Essex 9 8 1Everett 97 89 8Fairhaven 35 30 5Fall River 291 232 59Falmouth 73 65 8Fitchburg 106 88 18Foxborough 34 30 4Framingham 128 114 14Franklin 57 46 11Freetown 22 17 5Gardner 43 34 9Georgetown 12 9 3Gill 3 3 0Gloucester 65 61 4Grafton 23 15 8Granby 11 10 1Great Barrington 16 15 1Greenfield 52 39 13Groton 23 17 6Groveland 12 7 5Hadley 11 10 1Halifax 15 11 4Hamilton 21 15 6Hampden 14 10 4Hanover 32 29 3Hanson 25 20 5Hardwick 3 3 0Harvard 13 8 5Harwich 41 35 6Hatfield 2 2 0Haverhill 99 88 11Hingham 53 42 11Hinsdale 2 2 0Holbrook 22 21 1Holden 24 23 1Holland 2 2 0Holliston 22 21 1Holyoke 151 128 23Hopedale 15 11 4Hopkinton 25 20 5Hubbardston 9 5 4Hudson 37 31 6Hull 31 29 2Ipswich 30 25 5Kingston 30 22 8Lakeville 19 14 5Lancaster 10 10 0Lanesboro 6 6 0Lawrence 172 146 26Lee 12 11 1Leicester 22 17 5Lenox 10 10 0Leominster 88 72 16Leverett 1 1 0Lexington 65 52 13Lincoln 19 13 6Littleton 17 16 1Longmeadow 35 30 5Lowell 327 249 78Ludlow 39 33 6Lunenburg 13 13 0Lynn 208 189 19Lynnfield 23 19 4Malden 111 100 11Manchester-by-the-Sea 16 14 2


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Mansfield 42 32 10Marblehead 46 37 9Marion 14 14 0Marlborough 76 65 11Marshfield 45 42 3Mashpee 41 32 9Mattapoisett 17 17 0Maynard 24 22 2Medfield 22 17 5Medford 129 124 5Medway 26 21 5Melrose 52 49 3Mendon 19 14 5Merrimac 11 7 4Methuen 98 84 14Middleboro 52 42 10Middleton 12 11 1Milford 50 46 4Millbury 22 17 5Millis 19 15 4Millville 7 4 3Milton 71 56 15Monson 17 12 5Montague 20 15 5Monterey 1 1 0Nahant 12 12 0Nantucket 34 30 4Natick 67 53 14Needham 58 49 9New Bedford 321 271 50Newbury 15 10 5Newburyport 39 33 6Newton 174 146 28Norfolk 19 17 2North Adams 34 27 7Northampton 65 59 6North Andover 51 39 12North Attleboro 59 49 10Northborough 27 20 7Northbridge 25 20 5North Brookfield 6 6 0Northfield 4 4 0North Reading 32 30 2Norton 29 27 2Norwell 25 23 2Norwood 72 61 11Oak Bluffs 17 14 3Orange 14 13 1Orleans 26 20 6Oxford 22 18 4Palmer 27 21 6Paxton 9 8 1Peabody 110 94 16Pembroke 30 28 2Pepperell 18 17 1Petersham 2 2 0Phillipston 1 1 0Pittsfield 91 78 13Plainville 17 13 4Plymouth 121 102 19Plympton 5 5 0Princeton 8 5 3Provincetown 24 17 7Quincy 238 204 34Randolph 56 55 1Raynham 31 23 8Reading 48 38 10Rehoboth 25 21 4


Revere 101 93 8Rochester 10 10 0Rockland 45 34 11Rockport 17 16 1Rowley 18 14 4Rutland 6 5 1Salem 102 92 10Salisbury 20 16 4Sandwich 34 33 1Saugus 81 61 20Scituate 35 28 7Seekonk 40 34 6Sharon 29 26 3Sheffield 6 6 0Shelburne 2 2 0Sherborn 14 14 0Shirley 17 11 6Shrewsbury 51 38 13Somerset 40 32 8Somerville 158 132 26Southampton 7 7 0Southborough 20 15 5Southbridge 38 35 3South Hadley 32 27 5Southwick 21 16 5Spencer 21 17 4Springfield 651 553 98Sterling 15 10 5Stockbridge 6 6 0Stoneham 51 41 10Stoughton 65 58 7Stow 16 11 5Sturbridge 23 18 5Sudbury 33 27 6Sunderland 6 5 1Sutton 17 13 4Swampscott 37 35 2Swansea 36 30 6Taunton 123 117 6Templeton 11 10 1Tewksbury 71 54 17Tisbury 11 10 1Topsfield 14 10 4Townsend 18 16 2Truro 16 11 5Tyngsboro 28 25 3Upton 16 12 4Uxbridge 23 18 5Wakefield 45 44 1Walpole 43 37 6Waltham 187 140 47Ware 18 18 0Wareham 54 45 9Warren 11 7 4Watertown 86 72 14Wayland 32 23 9Webster 33 29 4Wellesley 55 41 14Wellfleet 18 13 5Wenham 11 10 1Westborough 34 27 7West Boylston 18 13 5West Bridgewater 22 21 1West Brookfield 6 6 0Westfield 84 75 9Westford 51 40 11Westminster 16 11 5West Newbury 12 7 5

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Weston 32 27 5Westport 32 27 5West Springfield 93 83 10West Tisbury 10 10 0Westwood 32 25 7Weymouth 123 106 17Whately 2 2 0Whitman 27 26 1Wilbraham 30 29 1Williamsburg 1 1 0Williamstown 17 13 4Wilmington 47 45 2Winchendon 16 12 4Winchester 45 38 7Winthrop 32 30 2Woburn 80 74 6Worcester 509 449 60Wrentham 20 18 2Yarmouth 58 52 6


Adrian 38 33 5Albion 35 28 7Algonac 9 8 1Allegan 10 9 1Allen Park 59 53 6Alma 13 12 1Almont 10 9 1Alpena 20 18 2Ann Arbor 230 167 63Argentine Township 6 5 1Armada 3 3 0Auburn 3 2 1Auburn Hills 64 50 14Bad Axe 10 10 0Bangor 6 6 0Baraga 3 3 0Barry Township 2 2 0Bath Township 11 10 1Battle Creek 149 122 27Bay City 77 69 8Belding 11 9 2Bellaire 3 3 0Belleville 12 10 2Bellevue 3 3 0Benton Harbor 34 23 11Benton Township 34 27 7Berkley 32 27 5Berrien Springs-Oronoko Township 9 8 1Beverly Hills 32 27 5Big Rapids 20 19 1Birch Run 7 6 1Birmingham 53 35 18Blackman Township 32 30 2Blissfield 5 5 0Bloomfield Hills 30 26 4Bloomfield Township 98 74 24Bloomingdale 1 1 0Boyne City 8 7 1Breckenridge 3 3 0Bridgeport Township 9 8 1Bridgman 4 4 0Brighton 18 16 2Bronson 5 5 0Brooklyn/Columbia 5 4 1Brown City 2 2 0Brownstown Township 50 39 11

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Buchanan 9 8 1Buena Vista Township 17 15 2Burr Oak 1 1 0Burton 46 40 6Cadillac 19 16 3Calumet 2 2 0Cambridge Township 2 2 0Canton Township 109 79 30Capac 5 4 1Carleton 4 3 1Caro 10 9 1Carrollton Township 8 7 1Carson City 2 2 0Carsonville 1 1 0Caseville 3 3 0Caspian 1 1 0Cass City 4 4 0Cassopolis 6 5 1Cedar Springs 7 7 0Center Line 35 29 6Charlevoix 7 7 0Charlotte 19 18 1Cheboygan 11 10 1Chelsea 13 9 4Chesterfield Township 49 37 12Chikaming Township 4 4 0Chocolay Township 5 4 1Clare 9 8 1Clawson 21 17 4Clay Township 21 15 6Clinton 4 4 0Clinton Township 142 110 32Clio 7 7 0Coldwater 19 18 1Coleman 2 2 0Coloma City 3 3 0Coloma Township 7 6 1Colon 3 3 0Concord 3 3 0Constantine 7 6 1Corunna 5 5 0Covert Township 7 7 0Croswell 6 6 0Crystal Falls 5 5 0Davison 13 11 2Davison Township 19 17 2Dearborn 220 193 27Dearborn Heights 112 91 21Decatur 4 4 0Denmark Township 1 1 0Denton Township 4 4 0Detroit 4,656 4,006 650Dewitt 7 6 1Dewitt Township 16 15 1Douglas 9 8 1Dowagiac 16 15 1Dryden Township 3 3 0Durand 7 6 1East Grand Rapids 33 30 3East Jordan 6 5 1East Lansing 99 66 33Eastpointe 58 53 5East Tawas 7 6 1Eaton Rapids 12 11 1Eau Claire 2 1 1Ecorse 27 26 1Edmore-Home 3 3 0Elk Rapids 5 5 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Elkton 2 2 0Elsie 1 1 0Emmett Township 16 14 2Erie Township 6 5 1Escanaba 48 35 13Essexville 8 8 0Evart 4 4 0Fair Haven Township 1 1 0Farmington 28 22 6Farmington Hills 169 118 51Fenton 20 15 5Ferndale 58 48 10Flat Rock 29 25 4Flint 268 237 31Flint Township 47 41 6Flushing 14 13 1Flushing Township 10 9 1Forsyth Township 7 6 1Fowlerville 6 6 0Frankenmuth 8 8 0Frankfort 5 5 0Franklin 11 10 1Fraser 62 48 14Fremont 9 8 1Frost Township 1 1 0Gagetown 1 1 0Galesburg 4 3 1Garden City 55 43 12Gaylord 14 12 2Genesee Township 26 22 4Gerrish Township 7 7 0Gibraltar 14 13 1Gladstone 13 12 1Gladwin 5 5 0Grand Beach 3 3 0Grand Blanc 23 20 3Grand Blanc Township 46 41 5Grand Haven 37 33 4Grand Ledge 16 15 1Grand Rapids 442 366 76Grandville 34 28 6Grant 1 1 0Grayling 6 6 0Green Oak Township 15 13 2Greenville 26 17 9Grosse Ile Township 25 18 7Grosse Pointe 27 25 2Grosse Pointe Farms 45 35 10Grosse Pointe Park 50 44 6Grosse Pointe Shores 23 21 2Grosse Pointe Woods 53 40 13Hamburg Township 14 13 1Hampton Township 12 11 1Hamtramck 46 43 3Hancock 7 7 0Harbor Beach 4 4 0Harbor Springs 6 5 1Harper Woods 40 35 5Hart 4 4 0Hartford 6 6 0Hastings 17 15 2Hazel Park 44 37 7Hesperia 3 3 0Highland Park 65 56 9Hillsdale 19 16 3Holland 74 62 12Holly 17 12 5Homer 3 3 0


Hopkins 3 3 0Houghton 8 8 0Howard City 3 3 0Howell 22 20 2Hudson 3 3 0Hudsonville 10 9 1Huntington Woods 18 17 1Huron Township 30 23 7Imlay City 10 9 1Inkster 85 69 16Ionia 21 19 2Iron Mountain 14 14 0Iron River 8 7 1Ironwood 15 13 2Ishpeming 14 13 1Ishpeming Township 1 1 0Ithaca 4 4 0Jackson 94 69 25Jonesville 5 5 0Kalamazoo 308 250 58Kalamazoo Township 40 33 7Kalkaska 7 6 1Keego Harbor 7 6 1Kentwood 85 69 16Kingsford 20 20 0Kinross Township 4 4 0Laingsburg 4 4 0Lake Angelus 2 2 0Lake Linden 3 3 0Lake Odessa 4 4 0Lake Orion 8 4 4Lakeview 2 2 0L’anse 5 5 0Lansing 366 258 108Lansing Township 17 16 1Lapeer 24 20 4Lathrup Village 12 11 1Laurium 4 4 0Lawrence 4 3 1Lawton 6 6 0Lennon 1 1 0Leoni Township 6 5 1Leslie 3 3 0Lexington 4 4 0Lincoln Park 71 61 10Lincoln Township 13 11 2Linden 5 5 0Litchfield 5 5 0Livonia 191 164 27Lowell 9 7 2Ludington 17 15 2Luna Pier 4 4 0Mackinac Island 6 5 1Mackinaw City 5 5 0Madison Heights 78 61 17Madison Township 2 2 0Mancelona 4 3 1Manistee 17 15 2Manistique 10 9 1Manton 1 1 0Marenisco Township 1 1 0Marine City 10 9 1Marion 1 1 0Marlette 5 5 0Marquette 42 36 6Marshall 21 16 5Marysville 19 16 3Mason 14 13 1

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Mattawan 6 6 0Mayville 2 2 0Melvindale 31 28 3Memphis 4 4 0Mendon 1 1 0Menominee 19 17 2Meridian Township 49 43 6Metamora Township 6 6 0Michiana 3 3 0Midland 52 49 3Milan 16 12 4Milford 24 18 6Millington 3 3 0Monroe 55 46 9Montague 5 5 0Montrose Township 13 12 1Morenci 5 5 0Morrice 2 2 0Mount Clemens 47 36 11Mount Morris 9 8 1Mount Morris Township 37 33 4Mount Pleasant 39 33 6Mundy Township 21 18 3Munising 6 6 0Muskegon 91 83 8Muskegon Heights 32 29 3Muskegon Township 16 15 1Napoleon Township 4 3 1Nashville 3 3 0Negaunee 11 10 1Newaygo 5 4 1New Baltimore 17 16 1Newberry 3 3 0New Buffalo 6 6 0New Haven 7 6 1Niles 33 22 11Niles Township 7 7 0North Branch 4 4 0Northfield Township 12 10 2North Muskegon 8 7 1Northville 19 16 3Northville Township 39 29 10Norton Shores 31 29 2Norvell Township 2 2 0Novi 91 59 32Oak Park 78 65 13Olivet 3 3 0Onaway 1 1 0Ontwa Township-Edwardsburg 7 6 1Orchard Lake 9 8 1Oscoda Township 13 12 1Otisville 1 1 0Otsego 8 7 1Ovid 3 3 0Owosso 22 21 1Oxford 8 5 3Parchment 3 3 0Parma-Sandstone 5 4 1Paw Paw 11 9 2Pentwater 3 3 0Perry 8 7 1Petoskey 20 18 2Pigeon 3 2 1Pinckney 4 4 0Pinconning 4 4 0Pittsfield Township 48 37 11Plainwell 11 9 2Pleasant Ridge 7 7 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Plymouth 19 17 2Plymouth Township 45 30 15Pontiac 217 169 48Portage 74 58 16Port Austin 2 2 0Port Huron 74 53 21Portland 7 6 1Potterville 3 3 0Prairieville Township 2 2 0Raisin Township 1 1 0Reading 3 3 0Redford Township 91 74 17Reed City 4 4 0Reese 2 2 0Richfield Township (Genesee County) 11 9 2Richfield Township (Roscommon

County) 5 5 0Richland 2 2 0Richland Township 4 4 0Richmond 12 9 3River Rouge 29 27 2Riverview 33 29 4Rochester 29 21 8Rockford 13 10 3Rockwood 9 8 1Rogers City 7 7 0Romeo 12 8 4Romulus 79 64 15Roosevelt Park 7 6 1Rose City 3 3 0Roseville 100 88 12Ross Township 1 1 0Royal Oak 118 97 21Saginaw 131 115 16Saginaw Township 47 43 4Saline 18 13 5Sand Lake 1 1 0Sandusky 6 6 0Sault Ste. Marie 32 27 5Schoolcraft 2 2 0Scottville 3 3 0Sebewaing 3 3 0Shelby 3 3 0Shelby Township 81 62 19Shepherd 2 2 0Somerset Township 1 1 0Southfield 199 156 43Southgate 49 38 11South Haven 26 19 7South Lyon 19 17 2South Rockwood 3 3 0Sparta 8 7 1Spaulding Township 2 2 0Spring Arbor Township 2 2 0Springfield 17 15 2Spring Lake-Ferrysburg 10 9 1Stanton 1 1 0St. Charles 4 4 0St. Clair 12 10 2St. Clair Shores 106 88 18Sterling Heights 223 166 57St. Ignace 7 6 1St. Johns 13 11 2St. Joseph 25 19 6St. Joseph Township 12 11 1St. Louis 7 6 1Sturgis 23 17 6Sumpter Township 16 13 3


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Suttons Bay 1 1 0Swartz Creek 9 8 1Sylvan Lake 5 5 0Taylor 135 106 29Tecumseh 17 15 2Thomas Township 9 8 1Three Oaks 3 3 0Three Rivers 21 17 4Tittabawassee Township 4 4 0Traverse City 35 33 2Trenton 46 44 2Troy 194 137 57Tuscarora Township 8 7 1Ubly 2 2 0Unadilla Township 3 3 0Union City 4 4 0Utica 21 16 5Van Buren Township 46 34 12Vassar 5 5 0Vernon 3 3 0Vicksburg 5 5 0Waldron 1 1 0Walker 46 37 9Walled Lake 20 14 6Warren 291 247 44Waterford Township 115 89 26Waterloo Township 2 2 0Watertown Township 1 1 0Watervliet 4 4 0Wayland 7 6 1Wayne 54 42 12West Bloomfield Township 99 74 25West Branch 7 6 1Westland 128 99 29White Cloud 3 2 1Whitehall 9 8 1White Lake Township 34 24 10White Pigeon 4 4 0Williamston 5 5 0Wixom 26 22 4Wolverine Lake 9 8 1Woodhaven 40 34 6Woodstock Township 1 1 0Wyandotte 57 44 13Wyoming 143 101 42Yale 5 5 0Ypsilanti 52 39 13Zeeland 10 9 1Zilwaukee 2 2 0


Albert Lea 39 30 9Alexandria 21 17 4Annandale 5 5 0Anoka 37 29 8Appleton 4 4 0Apple Valley 66 46 20Aurora 4 4 0Austin 31 27 4Babbitt 4 4 0Baxter 11 10 1Bayport 5 5 0Becker 6 5 1Belle Plaine 7 6 1Bemidji 27 24 3Benson 8 7 1Big Lake 8 7 1


Biwabik 4 4 0Blaine 64 47 17Blooming Prairie 3 3 0Bloomington 144 110 34Blue Earth 7 7 0Brainerd 32 25 7Breckenridge 11 7 4Brooklyn Center 55 41 14Brooklyn Park 98 75 23Buffalo 18 15 3Burnsville 86 68 18Caledonia 5 4 1Cambridge 11 10 1Cannon Falls 6 6 0Centennial Lakes 20 17 3Champlin 26 22 4Chaska 23 19 4Chisago City 6 5 1Chisholm 12 11 1Cloquet 21 19 2Cold Spring 6 6 0Columbia Heights 31 24 7Coon Rapids 70 60 10Corcoran 4 4 0Cottage Grove 44 31 13Crookston 18 16 2Crosby 10 6 4Crystal 36 27 9Dawson 3 3 0Dayton 5 5 0Deephaven/Woodland 8 7 1Detroit Lakes 15 13 2Dilworth 6 5 1Duluth 180 150 30Eagan 85 67 18East Grand Forks 23 21 2Eden Prairie 94 61 33Edina 66 49 17Elk River 34 27 7Ely 12 7 5Eveleth 11 10 1Fairmont 21 19 2Falcon Heights 22 20 2Faribault 37 28 9Farmington 17 15 2Fergus Falls 24 19 5Floodwood 3 3 0Forest Lake 20 18 2Fridley 46 38 8Gilbert 6 6 0Glencoe 10 9 1Glenwood 4 4 0Golden Valley 39 28 11Goodview 4 4 0Grand Rapids 20 16 4Granite Falls 5 5 0Hallock 1 1 0Hastings 30 25 5Hermantown 12 10 2Hibbing 34 31 3Hilltop 31 24 7Hopkins 40 25 15Hoyt Lakes 5 5 0Hutchinson 35 22 13International Falls 13 13 0Inver Grove Heights 37 30 7Jackson 8 7 1Janesville 5 4 1

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Jordan 10 8 2Kasson 8 8 0La Crescent 9 8 1Lake City 9 8 1Lakefield 3 3 0Lakeville 61 45 16Lauderdale 22 20 2Le Sueur 8 7 1Lindstrom 7 6 1Lino Lakes 25 22 3Litchfield 10 9 1Little Falls 14 12 2Long Prairie 6 6 0Madison 3 3 0Mankato 58 47 11Maple Grove 66 55 11Maplewood 66 47 19Marshall 24 21 3Medina 8 7 1Melrose 8 5 3Mendota Heights 18 16 2Minneapolis 1,132 836 296Minnetonka 74 55 19Minnetrista 9 9 0Montevideo 10 9 1Moorhead 72 48 24Moose Lake 4 4 0Mora 9 8 1Morris 9 8 1Mound 14 11 3Mounds View 17 16 1Mountain Iron 5 5 0Mountain Lake 4 4 0New Brighton 32 27 5New Hope 37 29 8Newport 8 8 0New Prague 10 8 2New Ulm 23 20 3North Branch 10 9 1Northfield 29 22 7North Mankato 13 12 1North St. Paul 18 16 2Oakdale 38 28 10Oak Park Heights 10 9 1Olivia 5 5 0Orono 21 18 3Ortonville 5 4 1Osseo 6 5 1Owatonna 29 27 2Park Rapids 8 7 1Paynesville 4 4 0Plainview 5 5 0Plymouth 74 59 15Princeton 10 9 1Prior Lake 22 19 3Proctor 8 7 1Ramsey 21 17 4Red Wing 32 26 6Redwood Falls 10 9 1Richfield 56 43 13Robbinsdale 28 21 7Rochester 167 121 46Roseau 7 6 1Rosemount 20 17 3Roseville 53 45 8Sartell 14 12 2Sauk Centre 9 6 3Sauk Rapids 13 12 1

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Savage 30 24 6Shakopee 34 29 5Silver Bay 5 5 0Slayton 4 4 0Sleepy Eye 6 6 0South Lake Minnetonka 16 14 2South St. Paul 27 25 2Springfield 5 5 0Spring Lake Park 13 11 2St. Anthony 22 20 2Staples 5 5 0St. Cloud 107 89 18St. Francis 11 9 2Stillwater 24 19 5St. James 8 7 1St. Joseph 7 6 1St. Louis Park 69 50 19St. Paul 817 571 246St. Paul Park 8 8 0St. Peter 19 14 5Thief River Falls 18 16 2Tracy 4 4 0Two Harbors 8 7 1Virginia 22 21 1Wabasha 6 4 2Wadena 9 8 1Waite Park 15 12 3Warroad 6 5 1Waseca 15 13 2Wayzata 10 9 1Wells 4 4 0West Hennepin 10 8 2West St. Paul 37 26 11White Bear Lake 36 29 7Willmar 36 32 4Windom 9 8 1Winona 45 39 6Woodbury 57 49 8Worthington 30 22 8Wyoming 6 6 0Zumbrota 4 4 0


Aberdeen 23 18 5Amory 23 18 5Batesville 47 38 9Bay St. Louis 37 29 8Belzoni 15 9 6Biloxi 191 136 55Booneville 24 20 4Brandon 38 26 12Brookhaven 34 30 4Bruce 5 5 0Byhalia 12 8 4Clarksdale 43 38 5Cleveland 45 35 10Clinton 62 45 17Collins 13 9 4Columbia 32 28 4Columbus 85 77 8Corinth 52 39 13Durant 11 11 0Edwards 3 3 0Eupora 9 7 2Florence 18 10 8Flowood 47 37 10Fulton 10 10 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Gloster 7 5 2Greenville 119 82 37Greenwood 74 53 21Grenada 45 40 5Gulfport 256 191 65Hattiesburg 180 108 72Heidelberg 6 5 1Hernando 25 21 4Hollandale 12 8 4Horn Lake 71 56 15Houston 14 10 4Indianola 32 24 8Itta Bena 13 8 5Iuka 12 9 3Jackson 668 436 232Kosciusko 20 20 0Laurel 84 57 27Leakesville 2 2 0Leland 23 18 5Lexington 11 10 1Long Beach 50 31 19Louisville 24 17 7Lucedale 18 12 6Macon 11 10 1Madison 47 34 13Magee 17 13 4Magnolia 6 6 0Marks 5 5 0McComb 52 33 19McLain 2 1 1Meridian 119 103 16Moorhead 6 6 0Morton 14 10 4Natchez 80 51 29New Albany 24 22 2Newton 16 11 5Ocean Springs 43 32 11Okolona 7 7 0Olive Branch 66 51 15Oxford 57 48 9Pascagoula 87 56 31Pass Christian 27 21 6Pearl 64 50 14Pelahatchie 8 6 2Petal 23 18 5Philadelphia 34 24 10Picayune 48 30 18Pickens 2 2 0Poplarville 11 10 1Port Gibson 12 9 3Purvis 11 8 3Quitman 12 12 0Raymond 6 6 0Richland 36 24 12Ridgeland 75 51 24Ripley 12 11 1Rolling Fork 6 6 0Ruleville 13 5 8Sandersville 5 4 1Senatobia 21 17 4Shelby 11 6 5Southaven 90 74 16Starkville 50 43 7Summit 7 6 1Sunflower 3 3 0Tchula 4 4 0Tupelo 123 108 15Tylertown 7 6 1


Utica 6 6 0Verona 9 9 0Vicksburg 94 71 23Water Valley 11 10 1Waveland 27 22 5Waynesboro 24 16 8West Point 37 28 9Wiggins 14 11 3Winona 13 11 2Yazoo City 47 30 17


Adrian 2 2 0Advance 4 4 0Alma 3 3 0Alton 2 2 0Anderson 4 4 0Appleton City 3 3 0Arbyrd 1 1 0Archie 3 3 0Arnold 57 45 12Ash Grove 4 3 1Ashland 4 4 0Augusta 2 2 0Aurora 17 11 6Auxvasse 1 1 0Ava 8 6 2Ballwin 68 53 15Bates City 2 2 0Battlefield 4 4 0Bella Villa 1 1 0Bellefontaine Neighbors 27 26 1Bel-Nor 9 9 0Bel-Ridge 16 15 1Belton 61 41 20Berkeley 55 44 11Bernie 9 5 4Bethany 6 6 0Beverly Hills 9 7 2Billings 4 4 0Birch Tree 1 1 0Bloomfield 3 3 0Blue Springs 98 71 27Bolivar 24 16 8Bonne Terre 11 11 0Boonville 27 20 7Bourbon 5 5 0Bowling Green 10 7 3Branson 55 40 15Branson West 5 5 0Breckenridge Hills 19 18 1Brentwood 31 25 6Bridgeton 66 54 12Brookfield 17 10 7Brunswick 1 1 0Bucklin 1 1 0Buckner 6 5 1Bunker 1 1 0Butler 16 10 6Byrnes Mill 5 5 0Cabool 11 6 5California 6 5 1Calverton Park 7 6 1Camdenton 14 11 3Cameron 19 15 4Campbell 7 4 3Canton 8 4 4

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Cape Girardeau 100 74 26Carl Junction 13 9 4Carrollton 7 6 1Carterville 7 7 0Carthage 34 26 8Caruthersville 21 20 1Cassville 8 8 0Center 1 1 0Centralia 12 7 5Chaffee 9 5 4Charlack 9 9 0Charleston 17 12 5Chesterfield 95 85 10Chillicothe 21 15 6Clarence 1 1 0Clarkton 4 4 0Claycomo 10 10 0Clayton 63 48 15Clever 2 2 0Clinton 20 19 1Cole Camp 3 3 0Columbia 169 136 33Concordia 6 6 0Cool Valley 11 10 1Cooter 1 1 0Cottleville 11 10 1Country Club Hills 9 9 0Crane 6 5 1Crestwood 44 35 9Creve Coeur 59 48 11Crocker 3 3 0Crystal City 19 15 4Cuba 13 11 2Dellwood 19 17 2De Soto 21 16 5Des Peres 50 40 10Dexter 22 16 6Diamond 2 2 0Dixon 7 4 3Doniphan 12 9 3Drexel 2 2 0Duenweg 3 3 0Duquesne 7 4 3East Lynne 1 1 0East Prairie 12 8 4Edgerton 1 1 0Edina 4 3 1Edmundson 10 9 1Eldon 13 11 2El Dorado Springs 12 8 4Ellington 3 3 0Ellisville 22 21 1Elsberry 4 4 0Eureka 27 23 4Excelsior Springs 29 21 8Exeter 1 1 0Fair Grove 3 3 0Fair Play 1 1 0Farmington 33 24 9Fayette 8 8 0Ferguson 62 52 10Ferrelview 1 1 0Festus 33 23 10Florissant 102 81 21Foley 1 1 0Fordland 1 1 0Foristell 6 6 0Forsyth 6 6 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Fredericktown 10 9 1Freeman 1 1 0Frontenac 25 19 6Fulton 30 24 6Gainesville 2 2 0Galena 1 1 0Gallatin 4 4 0Garden City 5 5 0Gerald 5 5 0Gideon 3 3 0Gladstone 53 40 13Glasgow 3 3 0Glendale 14 11 3Golden City 1 1 0Gower 4 4 0Grain Valley 14 12 2Granby 5 5 0Grandin 1 1 0Grandview 68 55 13Greenwood 11 10 1Hallsville 2 2 0Hamilton 3 3 0Hannibal 46 34 12Harrisonville 29 21 8Hartville 2 2 0Hawk Point 1 1 0Hayti 9 8 1Hayti Heigths 6 5 1Hazelwood 70 54 16Herculaneum 10 9 1Hermann 12 7 5Higbee 1 1 0Higginsville 14 9 5Hillsboro 6 6 0Hillsdale 12 11 1Holcomb 2 2 0Holden 9 8 1Hollister 18 12 6Holt 1 1 0Holts Summit 8 7 1Hornersville 2 2 0Houston 5 5 0Houston Lake 5 5 0Humansville 2 2 0Huntsville 2 2 0Iberia 2 2 0Independence 273 189 84Iron Mountain Lake 1 1 0Ironton 4 4 0Jackson 28 22 6JASCO Metropolitian 5 4 1Jasper 2 2 0Jefferson City 106 78 28Jennings 69 46 23Jonesburg 1 1 0Joplin 86 76 10Kahoka 4 4 0Kansas City 1,927 1,211 716Kearney 12 11 1Kennett 28 21 7Kimberling City 9 6 3Kimmswick 1 1 0Kingsville 1 1 0Kirksville 28 26 2Kirkwood 70 57 13Knob Noster 14 7 7La Belle 1 1 0Ladue 35 28 7


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


La Grange 12 8 4Lake Lotawana 8 7 1Lake Ozark 15 11 4Lakeshire 4 4 0Lake St. Louis 30 23 7Lake Tapawingo 1 1 0Lake Waukomis 1 1 0Lake Winnebago 4 4 0Lamar 11 9 2Lanagan 2 2 0La Plata 1 1 0Lathrop 5 4 1Laurie 6 6 0Lawson 7 6 1Leadington 6 5 1Leadwood 4 4 0Lebanon 35 26 9Lee’s Summit 151 103 48Leeton 1 1 0Lexington 9 8 1Liberal 2 2 0Liberty 52 36 16Licking 5 5 0Lincoln 3 3 0Linn 2 2 0Linn Creek 3 3 0Lockwood 2 2 0Lone Jack 4 3 1Louisiana 16 9 7Macon 12 11 1Malden 14 12 2Manchester 41 38 3Mansfield 5 5 0Maplewood 30 25 5Marble Hill 5 4 1Marceline 10 6 4Marquand 1 1 0Marshall 34 23 11Marshfield 7 7 0Marston 3 3 0Marthasville 1 1 0Maryland Heights 90 75 15Maryville 21 17 4Mayview 1 1 0Memphis 5 4 1Merriam Woods 1 1 0Mexico 34 30 4Milan 5 5 0Miner 12 7 5Moberly 48 35 13Moline Acres 7 7 0Monett 28 19 9Monroe City 5 5 0Montgomery City 6 6 0Montrose 1 1 0Morehouse 1 1 0Mosby 3 3 0Moscow Mills 4 4 0Mound City 2 2 0Mountain Grove 14 10 4Mountain View 7 7 0Mount Vernon 9 9 0Napoleon 3 3 0Neosho 27 24 3Nevada 27 20 7New Florence 3 3 0New Franklin 3 2 1New Haven 7 7 0


New London 2 2 0New Madrid 9 9 0New Melle 1 1 0Nixa 29 21 8Noel 5 5 0Norborne 1 1 0Normandy 21 20 1North Kansas City 57 41 16Northmoor 9 9 0Northwoods 16 14 2Norwood 1 1 0Oak Grove 9 8 1Oakland 70 57 13Oakview 4 4 0Odessa 10 10 0O’Fallon 119 90 29Olivette 28 22 6Oran 1 1 0Osage Beach 35 22 13Osceola 2 2 0Otterville 1 1 0Overland 54 41 13Owensville 10 8 2Ozark 23 19 4Pacific 24 17 7Pagedale 18 17 1Palmyra 10 7 3Park Hills 13 12 1Parkville 12 11 1Peculiar 8 7 1Perry 1 1 0Perryville 24 23 1Pevely 19 14 5Piedmont 6 6 0Pierce City 4 4 0Pilot Grove 1 1 0Pilot Knob 2 2 0Pine Lawn 27 23 4Pineville 4 4 0Platte City 11 11 0Platte Woods 3 3 0Plattsburg 5 5 0Pleasant Hill 16 10 6Pleasant Hope 2 2 0Pleasant Valley 11 8 3Poplar Bluff 54 43 11Portageville 14 12 2Potosi 14 10 4Puxico 2 2 0Randolph 2 2 0Raymore 30 20 10Raytown 71 54 17Reeds Spring 5 4 1Republic 30 19 11Rich Hill 4 4 0Richland 9 5 4Richmond 22 14 8Richmond Heights 49 41 8Risco 1 1 0Riverside 23 18 5Riverview 11 10 1Rockaway Beach 2 2 0Rock Hill 15 11 4Rock Port 2 2 0Rogersville 6 6 0Rolla 49 29 20Salem 18 13 5Salisbury 7 3 4

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Sarcoxie 4 4 0Savannah 4 4 0Scott City 16 11 5Sedalia 56 44 12Senath 3 3 0Seneca 7 7 0Seymour 4 4 0Shelbina 5 5 0Shrewsbury 20 17 3Sikeston 73 60 13Slater 9 5 4Smithville 16 15 1Sparta 2 2 0Springfield 409 326 83Stanberry 1 1 0St. Ann 57 45 12St. Charles 138 106 32St. Clair 14 12 2Steelville 6 6 0Ste. Genevieve 12 11 1St. George 5 5 0St. James 7 6 1St. John 25 23 2St. Joseph 152 112 40St. Louis 2,055 1,460 595St. Marys 1 1 0Stover 4 4 0St. Peters 103 83 20Strafford 5 5 0St. Robert 23 17 6Sturgeon 2 2 0Sugar Creek 19 14 5Sullivan 24 16 8Summersville 2 2 0Sunrise Beach 2 2 0Sunset Hills 29 22 7Sweet Springs 3 3 0Tarkio 3 3 0Thayer 8 6 2Tipton 3 3 0Town and Country 42 34 8Trenton 16 10 6Troy 20 18 2Truesdale 4 1 3Union 19 17 2Unionville 2 2 0University City 98 78 20Van Buren 2 2 0Vandalia 8 3 5Velda City 10 9 1Versailles 11 11 0Viburnum 3 3 0Vinita Park 13 12 1Walnut Grove 2 2 0Wardell 1 1 0Warrensburg 34 31 3Warrenton 17 14 3Warsaw 6 6 0Warson Woods 8 7 1Washburn 1 1 0Washington 29 25 4Waverly 1 1 0Waynesville 10 10 0Weatherby Lake 4 4 0Webb City 22 17 5Webster Groves 51 42 9Wellston 16 15 1Wellsville 4 4 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Wentzville 46 36 10Weston 4 4 0West Plains 26 21 5Wheaton 3 2 1Willard 8 7 1Willow Springs 8 7 1Windsor 6 6 0Winfield 3 3 0Winona 3 3 0Woodson Terrace 19 17 2Wright City 6 6 0


Baker 3 3 0Belgrade 11 9 2Billings 156 125 31Boulder 3 3 0Bozeman 49 41 8Bridger 2 2 0Chinook 4 4 0Columbia Falls 14 8 6Conrad 5 5 0Cut Bank 7 6 1Dillon 8 7 1East Helena 4 4 0Eureka 3 3 0Fort Benton 3 3 0Glasgow 8 7 1Glendive 15 9 6Great Falls 115 78 37Hamilton 14 13 1Havre 25 19 6Helena 71 50 21Hot Springs 2 2 0Joliet 2 2 0Kalispell 39 30 9Laurel 15 11 4Lewistown 20 14 6Libby 6 6 0Livingston 17 12 5Manhattan 2 2 0Miles City 17 12 5Missoula 102 82 20Plains 3 3 0Plentywood 5 4 1Polson 11 10 1Poplar 4 4 0Red Lodge 7 7 0Ronan City 4 4 0Sidney 11 10 1Stevensville 3 3 0St. Ignatius 3 3 0Thompson Falls 3 3 0Three Forks 3 3 0Troy 3 3 0West Yellowstone 11 6 5Whitefish 17 12 5Whitehall 3 2 1Wolf Point 8 6 2


Albion 3 3 0Alliance 28 20 8Ashland 5 5 0Auburn 6 6 0Aurora 7 7 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Bayard 4 4 0Beatrice 33 22 11Bellevue 83 75 8Blair 16 14 2Bridgeport 3 3 0Broken Bow 7 6 1Central City 6 5 1Chadron 18 12 6Columbus 49 34 15Cozad 9 5 4Crete 16 11 5David City 6 5 1Elkhorn 13 12 1Fairbury 8 7 1Falls City 13 9 4Fremont 44 36 8Geneva 2 2 0Gering 19 16 3Gordon 6 5 1Gothenburg 10 6 4Grand Island 83 75 8Hastings 53 38 15Holdrege 15 9 6Imperial 4 4 0Kearney 52 43 9Kimball 6 5 1La Vista 28 24 4Lexington 14 12 2Lincoln 406 301 105Lyons 2 2 0Madison 4 4 0McCook 19 15 4Milford 5 5 0Minatare 2 2 0Minden 5 4 1Mitchell 5 5 0Nebraska City 14 13 1Neligh 3 3 0Norfolk 57 38 19North Platte 66 41 25Ogallala 12 11 1Omaha 952 766 186O’Neill 8 7 1Ord 7 4 3Papillion 32 28 4Plainview 2 2 0Plattsmouth 18 15 3Ralston 13 12 1Schuyler 8 6 2Scottsbluff 36 32 4Seward 11 10 1Sidney 14 12 2South Sioux City 28 27 1Superior 4 4 0Syracuse 3 3 0Tecumseh 4 3 1Tekamah 3 3 0Valentine 4 4 0Valley 5 5 0Wahoo 6 6 0Wayne 11 7 4West Point 7 6 1Wilber 4 4 0Wymore 3 3 0York 20 14 6


Boulder City 41 29 12Carlin 7 5 2Elko 39 35 4Fallon 34 22 12Henderson 374 284 90Las Vegas Metropolitan Police

Department 3,880 1,951 1,929Lovelock 6 5 1Mesquite 36 20 16North Las Vegas 294 205 89Reno 470 311 159Sparks 136 93 43West Wendover 21 13 8Winnemucca 18 14 4Yerington 8 7 1


Alstead 2 2 0Alton 13 11 2Amherst 16 14 2Andover 1 1 0Antrim 4 4 0Ashland 6 6 0Auburn 9 7 2Barnstead 5 5 0Barrington 9 8 1Bartlett 5 4 1Bedford 39 27 12Belmont 17 14 3Bennington 2 2 0Berlin 29 20 9Bethlehem 6 3 3Boscawen 5 4 1Brentwood 4 4 0Bristol 9 7 2Campton 5 4 1Candia 6 5 1Canterbury 1 1 0Carroll 3 3 0Charlestown 8 5 3Chester 3 2 1Chesterfield 5 4 1Claremont 25 21 4Colebrook 4 4 0Concord 103 79 24Conway 29 20 9Danville 2 2 0Deerfield 8 7 1Deering 2 2 0Derry 71 59 12Dublin 3 3 0Enfield 7 6 1Epping 12 11 1Epsom 6 5 1Exeter 32 23 9Farmington 15 13 2Fitzwilliam 4 3 1Franconia 3 3 0Franklin 20 15 5Freedom 2 2 0Fremont 3 3 0Gilford 22 16 6Gilmanton 5 4 1Goffstown 40 28 12Gorham 10 7 3Grantham 4 3 1Greenland 6 6 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Greenville 6 6 0Hampstead 6 6 0Hampton 43 34 9Hancock 3 3 0Hanover 31 19 12Henniker 10 8 2Hillsborough 16 10 6Hinsdale 8 7 1Holderness 5 5 0Hooksett 35 23 12Hopkinton 7 6 1Hudson 58 43 15Jaffrey 14 11 3Keene 59 45 14Kensington 3 3 0Kingston 9 8 1Laconia 44 33 11Langdon 1 1 0Lebanon 39 28 11Lincoln 11 6 5Lisbon 3 3 0Litchfield 11 9 2Littleton 14 11 3Londonderry 59 44 15Loudon 7 6 1Manchester 270 202 68Marlborough 3 3 0Meredith 17 13 4Merrimack 49 37 12Middleton 3 3 0Milford 24 21 3Milton 6 5 1Mont Vernon 3 3 0Moultonboro 11 9 2New Boston 4 3 1New Castle 3 3 0New Durham 5 4 1Newfields 2 2 0New Hampton 6 6 0Newington 10 9 1Newmarket 18 13 5Newport 18 14 4Newton 4 3 1Northfield 10 9 1North Hampton 11 10 1Northwood 6 5 1Nottingham 6 5 1Ossipee 8 7 1Peterborough 12 10 2Pittsfield 8 7 1Plymouth 15 9 6Portsmouth 86 65 21Raymond 26 18 8Rindge 8 7 1Rochester 63 47 16Rollinsford 4 4 0Sandown 6 6 0Sandwich 2 2 0Somersworth 31 24 7Springfield 1 1 0Strafford 3 3 0Stratham 10 9 1Sugar Hill 1 1 0Swanzey 13 10 3Thornton 4 4 0Tilton 14 12 2Troy 3 3 0Tuftonboro 3 3 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Wakefield 9 8 1Walpole 4 3 1Warner 5 4 1Waterville Valley 7 6 1Weare 8 7 1Webster 2 2 0Winchester 6 5 1Windham 24 18 6Wolfeboro 15 10 5


Aberdeen Township 41 34 7Absecon 31 26 5Allendale 19 14 5Allenhurst 12 8 4Allentown 5 5 0Alpha 4 4 0Alpine 14 14 0Andover Township 17 12 5Asbury Park 85 72 13Atlantic City 525 410 115Atlantic Highlands 20 15 5Audubon 19 17 2Audubon Park 6 5 1Avalon 28 20 8Avon-by-the-Sea 11 11 0Barnegat Township 39 29 10Barrington 16 15 1Bay Head 9 8 1Bayonne 285 243 42Beach Haven 19 13 6Beachwood 20 18 2Bedminster Township 18 17 1Belleville 144 104 40Bellmawr 26 24 2Belmar 29 21 8Belvidere 6 6 0Bergenfield 51 45 6Berkeley Heights Township 34 27 7Berkeley Township 92 70 22Berlin 18 17 1Berlin Township 21 19 2Bernards Township 43 35 8Bernardsville 24 18 6Beverly 8 6 2Blairstown Township 11 10 1Bloomfield 139 121 18Bloomingdale 17 16 1Bogota 20 15 5Boonton 27 22 5Boonton Township 12 12 0Bordentown 12 10 2Bordentown Township 32 23 9Bound Brook 27 22 5Bradley Beach 19 15 4Branchburg Township 26 24 2Brick Township 154 121 33Bridgeton 78 66 12Bridgewater Township 89 72 17Brielle 15 14 1Brigantine 48 38 10Brooklawn 6 6 0Buena 15 9 6Burlington 34 31 3Burlington Township 51 43 8Butler 18 17 1Byram Township 15 14 1


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

NEW JERSEY—Continued

Caldwell 24 20 4Califon 2 2 0Camden 492 420 72Cape May 28 22 6Carlstadt 32 28 4Carney’s Point Township 25 20 5Carteret 60 50 10Cedar Grove Township 35 32 3Chatham 28 22 6Chatham Township 31 24 7Cherry Hill Township 166 133 33Chesilhurst 10 10 0Chester 9 8 1Chesterfield Township 6 6 0Chester Township 16 15 1Cinnaminson Township 37 32 5Clark Township 54 42 12Clayton 19 17 2Clementon 12 11 1Cliffside Park 48 42 6Clifton 177 148 29Clinton 10 10 0Clinton Township 23 20 3Closter 24 20 4Collingswood 34 30 4Colts Neck Township 19 18 1Cranbury Township 17 16 1Cranford Township 69 50 19Cresskill 26 21 5Deal 19 15 4Delanco Township 9 8 1Delaware Township 8 7 1Delran Township 32 28 4Demarest 14 14 0Denville Township 39 31 8Deptford Township 69 63 6Dover 41 36 5Dover Township 192 149 43Dumont 38 30 8Dunellen 21 17 4Eastampton Township 17 16 1East Brunswick Township 124 93 31East Greenwich Township 17 15 2East Hanover Township 39 34 5East Newark 8 6 2East Orange 281 246 35East Rutherford 36 32 4East Windsor Township 61 47 14Eatontown 44 35 9Edgewater 32 31 1Edgewater Park Township 12 11 1Edison Township 250 204 46Egg Harbor City 19 14 5Egg Harbor Township 110 84 26Elizabeth 467 344 123Elk Township 10 10 0Elmer 1 1 0Elmwood Park 35 35 0Emerson 23 18 5Englewood 98 77 21Englewood Cliffs 29 28 1Englishtown 6 6 0Essex Fells 17 13 4Evesham Township 81 72 9Ewing Township 99 84 15Fairfield Township 46 40 6Fair Haven 17 13 4Fair Lawn 68 57 11

NEW JERSEY—Continued

Fairview 31 27 4Fanwood 22 21 1Far Hills 4 4 0Flemington 15 14 1Florence Township 31 25 6Florham Park 37 31 6Fort Lee 119 98 21Franklin 14 13 1Franklin Lakes 27 22 5Franklin Township (Gloucester County) 27 24 3Franklin Township (Hunterdon County) 6 6 0Franklin Township (Somerset County) 115 96 19Freehold 41 31 10Freehold Township 79 63 16Frenchtown 3 3 0Galloway Township 70 56 14Garfield 69 59 10Garwood 18 16 2Gibbsboro 6 6 0Glassboro 56 50 6Glen Ridge 34 27 7Glen Rock 24 21 3Gloucester City 31 28 3Gloucester Township 128 107 21Green Brook Township 27 22 5Greenwich Township (Gloucester

County) 22 17 5Greenwich Township (Warren County) 9 8 1Guttenberg 27 23 4Hackensack 130 108 22Hackettstown 20 19 1Haddonfield 27 25 2Haddon Heights 18 17 1Haddon Township 32 30 2Haledon 22 18 4Hamburg 9 8 1Hamilton Township (Atlantic County) 70 53 17Hamilton Township (Mercer County) 210 180 30Hammonton 41 29 12Hanover Township 39 32 7Harding Township 15 14 1Hardyston Township 22 16 6Harrington Park 10 10 0Harrison 64 54 10Harrison Township 17 16 1Harvey Cedars 8 7 1Hasbrouck Heights 34 32 2Haworth 12 11 1Hawthorne 37 32 5Hazlet Township 55 47 8Helmetta 4 4 0High Bridge 6 6 0Highland Park 34 28 6Highlands 18 14 4Hightstown 20 15 5Hillsborough Township 68 57 11Hillsdale 23 20 3Hillside Township 87 73 14Hi-Nella 2 2 0Hoboken 175 150 25Ho-Ho-Kus 17 15 2Holland Township 7 6 1Holmdel Township 48 38 10Hopatcong 38 29 9Hopewell Township 42 33 9Howell Township 104 86 18Independence Township 9 8 1Interlaken 5 5 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees

NEW JERSEY—Continued

Irvington 205 178 27Island Heights 5 5 0Jackson Township 96 78 18Jamesburg 17 12 5Jefferson Township 45 38 7Jersey City 987 826 161Keansburg 22 18 4Kearny 129 121 8Kenilworth 31 30 1Keyport 25 19 6Kinnelon 16 15 1Lacey Township 55 41 14Lakehurst 10 9 1Lakewood Township 140 114 26Lambertville 12 10 2Laurel Springs 9 7 2Lavallette 17 12 5Lawnside 11 9 2Lawrence Township 85 70 15Lebanon Township 10 9 1Leonia 27 20 7Lincoln Park 27 25 2Linden 142 132 10Lindenwold 44 41 3Linwood 24 20 4Little Egg Harbor Township 46 37 9Little Falls Township 30 24 6Little Ferry 31 26 5Little Silver 20 15 5Livingston Township 81 71 10Lodi 52 39 13Logan Township 18 17 1Long Beach Township 51 39 12Long Branch 116 97 19Long Hill Township 36 29 7Longport 18 13 5Lopatcong Township 13 12 1Lower Alloways Creek Township 18 12 6Lower Township 59 44 15Lumberton Township 33 29 4Lyndhurst Township 53 49 4Madison 40 36 4Magnolia 12 11 1Mahwah Township 63 54 9Manalapan Township 74 58 16Manasquan 23 17 6Manchester Township 79 64 15Mansfield Township (Burlington

County) 13 13 0Mansfield Township (Warren County) 14 13 1Mantoloking 7 7 0Mantua Township 27 25 2Manville 26 22 4Maple Shade Township 42 34 8Maplewood Township 73 59 14Margate City 46 35 11Marlboro Township 90 72 18Matawan 28 22 6Maywood 27 23 4Medford Lakes 9 8 1Medford Township 51 41 10Mendham 12 10 2Mendham Township 16 14 2Merchantville 16 14 2Metuchen 33 27 6Middlesex 34 32 2Middle Township 63 46 17Middletown Township 132 106 26

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees

NEW JERSEY—Continued

Midland Park 15 13 2Millburn Township 64 52 12Milltown 16 13 3Millville 84 68 16Monmouth Beach 12 11 1Monroe Township (Gloucester County) 74 62 12Monroe Township (Middlesex County) 56 40 16Montclair 142 108 34Montgomery Township 39 28 11Montvale 24 22 2Montville Township 48 42 6Moonachie 20 17 3Moorestown Township 48 39 9Morris Plains 22 17 5Morristown 67 59 8Morris Township 50 40 10Mountain Lakes 18 14 4Mountainside 28 23 5Mount Arlington 12 11 1Mount Ephraim 14 13 1Mount Holly Township 30 27 3Mount Laurel Township 82 69 13Mount Olive Township 57 49 8Mullica Township 15 14 1National Park 7 7 0Neptune City 23 17 6Neptune Township 82 73 9Netcong 10 9 1Newark 1,563 1,361 202New Brunswick 168 135 33Newfield 5 5 0New Hanover Township 3 3 0New Milford 39 35 4New Providence 31 25 6Newton 32 21 11North Arlington 44 35 9North Bergen Township 128 109 19North Brunswick Township 99 84 15North Caldwell 21 17 4Northfield 25 24 1North Haledon 21 16 5North Hanover Township 10 9 1North Plainfield 51 45 6Northvale 14 13 1North Wildwood 35 30 5Norwood 15 14 1Nutley Township 73 64 9Oakland 34 29 5Oaklyn 15 13 2Ocean City 78 64 14Ocean Gate 8 7 1Oceanport 19 14 5Ocean Township (Monmouth County) 73 57 16Ocean Township (Ocean County) 22 16 6Ogdensburg 7 7 0Old Bridge Township 140 104 36Old Tappan 14 13 1Oradell 21 20 1Orange 126 106 20Oxford Township 5 4 1Palisades Park 34 28 6Palmyra 19 17 2Paramus 113 92 21Park Ridge 19 18 1Parsippany-Troy Hills Township 135 109 26Passaic 186 156 30Paterson 517 429 88Paulsboro 21 19 2


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

NEW JERSEY—Continued

Peapack and Gladstone 10 9 1Pemberton 5 4 1Pemberton Township 67 57 10Pennington 7 6 1Pennsauken Township 123 91 32Penns Grove 18 14 4Pennsville Township 27 25 2Pequannock Township 31 26 5Perth Amboy 161 124 37Phillipsburg 43 35 8Pine Beach 7 6 1Pine Hill 22 20 2Pine Valley 8 6 2Piscataway Township 109 88 21Pitman 16 15 1Plainfield 193 163 30Plainsboro Township 44 31 13Pleasantville 61 50 11Plumsted Township 9 8 1Pohatcong Township 10 9 1Point Pleasant 41 33 8Point Pleasant Beach 31 23 8Pompton Lakes 28 24 4Princeton 45 34 11Princeton Township 43 35 8Prospect Park 15 14 1Rahway 102 89 13Ramsey 39 31 8Randolph Township 44 39 5Raritan 23 18 5Raritan Township 37 35 2Readington Township 24 22 2Red Bank 50 40 10Ridgefield 36 27 9Ridgefield Park 38 29 9Ridgewood 47 42 5Ringwood 30 24 6Riverdale 19 15 4River Edge 29 22 7Riverside Township 14 14 0Riverton 7 6 1River Vale Township 23 21 2Rochelle Park Township 25 20 5Rockaway 15 14 1Rockaway Township 62 51 11Roseland 28 25 3Roselle 60 52 8Roselle Park 40 34 6Roxbury Township 55 48 7Rumson 21 17 4Runnemede 22 20 2Rutherford 47 43 4Saddle Brook Township 34 33 1Saddle River 22 17 5Salem 35 29 6Sayreville 100 81 19Scotch Plains Township 53 46 7Sea Bright 13 11 2Sea Girt 16 12 4Sea Isle City 27 20 7Seaside Heights 29 22 7Seaside Park 17 13 4Secaucus 63 56 7Ship Bottom 10 9 1Shrewsbury 20 15 5Somerdale 14 13 1Somers Point 31 25 6Somerville 39 32 7

NEW JERSEY—Continued

South Amboy 29 24 5South Belmar 10 10 0South Bound Brook 13 12 1South Brunswick Township 111 76 35South Hackensack Township 20 19 1South Harrison Township 5 4 1South Orange 61 55 6South Plainfield 72 56 16South River 38 31 7South Toms River 13 12 1Sparta Township 42 34 8Spotswood 22 18 4Springfield 43 39 4Springfield Township 10 9 1Spring Lake 18 14 4Spring Lake Heights 13 10 3Stafford Township 72 50 22Stanhope 7 6 1Stillwater Township 4 3 1Stone Harbor 24 18 6Stratford 16 15 1Summit 57 48 9Surf City 9 9 0Swedesboro 9 8 1Teaneck Township 114 100 14Tenafly 35 29 6Tewksbury Township 12 11 1Tinton Falls 39 38 1Totowa 27 26 1Trenton 423 361 62Tuckerton 10 9 1Union Beach 18 14 4Union City 225 184 41Union Township 173 123 50Upper Saddle River 23 18 5Ventnor City 50 38 12Vernon Township 39 29 10Verona 35 31 4Vineland 153 134 19Voorhees Township 64 50 14Waldwick 25 20 5Wallington 25 24 1Wall Township 79 66 13Wanaque 26 22 4Warren Township 33 26 7Washington 12 11 1Washington Township (Bergen County) 25 25 0Washington Township (Gloucester

County) 93 84 9Washington Township (Mercer County) 35 27 8Washington Township (Morris County) 45 32 13Washington Township (Warren County) 13 12 1Watchung 34 27 7Waterford Township 25 23 2Wayne Township 142 114 28Weehawken Township 58 53 5Wenonah 6 6 0Westampton Township 25 22 3West Amwell Township 6 5 1West Caldwell Township 30 28 2West Deptford Township 44 37 7Westfield 73 59 14West Long Branch 23 19 4West Milford Township 55 48 7West New York 130 123 7West Orange 121 104 17West Paterson 27 26 1Westville 11 10 1

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees

NEW JERSEY—Continued

West Wildwood 5 5 0West Windsor Township 54 44 10Westwood 35 29 6Wharton 23 22 1Wildwood 58 46 12Wildwood Crest 28 22 6Willingboro Township 85 68 17Winfield Township 9 9 0Winslow Township 88 71 17Woodbridge Township 244 198 46Woodbury 29 26 3Woodbury Heights 8 7 1Woodcliff Lake 19 18 1Woodlynne 10 9 1Wood-Ridge 25 22 3Woodstown 9 8 1Woolwich Township 12 11 1Wyckoff Township 34 26 8


Alamogordo 107 63 44Albuquerque 1,209 893 316Angel Fire 4 3 1Artesia 42 25 17Aztec 19 15 4Bayard 6 6 0Belen 31 20 11Bernalillo 20 14 6Bloomfield 20 17 3Bosque Farms 11 9 2Capitan 4 3 1Carlsbad 77 53 24Carrizozo 6 4 2Chama 7 7 0Cimarron 2 2 0Clayton 16 5 11Cloudcroft 3 3 0Clovis 82 62 20Corrales 26 20 6Cuba 2 2 0Deming 39 31 8Dexter 4 4 0Espanola 36 32 4Estancia 2 1 1Eunice 10 6 4Farmington 156 106 50Gallup 94 58 36Grants 26 18 8Hatch 7 5 2Hobbs 122 80 42Hurley 5 4 1Jal 8 4 4Jemez Springs 2 2 0Las Cruces 211 143 68Las Vegas 61 45 16Lordsburg 13 10 3Los Alamos 47 26 21Los Lunas 34 26 8Lovington 24 17 7Melrose 2 1 1Mesilla 5 5 0Milan 11 7 4Moriarty 8 7 1Mountainair 4 3 1Portales 39 25 14Questa 3 3 0Raton 26 18 8

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees

NEW MEXICO—Continued

Red River 9 4 5Rio Rancho 136 91 45Roswell 103 77 26Ruidoso 35 23 12Ruidoso Downs 18 10 8Santa Clara 3 3 0Santa Fe 178 137 41Santa Rosa 13 7 6Silver City 32 27 5Socorro 30 17 13Springer 3 3 0Sunland Park 24 18 6Taos 30 14 16Taos Ski Valley 3 3 0Tatum 7 2 5Texico 4 4 0Truth or Consequences 20 15 5Tucumcari 22 16 6Tularosa 11 6 5


Addison Town and Village 3 3 0Albany 431 329 102Albion Village 13 12 1Alexandria Bay Village 3 3 0Alfred Village 6 6 0Allegany Village 2 2 0Altamont Village 1 1 0Amherst Town 184 151 33Amity Town and Belmont Village 1 1 0Amityville Village 28 25 3Amsterdam 41 40 1Angola Village 3 3 0Arcade Village 6 6 0Ardsley Village 19 19 0Asharoken Village 3 3 0Attica Village 3 3 0Auburn 78 70 8Avon Village 5 5 0Baldwinsville Village 16 13 3Ballston Spa Village 11 7 4Batavia 34 29 5Beacon 41 39 2Bedford Town 51 45 6Bethlehem Town 57 39 18Binghamton 158 148 10Blooming Grove Town 18 16 2Bolivar Village 1 1 0Boonville Village 3 3 0Brant Town 4 1 3Briarcliff Manor Village 20 20 0Brighton Town 47 41 6Brockport Village 15 11 4Bronxville Village 29 22 7Caledonia Village 3 3 0Cambridge Village 2 2 0Camden Village 7 4 3Camillus Town and Village 26 23 3Canajoharie Village 5 5 0Canisteo Village 3 3 0Canton Village 12 10 2Carmel Town 41 33 8Catskill Village 16 16 0Cayuga Heights Village 7 6 1Chester Town 9 9 0Chester Village 10 9 1Chittenango Village 7 6 1


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

NEW YORK—Continued

Cicero Town 5 4 1Clarkstown Town 188 166 22Clayton Village 4 3 1Clay Town 23 18 5Clifton Springs Village 2 2 0Clyde Village 5 4 1Cobleskill Village 11 11 0Coeymans Town 14 10 4Cohoes 45 33 12Colchester Town 1 1 0Colonie Town 150 107 43Cooperstown Village 4 4 0Corfu Village 1 1 0Corinth Village 6 6 0Corning 29 25 4Cornwall-on-Hudson Village 5 5 0Cornwall Town 16 12 4Cortland 44 42 2Coxsackie Village 1 1 0Crawford Town 11 10 1Croton-on-Hudson Village 20 20 0Dansville Village 12 9 3Delhi Village 3 3 0Depew Village 37 29 8Deposit Village 1 1 0Dewitt Town 41 37 4Dobbs Ferry Village 29 27 2Dryden Village 6 6 0Dunkirk 35 34 1East Aurora-Aurora Town 19 15 4Eastchester Town 56 49 7East Fishkill Town 34 25 9East Greenbush Town 31 23 8East Hampton Town 68 49 19East Hampton Village 39 23 16East Rochester Village 9 8 1East Syracuse Village 11 9 2Eden Town 5 4 1Ellenville Village 14 12 2Ellicott Town 12 11 1Ellicottville 2 2 0Elmira 97 85 12Elmira Heights Village 10 10 0Elmira Town 4 4 0Elmsford Village 18 17 1Endicott Village 39 35 4Fairport Village 11 10 1Fallsburg Town 21 17 4Floral Park Village 46 36 10Fort Edward Village 5 5 0Frankfort Town 1 1 0Franklinville Village 3 3 0Fredonia Village 19 16 3Freeport Village 108 91 17Freeville Village 1 1 0Friendship Town 1 1 0Fulton City 38 35 3Garden City Village 68 55 13Gates Town 41 33 8Geddes Town 18 16 2Geneva 40 35 5Glen Cove 57 53 4Glens Falls 36 30 6Glenville Town 37 24 13Gloversville 40 38 2Goshen Town 7 7 0Goshen Village 16 15 1Gouverneur Village 11 8 3

NEW YORK—Continued

Gowanda Village 1 1 0Granville Village 6 6 0Great Neck Estates Village 14 12 2Greece Town 92 84 8Greenburgh Town 129 113 16Greene Village 3 2 1Green Island Village 3 2 1Greenwich Village 2 2 0Greenwood Lake Village 13 9 4Guilderland Town 49 34 15Hamburg Town 81 65 16Hamburg Village 16 14 2Hamilton Village 4 4 0Harriman Village 7 7 0Harrison Town 84 75 9Hastings-on-Hudson Village 21 20 1Haverstraw Town 48 44 4Hempstead Village 141 115 26Highland Falls Village 14 11 3Highlands Town 1 1 0Hoosick Falls Village 3 3 0Hornell 23 22 1Horseheads Village 16 13 3Hudson 27 22 5Hudson Falls Village 16 12 4Hunter Town 2 2 0Hyde Park Town 16 13 3Ilion Village 20 18 2Inlet Town 3 2 1Irondequoit Town 68 56 12Irvington Village 25 23 2Ithaca 86 72 14Jamestown 77 62 15Johnstown 26 25 1Kensington Village 6 6 0Kent Town 26 21 5Kings Point Village 27 25 2Kingston 85 79 6Kirkland Town 7 6 1Lackawanna 68 49 19Lake Placid Village 17 14 3Lake Success Village 25 22 3Lakewood-Busti 10 9 1Lancaster Town 39 31 8Lancaster Village 21 15 6Larchmont Village 30 27 3Le Roy Village 13 10 3Lewisboro Town 3 2 1Lewiston Town and Village 10 9 1Liberty Village 20 17 3Liverpool Village 6 5 1Lloyd Harbor Village 13 12 1Lloyd Town 8 8 0Lockport 55 52 3Long Beach 86 73 13Lowville Village 5 5 0Lynbrook Village 55 46 9Lyons Village 13 11 2Macedon Town and Village 3 3 0Malone Village 18 18 0Malverne Village 24 24 0Mamaroneck Town 40 39 1Mamaroneck Village 57 51 6Manlius Town 45 37 8Marcellus Village 1 1 0Marlborough Town 7 4 3Massena Village 27 22 5Mechanicville 13 12 1

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees

NEW YORK—Continued

Menands Village 13 10 3Middleport Village 3 3 0Middletown 74 63 11Monroe Village 21 16 5Montgomery Town 6 5 1Monticello Village 28 26 2Moravia Village 1 1 0Moriah Town 2 2 0Mount Morris Village 6 6 0Mount Pleasant Town 56 47 9Nassau Village 1 1 0Newark Village 20 19 1New Berlin Town 1 1 0Newburgh 99 88 11Newburgh Town 64 51 13New Hartford Town and Village 32 21 11New Paltz Town and Village 24 20 4New Rochelle 234 178 56New Windsor Town 45 33 12New York 53,774 37,240 16,534Niagara Falls 159 144 15Niagara Town 4 4 0Niskayuna Town 41 31 10Nissequogue Village 3 3 0North Castle Town 39 36 3North Greenbush Town 16 14 2Northport Village 18 14 4North Syracuse Village 14 12 2North Tonawanda 59 50 9Norwich 19 18 1Ocean Beach Village 2 2 0Ogdensburg 32 27 5Old Brookville Village 51 40 11Old Westbury Village 29 24 5Olean 40 39 1Olive Town 1 1 0Oneida 26 23 3Oneonta City 29 26 3Orangetown Town 95 86 9Orchard Park Town 38 33 5Ossining Town 16 16 0Ossining Village 65 57 8Oswego City 50 45 5Owego Village 10 7 3Oxford Village 2 2 0Oyster Bay Cove Village 11 11 0Painted Post Village 4 4 0Palmyra Village 6 5 1Peekskill 73 57 16Pelham Manor Village 29 28 1Pelham Village 27 26 1Penn Yan Village 14 13 1Perry Village 9 8 1Piermont Village 7 7 0Plattsburgh City 51 46 5Pleasantville Village 21 21 0Port Chester Village 66 63 3Port Dickinson Village 5 4 1Port Jervis 32 32 0Portville Village 1 1 0Port Washington 71 64 7Potsdam Village 18 14 4Poughkeepsie 120 98 22Poughkeepsie Town 92 81 11Pulaski Village 2 2 0Quogue Village 15 15 0Ravena Village 2 1 1Riverhead Town 95 74 21

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees

NEW YORK—Continued

Rochester 860 688 172Rockville Centre Village 61 52 9Rome 78 74 4Rosendale Town 5 4 1Rotterdam Town 64 43 21Rouses Point Village 2 2 0Rye 44 40 4Rye Brook Village 29 28 1Sag Harbor Village 13 12 1Salamanca 14 14 0Sands Point Village 20 20 0Saranac Lake Village 14 14 0Saratoga Springs 83 70 13Saugerties Village 11 11 0Scarsdale Village 43 38 5Schenectady 207 160 47Schodack Town 11 10 1Schoharie Village 1 1 0Scotia Village 14 13 1Seneca Falls Village 22 16 6Shawangunk Town 4 4 0Shelter Island Town 10 8 2Sherrill 4 4 0Sidney Village 9 9 0Silver Creek Village 6 5 1Skaneateles Village 5 5 0Sleepy Hollow Village 24 24 0Solvay Village 14 14 0Southampton Town 131 99 32South Glens Falls Village 6 6 0South Nyack Village 7 7 0Southold Town 68 51 17Southport Town 2 1 1Spring Valley Village 70 66 4St. Johnsville Village 2 2 0Stony Point Town 30 29 1Suffern Village 32 27 5Syracuse 544 473 71Tarrytown Village 42 35 7Ticonderoga Town 8 8 0Tonawanda 34 29 5Tonawanda Town 161 106 55Troy 128 114 14Trumansburg Village 1 1 0Tuckahoe Village 28 25 3Tuxedo Park Village 7 4 3Tuxedo Town 16 12 4Ulster Town 26 22 4Utica 180 167 13Vernon Village 1 1 0Vestal Town 39 35 4Wallkill Town 28 23 5Walton Village 6 5 1Wappingers Falls Village 7 4 3Warwick Town 33 27 6Washingtonville Village 16 13 3Waterford Town and Village 14 11 3Waterloo Village 8 7 1Watertown 66 62 4Watervliet 31 27 4Watkins Glen Village 4 4 0Wayland Village 1 1 0Webb Town 5 5 0Webster Town and Village 39 33 6Wellsville Village 16 12 4Westfield Village 7 6 1Westhampton Beach Village 18 16 2West Seneca Town 78 64 14


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

NEW YORK—Continued

Whitehall Village 5 5 0White Plains 245 203 42Whitesboro Village 7 7 0Whitestown Town 5 5 0Windham Town 2 2 0Woodbury Town 26 22 4Yonkers 687 620 67Yorktown Town 59 51 8Yorkville Village 4 4 0


Aberdeen 21 19 2Ahoskie 21 16 5Albemarle 51 45 6Andrews 7 6 1Angier 10 10 0Apex 43 33 10Archdale 25 20 5Asheboro 71 66 5Asheville 207 161 46Atlantic Beach 23 18 5Aulander 1 1 0Aurora 1 1 0Ayden 19 15 4Badin 4 4 0Bailey 2 2 0Bakersville 2 1 1Bald Head Islands 12 11 1Banner Elk 6 6 0Beaufort 14 13 1Beech Mountain 13 9 4Belhaven 10 7 3Belmont 34 29 5Benson 16 13 3Bethel 7 7 0Beulaville 5 5 0Biltmore Forest 14 13 1Biscoe 8 7 1Black Creek 1 1 0Black Mountain 22 18 4Bladenboro 6 6 0Blowing Rock 14 10 4Boiling Spring Lakes 5 5 0Boiling Springs 6 6 0Bolton 1 1 0Boone 43 35 8Boonville 2 2 0Brevard 28 23 5Broadway 4 4 0Brookford 1 1 0Bryson City 6 6 0Bunn 1 1 0Burgaw 10 9 1Burlington 141 107 34Burnsville 6 6 0Butner 45 38 7Cameron 1 1 0Candor 4 4 0Canton 16 11 5Cape Carteret 5 5 0Carolina Beach 29 23 6Carrboro 35 32 3Carthage 10 9 1Cary 153 125 28Caswell Beach 4 4 0Catawba 1 1 0Chadbourn 10 9 1


Chapel Hill 123 102 21Charlotte-Mecklenburg1 2,002 1,501 501Cherryville 18 14 4China Grove 13 12 1Chocowinity 2 2 0Claremont 9 8 1Clarkton 4 4 0Clayton 38 31 7Cleveland 4 4 0Clinton 36 32 4Clyde 4 4 0Coats 7 5 2Concord 143 126 17Conover 24 23 1Conway 1 1 0Cooleemee 3 3 0Cornelius 43 31 12Cramerton 10 10 0Creedmoor 17 13 4Dallas 17 13 4Davidson 17 16 1Denton 7 7 0Dobson 4 4 0Drexel 5 5 0Dunn 49 37 12Durham 549 444 105East Bend 2 2 0East Spencer 4 4 0Eden 56 47 9Edenton 17 14 3Elizabeth City 58 49 9Elizabethtown 17 16 1Elkin 21 18 3Elon 13 12 1Emerald Isle 22 17 5Enfield 12 10 2Erwin 10 9 1Fair Bluff 3 3 0Fairmont 17 13 4Faison 2 2 0Farmville 18 15 3Fayetteville 362 282 80Fletcher 12 11 1Forest City 36 30 6Four Oaks 7 6 1Foxfire Village 2 2 0Franklin 17 17 0Franklinton 8 8 0Fremont 4 4 0Fuquay-Varina 28 23 5Garland 2 2 0Garner 52 46 6Garysburg 1 1 0Gaston 2 2 0Gastonia 189 167 22Gibson 2 2 0Gibsonville 17 14 3Glen Alpine 2 2 0Goldsboro 115 103 12Graham 32 29 3Granite Falls 14 12 2Granite Quarry 4 4 0Greensboro 667 499 168Greenville 191 151 40Grifton 7 7 0Hamlet 20 17 3Havelock 28 22 6Haw River 8 8 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Henderson 62 54 8Hendersonville 46 34 12Hertford 8 7 1Hickory 133 106 27Highlands 11 11 0High Point 222 190 32Hillsborough 25 23 2Holden Beach 6 6 0Holly Ridge 4 4 0Holly Springs 29 23 6Hope Mills 36 26 10Hudson 13 12 1Huntersville 59 54 5Indian Beach 4 4 0Jackson 2 1 1Jacksonville 118 96 22Jefferson 3 3 0Jonesville 11 10 1Kannapolis 95 73 22Kenansville 4 4 0Kenly 9 9 0Kernersville 65 49 16Kill Devil Hills 29 24 5King 19 17 2Kings Mountain 36 30 6Kingstown 2 1 1Kinston 84 73 11Kitty Hawk 17 15 2Knightdale 16 15 1Kure Beach 9 8 1La Grange 7 7 0Lake Lure 10 9 1Lake Royale 7 3 4Lake Waccamaw 3 3 0Landis 10 9 1Laurel Park 6 6 0Laurinburg 40 34 6Leland 13 12 1Lenoir 69 54 15Lexington 75 64 11Liberty 9 9 0Lilesville 1 1 0Lillington 10 10 0Lincolnton 32 28 4Littleton 3 3 0Locust 6 6 0Longview 15 15 0Louisburg 13 12 1Lowell 8 8 0Lucama 3 3 0Lumberton 90 78 12Madison 16 15 1Maggie Valley 7 6 1Magnolia 1 1 0Maiden 16 15 1Manteo 9 8 1Marion 24 19 5Marshall 3 3 0Mars Hill 5 5 0Marshville 8 8 0Matthews 60 49 11Maxton 14 9 5Mayodan 15 12 3Maysville 1 1 0McAdenville 4 4 0Mebane 18 15 3Middlesex 4 4 0Mocksville 15 14 1

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Monroe 80 69 11Montreat 5 5 0Mooresville 55 45 10Morehead City 42 35 7Morganton 101 73 28Morrisville 27 25 2Mount Airy 50 38 12Mount Gilead 7 6 1Mount Holly 38 32 6Mount Olive 17 14 3Murfreesboro 14 10 4Murphy 11 8 3Nags Head 23 20 3Nashville 15 14 1Navassa 3 3 0New Bern 113 82 31Newland 5 5 0Newport 6 6 0Newton 44 35 9Newton Grove 3 3 0Norlina 5 5 0North Topsail Beach 10 9 1Northwest 3 3 0North Wilkesboro 27 24 3Norwood 7 6 1Oakboro 4 4 0Oak Island 32 24 8Ocean Isle Beach 11 11 0Old Fort 8 7 1Oxford 38 31 7Parkton 3 3 0Pembroke 16 12 4Pikeville 2 2 0Pilot Mountain 8 7 1Pinebluff 2 2 0Pinehurst 26 21 5Pine Knoll Shores 9 9 0Pine Level 3 3 0Pinetops 8 6 2Pineville 37 28 9Pink Hill 1 1 0Pittsboro 9 9 0Plymouth 14 14 0Princeton 4 4 0Raeford 16 15 1Raleigh 714 620 94Ramseur 7 7 0Randleman 9 9 0Ranlo 6 6 0Red Springs 21 17 4Reidsville 49 40 9Rhodhiss 1 1 0Richlands 7 7 0Rich Square 1 1 0River Bend 4 4 0Roanoke Rapids 41 38 3Robbins 8 7 1Robersonville 6 6 0Rockingham 35 30 5Rockwell 1 1 0Rocky Mount 169 132 37Rolesville 5 5 0Roseboro 5 5 0Rose Hill 4 4 0Rowland 7 6 1Roxboro 36 31 5Rutherfordton 14 14 0Salemburg 1 1 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Salisbury 97 80 17Saluda 3 3 0Sanford 88 70 18Scotland Neck 9 8 1Seagrove 1 1 0Selma 27 22 5Seven Devils 5 5 0Shallotte 11 10 1Sharpsburg 9 8 1Shelby 79 64 15Siler City 22 17 5Smithfield 36 33 3Southern Pines 34 26 8Southern Shores 10 10 0Southport 10 9 1Sparta 5 5 0Spencer 13 12 1Spindale 13 13 0Spring Hope 6 6 0Spring Lake 23 17 6Spruce Pine 10 10 0Stanfield 3 3 0Stanley 14 10 4Stantonsburg 3 3 0Star 4 4 0Statesville 87 70 17Stoneville 5 5 0St. Pauls 17 12 5Sugar Mountain 5 5 0Sunset Beach 12 12 0Surf City 12 11 1Swansboro 7 7 0Sylva 13 12 1Tabor City 8 7 1Tarboro 35 29 6Taylorsville 11 11 0Taylortown 1 1 0Thomasville 74 67 7Topsail Beach 8 7 1Trent Woods 4 4 0Troutman 5 5 0Troy 10 9 1Tryon 12 7 5Valdese 13 12 1Vanceboro 2 2 0Vass 3 3 0Wadesboro 30 25 5Wagram 2 2 0Wake Forest 37 32 5Wallace 16 13 3Walnut Cove 6 6 0Warrenton 6 5 1Warsaw 15 12 3Washington 37 28 9Waxhaw 9 8 1Waynesville 37 31 6Weaverville 11 10 1Weldon 9 8 1Wendell 16 12 4West Jefferson 7 7 0Whispering Pines 7 7 0Whitakers 5 5 0White Lake 5 5 0Whiteville 26 22 4Wilkesboro 23 22 1Williamston 21 20 1Wilmington 286 248 38Wilson 128 108 20


Windsor 8 8 0Wingate 8 8 0Winston-Salem 571 430 141Winterville 15 14 1Winton 2 2 0Woodfin 8 8 0Woodland 1 1 0Wrightsville Beach 28 22 6Yadkinville 10 9 1Yanceyville 3 3 0Youngsville 7 6 1Zebulon 21 20 1


Beulah 7 6 1Bismarck 110 84 26Bowman 2 2 0Cando 3 3 0Carrington 3 3 0Carson 1 1 0Cavalier 4 4 0Crosby 2 2 0Devils Lake 16 14 2Dickinson 33 23 10Elgin 1 1 0Fargo 150 111 39Fessenden 1 1 0Grafton 11 10 1Grand Forks 93 77 16Harvey 3 3 0Hazen 4 4 0Hillsboro 2 2 0Jamestown 33 29 4Lamoure 1 1 0Lisbon 3 3 0Mandan 36 28 8Mayville 3 3 0Minot 82 60 22Napoleon 2 2 0Northwood 2 2 0Oakes 4 3 1Powers Lake 1 1 0Rugby 4 4 0South Heart 1 1 0Steele 1 1 0Thompson 1 1 0Valley City 17 12 5Wahpeton 14 13 1Watford City 4 4 0West Fargo 36 25 11Williston 29 21 8Wishek 2 2 0


Aberdeen 1 1 0Ada 11 7 4Addyston 1 1 0Akron 548 504 44Alliance 56 43 13Amberley Village 19 15 4Amherst 26 20 6Ansonia 2 2 0Arcanum 4 4 0Archbold 9 8 1Arlington Heights 4 3 1Ashtabula 42 35 7

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Athens 33 27 6Aurora 31 24 7Austintown 55 43 12Avon 28 22 6Bainbridge Township 29 21 8Barberton 56 43 13Barnesville 11 7 4Bath Township 26 19 7Bay Village 25 22 3Beach City 2 2 0Beachwood 56 43 13Beavercreek 64 48 16Beaver Township 17 12 5Bedford 74 30 44Bedford Heights 66 35 31Bellaire 11 11 0Bellbrook 18 12 6Bellefontaine 30 23 7Bellevue 17 13 4Bellville 3 3 0Belpre 16 11 5Berea 39 32 7Bethel 5 4 1Bethesda 1 1 0Beverly 4 3 1Bexley 35 28 7Blanchester 8 8 0Blendon Township 13 12 1Bluffton 7 7 0Boardman 70 55 15Bowling Green 57 43 14Bradford 3 3 0Brecksville 38 31 7Brewster 4 4 0Bridgeport 11 7 4Broadview Heights 45 32 13Brookfield Township 9 8 1Brooklyn 41 33 8Brooklyn Heights 17 17 0Brook Park 50 42 8Brookville 16 11 5Brunswick 53 39 14Bryan 28 20 8Buckeye Lake 6 6 0Bucyrus 29 21 8Burton 2 2 0Butler Township 13 12 1Cadiz 6 6 0Cambridge 32 25 7Canal Fulton 8 7 1Canfield 22 16 6Canton 219 182 37Carey 11 7 4Carlisle 8 7 1Carrollton 7 7 0Celina 21 15 6Centerville 56 43 13Chagrin Falls 20 12 8Chardon 18 10 8Chauncey 2 1 1Chester Township 15 14 1Cheviot 10 10 0Chillicothe 57 50 7Cincinnati 1,272 990 282Circleville 38 26 12Clayton 15 15 0Clearcreek Township 13 12 1Cleveland 2,370 1,878 492

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Cleveland Heights 122 109 13Cleves 3 3 0Clinton Township 9 8 1Clyde 18 14 4Coitsville Township 4 4 0Coldwater 6 6 0Columbiana 16 12 4Columbus 2,191 1,811 380Conneaut 28 20 8Copley Township 24 18 6Cortland 9 9 0Covington 6 5 1Crestline 14 10 4Creston 4 4 0Crooksville 5 4 1Cuyahoga Falls 120 95 25Dalton 2 2 0Dayton 619 503 116Deer Park 15 11 4Defiance 39 30 9Delaware 56 40 16Delhi Township 35 31 4Delta 7 7 0Dennison 6 6 0Deshler 3 3 0Donnelsville 1 1 0Dover 21 20 1Doylestown 7 6 1Dublin 79 61 18East Cleveland 79 64 15Eastlake 50 37 13East Liverpool 30 25 5East Palestine 11 8 3Eaton 22 15 7Elmwood Place 9 8 1Elyria 139 92 47Englewood 27 18 9Euclid 169 99 70Evendale 22 20 2Fairborn 58 43 15Fairfax 9 9 0Fairfield 78 60 18Fairfield Township 13 12 1Fairlawn 32 22 10Fairport Harbor 7 6 1Fairview Park 30 28 2Fayette 3 3 0Findlay 92 73 19Forest Park 40 33 7Fort Recovery 2 2 0Fort Shawnee 5 4 1Franklin 29 23 6Franklin Township 16 11 5Fredericktown 4 4 0Fremont 39 34 5Gahanna 63 53 10Galion 25 19 6Gallipolis 15 14 1Garfield Heights 79 61 18Gates Mills 16 12 4Geneva 16 12 4Genoa 5 5 0Germantown 16 11 5German Township (Clark County) 3 3 0German Township (Montgomery County) 6 6 0Gibsonburg 4 4 0Girard 20 18 2Glendale 8 7 1


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Golf Manor 8 7 1Goshen Township 11 9 2Grandview Heights 24 19 5Granville 13 10 3Greenfield 14 12 2Greenhills 9 9 0Greenville 32 24 8Greenwich 4 4 0Grove City 67 51 16Hamilton 142 115 27Harrison 24 21 3Hartville 8 7 1Heath 27 20 7Hebron 5 4 1Hicksville 9 7 2Highland Heights 28 22 6Highland Hills 12 11 1Hilliard 65 46 19Hillsboro 22 18 4Holgate 1 1 0Howland 20 19 1Hubbard 16 13 3Huber Heights 57 52 5Hudson 36 30 6Hunting Valley 13 13 0Huron 19 14 5Independence 51 36 15Indian Hill 24 19 5Ironton 20 14 6Jackson 24 18 6Jackson Township 47 37 10Jefferson 6 5 1Johnstown 17 9 8Kalida 1 1 0Kelleys Island 2 2 0Kent 55 41 14Kenton 16 16 0Kettering 111 83 28Kirtland 14 9 5Kirtland Hills 9 8 1Lagrange 5 5 0Lakemore 7 7 0Lake Township 13 12 1Lakewood 110 87 23Lancaster 88 67 21Lawrence Township 6 6 0Lebanon 36 27 9Leipsic 3 3 0Lexington 12 8 4Liberty Township 28 23 5Lima 106 87 19Lincoln Heights 11 11 0Lisbon 10 6 4Lockland 14 13 1Logan 22 17 5London 19 14 5Lorain 128 97 31Lordstown 13 9 4Loudonville 8 4 4Louisville 12 12 0Loveland 20 18 2Lowellville 3 3 0Lyndhurst 37 29 8Macedonia 28 22 6Madeira 13 12 1Madison Township 22 20 2Magnolia 3 3 0Malvern 5 5 0


Mansfield 135 92 43Maple Heights 63 45 18Mariemont 11 10 1Marietta 39 32 7Marion 89 68 21Marlboro Township 4 4 0Martins Ferry 15 11 4Marysville 36 30 6Mason 35 32 3Massillon 53 49 4Maumee 59 44 15Mayfield Heights 43 33 10Mayfield Village 24 16 8McClure 1 1 0Mc Comb 5 4 1McConnelsville 7 5 2Mechanicsburg 3 3 0Medina 50 38 12Medina Township 2 2 0Mentor 112 77 35Mentor-on-the-Lake 16 11 5Miamisburg 50 39 11Miami Township 44 40 4Middlefield 12 7 5Middleport 7 5 2Middletown 144 93 51Milford 17 14 3Millersburg 9 9 0Milton Township 1 1 0Minerva 14 9 5Minerva Park 5 5 0Mingo Junction 11 10 1Mogadore 9 9 0Monroe 23 18 5Monroeville 5 5 0Montgomery 23 21 2Montpelier 9 8 1Montville Township 7 7 0Moraine 42 33 9Mount Gilead 6 6 0Mount Healthy 12 11 1Mount Sterling 11 7 4Mount Vernon 31 26 5Munroe Falls 9 8 1Napoleon 21 16 5Navarre 5 5 0Nelsonville 12 9 3New Albany 21 16 5New Boston 14 10 4Newburgh Heights 10 7 3Newcomerstown 15 10 5New Lebanon 7 7 0New Lexington 12 8 4New Matamoras 1 1 0New Middletown 3 3 0New Paris 4 4 0New Philadelphia 26 22 4New Richmond 6 5 1Newton Falls 11 7 4Newtown 5 5 0Niles 45 35 10North Baltimore 5 5 0North Canton 33 25 8North College Hill 13 12 1North Kingsville 5 5 0North Olmsted 77 57 20North Randall 19 16 3North Ridgeville 45 37 8

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


North Royalton 61 40 21Northwood 28 21 7Norton 22 16 6Norwalk 32 24 8Norwood 50 48 2Oak Harbor 6 4 2Oakwood Village 17 13 4Oberlin 21 16 5Olmsted Falls 18 12 6Olmsted Township 18 15 3Ontario 25 19 6Oregon 58 45 13Orrville 20 15 5Ottawa 7 7 0Ottawa Hills 11 11 0Oxford 28 26 2Painesville 42 38 4Parma 159 102 57Parma Heights 40 34 6Pataskala 17 17 0Paulding 5 4 1Payne 1 1 0Peninsula 6 5 1Pepper Pike 25 19 6Perkins Township 28 22 6Perrysburg 39 31 8Perry Township (Franklin County) 14 9 5Perry Township (Montgomery County) 6 6 0Perry Township (Stark County) 33 24 9Pierce Township 16 15 1Piqua 41 33 8Plain City 8 8 0Plymouth 3 3 0Poland Township 15 13 2Poland Village 6 6 0Port Clinton 17 12 5Portsmouth 45 41 4Powell 17 16 1Reading 23 18 5Reminderville 7 6 1Reynoldsburg 64 50 14Richfield 24 17 7Richland Township 2 2 0Richmond Heights 29 22 7Richwood 6 6 0Rittman 12 9 3Riverside 33 32 1Rossford 18 17 1Russell Township 9 8 1Sagamore Hills 13 9 4Salem 25 24 1Salineville 3 3 0Sandusky 66 55 11Sebring 11 8 3Seven Hills 19 18 1Seville 7 6 1Shadyside 10 6 4Shaker Heights 97 67 30Sharon Township 9 9 0Sharonville 48 39 9Shawnee Township 16 10 6Sheffield Lake 16 12 4Shelby 19 15 4Shreve 3 3 0Sidney 50 39 11Silverton 13 10 3Smith Township 5 4 1Solon 74 45 29

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


South Charleston 4 4 0South Euclid 49 39 10South Russell 10 9 1South Solon 2 2 0South Zanesville 3 3 0Spencerville 4 4 0Springboro 29 22 7Springdale 47 37 10Springfield 155 130 25Springfield Township (Hamilton

County) 50 43 7Springfield Township (Mahoning

County) 6 5 1St. Bernard 19 18 1Steubenville 57 47 10St. Henry 2 2 0St. Marys 19 15 4Stow 42 33 9Strasburg 4 4 0Streetsboro 30 23 7Strongsville 96 75 21Struthers 21 16 5Sugarcreek Township 20 13 7Swanton 8 7 1Sylvania 39 32 7Sylvania Township 62 45 17Tallmadge 37 25 12Terrace Park 7 6 1Thornville 1 1 0Tiffin 43 30 13Tipp City 21 17 4Toledo 811 692 119Toronto 10 10 0Trenton 20 13 7Trotwood 55 51 4Troy 45 39 6Twinsburg 47 34 13Uhrichsville 8 8 0Union 6 6 0Union City 4 4 0Uniontown 12 9 3Union Township (Clermont County) 53 43 10Union Township (Licking County) 2 2 0University Heights 38 30 8Upper Arlington 59 48 11Upper Sandusky 18 13 5Urbana 25 20 5Valley View 21 19 2Vandalia 35 28 7Van Wert 29 22 7Vermilion 23 18 5Vienna Township 4 4 0Village of Leesburg 3 3 0Wadsworth 35 26 9Waite Hill 6 6 0Walbridge 7 3 4Walton Hills 17 13 4Wapakoneta 18 13 5Warren 98 78 20Warrensville Heights 53 39 14Warren Township 8 8 0Washington Court House 27 22 5Waterville 13 12 1Waterville Township 6 6 0Wauseon 15 13 2Waverly 17 12 5Waynesville 5 4 1Wellington 8 6 2


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Wellston 12 9 3Wellsville 5 5 0West Carrollton 31 24 7West Chester Township 82 73 9Westerville 81 70 11West Jefferson 15 11 4Westlake 69 50 19West Union 7 7 0Whitehall 57 45 12Wickliffe 42 31 11Willard 19 15 4Willoughby 60 45 15Willoughby Hills 26 19 7Willowick 35 25 10Wilmington 23 22 1Winchester 2 2 0Windham 7 5 2Wintersville 10 9 1Woodlawn 18 17 1Woodsfield 7 7 0Woodville 4 4 0Wooster 44 39 5Worthington 43 34 9Wyoming 20 16 4Xenia 72 47 25Yellow Springs 11 8 3Youngstown 227 186 41Zanesville 95 55 40


Ada 47 34 13Agra 1 1 0Altus 59 42 17Alva 14 9 5Anadarko 28 20 8Antlers 10 6 4Apache 3 3 0Ardmore 64 47 17Arkoma 8 4 4Atoka 15 14 1Barnsdall 6 4 2Bartlesville 68 52 16Beaver 2 2 0Beggs 8 5 3Bethany 37 26 11Bixby 23 12 11Blackwell 23 15 8Blanchard 8 5 3Boise City 2 2 0Bokoshe 2 2 0Bristow 16 12 4Broken Arrow 144 104 40Broken Bow 17 12 5Buffalo 3 3 0Caddo 4 4 0Calera 8 5 3Carnegie 11 5 6Catoosa 15 14 1Chandler 12 8 4Checotah 15 10 5Chelsea 8 5 3Cherokee 6 3 3Chickasha 43 32 11Choctaw 13 11 2Chouteau 7 5 2Claremore 52 37 15Clayton 5 3 2


Cleveland 7 7 0Clinton 25 17 8Coalgate 7 6 1Colbert 8 4 4Collinsville 18 12 6Comanche 4 4 0Commerce 5 5 0Cordell 8 5 3Coweta 20 12 8Crescent 12 7 5Cushing 25 17 8Davis 11 9 2Del City 39 29 10Dewey 8 8 0Drumright 5 5 0Duncan 49 37 12Durant 38 27 11Edmond 120 100 20Elk City 37 27 10El Reno 37 28 9Enid 130 88 42Erick 3 3 0Eufaula 12 9 3Fairfax 7 3 4Fairview 8 5 3Fletcher 2 2 0Fort Gibson 12 10 2Frederick 11 9 2Geary 9 4 5Glenpool 19 13 6Goodwell 3 3 0Granite 1 1 0Grove 26 19 7Guthrie 30 24 6Guymon 29 18 11Haileyville 3 3 0Harrah 12 12 0Hartshorne 5 5 0Haskell 6 6 0Healdton 9 5 4Heavener 14 8 6Henryetta 18 13 5Hinton 5 5 0Hobart 16 9 7Holdenville 14 9 5Hollis 12 8 4Hominy 8 4 4Hooker 4 4 0Howe 3 2 1Hugo 19 15 4Hulbert 5 5 0Hydro 2 2 0Idabel 26 20 6Inola 10 4 6Jay 11 7 4Jenks 19 14 5Jones 4 4 0Kingfisher 9 7 2Kingston 7 7 0Konawa 7 5 2Krebs 4 4 0Laverne 6 2 4Lawton 178 153 25Lexington 12 7 5Lindsay 8 4 4Locust Grove 10 5 5Lone Grove 9 6 3Luther 4 4 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Madill 11 10 1Mangum 9 6 3Mannford 13 9 4Marietta 6 6 0Marlow 14 12 2Maysville 4 3 1McAlester 60 46 14McLoud 9 6 3Meeker 6 6 0Miami 42 30 12Midwest City 118 95 23Minco 4 4 0Moore 63 58 5Mooreland 2 2 0Morris 4 4 0Mountain View 1 1 0Muldrow 12 8 4Muskogee 112 88 24Mustang 26 19 7Newcastle 17 12 5Newkirk 7 6 1Nichols Hills 17 13 4Nicoma Park 7 7 0Noble 16 10 6Norman 179 125 54Nowata 9 7 2Oilton 3 3 0Okeene 2 2 0Okemah 12 8 4Oklahoma City 1,298 1,056 242Okmulgee 41 28 13Oologah 4 3 1Owasso 46 34 12Pauls Valley 20 14 6Pawhuska 11 6 5Pawnee 6 6 0Perkins 4 4 0Perry 18 13 5Piedmont 10 8 2Pocola 8 5 3Ponca City 67 55 12Porum 2 2 0Poteau 27 21 6Prague 10 6 4Pryor 30 22 8Purcell 19 19 0Ringling 2 2 0Roland 23 17 6Rush Springs 4 4 0Sallisaw 31 19 12Sand Springs 46 34 12Sapulpa 52 42 10Sayre 11 7 4Seiling 3 3 0Seminole 18 13 5Shawnee 74 53 21Skiatook 17 12 5Snyder 4 4 0Spencer 10 9 1Spiro 5 5 0Stigler 13 8 5Stillwater 102 70 32Stilwell 20 13 7Stratford 6 3 3Stringtown 8 7 1Stroud 14 9 5Sulphur 15 10 5Tahlequah 36 28 8

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Talihina 11 5 6Tecumseh 16 10 6Temple 1 1 0The Village 26 20 6Tishomingo 7 7 0Tonkawa 12 8 4Tulsa 944 792 152Tushka 4 3 1Tuttle 12 8 4Valliant 5 4 1Vian 4 4 0Vinita 21 17 4Wagoner 17 11 6Walters 4 4 0Warner 3 3 0Warr Acres 31 22 9Watonga 11 8 3Waukomis 3 3 0Waurika 3 3 0Waynoka 3 3 0Weatherford 29 18 11Weleetka 4 4 0Westville 12 7 5Wetumka 5 5 0Wewoka 18 10 8Wilburton 10 6 4Wilson 4 4 0Woodward 27 19 8Wright City 3 3 0Wynnewood 5 4 1Yale 6 2 4Yukon 48 34 14


Albany 76 55 21Amity 2 2 0Ashland 42 29 13Astoria 24 15 9Athena 2 2 0Aumsville 5 4 1Aurora 3 2 1Baker City 17 17 0Bandon 8 7 1Banks 3 3 0Beaverton 138 114 24Bend 93 69 24Black Butte 7 6 1Boardman 9 8 1Brookings 19 13 6Burns 9 5 4Butte Falls 2 2 0Canby 22 20 2Cannon Beach 8 7 1Carlton 4 3 1Central Point 24 20 4Clatskanie 5 4 1Coburg 8 7 1Columbia City 1 1 0Condon 2 1 1Coos Bay 38 28 10Coquille 10 8 2Cornelius 13 12 1Corvallis 83 56 27Cottage Grove 22 15 7Culver 1 1 0Dallas 20 19 1Dundee 4 4 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Eagle Point 8 7 1Elgin 3 3 0Enterprise 4 4 0Eugene 299 172 127Fairview 11 10 1Florence 21 13 8Forest Grove 29 26 3Gaston 1 1 0Gearhart 3 3 0Gervais 3 3 0Gladstone 24 17 7Gold Beach 6 5 1Grants Pass 66 40 26Gresham 154 108 46Hermiston 30 21 9Hillsboro 145 109 36Hines 4 3 1Hood River 17 14 3Hubbard 6 5 1Independence 15 13 2Jacksonville 5 4 1John Day 10 5 5Junction City 13 8 5Keizer 46 39 7King City 3 3 0Klamath Falls 44 40 4La Grande 32 18 14Lake Oswego 65 39 26Lakeview 6 6 0Lebanon 30 22 8Lincoln City 27 18 9Madras 10 9 1Manzanita 3 3 0McMinnville 40 32 8Medford 145 97 48Milton-Freewater 16 10 6Milwaukie 43 31 12Molalla 14 10 4Monmouth 15 13 2Mount Angel 6 5 1Myrtle Creek 13 7 6Myrtle Point 6 6 0Newberg 32 22 10Newport 28 23 5North Bend 25 19 6North Plains 3 3 0Nyssa 7 7 0Oakridge 9 4 5Ontario 29 22 7Oregon City 39 32 7Pendleton 25 22 3Philomath 9 8 1Phoenix 9 8 1Pilot Rock 3 3 0Portland 1,319 1,046 273Powers 1 1 0Prairie City 2 2 0Prineville 25 16 9Rainier 7 6 1Redmond 37 28 9Reedsport 16 11 5Rockaway Beach 3 3 0Rogue River 6 5 1Roseburg 40 35 5Salem 267 175 92Sandy 13 10 3Scappoose 9 8 1Seaside 21 16 5


Shady Cove 4 3 1Sherwood 21 18 3Silverton 15 14 1Springfield 92 61 31Stanfield 5 5 0Stayton 18 15 3St. Helens 20 18 2Sutherlin 15 12 3Sweet Home 18 11 7Talent 9 8 1The Dalles 22 20 2Tigard 71 56 15Tillamook 11 9 2Toledo 12 7 5Troutdale 22 18 4Tualatin 36 31 5Turner 2 2 0Umatilla 10 9 1Vernonia 5 5 0Warrenton 9 8 1West Linn 32 27 5Weston 2 2 0Winston 9 8 1Woodburn 35 27 8Yamhill 2 2 0


Abington Township 112 89 23Adams Township (Butler County) 4 4 0Adams Township (Cambria County) 4 4 0Akron 5 5 0Albion 2 2 0Alburtis 3 3 0Aldan 4 4 0Aleppo Township 9 5 4Aliquippa 24 24 0Allegheny Township (Blair County) 7 7 0Allegheny Township (Westmoreland

County) 9 8 1Allentown 248 223 25Altoona 86 76 10Ambler 14 12 2Ambridge 13 13 0Amity Township 11 10 1Annville Township 4 4 0Arnold 11 10 1Ashland 5 5 0Ashley 2 2 0Aspinwall 7 6 1Aston Township 18 16 2Athens 8 7 1Athens Township 9 9 0Avalon 6 6 0Baden 5 5 0Baldwin Borough 31 25 6Baldwin Township 5 5 0Bally 1 1 0Bangor 8 7 1Barrett Township 7 7 0Beaver 15 11 4Beaver Falls 11 5 6Bedford 7 6 1Bedminster Township 6 5 1Bell Acres 4 4 0Bellefonte 11 9 2Bellevue 17 14 3Bellwood 3 3 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Bensalem Township 88 68 20Bentleyville 2 2 0Berks-Lehigh Regional 21 21 0Berlin 1 1 0Bern Township 10 10 0Berwick Township 7 7 0Bethel Park 42 36 6Bethel Township (Delaware County) 2 2 0Bethlehem 165 143 22Bethlehem Township 30 28 2Birdsboro 6 6 0Birmingham Township 3 3 0Blairsville 4 4 0Blair Township 4 4 0Blakely 4 4 0Blawnox 4 4 0Bloomsburg Town 19 15 4Boyertown 8 7 1Brackenridge 5 5 0Bradford 21 21 0Bradford Township 5 5 0Brandywine Regional 14 13 1Brecknock Township 3 3 0Brentwood 18 14 4Bridgeport 10 9 1Bridgeville 9 8 1Bridgewater 2 2 0Brighton Township 6 6 0Bristol 11 10 1Bristol Township 85 69 16Brockway 2 2 0Brookhaven 10 9 1Brookville 7 6 1Brownsville 5 5 0Bryn Athyn 5 5 0Buckingham Township 23 21 2Bushkill Township 12 10 2Butler 26 26 0Butler Township (Butler County) 25 21 4Butler Township (Luzerne County) 8 7 1California 8 7 1Caln Township 20 18 2Cambria Township 4 4 0Cambridge Springs 3 3 0Camp Hill 12 11 1Canonsburg 16 16 0Carbondale 15 15 0Carlisle 39 33 6Carnegie 14 13 1Carroll Township (Washington County) 3 3 0Carroll Township (York County) 9 9 0Carroll Valley 4 3 1Castle Shannon 12 11 1Catawissa 2 2 0Catawissa Township 2 2 0Center Township 26 26 0Centerville 4 4 0Central Berks Regional 13 12 1Chalfont 7 6 1Chambersburg 33 30 3Chartiers Township 11 11 0Cheltenham Township 92 83 9Chester 113 103 10Chester Hill 1 1 0Cheswick 3 3 0Chippewa Township 15 14 1Churchill 9 9 0Clairton 12 11 1

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Clarion 9 8 1Clarks Summit 8 7 1Claysville 2 2 0Clearfield 7 7 0Cleona 4 4 0Clifton Heights 9 8 1Cochranton 2 2 0Colebrookdale District 10 9 1Collegeville 9 8 1Collier Township 12 11 1Collingdale 10 8 2Colonial Regional 24 22 2Columbia 21 18 3Colwyn 2 2 0Conemaugh Township (Cambria

County) 2 2 0Conemaugh Township (Somerset

County) 6 5 1Conestoga Township 3 3 0Conewago Township 7 6 1Conewango Township 4 4 0Conneaut Lake Regional 3 3 0Connellsville 18 17 1Conshohocken 17 15 2Conway 3 3 0Conyngham 2 2 0Coopersburg 6 6 0Coplay 4 4 0Coraopolis 12 9 3Cornwall 8 7 1Corry 16 12 4Covington Township 2 2 0Crafton 10 9 1Cranberry Township 26 23 3Cresson 1 1 0Cresson Township 3 3 0Cressona 2 2 0Croyle Township 1 1 0Cumberland Township (Adams County) 6 6 0Dale 1 1 0Dallas 5 5 0Dallas Township 8 8 0Darby 19 16 3Derry 2 2 0Derry Township (Dauphin County) 42 36 6Dickson City 13 13 0Donegal Township 2 2 0Dormont 16 15 1Douglass Township (Berks County) 5 5 0Douglass Township (Montgomery

County) 12 11 1Downingtown 17 15 2Doylestown 20 15 5Doylestown Township 20 17 3Du Bois 10 10 0Duboistown 2 2 0Duncannon 3 3 0Dunmore 9 8 1Duquesne 16 15 1Duryea 3 3 0Earl Township 12 11 1East Berlin 1 1 0East Bethlehem Township 2 2 0East Brady 1 1 0East Cocalico Township 23 21 2East Conemaugh 2 2 0East Coventry Township 5 5 0East Deer Township 1 1 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


East Earl Township 5 5 0Eastern Adams Regional 7 7 0East Fallowfield Township 5 5 0East Hempfield Township 32 28 4East Lampeter Township 38 34 4East Lansdowne 4 2 2East McKeesport 3 3 0East Norriton Township 31 28 3East Pennsboro Township 20 19 1East Pikeland Township 7 7 0Easttown Township 15 14 1East Vincent Township 6 6 0East Washington 1 1 0East Whiteland Township 20 18 2Ebensburg 4 4 0Economy 13 12 1Eddystone 8 7 1Edgewood 5 5 0Edgeworth 6 4 2Edinboro 10 9 1Edwardsville 6 6 0Elizabeth 2 2 0Elizabeth Township 16 15 1Elkland 2 2 0Ellwood City 12 11 1Emmaus 17 16 1Emporium 1 1 0Emsworth 8 7 1Ephrata 26 22 4Ephrata Township 11 10 1Erie 251 205 46Etna 7 6 1Everett 3 3 0Exeter Township (Berks County) 33 32 1Fairview Township (Luzerne County) 5 5 0Fairview Township (York County) 15 13 2Falls Township (Bucks County) 59 51 8Fawn Township 4 4 0Ferguson Township 18 16 2Ferndale 1 1 0Findlay Township 22 15 7Fleetwood 6 6 0Folcroft 9 9 0Ford City 4 4 0Forest City 2 2 0Forest Hills 14 11 3Forks Township 16 15 1Forty Fort 6 5 1Foster Township 4 4 0Fountain Hill 8 8 0Frackville 7 7 0Franconia Township 13 12 1Franklin 23 18 5Franklin Park 10 9 1Franklin Township (Carbon County) 8 4 4Freeland 1 1 0Gallitzin 1 1 0Gettysburg 16 14 2Girard 5 4 1Glenolden 10 9 1Granville Township 7 7 0Greencastle 4 4 0Greensburg 37 27 10Green Tree 12 11 1Greenville 12 11 1Greenwood Township 1 1 0Grove City 7 6 1Halifax 1 1 0


Hamburg 6 5 1Hampden Township 22 21 1Hampton Township 19 18 1Hanover 26 24 2Hanover Township (Luzerne County) 18 17 1Harmar Township 7 7 0Harmony Township 4 4 0Harrisburg 230 179 51Harrison Township 16 12 4Hatboro 18 14 4Hatfield Township 29 23 6Haverford Township 82 65 17Hazleton 35 32 3Heidelberg 2 2 0Hellam Township 9 9 0Hellertown 11 10 1Hemlock Township 1 1 0Hempfield Township 8 6 2Highspire 5 5 0Hilltown Township 19 16 3Homestead 14 14 0Honesdale 11 9 2Honey Brook Township 3 3 0Hooversville 1 1 0Horsham Township 49 40 9Hughesville 3 3 0Hummelstown 7 7 0Huntingdon 13 12 1Independence Township 1 1 0Indiana Township 10 10 0Ingram 4 4 0Irwin 5 5 0Jackson Township (Butler County) 5 5 0Jackson Township (Cambria County) 1 1 0Jackson Township (Luzerne County) 3 3 0Jackson Township (York County) 9 8 1Jeannette 18 17 1Jefferson Hills Borough 17 16 1Jenkins Township 2 2 0Jenkintown 10 10 0Jersey Shore 7 6 1Johnsonburg 4 4 0Johnstown 51 43 8Kane 3 3 0Kennett Square 14 12 2Kidder Township 8 8 0Kilbuck Township 4 3 1Kingston 26 21 5Kingston Township 12 11 1Kittanning 9 8 1Kline Township 2 2 0Kutztown 10 9 1Laflin Borough 3 3 0Lake City 2 2 0Lancaster 206 161 45Lancaster Township (Butler County) 2 2 0Lansdale 30 24 6Lansdowne 19 16 3Latrobe 14 13 1Lawrence Park Township 8 7 1Lawrence Township 8 8 0Lebanon 50 47 3Leetsdale 3 3 0Leet Township 5 5 0Lehighton 9 8 1Lehigh Township (Northampton

County) 11 10 1Lehman Township 4 4 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Lewisburg 8 8 0Ligonier Township 3 3 0Limerick Township 19 17 2Lincoln 2 2 0Linesville 1 1 0Lititz 13 10 3Littlestown 7 7 0Lock Haven 15 13 2Locust Township 3 3 0Logan Township 17 15 2Lower Allen Township 21 18 3Lower Burrell 17 17 0Lower Gwynedd Township 19 18 1Lower Heidelberg Township 6 6 0Lower Makefield Township 35 31 4Lower Merion Township 143 138 5Lower Moreland Township 26 21 5Lower Paxton Township 52 47 5Lower Pottsgrove Township 15 13 2Lower Providence Township 33 27 6Lower Salford Township 19 17 2Lower Saucon Township 15 13 2Lower Southampton Township 31 28 3Lower Swatara Township 11 10 1Lower Windsor Township 6 6 0Luzerne Township 1 1 0Macungie 4 4 0Mahoning Township (Carbon County) 5 5 0Mahoning Township (Montour County) 7 6 1Malvern 6 5 1Manheim 8 7 1Manheim Township 64 51 13Manor 3 3 0Manor Township 23 21 2Mansfield 5 5 0Marlborough Township 5 4 1Marple Township 38 32 6Marysville 4 4 0Mayfield 1 1 0McAdoo 1 1 0McCandless 29 27 2McDonald Borough 3 3 0McKeesport 63 60 3McSherrystown 4 4 0Meadville 28 22 6Mechanicsburg 16 15 1Media 21 15 6Mercer 5 5 0Mercersburg 2 2 0Meyersdale 4 4 0Middlesex Township (Butler County) 5 5 0Middlesex Township (Cumberland

County) 9 8 1Middletown 16 15 1Middletown Township 59 51 8Midland 5 5 0Mifflin County Regional 25 24 1Mifflin Township 4 4 0Mifflinburg 5 5 0Milford 2 2 0Millcreek Township 75 59 16Millersburg 4 4 0Millersville 15 13 2Millville 1 1 0Milton 11 10 1Minersville 6 6 0Mohnton 5 5 0Monaca 6 6 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Monessen 12 12 0Monongahela 12 10 2Monroeville 57 52 5Montgomery Township 43 34 9Montoursville 7 7 0Moon Township 35 29 6Moore Township 9 8 1Morris-Cooper Township 1 1 0Morton 4 4 0Mount Holly Springs 3 3 0Mount Jewett 2 2 0Mount Joy 12 10 2Mount Joy Township 8 7 1Mount Lebanon 56 45 11Mount Pleasant 5 5 0Mount Union 6 6 0Muhlenberg Township 29 27 2Munhall 23 19 4Murrysville 24 19 5Nanticoke 14 13 1Narberth 7 7 0Neshannock Township 7 7 0Nether Providence Township 16 14 2Neville Township 9 6 3Newberry Township 13 12 1New Bethlehem 1 1 0New Britain 4 3 1New Britain Township 14 12 2New Castle 33 30 3New Cumberland 9 8 1New Hanover Township 9 8 1New Holland 12 11 1New Hope 8 6 2New Kensington 30 24 6Newport 2 2 0Newport Township 1 1 0New Sewickley Township 10 9 1Newtown 4 4 0Newtown Township (Bucks County) 30 26 4Newtown Township (Delaware County) 18 16 2Newville 1 1 0New Wilmington 3 3 0Norristown 75 65 10Northampton 13 12 1Northampton Township 46 40 6North Catasauqua 3 3 0North Cornwall Township 10 9 1North Coventry Township 10 9 1North East 7 6 1Northeastern Regional 11 10 1Northern Berks Regional 14 13 1Northern Cambria Regional 3 3 0Northern York Regional 46 41 5North Fayette Township 23 19 4North Franklin Township 8 8 0North Huntingdon Township 43 36 7North Lebanon Township 10 9 1North Londonderry Township 7 6 1North Middleton Township 9 8 1North Sewickley Township 2 2 0North Strabane Township 17 16 1Northumberland 6 6 0North Versailles Township 23 20 3North Wales 7 6 1Norwegian Township 1 1 0Norwood 7 7 0O’Hara Township 14 13 1Oakmont 7 7 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Ohioville 2 2 0Oil City 24 19 5Old Forge 5 5 0Old Lycoming Township 9 8 1Oley Township 3 3 0Olyphant 5 5 0Orangeville 1 1 0Orwigsburg 4 4 0Oxford 9 8 1Paint Township 2 2 0Palmer Township 27 24 3Palmerton 9 8 1Palmyra 9 8 1Parkesburg 8 8 0Parkside 3 3 0Patterson Area 4 4 0Patton Township 17 15 2Paxtang 3 3 0Pen Argyl 5 5 0Penbrook 6 6 0Penn Hills 65 56 9Pennridge Regional 23 15 8Penn Township (Butler County) 4 3 1Penn Township (Lancaster County) 8 7 1Penn Township (Westmoreland County) 22 20 2Penn Township (York County) 23 21 2Pequea Township 3 3 0Perkasie 15 13 2Peters Township 23 21 2Philadelphia 7,850 6,931 919Philipsburg 2 2 0Phoenixville 26 24 2Pine-Marshall-Bradford Woods 17 16 1Pitcairn 3 3 0Pittsburgh 1,156 1,071 85Plainfield Township 8 8 0Plains Township 14 13 1Pleasant Hills 20 16 4Plumstead Township 13 11 2Plymouth Township (Luzerne County) 2 2 0Plymouth Township (Montgomery

County) 53 44 9Pocono Mountain Regional 41 38 3Pocono Township 14 14 0Point Township 5 5 0Portage 2 2 0Port Allegany 3 3 0Port Carbon 2 2 0Pottstown 48 39 9Pottsville 33 32 1Prospect Park 9 9 0Punxsutawney 11 7 4Pymatuning Township 3 3 0Quakertown 17 15 2Radnor Township 54 43 11Rankin 1 1 0Reading 227 200 27Reynoldsville 2 2 0Rice Township 4 4 0Richland 2 2 0Richland Township (Allegheny County) 12 11 1Richland Township (Bucks County) 8 7 1Richland Township (Cambria County) 18 17 1Ridgway 7 7 0Ridley Park 11 9 2Ridley Township 41 33 8Rimersburg 1 1 0Robesonia 2 2 0


Robeson Township 6 5 1Robinson Township (Allegheny

County) 20 15 5Rochester 13 11 2Rochester Township 2 2 0Rockledge 5 5 0Rosslyn Farms 2 2 0Ross Township 45 43 2Royersford 8 7 1Salisbury Township 14 12 2Sandy Township 7 7 0Sayre 11 9 2Schuylkill Haven 7 7 0Schuylkill Township 10 9 1Scott Township (Allegheny County) 19 18 1Scott Township (Columbia County) 5 5 0Scottdale 7 7 0Scranton 186 169 17Selinsgrove 6 5 1Seven Springs 6 6 0Sewickley 9 8 1Sewickley Heights 8 7 1Shaler Township 29 27 2Shamokin 13 13 0Sharon 34 30 4Sharon Hill 8 7 1Sharpsburg 7 7 0Sharpsville 7 6 1Shenandoah 8 7 1Shenango Township (Lawrence County) 4 4 0Shenango Township (Mercer County) 6 5 1Shillington 8 8 0Shippensburg 9 8 1Shippingport 2 2 0Shiremanstown 2 2 0Silver Spring Township 12 11 1Sinking Spring 4 4 0Slippery Rock 5 5 0Solebury Township 12 11 1South Beaver Township 4 4 0South Centre Township 4 4 0South Fayette Township 17 16 1South Fork 1 1 0South Greensburg 2 2 0South Heidelberg Township 6 6 0South Lebanon Township 8 7 1South Londonderry Township 5 5 0South Park Township 16 15 1South Pymatuning Township 2 2 0South Strabane Township 12 11 1South Waverly 3 3 0Southwest Greensburg 2 2 0Southwest Mercer County Regional 15 14 1South Williamsport 7 6 1Spring City 4 3 1Springdale 1 1 0Springettsbury Township 30 28 2Springfield Township (Bucks County) 5 5 0Springfield Township (Delaware

County) 43 36 7Springfield Township (Montgomery

County) 28 27 1Spring Garden Township 20 18 2Spring Township (Berks County) 23 22 1Spring Township (Centre County) 7 6 1State College 71 61 10St. Clair Township 1 1 0Steelton 9 8 1

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Stewartstown 5 5 0St. Marys City 13 12 1Stonycreek Township 2 2 0Strasburg 4 4 0Stroud Area Regional 59 55 4Sugarcreek 5 5 0Sugarloaf Township (Luzerne County) 4 3 1Summerhill Township 3 3 0Summit Hill 3 3 0Sunbury 16 13 3Susquehanna Township (Dauphin

County) 39 37 2Swarthmore 9 9 0Swatara Township 33 31 2Swissvale 11 11 0Swoyersville 5 5 0Sykesville 1 1 0Tamaqua 11 10 1Tarentum 12 8 4Terre Hill 5 5 0Throop 6 6 0Tinicum Township (Bucks County) 5 5 0Tinicum Township (Delaware County) 14 13 1Titusville 14 14 0Towamencin Township 33 25 8Towanda 7 7 0Trafford 4 4 0Trainer 8 7 1Tredyffrin Township 59 51 8Troy 3 3 0Tullytown 7 6 1Tunkhannock 5 5 0Tunkhannock Township (Wyoming

County) 3 3 0Tyrone 4 3 1Union City 1 1 0Uniontown 19 16 3Union Township (Lawrence County) 3 2 1Union Township (Washington County) 7 7 0Upland 2 2 0Upper Allen Township 16 15 1Upper Chichester Township 23 20 3Upper Darby Township 131 121 10Upper Dublin Township 36 30 6Upper Gwynedd Township 22 20 2Upper Makefield Township 12 11 1Upper Merion Township 83 62 21Upper Moreland Township 49 39 10Upper Pottsgrove Township 5 5 0Upper Providence Township

(Delaware County) 12 11 1Upper Providence Township

(Montgomery County) 19 17 2Upper Saucon Township 18 17 1Upper Southampton Township 26 23 3Upper St. Clair Township 35 28 7Upper Uwchlan Township 9 9 0Upper Yoder Township 5 5 0Uwchlan Township 26 24 2Vandergrift 8 8 0Vernon Township 3 3 0Verona 2 1 1Versailles 2 2 0Warminster Township 56 47 9Warren 18 14 4Warrington Township 32 29 3Warwick Township (Bucks County) 18 16 2Warwick Township (Lancaster County) 16 15 1

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Washington (Washington County) 31 28 3Washington Township (Fayette County) 3 3 0Washington Township (Franklin

County) 13 12 1Washington Township (Westmoreland

County) 6 6 0Watsontown 5 5 0Waynesboro 17 16 1Waynesburg 9 8 1Weatherly 3 3 0Wellsboro 5 5 0Wernersville 2 2 0Wesleyville 4 4 0West Alexander 2 2 0West Brandywine Township 6 6 0West Conshohocken 11 10 1West Deer Township 11 10 1West Donegal Township 7 7 0West Earl Township 5 5 0West Elizabeth 17 16 1West Goshen Township 33 26 7West Hempfield Township 22 20 2West Hills Regional 12 11 1West Homestead 9 6 3West Lampeter Township 14 13 1West Lebanon Township 10 9 1West Manchester Township 27 25 2West Manheim Township 6 6 0West Mifflin 39 33 6West Norriton Township 29 25 4West Pikeland Township 1 1 0West Pittston 3 3 0West Pottsgrove Township 9 8 1West Reading 14 12 2West Salem Township 12 11 1West Shore Regional 12 10 2Westtown-East Goshen Township 26 23 3West View 10 9 1West Whiteland Township 29 27 2West Wyoming 2 2 0Whitehall 26 21 5Whitehall Township 58 49 9White Haven Borough 2 2 0Whitemarsh Township 39 34 5White Oak 14 13 1Whitpain Township 36 29 7Wilkes-Barre 86 78 8Wilkes-Barre Township 15 13 2Wilkinsburg 37 30 7Williamsport 57 53 4Willistown Township 17 15 2Windber 3 2 1Wright Township 7 7 0Wyoming 7 7 0Wyomissing 27 22 5Yardley 4 3 1Yeadon 14 12 2York Area Regional 44 39 5York Springs-Latimore Township 2 2 0Youngsville 2 2 0


Barrington 29 24 5Bristol 47 37 10Burrillville 33 25 8Central Falls 41 34 7Charlestown 25 20 5


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Coventry 67 54 13Cranston 171 138 33Cumberland 55 47 8East Greenwich 41 32 9East Providence 112 92 20Foster 16 7 9Glocester 17 13 4Hopkinton 21 16 5Jamestown 18 13 5Johnston 87 69 18Lincoln 40 32 8Little Compton 14 10 4Middletown 42 38 4Narragansett 49 38 11Newport 107 84 23New Shoreham 10 4 6North Kingstown 66 53 13North Providence 93 71 22North Smithfield 25 21 4Pawtucket 179 148 31Portsmouth 33 31 2Providence 580 483 97Richmond 14 10 4Scituate 24 18 6Smithfield 48 36 12South Kingstown 70 52 18Tiverton 35 26 9Warren 28 22 6Warwick 230 174 56Westerly 57 47 10West Greenwich 16 10 6West Warwick 68 57 11Woonsocket 118 101 17


Abbeville 22 19 3Aiken 102 83 19Allendale 9 8 1Anderson 133 86 47Andrews 12 9 3Aynor 4 3 1Bamberg 11 10 1Beaufort 54 48 6Belton 20 15 5Bennettsville 38 34 4Bethune 1 1 0Blackville 8 7 1Bluffton 10 10 0Bonneau 3 3 0Briarcliffe Acres 1 1 0Burnettown 2 2 0Calhoun Falls 11 10 1Camden 28 24 4Central 10 10 0Chapin 7 6 1Charleston 491 359 132Cheraw 30 24 6Chesnee 3 3 0Chester 29 25 4Chesterfield 6 5 1Clemson 31 25 6Clinton 35 28 7Clio 5 4 1Clover 16 12 4Columbia 330 288 42Conway 65 51 14Cottageville 7 5 2


Coward 1 1 0Cowpens 7 7 0Darlington 27 23 4Due West 6 6 0Duncan 15 13 2Easley 46 34 12Eastover 2 2 0Edgefield 9 9 0Ehrhardt 2 2 0Elgin 5 5 0Estill 7 5 2Eutawville 3 3 0Fairfax 7 7 0Florence 123 99 24Folly Beach 16 11 5Forest Acres 31 25 6Fort Lawn 4 3 1Fort Mill 26 20 6Fountain Inn 29 21 8Gaffney 42 38 4Georgetown 47 39 8Goose Creek 59 46 13Great Falls 6 6 0Greeleyville 3 3 0Greenville 208 167 41Greenwood 59 51 8Greer 62 48 14Hampton 9 8 1Hanahan 28 21 7Harleyville 4 4 0Hartsville 37 33 4Hemingway 7 4 3Honea Path 16 12 4Inman 6 6 0Irmo 20 18 2Isle of Palms 24 16 8Iva 4 3 1Jamestown 2 1 1Johnsonville 5 4 1Kingstree 19 17 2Lake View 3 3 0Lamar 3 3 0Lancaster 45 37 8Landrum 9 8 1Latta 11 10 1Laurens 34 28 6Lexington 30 26 4Liberty 14 9 5Lyman 7 6 1Lynchburg 4 4 0Marion 33 26 7McColl 7 6 1McCormick 7 7 0Moncks Corner 23 21 2Mount Pleasant 153 112 41Mullins 23 21 2Newberry 29 25 4Ninety Six 8 7 1North 3 2 1North Augusta 64 47 17North Charleston 330 258 72North Myrtle Beach 96 74 22Norway 8 3 5Olar 1 1 0Orangeburg 88 74 14Pacolet 5 5 0Pawleys Island 4 3 1Pendleton 9 8 1

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Perry 1 1 0Pickens 14 13 1Pine Ridge 2 1 1Port Royal 19 17 2Prosperity 3 3 0Ridgeland 9 8 1Ridgeville 2 2 0Ridgeway 2 2 0Rock Hill 135 95 40Saluda 11 11 0Santee 13 9 4Scranton 2 2 0Sellers 3 2 1Seneca 44 33 11Simpsonville 46 37 9Society Hill 7 5 2South Congaree 7 6 1Spartanburg 143 123 20Springdale 8 7 1St. George 10 9 1St. Matthews 7 7 0Sullivans Island 8 7 1Summerton 9 8 1Summerville 76 57 19Sumter 142 104 38Surfside Beach 18 13 5Swansea 3 3 0Tega Cay 12 8 4Travelers Rest 21 15 6Turbeville 3 3 0Union 39 36 3Vance 2 2 0Wagener 3 3 0Walhalla 14 12 2Walterboro 31 23 8Ware Shoals 10 9 1Wellford 5 5 0West Columbia 48 38 10Westminster 9 9 0West Pelzer 3 3 0West Union 2 2 0Whitmire 4 4 0Williamston 21 16 5Williston 9 8 1Winnsboro 26 24 2Yemassee 6 4 2York 35 29 6


Aberdeen 46 38 8Alcester 1 1 0Armour 1 1 0Belle Fourche 10 9 1Beresford 8 4 4Box Elder 9 7 2Brandon 8 7 1Brookings 35 27 8Buffalo 1 1 0Burke 1 1 0Canistota 1 1 0Canton 5 5 0Castlewood 1 1 0Chamberlain 5 5 0Chancellor-Davis 1 1 0Clark 2 2 0Colman 1 1 0Deadwood 12 9 3

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Eagle Butte 2 2 0Elk Point 3 2 1Estelline 1 1 0Eureka 3 3 0Faith 2 1 1Garretson 1 1 0Gettysburg 2 2 0Gregory 3 3 0Groton 3 3 0Harrisburg 1 1 0Hot Springs 8 7 1Huron 28 22 6Kadoka 1 1 0Kimball 1 1 0Lake Andes 4 4 0Lead 6 5 1Lemmon 4 4 0Madison 11 10 1McLaughlin 3 2 1Milbank 5 5 0Miller 4 4 0Mitchell 37 27 10Mobridge 12 7 5Murdo 1 1 0North Sioux City 8 7 1Parkston 2 2 0Philip 2 2 0Pierre 35 24 11Platte 2 2 0Rapid City 124 97 27Salem 2 2 0Selby 1 1 0Sioux Falls 210 182 28Sisseton 7 7 0Spearfish 23 17 6Sturgis 18 15 3Tea 3 3 0Tripp 1 1 0Vermillion 18 17 1Watertown 42 31 11Webster 4 4 0Whitewood 2 2 0Winner 13 8 5Yankton 46 26 20


Adamsville 9 6 3Alamo 3 3 0Alcoa 43 37 6Alexandria 4 4 0Algood 8 8 0Ardmore 13 6 7Ashland City 14 13 1Athens 31 29 2Atoka 8 8 0Baileyton 1 1 0Bartlett 116 86 30Baxter 3 3 0Bean Station 7 6 1Belle Meade 21 17 4Bells 5 5 0Benton 6 5 1Berry Hill 17 13 4Bethel Springs 1 1 0Big Sandy 2 2 0Blaine 2 2 0Bluff City 9 9 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Bolivar 28 22 6Bradford 4 4 0Brentwood 67 54 13Brighton 5 5 0Bristol 83 67 16Brownsville 36 31 5Bruceton 4 4 0Burns 4 4 0Calhoun 1 1 0Camden 17 12 5Carthage 11 7 4Caryville 5 5 0Celina 5 4 1Centerville 18 13 5Chapel Hill 5 5 0Charleston 3 3 0Chattanooga 676 471 205Church Hill 9 8 1Clarksville 246 213 33Cleveland 100 89 11Clifton 7 7 0Clinton 24 23 1Collegedale 16 14 2Collierville 111 73 38Collinwood 5 5 0Columbia 86 78 8Cookeville 89 68 21Coopertown 2 2 0Copperhill 1 1 0Cornersville 7 3 4Covington 26 25 1Cowan 6 6 0Cross Plains 3 3 0Crossville 35 32 3Crump 3 2 1Cumberland City 2 2 0Cumberland Gap 2 2 0Dandridge 9 9 0Dayton 17 15 2Decatur 5 5 0Decaturville 1 1 0Decherd 13 12 1Dickson 61 42 19Dover 7 7 0Dresden 8 8 0Dunlap 10 9 1Dyer 6 6 0Dyersburg 80 61 19Eagleville 4 2 2East Ridge 44 36 8Elizabethton 40 37 3Elkton 2 1 1Englewood 5 5 0Erin 6 6 0Erwin 10 10 0Estill Springs 6 6 0Ethridge 1 1 0Etowah 14 10 4Fairview 17 16 1Fayetteville 25 23 2Franklin 122 101 21Friendship 1 1 0Gainesboro 4 4 0Gallatin 71 50 21Gallaway 6 6 0Gates 3 3 0Gatlinburg 49 41 8Germantown 99 79 20


Gibson 2 2 0Gleason 6 5 1Goodlettsville 51 37 14Gordonsville 4 4 0Grand Junction 1 1 0Graysville 6 4 2Greenbrier 12 11 1Greeneville 44 42 2Greenfield 8 7 1Halls 7 7 0Harriman 24 23 1Henderson 14 13 1Hendersonville 89 69 20Henning 4 4 0Henry 1 1 0Hohenwald 13 13 0Hollow Rock 2 2 0Hornbeak 2 1 1Humboldt 33 27 6Huntingdon 16 12 4Huntland 6 6 0Jacksboro 5 5 0Jackson 236 182 54Jamestown 8 7 1Jasper 8 8 0Jefferson City 21 19 2Jellico 11 10 1Johnson City 185 157 28Jonesborough 20 15 5Kenton 5 5 0Kimball 7 7 0Kingsport 140 99 41Kingston 12 11 1Kingston Springs 6 5 1Knoxville 479 380 99Lafayette 25 16 9La Follette 29 17 12La Grange 2 2 0Lake City 10 7 3Lakewood 7 7 0La Vergne 49 32 17Lawrenceburg 45 39 6Lebanon 80 64 16Lenoir City 21 20 1Lewisburg 37 28 9Lexington 31 26 5Livingston 21 16 5Lookout Mountain 20 16 4Loretto 4 4 0Loudon 15 14 1Lynnville 1 1 0Madisonville 15 13 2Manchester 35 30 5Martin 37 30 7Maryville 52 42 10Mason 6 6 0Maynardville 4 4 0McEwen 5 4 1McKenzie 22 17 5McMinnville 40 35 5Medina 6 6 0Memphis 2,867 1,935 932Middleton 3 3 0Milan 29 24 5Millersville 17 13 4Millington 34 27 7Minor Hill 3 2 1Monteagle 10 6 4

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Monterey 8 8 0Morristown 81 76 5Moscow 4 4 0Mountain City 11 9 2Mount Carmel 9 8 1Mount Juliet 33 26 7Mount Pleasant 12 11 1Munford 13 12 1Murfreesboro 199 160 39Nashville 1,695 1,248 447Newbern 18 13 5New Hope 1 1 0New Johnsonville 3 3 0New Market 2 2 0Newport 33 27 6New Tazewell 10 10 0Niota 4 4 0Nolensville 1 1 0Norris 7 7 0Oakland 11 9 2Oak Ridge 70 58 12Obion 4 4 0Oliver Springs 15 11 4Oneida 20 14 6Paris 36 26 10Parsons 7 7 0Petersburg 2 2 0Pigeon Forge 64 53 11Pikeville 4 4 0Pittman Center 2 2 0Portland 28 21 7Pulaski 29 26 3Puryear 2 2 0Red Bank 21 19 2Red Boiling Springs 5 5 0Ridgely 6 5 1Ridgetop 6 6 0Ripley 33 26 7Rockwood 15 14 1Rogersville 12 12 0Rossville 4 4 0Rutherford 5 5 0Rutledge 4 4 0Savannah 27 16 11Scotts Hill 4 4 0Selmer 18 17 1Sevierville 59 47 12Sewanee 13 9 4Sharon 3 3 0Shelbyville 46 36 10Signal Mountain 16 14 2Smithville 25 12 13Smyrna 76 55 21Sneedville 1 1 0Soddy-Daisy 25 20 5Somerville 18 14 4South Carthage 4 4 0South Fulton 9 8 1South Pittsburg 12 8 4Sparta 16 15 1Spencer 2 2 0Spring City 10 9 1Springfield 50 38 12Spring Hill 21 20 1St. Joseph 1 1 0Surgoinsville 4 4 0Sweetwater 20 18 2Tazewell 6 6 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Tellico Plains 5 5 0Tiptonville 6 6 0Toone 1 1 0Townsend 3 3 0Tracy City 6 5 1Trenton 25 19 6Trezevant 1 1 0Trimble 5 5 0Troy 4 4 0Tullahoma 40 35 5Tusculum 2 2 0Union City 45 37 8Vonore 8 7 1Wartburg 3 3 0Wartrace 1 1 0Watauga 1 1 0Watertown 4 3 1Waverly 13 11 2Waynesboro 9 8 1Westmoreland 9 5 4White Bluff 3 3 0White House 30 20 10White Pine 9 8 1Whiteville 8 8 0Whitwell 12 7 5Winchester 29 22 7Winfield 3 3 0Woodbury 9 8 1


Abernathy 3 3 0Abilene 234 173 61Addison 78 58 20Alamo 32 23 9Alamo Heights 31 21 10Alice 48 33 15Allen 103 79 24Alpine 14 8 6Alto 3 3 0Alton 13 8 5Alvarado 18 12 6Alvin 67 44 23Amarillo 356 276 80Andrews 21 15 6Angleton 46 35 11Anson 5 4 1Anthony 7 7 0Aransas Pass 25 18 7Arcola 5 4 1Argyle 7 7 0Arlington 733 565 168Arp 3 3 0Athens 34 25 9Atlanta 20 15 5Austin 1,811 1,251 560Azle 29 20 9Baird 2 2 0Balch Springs 39 28 11Balcones Heights 17 12 5Ballinger 8 6 2Bangs 3 3 0Bastrop 18 15 3Bay City 46 35 11Bayou Vista 6 6 0Baytown 176 124 52Beaumont 324 255 69Bedford 118 75 43


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Beeville 29 21 8Bellaire 56 40 16Bellmead 24 17 7Bellville 12 10 2Belton 33 24 9Benbrook 45 36 9Bertram 2 2 0Beverly Hills 14 8 6Big Sandy 6 5 1Big Spring 65 44 21Bishop 9 5 4Blanco 4 4 0Blue Mound 10 6 4Boerne 36 22 14Bogata 3 3 0Bonham 27 21 6Borger 32 25 7Bovina 2 2 0Bowie 17 12 5Brady 14 8 6Brazoria 13 7 6Breckenridge 18 12 6Brenham 43 30 13Bridge City 17 12 5Bridgeport 16 10 6Brookshire 11 7 4Brookside Village 5 5 0Brownfield 22 17 5Brownsville 286 206 80Brownwood 53 33 20Bruceville-Eddy 3 3 0Bryan 141 103 38Bullard 5 4 1Burkburnett 23 17 6Burleson 55 40 15Burnet 13 12 1Caddo Mills 2 2 0Caldwell 11 10 1Cameron 13 8 5Caney City 5 2 3Canton 20 15 5Canyon 23 20 3Carrollton 211 148 63Carthage 21 14 7Castle Hills 28 21 7Cedar Hill 62 51 11Cedar Park 64 49 15Celina 7 7 0Center 20 14 6Childress 14 9 5Cisco 8 7 1Clarksville 7 7 0Cleburne 60 42 18Cleveland 27 17 10Clifton 6 5 1Clint 3 3 0Clute 32 23 9Clyde 5 4 1Cockrell Hill 16 11 5Coffee City 2 2 0Coleman 15 9 6College Station 138 98 40Colleyville 41 31 10Collinsville 2 2 0Colorado City 13 7 6Columbus 10 9 1Comanche 8 7 1Combes 9 8 1


Commerce 21 15 6Conroe 109 84 25Converse 32 26 6Coppell 69 53 16Copperas Cove 64 49 15Corinth 25 24 1Corpus Christi 645 446 199Corrigan 9 6 3Corsicana 59 45 14Cottonwood Shores 2 2 0Crane 12 7 5Crockett 19 16 3Crowell 1 1 0Crowley 24 18 6Crystal City 14 10 4Cuero 14 13 1Daingerfield 7 6 1Dalhart 22 15 7Dallas 3,401 2,846 555Dalworthington Gardens 11 9 2Danbury 4 4 0Dayton 17 12 5Decatur 18 13 5Deer Park 72 53 19De Kalb 6 6 0De Leon 5 5 0Del Rio 84 67 17Denison 55 45 10Denton 166 131 35Denver City 13 7 6DeSoto 73 60 13Devine 10 8 2Diboll 19 13 6Dickinson 35 27 8Dilley 5 4 1Dimmitt 9 7 2Donna 31 23 8Double Oak 6 6 0Dublin 11 9 2Dumas 28 24 4Duncanville 74 60 14Eagle Lake 10 9 1Eagle Pass 83 66 17Early 7 6 1Earth 2 2 0Eastland 11 9 2East Mountain 1 1 0Edcouch 14 9 5Eden 3 3 0Edgewood 4 4 0Edinburg 104 73 31Edna 11 9 2El Campo 33 23 10Electra 10 5 5Elgin 17 13 4El Paso 1,488 1,145 343Elsa 22 15 7Ennis 36 31 5Euless 114 79 35Everman 16 11 5Fairfield 9 8 1Fair Oaks Ranch 11 11 0Farmers Branch 107 71 36Farmersville 7 7 0Farwell 1 1 0Ferris 16 12 4Flatonia 4 4 0Florence 2 2 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Floresville 14 13 1Flower Mound 97 67 30Floydada 5 5 0Forest Hill 30 22 8Forney 18 12 6Fort Stockton 24 17 7Fort Worth 1,582 1,243 339Frankston 4 3 1Fredericksburg 32 29 3Freeport 31 23 8Freer 9 5 4Friendswood 59 44 15Friona 10 6 4Frisco 82 62 20Gainesville 59 41 18Galena Park 22 16 6Galveston 193 157 36Ganado 3 3 0Garland 422 291 131Gatesville 19 14 5Georgetown 64 43 21Giddings 18 12 6Gilmer 22 19 3Gladewater 22 17 5Glenn Heights 17 11 6Godley 3 3 0Gonzales 20 15 5Gorman 5 4 1Graham 19 18 1Granbury 26 22 4Grand Prairie 287 189 98Grand Saline 7 7 0Granger 3 3 0Granite Shoals 7 7 0Grapeland 2 1 1Grapevine 127 94 33Greenville 77 47 30Gregory 5 4 1Groesbeck 7 7 0Groves 18 17 1Gruver 2 2 0Gun Barrel City 22 17 5Hale Center 5 4 1Hallettsville 6 5 1Haltom City 91 65 26Hamlin 9 5 4Harker Heights 42 34 8Harlingen 143 106 37Hart 1 1 0Haskell 3 3 0Hawk Cove 1 1 0Hawkins 6 6 0Hawley 2 2 0Hearne 16 10 6Heath 10 9 1Hedwig Village 24 17 7Helotes 12 11 1Hemphill 3 3 0Hempstead 13 11 2Henderson 49 41 8Hereford 27 21 6Hewitt 29 21 8Hickory Creek 10 10 0Hico 4 4 0Hidalgo 43 32 11Highland Park 67 53 14Highland Village 31 23 8Hill Country Village 10 10 0

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Hillsboro 28 20 8Hitchcock 23 18 5Holliday 2 2 0Hollywood Park 8 8 0Hondo 17 15 2Hooks 5 5 0Horizon City 10 9 1Horseshoe Bay 11 10 1Houston 7,084 5,360 1,724Howe 5 5 0Hubbard 4 4 0Hudson 4 4 0Hudson Oaks 7 7 0Humble 69 53 16Huntington 5 5 0Huntsville 48 42 6Hurst 113 69 44Hutchins 18 12 6Hutto 8 8 0Idalou 3 3 0Ingleside 22 15 7Ingram 7 6 1Iowa Park 17 11 6Irving 439 292 147Italy 5 5 0Itasca 3 3 0Jacinto City 21 15 6Jacksboro 13 8 5Jacksonville 32 25 7Jamaica Beach 5 5 0Jasper 26 18 8Jefferson 8 7 1Jersey Village 31 21 10Johnson City 4 4 0Jones Creek 3 3 0Joshua 16 14 2Jourdanton 6 6 0Junction 5 5 0Karnes City 7 6 1Katy 59 43 16Kaufman 25 18 7Keene 23 9 14Keller 63 44 19Kemah 27 22 5Kemp 6 6 0Kenedy 9 7 2Kennedale 23 17 6Kermit 15 9 6Kerrville 61 47 14Kilgore 40 31 9Killeen 189 145 44Kingsville 62 45 17Kirby 17 13 4Kirbyville 3 3 0Knox City 2 2 0Kountze 5 5 0Kress 1 1 0Kyle 11 10 1Lacy-Lakeview 22 14 8La Feria 15 11 4Lago Vista 18 12 6La Grange 8 8 0La Joya 17 12 5Lake Dallas 17 10 7Lake Jackson 59 41 18Lakeside 4 4 0Lakeview 16 12 4Lakeway 32 27 5


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Lake Worth 28 20 8La Marque 34 26 8Lamesa 24 17 7Lampasas 25 16 9Lancaster 56 36 20La Porte 97 72 25Laredo 422 341 81La Vernia 4 4 0Lavon 5 4 1League City 100 65 35Leander 34 22 12Leon Valley 32 24 8Levelland 28 20 8Lewisville 169 118 51Lexington 4 4 0Liberty 20 12 8Lindale 15 12 3Linden 5 5 0Littlefield 21 13 8Live Oak 36 27 9Livingston 20 13 7Llano 8 6 2Lockhart 34 27 7Lockney 3 3 0Lone Star 5 4 1Longview 162 140 22Lorena 6 5 1Lorenzo 2 2 0Los Fresnos 16 10 6Lubbock 362 301 61Lufkin 99 77 22Luling 23 14 9Lumberton 17 14 3Lytle 5 5 0Madisonville 10 9 1Magnolia 16 11 5Malakoff 7 6 1Manor 7 6 1Mansfield 66 49 17Manvel 8 7 1Marble Falls 30 20 10Marfa 5 3 2Marshall 68 52 16Mart 3 3 0Martindale 5 5 0Mathis 12 7 5McAllen 374 235 139McGregor 17 12 5McKinney 104 84 20Meadows Place 15 15 0Melissa 4 3 1Memorial Villages 38 32 6Memphis 4 4 0Mercedes 28 21 7Meridian 3 2 1Merkel 5 4 1Mesquite 273 202 71Mexia 26 19 7Midland 201 152 49Midlothian 30 24 6Mineola 12 11 1Mineral Wells 34 27 7Mission 130 100 30Missouri City 74 57 17Monahans 17 10 7Mont Belvieu 15 10 5Montgomery 8 7 1Morgans Point Resort 7 7 0


Mount Pleasant 37 26 11Muleshoe 12 7 5Munday 2 2 0Mustang Ridge 4 4 0Nacogdoches 70 54 16Naples 2 2 0Nash 9 8 1Nassau Bay 18 13 5Navasota 20 13 7Nederland 32 21 11Needville 7 7 0New Boston 12 9 3New Braunfels 82 61 21New Deal 2 2 0Nocona 7 6 1Nolanville 4 4 0Northlake 6 6 0North Richland Hills 158 109 49Oak Ridge 1 1 0Oak Ridge North 14 14 0Odessa 208 161 47O’Donnell 2 2 0Olmos Park 11 11 0Olney 9 5 4Olton 3 3 0Onalaska 7 7 0Orange 53 41 12Orange Grove 10 10 0Ore City 4 4 0Overton 11 6 5Ovilla 9 8 1Oyster Creek 9 5 4Palacios 12 8 4Palestine 44 36 8Palmer 8 7 1Pampa 30 20 10Panhandle 3 3 0Pantego 15 10 5Paris 87 64 23Parker 6 6 0Pasadena 338 269 69Pearland 99 75 24Pearsall 12 10 2Pecos 38 19 19Pelican Bay 4 4 0Penitas 6 4 2Perryton 14 8 6Pflugerville 51 39 12Pharr 114 82 32Pilot Point 6 6 0Pinehurst 9 5 4Pittsburg 14 12 2Plainview 42 34 8Plano 464 326 138Pleasanton 22 16 6Point Comfort 2 2 0Port Aransas 21 13 8Port Arthur 138 108 30Port Isabel 23 18 5Portland 31 22 9Port Lavaca 24 18 6Port Neches 21 18 3Poteet 6 5 1Pottsboro 6 6 0Premont 5 5 0Primera 6 6 0Princeton 6 5 1Progreso 6 6 0

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Quanah 3 3 0Queen City 6 6 0Quinlan 5 5 0Quitman 6 6 0Ranger 5 5 0Ransom Canyon 2 2 0Raymondville 21 14 7Red Oak 17 11 6Refugio 8 6 2Reno 5 4 1Richardson 220 136 84Richland Hills 24 16 8Richmond 35 26 9Richwood 6 5 1Riesel 3 2 1Rio Grande City 28 22 6Rising Star 2 2 0River Oaks 23 17 6Roanoke 24 17 7Robinson 22 15 7Robstown 34 26 8Rockdale 16 11 5Rockport 26 19 7Rollingwood 7 7 0Roma 27 22 5Roman Forest 6 6 0Ropesville 2 2 0Roscoe 2 2 0Rose City 1 1 0Rosenberg 83 65 18Round Rock 148 107 41Rowlett 89 61 28Royse City 10 9 1Runaway Bay 5 4 1Rusk 10 9 1Sabinal 4 4 0Sachse 32 23 9Saginaw 30 26 4Salado 3 3 0San Angelo 177 150 27San Antonio 2,543 2,036 507San Augustine 7 6 1San Benito 49 42 7San Diego 7 6 1Sanger 11 10 1San Juan 40 28 12San Marcos 105 83 22San Saba 4 3 1Sansom Park Village 13 9 4Santa Anna 3 2 1Santa Fe 23 17 6Santa Rosa 5 5 0Schertz 50 32 18Seabrook 35 29 6Seadrift 1 1 0Seagoville 24 17 7Seagraves 4 3 1Sealy 15 13 2Selma 16 14 2Seminole 12 10 2Seven Points 13 8 5Seymour 9 7 2Shallowater 5 5 0Shamrock 3 3 0Shavano Park 12 11 1Shenandoah 19 18 1Sherman 81 57 24Silsbee 21 16 5

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Sinton 9 8 1Slaton 16 10 6Smithville 17 10 7Snyder 20 18 2Socorro 23 18 5Somerset 5 4 1Somerville 4 4 0Sonora 7 5 2Sour Lake 6 5 1South Houston 40 31 9Southlake 58 55 3South Padre Island 31 24 7Southside Place 10 7 3Spearman 3 3 0Springtown 13 9 4Spring Valley 21 16 5Spur 2 2 0Stafford 50 37 13Stamford 11 7 4Stanton 5 5 0Stephenville 38 28 10Stratford 1 1 0Sugar Land 135 101 34Sulphur Springs 38 30 8Sunrise Beach Village 2 2 0Sunset Valley 10 10 0Surfside Beach 6 5 1Sweeny 7 7 0Sweetwater 24 20 4Taft 6 6 0Tahoka 4 4 0Taylor 41 29 12Teague 5 5 0Temple 141 117 24Terrell 45 33 12Terrell Hills 13 13 0Texarkana 103 90 13Texas City 102 81 21The Colony 55 41 14Thorndale 2 2 0Thrall 4 4 0Three Rivers 8 6 2Tioga 3 2 1Tolar 1 1 0Tomball 38 32 6Tool 7 7 0Trinity 11 7 4Trophy Club 16 15 1Troup 4 4 0Tulia 12 6 6Tye 4 3 1Tyler 235 180 55Universal City 34 25 9University Park 47 35 12Uvalde 35 26 9Van 6 6 0Van Alstyne 10 8 2Vernon 30 22 8Victoria 134 92 42Vidor 28 21 7Waco 288 213 75Waelder 3 3 0Wake Village 7 6 1Waller 8 7 1Wallis 4 4 0Walnut Springs 1 1 0Watauga 45 36 9Waxahachie 58 46 12


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Weatherford 66 48 18Webster 58 40 18Weimar 8 7 1Wells 1 1 0Weslaco 95 65 30West 6 6 0West Columbia 14 7 7West Lake Hills 22 16 6West Orange 10 9 1Westover Hills 14 11 3West Tawakoni 6 5 1West University Place 35 25 10Westworth 13 9 4Wharton 30 21 9Whitehouse 21 15 6White Oak 17 13 4Whitesboro 11 7 4White Settlement 42 29 13Whitney 8 7 1Wichita Falls 260 183 77Willow Park 10 9 1Wills Point 10 9 1Wilmer 16 11 5Windcrest 22 16 6Wink 1 1 0Winnsboro 13 9 4Winters 4 4 0Wolfforth 5 5 0Woodville 8 7 1Woodway 32 22 10Wortham 4 3 1Wylie 28 26 2Yoakum 16 9 7Yorktown 3 3 0


Alpine/Highland 15 15 0Alta 10 4 6American Fork 39 34 5Blanding 7 6 1Bountiful 44 33 11Brian Head 5 5 0Brigham City 29 24 5Cedar City 34 29 5Centerville 19 16 3Clearfield 40 28 12Clinton 12 11 1East Carbon 4 4 0Ephraim 5 5 0Fairview 2 2 0Farmington 14 11 3Garland 4 4 0Grantsville 10 8 2Gunnison 3 3 0Harrisville 6 5 1Heber 13 12 1Helper 6 5 1Hildale 5 5 0Hurricane 14 10 4Kamas 2 2 0Kanab 8 6 2Kaysville 20 18 2Layton 82 61 21Lehi 26 24 2Logan 87 58 29Mantua 1 1 0Mapleton 9 7 2


Midvale 48 44 4Minersville 1 1 0Moab 14 12 2Monticello 5 4 1Moroni 1 1 0Mount Pleasant 5 5 0Murray 79 62 17Naples 4 3 1Nephi 11 9 2North Ogden 18 15 3North Park 9 8 1North Salt Lake 12 10 2Ogden 152 127 25Orem 117 82 35Park City 31 23 8Parowan 4 2 2Payson 15 14 1Perry 4 4 0Pleasant Grove/Lindon 33 29 4Pleasant View 7 6 1Price 18 16 2Provo 155 100 55Richfield 15 13 2Riverdale 21 17 4Roosevelt 11 10 1Roy 41 37 4Salem/Woodland Hills 7 7 0Salina 5 4 1Salt Lake City 551 397 154Sandy 150 106 44Santaquin/Genola 6 6 0Smithfield 8 7 1South Jordan 38 34 4South Ogden 27 23 4South Salt Lake 70 60 10Spanish Fork 23 21 2Springville 32 24 8St. George 98 75 23Stockton/Rush Valley 2 2 0Sunset 9 8 1Syracuse 13 11 2Tooele 32 27 5Tremonton 11 9 2Vernal 18 16 2Wellington 4 4 0Wendover 6 5 1West Bountiful 6 5 1West Jordan 116 93 23West Valley 217 180 37Willard 2 2 0Woods Cross 12 10 2


Barre 25 18 7Barre Town 8 7 1Bellows Falls 12 8 4Bennington 30 25 5Berlin 8 7 1Brandon 6 6 0Brattleboro 38 23 15Bristol 4 4 0Burlington 133 97 36Castleton 3 3 0Chester 5 4 1Colchester 31 25 6Dover 6 5 1Essex 32 26 6

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Fair Haven 3 3 0Hardwick 5 4 1Hartford 28 20 8Hinesburg 3 3 0Ludlow 9 5 4Manchester 12 8 4Middlebury 15 13 2Milton 13 12 1Montgomery 1 1 0Montpelier 23 16 7Morristown 9 8 1Newport 13 11 2Northfield 7 6 1Norwich 6 5 1Randolph 5 5 0Richmond 6 5 1Rutland 51 41 10Shelburne 15 10 5South Burlington 41 36 5Springfield 15 10 5St. Albans 21 13 8St. Johnsbury 17 11 6Stowe 14 12 2Swanton 5 4 1Thetford 1 1 0Vergennes 5 5 0Vernon 4 3 1Waterbury 4 4 0Weathersfield 2 1 1Williston 12 10 2Wilmington 6 5 1Windsor 10 6 4Winhall 5 5 0Winooski 19 15 4Woodstock 6 5 1


Abingdon 21 19 2Alexandria 426 292 134Altavista 11 11 0Amherst 5 5 0Appalachia 6 6 0Ashland 22 20 2Bedford 23 21 2Berryville 8 7 1Big Stone Gap 18 16 2Blacksburg 72 56 16Blackstone 18 13 5Bluefield 18 14 4Bowling Green 2 2 0Boykins 1 1 0Bridgewater 8 8 0Bristol 77 57 20Broadway 4 4 0Brookneal 4 4 0Buena Vista 14 13 1Burkeville 1 1 0Cape Charles 5 5 0Cedar Bluff 3 3 0Charlottesville 141 111 30Chase City 10 9 1Chatham 4 4 0Chesapeake 461 353 108Chilhowie 6 6 0Chincoteague 14 10 4Christiansburg 55 41 14Clarksville 9 8 1

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Clifton Forge 15 11 4Clintwood 4 3 1Coeburn 8 7 1Colonial Beach 13 8 5Colonial Heights 53 49 4Courtland 3 1 2Covington 28 15 13Crewe 4 4 0Culpeper 36 30 6Damascus 4 4 0Danville 140 133 7Dayton 5 5 0Dublin 9 8 1Dumfries 15 13 2Edinburg 3 2 1Elkton 7 6 1Emporia 30 21 9Exmore 5 5 0Fairfax City 77 59 18Falls Church 38 29 9Farmville 34 24 10Franklin 44 32 12Fredericksburg 81 56 25Fries 1 1 0Front Royal 43 33 10Galax 38 24 14Gate City 3 3 0Glade Spring 3 3 0Glen Lyn 2 2 0Gordonsville 5 5 0Gretna 2 2 0Grottoes 5 5 0Grundy 7 6 1Halifax 5 4 1Hampton 352 254 98Harrisonburg 90 70 20Haymarket 4 3 1Haysi 2 2 0Herndon 68 52 16Hillsville 12 11 1Honaker 5 4 1Hopewell 64 49 15Hurt 3 3 0Independence 2 2 0Jonesville 3 2 1Kenbridge 8 8 0Kilmarnock 4 4 0La Crosse 3 3 0Lawrenceville 5 5 0Lebanon 13 12 1Leesburg 68 52 16Lexington 18 16 2Louisa 4 4 0Luray 16 14 2Lynchburg 193 153 40Manassas 108 85 23Manassas Park 30 21 9Marion 20 18 2Martinsville 59 53 6McKenney 1 1 0Middleburg 3 3 0Middletown 3 2 1Mount Jackson 4 4 0Narrows 4 4 0New Market 7 7 0Newport News 522 384 138Norfolk 887 760 127Norton 22 16 6


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Occoquan 2 2 0Onancock 3 3 0Onley 2 2 0Orange 14 13 1Parksley 3 3 0Pearisburg 8 7 1Pembroke 2 2 0Pennington Gap 7 6 1Petersburg 154 115 39Pocahontas 3 3 0Poquoson 25 20 5Portsmouth 325 213 112Pound 5 5 0Pulaski 32 24 8Purcellville 9 8 1Quantico 1 1 0Radford 45 32 13Rich Creek 1 1 0Richlands 20 15 5Richmond 807 632 175Roanoke 288 231 57Rocky Mount 17 16 1Rural Retreat 1 1 0Salem 88 63 25Saltville 9 8 1Shenandoah 4 4 0Smithfield 20 18 2South Boston 31 27 4South Hill 25 20 5Stanley 3 3 0Staunton 65 49 16Stephens City 3 3 0St. Paul 3 3 0Strasburg 15 13 2Suffolk 183 139 44Tappahannock 10 9 1Tazewell 11 10 1Timberville 3 3 0Victoria 6 5 1Vienna 49 39 10Vinton 28 20 8Virginia Beach 922 758 164Warrenton 24 21 3Warsaw 3 2 1Waverly 12 7 5Waynesboro 57 50 7Weber City 5 5 0West Point 9 8 1Williamsburg 49 36 13Winchester 76 64 12Wise 12 11 1Woodstock 15 14 1Wytheville 30 24 6


Aberdeen 48 36 12Airway Heights 10 9 1Albion 1 1 0Algona 8 6 2Anacortes 32 24 8Arlington 23 19 4Auburn 115 83 32Bainbridge Island 26 22 4Battle Ground 19 16 3Bellevue 266 169 97Bellingham 161 107 54Black Diamond 10 10 0


Blaine 15 13 2Bonney Lake 30 20 10Bothell 79 53 26Bremerton 77 62 15Brewster 8 6 2Brier 7 6 1Buckley 19 9 10Burien 26 25 1Burlington 23 18 5Camas 27 23 4Carnation 3 3 0Castle Rock 5 5 0Centralia 31 26 5Chehalis 19 15 4Chelan 15 9 6Cheney 15 11 4Chewelah 6 5 1Clarkston 14 13 1Cle Elum 10 8 2Clyde Hill 9 8 1Colfax 5 5 0College Place 14 11 3Colton 1 1 0Colville 14 12 2Connell 7 7 0Cosmopolis 6 5 1Coulee Dam 6 6 0Coupeville 5 5 0Covington 9 9 0Des Moines 55 43 12Dupont 6 6 0Duvall 11 10 1East Wenatchee 15 13 2Eatonville 7 6 1Edgewood 8 8 0Edmonds 69 52 17Ellensburg 32 23 9Elma 9 7 2Elmer City 2 2 0Enumclaw 30 19 11Ephrata 16 13 3Everett 217 180 37Everson 5 5 0Federal Way 154 109 45Ferndale 18 15 3Fife 29 22 7Fircrest 10 9 1Forks 10 9 1Garfield 1 1 0Gig Harbor 15 13 2Goldendale 10 9 1Grand Coulee 3 3 0Grandview 21 16 5Granger 11 9 2Granite Falls 8 7 1Hoquiam 27 21 6Issaquah 54 28 26Kalama 5 4 1Kelso 32 28 4Kenmore 13 13 0Kennewick 105 87 18Kent 179 121 58Kettle Falls 5 4 1Kirkland 96 63 33Kittitas 2 2 0La Center 7 6 1Lacey 52 45 7Lake Forest Park 26 22 4

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Lake Stevens 11 10 1Lakewood 100 89 11Langley 4 4 0Long Beach 7 6 1Longview 62 53 9Lynden 17 13 4Lynnwood 94 66 28Mabton 4 4 0Maple Valley 10 10 0Marysville 67 38 29Mattawa 3 3 0McCleary 4 4 0Medical Lake 6 4 2Medina 11 9 2Mercer Island 42 32 10Mill Creek 23 19 4Milton 15 13 2Monroe 37 29 8Montesano 10 8 2Morton 2 2 0Moses Lake 34 27 7Mossyrock 1 1 0Mountlake Terrace 39 31 8Mount Vernon 54 43 11Moxee 2 2 0Mukilteo 26 23 3Napavine 5 4 1Newcastle 7 7 0Newport 6 5 1Normandy Park 14 13 1North Bend 5 5 0Northport 1 1 0Oakesdale 1 1 0Oak Harbor 37 25 12Oakville 2 2 0Ocean Shores 15 12 3Odessa 2 2 0Olympia 100 72 28Omak 14 11 3Oroville 6 5 1Orting 6 6 0Othello 17 12 5Pacific 13 9 4Palouse 2 2 0Pasco 56 47 9Pe Ell 2 2 0Port Angeles 52 28 24Port Orchard 20 18 2Port Townsend 17 14 3Poulsbo 20 17 3Prosser 18 11 7Pullman 35 28 7Puyallup 86 51 35Quincy 12 10 2Rainier 5 5 0Raymond 6 5 1Reardan 1 1 0Redmond 102 71 31Renton 123 87 36Republic 3 3 0Richland 56 50 6Ridgefield 6 6 0Ritzville 4 4 0Rosalia 1 1 0Roy 3 3 0Royal City 3 3 0Ruston 2 2 0Sammamish 22 21 1

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


SeaTac 30 29 1Seattle 1,746 1,266 480Sedro Woolley 16 12 4Selah 12 11 1Sequim 16 13 3Shelton 35 20 15Shoreline 45 43 2Snohomish 25 21 4Snoqualmie 17 14 3Soap Lake 4 4 0South Bend 5 4 1Spokane 397 293 104Springdale 1 1 0Stanwood 12 10 2Steilacoom 12 11 1Sultan 9 8 1Sumas 5 5 0Sumner 25 17 8Sunnyside 40 26 14Tacoma 387 351 36Tekoa 2 2 0Tenino 6 5 1Tieton 2 2 0Toledo 2 2 0Tonasket 6 5 1Toppenish 23 17 6Tukwila 85 70 15Tumwater 29 25 4Twisp 4 3 1Union Gap 23 18 5Uniontown 3 2 1University Place 25 24 1Vader 2 2 0Vancouver 202 174 28Walla Walla 52 43 9Wapato 21 14 7Warden 8 4 4Washougal 16 14 2Wenatchee 64 40 24Westport 9 7 2West Richland 14 12 2White Salmon 9 9 0Wilbur 2 2 0Winlock 2 2 0Winthrop 3 3 0Woodinville 8 8 0Woodland 9 7 2Yakima 155 110 45Yelm 12 10 2Zillah 10 8 2


Alderson 1 1 0Anmoore 2 2 0Ansted 2 2 0Athens 1 1 0Barboursville 20 18 2Barrackville 1 1 0Beckley 67 45 22Belington 2 2 0Belle 4 4 0Benwood 6 5 1Berkeley Springs 2 2 0Bethlehem 5 5 0Bluefield 33 27 6Bradshaw 3 3 0Bramwell 3 3 0


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Bridgeport 22 20 2Buckhannon 8 7 1Burnsville 1 1 0Cameron 3 2 1Capon Bridge 2 2 0Cedar Grove 2 2 0Ceredo 9 6 3Chapmanville 3 3 0Charleston 180 155 25Charles Town 17 15 2Chesapeake 3 3 0Chester 5 5 0Clarksburg 44 37 7Clendenin 4 4 0Danville 3 3 0Delbarton 1 1 0Dunbar 17 14 3East Bank 1 1 0Eleanor 1 1 0Elkins 16 10 6Fairmont 42 31 11Fairview 1 1 0Fayetteville 6 6 0Follansbee 7 7 0Fort Gay 2 2 0Gary 1 1 0Gassaway 2 2 0Gauley Bridge 2 2 0Gilbert 4 4 0Glasgow 3 3 0Glen Dale 6 5 1Glenville 2 2 0Grafton 7 6 1Grantsville 1 1 0Grant Town 1 1 0Hamlin 2 2 0Handley 2 2 0Harpers Ferry/Bolivar 3 3 0Harrisville 1 1 0Henderson 1 1 0Hinton 6 6 0Huntington 82 75 7Hurricane 16 14 2Iaeger 2 2 0Kenova 11 7 4Kermit 2 2 0Keyser 14 9 5Keystone 3 3 0Kimball 1 1 0Kingwood 4 4 0Lewisburg 12 10 2Logan 9 7 2Lumberport 2 2 0Mabscott 2 2 0Madison 6 5 1Man 3 3 0Mannington 4 4 0Marlinton 1 1 0Marmet 5 5 0Martinsburg 46 34 12Mason 3 3 0Masontown 1 1 0Matewan 2 2 0Matoaka 6 6 0McMechen 3 3 0Milton 5 5 0Mitchell Heights 1 1 0Monongah 1 1 0


Montgomery 12 11 1Moorefield 7 7 0Morgantown 62 53 9Moundsville 22 16 6Mount Hope 6 5 1Mullens 5 5 0New Cumberland 2 2 0New Haven 4 4 0New Martinsville 13 9 4Nitro 17 16 1Northfork 4 4 0Nutter Fort 6 6 0Oak Hill 16 14 2Oceana 5 5 0Paden City 5 4 1Parkersburg 77 64 13Parsons 1 1 0Paw Paw 1 1 0Petersburg 3 3 0Philippi 6 6 0Piedmont 3 3 0Pineville 3 3 0Point Pleasant 10 9 1Pratt 2 2 0Princeton 22 19 3Rainelle 3 3 0Ranson 7 7 0Ravenswood 9 8 1Reedsville 1 1 0Rhodell 2 2 0Richwood 6 5 1Ridgeley 3 3 0Ripley 9 8 1Rivesville 1 1 0Romney 4 3 1Ronceverte 2 2 0Salem 3 3 0Shepherdstown 7 5 2Shinnston 6 6 0Sistersville 4 4 0Smithers 6 6 0Sophia 3 3 0South Charleston 41 29 12Spencer 8 7 1St. Albans 23 19 4Star City 6 5 1St. Marys 4 4 0Stonewood 3 3 0Summersville 20 18 2Sutton 3 2 1Terra Alta 2 2 0Vienna 19 15 4War 2 2 0Wardensville 1 1 0Wayne 4 2 2Webster Springs 2 2 0Weirton 49 40 9Welch 11 9 2Wellsburg 4 4 0West Logan 1 1 0West Milford 2 2 0Weston 7 6 1Westover 7 7 0West Union 1 1 0Wheeling 83 82 1White Sulphur Springs 5 4 1Whitesville 2 2 0Williamson 8 7 1

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Williamstown 6 5 1Winfield 3 3 0


Algoma 5 5 0Altoona 10 9 1Amery 7 6 1Antigo 20 17 3Appleton 136 107 29Arcadia 5 5 0Ashwaubenon 52 44 8Augusta 4 4 0Bangor 3 3 0Baraboo 31 25 6Barron 7 7 0Bayfield 4 4 0Beaver Dam 39 29 10Belleville 4 4 0Beloit Town 16 10 6Berlin 15 13 2Black River Falls 9 8 1Blanchardville 1 1 0Bloomer 7 6 1Boscobel 6 6 0Brillion 7 7 0Brookfield 83 60 23Brown Deer 35 30 5Burlington 27 21 6Burlington Town 8 8 0Butler 8 7 1Caledonia 36 28 8Campbellsport 2 2 0Cedarburg 30 20 10Chenequa 9 9 0Chetek 6 5 1Chilton 7 7 0Chippewa Falls 35 27 8Cleveland 3 2 1Colby-Abbotsford 7 6 1Columbus 16 11 5Cornell 3 3 0Cottage Grove 10 9 1Crandon 4 3 1Cuba City 5 4 1Cudahy 44 31 13Darien 7 6 1Darlington 5 5 0Deerfield 3 3 0DeForest 13 11 2Delafield 15 14 1Delavan Town 11 10 1Denmark 2 2 0De Pere 38 34 4Dodgeville 11 10 1Durand 4 4 0Eagle River 6 6 0Eagle Village 2 2 0East Troy 7 7 0Eau Claire 129 99 30Eleva 1 1 0Elkhart Lake 3 3 0Elkhorn 20 16 4Elk Mound 1 1 0Ellsworth 7 6 1Elm Grove 25 17 8Elroy 2 2 0Evansville 9 8 1

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Everest 25 23 2Fennimore 5 5 0Fitchburg 41 34 7Fond du Lac 83 69 14Fontana 8 7 1Fort Atkinson 27 20 7Fox Lake 3 3 0Fox Point 19 17 2Fox Valley 29 26 3Franklin 78 59 19Geneva Town 7 6 1Genoa City 5 4 1Germantown 41 30 11Glendale 49 48 1Green Bay 223 185 38Greendale 36 28 8Greenfield 78 57 21Hallie 7 6 1Hartford 27 22 5Hartland 18 15 3Hayward 8 7 1Hazel Green 2 2 0Holmen 9 8 1Horicon 12 9 3Hudson 22 19 3Independence 2 2 0Iron Ridge 1 1 0Jackson 11 10 1Janesville 116 103 13Jefferson 17 13 4Juneau 5 4 1Kaukauna 25 24 1Kenosha 264 186 78Kewaskum 7 7 0Kewaunee 6 6 0Kiel 12 7 5Kohler 8 7 1Lac du Flambeau 12 11 1La Crosse 120 97 23Lake Delton 14 13 1Lake Geneva 28 20 8Lake Mills 14 12 2Lancaster 7 6 1Lodi 6 5 1Luxemburg 2 2 0Madison 462 382 80Manitowoc 76 66 10Maple Bluff 5 5 0Marinette 31 24 7Markesan 3 3 0Marshall Village 8 7 1Marshfield 53 38 15Mauston 9 8 1Mayville 12 10 2McFarland 13 12 1Medford 10 9 1Menomonee Falls 69 58 11Menomonie 33 26 7Merrill 25 21 4Middleton 38 30 8Milton 10 9 1Milwaukee 2,425 1,977 448Mineral Point 6 6 0Minocqua 16 11 5Mondovi 4 4 0Monona 23 19 4Monroe 35 26 9Mosinee 7 6 1


City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees City by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued


Mount Horeb 12 10 2Mount Pleasant 40 31 9Mukwonago 19 12 7Muskego 47 36 11Neenah 51 41 10Neillsville 7 6 1New Berlin 94 74 20New Glarus 5 5 0New Holstein 11 7 4New Lisbon 3 3 0New Richmond 13 12 1Niagara 5 5 0North Fond du Lac 14 11 3North Hudson 7 6 1Oak Creek 66 49 17Oconomowoc 13 12 1Oconto 9 9 0Oconto Falls 6 6 0Omro 6 5 1Onalaska 31 28 3Oregon 15 14 1Osceola 5 5 0Oshkosh 114 97 17Palmyra 5 5 0Park Falls 8 7 1Pepin 1 1 0Peshtigo 7 6 1Pewaukee 16 14 2Pewaukee Township 22 20 2Phillips 5 4 1Platteville 27 21 6Pleasant Prairie 27 26 1Plover 18 15 3Plymouth 15 15 0Portage 29 21 8Port Washington 24 19 5Poynette 6 5 1Prairie du Chien 17 12 5Prescott 7 6 1Pulaski 5 5 0Reedsburg 23 16 7Rhinelander 24 17 7Rice Lake 26 23 3Richland Center 13 11 2Ripon 20 14 6River Falls 25 22 3River Hills 13 13 0Rothschild 12 10 2Sauk Prairie 14 13 1Saukville 11 9 2Shawano 24 20 4Sheboygan 117 90 27Sheboygan Falls 15 13 2Shorewood 34 25 9Shorewood Hills 6 5 1Silver Lake 3 2 1Siren 3 3 0Slinger 10 9 1Somerset 6 5 1South Milwaukee 40 34 6Sparta 21 16 5Spencer 3 3 0Spooner 7 6 1Spring Green 4 3 1Stanley 3 3 0St. Croix Falls 4 4 0Stevens Point 58 44 14St. Francis 24 19 5


Stoughton 24 19 5Sturgeon Bay 22 21 1Sturtevant 16 10 6Summit 8 8 0Sun Prairie 67 44 23Superior 64 57 7Theresa 2 2 0Thiensville 8 7 1Three Lakes 5 5 0Tomah 25 19 6Tomahawk 8 7 1Town of East Troy 7 6 1Town of Madison 18 16 2Twin Lakes 14 10 4Two Rivers 32 26 6Valders 1 1 0Verona 13 12 1Viroqua 9 8 1Walworth 5 5 0Washburn 4 4 0Waterloo 8 7 1Watertown 52 38 14Waukesha 144 104 40Waunakee 17 15 2Waupun 23 17 6Wausau 71 64 7Wautoma 6 5 1Wauwatosa 120 91 29West Allis 160 134 26West Bend 76 57 19West Milwaukee 24 19 5West Salem 7 6 1Whitefish Bay 25 22 3Whitehall 4 4 0Whitewater 33 23 10Williams Bay 7 6 1Winneconne 6 5 1Wisconsin Dells 16 11 5Wisconsin Rapids 49 38 11Woodruff 6 5 1


Afton 4 4 0Baggs 1 1 0Basin 4 4 0Buffalo 15 9 6Casper 124 81 43Cheyenne 114 87 27Cody 19 17 2Diamondville 4 3 1Douglas 20 13 7Evanston 33 28 5Evansville 13 8 5Gillette 61 41 20Glenrock 11 6 5Green River 35 26 9Greybull 5 4 1Guernsey 4 4 0Hanna 7 4 3Jackson 30 21 9Kemmerer 10 8 2La Barge 1 1 0Lander 19 17 2Laramie 74 47 27Lovell 9 6 3Lusk 4 4 0Lyman 7 5 2

Table 78

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by City by State—Continued

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Mills 10 9 1Moorcroft 4 3 1Newcastle 14 8 6Pine Bluffs 5 2 3Powell 22 14 8Rawlins 31 21 10Riverton 35 23 12Rock Springs 57 37 20

City by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Saratoga 11 6 5Sheridan 48 28 20Sundance 5 5 0Thermopolis 13 7 6Torrington 21 15 6Wheatland 11 10 1Worland 11 11 0


1 The data in this table are provided for Charlotte Police Department, North Carolina, only. However, Charlotte Police Department reports its crime figures combined with those ofMecklenburg County; they can be found in Table 8 under Charlotte-Mecklenburg.

University/College by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees University/College by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 79

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by University and College by State1


Auburn University:Main Campus 55 32 23Montgomery 22 11 11

Calhoun Community College 6 4 2Faulkner University 10 10 0Jacksonville State University 19 15 4Talladega College 6 3 3Troy State University 8 6 2University of Alabama:

Huntsville 15 11 4Tuscaloosa 48 40 8

University of Montevallo 14 9 5University of North Alabama 12 11 1University of South Alabama 40 28 12


University of Alaska:Anchorage 22 14 8Fairbanks 13 10 3


Arizona State University:Main Campus 68 44 24West 14 9 5

Arizona Western College 5 4 1Central Arizona College 6 5 1Northern Arizona University 29 19 10Pima Community College 36 29 7University of Arizona 78 46 32Yavapai College 6 6 0


Arkansas State University 23 18 5Henderson State University 8 7 1Northwest Arkansas Community College 7 4 3Southern Arkansas University 7 6 1University of Arkansas:

Fayetteville 35 26 9Little Rock 31 25 6Medical Sciences 40 35 5Monticello 7 6 1Pine Bluff 17 12 5

University of Central Arkansas 26 23 3


Allan Hancock College 6 5 1California State Polytechnic University:

Pomona 23 12 11San Luis Obispo 35 16 19

California State University:Bakersfield 14 10 4Channel Islands 18 12 6Chico 17 12 5Dominguez Hills 23 11 12Fresno 25 15 10Fullerton 28 20 8Hayward 25 13 12Long Beach 31 24 7Los Angeles 27 17 10Monterey Bay 18 13 5Northridge 30 20 10Sacramento 22 16 6San Bernardino 22 14 8San Jose 65 34 31


San Marcos 14 9 5Stanislaus 21 10 11

College of the Sequoias 7 6 1Contra Costa Community College 29 18 11Cuesta College 8 6 2El Camino College 22 16 6Foothill-De Anza College 18 11 7Humboldt State University 17 11 6Long Beach City College 20 17 3Marin Community College 7 5 2Pasadena Community College 18 9 9Riverside Community College 24 17 7San Bernardino Community College 8 4 4San Diego State University 37 30 7San Francisco State University 41 19 22San Jose/Evergreen Community College 8 5 3Santa Rosa Junior College 19 12 7Sonoma State University 17 12 5State Center Community College 14 11 3University of California:

Berkeley 118 62 56Davis 92 45 47Irvine 29 21 8Lawrence-Livermore Laboratory 7 2 5Los Angeles 84 45 39Riverside 31 23 8San Diego 51 28 23San Francisco 48 31 17Santa Barbara 42 30 12Santa Cruz 41 18 23

West Valley-Mission College 11 9 2


Adams State College 2 2 0Arapahoe Community College 7 6 1Auraria Higher Education Center 34 21 13Colorado School of Mines 8 7 1Colorado State University 29 22 7Fort Lewis College 9 7 2Pikes Peak Community College 17 15 2Red Rocks Community College 2 1 1University of Colorado:

Boulder 59 39 20Colorado Springs 26 13 13Health Sciences Center 79 34 45

University of Northern Colorado 19 12 7University of Southern Colorado 3 2 1


Central Connecticut State University 27 21 6Eastern Connecticut State University 19 13 6Southern Connecticut State University 37 27 10University of Connecticut:

Health Center 22 13 9Storrs, Avery Point, and Hartford 69 55 14

Western Connecticut State University 23 15 8Yale University 85 71 14


University of Delaware 76 46 30


Florida A&M University 37 28 9Florida Atlantic University 47 31 16

Table 79

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by University and College by State1—Continued

University/College by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Florida Gulf Coast University 17 12 5Florida International University 63 42 21Florida State University:

Panama City 3 2 1Tallahassee 74 55 19

New College of Florida 16 12 4Pensacola Junior College 19 15 4Santa Fe Community College 22 15 7Tallahassee Community College 25 14 11University of Central Florida 62 43 19University of Florida 162 91 71University of North Florida 38 25 13University of South Florida:

St. Petersburg 14 10 4Tampa 60 43 17

University of West Florida 31 22 9


Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 10 9 1Albany State University 27 12 15Armstrong Atlantic State University 16 12 4Augusta State University 17 14 3Berry College 16 11 5Clark Atlanta University 34 16 18Clayton College and State University 19 13 6Coastal Georgia Community College 6 6 0Columbus State University 14 13 1Dalton State College 7 7 0Fort Valley State University 19 13 6Georgia College and State University 19 12 7Georgia Institute of Technology 50 35 15Georgia Perimeter College 50 10 40Georgia Southern University 34 27 7Georgia State University 118 83 35Gordon College 8 7 1Kennesaw State University 34 23 11Mercer University 7 7 0Middle Georgia College 9 8 1Morehouse College 32 28 4Morris-Brown College 41 18 23North Georgia College 12 8 4Piedmont College 4 4 0Savannah State University 21 10 11Southern Polytechnic State University 20 14 6South Georgia College 7 7 0University of Georgia 71 58 13University of West Georgia 23 16 7Valdosta State University 26 18 8Wesleyan College 5 5 0


Black Hawk College 9 8 1Chicago State University 28 21 7College of DuPage 19 13 6College of Lake County 17 9 8Eastern Illinois University 25 22 3Governors State University 11 8 3Illinois State University 26 22 4John A. Logan College 4 3 1Joliet Junior College 15 7 8Loyola University of Chicago 32 15 17Morton College 6 4 2Northeastern Illinois University 18 13 5Northern Illinois University 55 38 17

University/College by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Northwestern University:Chicago 20 16 4Evanston 31 22 9

Oakton Community College 11 10 1Parkland College 15 10 5Rock Valley College 14 12 2Southern Illinois University:

Carbondale 47 37 10Edwardsville 41 32 9School of Medicine 11 2 9

South Suburban College 16 12 4Triton College 14 9 5University of Illinois:

Chicago 103 61 42Springfield 17 11 6Urbana 69 55 14

Waubonsee College 3 3 0Western Illinois University 30 25 5William Rainey Harper College 14 8 6


Ball State University 40 30 10Indiana State University 34 25 9Indiana University:

Bloomington 55 45 10Gary 14 10 4Indianapolis 51 33 18New Albany 10 8 2

Marian College 5 3 2Purdue University 42 35 7


Iowa State University 34 31 3University of Iowa 50 27 23University of Northern Iowa 24 17 7


Emporia State University 10 9 1Fort Hays State University 11 10 1Kansas State University 49 21 28Pittsburg State University 16 13 3University of Kansas:

Main Campus 46 26 20Medical Center 52 27 25

Wichita State University 33 23 10


Eastern Kentucky University 26 19 7Kentucky State University 13 7 6Morehead State University 20 11 9Murray State University 20 14 6Northern Kentucky University 25 14 11University of Kentucky 44 36 8University of Louisville 36 23 13Western Kentucky University 31 20 11


Delgado Community College 20 15 5Grambling State University 14 13 1Louisiana State University:

Baton Rouge 62 60 2Health Sciences Center, New Orleans 59 58 1Health Sciences Center, Shreveport 58 38 20


University/College by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees University/College by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 79

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by University and College by State1—Continued


Shreveport 9 9 0Louisiana Tech University 19 17 2McNeese State University 17 10 7Nicholls State University 18 12 6Northwestern State University 15 14 1Southeastern Louisiana University 33 26 7Southern University and A&M College:

Baton Rouge 42 28 14New Orleans 8 8 0Shreveport 8 8 0

Tulane University 47 34 13University of Louisiana:

Lafayette 24 23 1Monroe 25 20 5

University of New Orleans 38 29 9


University of Maine:Farmington 4 4 0Orono 30 21 9

University of Southern Maine 26 18 8


Bowie State University 25 13 12Coppin State College 20 16 4Frostburg State University 20 16 4Morgan State University 41 33 8Salisbury University 21 17 4St. Mary’s College 12 2 10Towson University 52 35 17University of Baltimore 41 9 32University of Maryland:

Baltimore City 128 58 70Baltimore County 32 26 6College Park 104 76 28Eastern Shore 13 11 2


Boston College 60 41 19Boston University 59 51 8Brandeis University 18 15 3Bristol Community College 10 7 3Emerson College 15 12 3Fitchburg State College 16 14 2Framingham State College 14 12 2Harvard University 106 66 40Holyoke Community College 9 9 0Lasell College 16 15 1Massachusetts College of Art 21 5 16Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts 12 8 4Massachusetts Institute of Technology 63 60 3Massasoit Community College 14 12 2Mount Holyoke College 22 15 7Northeastern University 73 51 22North Shore Community College 18 16 2Quinsigamond Community College 9 9 0Salem State College 22 20 2Springfield College 31 14 17Tufts University, Medford 63 41 22University of Massachusetts:

Amherst 69 54 15Dartmouth 36 24 12Harbor Campus, Boston 32 23 9Medical Center, Worcester 26 21 5

Wellesley College 17 13 4


Wentworth Institute of Technology 27 13 14Western New England College 21 12 9Westfield State College 18 12 6


Central Michigan University 29 19 10Delta College 9 7 2Eastern Michigan University 30 24 6Ferris State University 19 13 6Grand Rapids Community College 13 10 3Grand Valley State University 16 13 3Hope College 9 7 2Lansing Community College 10 9 1Macomb Community College 35 28 7Michigan State University 97 62 35Michigan Technological University 12 9 3Mott Community College 4 4 0Northern Michigan University 17 14 3Oakland Community College 20 19 1Oakland University 20 16 4Saginaw Valley State University 9 7 2University of Michigan:

Ann Arbor 99 52 47Flint 20 8 12

Western Michigan University 62 30 32


University of Minnesota:Duluth 8 8 0Twin Cities 58 37 21


Coahoma Community College 7 6 1Jackson State University 56 48 8Mississippi State University 36 26 10University of Mississippi:

Medical Center 89 56 33Oxford 46 30 16


Central Missouri State University 21 16 5Lincoln University 12 5 7Mineral Area College 5 4 1Northwest Missouri State University 16 10 6Southeast Missouri State University 22 16 6St. Louis Community College, Meramec 12 9 3Truman State University 9 8 1University of Missouri:

Columbia 45 29 16Kansas City 44 26 18Rolla 11 9 2St. Louis 17 16 1

Washington University 36 23 13


Montana State University 30 15 15University of Montana 18 14 4


University of Nebraska:Kearney 8 6 2Lincoln 32 26 6

Table 79

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by University and College by State1—Continued

University/College by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Truckee Meadows Community College 6 5 1University of Nevada:

Las Vegas 41 28 13Reno 26 21 5


Brookdale Community College 20 11 9Essex County College 58 15 43Kean University of New Jersey 38 26 12Middlesex County College 16 10 6Monmouth University 26 15 11Montclair State University 37 24 13New Jersey Institute of Technology 59 26 33Richard Stockton College 23 18 5Rowan University 42 3 39Rutgers University:

Camden 38 18 20Newark 59 26 33New Brunswick 132 62 70

The College of New Jersey 29 16 13University of Medicine and Dentistry:

Camden 18 17 1Newark 120 48 72Piscataway 33 27 6

William Paterson University 37 22 15


Eastern New Mexico University 8 7 1New Mexico Highlands University 8 2 6New Mexico State University 31 20 11University of New Mexico 47 31 16Western New Mexico University 2 2 0


Cornell University 56 45 11Ithaca College 30 17 13Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 30 20 10State University of New York:

Albany 71 35 36Albany (Plaza) 15 3 12Binghamton 43 29 14Buffalo 68 61 7Downstate Medical Center 119 29 90Stony Brook 121 55 66

State University of New YorkAgricultural and Technical College:Alfred 18 12 6Canton 9 8 1Cobleskill 10 9 1Farmingdale 16 15 1Morrisville 12 11 1

State University of New York College:Brockport 18 16 2Buffalo 35 29 6Cortland 19 18 1Environmental Science and Forestry 13 11 2Fredonia 15 14 1Geneseo 19 15 4New Paltz 26 21 5Old Westbury 21 18 3Oneonta 24 17 7Optometry 13 5 8Oswego 28 22 6Plattsburgh 19 14 5Potsdam 24 11 13

University/College by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees

NEW YORK—Continued

Utica-Rome 16 11 5Syracuse University 59 54 5


Appalachian State University 30 19 11Beaufort County Community College 2 2 0Belmont Abbey College 5 5 0Davidson College 9 8 1Duke University 133 54 79East Carolina University 55 42 13Elizabeth City State University 16 10 6Elon University 9 8 1Fayetteville State University 21 13 8Mars Hill College 4 4 0Methodist College 23 7 16North Carolina Agricultural andTechnical State University 33 26 7

North Carolina Central University 37 22 15North Carolina School of the Arts 14 13 1North Carolina State University, Raleigh 54 41 13Pfeiffer University 5 5 0Queens College 9 3 6Saint Augustine’s College 11 4 7University of North Carolina:

Asheville 16 8 8Chapel Hill 82 44 38Charlotte 43 36 7Greensboro 45 30 15Pembroke 15 11 4Wilmington 35 27 8

Wake Forest University 41 18 23Western Carolina University 17 13 4Winston-Salem State University 19 13 6


North Dakota State University 11 10 1University of North Dakota 15 11 4


Baldwin-Wallace College 12 1 11Bowling Green State University 30 24 6Cleveland State University 33 25 8Columbus State Community College 28 23 5Cuyahoga Community College 36 31 5Kent State University 34 28 6Lakeland Community College 13 9 4Marietta College 7 6 1Miami University 38 28 10Ohio State University 56 45 11Ohio University 32 25 7Sinclair Community College 24 20 4University of Akron 39 32 7University of Cincinnati 122 50 72University of Toledo 42 33 9Wright State University 23 14 9Youngstown State University 27 22 5


Cameron University 8 7 1East Central University 5 5 0Murray State College 1 1 0Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College 9 7 2Northeastern State College 12 10 2


University/College by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees University/College by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 79

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by University and College by State1—Continued


Oklahoma State University:Main Campus 42 32 10Okmulgee 5 5 0Tulsa 6 4 2

Rogers State University 3 3 0Seminole State College 5 5 0Southeastern Oklahoma State University 7 6 1Southwestern Oklahoma State University 8 7 1Tulsa Community College 18 10 8University of Central Oklahoma 23 17 6University of Oklahoma:

Health Sciences Center 63 37 26Norman 45 32 13


Bloomsburg University 20 17 3California University 16 14 2Cheyney University 14 14 0Clarion University 17 12 5East Stroudsburg University 16 14 2Edinboro University 15 14 1Elizabethtown College 14 9 5Indiana University 28 21 7Kutztown University 17 11 6Lehigh University 26 18 8Lock Haven University 10 9 1Mansfield University 12 12 0Millersville University 17 15 2Moravian College 11 7 4Pennsylvania State University:

Altoona 9 8 1Beaver 4 4 0Behrend 9 6 3Berks 9 8 1Harrisburg 8 7 1McKeesport 3 3 0Mont Alto 3 3 0University Park 59 50 9

Shippensburg University 19 17 2Slippery Rock University 17 15 2University of Pittsburgh:

Bradford 6 5 1Pittsburgh 119 73 46

West Chester University 36 19 17


Brown University 59 29 30University of Rhode Island 32 18 14


Aiken Technical College 7 1 6Bob Jones University 3 3 0Clemson University 49 30 19Coastal Carolina University 29 12 17College of Charleston 53 28 25Columbia College 12 9 3Francis Marion University 11 11 0Lander University 11 10 1Medical University of South Carolina 54 34 20Presbyterian College 9 8 1South Carolina State University 33 21 12The Citadel 13 8 5Trident Technical College 20 18 2University of South Carolina:

Aiken 6 6 0


Columbia 74 54 20Spartanburg 7 7 0

Winthrop University 20 14 6


South Dakota State University 16 9 7


Austin Peay State University 18 12 6Chattanooga State Technical Community College 12 8 4

East Tennessee State University 25 19 6Middle Tennessee State University 28 24 4Tennessee State University 45 40 5Tennessee Technological University 20 12 8University of Memphis 36 30 6University of Tennessee:

Chattanooga 22 16 6Knoxville 62 49 13Martin 15 12 3Memphis 38 24 14

Vanderbilt University 92 71 21Volunteer State Community College 6 5 1Walters State Community College 7 7 0


Alamo Community College District 69 44 25Alvin Community College 13 11 2Amarillo College 17 15 2Angelo State University 12 9 3Austin College 8 7 1Baylor Health Care System 122 40 82Baylor University, Waco 31 20 11Central Texas College 9 8 1College of the Mainland 7 6 1Eastfield College 12 10 2El Paso Community College 40 33 7Grayson County College 4 3 1Hardin-Simmons University 7 4 3Houston Baptist University 11 9 2Lamar University, Beaumont 33 19 14Laredo Community College 14 13 1McLennan Community College 10 5 5Midwestern State University 9 8 1Mountain View College 7 7 0North Lake College 14 13 1Paris Junior College 3 3 0Prairie View A&M University 30 16 14Rice University 38 24 14Richland College 12 11 1Southern Methodist University 41 23 18South Plains College 6 6 0Southwestern University 7 6 1Southwest Texas State University 62 29 33Stephen F. Austin State University 39 22 17St. Mary’s University 17 11 6St. Thomas University 5 1 4Sul Ross State University 8 6 2Tarleton State University 13 11 2Texas A&M International University 18 12 6Texas A&M University:

College Station 135 54 81Commerce 26 15 11Corpus Christi 24 14 10Galveston 7 6 1

Table 79

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by University and College by State1—Continued

University/College by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Texas Christian University 31 21 10Texas Southern University 37 26 11Texas State Technical College:

Harlingen 13 9 4Waco 16 14 2

Texas Technological University, Lubbock 64 41 23Texas Woman’s University 30 14 16Trinity University 24 11 13Tyler Junior College 12 5 7University of Houston:

Central Campus 61 39 22Clearlake 21 13 8Downtown Campus 20 13 7

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 6 6 0University of North Texas:

Denton 56 33 23Health Science Center 20 11 9

University of Texas:Arlington 64 22 42Austin 132 60 72Dallas 37 17 20El Paso 54 20 34Health Science Center, San Antonio 86 36 50Health Science Center, Tyler 22 5 17Houston 237 68 169Medical Branch 86 34 52Pan American 26 17 9Permian Basin 10 4 6San Antonio 66 30 36Southwestern Medical School 97 39 58Tyler 10 4 6

West Texas A&M University 11 8 3


Brigham Young University 39 27 12College of Eastern Utah 2 2 0Salt Lake Community College 17 15 2Southern Utah University 6 5 1University of Utah 90 31 59Utah State University 18 12 6Utah Valley State College 8 6 2Weber State University 12 10 2


Christopher Newport University 12 11 1College of William and Mary 22 19 3Emory and Henry College 1 1 0Ferrum College 7 7 0George Mason University 52 38 14Hampton University 36 20 16James Madison University 27 21 6Longwood College 20 12 8Mary Washington College 19 12 7Norfolk State University 54 24 30

University/College by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Northern Virginia Community College 35 35 0Old Dominion University 56 31 25Radford University 23 18 5Thomas Nelson Community College 10 8 2University of Richmond 32 16 16University of Virginia 120 54 66University of Virginia, College at Wise 8 7 1Virginia Commonwealth University 92 67 25Virginia Military Institute 6 6 0Virginia Polytechnic Institute and

State University 53 35 18Virginia State University 32 18 14Virginia Western Community College 6 6 0


Central Washington University 14 12 2Eastern Washington University 11 11 0Evergreen State College 15 11 4University of Washington 62 50 12Washington State University:

Pullman 18 17 1Vancouver 3 3 0

Western Washington University 20 14 6


Bluefield State College 1 1 0Concord College 6 5 1Fairmont State College 9 8 1Glenville State College 7 2 5Marshall University 26 22 4Potomac State College 5 5 0West Liberty State College 6 6 0West Virginia State College 12 10 2West Virginia Tech 5 5 0West Virginia University 51 44 7


University of Wisconsin:Eau Claire 12 10 2Green Bay 9 5 4La Crosse 9 7 2Madison 100 54 46Milwaukee 37 30 7Oshkosh 13 11 2Parkside 13 9 4Platteville 7 6 1Stout 10 9 1Whitewater 12 11 1


Sheridan College 2 2 0University of Wyoming 22 13 9


1 These agencies have no resident population associated with them.

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees County by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 80

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Suburban County by State


Autauga 46 19 27Baldwin 97 72 25Blount 68 39 29Calhoun 37 31 6Colbert 43 28 15Dale 19 16 3Elmore 70 27 43Houston 73 47 26Jefferson 636 507 129Lauderdale 72 31 41Lawrence 51 27 24Limestone 73 36 37Madison 212 103 109Morgan 127 46 81Shelby 143 92 51St. Clair 37 31 6Tuscaloosa 195 85 110


Coconino 196 60 136Maricopa 2,298 626 1,672Mohave 210 82 128Pima 1,195 464 731Pinal 314 142 172Yuma 291 64 227


Benton 158 70 88Craighead 32 24 8Crawford 54 22 32Crittenden 149 31 118Faulkner 73 33 40Jefferson 47 42 5Lonoke 32 18 14Miller 38 24 14Pulaski 503 398 105Saline 61 41 20Sebastian 126 30 96Washington 150 82 68


Alameda 1,560 927 633Butte 235 101 134Contra Costa 1,080 670 410El Dorado 372 179 193Fresno 1,085 482 603Kern 1,116 508 608Los Angeles 14,949 8,989 5,960Madera 107 77 30Marin 290 198 92Merced 231 165 66Monterey 461 344 117Napa 115 84 31Orange 4,249 1,873 2,376Placer 415 225 190Riverside 2,801 1,417 1,384Sacramento 2,146 1,497 649San Bernardino 2,733 1,558 1,175San Diego 1,453 1,047 406San Francisco 965 830 135San Joaquin 718 301 417San Luis Obispo 377 159 218San Mateo 589 426 163Santa Barbara 659 469 190


Santa Clara 750 558 192Santa Cruz 272 132 140Shasta 244 155 89Solano 462 110 352Sonoma 665 245 420Stanislaus 554 439 115Sutter 77 51 26Tulare 609 447 162Ventura 1,386 807 579Yolo 214 70 144Yuba 158 74 84


Adams 424 288 136Arapahoe 627 427 200Boulder 310 200 110Broomfield 174 92 82Douglas 373 243 130El Paso 536 364 172Jefferson 623 426 197Larimer 354 221 133Mesa 182 103 79Pueblo 250 142 108Weld 226 104 122


New Castle County Police Department 532 335 197


Alachua 407 242 165Bay 263 181 82Brevard 845 415 430Broward 4,733 1,621 3,112Charlotte 352 244 108Clay 496 268 228Collier 1,056 566 490Escambia 1,092 399 693Flagler 107 75 32Gadsden 65 49 16Hernando 314 205 109Hillsborough 2,961 1,107 1,854Lake 568 233 335Lee 810 464 346Leon 301 217 84Manatee 808 386 422Marion 731 240 491Martin 526 227 299Miami-Dade 4,758 3,158 1,600Nassau 195 127 68Okaloosa 309 233 76Orange 1,928 1,312 616Osceola 411 276 135Palm Beach 2,730 1,142 1,588Pasco 618 379 239Pinellas 2,738 996 1,742Polk 1,403 527 876Santa Rosa 216 144 72Sarasota 924 399 525Seminole 815 326 489St. Johns 357 207 150St. Lucie 491 218 273Volusia 649 434 215

Table 80

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Suburban County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Augusta-Richmond 697 495 202Bartow 207 158 49Bibb 279 240 39Bryan 62 29 33Catoosa 115 56 59Chattahoochee 9 4 5Cherokee 258 226 32Clayton 337 136 201Clayton County Police Department 241 222 19Cobb 580 374 206Cobb County Police Department 666 527 139Columbia 288 185 103Coweta 169 90 79Dade 37 20 17DeKalb 679 513 166DeKalb County Police Department 1,215 882 333Dougherty County Police Department 46 44 2Douglas 257 179 78Fulton 915 631 284Fulton County Police Department 326 245 81Gwinnett County Police Department 752 516 236Harris 36 34 2Henry 143 68 75Henry County Police Department 168 145 23Houston 246 99 147Jones 66 33 33Lee 71 31 40Madison 39 27 12McDuffie 23 17 6Newton 108 69 39Paulding 180 113 67Peach 45 23 22Pickens 45 30 15Rockdale 184 102 82Spalding 137 84 53Twiggs 31 12 19Walker 106 72 34Walton 134 90 44


Ada 343 111 232Bannock 70 38 32Canyon 106 59 47


Boone 82 33 49Champaign 59 53 6Clinton 30 13 17Cook 6,276 2,409 3,867De Kalb 79 42 37Du Page 562 453 109Grundy 50 30 20Henry 72 24 48Jersey 19 16 3Kane 151 94 57Kankakee 113 58 55Kendall 86 78 8Lake 416 165 251Macon 146 44 102Madison 150 72 78McHenry 274 89 185McLean 67 54 13Menard 14 8 6Monroe 29 14 15Ogle 65 49 16

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees

ILLINOIS —Continued

Peoria 193 63 130Rock Island 153 61 92Sangamon 224 74 150St. Clair 175 163 12Tazewell 76 41 35Will 443 260 183Winnebago 266 121 145Woodford 41 34 7


Adams 38 16 22Allen 293 124 169Boone 53 24 29Clark 93 32 61Clay 24 11 13Clinton 54 15 39Dearborn 67 24 43Delaware 110 43 67Elkhart 168 63 105Floyd 76 23 53Hamilton 71 57 14Hancock 70 35 35Harrison 66 21 45Hendricks 104 41 63Howard 115 35 80Huntington 39 13 26Johnson 109 47 62Lake 496 173 323Madison 119 51 68Monroe 95 30 65Morgan 64 20 44Ohio 8 8 0Porter 166 63 103Posey 29 12 17Scott 21 7 14Shelby 82 29 53St. Joseph 281 130 151Tippecanoe 165 46 119Tipton 18 9 9Vanderburgh 223 105 118Vermillion 24 17 7Vigo 99 37 62Warrick 78 55 23Wells 37 13 24Whitley 40 14 26


Black Hawk 137 105 32Dallas 36 12 24Dubuque 54 46 8Johnson 84 55 29Linn 177 118 59Polk 326 167 159Pottawattamie 141 45 96Scott 139 42 97Warren 32 22 10Woodbury 112 35 77


Butler 68 47 21Douglas 117 75 42Harvey 34 15 19Johnson 498 381 117Leavenworth 98 75 23


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees County by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 80

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Suburban County by State—Continued

KANSAS —Continued

Miami 33 20 13Sedgwick 453 167 286Shawnee 148 115 33Wyandotte 130 40 90


Boone 126 113 13Bourbon 5 4 1Boyd 19 17 2Bullitt 36 31 5Campbell 11 9 2Campbell County Police Department 30 29 1Carter 7 5 2Christian 20 18 2Christian County Police Department 8 7 1Clark 15 13 2Daviess 52 38 14Fayette 81 48 33Gallatin 5 4 1Grant 21 19 2Greenup 14 13 1Henderson 24 21 3Jefferson 263 216 47Jefferson County Police Department 642 484 158Jessamine 28 23 5Kenton 35 32 3Kenton County Police Department 43 41 2Madison 17 16 1Oldham 19 18 1Oldham County Police Department 32 29 3Pendleton 7 6 1Scott 31 29 2Woodford 6 6 0Woodford County Police Department 19 17 2


Acadia 111 89 22Ascension 253 193 60Bossier 187 187 0Caddo 623 412 211Calcasieu 726 237 489East Baton Rouge 780 647 133Jefferson 2,559 1,666 893Lafayette 501 370 131Lafourche 311 169 142Livingston 185 185 0Ouachita 318 318 0Plaquemines 208 194 14Rapides 403 322 81St. Bernard 349 253 96St. Charles 347 249 98St. James 103 73 30St. John the Baptist 215 214 1St. Martin 232 197 35St. Tammany 575 489 86Terrebonne 318 289 29Webster 128 28 100West Baton Rouge 163 133 30


Androscoggin 25 16 9Cumberland 54 50 4


Allegany 26 21 5Anne Arundel 100 74 26Anne Arundel County Police

Department 886 655 231Baltimore County Police Department 2,093 1,769 324Baltimore County Sheriff 86 66 20Calvert 91 77 14Carroll 65 52 13Cecil 175 65 110Charles 346 224 122Frederick 191 148 43Harford 290 233 57Howard 59 35 24Howard County Police Department 485 342 143Montgomery 147 120 27Montgomery County Police Department 1,480 1,111 369Prince George’s 234 124 110Prince George’s County Police

Department 1,547 1,326 221Queen Anne’s 47 44 3Washington 192 71 121


Allegan 109 64 45Bay 87 39 48Berrien 164 65 99Calhoun 162 59 103Clinton 60 26 34Eaton 130 70 60Genesee 279 143 136Ingham 215 120 95Jackson 115 55 60Kalamazoo 191 153 38Kent 320 167 153Lapeer 81 52 29Lenawee 98 49 49Livingston 125 71 54Macomb 446 212 234Midland 61 35 26Monroe 209 100 109Muskegon 120 54 66Oakland 914 764 150Ottawa 131 119 12Saginaw 135 84 51St. Clair 147 69 78Van Buren 83 42 41Washtenaw 178 137 41Wayne 1,317 834 483


Anoka 195 96 99Benton 59 21 38Carver 133 68 65Chisago 65 35 30Clay 31 27 4Dakota 149 72 77Hennepin 735 305 430Houston 21 11 10Isanti 52 17 35Olmsted 116 52 64Polk 30 25 5Ramsey 383 255 128Scott 116 36 80Sherburne 159 47 112Stearns 132 52 80St. Louis 182 89 93

Table 80

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Suburban County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Washington 215 81 134Wright 161 99 62


Forrest 83 77 6Harrison 341 147 194Hinds 406 96 310Jackson 135 71 64Lamar 39 25 14Madison 89 37 52Rankin 142 68 74


Andrew 14 10 4Boone 58 46 12Buchanan 71 50 21Cass 59 47 12Christian 66 42 24Clay 168 114 54Clinton 18 11 7Franklin 138 115 23Greene 215 132 83Jackson 126 90 36Jasper 112 93 19Jefferson 207 139 68Lafayette 35 24 11Lincoln 93 40 53Newton 57 39 18Platte 110 79 31Ray 23 12 11St. Charles 198 136 62St. Louis County Police Department 985 744 241Warren 53 26 27Webster 25 14 11


Cascade 111 31 80Missoula 175 48 127Yellowstone 152 50 102


Cass 49 25 24Dakota 14 12 2Douglas 184 121 63Lancaster 88 70 18Sarpy 173 117 56Washington 40 21 19


Nye 117 82 35Washoe 691 423 268


Atlantic 116 88 28Bergen 469 389 80Bergen County Police Department 148 85 63Burlington 83 67 16Camden 215 187 28Cape May 119 109 10Cumberland 58 50 8Essex 537 451 86

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees

NEW JERSEY—Continued

Essex County Police Department 42 41 1Gloucester 119 102 17Hudson 258 198 60Hunterdon 33 28 5Mercer 140 97 43Middlesex 235 195 40Monmouth 660 438 222Morris 330 245 85Ocean 193 84 109Passaic 768 590 178Salem 150 130 20Somerset 213 168 45Sussex 144 122 22Union 178 154 24Warren 20 16 4


Bernalillo 313 253 60Dona Ana 149 126 23Sandoval 46 40 6Santa Fe 95 73 22Valencia 47 37 10


Albany 145 109 36Broome 64 53 11Cayuga 56 34 22Chautauqua 119 81 38Chemung 50 43 7Dutchess 128 109 19Genesee 58 40 18Herkimer 11 6 5Livingston 62 45 17Madison 36 29 7Monroe 320 260 60Montgomery 38 26 12Nassau 3,244 2,579 665Oneida 183 85 98Onondaga 291 247 44Ontario 89 58 31Orange 101 89 12Orleans 42 28 14Oswego 78 67 11Putnam 97 78 19Rensselaer 35 29 6Rockland 79 71 8Saratoga 103 73 30Schenectady 14 8 6Schoharie 25 14 11Suffolk 360 240 120Tioga 49 36 13Warren 90 67 23Washington 38 32 6Wayne 63 51 12Westchester Public Safety 320 262 58


Alamance 127 76 51Alexander 35 23 12Brunswick 101 82 19Buncombe 309 210 99Burke 102 80 22Cabarrus 150 145 5Caldwell 102 55 47


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees County by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 80

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Suburban County by State—Continued


Catawba 107 99 8Chatham 68 52 16Cumberland 456 266 190Currituck 50 36 14Davidson 175 120 55Davie 60 30 30Durham 389 141 248Edgecombe 105 47 58Forsyth 441 205 236Franklin 77 38 39Gaston1 191 99 92Gaston County Police Department1 213 136 77Guilford 441 222 219Johnston 160 83 77Lincoln 131 72 59Madison 21 13 8Mecklenburg2 1,182 306 876Nash 118 70 48New Hanover 262 233 29Onslow 143 101 42Orange 129 101 28Pitt 244 102 142Randolph 196 132 64Rowan 137 96 41Stokes 56 40 16Union 161 125 36Wake 514 302 212Wayne 125 68 57Yadkin 54 33 21


Burleigh 62 36 26Cass 118 59 59Grand Forks 29 23 6Morton 33 20 13


Allen 156 75 81Ashtabula 79 41 38Auglaize 53 20 33Belmont 70 57 13Brown 53 36 17Butler 314 167 147Carroll 26 19 7Clark 157 132 25Clermont 208 86 122Columbiana 30 22 8Crawford 69 20 49Cuyahoga 1,056 172 884Delaware 134 74 60Fairfield 127 95 32Franklin 769 398 371Fulton 33 22 11Geauga 96 47 49Greene 156 134 22Jefferson 94 33 61Lake 180 52 128Lawrence 38 30 8Licking 186 129 57Lorain 235 77 158Lucas 485 304 181Madison 30 25 5Mahoning 240 230 10Medina 163 71 92Miami 140 50 90


Montgomery 457 189 268Pickaway 79 30 49Portage 133 53 80Richland 115 52 63Stark 240 119 121Summit 476 387 89Trumbull 140 54 86Warren 154 80 74Washington 52 35 17Wood 118 113 5


Canadian 59 30 29Cleveland 97 48 49Comanche 50 26 24Creek 27 23 4Garfield 38 16 22Logan 20 9 11McClain 23 10 13Oklahoma 671 146 525Osage 59 32 27Pottawatomie 43 14 29Rogers 30 23 7Sequoyah 21 7 14Tulsa 181 156 25Wagoner 20 11 9


Benton 36 31 5Clackamas 236 192 44Columbia 20 17 3Jackson 66 47 19Lane 116 65 51Marion 94 74 20Multnomah 122 97 25Polk 29 24 5Washington 254 185 69Yamhill 44 37 7


Allegheny 204 174 30Allegheny County Police Department 213 189 24Beaver 32 25 7Centre 12 10 2Cumberland 30 25 5Lancaster 49 39 10Washington 32 28 4York 72 61 11


Aiken 137 105 32Anderson 172 134 38Berkeley 159 100 59Charleston 640 245 395Cherokee 87 39 48Dorchester 102 68 34Edgefield 47 23 24Florence 218 111 107Greenville 430 351 79Horry 203 51 152Horry County Police Department 215 194 21Lexington 379 219 160Pickens 117 82 35

Table 80

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Suburban County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Richland 563 437 126Spartanburg 303 279 24Sumter 113 106 7York 263 117 146


Lincoln 9 8 1Minnehaha 129 70 59Pennington 151 57 94


Anderson 102 42 60Blount 258 219 39Carter 63 57 6Cheatham 60 26 34Chester 22 10 12Dickson 103 45 58Fayette 55 32 23Hamilton 377 149 228Hawkins 55 52 3Knox 683 399 284Loudon 60 59 1Madison 198 191 7Marion 32 17 15Montgomery 207 193 14Robertson 89 75 14Rutherford 313 128 185Sevier 121 75 46Shelby 2,588 538 2,050Shelby County Police Department 39 30 9Sullivan 127 99 28Sumner 139 69 70Tipton 39 35 4Unicoi 37 22 15Union 31 18 13Washington 174 76 98Williamson 94 82 12Wilson 137 131 6


Archer 12 7 5Bastrop 132 47 85Bell 234 89 145Bexar 1,581 444 1,137Bowie 49 44 5Brazoria 265 116 149Brazos 166 73 93Caldwell 79 27 52Cameron 259 102 157Chambers 67 31 36Collin 433 120 313Comal 210 93 117Coryell 52 19 33Dallas 1,623 426 1,197Denton 434 133 301Ector 189 83 106Ellis 160 61 99El Paso 1,016 236 780Fort Bend 443 275 168Galveston 317 224 93Grayson 124 60 64Gregg 144 69 75Guadalupe 159 44 115Hardin 64 35 29

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Harris 3,434 2,543 891Harrison 88 38 50Hays 231 93 138Henderson 94 60 34Hidalgo 494 203 291Hood 76 27 49Hunt 85 31 54Jefferson 403 97 306Johnson 178 69 109Kaufman 96 37 59Liberty 61 42 19Lubbock 235 134 101McLennan 276 112 164Midland 173 77 96Montgomery 410 270 140Nueces 312 98 214Orange 135 60 75Parker 102 54 48Potter 191 106 85Randall 133 62 71Rockwall 86 25 61San Patricio 86 40 46Smith 266 106 160Tarrant 1,163 460 703Taylor 162 71 91Tom Green 148 37 111Travis 1,359 633 726Upshur 62 27 35Victoria 166 100 66Waller 50 23 27Webb 264 162 102Wichita 161 38 123Williamson 292 169 123Wilson 68 24 44


Davis 237 184 53Kane 21 14 7Salt Lake 1,230 392 838Utah 269 195 74Weber 364 272 92


Chittenden 12 8 4Grand Isle 4 3 1


Albemarle County Police Department 122 99 23Amherst 68 63 5Arlington County Police Department 482 343 139Bedford 72 71 1Botetourt 80 63 17Campbell 55 52 3Charles City 18 11 7Chesterfield County Police Department 507 411 96Clarke 22 13 9Culpeper 76 60 16Dinwiddie 58 47 11Fairfax County Police Department 1,702 1,258 444Fauquier 111 94 17Fluvanna 30 21 9Gloucester 88 73 15Goochland 32 25 7Greene 20 14 6


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Hanover 189 173 16Henrico County Police Department 744 541 203Isle of Wight 31 25 6James City County Police Department 71 68 3King George 38 23 15Loudoun 392 326 66Mathews 18 11 7New Kent 33 23 10Pittsylvania 124 65 59Powhatan 45 31 14Prince George County Police

Department 56 44 12Prince William County Police

Department 531 423 108Roanoke County Police Department 149 112 37Scott 40 39 1Spotsylvania 102 96 6Stafford 122 107 15Warren 67 66 1Washington 87 71 16York 88 83 5


Benton 72 52 20Clark 194 129 65Franklin 24 21 3Island 42 36 6King 807 516 291Kitsap 154 122 32Pierce 298 241 57Snohomish 316 235 81Spokane 282 226 56Thurston 115 90 25Whatcom 86 73 13Yakima 101 67 34


Berkeley 50 41 9Berkeley-Martinsburg State Police 22 18 4Brooke 23 16 7Brooke-Wellsburg State Police 4 3 1Cabell 104 38 66Cabell-Huntington State Police 16 11 5Hancock 37 25 12Hancock-New Cumberland State Police 4 3 1

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Jefferson 17 15 2Jefferson-Kearneysville State Police 20 13 7Kanawha 84 66 18Kanawha State Police:

Parkway Authority 7 7 0Quincy 7 6 1South Charleston 31 21 10

Marshall 26 24 2Marshall-Moundsville State Police 14 5 9Mineral 13 8 5Mineral-Keyser State Police 5 4 1Ohio 27 26 1Ohio-Wheeling State Police 6 5 1Putnam 38 34 4Putnam State Police:

Teays Valley 5 4 1Winfield 4 3 1

Wayne 35 22 13Wayne-Wayne State Police 9 8 1Wood 64 37 27Wood-Parkersburg State Police 16 9 7


Brown 304 140 164Calumet 44 23 21Chippewa 64 52 12Douglas 51 47 4Eau Claire 95 49 46Kenosha 315 107 208La Crosse 102 36 66Marathon 171 62 109Milwaukee 990 676 314Outagamie 207 76 131Ozaukee 103 77 26Pierce 48 44 4Rock 183 92 91Sheboygan 168 75 93St. Croix 73 39 34Washington 155 63 92Waukesha 309 151 158Winnebago 181 125 56


Laramie 77 45 32Natrona 51 42 9


Table 80

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Suburban County by State—Continued

1 The data are listed separately for both Gaston County and Gaston County Police Department, North Carolina. However, Gaston County reports its crime figures combined withthose of the Gaston County Police Department; they can be found in Table 10 under Gaston County Police Department.

2 The data in this table are provided for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, only. However, Mecklenburg County reports its crime figures combined with those of the CharlottePolice Department; they can be found in Table 8 under Charlotte-Mecklenburg.

Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Barbour 29 12 17Bibb 13 11 2Bullock 5 5 0Butler 21 9 12Chambers 54 18 36Choctaw 13 5 8Cleburne 18 7 11Coffee 42 15 27Coosa 17 8 9Covington 48 24 24Crenshaw 10 10 0Dallas 51 26 25Escambia 46 19 27Franklin 40 20 20Geneva 12 10 2Greene 20 9 11Hale 9 6 3Henry 12 8 4Jackson 72 32 40Lowndes 38 11 27Macon 35 19 16Marengo 29 11 18Marion 24 11 13Marshall 82 38 44Monroe 45 22 23Perry 17 9 8Pickens 20 7 13Pike 28 16 12Randolph 11 11 0Tallapoosa 52 22 30Walker 75 30 45Washington 15 8 7Wilcox 18 7 11Winston 22 9 13


Apache 75 37 38Cochise 164 73 91Gila 114 46 68Graham 50 20 30Greenlee 26 12 14La Paz 89 33 56Navajo 125 58 67Santa Cruz 69 38 31Yavapai 293 108 185


Arkansas 46 12 34Ashley 26 14 12Baxter 42 28 14Boone 34 21 13Bradley 5 4 1Calhoun 12 6 6Carroll 34 17 17Chicot 7 6 1Clark 27 11 16Clay 19 8 11Cleburne 26 15 11Cleveland 11 6 5Columbia 29 14 15Conway 30 12 18Cross 34 14 20Dallas 27 6 21Desha 9 7 2Drew 11 10 1Franklin 16 10 6

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Fulton 11 6 5Garland 112 39 73Grant 10 8 2Greene 42 11 31Hempstead 38 14 24Hot Spring 33 29 4Howard 20 9 11Independence 75 49 26Izard 23 18 5Jackson 21 11 10Johnson 28 11 17Lafayette 13 7 6Lawrence 18 9 9Lee 6 5 1Lincoln 18 7 11Little River 22 8 14Logan 25 12 13Madison 14 7 7Marion 18 10 8Mississippi 86 26 60Monroe 15 7 8Montgomery 16 8 8Nevada 17 6 11Newton 11 7 4Ouachita 32 14 18Perry 16 7 9Phillips 9 7 2Pike 12 6 6Poinsett 42 13 29Polk 22 10 12Pope 74 29 45Prairie 14 7 7Randolph 12 10 2Scott 14 7 7Searcy 12 5 7Sevier 20 11 9Sharp 16 9 7St. Francis 36 15 21Stone 19 8 11Union 55 24 31Van Buren 27 14 13White 79 32 47Woodruff 13 6 7Yell 21 12 9


Alpine 18 14 4Amador 89 48 41Calaveras 95 56 39Colusa 63 35 28Del Norte 59 30 29Glenn 66 29 37Humboldt 234 84 150Imperial 276 187 89Inyo 70 39 31Kings 203 82 121Lake 159 61 98Lassen 93 71 22Mariposa 66 53 13Mendocino 165 130 35Modoc 27 16 11Mono 47 25 22Nevada 194 71 123Plumas 74 41 33San Benito 63 32 31Sierra 17 11 6Siskiyou 131 60 71


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Tehama 112 83 29Trinity 33 26 7Tuolumne 131 67 64


Alamosa 34 23 11Archuleta 34 13 21Baca 9 3 6Bent 19 6 13Chaffee 39 15 24Cheyenne 8 5 3Clear Creek 44 20 24Conejos 14 7 7Costilla 15 8 7Crowley 12 8 4Custer 21 10 11Delta 44 18 26Dolores 7 4 3Eagle 84 71 13Elbert 37 27 10Fremont 79 57 22Garfield 85 23 62Gilpin 34 25 9Grand 57 34 23Gunnison 27 12 15Hinsdale 5 4 1Huerfano 21 9 12Jackson 8 5 3Kiowa 4 3 1Kit Carson 19 6 13Lake 15 8 7La Plata 101 78 23Las Animas 41 13 28Lincoln 17 5 12Logan 41 23 18Mineral 4 3 1Moffat 37 34 3Montezuma 52 23 29Montrose 104 73 31Morgan 55 41 14Otero 22 22 0Ouray 7 6 1Park 66 45 21Phillips 3 3 0Pitkin 41 22 19Prowers 31 11 20Rio Blanco 20 14 6Rio Grande 23 8 15Routt 46 27 19Saguache 17 8 9San Juan 5 4 1San Miguel 35 31 4Sedgwick 9 4 5Summit 52 45 7Teller 74 38 36Washington 36 10 26Yuma 16 7 9


Baker 77 54 23Bradford 30 19 11Calhoun 23 14 9Citrus 283 172 111Columbia 167 122 45DeSoto 85 66 19Dixie 54 18 36

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Franklin 84 66 18Gilchrist 38 24 14Glades 52 26 26Gulf 54 30 24Hamilton 53 15 38Hardee 88 39 49Hendry 124 93 31Highlands 230 106 124Holmes 19 15 4Indian River 394 180 214Jackson 67 48 19Jefferson 43 18 25Lafayette 8 7 1Levy 132 66 66Liberty 24 13 11Madison 64 53 11Monroe 489 223 266Okeechobee 164 74 90Putnam 147 100 47Sumter 142 76 66Suwannee 90 51 39Taylor 46 33 13Union 18 14 4Wakulla 75 51 24Walton 168 128 40Washington 62 29 33


Atkinson 15 7 8Bacon 17 7 10Baker 3 3 0Banks 29 20 9Ben Hill 38 20 18Bleckley 22 11 11Brantley 19 12 7Brooks 29 18 11Bulloch 67 37 30Butts 53 34 19Candler 16 6 10Charlton 23 11 12Chattooga 44 25 19Clinch 20 9 11Coffee 79 35 44Colquitt 81 41 40Cook 47 20 27Crawford 18 11 7Crisp 64 46 18Dawson 69 46 23Decatur 31 27 4Dodge 28 18 10Early 49 24 25Echols 8 7 1Elbert 25 23 2Emanuel 34 15 19Evans 16 8 8Fannin 29 28 1Floyd County Police Department 79 72 7Franklin 43 24 19Glynn County Police Department 121 107 14Greene 45 31 14Greene County Police Department 45 29 16Habersham 48 28 20Hall 325 213 112Hancock 34 13 21Haralson 37 22 15Hart 26 23 3Jackson 74 48 26


Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Jeff Davis 21 18 3Jenkins 8 4 4Johnson 12 9 3Lamar 41 22 19Laurens 91 52 39Liberty 86 58 28Lincoln 26 8 18Lumpkin 64 40 24Marion 12 5 7Meriwether 31 17 14Murray 61 29 32Pierce 30 12 18Pike 25 19 6Polk 57 16 41Polk County Police Department 37 34 3Pulaski 20 11 9Putnam 54 25 29Quitman 4 3 1Rabun 19 18 1Schley 8 3 5Screven 22 20 2Seminole 19 11 8Stephens 30 24 6Stewart 4 4 0Talbot 10 5 5Tattnall 31 15 16Taylor 20 11 9Thomas 67 63 4Tift 112 105 7Towns 26 12 14Troup 104 54 50Turner 27 11 16Upson 58 31 27Ware 92 32 60Ware County Police Department 14 1 13Warren 4 4 0Webster 7 4 3Wheeler 8 3 5White 50 31 19Wilkes 24 23 1Worth 32 21 11


Hawaii Police Department 515 385 130Kauai Police Department 160 123 37Maui Police Department 423 318 105


Adams 12 8 4Bear Lake 11 5 6Benewah 16 8 8Bingham 47 32 15Blaine 32 18 14Boise 17 11 6Bonner 84 47 37Bonneville 76 51 25Boundary 19 10 9Butte 14 7 7Camas 5 3 2Caribou 15 8 7Cassia 50 33 17Clark 7 3 4Clearwater 25 16 9Custer 11 7 4Elmore 31 20 11Fremont 22 10 12

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Gem 21 11 10Gooding 15 9 6Idaho 29 20 9Jefferson 26 15 11Jerome 17 14 3Kootenai 109 73 36Latah 39 27 12Lewis 11 6 5Lincoln 6 5 1Minidoka 22 14 8Nez Perce 36 23 13Oneida 12 8 4Owyhee 20 12 8Payette 28 16 12Power 14 9 5Shoshone 33 19 14Teton 11 7 4Twin Falls 62 39 23Valley 26 14 12Washington 17 9 8


Adams 27 24 3Alexander 7 6 1Bond 18 9 9Brown 6 5 1Bureau 39 23 16Calhoun 8 4 4Carroll 23 9 14Cass 7 6 1Christian 29 16 13Clark 13 8 5Clay 13 7 6Coles 48 25 23Crawford 21 9 12Cumberland 18 8 10De Witt 29 16 13Douglas 23 9 14Edgar 19 9 10Edwards 9 4 5Effingham 43 21 22Fayette 24 10 14Ford 27 9 18Franklin 43 17 26Fulton 43 21 22Gallatin 4 4 0Greene 13 6 7Hamilton 8 4 4Hancock 20 10 10Hardin 3 3 0Henderson 14 9 5Iroquois 27 16 11Jackson 67 22 45Jasper 19 9 10Jefferson 45 24 21Jo Daviess 36 18 18Johnson 12 6 6Knox 55 21 34La Salle 74 57 17Lawrence 13 7 6Lee 42 23 19Livingston 57 28 29Logan 37 20 17Macoupin 56 39 17Marion 38 14 24Marshall 17 8 9Mason 20 9 11


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Massac 29 11 18McDonough 25 14 11Mercer 23 11 12Montgomery 23 13 10Morgan 38 15 23Moultrie 19 10 9Perry 32 10 22Piatt 25 10 15Pike 25 10 15Pope 10 5 5Pulaski 18 13 5Putnam 10 5 5Randolph 20 10 10Richland 21 8 13Saline 40 10 30Schuyler 9 3 6Scott 8 4 4Shelby 24 12 12Stark 13 4 9Stephenson 38 28 10Union 14 8 6Vermilion 78 33 45Wabash 9 4 5Warren 19 11 8Washington 18 6 12Wayne 17 8 9White 7 7 0Whiteside 56 24 32Williamson 64 35 29


Bartholomew 66 37 29Benton 19 6 13Blackford 28 9 19Brown 33 13 20Crawford 12 7 5Daviess 32 14 18Decatur 26 8 18Dubois 31 15 16Fayette 38 35 3Fountain 18 8 10Fulton 18 10 8Gibson 40 16 24Grant 147 46 101Greene 35 13 22Henry 58 29 29Jackson 52 14 38Jasper 41 19 22Jay 34 10 24Jefferson 29 12 17Jennings 39 14 25Knox 27 26 1Kosciusko 75 32 43LaGrange 52 17 35La Porte 134 57 77Lawrence 58 25 33Marshall 47 20 27Martin 18 8 10Miami 31 15 16Montgomery 37 17 20Newton 39 14 25Noble 69 19 50Orange 29 8 21Owen 30 11 19Parke 36 9 27Perry 13 6 7Pulaski 41 11 30

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Putnam 34 13 21Randolph 41 15 26Ripley 10 10 0Rush 23 10 13Spencer 49 13 36Starke 26 12 14Steuben 57 20 37Sullivan 34 10 24Switzerland 10 8 2Union 11 7 4Wabash 35 15 20Warren 20 7 13Washington 26 14 12Wayne 89 30 59


Adair 8 6 2Adams 9 5 4Allamakee 14 8 6Appanoose 16 9 7Audubon 9 5 4Boone 20 10 10Bremer 23 11 12Buchanan 28 13 15Buena Vista 17 10 7Butler 17 11 6Calhoun 11 7 4Carroll 14 10 4Cass 9 6 3Cedar 34 9 25Cerro Gordo 50 17 33Cherokee 15 5 10Chickasaw 12 8 4Clarke 19 5 14Clay 15 9 6Clayton 21 11 10Clinton 48 31 17Crawford 12 10 2Davis 6 5 1Decatur 10 5 5Delaware 11 10 1Des Moines 25 20 5Dickinson 18 9 9Emmet 14 8 6Fayette 31 11 20Floyd 18 10 8Franklin 9 6 3Fremont 19 7 12Greene 13 8 5Grundy 15 11 4Guthrie 10 5 5Hamilton 11 9 2Hancock 9 7 2Hardin 31 10 21Harrison 21 9 12Henry 24 11 13Howard 13 6 7Humboldt 12 9 3Ida 16 8 8Iowa 16 11 5Jackson 11 9 2Jasper 36 13 23Jefferson 26 7 19Jones 23 10 13Keokuk 8 4 4Kossuth 23 8 15Lee 28 13 15


Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Louisa 19 9 10Lucas 12 5 7Lyon 21 9 12Madison 15 6 9Mahaska 25 10 15Marion 21 11 10Marshall 56 18 38Mills 28 10 18Mitchell 15 6 9Monona 20 8 12Monroe 12 5 7Montgomery 21 8 13Muscatine 65 22 43O’Brien 27 11 16Osceola 15 10 5Page 12 7 5Palo Alto 16 8 8Plymouth 19 9 10Pocahontas 13 7 6Poweshiek 17 10 7Ringgold 11 6 5Sac 13 7 6Shelby 14 8 6Sioux 23 14 9Story 77 33 44Tama 21 13 8Taylor 10 6 4Union 12 5 7Van Buren 10 5 5Wapello 40 9 31Washington 30 13 17Wayne 10 5 5Webster 33 17 16Winnebago 12 5 7Winneshiek 17 8 9Worth 15 6 9Wright 18 6 12


Allen 13 6 7Anderson 16 10 6Atchison 22 10 12Barber 8 3 5Barton 31 16 15Bourbon 8 6 2Brown 22 9 13Chase 5 5 0Chautauqua 9 4 5Cherokee 35 22 13Cheyenne 4 3 1Clark 9 4 5Clay 14 6 8Cloud 15 9 6Coffey 29 13 16Comanche 4 4 0Cowley 37 14 23Crawford 65 31 34Decatur 7 3 4Dickinson 25 15 10Doniphan 10 4 6Edwards 8 4 4Elk 7 3 4Ellis 24 16 8Ellsworth 15 8 7Finney 95 41 54Ford 46 22 24Franklin 41 20 21

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Geary 56 23 33Gove 5 4 1Graham 7 3 4Grant 15 6 9Gray 11 5 6Greeley 6 2 4Greenwood 20 11 9Hamilton 14 7 7Harper 18 6 12Haskell 16 11 5Hodgeman 9 4 5Jackson 41 17 24Jefferson 42 23 19Jewell 8 4 4Kearny 19 10 9Kingman 16 7 9Kiowa 15 15 0Labette 36 18 18Lane 7 4 3Lincoln 12 7 5Linn 24 13 11Logan 4 3 1Lyon 67 15 52Marion 9 7 2Marshall 16 7 9McPherson 36 15 21Meade 17 17 0Mitchell 11 9 2Montgomery 28 18 10Morris 12 7 5Morton 10 6 4Nemaha 17 8 9Neosho 28 13 15Ness 11 6 5Norton 9 4 5Osage 36 18 18Osborne 12 9 3Ottawa 20 5 15Pawnee 15 7 8Phillips 14 9 5Pottawatomie 34 20 14Pratt 13 8 5Rawlins 8 3 5Reno 67 55 12Republic 9 4 5Rice 10 9 1Riley County Police Department 161 92 69Rooks 6 6 0Rush 9 4 5Russell 17 10 7Saline 94 38 56Scott 5 4 1Seward 45 11 34Sheridan 6 3 3Sherman 10 4 6Smith 8 4 4Stafford 10 4 6Stanton 13 5 8Stevens 12 6 6Sumner 26 17 9Thomas 10 8 2Trego 4 3 1Wabaunsee 13 7 6Wallace 2 1 1Washington 5 5 0Wichita 9 4 5Wilson 23 10 13Woodson 10 6 4


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Adair 5 4 1Allen 10 9 1Anderson 8 7 1Anderson County Police Department 2 2 0Ballard 11 11 0Barren 16 13 3Bath 6 3 3Bell 16 9 7Boyle 8 7 1Bracken 3 2 1Breathitt 5 4 1Breckinridge 7 7 0Butler 8 6 2Caldwell 8 6 2Calloway 22 21 1Carlisle 3 3 0Carroll 5 5 0Casey 6 5 1Clay 6 4 2Clinton 5 4 1Crittenden 3 2 1Cumberland 5 4 1Edmonson 7 5 2Elliott 4 4 0Estill 4 3 1Fleming 6 6 0Floyd 20 12 8Franklin 14 14 0Fulton 4 4 0Garrard 6 5 1Graves 13 11 2Grayson 11 8 3Green 3 2 1Hancock 7 6 1Hardin 31 29 2Harlan 18 18 0Harrison 8 8 0Hart 7 7 0Henry 6 6 0Hickman 3 3 0Hopkins 9 7 2Jackson 9 7 2Johnson 13 9 4Knott 9 7 2Knox 8 6 2Larue 6 5 1Laurel 34 30 4Lawrence 6 4 2Lee 3 2 1Leslie 7 4 3Letcher 7 6 1Lewis 7 5 2Lincoln 7 6 1Livingston 7 7 0Logan 16 15 1Lyon 4 4 0Magoffin 6 4 2Marion 7 6 1Marshall 18 16 2Martin 6 4 2Mason 12 10 2McCracken 32 31 1McCracken County Police Department 2 1 1McCreary 8 7 1McLean 6 5 1Meade 9 7 2Menifee 3 3 0Mercer 8 8 0

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Metcalfe 4 2 2Monroe 7 6 1Montgomery 18 16 2Morgan 5 4 1Muhlenberg 11 11 0Nelson 26 21 5Nicholas 4 3 1Ohio 18 16 2Owen 6 4 2Owsley 3 2 1Perry 15 15 0Pike 30 19 11Powell 10 9 1Pulaski 32 24 8Robertson 1 1 0Rockcastle 6 5 1Rowan 13 10 3Russell 11 10 1Shelby 18 17 1Simpson 12 12 0Spencer 5 4 1Taylor 14 12 2Todd 4 3 1Trigg 6 6 0Trimble 3 3 0Union 9 8 1Warren 56 48 8Washington 4 4 0Wayne 7 6 1Webster 7 6 1Whitley 7 4 3Wolfe 5 4 1


Allen 45 29 16Assumption 79 41 38Beauregard 71 54 17Bienville 41 38 3Caldwell 21 21 0Cameron 76 66 10Catahoula 91 32 59Claiborne 92 20 72Concordia 203 202 1De Soto 82 74 8East Carroll 179 166 13East Feliciana 62 44 18Evangeline 59 25 34Franklin 75 75 0Grant 48 48 0Iberia 226 118 108Iberville 148 86 62Jackson 32 32 0Jefferson Davis 43 30 13La Salle 48 43 5Lincoln 50 50 0Madison 57 57 0Morehouse 153 153 0Natchitoches 59 51 8Pointe Coupee 108 39 69Red River 47 40 7Richland 123 110 13Sabine 67 65 2St. Helena 53 23 30St. Mary 150 111 39Tangipahoa 277 277 0Tensas 135 22 113Union 56 37 19


Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Vermilion 99 54 45Vernon 131 131 0Washington 104 104 0West Carroll 19 19 0West Feliciana 75 72 3Winn 26 26 0


Aroostook 19 14 5Franklin 26 15 11Hancock 44 13 31Kennebec 30 20 10Knox 20 18 2Lincoln 22 19 3Oxford 14 12 2Penobscot 23 20 3Piscataquis 15 7 8Sagadahoc 17 15 2Somerset 17 15 2Waldo 16 14 2Washington 22 12 10York 31 27 4


Caroline 27 23 4Dorchester 32 26 6Garrett 41 19 22Kent 22 20 2Somerset 20 17 3St. Mary’s 201 104 97Talbot 22 20 2Wicomico 103 80 23Worcester 48 41 7


Alcona 25 14 11Alger 13 9 4Alpena 30 16 14Antrim 49 20 29Arenac 24 15 9Baraga 6 6 0Barry 34 31 3Benzie 42 15 27Branch 46 24 22Cass 76 41 35Charlevoix 34 16 18Cheboygan 35 18 17Chippewa 18 14 4Clare 27 23 4Crawford 27 15 12Delta 32 15 17Dickinson 33 17 16Emmet 24 21 3Gladwin 31 20 11Gogebic 21 15 6Grand Traverse 118 64 54Gratiot 36 19 17Hillsdale 43 28 15Houghton 30 19 11Huron 24 23 1Ionia 58 20 38Iosco 25 5 20Iron 9 8 1Isabella 52 25 27Kalkaska 42 25 17

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Keweenaw 6 6 0Lake 55 17 38Leelanau 38 18 20Luce 4 3 1Mackinac 9 7 2Manistee 30 15 15Marquette 57 30 27Mason 41 21 20Mecosta 48 25 23Menominee 30 14 16Missaukee 26 13 13Montcalm 76 28 48Montmorency 13 10 3Newaygo 29 26 3Oceana 34 19 15Ogemaw 36 16 20Ontonagon 14 10 4Osceola 22 19 3Oscoda 16 11 5Otsego 27 14 13Presque Isle 26 14 12Roscommon 24 24 0Sanilac 54 23 31Schoolcraft 12 5 7Shiawassee 67 33 34St. Joseph 53 26 27Tuscola 47 29 18Wexford 50 25 25


Aitkin 48 18 30Becker 47 21 26Beltrami 66 25 41Big Stone 7 4 3Blue Earth 54 22 32Brown 35 9 26Carlton 43 23 20Cass 51 29 22Chippewa 16 7 9Clearwater 18 7 11Cook 17 12 5Cottonwood 17 6 11Crow Wing 88 35 53Dodge 29 20 9Douglas 65 22 43Faribault 20 9 11Fillmore 31 18 13Freeborn 41 20 21Goodhue 102 39 63Grant 10 5 5Hubbard 28 13 15Itasca 66 65 1Jackson 18 7 11Kanabec 23 11 12Kandiyohi 104 33 71Kittson 10 5 5Koochiching 18 10 8Lac Qui Parle 9 6 3Lake 28 14 14Lake of the Woods 10 5 5Le Sueur 28 14 14Lincoln 10 4 6Lyon 37 13 24Mahnomen 15 10 5Marshall 18 11 7Martin 29 10 19McLeod 58 21 37


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Meeker 34 14 20Mille Lacs 56 18 38Morrison 48 15 33Mower 47 20 27Murray 9 4 5Nicollet 23 10 13Nobles 32 9 23Norman 8 5 3Otter Tail 70 29 41Pennington 32 7 25Pine 47 26 21Pipestone 20 10 10Pope 14 6 8Red Lake 11 6 5Redwood 17 9 8Renville 16 9 7Rice 45 19 26Rock 16 11 5Roseau 14 9 5Sibley 21 9 12Steele 22 16 6Stevens 11 6 5Swift 15 7 8Todd 26 14 12Traverse 7 5 2Wabasha 27 15 12Wadena 16 6 10Waseca 24 11 13Watonwan 21 9 12Wilkin 8 6 2Winona 49 19 30Yellow Medicine 19 7 12


Adams 52 50 2Alcorn 25 13 12Attala 12 7 5Benton 12 6 6Calhoun 10 5 5Chickasaw 16 16 0Claiborne 21 9 12Clarke 27 13 14Clay 22 12 10Coahoma 18 17 1Covington 14 8 6Greene 15 7 8Grenada 14 12 2Holmes 47 9 38Issaquena 4 4 0Itawamba 19 10 9Jasper 20 6 14Lauderdale 130 46 84Lawrence 22 10 12Lee 127 44 83Leflore 58 23 35Lincoln 49 41 8Lowndes 49 41 8Marion 26 26 0Marshall 37 18 19Monroe 27 20 7Montgomery 7 6 1Noxubee 8 4 4Oktibbeha 21 19 2Panola 47 16 31Pearl River 70 40 30Perry 15 6 9Pike 49 25 24

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Pontotoc 17 14 3Quitman 12 11 1Scott 56 17 39Sharkey 10 5 5Simpson 17 16 1Smith 14 8 6Stone 15 13 2Sunflower 29 7 22Tallahatchie 27 11 16Tate 37 16 21Tippah 22 8 14Tishomingo 22 14 8Union 40 30 10Walthall 23 19 4Warren 29 23 6Washington 53 31 22Wayne 20 5 15Webster 9 6 3Wilkinson 15 8 7Winston 7 6 1Yalobusha 12 7 5Yazoo 13 10 3


Adair 28 9 19Atchison 8 4 4Audrain 35 26 9Barry 32 19 13Barton 15 7 8Bates 13 8 5Benton 21 14 7Bollinger 11 6 5Butler 48 32 16Caldwell 12 7 5Callaway 22 20 2Camden 94 47 47Cape Girardeau 62 39 23Carroll 14 6 8Carter 10 5 5Cedar 19 13 6Chariton 13 10 3Clark 17 8 9Cole 43 33 10Cooper 8 7 1Crawford 24 18 6Dade 11 6 5Dallas 16 13 3Daviess 5 4 1De Kalb 9 5 4Dent 11 7 4Douglas 13 9 4Dunklin 24 8 16Gasconade 9 8 1Gentry 10 6 4Grundy 10 5 5Harrison 4 4 0Henry 22 11 11Hickory 13 9 4Holt 7 4 3Howard 11 6 5Howell 37 31 6Iron 14 7 7Johnson 61 39 22Knox 5 2 3Laclede 27 15 12Lawrence 25 18 7Lewis 9 4 5


Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Linn 6 5 1Livingston 19 10 9Macon 13 11 2Madison 10 7 3Maries 8 6 2Marion 37 14 23McDonald 17 14 3Mercer 8 3 5Miller 24 20 4Mississippi 7 7 0Moniteau 8 5 3Monroe 14 9 5Montgomery 13 12 1Morgan 32 17 15New Madrid 27 20 7Nodaway 23 9 14Oregon 10 5 5Osage 7 6 1Ozark 18 6 12Pemiscot 51 23 28Perry 28 18 10Pettis 31 18 13Phelps 31 24 7Pike 26 11 15Polk 30 21 9Pulaski 20 18 2Putnam 6 3 3Ralls 7 6 1Randolph 33 20 13Reynolds 12 7 5Ripley 9 7 2Saline 30 18 12Schuyler 5 4 1Scotland 6 3 3Shannon 9 5 4Shelby 9 5 4St. Clair 60 15 45Ste. Genevieve 45 34 11St. Francois 60 51 9Stone 45 36 9Sullivan 6 5 1Taney 60 29 31Texas 9 4 5Vernon 21 8 13Washington 30 16 14Wayne 16 8 8Worth 3 2 1Wright 13 5 8


Beaverhead 17 7 10Big Horn 28 13 15Blaine 19 8 11Broadwater 11 7 4Carbon 10 6 4Carter 2 2 0Chouteau 14 9 5Custer 12 6 6Daniels 7 3 4Dawson 58 6 52Deer Lodge 28 20 8Fallon 8 2 6Fergus 19 9 10Flathead 102 46 56Gallatin 67 38 29Garfield 3 3 0Glacier 18 12 6

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Golden Valley 2 2 0Granite 9 5 4Hill 24 11 13Jefferson 21 11 10Judith Basin 5 4 1Lake 44 20 24Lewis and Clark 66 40 26Liberty 10 4 6Lincoln 35 19 16Madison 10 7 3McCone 6 3 3Meagher 8 4 4Mineral 18 7 11Musselshell 9 7 2Park 20 11 9Petroleum 1 1 0Phillips 11 7 4Pondera 10 8 2Powder River 7 3 4Powell 19 11 8Prairie 3 3 0Ravalli 75 30 45Richland 19 7 12Roosevelt 15 9 6Rosebud 35 17 18Sanders 19 7 12Sheridan 10 5 5Silver Bow 77 43 34Stillwater 11 7 4Sweet Grass 13 7 6Teton 12 9 3Toole 20 12 8Treasure 2 2 0Valley 15 4 11Wheatland 9 5 4Wibaux 2 2 0


Adams 19 17 2Antelope 11 6 5Arthur 1 1 0Banner 1 1 0Blaine 1 1 0Boone 9 3 6Box Butte 20 6 14Boyd 4 4 0Brown 10 5 5Buffalo 40 22 18Burt 11 6 5Butler 9 5 4Cedar 9 4 5Chase 8 3 5Cherry 11 5 6Cheyenne 8 7 1Clay 9 4 5Colfax 10 5 5Cuming 6 5 1Custer 7 6 1Dawes 8 3 5Dawson 24 16 8Deuel 5 4 1Dixon 12 7 5Dodge 24 17 7Dundy 9 5 4Fillmore 11 5 6Franklin 3 3 0Frontier 8 5 3


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Furnas 13 8 5Gage 13 11 2Garden 9 4 5Garfield 2 2 0Gosper 5 4 1Grant 1 1 0Greeley 3 2 1Hall 36 29 7Hamilton 14 7 7Harlan 8 4 4Hitchcock 7 4 3Holt 11 5 6Hooker 1 1 0Howard 12 6 6Jefferson 6 5 1Johnson 6 2 4Kearney 12 7 5Keith 9 8 1Keya Paha 2 1 1Kimball 9 3 6Knox 12 5 7Lincoln 45 24 21Logan 1 1 0Loup 1 1 0Madison 47 22 25McPherson 1 1 0Merrick 9 4 5Morrill 8 3 5Nance 8 7 1Nemaha 8 5 3Nuckolls 7 4 3Otoe 20 11 9Pawnee 4 3 1Perkins 9 5 4Phelps 15 7 8Pierce 8 4 4Platte 34 16 18Polk 12 8 4Red Willow 7 5 2Richardson 12 7 5Rock 8 3 5Saline 12 10 2Saunders 18 11 7Scotts Bluff 24 14 10Seward 21 11 10Sheridan 5 4 1Sherman 6 5 1Stanton 8 7 1Thayer 10 6 4Thomas 1 1 0Thurston 10 5 5Valley 4 1 3Wayne 5 4 1Webster 8 5 3Wheeler 2 2 0York 22 9 13


Carson City 127 91 36Churchill 44 37 7Douglas 110 95 15Elko 62 51 11Esmeralda 16 11 5Eureka 16 13 3Humboldt 46 20 26Lander 32 21 11

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Lincoln 19 17 2Lyon 93 66 27Mineral 22 16 6Pershing 19 12 7Storey 19 18 1White Pine 32 26 6


Cheshire 22 9 13Merrimack 27 17 10


Catron 10 6 4Chaves 54 36 18Cibola 20 13 7Colfax 8 6 2Curry 18 15 3De Baca 17 5 12Eddy 53 39 14Grant 24 22 2Guadalupe 5 4 1Harding 2 2 0Hidalgo 23 7 16Lea 58 42 16Lincoln 26 17 9Luna 31 27 4McKinley 42 31 11Mora 7 4 3Otero 36 30 6Quay 7 7 0Rio Arriba 22 19 3Roosevelt 13 10 3San Juan 105 86 19San Miguel 13 10 3Sierra 16 14 2Socorro 14 13 1Taos 21 16 5Torrance 22 20 2Union 4 3 1


Allegany 48 37 11Chenango 22 22 0Clinton 37 24 13Columbia 54 44 10Cortland 48 31 17Delaware 22 14 8Essex 29 28 1Franklin 17 13 4Fulton 52 35 17Greene 26 24 2Jefferson 61 33 28Lewis 28 19 9Otsego 20 17 3Schuyler 40 36 4Seneca 42 26 16Steuben 54 41 13St. Lawrence 40 36 4Sullivan 47 37 10Tompkins 43 38 5Ulster 75 71 4Wyoming 43 32 11Yates 42 23 19


Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Alleghany 25 10 15Anson 49 29 20Ashe 32 16 16Avery 28 20 8Beaufort 73 47 26Bertie 26 19 7Bladen 67 42 25Camden 13 12 1Carteret 81 41 40Caswell 44 28 16Cherokee 28 20 8Chowan 36 17 19Clay 17 10 7Cleveland 119 80 39Columbus 86 53 33Craven 115 60 55Dare 127 54 73Duplin 77 49 28Gates 17 11 6Graham 12 11 1Granville 68 38 30Greene 28 22 6Halifax 72 49 23Harnett 117 71 46Haywood 69 47 22Henderson 152 119 33Hertford 63 24 39Hoke 34 19 15Hyde 14 9 5Iredell 169 123 46Jackson 42 36 6Jones 15 10 5Lee 69 34 35Lenoir 80 48 32Macon 51 36 15Martin 31 28 3McDowell 55 37 18Mitchell 15 13 2Montgomery 49 29 20Moore 102 60 42Northampton 41 16 25Pamlico 26 13 13Pasquotank 39 34 5Pender 70 39 31Perquimans 10 9 1Person 64 37 27Polk 32 19 13Richmond 67 42 25Robeson 212 102 110Rockingham 121 89 32Rutherford 100 69 31Sampson 75 48 27Scotland 56 33 23Stanly 55 36 19Surry 89 51 38Swain 25 13 12Transylvania 57 41 16Tyrrell 12 7 5Vance 81 38 43Warren 30 22 8Washington 30 13 17Watauga 50 29 21Wilkes 93 57 36Wilson 114 66 48Yancey 23 14 9

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Adams 3 3 0Barnes 7 6 1Benson 4 4 0Billings 4 3 1Bottineau 13 9 4Bowman 2 2 0Burke 4 4 0Cavalier 11 5 6Dickey 6 5 1Divide 2 2 0Dunn 4 3 1Eddy 5 5 0Emmons 3 3 0Foster 3 2 1Golden Valley 5 4 1Grant 2 2 0Griggs 4 4 0Hettinger 4 4 0Kidder 2 1 1Lamoure 5 4 1Logan 3 2 1McHenry 6 5 1McIntosh 3 3 0McKenzie 12 5 7McLean 23 19 4Mercer 19 7 12Nelson 5 4 1Oliver 3 2 1Pembina 14 8 6Pierce 7 3 4Ramsey 7 6 1Ransom 5 5 0Renville 4 4 0Richland 22 13 9Rolette 12 9 3Slope 1 1 0Stark 13 10 3Stutsman 10 8 2Towner 3 2 1Traill 7 4 3Walsh 18 12 6Ward 42 20 22Wells 4 3 1Williams 29 22 7


Adams 33 25 8Ashland 76 56 20Athens 26 21 5Champaign 33 27 6Clinton 67 39 28Coshocton 65 52 13Darke 72 40 32Defiance 32 20 12Erie 74 37 37Fayette 42 31 11Guernsey 47 20 27Hancock 93 39 54Hardin 26 19 7Harrison 20 15 5Henry 22 22 0Highland 55 55 0Hocking 20 19 1Holmes 48 45 3Huron 77 28 49Jackson 45 16 29Knox 67 52 15


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Logan 84 36 48Marion 39 28 11Meigs 8 7 1Mercer 43 30 13Monroe 28 23 5Morgan 16 11 5Morrow 58 21 37Muskingum 118 84 34Noble 30 7 23Ottawa 60 57 3Paulding 25 11 14Perry 18 12 6Pike 21 18 3Preble 72 22 50Putnam 40 31 9Sandusky 62 45 17Scioto 65 51 14Seneca 67 20 47Shelby 68 33 35Tuscarawas 101 30 71Union 63 39 24Van Wert 39 18 21Vinton 16 15 1Wayne 82 70 12Williams 24 21 3Wyandot 21 10 11


Adair 17 12 5Alfalfa 9 4 5Atoka 9 5 4Beaver 13 8 5Beckham 16 8 8Blaine 10 6 4Bryan 28 14 14Caddo 28 15 13Carter 55 18 37Cherokee 32 20 12Choctaw 19 7 12Cimarron 7 4 3Coal 9 6 3Cotton 13 8 5Craig 19 10 9Custer 25 12 13Delaware 31 12 19Dewey 10 4 6Ellis 10 3 7Garvin 22 19 3Grady 56 16 40Grant 9 5 4Greer 7 3 4Harmon 3 3 0Harper 12 4 8Haskell 12 7 5Hughes 11 6 5Jackson 18 9 9Jefferson 10 5 5Johnston 13 7 6Kay 28 14 14Kingfisher 14 6 8Kiowa 12 8 4Latimer 13 10 3Le Flore 23 12 11Lincoln 20 10 10Love 19 6 13Major 9 3 6Marshall 14 5 9

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Mayes 37 17 20McCurtain 26 21 5McIntosh 20 13 7Murray 11 4 7Muskogee 26 21 5Noble 10 5 5Nowata 20 14 6Okfuskee 13 5 8Okmulgee 14 11 3Ottawa 36 16 20Pawnee 19 10 9Payne 42 36 6Pittsburg 30 21 9Pontotoc 16 9 7Pushmataha 17 7 10Roger Mills 13 8 5Seminole 29 24 5Stephens 20 10 10Texas 36 9 27Tillman 14 4 10Washington 35 17 18Washita 13 7 6Woods 5 5 0Woodward 17 9 8


Baker 22 11 11Clatsop 29 25 4Coos 52 32 20Crook 18 13 5Curry 23 15 8Deschutes 86 69 17Douglas 105 70 35Gilliam 5 4 1Grant 6 5 1Harney 5 5 0Hood River 20 18 2Jefferson 25 16 9Josephine 74 40 34Klamath 37 30 7Lake 8 7 1Lincoln 28 26 2Linn 93 61 32Malheur 26 16 10Morrow 28 15 13Sherman 5 4 1Tillamook 26 24 2Umatilla 28 15 13Union 11 9 2Wallowa 14 8 6Wasco 19 17 2Wheeler 5 3 2


Bradford 9 7 2Clarion 10 7 3Clearfield 10 8 2Elk 6 5 1Huntingdon 6 5 1Jefferson 6 6 0Warren 50 21 29


Abbeville 50 23 27Allendale 11 10 1


Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Bamberg 13 11 2Barnwell 36 23 13Beaufort 196 175 21Calhoun 21 19 2Chesterfield 54 34 20Clarendon 30 25 5Darlington 67 61 6Dillon 69 30 39Fairfield 50 48 2Georgetown 130 77 53Greenwood 102 64 38Hampton 49 27 22Jasper 32 28 4Kershaw 54 47 7Lancaster 101 61 40Laurens 98 56 42Lee 26 23 3Marion 35 31 4Newberry 82 39 43Saluda 53 21 32Union 46 29 17


Aurora 4 3 1Beadle 20 6 14Bennett 10 6 4Bon Homme 8 4 4Brookings 20 11 9Brown 48 16 32Brule 11 3 8Buffalo 1 1 0Butte 6 5 1Campbell 2 2 0Charles Mix 10 4 6Clark 2 2 0Clay 10 6 4Codington 9 6 3Corson 3 2 1Custer 10 9 1Davison 6 4 2Day 6 3 3Deuel 8 4 4Dewey 3 2 1Douglas 2 2 0Edmunds 6 4 2Fall River 14 5 9Faulk 8 3 5Grant 4 3 1Gregory 3 2 1Haakon 2 2 0Hamlin 2 2 0Hand 3 2 1Hanson 1 1 0Harding 1 1 0Hughes 22 7 15Hutchinson 3 3 0Hyde 1 1 0Jackson 1 1 0Jerauld 2 2 0Jones 2 2 0Kingsbury 5 4 1Lake 9 4 5Lawrence 36 14 22Lyman 4 3 1Marshall 9 4 5McCook 4 3 1McPherson 1 1 0

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Meade 48 15 33Mellette 5 4 1Miner 4 3 1Moody 10 5 5Perkins 3 2 1Potter 6 2 4Roberts 9 3 6Sanborn 3 2 1Spink 15 8 7Stanley 6 5 1Sully 3 3 0Todd 1 1 0Tripp 3 2 1Turner 5 4 1Union 19 6 13Walworth 10 2 8Yankton 10 9 1Ziebach 2 2 0


Bedford 73 26 47Benton 39 16 23Bledsoe 15 10 5Bradley 89 81 8Campbell 44 37 7Cannon 32 12 20Carroll 29 15 14Claiborne 40 38 2Clay 22 12 10Cocke 65 34 31Coffee 62 58 4Crockett 29 12 17Cumberland 81 38 43Decatur 16 10 6DeKalb 36 17 19Dyer 53 27 26Fentress 22 13 9Franklin 56 31 25Gibson 40 32 8Giles 54 20 34Grainger 24 15 9Greene 145 60 85Grundy 18 9 9Hamblen 61 60 1Hancock 27 18 9Hardeman 42 21 21Hardin 29 13 16Hartsville-Trousdale 29 16 13Haywood 31 13 18Henderson 24 21 3Henry 64 28 36Hickman 31 18 13Houston 19 8 11Humphreys 23 12 11Jackson 21 13 8Jefferson 47 28 19Johnson 32 16 16Lake 19 8 11Lauderdale 49 19 30Lawrence 48 34 14Lewis 31 14 17Lincoln 54 21 33Macon 56 21 35Marshall 44 19 25Maury 111 60 51McMinn 65 38 27McNairy 28 14 14


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Meigs 23 12 11Monroe 46 43 3Moore 21 12 9Morgan 32 14 18Obion 56 22 34Overton 51 18 33Perry 17 11 6Pickett 12 12 0Polk 35 17 18Putnam 104 49 55Rhea 46 46 0Roane 51 28 23Scott 44 31 13Sequatchie 18 11 7Smith 35 19 16Stewart 26 12 14Van Buren 13 7 6Warren 72 37 35Wayne 21 10 11Weakley 38 18 20White 47 22 25


Anderson 53 27 26Andrews 31 11 20Angelina 91 44 47Aransas 50 22 28Armstrong 7 3 4Atascosa 72 27 45Austin 42 22 20Bailey 8 4 4Bandera 34 21 13Baylor 11 3 8Bee 33 16 17Blanco 16 9 7Borden 3 2 1Bosque 21 10 11Brewster 23 9 14Briscoe 3 2 1Brooks 30 12 18Brown 50 21 29Burleson 27 15 12Burnet 69 32 37Calhoun 40 23 17Callahan 12 8 4Camp 17 6 11Carson 13 6 7Cass 35 13 22Castro 18 6 12Cherokee 52 25 27Childress 12 4 8Clay 19 11 8Cochran 13 8 5Coke 6 5 1Coleman 11 5 6Collingsworth 9 5 4Colorado 40 18 22Comanche 33 9 24Concho 9 4 5Cooke 48 21 27Cottle 2 2 0Crane 11 8 3Crockett 18 13 5Crosby 12 6 6Culberson 13 7 6Dallam 10 4 6Dawson 17 6 11

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Deaf Smith 37 13 24Delta 17 10 7Dewitt 25 10 15Dickens 6 2 4Dimmit 21 10 11Donley 8 5 3Duval 32 19 13Eastland 25 8 17Edwards 9 4 5Erath 42 20 22Falls 14 9 5Fannin 39 15 24Fayette 37 18 19Fisher 9 5 4Floyd 11 3 8Foard 4 3 1Franklin 19 9 10Freestone 30 17 13Frio 20 11 9Gaines 19 9 10Garza 14 8 6Gillespie 32 18 14Glasscock 3 3 0Goliad 24 12 12Gonzales 45 16 29Gray 38 14 24Grimes 43 24 19Hale 49 48 1Hall 9 3 6Hamilton 21 9 12Hansford 9 4 5Hardeman 10 5 5Hartley 4 4 0Haskell 8 2 6Hemphill 13 7 6Hill 43 19 24Hockley 23 9 14Hopkins 51 25 26Houston 26 13 13Howard 30 14 16Hudspeth 22 12 10Hutchinson 30 12 18Irion 8 4 4Jack 14 9 5Jackson 25 12 13Jasper 33 17 16Jeff Davis 4 3 1Jim Hogg 40 22 18Jim Wells 54 34 20Jones 17 6 11Karnes 16 8 8Kendall 43 29 14Kenedy 11 10 1Kent 4 2 2Kerr 90 44 46Kimble 12 7 5King 1 1 0Kinney 16 7 9Kleberg 69 25 44Knox 7 4 3Lamar 70 23 47Lamb 29 12 17Lampasas 32 20 12La Salle 20 15 5Lavaca 22 11 11Lee 16 10 6Leon 33 15 18Limestone 54 19 35


Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Lipscomb 9 5 4Live Oak 23 12 11Llano 39 20 19Loving 3 2 1Lynn 18 6 12Madison 23 8 15Marion 17 11 6Martin 7 3 4Mason 10 5 5Matagorda 70 36 34Maverick 76 33 43McCulloch 9 5 4McMullen 3 3 0Medina 53 19 34Menard 9 5 4Milam 23 11 12Mills 8 5 3Mitchell 11 5 6Montague 20 8 12Moore 39 13 26Morris 20 9 11Motley 2 2 0Navarro 110 62 48Newton 17 10 7Nolan 24 11 13Ochiltree 17 7 10Oldham 10 5 5Palo Pinto 48 19 29Panola 36 19 17Parmer 13 5 8Pecos 25 15 10Polk 69 43 26Presidio 25 6 19Rains 20 8 12Reagan 15 9 6Real 7 3 4Red River 27 12 15Reeves 498 12 486Refugio 34 13 21Roberts 5 4 1Robertson 23 9 14Runnels 26 7 19Rusk 57 35 22Sabine 18 8 10San Jacinto 29 13 16San Saba 9 4 5Schleicher 10 5 5Scurry 23 9 14Shackelford 12 3 9Shelby 29 11 18Sherman 8 3 5Somervell 41 20 21Starr 90 28 62Stephens 11 5 6Sterling 3 3 0Stonewall 7 3 4Sutton 13 4 9Swisher 9 7 2Terrell 5 3 2Terry 41 7 34Throckmorton 7 3 4Titus 52 23 29Trinity 16 11 5Tyler 27 20 7Upton 17 9 8Uvalde 28 15 13Val Verde 47 32 15Van Zandt 63 22 41

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Walker 62 30 32Ward 32 12 20Washington 56 31 25Wharton 61 37 24Wheeler 10 6 4Wilbarger 16 7 9Willacy 34 17 17Winkler 28 9 19Wise 91 46 45Wood 62 26 36Yoakum 20 10 10Young 34 14 20Zapata 97 32 65


Beaver 40 13 27Box Elder 72 28 44Cache 95 77 18Carbon 39 17 22Daggett 26 6 20Duchesne 39 15 24Emery 36 24 12Garfield 26 7 19Grand 28 20 8Iron 59 48 11Juab 18 7 11Millard 48 30 18Morgan 12 11 1Piute 3 3 0Rich 9 3 6San Juan 33 28 5Sanpete 24 19 5Sevier 61 51 10Summit 73 38 35Tooele 67 48 19Uintah 46 37 9Wasatch 38 18 20Washington 136 61 75Wayne 6 5 1


Bennington 17 12 5Franklin 19 11 8Lamoille 15 7 8Orleans 7 4 3Rutland 31 26 5Washington 12 10 2


Accomack 62 53 9Alleghany 53 42 11Amelia 19 12 7Appomattox 33 30 3Augusta 120 58 62Bath 17 17 0Bland 15 8 7Brunswick 41 18 23Buchanan 48 37 11Buckingham 21 16 5Caroline 41 32 9Carroll 33 27 6Charlotte 30 28 2Craig 13 8 5Cumberland 16 11 5Dickenson 40 31 9


County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Essex 13 13 0Floyd 27 17 10Franklin 88 73 15Frederick 99 85 14Giles 28 18 10Grayson 26 20 6Greensville 30 21 9Halifax 48 36 12Henry 119 106 13Highland 12 7 5King and Queen 15 8 7King William 27 16 11Lancaster 31 25 6Lee 46 46 0Louisa 47 34 13Lunenburg 21 14 7Madison 22 12 10Mecklenburg 35 31 4Middlesex 18 12 6Montgomery 107 92 15Nelson 20 14 6Northampton 46 36 10Northumberland 26 17 9Nottoway 21 14 7Orange 35 28 7Page 48 41 7Patrick 44 30 14Prince Edward 25 25 0Pulaski 51 41 10Rappahannock 21 21 0Richmond 16 10 6Rockbridge 29 22 7Rockingham 156 49 107Russell 57 47 10Shenandoah 62 54 8Smyth 54 54 0Southampton 74 62 12Surry 15 10 5Sussex 39 35 4Tazewell 86 76 10Westmoreland 30 21 9Wise 85 72 13Wythe 34 27 7


Adams 23 15 8Asotin 14 12 2Chelan 67 49 18Clallam 50 37 13Columbia 13 8 5Cowlitz 52 42 10Douglas 42 28 14Ferry 24 9 15Garfield 13 7 6Grant 58 43 15Grays Harbor 80 40 40Jefferson 27 22 5Kittitas 33 29 4Klickitat 43 15 28Lewis 57 40 17Lincoln 26 15 11Mason 56 43 13Okanogan 37 32 5Pacific 20 16 4Pend Oreille 31 11 20San Juan 26 16 10Skagit 102 53 49

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Skamania 25 21 4Stevens 35 30 5Wahkiakum 8 7 1Walla Walla 25 22 3Whitman 32 17 15


Barbour 8 3 5Barbour-Philippi State Police 5 4 1Boone 24 22 2Boone State Police:

Danville 6 5 1Whitesville 5 4 1

Braxton 12 11 1Braxton-Sutton State Police 6 5 1Calhoun 2 2 0Calhoun-Grantsville State Police 4 3 1Clay 7 6 1Clay-Clay State Police 7 6 1Doddridge 2 2 0Doddridge-West Union State Police 4 3 1Fayette 36 32 4Fayette State Police:

Gauley Bridge 4 3 1Oak Hill 10 9 1Parkway Authority 9 9 0

Gilmer 5 5 0Gilmer-Glenville State Police 5 4 1Grant 6 6 0Grant-Petersburg State Police 1 1 0Greenbrier 23 21 2Greenbrier State Police:

Lewisburg 8 7 1Rainelle 4 3 1

Hampshire 10 8 2Hampshire-Romney State Police 19 7 12Hardy 9 6 3Hardy-Moorefield State Police 5 4 1Harrison 37 35 2Harrison-Bridgeport State Police 16 15 1Jackson 18 13 5Jackson-Ripley State Police 5 4 1Lewis 11 9 2Lewis-Weston State Police 6 5 1Lincoln 7 7 0Lincoln-Hamlin State Police 8 7 1Logan 19 13 6Logan-Logan State Police 19 12 7Marion 35 25 10Marion-Fairmont State Police 7 6 1Mason 28 17 11Mason-Point Pleasant State Police 5 4 1McDowell 17 15 2McDowell-Welch State Police 8 7 1Mercer 31 24 7Mercer State Police:

Parkway Authority 6 6 0Princeton 13 10 3

Mingo 19 17 2Mingo State Police:

Gilbert 4 3 1Williamson 5 4 1

Monongalia 50 28 22Monongalia-Morgantown State Police 24 15 9Monroe 6 6 0Monroe-Union State Police 4 3 1Morgan 9 8 1


Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

Table 81

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Rural County by State—Continued

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Morgan-Berkeley Springs State Police 5 4 1Nicholas 24 19 5Nicholas State Police:

Richwood 4 3 1Summersville 4 3 1

Pendleton 3 3 0Pendleton-Franklin State Police 5 4 1Pleasants 7 6 1Pleasants-St. Marys State Police 4 3 1Pocahontas 17 6 11Pocahontas-Buckeye State Police 6 5 1Preston 29 14 15Preston-Kingwood State Police 7 6 1Raleigh 50 39 11Raleigh State Police:

Beckley 20 12 8Parkway Authority 10 9 1

Randolph 7 7 0Randolph-Elkins State Police 23 15 8Ritchie 7 6 1Ritchie-Harrisville State Police 4 3 1Roane 8 7 1Roane-Spencer State Police 6 5 1Summers 5 4 1Summers-Hinton State Police 5 4 1Taylor 19 6 13Taylor-Grafton State Police 3 2 1Tucker 5 4 1Tucker-Parsons State Police 4 3 1Tyler 9 4 5Tyler-Paden City State Police 4 3 1Upshur 8 8 0Upshur-Buckhannon State Police 8 7 1Webster 4 4 0Webster-Upperglade State Police 5 4 1Wetzel 8 8 0Wetzel-Hundred State Police 4 3 1Wirt 3 2 1Wirt-Elizabeth State Police 4 3 1Wyoming 18 17 1Wyoming-Jesse State Police 4 3 1


Adams 52 52 0Ashland 25 25 0Barron 7 7 0Bayfield 34 21 13Buffalo 21 10 11Burnett 30 15 15Clark 51 46 5Columbia 74 38 36Crawford 27 26 1Dodge 149 48 101Door 56 42 14Dunn 51 23 28Florence 10 10 0Fond du Lac 117 53 64Forest 37 35 2Grant 45 24 21Green 49 38 11

County by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Green Lake 42 18 24Iowa 32 20 12Iron 20 20 0Jefferson 120 97 23Juneau 52 41 11Kewaunee 38 36 2Lafayette 23 14 9Langlade 41 17 24Lincoln 48 28 20Manitowoc 103 61 42Marinette 59 30 29Marquette 37 37 0Menominee 7 6 1Monroe 51 48 3Oconto 55 23 32Pepin 16 10 6Portage 85 43 42Price 32 20 12Sauk 116 87 29Shawano 83 38 45Taylor 36 17 19Trempealeau 45 23 22Vernon 26 26 0Vilas 69 34 35Walworth 211 82 129Washburn 27 13 14Wood 78 44 34


Albany 26 20 6Big Horn 15 8 7Campbell 57 37 20Carbon 36 15 21Converse 17 10 7Crook 17 5 12Fremont 93 28 65Goshen 8 7 1Hot Springs 5 3 2Johnson 9 8 1Lincoln 35 15 20Niobrara 15 4 11Park 41 18 23Platte 10 9 1Sheridan 23 17 6Sublette 39 23 16Sweetwater 50 31 19Teton 42 22 20Uinta 37 24 13Washakie 7 6 1Weston 9 7 2


American Samoa 250 200 50Guam 331 273 58Puerto Rico 19,274 17,297 1,977Virgin Islands 631 459 172

National Institutes of Health 117 57 60


Other agency by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees Other agency by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 82

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Other Agencies by State


City of Montgomery, Housing Authority,Investigative Unit 7 6 1

Huntsville International Airport 24 19 5 Marshall County Drug Enforcement 7 6 1


Anchorage International Airport 65 63 2 Fairbanks International Airport 27 26 1


East Bay Regional Parks, AlamedaCounty 65 51 14

Fontana Unified School District 22 13 9Grant Joint Union High School 23 20 3Monterey Peninsula Airport 5 5 0Port of San Diego Harbor 147 127 20San Bernardino Unified School District 75 22 53San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit, Contra Costa County 258 180 78

Stockton Unified School District 18 18 0


Metro Transit Police 457 347 110National Zoological Park 21 21 0


Florida School for the Deaf and Blind 15 9 6Fort Lauderdale Airport 139 88 51Jacksonville Airport Authority 33 32 1Lee County Port Authority 47 32 15Melbourne International Airport 12 11 1Miami-Dade County Public Schools 204 177 27Miccosukee Tribal 51 38 13Palm Beach County School District 207 134 73Pinellas County Schools 21 16 5Sarasota-Bradenton InternationalAirport 16 16 0

Seminole Tribal 79 55 24Tampa International Airport 138 64 74Volusia County Beach Management 72 62 10


Augusta Board of Education 42 38 4Bibb County Board of Education 33 28 5Cherokee County Marshal 12 6 6Cobb County Board of Education 34 32 2Fayette County Marshal 10 9 1Fulton County Marshal 68 61 7Gwinnett County Marshal 1 1 0Gwinnett County Public Schools 20 17 3Macon County Schools 4 4 0Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority 306 268 38

Mitchell County Drug Unit 9 8 1Richmond County Marshal 32 26 6Troup County Marshal 8 7 1Washington County Board of Education 5 5 0


Cook County Forest Preserve 125 116 9Du Page County Forest Preserve 28 24 4


Lake County Forest Preserve 9 9 0Springfield Park District 8 8 0Will County Forest Preserve 12 11 1


St. Joseph County Airport Authority 16 16 0


Johnson County Park 15 14 1Metropolitan Topeka Airport Authority 25 19 6

Shawnee Mission Public Schools 10 10 0Topeka Fire Department, Arson Investigation 1 1 0

Unified School District:Goddard 4 4 0Maize 5 3 2

Wyandotte County Parks and Recreation 9 9 0


Buffalo Trace-Gateway NarcoticsTask Force 4 4 0

Cincinnati-Northern KentuckyInternational Airport 60 43 17

Fayette County Schools 30 26 4FIVCO Area Drug Task Force 6 5 1Jefferson County Board of Education 24 18 6Land Between The Lakes 9 9 0Lexington Bluegrass Airport 28 20 8 Northern Kentucky Narcotics Enforcement 3 1 2

Pennyrile Narcotics Task Force 9 9 0


Penobscot Indian Island 18 7 11


Bishop International Airport 6 6 0Capitol Region Airport Authority 25 21 4Hudson Mills Metropark 8 8 0Kensington Metropark 8 7 1Lower Huron Metropark 7 7 0Metro Beach Metropark 6 6 0Stoney Creek Metropark 6 6 0Wayne County Airport 182 177 5


Minneapolis-St. Paul InternationalAirport 110 71 39

Three Rivers Park District 32 18 14


Clay County Park Authority 6 5 1 Jackson County Park Rangers 20 18 2 Lambert-St. Louis InternationalAirport 120 93 27

St. Charles County Park Rangers 3 3 0


Clark County School District 130 116 14

Table 82

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Other Agencies by State—Continued

Other agency by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Washoe County School District 31 29 2


Park Police:Camden County 45 44 1Morris County 32 31 1Union County 364 318 46

Prosecutor:Atlantic County 125 76 49Bergen County 262 124 138Burlington County 136 51 85Camden County 261 168 93Cape May County 61 19 42Cumberland County 63 20 43Essex County 449 303 146Gloucester County 83 24 59Hudson County 221 96 125Hunterdon County 47 19 28Mercer County 155 101 54Middlesex County 199 128 71Monmouth County 283 80 203Morris County 151 103 48Ocean County 149 68 81Passaic County 197 81 116Salem County 38 17 21Somerset County 113 50 63Sussex County 51 32 19Union County 223 67 156Warren County 59 34 25


Acoma Tribal 16 8 8Jicarilla Tribal 38 20 18Laguna Tribal 27 18 9Santa Clara Tribal 11 5 6Taos Pueblo Tribal 15 8 7Zuni Tribal 48 22 26


Onondaga County Parks 2 2 0Staten Island Rapid Transit 25 24 1Suffolk County Parks 40 34 6


Asheville Regional Airport 15 15 0Caswell Center Hospital 3 3 0Cherokee Tribal 36 36 0Piedmont Triad International Airport 29 18 11Raleigh-Durham International Airport 34 31 3Wilmington International Airport 15 13 2


Cleveland Metropolitan Park District 78 68 10Greater Cleveland Regional TransitAuthority 116 103 13

Hamilton County Park District 35 32 3Port Columbus International Airport 57 35 22Wood County Park District 6 6 0


Norman Public Schools 6 5 1Putnam City Campus 25 20 5

Other agency by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees


Port of Portland 58 45 13


Allegheny County District Attorney,Criminal Investigation Division 28 24 4

Allegheny County Port Authority 65 45 20 County Detective:

Butler County 4 4 0Cumberland County 9 7 2Dauphin County 15 12 3Lebanon County 7 6 1Lehigh County 8 8 0Westmoreland County 60 16 44

Delaware County District Attorney,Criminal Investigation Division 38 31 7

Delaware County Park 50 49 1Harrisburg International Airport 19 14 5Tyrone Area School District 3 2 1Westmoreland County Park 22 22 0


Narragansett Tribal 11 10 1


Charleston County Aviation Authority 34 25 9Columbia Metropolitan Airport 16 15 1Whitten Center 3 3 0


Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport 22 14 8Knoxville Metropolitan Airport 44 26 18Memphis International Airport 52 41 11Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation (Nashville-Davidson) 19 19 0

Nashville International Airport 80 66 14Tri-Cities Regional Airport 18 17 1


Amarillo International Airport 15 15 0Cameron County Park Rangers 10 10 0Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport 338 305 33

Hospital District:Dallas County 92 62 30Tarrant County 64 32 32

Houston Metropolitan TransitAuthority 239 152 87

Independent School District:Aldine 44 35 9Alvin 15 13 2Angleton 5 4 1Austin 77 53 24Bay City 8 7 1Brownsville 97 15 82Conroe 78 54 24Corpus Christi 57 29 28East Central 13 12 1Ector County 26 23 3El Paso 38 30 8Fort Bend 44 39 5Hempstead 1 1 0Judson 8 7 1Katy 32 24 8


Other agency by stateTotal



Total lawenforcementemployees Other agency by state



Total lawenforcementemployees


Table 82

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees as of October 31, 2002by Other Agencies by State—Continued


Killeen 12 12 0Klein 37 24 13Midland 23 8 15North East 42 36 6Pasadena 32 24 8Raymondville 4 4 0Socorro 18 16 2Spring 28 27 1Spring Branch 40 31 9Taft 2 2 0Tyler 5 5 0Weslaco 15 15 0


Granite School District 22 16 6


Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel 85 42 43


Colville Tribal 35 23 12 Lummi Tribal 22 20 2 Nisqually Tribal 12 11 1Port of Seattle 134 108 26Skokomish Tribal 6 5 1Swinomish Tribal 12 9 3


Kanawha County Parks and Recreation 2 2 0


Menominee Tribal 34 26 8Oneida Tribal 31 24 7