City vision Lagunya 20160128

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Transcript of City vision Lagunya 20160128

LAGUNYA | PHILIPPIThursday, 28 January 2016 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | Fax: 021 910 6501 | Email:

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Life will definitely change for the betterfor a group of children at a local schoolafter they had beenhanded donations of

school uniform and shoes.The donations were made possible the

Women’s Ministry of the Langa United Con-gregational Church in Gugulethu.Smiles were written on the faces of about

20 recipients of Bonga Primary School in thearea.Nomazwi Mooi, a leader in the ministry,

said this was the second time they had donea good deed to the needy at the school. Thefirst was in 2015.“We dug from our own pockets. Last year

we donated school uniforms to 15 needylearners. We love what we are doing and weare enjoy it. Our wish is to turn this into anannual project and see it grow,” Mooi said.She said they have also had helped parent-

sless children through a project called Carefor Orphans.“Our members registered these children

from their streets. We then gave them gro-

ceries and also vouchers to buy the necessa-ry stuff at home.Some of our members also do not have

means, but they also contributed to the bet-terment of the children,” she added.AyandaNcinane, school principal, said he

was very happy with the donation and saidit will go a long way towards helping thelearners as Cape winters can be very harsh.“I am very excited, because this donation

is going tohelp the learners andalso contrib-ute in improving pass rate at the school. 90%of our intake come from disadvantaged

backgrounds.We actually needmore donations, because

there are a lot of learners who do not haveschool uniform.We will not be able to achieve our target

of improving the pass rate if we still havelearnerswho do not have all they need,”Nci-nane said.Obose Songamela, Grade 3 learner, ap-

plauded the donation. “I feel very happy, be-cause I did not have a school uniform. Mymother is unemployed and she cannot affordto buyme school uniform,” Songamela said.


UUmmaannyyaannoo ddoonnaatteessMembers of Women’s Ministry of Langa United Congregational Church, teachers, learners and Ayanda Ncinane, school principal (right) were happy for the donation for school uniform, at BongaPrimary School, in Gugulethu, on Tuesday. PHOTOS: MBONGISENI MASEKO

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 20162 NEWS

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LAUGHINGlunga adam

Oh Lord, we are in thelast throes of JanuarySo on Sunday we are bidding farewell tothe longest month ever, and yours trulycan already hear all those ululations andstomping of the feet going on all aroundVisionland.

Phew, what a stretch! No wonder someus always hold celebrations whenever thesunsets, come month end. Man, Januarycan be so troublesome; let’s start with thePravin Gordhan (financial) side of things.I mean, just the other day some guysbroke into my house while I was fastasleep and demanded money. I had nochoice but to get up off the bed and helpthem look for it. Almost every year, thisis the month that sees grown men cryingbecause of its ‘two-months-in-one’ effect.You are even wary of coming across kidsin the street because they will ask forspare change to buy chips and you do notwanna be exposed. One feels ratheruseless.

People are so poor during the month ofJan that they cannot afford to even smile.Or pay attention. And you know whathappens when people don’t smile. Theysnap at others at the slightest of irrita-tion. You step on their shoes and theygive you a funny look, as if to say youhave committed the biggest of crimes. Soyou have to apologise for stamping on theshoe and also for being looked at funny.You comment on a person’s favouriteteam’s result during this month at yourown peril, for it is easy for them to makea meal of it. All this because of the firstmonth of the year that is January.

Poor Jan. I’m sure if months were ableto talk, Janu-worry would be the mostfrustrated of the lot. It would be tauntedby its peers – especially December – forcausing a great deal of distress onsociety.

January would have to spend hoursand hours trying to think what it is thatit has to do to bring a bit more cheeramong penniless folk.

I also think this month ending thiscoming Sunday is a case of perfecttiming, for it means for those who work,there will be a noticeable change in theirlunchboxes. Come to think of it, during

Jan, you will find people feasting on themost inconvenient of meals, ranging fromumbeko (leftover food) to umphokoqo,samp without beans, bread and tea,intyorontyoro, and so on. A large majorityof those who partake of the juice of thevine will also be coming out of theirself-imposed exile. This after telling alland sundry at the beginning of the year:“Ndibuyekile.” These fellas have youfooled for real. They will go nowherenear the drinking holes and on the oddoccasion you will even find them clutch-ing a Bible, on their way to the localchurch.Umjita has suddenly seen the light, or

so it seems. This is until February comesalong and knocks some sense into all ofus– it was all an act. Said bloke wasbroke. All the while, the fishers of menat the local church are left asking abouthis whereabouts until he reappears nextJan. I also know of those who wouldunashamedly and proudly proclaim:“Ayikho grand iweyi yokunkintsha evernaskhathi bafethu. Ndisa quit-ile.”

See what this month makes people doand say? The funny thing is that this isthe case year after year, which can onlymean that we do not learn from our pastmistakes and we do not plan ahead forthis monster of a month. It’s like going tofight Floyd Mayweather but not doing thenecessary preparation beforehand. Talkabout shooting oneself in the foot!

My only advice for the guys on how tobeat the January blues is to find yourselfa sugar mama for just this month. Whynot? I’m told they fund lifestyles. Well, aslong as you act according to the requiredinstructions when the lights are switchedoff, anyway.

A Barcelona resident hurls plastic containers filled with faeces at passing carsPHOTO: GROUND-UP

Leaders’ disputeleaves a foul smellProtests broke out again last Thurs-

day on the N2 next to Barcelona in-formal settlement.

Residents said they were furious thattheir portable and communal toilets havebeen left attended for weeks.

Residents have been throwing theirsewage into a stream that runs alongsidethe N2. And when they protest, they havebeen throwing it onto the national roaditself.

Mongami Mbilie, who is also a commu-nity leader, said that both the portabletoilets and the communal toilets in Barce-lona have not been cleaned since Decem-ber 31.

Last Thursday, residents emptied thecontents of a communal toilet into largeplastic bags and carried it to the side ofthe N2.

Some threw the packets onto the road.The GroundUp team saw a toilet that

was supposed to service three homes, butwas overflowing and crawling with mag-gots.

Last week, Ground-Up reported thatthere was a dispute over who should beemployed to clean the toilets, with resi-dents claiming that the ward councillorMzwakhe Nqavashe had altered the listof people who had been selected.

Nqavashe then said that the people se-lected to clean the toilets were selectedrandomly from a database.

Community leader Mpintshi Tafana re-futed this claim, saying that there havebeen two different lists. The communitywas happy with the first list that washanded over two weeks ago but the newlist that they were given last week con-tained a different list of names, with onlya few names appearing on both lists.

He said that the community wasn’t toldwhy there was a new list.

“All of a sudden he [Nqavashe] cameand changed the list,” Mbilie said.

Mbilie said that Nqavashe was themain person who was delaying the proc-ess of cleaning the toilets. He added thatNqavashe was “totally different” to previ-ous councillors.

In response, Nqavashe said that thefirst list was randomly generated andthen taken to the community for com-ment to see whether everyone on it stillqualified for the job.

He said that there were complaintswith the list, meaning that some peopleon it didn’t qualify anymore. A new listwas then compiled.

Nqavashe said that there were two fac-tions in Barcelona “fighting for power”.

Due to complaints with the second listhe said that he will be speaking to the resi-dents to sort the issue out.

Mbilie explained that “residents empty[the toilets] in the canal and some of themdig holes.”

“It is terrible. There are all these mag-gots. You can’t even sit on the toilet. Someof the toilets are close to the houses andyou can see it [the sewerage] running intothe house. It’s not good because of thisheat as well.

If you clean it yourself it only lasts twodays before the maggots come. And forthe children’s sake it is also not right,”he said.

The stream into which residents throwtheir sewerage is also by an area wherechildren often play and livestock come tograze. We saw a cow grazing along thestream.

Resident Vuyiswa Mkendla said thatthe situation was “very bad” and that shehad to use all sorts of cleaning agents toclean her toilet, which was expensive.


Plus-sized, sizzling mammas for auditionsLocal aspirant plus sized models are invitedto auditions for the Miss Round Figure West-ern Cape.

The auditions will take place KwaLangaon Saturday 30 January at the Guga SthebeArts Centre and is organised by Teachma-ling Women’s Project with Metsielov Enter-

tainment. Applicants must be between 20and 39.

The auditions will take place between09:00 and 13:30. The entrance is free and par-ticipants are advised to wear smart casualattire with high heels.

For more info please contact 079 211 60 11.

Laugh out loud atthe Look-out HillFundi Ntshwanti of Radio Zibonele FM wilhost Amasokolari Township Comedy showat Malibongwe Restuarant at the LookoutHill, on Friday 05 February. The show willstart from 7pm to 10pm. Various comedianswill share the stage. Tickets are sold at R60and only 200 tickets available. Fore moreinfomation call on 0823459006 or 0782761075.

Inmate back in the slammerOne of the five prisoners who escaped fromthe Lentegeur police cells at the weekendhas been re-arrested, Western Cape policeconfirmed on Monday. Police were stilllooking for the remaining four, Colonel An-dré Traut said.They were awaiting theirfirst appearance in court when they fled.

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 2016 NEWS 3


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“People like you excite me...”An inspiring South African story has

been doing the rounds on social mediaover the weekend about a misplaced

wallet and the search to find the owner…Khayelitsha actress Andrea Sebe Laben-

guni Dondolo posted a message on Fridaysaying:

“So at the airport behind our car, guesswhat I find as I am about to load my luggage.A wallet left on the trolley – licence, moneyand all.

Am busy trying to track its owner now,wanna give him in his hand. Will track himtill I find him.”

Dondolo added four photos showing themoney found, a photo presumed to be of thewallet’s owner, and his Makro card.

Several people offered advice on how totrack him down – his facebook page didn’tseem to be active – but one facebook user WizEscobar soon reported that he had calledMakro and made a connection with the own-er, Carel N.

Within an hour and a half of her first post– which has been shared over 13,000 times…

Dondolo reported “Got him, thank youWiz…we meeting him later to hand him hisriches, poor man.”

Within a day, she posted photos of the “re-union” saying “Happy ending wallet andowner reunited in Pretoria

Friends and facebook followers postedmessages congratulating Andrea for herspirit of uBuntu with one, Mnoza N. saying“you represent everything that is good,kind, honest. People like you excite me andmake me feel we’ll be ok, our future in thiscountry is ok!”

After she posted the photo of her meetingwith the wallet owner, one friend ManhunkiH. said:

“What a beautiful picture I see here, can’thold my tears with happiness as if it’s me

who is getting my wallet back, big up myfriend I bow to you…”

Andrea wrote: “#Rise the consciousnessmovement is active.”

Meanwhile Dondolo has been nominatedas a Lead SA Hero for her efforts to trackdown the wallet owner.

“ The Lead SA Hero Award is bestowed onactive citizens who make a difference in thelives of others and/or in their communities.Andrea’ s act of kindness has been inspiringto others and we would like to recognise herfor it,” said Marisa Oosthuizen co-ordinatorof Crime Line and Lead SA Coordinator

Top: Where Andrea found the wallet. The cash Andrea Dondolo reuniting the wallet with its relieved owner Carel N.

Cops calls for communityto assist in investigationMANDLA MAHASHE

Harare police have called on the commu-nity to help them piece together pieces ofthe puzzle after gunmen robbed a she-been and shot at the patrons last week inEnkanini, Khayelitsha.

According to the police the six armedmen stormed into the shebeen and de-manded cash before sprayed bullets.

“Three patrons were shot in the proc-ess, two died on the scene and one wastaken to hospital. They made off with anundisclosed amount of money.

Anyone with information that can leadto the arrest of the suspects is requestedto contact Harare SAPS at (021) 363 9000and request to speak to the Investigating

Officer Sgt Nceba Gojo,” said Harare Po-lice spokesperson Lieutenant Siyabu-lela Vukubi.

Vukubi also noted the illegal shebeenwere in fact adding to the crime problemin the area.

“We would like to express their con-cern with regards to the illegal liquoroutlets that are operating in Harare pre-cinct. An increasing number of theseshebeens are posing a huge threat tosafety of the citizens in our communi-ties. They are also creating a space forruthless criminals to execute thesecriminal elements,” he said.

He also urged legal liquor outlets tooperate within their stipulated timeframes to prevent these incidents.

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 20164 NEWS

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Recruits stood the test of timeMBONGISENI MASEKO

Ethopian Episcopal Church in Langarecently ordain a number of seniorsto thepositions of deaconsandpastors

within its fold recently.Two seniors were elevated to positions

of priest,while twoothers becamedeacons.For them and their families, the occasionwas one that left fond memories.The event took place last Sunday.Mncedisi Sandi and Ndileka Mahlathi

were promoted from deacons to ministers,and Buyiswa Mhlom and John Nongalaza,were elevated from Evangelist to the Dea-conship.Nokuzola Peter, a senior priest at the

church hailed the day as one that will al-ways stand out in the church's calendar.“It is a very big day for us as the church.

It is a celebration...we welcome them intothe priesthood and deaconship of thechurch. They are called by God to the min-istry,” Peter said.Peter said these opportunities were open

to churchmemberswho voluntarily raisedtheir hands to announce their availabilityfor serving God’s people.

According to her, those that chose thispath first work under the supervision of adesignated senior pastor for a minimumperiod of a year, where they also undergotraining before they get promoted.Thus the two have served variously as

evangelists, have led the congregation, vi-sited hospitals and have participated inmany other church activities and projects.“There is no rest for a deacon. Theymust

be prepared to sacrifice their time to ad-vance the work of the church at any time.The church then decides their fate, havingdone a diligent check on their trackrecord,” Peter added.Mhlom is deployed in the Cape Town

East (Paarl) region.She said she first heard her calling in

1996, but ignored it until 2000.“God spoke to me...I had to openmy ears

after I felt the presence of his voice. I thenknocked on for evangelism andmy churchgave me the green light. Challenges werethere, but I overcame them...”The lot were inducted by Reverend Dali-

wongaNtlokwana.Mahlathi is deployed inOudtshoorn, Sandi is deployed in Georgeand Nongalaza in Worcester.

Nokuzola Peter, senior priest, Ndileka Mahlathi and Mncedisi Sandi were ordained ministers,Reverend Lekhaya James, regional dean, during the event, in Langa, on Sunday. PHOTO:MBONGISENI MASEKO

Minister Buyiswa Mhlom, was also ordained by Reverend Daliwonga Ntlokwana.Mncedisi Sandi during her ordination by Reverend Daliwonga Ntlokwana.

Parents demand transport for learnersGROUND-UP

Khanya primary school in Samora,Philippi, was closed down by par-ents last Thursday, who demandedscholar transport for their children.About 200 parents, learners and

teachers stood outside the schoolgates, chanting songs.A teacher who did not want to be

named said that when he and othersteachers arrived for classes, theywere rfused entry.“This is a problem because some

learners walk from far and come toschool tired already. But this is alsoa setback for these kids. Theyshould be in class,” he said.The teacher also said, “The wom-

en who cook were chased out by theparents.”Parents took control of the school

keys and locked the gate, allowingno one inside.Parent and School Governing

Body chairperson Buntu Mbandesays the Western Cape EducationDepartment had told them, whenthe parents went to their offices yes-terday, that they would call by endof day.

“They did not call me I am stillwaiting today,” he said. “They saidthe only thing that was missing [be-fore transport can be provided] wasthe signature from someone in theDepartment.Why is it taking so longto get that signature?”Parents say when they saw that

no buses were coming to pick uptheir children on the first day ofschool, they got together and wentto the Department of Educationwhere they were promised that theissue would be resolved.“We want to show them that we

are serious about our children’ssafety,” saidMbade. “There are kidswho are raised by extended familiesand survive on donations. How arethey going to pay for transport?These children are young there aregirls. What if they get raped?” hecontinued.Nomfusi Norhanga and Ndileka

Mbutho are also parents who sharethe same worries.Norhanga says her grade 6 daugh-

ter once got inwhat is knownas Iph-ela (mini taxis) and when she real-ised that her daughter should havebeen home already she went to the

school.“Luckily someone had taken the

numberplate of the car.What if theydid not?” Nomfusi said.“When we found the car he said

he was delivering other people butI know it doesn’t take that long to getto where we stay,” said NorhangaMbutho on the other hand com-

plains of children being robbed ontheirway to school. “Ifmykids havetowalkall theway fromVlei tohere,I have to walk with them. I am a sin-gle parent I can’t afford to pay trans-port for all of them.”Travelling from Vlei to Samora

costs R14 return adding up to R280per month. Mbutho would have tospend R840 a month for her threekids.The school moved from Mitchells

Plain to Samora in 2015 and theschool transport continued eventhen.But Jessica Shelver, spokesper-

son for Education Minister DebbieSchaffer, disputes that transportshould be provided. She sentGroundUp a map showing the near-est schools to where the students re-side.


The congregation of the SinethembaNation-al Baptist Church wishes to announce its in-tention to erect a solid brick structure for itmembers.Founded in 2002 byReverendPhiweDawe-

ti, it is based on the corners of NY110-127.In order to realise this dream, the church

has embarked on a fund-raising drive, to beable to buy as many bricks as possible.Called Buy-a-Brick, the intention is to sell

as many brick as possible to the public andlocal businesses at R30 each.The project will be launched at the church

on February 07 2016. The programme startsat 8:30. For more info contact Tarzan Mbita:079 566 7949

Help Baptists build church Rogue cop smuggles drugsA police constable was due to appear in theMitchells Plain Magistrate’s Court onWednesday for allegedly trying to smuggledrugs to prisoners in the court’s holdingcells. The commander of the Mitchells Plaincourt orderlies received a tip-off that one ofhis members was involved in illegal activi-ties, resulting in the 31-year-old officer beingsearched on Tuesday, Lieutenant ColonelAndrè Traut said in a statement onWednes-

day. He was allegedly found with four pack-ets of crushed Mandrax and two dagga ciga-rettes, and was arrested and charged withcorruption and possession of drugs.“We have reason to believe that he was

smuggling the drugs to prisoners in theholding cells,” Traut said. “There is no placein our service for corrupt members and wewill systematically get rid of them all.”News24

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 2016 NEWS 5





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“Tsotsi” Bishop applies for bailSPINDOG MOTSAMAI

If eyes were weapons, then the sinisterglances exchanged between the followersand the the familyof aBishop facing fraud

charges could easily have led to the spillingof blood.These scenes were played out inside the

Bishop LavisMagistrates Court onMonday.The situation was visibly tense and secu-

rity was on high alert as Bishop NopinkieMdleleni of God Is Able Healing Ministry-who faces four charges of fraud-was broughtin from Pollsmoor Prison where she hasbeen in custody since December 2015.Mdleleni,40, pleaded not guilty to all the

charges and her defence will today(Thurs-day) file an application for bail.The case was first heard in the second

week of January but was postponed for fur-ther investigations.City Vision understands that the com-

plainants are still mobilising for more peo-ple to come out and “lay charges against”Mdleleni. And the social media is flush with

new complainants everyday.Whatsapp posts seen by this reporter,

there are more than five new complainantswho have vowed to come out and lodge theircharges against the Bishop who has fallenfrom grace.Last week a group of disgruntled congre-

gants sighed with relief as Mdleleni was de-nied bail and sent back to Pollsmoor Prison.Waving placards bearing her name, the

members detailed how their church leader“fleeced them out of hard earned cash”.Hloni Tyali is one of those who claim that

the accused bishop “conned” her out of R80,000.“I sold my house in Mfuleni and told her

I was looking to buy another one. She imme-diately toldme that sheknewof a couple thatwere relocating overseas,” she alleged.Tyali said she trusted the bishop and nev-

er doubted she would harm her.“She wanted to be a middle person be-

tween me and the seller because she saidthey would sell it cheaper to her.“I deposited the money into her account

and after she said the seller asked for a threemonths period to move out in October, I sawno problem with that,” she added.When that period lapsed Tyali went to the

bishop and was allegedly told to wait for an-other week.“Just before the week ended she phoned

saying she had a family funeral in the East-ern Cape and that was the last time I heardfrom her,” Tyali said.Tyali said she was shocked when she

heard her bishopwas arrested onNovember24 on matters relating to fraud.“I was in tears because I knew my money

had gone,” she said. The bishopwas arrestedfor defrauding a couple she had promised to“rent them one of her flats in Plattekloof”.

“We met at Khayelitsha Maintennance of-fice and she promised to help find a flat andwe paid an upfront deposit of R8 000.“When the time to occupy the flat came it

was apparent we were duped and I openeda case against her,” SiphuxoloMwanda said.Mr Mwanda added that the bishop has ru-

ined his trust. “We really believed and nowwe have to rely on the courts to get back ourmoney or see justice done,” he said.Attending out interest was Zikhona Ndzo

andherhusbandwho claim to be owedaboutR15,000 by the bishop. “Weweremembers ofher church until she started using us asbreathing ATMS. When sh was due to to re-fund us, she came with stories but we be-lieved her nonetheless,” she said.

The police van arrives at Bishop Lavis Magistrate Court carrying Bishop Nopinky Mdleleni (inset)and other prisoners on Monday January 25.

Some of the complainants against Bishop Nopinky Mdleleni outside the magistrates court onMonday.

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 20166 NEWS


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ANC and DA are defendersof white monopoly capitalZuko Mndayi’s letter(Blacks vote for theDA at their own peril, City Vision, 21January, 2016) refers.

History is a judge of all situations inlife. I am raising this just because theANC of 1994 was a sell-out project whichled to people being less confident ingeneral.

Also the question of corruption andbetrayal of the black working class bythe ANC, has led then to loosing faith inthe ANC.

Our condition has not changed muchsince 1994. But again the ANC neverfought for the people to be free in thetrue sense of the word.They are promoting opportunism

through Black Economic Empowerment,awarding tenders to their cronies, sothat we have self-enrichment.

As a result, the top six of the ANCleadership are business men and womenin their own right.

The DA does not differ much from theANC, just that so far they have most ofthe capitalist class in their fold.Most of the labour brokers belong

there too.Moreover, the DA stands for white

monopoly capital in South Africa .The

ANC government killed workers inMarikana, Andries Tatane and peoplewho are protesting in community aboutservice delivery.

State brutality is the order of the dayunder ANC, just as it was under Apart-heid. In the rural areas of the WesternCape, the DA continues to suppress farmworkers just like ANC.Even when people protest about

housing in the Western Cape, they getarrested by the DA and the ANC.

There is no difference between ANC-where the Black leadership is a buffer sbetween White monopoly capital and theBlack working class- and the DA.

My point here, Mr Mndayi is that theDA and the ANC are the sane, or theANC and the DA are the same.

They will never free the Black workingclass in South Africa and till we dealwith white monopoly capital we willnever resolve the race question. As longas we are not united as the working classwe will forever be dealing with falsesolutions. The ANC and DA are the forcebehind White monopoly capital, and weshould trust neither.

MABHELANDILE TWANIProgressive Youth Movement| Fax: 021 946 1971 | PO Box 747, Bellville 7535 | Preference will be given to lettersnot exceding 250 words. The deadline is Friday at 12:00. Supply your name, addressand telephone number (for our records and not for publication).

Write to usNew pension law is unfair to usThe new law on pension and providentfund savings will only suit governmentemployees because they are less likely tobe retrenched than private sector work-ers.

Government employees also have manybenefits compared to people in theprivate sector. The government should

have considered people in the privatesector before coming up with the newlaw. Our leaders must take the blame forthe falling rand and now they want toaccess our hard-earned money with thisnew law.


Wisdom of the old is timelessAn old saying goes: “What an old mancan see sitting down, a young mancannot see standing.”

This simply means that the youthmust not ignore the advice of theirelders.

We live in a society characterised by ahigh number of illiterate adults andeducated young people.

Young people use their education asa reason to look down on uneducatedelders. This mentality is uncalled forbecause elders know a lot about life.

Their lessons can’t be learnt in theclassroom. The fact that they did not goto school doesn’t mean they are inferior.

WELSH MAGOKhayelitsha

Our kids’ future lies in tattersIt really concerns me how we spend somuch money on things that do notreally matter when it comes to thefuture of our chuildren.

I am worried about how, we asparents, neglect to focus on our chil-dren’s future. Here I am talking aboutchildren’s education.

Instead of investing in our children’seducation, we spend money on theseexpensive clothing brands, forgettingthat clothes have no value.

Some parents complain how expensiveis the stationery, but don’t complainwhen buying these expensive clothingbrands. Do they understand that thestationery will shape their children’sfuture? Oh no. I don’t think so.

Please parents, let’s work smart andrather brand our children’s future.The future of our children lies on how

we think and plan.BUSISIWE HENDA


Our freedom has been soldThe 1994 political breakthrough broughtsome guarantees to every South Africanin terms of constitutional right tofreedom of association and freedom ofprotest.

However, today we are witnessingso-called freedom fighters turning their

backs on our children at universities.Instead of listening to their plight, theyunleashed their dogs on protestingchildren. This is a betrayal of our noblestruggle for freedom.


Don’t run away from your problemsIt’s shocking to learn that there arepeople who commit suicide as a way ofescaping their problems.

I believe only cowards think thatsuicide is the solution to their problems.Real people don’t run away from theirproblems.

They try by all means to find asolution, no matter how tough life mayturn out to be.

People, it’s wrong to commit suicide.You need to think about your familyand the pain they will suffer after your

death.People who kill themselves leave their

families with many unanswered ques-tions.Take time to resolve your problems

instead of killing yourself.Life is a gift from God and we

shouldn’t take it for granted.It is also important t talk to someone ,

be it a friend or family member. Maybethey can help to resolve your problems.


Blaahs thankful to youBlaahs Society Cape Town held Decem-ber Family Outing on the 12 December2015 in Riverside Picnic Resort , Fran-schoek.

The place is beautiful which is sur-rounded with trees, beautiful big lawn,braaing areas, birds, playing grounds,river, etc. The Blaahs Society Cape Town

is thanking all the people who supportedthem in making their event successful.We are humbly requesting to all oursupporters, families and the entirecommunities to keep on supporting ourevents.

TOTO MPOFUBlaahs Society PRO

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 2016 NEWS 7

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 20168 NEWS CITY VISION

Thursday, 28 January 2016 NEWS 9

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 201610 NEWS

Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale ParlementWestern Cape Provincial ParliamentIPalamente yePhondo leNtshona Koloni Human Communications (Cape) C124168

Posbus 648, Kaapstad8000, Suid-Afrika

PO Box 648, Cape Town8000, South Africa

PO Box 648, Ekapa8000, Mzantsi Africa 21 487 1600


Umvuzo: Uhambelana namava, iphakheji epheleleyo yomvuzokuthetha-thethwana ngayo ukusuka kuma-R521 409 ngonyaka*

Iimfuneko: • IsiDanga sokuQala esamkelweyo seYunivesiti okanye isiqinisekiso esilingana naso kwinqanaba le-NQF lesi-7kwikhondo eliphathelelene noku okanye elinxulumene noku • Ubuncinane beminyaka emi-5 yamava kulawulo lwezimali• Abafaki zicelo abahloliweyo ngokokuQondwa kweMfundo yangaPhambili bamkelekile ukuba bafake izicelo • UlwaziloMthetho woLawulo lweMali kaRhulumente kunye/okanye uMthetho woLawulo lweMali weZindlu zoWiso-mithethozaMaphondo nePalamente (FMPPLA, uMthetho 10 ka 2009) kunye nezithethe nemigangatho • Amava angqinwayoekuqulunqeni iiNgxelo zeMali zeXeshana nezoNyaka ngokungqinelana noMsebenzi woCwangciso-mali oQondwayo Jikelele• Izakhono zonxibelelwalwano ezilungileyo zokubhala nokuthetha ngezimbini kwezintathu iilwimi ezisemthethweni zePhondoleNtshona Koloni • Izakhono zekhompyutha eziphambili • Izakhono ezilungileyo zoyilo kunye nokuququzelela • Ulwazi kunyenokuqonda ucwangciso-mali lwezimali kwicandelo likarhulumente, izithethe nemigangatho yezimali, UMsebenzi woCwangciso-mali oQondwa Jikelele (Generally Recognised Accounting Practice) (GRAP), umthetho wezimali karhulumente, iTshatieQhelekileyo yee-Akhawunti (Standard Chart of Accounts) (SCOA), uyilo lwesicwangciso kunye nohlahlo lwabiwo-mali lwemalikarhulumente, iisetyhula kunye nemimiselo yeSebe leziMali.Imimandla engundoqo yokusebenza: • Ukuphuhlisa imigaqo-nkqubo yocwangciso-mali, iinkqubo neendlela zocwangciso-mali• Ukuqulunqa ukunikwa kweengxelo zemali • Ukuqulunqa iiNgxelo zeMali zeXeshana nezoNyaka • Ukunika ulwazi lwezimaliukuze kwenziwe izigqibo • Ukulawula ii-asethi kunye nokunokunceda kwezoqoqosho • Ukugcina iTshati yee-Akhawunti• Ukuphatha abasebenzi.Uthethelelo: • Amava kwi-GRAP (Generally Recognised Accounting Practice) (UMsebenzi oQondwayo Jikelele kuCwangciso-mali) • Ukukwazi ukusebenza phantsi koxinzelelo kunye nokukwazi ukulenza ixesha elimiselweyo.Imibuzo: Mnu D Jawoodien, umnxeba (021) 487-1863


Umvuzo: Uhambelana namava, iphakheji epheleleyo kuthetha-thethwanangayo ukusuka kuma-R521 409 ngonyaka*

Iimfuneko: • IsiDanga sokuQala esamkelweyo seYunivesiti okanye isiqinisekiso esilingana naso kwinqanaba le-NQF lesi-7• Ubuncinane beminyaka emi-5 yamava abandakanyekayo • Abafaki zicelo abahloliweyo ngokokuQondwa kweMfundoyangaPhambili bamkelekile ukuba bafake izicelo • Ulwazi lomthetho, iinkqubo neendlela zolawulo lokukhutshwa nokufunwakweenkonzo zequmrhu • Ulwazi lwe-PFMA (FMPPLA, uMthetho we-10 ka-2009 luyakhethwa) nezithethe nemigangathoyezimali • Amava okusebenza endlela yocwangciso-mali elinganisa ukusebenza kunye nesikhundla sequmrhu kwimibayoqoqosho, ingakumbi imigangatho ye-GRAP ephathelene nee-asethi • Ulwazi nokuqonda okuboniswayo kwe-SCOA (StandardChart of Accounts) (Itshati eQhelekileyo yee-Akhawunti) • Izakhono zonxibelelwano ezilungileyo zokubhala nokuthetha• Ukukwazi ukusebenzisa ikhompyutha • Uyilo olulungileyo kunye nokukwazi ukuququzelela kunye nokukwazi ukusebenzaphantsi koxinzelelo nokuqonda imithetho-siseko yokujolisa kwiklayenti • Izakhono zokuphathaImimandla engundoqo yokusebenza: • Ukuqulunqa nokuphumeza inkqubo-sikhokelo yolawulo lwee-asethi, izicwangcisozolawulo lwee-asethi kunye nemigaqo-nkqubo yolawulo lwee-asethi ze-WCPP • Ukongamela nokujonga iinkqubo zolawulo• Ukunceda ekuzobeni uyilo lokufunyanwa kwesicwangciso see-Asethi (uyilo lokufumana) • Ukuqinisekisa irejista yee-asethiehlaziyiweyo • Ukongamela uthelekiso lweerekhodi zee-asethi nokuthatha isitokhwe • Ukongamela ukulungiswa kweengxelozee-asethi ezinokususwa • Ukulungisa izimvo zeeNgxelo zeMali zeXeshana kunye nezoNyaka • Ukugcina nokulawula ii-asethiezinokususwa ngokungqinelana neziqinisekiso, ukusebenzisa irejista/ingxelo yokugcina • Ukuqinisekisa ukuba ii-asethizigcinwe ngokukhuselekileyo • Ukujonga kunye nokwenza kusebenze udluliso lwee-asethi lwangaphakathi kunyenolwangaphandle • Ukwenza kusebenze uqinisekiso lokuqinisekisa ukuba ii-asethi ezithile ziyahlangabezana na nendlela ethilekunye nobukho bee-asethi • Ukunika inkxaso kuMphathi: SCM ngendlela yeengxelo kunye nokwenza kusebenze uphandokwimisebenzi egqwesileyo yolawulo lwee-asethi • Ukuqinisekisa ukulahlwa kwee-asethi eziphelelwe lixesha ( ezingalungisekiyookanye ezigqithisileyo • Ukongamela ukuthathwa kwesitokhwe sazo sonke ii-asethi ukuqinikisekisa irejista yee-asethiehlaziyiweyo • Ukuthatha uxanduva lokugcinwa kwenkqubo yee-asethi (njengokujonga ukuyilwa kweefayile ezingundoqokuthotyelwa ubuncinane beemfuneko zerejista kunye nenkqubo yee-asethi ezinokususwa) • Ukujonga kunye nokuxela ubuselakunye nelahleko yee-asethi • Ukuphatha abasebenzi.Imibuzo: Mnu O Alexander, umnxeba. (021) 487-1619


Umvuzo: Uhambelana namava, iphakheji epheleleyo kuthetha-thethwanangayo ukusuka kuma-R449 772 ngonyaka*

Iimfuneko: • IsiDanga sokuQala seYunivesiti okanye isiqinisekiso esilingana naso kwinqanaba le-NQF lesi-7 • Ubuncinanebeminyaka emi-3 yamava okusebenza kulawulo lwezimali • Abafaki zicelo abahloliweyo ngokokuQondwa kweMfundoyangaPhambili bamkelekile ukuba bafake izicelo • Ulwazi lwemiyalelo esebenzayo kwi-PFMA kunye/okanye i-FMPPLAngokunjalo nonikezelo ngamagunya olubandakanyekayo • Ukuyila okulungileyo kunye nokukwazi ukuququzelela • Izakhonozonxibelelwano ezilungileyo • Ukuvelisa iindlela ezintsha nokuziqhelanisa • Ulwazi lolawulo lwangaphakathi • Ulwazilophicotho-ncwadi • Izakhono zokuphanda • Ukusebenza ngezakhono zokunxulumanisa imiba.Imimandla engundoqo yokusebenza: • UkuHlola nokunika amacebo kumanyathelo olawulo lwangaphakathi • UkudibananabaPhicothi-zincwadi bangaPhakathi nabangaPhandle • Ukuqinisekisa ukuthotyelwa kovavanyo • ukuVavanya emvakophicotho-zincwadi • Ukongamela ulawulo lwevawutsha • Ukubek’iliso kulawulo lwelahleko.Imibuzo: Nks N Petersen, umnxeba. (021) 487-1646

*Imigaqo ethile iyalandelwa xa kusenziwa uthetha-thethwano ngemivuzo.Abafaki zicelo baxhomekeke kwisimo sokukhangelwa komntu ukuba ufanelekile na ukuba afikelele kulwazi olukhethekileyokunye nokusayinwa kwesifungo sobumfihlo. Abasebenzi be-WCPP kuza kufunwa ukuba bangenise kwaye bahlaziye uBhengezolweMidla abaNayo kokuthile.Izicelo kufuneka zingeniswe kwifom emiselweyo efumaneka kwiPalamente yePhondo leNtshona Koloni okanyekwiwebhusayithi Izicelo kufuneka zikhatshwe yingxelo eMfutshane ngomntu (CV) esanda kuhlaziywaenabantu abathathu ekunokungqinisiswa kubo ngomntu lowo, iikopi eziqinisekisiweyo zazo zonke iziqinisekiso zemfundokunye noxwebhu lwesazisi. Izicelo mazithunyelwe ku: The Secretary, PO Box 648, Cape Town 8000 (kwingqalelo ka:Nks N Mofoko).Umhla wokuvala: 12 Februwari 2016Imbalelwano iyakumiselwa kubafaki zicelo abafakwe kuluhlu kuphela. Ukuba ngaba akuqhagamshelwananga nawe kwinyangaenye yomhla wokuvalwa kolu papasho, nceda wamkele ukuba isicelo sakho asiphumelelanga.

ISICELO SOKUBHALISAIprojekthi yokongezwa kwezindlu e-Ilitha Park(iziza 29714 no-37313) neProjekthi yokongezwakwezindlu e-Harare (iziza 2132, 2148, 33471no-33817)

ICandelo lezokuHlaliswa kwaBantu leSixeko saseKapa liqalise ucwangciso lweprojekthiemalunga neprojekthi yezindlu ezakuthi izise amathuba okufumana izindlu e-Ilitha ParknaseHarare, eKhayelitsha. Ukuze ucwangciso luhambe ngendlela efanelekileyo, kufunekakonyulwe iKomiti eLawula iProjekthi yezeZindlu (PSC). Amalungu ekomiti azakukhethwakwimibutho efanelekileyo ebhalisiweyo e-Ilitha Park naseHarare, eKhayelitsha.

Kuyakuthi kuqwalaselwe yonke imibutho ebhalisiweyo ekuvimba weenkcukacha weSixekokumabhungana 10 no-24 enomdla kule projekthi yezezindlu ukuze ikhethwe njengamalunguekomiti elawula iprojekthi.

Imibutho enomdla nengekabhalisi kulo vimba weenkcukacha ingaqhagamshelananoMandlenkosi Sitonga (ibhungana 10) ku-021 444 3713 kunye noGoodman Rorwana(ibhungana 24) ku-021 444 7530.

Umhla wokugqibela wokubhalisa kulo vimba weenkcukacha ngowe-19 Februwari 2016.

Ngolwazi oluthe vetshe malunga nale projekthi qhagamshelana noVuyolwethu Nonguboku-021 918 7264 okanye


Zabalaza talent search season is onThe search is on for thebest drama talent

in theWestern Cape for the sixth annu-al Zabalaza Theatre Festival which

takes place in March.Widely regarded as the premier platform

of its kind in the country, the festival hopesto be another jam-packed line-up, showcas-ing someof themost outstanding talent fromin and outside of the province.On Saturday, 30 January, Alexander Sin-

ton High School in Athlone will host a minifestival and then on Sunday, 31 January, itis Cedar Secondary School’s turn, in Mitch-ell’s Plain.The final weekend for the search takes

place at Guga S’thebe in Langa on Saturday6 February, and Zolani Centre in Nyanga

East on Sunday 7 February.From the participating productions seen

during the mini festivals, the final selectionfor the Zabalaza Theatre Festival, whichtakes place from 11 to 19 March, will bemade.The festival kicks off with the Zabalaza

Weekend on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13March, when all venues and spaces at theBaxter Theatre Centre will pulsate with dy-namic and diverse artistic activities.This will be followed by the Main Pro-

gramme fromMonday 14 to Friday 19Marchdaily and culminates in the award ceremonyonSaturday.Here thebest of the festival pro-duction will be selected, along with severalother awards invarious categories. Thewin-

ner will receive a full run at the Baxter lat-er in the year.For more information about the festival

visit or Entrance tothese venues will be free.

The winners of last year’s Zabalaza Theatre Festival. PHOTO: FAHIEM STELLENBOOM

GET YOUR HIP-HOP ON: Capetonians can look forward to the biggest line up ofhip-hop with the least possible damage to their wallets when #OneWayTraffic comes toFW de Klerk Boulevard (previously Table Bay Boulevard) with performances by BlackMotion, Groove Afrika, Riky Rick (pictured), Christian Tiger School, Phat Jack and DasKapital on Saturday 6 February. Tickets for the show cost R70 from Computicket. Visit theOneWayTraffic Facebook page for more.

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 2016 NEWS 11

JOB OPPORTUNITYThe City of Cape Town promotes and applies the principles ofemployment equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



BASIC SALARY: R303 338-R318 942 p.a. • Ref. No. HSG 02/16 • HOHEIZEN, BELLVILLE

Requirements: • Grade 12 • Knowledge of the legislation pertaining to land invasions and unlawfuloccupation of land • 5 years’ relevant experience in a similar environment or facilitation, of which at least 2years should be in a supervisory capacity • Computer literacy • Code 08 driver’s licence • Report-writing skills• No criminal record • Medically and physically fit to walk extensively in informal settlements • Ability to workin all weather conditions and wear protective clothing • Ability to work outside normal working hours andduring emergencies • Willingness to work overtime and be on standby when required.

Key performance areas: • Manage the implementation of actions within a specific area/region to preventland invasions and unlawful occupations of identified property; the demolition of illegal informal structuresand relocation of informal structures where necessary, whilst complying with relevant legislation, policies andprocedures • Coordinate and ensure that patrols are carried out in the jurisdictional area of the City of CapeTown to prevent illegal land invasions and unlawful occupation of identified property • Manage demolitions ofillegal informal structures and relocation of informal structures where necessary, which is currently performed byoperational field staff on 24-hour basis • Facilitate legal processes with regard to interdicts and eviction orders,as well as investigations into illegal activities, regarding unlawful sale of land and plots in informal areas on City-owned land • Implement security and safety regulations in the business unit • Supervise staff and outcomesassociated with the utilisation, productivity and performance of personnel within the unit • Facilitate communityparticipation processes and projects • Facilitate and coordinate joint operations between enforcement agenciesof the City, as well as the South African Police Services.

Please apply online at (external applicants) or via the SAP Portal(internal applicants).

Closing Date: 12 February 2016

• Please quote the reference number of the vacancy in allcommunications.

• Certified copies of qualifications must be available on request• Visit our website at• No late applications will be considered.• If no notification of appointment is received within 3 months

of the closing date, please accept that your application wasunsuccessful.

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#Indibano hosts own show @50 on GugsMANDLA MAHASHE

What started as a forum for neglected localentertainers, has evolved to become one ofthe most looked-up-to-go-to lifestyle eventsko Kasi.The next #Indibano event will takes place

at NY50 on Gugs on Sunday 31 January.This event has set tongues wagging and

has social media abuzz as the first eventwere local entertainers get together to orga-nise an event.The event is the result of talks by a move-

ment calling itself “The Hub” which con-tains local event organisers, artists, Djs, art-istmanagers, photographers and other crea-tives.“We started last year planning for a sup-

port structure(for local artists) where localentertainers can exchange knowledge andimprove the local entertainment industry.Our biggest tiff was that in Cape Townyou

find event organisers from other provincesstaging events here,whereas locals are over-looked.We are expected to perform for free in ex-

change for exposure. Meanwhile they areprepared to fly in artists from theother prov-inces and pay them well,” said The Hub'sThabo Mobo.The group decided to set up The Hub to

make sure that locals are in charge of the en-tertainment industry in the urban market.“Weneeded to show thatwhenweareunit-

ed, we are able to host events that are on parwith those of other provinces and createsomething special.”That’s how #Indibanowas born. It’s an in-

clusive event which will have two stages forDJs and performing artists, tshisanyamaand a carwash will be available and there isa no entry fee,” said Mobo.The event has drawn many an enthusiast

since it was announced, something the orga-nisers did not anticipate.“The interest in the event was unexpected

but we prepared well. There will be securityandwewill be performing in a properly con-trolled environment,” said Mobo.Moboadded that the group ishoping to for-

malise their structure to continue theirwork of empowering other creatives.

Local artists met to plot the way forward after years of neglect by promoters in the industry

Zoliswa Moseleni, extreme right, the host of Miss and Mr Valentines, on Saturday 13February.

‘Cupid’ to host ValentineMBONGISENI MASEKO

Driven by the dream of seeing youthin her community reaching forgreater heights in life, a Philippi

woman is continuouslymaking strides inher community.ZoliswaMoseleni, 28, is on amission to

keep youth ofWood Bay, in the right pathusing entertainment.Moseleni is founder of IngcambuYouth

and Old Drama group which was estab-lished in 2009.Dozens of youth can be seen in her

backyard practising traditional dancecalledUmxhentso, Isibhujwadances, RnBmusic, stage modelling and many otherentertainment activities.Her yard is also a hive of other activi-

ties, as this is where the African MissionChurch hold its services too.“The response that I am getting from

the youth is great and they are showinga big interest and love for what we are do-ing here. It helps keeps them away fromill-disciplined behaviour,”Moseleni said.She has since made contacts with some

modelling agencies to which she referssome of her clients.aHerself a stagemodel,Moseleni is shar-

ing her skills with others in her area of

residence.Her accolades include being crowned

Miss Zisukhanyo Secondary School, inSamora Machel. In 2013 she was alsocrowned Miss Kaizer Chiefs Nyanga.She is also working in close colabora-

tion with a local music group Proqnosiz,withwhomshe andher crewhas shotmu-sic videos.Moseleni said she hit on this bright

spark after she lost her job as a filed mar-keter at a reputable company last year.That negative was turned into a life-changing positive, hence she started theyouth group, which is self-funded.“I do not receive funding from anyone,

but I will never give up on my dream,”she added.Moseleni is inviting youngsters who

want to take part in her inaugural Missand Mr Valentine’s Day, which will beheld at the Ruth First Hall in Philippi, onSaturday 13 February, to register withher group.Those interested must be between the

ages of 12 to 25 years.Entry for the competition is free of

charge. R10 will grant the audience entryat the door.For more information you can contact

Moseleni on 0734741558.

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 201612 NEWS

They tried to take me down - FransmanHis enemies might be plotting to destroyhim - but he is unfazed, Western Cape ANCleader Marius Fransman told News24 in anexclusive interview.

He accepts the nature of politics, especial-ly when “forces” try to take down a leader.Fransman said while he is nowhere near

perfect - with strengths and weaknesses likeanyone else - it was still a “sad thing”.

“It’s a very sad thing, that if there is astrategy to destroy a leader, which I acceptbecause that is part of politics, it means that[people] are using everything possible.“If you can’t take a person down, you play

the man. There are those that tried to takeme down at last year’s conference, but theyfailed. So now they are playing the man,”Fransman said.AllegationsFransman is facingnewallegations of nep-

otism levelled against him while also facinga sexual harassment allegation.

But, said Fransman, those behind theclaims have simply wanted to add fuel to the

fires burning around him and destroy hisname.The sexual harassment allegation came

after a 20-year-old woman accused him of in-appropriately touching her during a trip tothe party’s celebrations inRustenburg earli-er this month.He has eluded to “forces” behind the alle-

gation, which he has vehemently denied.Now the already embattled Fransmanwill

have to defend himself against allegationsrelating to political interference in the ap-pointment of the Cape Agulhas municipalmanager in 2013.The application to the Western Cape High

Court by former municipal manager Reyn-old Stevens, to set aside Dean O’Neill’s ap-pointment as municipal manager, will beheard on January 27. O’Neill is Fransman’sbrother-in-law.Fransman said he had objected to

O’Neill’s appointment but had been over-ruled on the basis of his work experience.He said he was going to take the people be-

hind these allegations to court for tarnish-ing his name.

Upcoming electionsHe said while he had his weaknesses, nep-

otism was not one of them.“It’s sad that they are bringing family to

this fight, when it was meant to be politics.”He said those who were trying to take him

down needed to remember that it was notabout him, but about the good of the organi-sation and they needed to focus on that.Theirhatred forhimasa leader shouldnot

be so much that they were willing to jeopar-dise the party’s chances at the upcomingelections, he said.“Theyhavedeliberately tried to throw fur-

ther fuel on a fire that’s already there. It’sburning. And it is those individuals that runto the media with wrong information, thatdecreases the chances of the ANC at elec-tions.”

He said the facts would speak for them-selves in the matter, and he would fight theallegations with everything he had. Marius Fransman PHOTO: WESLEY MARTIN

Drought bites into poor budgetsSouthAfrica’s worst drought in 23 years

is not only crippling rural towns andfarmers. In urban areas, many poor

andworking class households are beginningto notice shifts in the price of their staplefood items.

Matata Mbhele is a 52-year-old man wholives in Langa. Mbhele has had no formalwork for 7 years. At the beginning of eachweek, he searches for temporary work,mostly in gardening and con-struction, to make ends meet.

“In a good week, I makeR300. I spend half of this onfood. Often, I buy a loaf ofbread to sustain me.

Mbhele, like many workingclass andpoorSouthAfricans,is dependent on a set of basicstaple foods, including: bread,samp and white maize fornourishment.But with the current

drought, Mbhele says he’s no-ticing an increase in the priceof bread, his daily food staple.“To save money, I always

buy non-branded bread fromShoprite here in Langa. It ischeap and can sustain me fora day. I used to buy it for R6.50, but I nownotice that the price is up to R6.99,” saysMbhele.

Speaking to GroundUp, GrainSA econo-mist Wandile Sihlobo said price hikes onfood would continue until 2017.‘The next 6 months will be tough for many

South African households.According to our conservative estimates,

the price of the food basket—which is the ba-sic set of foodstuff each household requiresto meet minimum nutritional standards—

will rise by 30%.”Nelisa Mpisekaya (41), a trader at Cape

Town central train station, says rising foodprices would make it difficult for her to pro-vide food for her children.“The money I make from trading is split

between my weekly stock and basic fooditems for my family. This month has beenparticularly tough: kids need to go back toschool, and I’ve started trading later than

usual this month because ofthe December holidays,” saysMpisekaya.Mpisekaya spends at least R

400 a week for her three chil-dren and herself, and spendsmost of her budget on stapleitems like mealie meal, breadand rice.“Sometimes, I shortchange

my grocery budget and spendon my trading stock, in thehope that I’ll be able to makeup for it on my sales, particu-larly at the end of the month,”says Mpisekhaya.This phenomenon is not un-

usual. The 2015 Pietermaritz-burg Agency for CommunitySocial Action FoodBarometer

shows how many low-income householdsunderspend on food by 55%, as food is oftenprioritised last.“An increase in prices will be tough. I

have a fixed amount of money I spend onfood each month, I don’t see this increasing.I work for myself; no one gives me a raise.”To counter the effects of food price hikes,

41-year-old mechanic Alfred Mulinga planstobuynon-perishable items inbulk, and findsubstitutes for expensive foodstuffs.“I am cautious about my spending habits,

since I live alone. So my plan is to buy non-perishable items like mealie meal and ricein bulk, so that I don’t have to frequent thestore a lot,” says Mulinga.He says he will go to sales to get more val-

ue for his spend. “This is my first shoppingfor the year. I’ve spent just overR400 for foodthat I’m hoping will last me for two weeks.But this doesn’t include items like meat andchicken.”

While theDepartment ofAgriculture, For-estry and Fisheries has set aside R305 mil-lion to help farmers deal with the effects ofthe drought and curb rising food prices, Sih-lobo argues that this may not be enough toavert a food crisis.

“In some ways government interventionis limited because we operate in a free mar-ket. The best government can do is to ensurethat we have the proper rail and road infra-structure to get maize, wheat and other im-ports quicker throughout the country,” saysSihlobo.Graphic of staple food prices.This year alone, South Africa will have to

import 5 million tons of white maize and 1million tons of rice to meet consumer de-mand. “While imports may be the way out,since we haven’t been able to reap goodcrops domestically, households will carrythe price burden of the import costs. And itis the poor who will struggle the most.”

Nelisa Mpisekaya, a trader at the Cape Town Station says food price hikes wil betough on her family. STORY AND PHOTOS: SIBUSISO TSHABALALA/GROUNDUP

p y , ,

Matata Mbhele.

Gay activist attacked at Emambozana tavernJOSEPH CHIRUME

A well-known Cape Town gay activist sayshe was attacked and thrown out of a nightclub on 21 January in Port ElizabethHe now plans to sue the owner of the club

for alleged discrimination against gay peo-ple. He says he will also sue the local policefor refusing to open a docket at the policestation.KhayaJacobs, 23, fromDelft,was visiting

Coke’s tavern in Motherwell, Port Eliza-beth with relatives. He was Miss GayWest-ern Cape, 2015.“We were enjoying our drinks when the

cashier announced that they were closingdown for the night. It was around mid-night.I had just bought two six packs ofdrinks to host my cousins, Mandisa Gololoand Lwazi Qambela, who had just joinedus.”Jacobs said the misunderstanding arose

when he asked the cashier to refund themthe money for the beer he had just bought.He said they could not walk home holdingalcohol as the police could arrest them fordrinking in public.“As I was returning to the table to tell my

cousins that the cashier did not want to re-fund me, the club bouncer, Sibusiso, calledme and said they did not refund customers.When I asked him for the reason he told methat gays were not good people. He startedassaulting me. He shouted that gays werea problem and should be beaten up. He heldme by the collar and choked me. I passedout for more than ten minutes“When I regained consciousness, there

weremanypeople aroundme. Sibusiso saidgays and lesbians were causing problemsfor the entire festive season. He chased usaway.”

Jacobs said officers at theMotherwell po-lice station had refused to open a docket for

him.“The officers were talking among them-

selves when we arrived. The moment I toldthem that I was beaten at Coke’s tavern,they started laughing at us. They said Ishould first obtain a letter from a doctor toprove what I was saying.”Sibiusiso Mbofana, who is the head of se-

curity at Coke’s tavern, disputes Jacobs’version. “That guy is arrogant. He startedthe fracas by insisting on a refund. I man-handled him in an attempt to eject him outof the club,” Mbofana said, showing hisbruised eyebrow.“Wehave ahuge gayand lesbian clientele

who come to drink and braai here.”Coke’s tavern general manager Podgy

Moodley said: “I am not aware of the event,butwe donot segregate against race.genderor colour.Weentertainpeople of all origins.The problem is that some patrons comehere with a superior mind.”Khaya Jacobs

CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 2016 CLASSIFIEDS 13


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CITY VISIONThursday, 28 January 2016 SPORT 15

Soccer greats announced as Smirnoff Raga Bolo ambassadorsSmirnoff kicks things up a gear by bringingits soccer championship back to the streetsof Mzansi, for the first time since 2011.Raga Bolo, which means kick the ball, is

a five-a-side street soccer championshipplayed by predominantly tavern teamsaround the country.With roads as the pitches and streetlights

as the stadium, it’s the sporting tournamentof the year for local communities nation-wide.Kyle Lesch, brand manager of Smirnoff

1818 said, “We are very excited to bringRagaBolo back.

Just like Smirnoff, street soccer is exclu-sively for everyone. This is your chance toRepresent Your Kasi and Light Up the Mo-ment.”In order to become a Raga Bolo participat-

ing team, taverns will need to achieve a setcriteria over the qualifying period.

There will be two qualifying periods andso, two opportunities for taverns to get intoRaga Bolo.Places are limited, with only 136 teams

across the country eligible to enter thechampionship – so support your local outletand ensure that they are one of them.The games will kick off in February 2016,

culminating in the finals later in June.Four soccer legends have been announced

as Smirnoff Kings- ambassadors for theSmirnoff Raga Bolo street soccer champion-ship.Benedict Vilakazi, Stanton Fredericks,

Thabo Mngomeni and Pollen Ndlanya willtravel to communities around the countryaspart of the Smirnoff Raga Bolo Champion-ship roadshow.Fans will be able to meet the legends, take

photos with them and stand a chance to wingreat prizes. Pollen Ndlanya , Thabo Mngomeni, Benedict Vilakazi and Stanton Fredericks

Seven Stars, TFA launches cupThe Taverners Football Association

(TFA) has received a much neededboost from energy drink company Sev-

en Stars.TFA chairman Lungile Ntwanambi said

he was thrilled with Seven Stars involve-ment in their tournament.“We will be launching a tournament that

will run for the next six months and closeoffwith a scintillating final,” saidNtwanam-bi.TFA organiser Banana Sodinga said this

kind of sponsorship from the company wasa “fitting tribute”.“We have been staging tournaments since

2004 and to have a sponsor like this tells uswe are on the right track,” Sodinga said.

He said their relationship with tavernowners was very sound because they under-stood the value of sports in society.“All the participating teams field patrons

from certain shebeens and taverns. We arenot strict on age butwewant fairness-we dis-courage teams from fielding playerswho areactive in normal leagues because this is aSunday League. This is mainly for guys whowant to keep fit by playing soccer and enjoy-ing the camaraderie,” he said.Sodingawould not divulge the value of the

sponsorship but said it was “handsome” andwould make every player proud.There are currently 10 registered taverns

for this season and organisers are still look-ing for two teams to make a complete set.

Danster FC from Khayelitsha will have ahard task defending the championship theywon last year.Ntwanambi said last year’s competition

was tough and he hoped that the sponsor-ship injection will “liven up things in 2016”.“We hope that all teams will come in the

spirit of fair play and show us great footballand give the sponsor it’s money’s worth,” he

said.The Seven Stars TFA Challenge will offi-

cially kick off on Sunday February 7 at NY49 Stadium in Gugulethu from 11am.

This will be preceded by a general meet-ing on Tuesday February 2 at GugulethuSport Complex at 6pm. Formore details con-tact Banana on 0787592306 or Lungile on0786687432.

Banana Sodinga, Toto Mabhulwana, Siya Nyeka and brand sales representative Quin-ton Moodie

Seven Stars director Parkin Emslie handing overthe trophy to Banana Sodinga.

On Sunday the Cape Town Stadium hosted a Premier Soccer League match between KaizerChiefs and Platinum Stars. Kaizer Chiefs were trounced 2-1 by minnows Platinum Stars.


Kaizer Chiefs fans tried their best to blow their vuvuzelas harder in support of their team, but tono avail, as they lost 2-1 to Platinum Stars. Kaizer Chiefs’ next ‘home’ game is against SupersportUnited on February 20.

Mihlali ‘excited’ with Lolo’s jersey #21ERNEST FAKUDE

Mihlali Mayambela will wear jersey num-ber 21 at Djurgardens IF in honour of thelate Ajax Cape Town defender Cecil Lolo.Lolo, 27, was involved in a fatal car crash

in Cape Town on October 25 last year.Mayambela says Lolo has been a source

of inspiration in his career, as has hisbrother, Mark of SuperSport United.“Lolo was more than a friend, he was a

brother,” Mihlali told

“He was also good friends withmy broth-er. I looked up to both him and Mark andseeing them playing in topflight football al-ways motivated me to work hard.“I shed a few tears when I picked the jer-

sey number at Djurgardens.”Meanwhile, the former Cape Town All

Stars midfielder is thrilled to have penneda four-year contract with Djurgardens fol-lowing a successful trial in Scandinavia.Mihlali has followed in the footsteps of

Mark, who had a short spell with the Swed-

ish side last season.“I am very excited. It still feels like I am

dreaming,” Mihlali says.“I was here before and I know the envi-

ronment. It’s very cold and snowy at themoment but I have to adjust. The food isokay and almost the same that we have inSouth Africa.“I am at the hotel at the moment and ev-

erything is going well so far. I am ready toget to work and prove my worth in theteam.”Mihlali Mayambela PHOTO: KICK-OFF

SportPage 16 | Thursday, 28 January 2016

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Qingqa skipping champsMANDLA MAHASHE

QingqaMntwana Primary School ropeskipping team have stepped into thenew year in high spirits.This is after their under-13 team

came back as national champions at the SASchool games last month.The were crowned the kings of the rope

in Pretoria fighting of stiff competitionfrom other provinces in the three day eventheld at the University of Pretoria.The team of six went to the competition

with huge motivation after they notchedsecond place in 2014.According to their coachNolufe-

fe Kosani-Racula the team had thebelief that they could do better thistime around.“Going there we were confident

because we had thoroughlytrained and we were properly pre-pared. The pupils were trainingeven if I wasn’t there...they werevery dedicated to their cause,”said Kosani-Racula. At the gamesyoung pupils are pitted againsteach others in four traditionalgames namely Kgati (Rope Skip-ping), Jukskei , Mrabaraba (boardgame) and Koko a traditional catand mouse game.The team were firm favourites

after both the under-13 and under-17 divisions from the schoolworked awaywith first position inthe provincial leg of the SA gamesin July last year.“Over the years we have gained

a reputation in rope skipping asthe result of the our dedication aswell as support from the schooland the parents.The parentswere very pivotal in

the continued success of theschool because they are alwaysforthcoming and they along withthe staff of the school have sup-ported the team and even accompaniedthem to the airport,” she said.The school governing body’s Ntombomzi

Tafeni said that the parents were proud ofthe talented youngsters.“They continue to shine a bright light in

our school and we hope the success of theunder 13s cwillmotivate theunder 17whichwill be going to thenational games later thisyear,” she said.

According to the schools deputy princi-pal, MamsaMvunyiswa, the team is contin-uing with the schools winning culturewhich has been the results of a peculiarproblem.“Our school is known for its winning

teams in sport and choirs as a result parentswant to enrol their children at the schooland unfortunately we have to turn some ofthem down because we just don’t have thespace.We are very proud of the team formaking

sure that the previous disappointmentdidn’t deter them,” she said.Lihle Qika, team member, said that they

were confident of retaining their champion-ship even though some members will bemoving to the under-17 team as they nolonger qualify to play for the under-13s.“It was a great experience and we went

there knowing we want to win big and weare confident we can keep winning,” hesaid. He also thanked their coach, parentsand staff at the school for the continued sup-port.

Teacher NthabelengMachona and coachNolufefe Kosani-Rac-ula with teammembers Lona Jim,Odwa Bobo, AnelisaNtsiki, UnathiSkhunana, LoyisoCasiwe, AnovvuyoNgqiza and LihleQika. PHOTO: MANDLAMAHASHE

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Coach Nolufefe Kosani-Racula also worked away withthe coach of the year medal at the SA Games.