City of Moorhead Geographic Information Systems The City of Moorhead and the Flood of 2010 Brad...

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Transcript of City of Moorhead Geographic Information Systems The City of Moorhead and the Flood of 2010 Brad...

City of MoorheadCity of MoorheadGeographic Information SystemsGeographic Information Systems

The City of MoorheadThe City of Moorheadand the Flood of 2010and the Flood of 2010

Brad Anderson, GISPBrad Anderson, GISP

City of Moorhead GISCity of Moorhead GISMnGeo Statewide Geospatial Advisory Council MeetingMnGeo Statewide Geospatial Advisory Council Meeting

Wednesday, March 31Wednesday, March 31stst 2010 2010

The Flood of 2010 at the City of Moorhead

The spring flood of 2010 crested in the Moorhead and Fargo metro area at a river stage of 36.99 feet on Sunday, March 21st. This was the 7th highest crest on record.

This event was easier for the City to manage not only because it was 4 feet lower than the record crest of 2009, but for the experience gained from last year’s event and actions implemented to mitigate future floods.

• Aggressive flood mitigation infrastructure projects• Emergency Flood Plan Manual updated with the goal of protecting Moorhead to a river stage of 43 feet• Division of the City into eight zones, with Engineering, Police and Fire staff committed to each Zone• Zone Map Books – Flood Plan steps and stage elevations

The Flood of 2010 at the City of Moorhead

There were also two new GIS applications that assisted city staff and residents during the 2010 flood

• ArcGIS Server interactive flood website displaying ½ foot incremental river stages from 18 feet to 43 feet

• Difficult to estimate the number of telephone calls to City Hall that were eliminated as a result of this new website

• Property and Structure flood stage information• Spatial geoprocessing provides critical river stage information for all property and structures in the city

ESRI’s ArcGIS API for FLEX – ProWest and Associates

The Flood of 2010 at the City of Moorhead

An internal ArcGIS Server website to provide flood related information to city staff

WebFusion - Developed by ProWest and Associates

The surprising early crest prediction and rapid rise of the Red River prevented deployment before the flood; now in place as a post flood information application

These web-based GIS applications proved extremely useful and efficient in disseminating flood related information and GIS data to city staff and to the public

Both applications utilize GIS data hosted locally and from the Moorhead & Clay County shared SDE geodatabase

Emergency Measures

2009 2010 40.84 feet 36.99 feet

Clay levees71,500 cubic yards 10,000 cubic

yards8 miles 1 mile

Sandbag levees2.5 million 300,000≈ 9 miles ≈ 2.7 miles

Storm & Sanitary sewers 62 manholes with temporary plugs 20 61 emergency pumps rented 28

Lessons Learned from 2009 & 2010

• Interim measures are needed:o Less dependent on external resources that

take time to mobilizeo More permanent measures for quicker

implementation (flood gates, pump stations, short levees, etc)

• Long-term measures are needed:o Comprehensive flood risk management for the

Moorhead & Fargo metro areao US Corps of Engineers working with Moorhead

and Fargo on Diversion Channel Alternatives

Interim Infrastructure Projects & Property AcquisitionInterim Infrastructure Projects & Property Acquisition

Funding SourceFunding SourceInterim Interim


Property Property AcquisitionsAcquisitions TotalTotal

DNR FDR agreementDNR FDR agreement $19.1M$19.1M $19.7M$19.7M $38.8M$38.8M

Funds committedFunds committed

FederalFederal ($0.0M) ($0.2M) ($0.2M)

StateState ($0.6M) ($7.4M) ($8.0M)

Local Local ($7.1M) ($1.1M) ($8.2M)

TotalTotal ($7.7M)($8.7M)


Balance to completeBalance to complete $11.4M$11.4M $11.0M $11.0M [48][48] $22.4M$22.4M

DNR FDR Agreement signed mid-July, 2009DNR FDR Agreement signed mid-July, 2009

Flood Mitigation Projectsin the City of Moorhead

Green dots signifyProjects that werecompleted in 2009

Overall, there areapproximately 80 floodmitigation projects thatwill improve cityinfrastructure and resultin much higher levels ofprotection from flooding

Fargo-Moorhead Metro Project Fargo-Moorhead Metro Project (35K)(35K)

Diversion Project Diversion Project alignmentalignment


Estimated costEstimated cost $1,143$1,143MM

$1,143M$1,143M $1,295M$1,295M

Maximum Federal cost-Maximum Federal cost-shareshare


Federal cost-shareFederal cost-share $566M$566M $743M$743M $566M$566M

Local cost-shareLocal cost-share $577M$577M $400M$400M $729M$729M

ND cost-share (90%)ND cost-share (90%) $519M$519M $360M$360M $656M$656M

MN cost-share (10%)MN cost-share (10%) $58M$58M $40M$40M $73M$73M

Maximum eligible for Maximum eligible for State bondingState bonding Full Full

costcostFull costFull cost ≈≈$50M$50M

Required from State Required from State General Fund, Local, or General Fund, Local, or other?other?

$0$0 $0$0 ≈≈$23M$23M

Alignment Alternatives released by the US Army

Corps of Engineers for the Fargo – Moorhead Metro

Area Feasibility Study.

( October 19th 2009 )Fargo, ND

Moorhead, MN

Moorhead’s Old Emergency Flood Plan

• > 65 Action Stepso Storm & Sanitary sewer

gate closures & plugso Activate pump stationso Deploy emergency pumpso Road closureso Short levees, etc…

• Measures designed foro Typical spring flood event

with significant warningo Methodical implementation

• Expanded to 180 actions after the flood of 2009

First Action Steps of the Old Emergency Flood Manual

New Action Steps for Emergency Flood Manual added during the flood of 2009

Old (Pre 2009) Emergency Flood manual in GIS

New\Updated Emergency Flood manual in GIS

Moorhead’s New EightNeighborhood FloodZones

City staff fromEngineering, Police andFire stationed in eachZone throughout the dayand night

Established Neighborhood

liaisons for more effective

communication with thepublic

Map Books for Zone Staff – Sub Zone Maps with Labeled Flood Plan Steps

ArcGIS API for FLEX Developed by ProWest and Associates

Interactive ½ Foot River Stages and which stage may affect structures

ArcGIS Server Internal Application - Flood 2010 Information for City Staff

GIS Data Layers in Moorhead WebFusion

GPS Collected Data before and after Sandbag and Levee Construction

River Modeling Cross Sections with Profile Elevations & 1 Foot Contours

Historical Information – 1997 and 2009 Crest Orthoimagery

Post Flood - Call Center Records Mapped for Documentation of Event

City of MoorheadCity of MoorheadGeographic Information SystemsGeographic Information Systems

Brad Anderson, GISPBrad Anderson, GISPCity of Moorhead GISCity of Moorhead GIS


City of MoorheadCity of MoorheadGeographic Information SystemsGeographic Information Systems

Brad Anderson, GISPBrad Anderson, GISP

City of Moorhead GISCity of Moorhead GIS219.299.5125219.299.5125