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Transcript of CITY OF LANGFORD PLANNING, ZONING AND …and~Minutes/Planning~Zoning~and...CITY OF LANGFORD...



Monday, February 22nd , 2010, 7:00 pm

Council Chambers





a) Planning, Zoning & Affordable Housing Committee Meeting - February 8th, 2010 1


a) Application for a Development Variance Permit to vary the Sign Bylaw N°. 1250 to 4 allow for one Wall Sign at the subject property at 895 Langford Parkway (Co-locating of Andrew Sheret and Six Mile Furniture Businesses). - Staff Report (File No. DVP-09-18)

b) Application to Amend the Zoning Designation of the Properties at 2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road from R2 (One- and Two- Family Residential) to MU1A (Mixed Use Residential Commercial A) and 996 Preston Way from CT1 (Tourist Commercial 1) to MU1A (Mixed Use Residential Commercial A); to Vary the maximum height of a Principle Building from the Required four-storeys to five-storeys to Allow for the Construction of Two (2), Five-Storey Mixed Use Buildings consisting of approximately 63 Affordable Housing and 1,060 m2 (11,410 ft2) of ground floor commercial space. - Staff Report (File No. Z-09-23) 10





Monday, February 8th, 2010, 7:00 pm

Council Chambers


Councillors: L. Szpak (Chair), D. Blackwell (Vice-Chair); Members: A. Creuzot, M. Hall, L. Kaye, S. Harvey; and N. Stewart.


City Planner, Matthew Baldwin, Senior Planner, Leah Stohmann, and Deputy Manager of Engineering, Michelle Mahovlich.


Member: J. Butler-Smythe.


The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.



That the Planning, Zoning and Affordable Housing Committee approve the Agenda as presented.



a) Planning, Zoning & Affordable Housing Committee - January 25th, 2010


That the Minutes of the Planning, Zoning and Affordable Housing Committee of January


25,h, 2010 meeting be adopted as circulated


Minutes of the PZ&AH Committee ary8'n, 2010 Page 2 of 3

February8'n, 2010


a) Application to rezone the property at 2645 Peatt Rd from R2 (One and Two-Family Residential) to RM7A (Medium Density Apartment A) in order to create approximately eight (8) residential units. - Staff Report (File No. Z-09-18)


That the Planning, Zoning and Affordable Housing Committee recommend to Council: That Council: 1. Direct staff to prepare a bylaw to amend the zoning of the subject property from R2

(One-and Two-Family Residential 1) to RM7A (Medium-Density Apartment A), subject to the following terms and conditions:

a) That the owner agrees to provide as a bonus for increased density, the following contributions per dwelling unit prior to issuance of a building permit: i) $2,900 towards the General Amenity Reserve Fund; ii) $1,000 towards the City Park Reserve Fund; and iii) $500 towards the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund.

b)That prior to public hearing: i) The applicant provide assurance to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that

storm water can be managed as required by the current bylaws; and ii) The applicant provide a revised set of plans to ensure adherence to Council's

Design Guidelines and to the satisfaction of the City Planner.

c)That prior to adoption of any bylaw to rezone the subject property, the applicant provides a Section 219 Covenant, registered on title that agrees to the following: i) That addresses will be posted at the entrance to the development (as a

freestanding sign) as well as on each home; ii) That the applicant construct the interlocking brick pavers as shown on the site

plans provided at the Public Hearing; iii) That each residential unit will get 1 parking space allocated and the

remaining 0.75 per unit of parking spaces are non allocated as limited common property and remain as visitor and overflow parking, and

iv) That the applicant provide a brick paver sidewalk along the Arncote Road frontage to meet the intended standard of Bylaw #1000 and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer,

v) That the applicant work with staff to determine if a crosswalk can and should be established on Peatt Road near the bus stop.

d)That prior to final adoption of any bylaw to rezone the subject property, the applicant provide a 5 X 5 meter road dedication at the south west corner of the lot to ensure safe sight lines for vehicles; and

2. That as a condition of building permit, frontage improvements along Peatt Road and Arncote Avenue be provided to Subdivision and Servicing Bylaw, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and


Minutes of the PZ&AH Committee ary8'h, 2010 Page 3 of 3

February 8'", 2010

3. Direct the City Planner to issue the requested setback variances within the required Development Permit.



The Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m.



CITY OF LANGFORD Planning and Zoning 2nd Floor, 877 Goldstream Avenue Langford, BC V9B 2X8

e-mail plannmg@cityoflangford ca website httpJ/cityof langford ca

phone (250) 474-6919 fax. (250) 391-3436

Staff Report to SCANNED

Planning, Zoning and Affordable Housing Committee

Date: February 22nd, 2010

File: DVP-09-18

Subject: Application for a Development Variance Permit to vary the Sign Bylaw Ate. 1250 to allow for one Wall Sign at the subject property at 895 Langford Parkway (Co-locating of Andrew Sheret and Six Mile Furniture Businesses).

PURPOSE Eric Findlay of Andrew Sheret Ltd. is applying to vary Section 4(a)(iv) of Sign Bylaw N°. 1250 to permit the installation of one wall sign to be mounted on top of a concrete wall in the parking lot near the eastern lot line of 895 Langford Parkway.


In 2004, Council amended the subject property from "P3" (Public Utility) to "C3" (General Commercial). Subsequently, in 2006, Council issued DP-06-49 to permit the construction of the subject building (Andrew Sheret Ltd.)

APPLICATION DATA Applicant Owner Location


Size of Property Zoning

OCP Designation

DP Areas

Variances -Prohibited Signs Section 4(a)(iv)

Eric Findlay Andrew Sheret Holdings Limited 895 Langford Parkway

Lot B Section 74 Esquimalt District Plan VIP9114 6,211m2(1.5ac)

C3 (General Commercial)

Mixed Use Employment Center

Commercial Permitted

Wall Signs not permitted Proposed

To permit as wall sign







C3 General Commercial

C3 General Commercial

P3 (Public Utility) C3 General Commercial

C3 General Commercial

Land Use

Commercial (Jordan's)

Commercial (The Brick)

Electrical Power Sub-Station/Westshore Town Center

Various General Commercial

http.//sharepoint/site$/DevVarPermit/DVP09-WDVP Documents/PZ Report - Feb 2210 doc


Subject: DVP-09-18, 895 Langford Parkway February 22nd, 2010 Page 2 of 6

COMMENTS The applicant is requesting the following variance to Sign Bylaw Ns 1250:

• To vary Sec. 4(a)(iv) to permit a wall sign to be located on the top of the concrete wall, immediately above the chain link doorway that provides access to the lower storey which is located on the easternmost driveway serving the Six Mile Furniture business.

Sign Bylaw Ns 1250 does not permit wall signs; the definition follows:

Wall Sign means a sign attached to any wall other than the supporting exterior wall of a principal building or structure on a property, including any retaining wall, freestanding wall, or wall enclosing the perimeter of a property.

The property owners have explained that while they do have a freestanding sign advertising the Andrew Sheret Business located at the western portion of the site, they do not have any signage guiding people to the tenant's business (Six Mile Furniture) from the western approach. (See Appendix A for an aerial perspective).

The applicant suggests the proposed location of the wall sign, near the eastern property line, for several reasons. First, it is best positioned to guide people from the western, eastern and northern approaches to the tenant location. Second, if the owners attempted to place a freestanding sign on private property, it would have to disturb the engineered boulder rock retaining wall that supports the Langford Parkway roadway (See photographs on Appendix B). Furthermore, due to the steep slope of the retaining wall, the typical rectangular sign base (usually clad with stone) that is requested to satisfy Council's Design Guidelines for signs, would be difficult to implement at this location.

Staff also have concerns regarding safe visual sight lines for vehicles entering and exiting the eastern driveway on the site if a freestanding sign was installed near the boulevard.

If Council chooses to support this variance request, staff would recommend that in the absence of design guidelines for wall signs, that the proposed sign be subject to the Design Guidelines in Bylaw #1201 for General Commercial and Downtown Langford which includes:

GCOM 5 All new developments are encouraged to incorporate river rock as a fagade treatment and as an element if freestanding signage.

JD 5.8 (d) Building Signage should reflect the character of the building function to assist in orientation and character.

JD 5.8 (i) Building and tenant identification signs should be organized as distinct architectural elements, reinforcing rhythm and character of building facades.

Staff have advised the applicant of the City's Design Guidelines for signs and the applicant has provided an architectural rendering for staff and Council consideration (See Appendix C). The rock work is proposed to match the rock clad to the building, and the sign's roof element could be either white or blue to match the building's facade colours.

P 5

Subject: DVP-09-18, 895 Langford Parkway February 22nd, 2010 Page 3 of 6 _____


That the Planning, Zoning and Affordable Housing Committee recommend that Council:

1. Proceed with consideration of a Development Variance Permit Ns. DVP-09-18 (895 Langford Parkway) for with the following variances:

a) That Section 4(a)(iv) of Sign Bylaw Ns. 1250 be varied to permit a wall sign to be located as shown on the rendering (Appendix C) at the Andrew Sheret building at 895 Langford Parkway;


2. Reject this application for a Development Variance Permit DVP-09-18.

Matthew Baldwir Baldwin, MCIP City Planner

Grant Liebscher Planner

Bob Beckett Fire Chief

Michelle Mahovlich, P.Geo. Deputy Manager, Engineering

Steve Ternent Treasurer

towden Administrator



Subject: DVP-09-18, 895 Langford Parkway February 22nd, 2010 Page 4 of 6

Appendix A



U»tc Sfc»f £



Subject: DVP-09-18, 895 Langford Parkway February 22nd, 2010 Page 5 of 6

Appendix B


Subject: DVP-09-18, 895 Langford Parkway February 22nd, 2010 Page 6 of 6

Appendix C


CITY OF LANGFORD Planning, Zoning and Affordable Housing Committee 2nd Floor, 877 Goldstream Avenue Victoria, BC V9B 2X8

e-mail planning@cityoflangford ca website: httD:// planning phone (250) 474-6919 planning fax: (250) 391-3436 general fax (250) 478-7864

Staff Report SCA


Planning, Zoning and Affordable Housing Committee

Date: February 22, 2010

File: Z-09-23

Subject: Application to Amend the Zoning Designation of the Properties at 2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road from R2 (One- and Two-Family Residential) to MU1A (Mixed Use Residential Commercial A) and 996 Preston Way from CT1 (Tourist Commercial 1) to MU1A (Mixed Use Residential Commercial A); to Vary the maximum height of a Principle Building from the Required four-storeys to five-storeys to Allow for the Construction of Two (2), Five-Storey Mixed Use Buildings consisting of approximately 63 Affordable Housing and 1,060 m2 (11,410 ft2) of ground floor commercial space; _ ^ _ _ _


M'akola Housing Society has applied to rezone the properties at 2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road and 996 Preston Way to MU1A (Mixed Use Residential Commercial A) in order to construct two (2) five-storey mixed use buildings consisting of approximately 63 affordable housing rental units and 1,060 m2 (11,410 ft2) of ground floor commercial space. The applicant has also applied to vary the maximum height of a principle building from the required four-storeys to five-storeys.

A partnership has formed between M'akola Housing Society, Leier Construction, BC Housing and the Federal Government to help finance and build this project provided that the subject properties are rezoned.

BACKGROUND There are no previous applications concerning the subject properties at 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road and 996 Preston Way. Under the CRD, the property at 2741 Spencer Road was rezoned in 1974




M'akola Housing Society (Kevin Albers)

Jacktree Developments Ltd (M'akola and Leier Construction Partnership)

2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road and 996 Preston Way

Lot B. Section 5, Esquimalt District. Plan 28421. Except Parts in Plans VIP62970. VIP65827 And VIP84875, Lot 3, Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan 11861 Except Parcel A (DD 73969-W) Thereof and Except Parts in Plans VIP62939 and VIP65827; Parcel A (DD 73969-W) of Lot 3, Section 5. Esquimalt District, Plan 11861 Except Parts in Plans VIP62911 and VIP65827;

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Z-09-23 February 22, 2010

Page 2 of 19

Size of Properly

DP Areas Zoning

OCP Designation

Lot 1, Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan 11379 Except Parts in Plans VIP62912 and VIP65827; Lot 2, Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan 11379 Except Parts in Plans VIP62910 and VIP65827; Lot 3, Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan 11379, Except Parts in Plans VIP62914 and VIP65827; and Lot A, Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan VIP86897.

3683 m2 (0.91 acres)

None Current - R2 (One- and Two- Family Residential) and CT1 (Tourist Commercial - Motel)

Current - City Centre


The subject properties are bounded by Trans-Canada Highway to the north and Preston Way to the south. A single-family dwelling unit and an accessory building previously occupied the property at 996 Preston Way. The vacant lot is flat and a few remaining shrubs and trees are scattered throughout the site. A large Douglas fir tree is located on the southwest corner of the property. A large grassy berm occupies the front portion of the properties at 2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road. The back portions of these properties are relatively flat and covered with scotch broom and tall grass, and a few trees along the rear property lines.

Figure 1. Subject Site

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P l l

Z-09-23 February 22. 2010

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Figure 1. 996 Preston Way Figure 2. View of 2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road

Figure 3. View of Preston Way

North of the subject site is the Trans-Canada Highway and south is a townhouse development. Directly across from the subject site is Tri-Ways Mobile Home Park and single-family residential dwelling units abut the east side of the subject properties.






ing Land Uses and Zoning:






OCP Designation


Mixed Use Employment Center

City Centre

City Centre



Mobile Home Park


Single-Family Residential

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Z-09-23 February 22, 2010


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City of Langford Policy No: 6930-00-006 reads as follows: The following required contribution amounts will apply to all market-priced residential units developed in the City Centre through rezoning:

Contribution General Amenity Fund City Park Reserve Fund Community Archeoloqical Assessment Fund ALR Acquisition Fund South Langford Fire Hall Fund Bilston Creek Enhancements Downtown Beautification - Statues, etc Miilstream Creek Enhancments School Traffic Guards Fire Truck Fund Affordable Housing Reserve Fund Total Contribution per unit

Town Centre $2,000 per unit $1,000 per unit $100 per unit $0 per unit $0 per unit $0 per unit $400 per unit $0 per unit $100 per unit $300 per unit $500 per unit $4,400 per unit



The new Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1200 (adopted on June 16th 2008) designates the subject property as City Centre as defined below:

City Centre • A major regional growth centre that support a wide range of high density housing,

including affordable and rental housing; • A major employment area for institutional, office, commercial, light industrial uses; • Major civic uses and public buildings are key landmarks; • A major place of community gathering and celebration; • A wide range of public squares, parks and open spaces are integrated throughout; • The City's major entertainment and/or cultural precinct; and • Inter-city and/or inter-regional transit hug connect residents.

The applicant has proposed a range of medium density housing choices in the form of two five-storey mixed-use buildings consisting of ground floor commercial and affordable rental housing above. This development proposal is in line with the vision illustrated in the OCP for this subject site.


The applicant has applied to rezone the subject properties from R2 (One- and Two- Family Residential) and CT1 (Tourist Commercial 1) to MU1A (Mixed Use Residential Commercial) to permit two five-storey mixed-use buildings. Shown below in Figure 4 is the proposed site plan.

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I % "

Figure 4. Proposed site plan

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Z-09-23 February 22 2010

Page 6 of 19

A summary of the project is as follows:

• Approximately 63 rental apartment units with a mix of 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms; • 33 dwelling units would be rented at 10% below market rates; • 30 dwellings units would be rented at market rates. The average rent of all 63 units is

below market and affordable by BC Housing's current definition of affordability; • 12 of the units would be designated "Seniors Rental Housing (SRH)" and rented out at

30% of the households income (rent-geared-to-income). Depending on household income, rents could be between $150 and $750 a month;

• M'akola would manage and operate all of the 63 apartment units; and • There is approximately 1,060 m2 (11,222 ft2) of gross floor commercial space.

Commercial space in Building 1 would be occupied by M'akola Housing Society (M'akola's head offices would relocate to Langford from the City of Victoria), and Leier Construction (Leier would relocate its offices from the City of View Royal). A dance studio operator would occupy the commercial space in Building 2

Table 1 below compares the zoning requirements of the MU1A zone and the dimensions proposed by the applicant:

Table 1. Comparison of the zoning requirements of the MU1A zone and the proposed dimensions

Minimum Lot Coverage Maximum Height Maximum Density of Development

Minimum Front Yard Setback Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback Minimum Exterior Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback Minimum Parking Requirement

Required by MU1A Zone


4 storeys 2.5 if underground parking is provided otherwise 2 0

2 m (6.5 ft)


2 m (6 5 ft)

7.5 m (25 ft)

• 1.4 parking stalls per dwelling unit (1 4 x 63 = 88 parking stalls)

• 1 parking stall per 22 m2 of GFA (1,060 m2 / 22 m2 = 48 parking stalls)

Total Required = 136



5 storeys* 1.8

2 1 m (6.8 ft)

2 m (6 5 ft)

1 6 m (5 3 ft)*

1.7 m (5.7 ft)*

See subsection on parking

'Variance required as proposed

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Z-09-23 February 22. 2010

Page 7 of 19

FORM AND CHARACTER The applicant has proposed two five-storey mixed-use buildings (please refer to Figure 5 & 6 below) on the subject properties.

> i

1 I I7HT;

Figure 5. Building One on the corner of Preston Way and Preston Way

Figure 6. Building Two adjacent to Trans-Canada Highway

The ground floor commercial space would be occupied by offices and a dance studio. Each building will have one main entryway into the building. Council may wish to note that a form and character development permit would be required following the rezoning process and that the City Planner is authorized by Council to issue setback variances for mixed-use buildings in the development permit.

HEIGHT VARIANCE The applicant is also requesting that Council consider varying the height of the buildings from the required four-storeys to five-storeys. As shown in Figure 5 and 6, the applicant is proposing an even roofline with projections to add some visual interest Council may wish to consider adding to the MU1A zone that a 5-storey building is permitted on the subject properties http.//sharepoint/sites/ZonmgOCP/Z-09-23/Sbared Documents/PZAH Report - 22Feb10 doc


Z-09-23 February 22, 2010

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NEIGHBOURHOOD CONSULTATION In July 2009, the applicant held a public open house for the neighbourhood to present the development proposal and gather feedback on the project. At the meeting, the applicant collected a total of six feedback forms. There was one concern about the proposed parking and turn around area on Preston Way. The proposed parking plan is discussed in more detail below and Council may wish to note that the proposal is to open Preston Way at Spencer Road.

IMPACT ON NEIGHBOURING LAND USES The OCP supports the proposed land uses on the subject properties. Adjoining properties on the east side of the subject site are currently zoned for single-family residential uses. The applicant is proposing substantial landscaping and fencing along the eastern property line. Considering traffic noise along the Trans-Canada Highway, Council may wish to request that the applicant register a nuisance easement on title.

GREEN TRANSPORTATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE BC Transit provides bus service along Spencer Road. There are four bus stops within 250 metres (820 ft) of the subject site including one bus stop on the south corner of Spencer Road and Preston Way (please refer to figure 7).


Bus or Trolley Stop

Figure 7. Bus stops near the subject site

Bike lanes along Goldstream Avenue encourage cycling, and sidewalks will be constructed along Spencer Road to encourage walking in the downtown core. Council may wish to request that the applicant provide a bicycle racks on site for employees and residents to the satisfaction of the City Planner.

The subject site is within a 10 minute walk to City Hall, and the amenities and services in the downtown core.

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Z-09-23 Page 9 of 19 February 22, 2010


The proposed development would be utilizing existing infrastructure (road, sewers and water) along Spencer Road and Preston Way. Allowing a higher density, infill development will provide the following community benefits:

> Creative recycling of vacant and underutilized land;

> Offering diverse housing opportunities (affordable rental apartment units supporting a mix of demographics and household types)

> Providing housing near job centres (Goldstream Ave) and transit

> Increasing property tax base; > Capitalizing on community assets such as parks, services and amenities, transit and

bicycle lanes.


It is a requirement under the BC Building Code that unobstructed fire truck access is provided within 15 m (50 ft) to the entrance of a building. Fire truck access to Building One would be accommodated on Preston Way and an unobstructed pedestrian pathway would be provided to the front entrance of the building. A fire hydrant would be required on the north corner of Preston Way and Spencer Road. Fire truck platform would be required on Spencer Road to provide fire access to Building 2. A fire truck platform is similar to the design of a bus bay. An unobstructed pedestrian pathway would also be constructed to the front of the building. To ensure that the fire truck platform is clear of vehicular traffic, Council may wish to request that the applicant install signage and paint the sidewalk to demarcate the platform. A second hydrant will be required in front of Building two. Council may wish to secure in a S. 219 Covenant that two fire hydrants and directory signage for emergency vehicles is provided on site to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief.

A twelve metre turning radius at the corner of Spencer Road and Preston Way would be required for a fire truck. Council may wish to request that the applicant provide a site plan prior to first reading that shows a 12 metre turning radius.


Council may wish to have the applicant provide a traffic and public safety plan and construction parking plan, prior to any onsite works and/or clearing, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and have this secured in a Section 219 Covenant. This should address any concerns around employee parking during construction.


Currently Preston Way is closed off at Spencer Road. The applicant is proposing to open up Preston Way at Spencer Road to provide access to the subject site and add 31 public surface parking stalls along the south side of the road. Council may wish to note that vehicle movement and access to the site would be limited to Right In/Right Out at the intersection of Spencer Road and Preston Way by the construction of a temporary centre median as requested by MoT.

Council may wish to note that the parking requirement for MU1A zone is 1.4 parking stalls per dwelling unit and 1 parking stall per 22m2 of gross floor commercial area. Based on these parking requirements for a typical mixed-use development zoned MU1A outlined in Part 4 of Zoning Bylaw 300, the applicant would be required to provide the following parking spaces:

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Residential: 1.4 parking stalls x 63 = 88 parking stalls Commercial: 1,060m2 (11,410ft2) of commercial space / 22m2 = 48 parking stalls Total Required = 136 parking stalls

A parking study prepared by Victoria Transport Policy Institute was submitted with the rezoning application. The study provided the following table summarizing the parking demand surveys performed by the parking consultant on other similar M'akola Housing Society Developments within Langford, and in the Capital Region:

Table 2

Hems _fc___yi#rrTn

Parking Uti l ization Rates A t M'Akola Housing Society Developments

Area Density

Occupancy Vehicle Type Units Spaces Vehicles Rate Per Unit

, 3 Low-mad. Townhouass 17 25 13 61%

Medium Townhousss

JM: SMBUHK 10 60 13

JML Townhouses 14 15 Medium Townhouse* ~w 14

LflW-EMd. 749JBrfciirtRd. ^ 5 Low-rued.

TownhouEBB n 28 11 Towntiousec 13

High. I own-c uses 13 Medium Townftouca* J0_ 14

m parking demand sways performed at ten M'Akola Housing

{gonofsHy censf&ered the peak demand period fer This tenia summarizes the restt Society fecJBfies during typical msfdenttal sites) dating August 2009,

Highlighted in the table above are five M'akola Housing projects constructed in Langford and their respective parking ratios. The townhouse developments at 2749 Jacklin Road and 2637 Jacklin Road provide 1 parking space per dwelling unit, and their occupancy rates are between 69% and 70%, respectively. The parking ratio for the townhouse development at 554 Goldstream Avenue is 0.76 parking spaces per unit with an occupancy rate of 52%. The M'akola Seniors Assisted Living facility constructed at 817 Goldstream Avenue has a parking ratio of 0.02 parking stalls per dwelling unit and an occupancy rate of 7%.

Considering the parking demand in the other M'akola affordable housing rental projects in Langford and the region, the applicant is proposing to construct a total of 85 parking stalls consisting of fifty-four (54) off-street parking stalls and thirty-one (31) on-street parking stalls. Shared parking or "decouple parking1" from a particular use where none of the parking stalls would be assigned to specific users is the parking scenario being proposed for the off-street parking stalls.

Summarized below in Table 2 is the parking demand analysis prepared by the parking consultant as part of the parking study for this proposed rezoning. The parking demand analysis suggests that the residential and commercial uses would have different parking demand peaks throughout different times of the day, and the maximum number of parking spaces demanded at one time would be 70.

Decouple means to separate or detach. http://sharepoint/sites/ZoningOCP/Z-09-23/Shared Documents/PZAH Report - 22Feb10.doc


Z-09-23 February 22, 2010

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Table 2. Maximum Parking Demand Analysis Use M'akola Housing Residents* Senior's Housing (12 units) M'akola Office Leier Construction Office Studio/Multi-purpose space Visitors Total Spaces Demanded Total Spaces Available

Weekday 38 (75% at home)

3 11 6 2 8


Evenings 51 (100% at home)

3 1 1 8 6 70

Weekends 38 (75% at home)

3 1 1 8

10 61

54 off-street + 31 on-street = 85 This table indicates how parking demands for each land use are predicted to vary by time of week. *Assumes a residential occupancy vehicle rate of 0.75.

The study demonstrates that the parking demand peak for residential users and dance studio would be during evenings and weekends while the parking demand peaks for the office users would be during the weekdays. In the evenings each residential unit would have access to one stall. Council may wish to request that the applicant install parking signage onsite that only allows commercial users to occupy the onsite parking stalls between 8am and 5pm. This would ensure that the onsite parking stalls would be available to the residents in the evenings. However, in the evenings, visitors, studio/multi-purpose space users, and employees of M'akola Housing Society and Leier Construction would be required to use the public parking stalls on Preston Way.

Council may wish to note that one stall per residential unit is in line with other M'akola affordable housing projects in Langford such as the developments at 2749 and 2637 Jacklin Road. The other three M'akola residential developments in Langford provide less than the 1 parking stall per unit. The applicant is proposing to permanently assign three of the parking stalls to residents in the seniors rental units and this is based on a parking ratio of 0.25 parking stalls per dwelling unit.

Council may wish to consider adding to Table 1 in Part 4 Parking Regulations of Zoning Bylaw 300 that 54 parking stalls, of which 3 parking stalls are assigned to the seniors rental units, are provided on the subject site.

TREE RETENTION Located along the south side of Preston Way is a mix of Garry Oaks and Douglas fir trees. The applicant is proposing to retain these trees. Council may wish to request that the applicant provide a tree retention plan prepared by a Certified Arborist prior to public hearing in order to determine which trees may be retained as well as provide recommendations on how to protect the trees during construction to the satisfaction of the Parks Manager.


Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw 1000 requires a 1.8 m wide sidewalk along the east side of Spencer Road. Road dedication is the preferred mechanism to secure a sidewalk along this portion of Spencer Road, and this would occur at time of rezoning prior to final adoption and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.


Frontage improvements along Spencer Road and Preston Way would be completed in accordance with the current Subdivision and Servicing Bylaw and to the satisfaction of the City

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Z-09-23 Page 12 of 19 February 22. 2010

Engineer. Council may wish to request that the applicant plant hedging along the frontage facing the TCH to the satisfaction of MoT


Due to the site's proximity to the Trans-Canada Highway, the Ministry of Transportation (MoT) would only allow for access to the site off of Preston Way as shown on the site plan in Appendix A. Access to Preston Way would also be limited to right-in, right-out from Spencer Road in order to control vehicular movements at this intersection. MoT would like a temporary centre median installed on Spencer Road to prevent left in, left out. Council may wish to request that the applicant construct this temporary median as a condition of rezoning.

Council may wish to request that the applicant execute a Development Servicing Agreement prior to building permit to the satisfaction of the City Engineer in order to secure off-site improvements.


Council may wish to note that contributions of $500 per dwelling unit collected from developers towards the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund are set aside to support affordable housing projects in the community. Council has also set a policy to support partnerships with other levels of government, the development industry, and non-profit organizations to increase the stock of both market and non-market (subsidized) rental housing within the City of Langford.

Towards increasing affordable housing options and tenures in Langford, M'akola is proposing an affordable housing project that would include a mix of one, two and three-bedroom rental apartment units for singles and families, as well as seniors rental units Over half of the units will have rents at least 10% below market rates while the average rent of all 63 units would be below market by BC Housing's current definition of affordability. The rents of the seniors rental units would be based on rent-geared-to-income.

The cost of constructing one seniors' rental unit is approximately $185,000 M'akola has entered into a partnership with the Federal Government and BC Housing to help finance the twelve (12) proposed seniors' rental units. The Federal Government and BC Housing have committed to provide approximately $74,000 per unit and $71,000 per unit (total of $145,000), respectively, towards the construction of these units.

M'akola has also approached the City for financial support to construct these twelve (12) seniors' rental units. M'akola is requesting a cash contribution of $15,000 per unit from Langford's Affordable Housing Reserve Fund. This would equate to a total contribution of $180,000. Council may wish to note that there are sufficient funds in the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund to provide a donation towards this affordable housing project. In return, M'akola has offered to transfer the strata titles to each of the twelve strata titled units to the City of Langford However, Langford would have to enter into a 60 year lease with BC Housing, and BC Housing would enter into a 60 year operating agreement with M'akola to manage these units. The agreement between BC Housing and the City of Langford would be subject to the regulations outlined in the Local Government Act and Community Charter. The City would not be able to register any charges (i.e. a mortgage) against these units during the 60 year lease BC Housing would register a S.219 Covenant and Option to Purchase on the project ensuring that the development would be operated as an affordable housing project in perpetuity.

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At the Regular Meeting of Council on 8 February 2008, Council endorsed a contribution of $100,000 towards another affordable housing project proposed by M'akola and Keycorp at 554 Goldstream Avenue. A rezoning application has not been submitted yet. M'akola has informed Staff that this development proposal is on hold indefinitely. Council may wish to consider transferring the $100,000 contribution towards this affordable housing project. M'akola has indicated that they would support this option to help finance this project.


M'akola submitted a letter to Council seeking various financial and in-kind support to help this project move forward. The items requested by the applicant are as follows:

1. Waive amenity contributions;

2. Advocacy to waive or reduce overall connection fees to sewers with West Shore Environmental Services (Corix) and Incremental Storage Improvement Fees (ISFS);

3. Waiving of all Property Taxes allowable within the Charter (i.e., for a period of 10 years);

4. A donation of $180,000.00 from the City of Langford Affordable Housing Reserve Fund towards the purchase of twelve (12) Seniors Rental Units as discussed under section on Affordable Housing and Partnerships;

5. An additional donation of $100,000 00 from the City of Langford Affordable Housing Reserve Fund; and

6. Consideration to waive or significantly reduce all approval fees (rezoning, subdivision, and building permit).

As per Council Policy, Council may wish to note that the applicant would be required to provide $4,400 per residential unit (Town Centre) to Langford as an amenity for increased density at the time of rezoning (see Table 3 below) As discussed above, the applicant would like Council to consider waiving the amenity contributions as required by Council policy.

Table 3: Amenity Contributions Contribution General Amenity Fund City Park Reserve Fund Community Archeological Assessment Fund ALR Acquisition Fund South Langford Fire Hall Fund Bilston Creek Enhancements Downtown Beautification - Statues, etc Miilstream Creek Enhancments School Traffic Guards Fire Truck Fund Affordable Housing Reserve Fund Total Contribution per unit

Town Centre $2,000 per unit $1,000 per unit $100 per unit $0 per unit $0 per unit $0 per unit $400 per unit $0 per unit $100 per unit $300 per unit $500 per unit $4,400 per unit

Council may wish to consider that the applicant provide a contribution of $1,000.00 per dwelling unit towards City Park Reserve Fund as per Council's policy or an amount determined by Council prior to first reading of the bylaw.

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Recently, Council adopted Bylaw 1264 that grants a 100% DCC reduction for non-profit rental housing. Under this new bylaw, the total DCCs that could be waived is $402,523.33. DCCs would still be applied to the commercial uses of this development. The DCCs applicable for this development proposal are as follows:

Table 4 - Summary Development Cost Charges and Contributions

Development Cost Charges

• Roads

• Incremental Storage Improvement Fees (ISIFS)

• CRD Water Department DCC

• School Site Acquisition


$4,272/1000 ft2 of commercial floor area

$331.65/unit &

$290.00 per 1000 ft2 of commercial floor area


$11.15 per m2 of commercial floor area










Rezoning the properties to permit a mixed use residential commercial building will contribute more to municipal revenue than by redeveloping it under its present zoning. Considering that the applicant will be required to provide full frontage improvements the proposal should not represent an increased cost burden to the City.


That the Planning and Zoning Committee recommend that Council:


1. Direct staff to prepare a bylaw to amend the zoning designation of the properties at 2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road from R2 (One- and Two- Family Residential) to MU1A (Mixed Use Residential Commercial A) and 996 Preston Way from CT1 (Tourist Commercial 1) to MU1A (Mixed Use Residential Commercial A), subject to the following terms and conditions:

a) That the applicant provide prior to first reading the following items: i. A plan that shows a 12 metre turning radius at the corner of Spencer Road and

Preston Road to the satisfaction of the City Engineer;

b) That the applicant provide prior to public hearing the following items: i. A tree retention plan to the satisfaction of the Parks Manager;

c) That the applicant provide prior to final adoption the following items: i. That the applicant provide a road dedication plan to the satisfaction of the City


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ii. Register a nuisance easement on title to allow legal noise nuisance generated from traffic on the Trans-Canada Highway;

iii. Register a S.219 Covenant that agrees to the following: a. That the applicant provide a bicycle racks on site for employees and residents

to the satisfaction of the City Planner; b. That unobstructed pedestrian pathways would be provided to the front entrance

of each building to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief; c. That the applicant install two fire hydrants to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief; d. That the applicant install directory signage to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief; e. Construct a fire truck platform on Spencer Road in front of Building two to the

satisfaction of the Fire Chief and the City Engineer; f. That the applicant provide a traffic and public safety plan and construction

parking plan, prior to any onsite works and/or clearing, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer;

g. That the applicant provide 54 shared parking stalls onsite of which 3 parking stalls are assigned to the seniors rental units;

h. Construct 31 public parking stalls along the south side of Preston Way prior to occupancy permit and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer;

i. That the applicant install parking signage onsite that only allows commercial users to occupy the onsite parking stalls between 8am and 5pm to ensure that the onsite parking stalls would be available for the residents in the evenings;

j . That the applicant install a temporary centre median on Spencer Road to prevent left in, left out to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and provide cash in lieu or bonding for its removal;

k. That the applicant plant hedging along the frontage facing the Trans-Canada Highway to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Transportation; and

I. That the applicant execute a Development Servicing Agreement prior to building permit to the satisfaction of the City Engineer in order to secure off-site improvements.

d) That the applicant provide works and services along the roads fronting the subject property in accordance with the current Subdivision and Servicing Bylaw as a condition of building permit and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer;

2. That Council:

a. Require that the applicant provide as a bonus for increased density a contribution of $1,000.00 per dwelling unit towards City Park Reserve Fund OR an amount determined by Council prior to first reading of the bylaw; OR

b. Require that the applicant provide as a bonus for increased density one or more of the following amenity contributions per dwelling unit prior to issuance of building permit:

i. $2,000 toward the General Amenity Reserve Fund; ii. $1,000.00 toward the City Park Reserve Fund; iii. $100.00 toward the Community Archaeological Reserve Fund; iv. $400.00 toward the Downtown Beautification Fund; v. $100.00 toward the School Traffic Guards;

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vi. $300.00 toward the Fire Truck Fund; and vii. $500.00 toward the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund.

c. Agree to provide a financial contribution of $15,000 per dwelling unit (a total contribution of $180,000) or an amount determined by Council prior to first reading toward the construction of the twelve (12) proposed seniors rental units;

d. Agree to provide an additional donation of $100,000 from the City of Langford Affordable Housing Reserve Fund;

e. Agree to take ownership of these twelve (12) seniors rental units by M'akola transferring the strata titles to each of the twelve strata titled units to the City of Langford and enter into a 60 year operating lease with BC Housing subject to the regulations under the Local Government Act and Community Charter,

f. Provide support towards waiving or reducing overall connection fees to sewers with West Shore Environmental Services (Corix) and Incremental Storage Improvement Fees (ISIFS);

g. Waive of all Property Taxes allowable within the Charter (i.e., for a period of 10 years);

Waive or significantly reduce al building permit).

approval fees (rezoning, subdivision, and

3. Add the following parking ratio to Table 1 in Part 4 of Zoning Bylaw N~ 300:

Legal Description Lot B, Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan 28421, Except Parts in Plans VIP62970, VIP65827 And VIP84875 (2741 Spencer Road), Lot 3, Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan 11861 Except Parcel A (DD 73969-W) Thereof and Except Parts in Plans VIP62939 and VIP65827 (2749 Spencer Road); Parcel A (DD 73969-W) of Lot 3, Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan 11861 Except Parts in Plans VIP62911 and VIP65827 (2751 Spencer Road); Lot 1, Section 5, Esquimalt District. Plan 11379 Except Parts in Plans VIP62912 and VIP65827 (2753 Spencer Road); Lot 2. Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan 11379 Except Parts in Plans VIP62910 and VIP65827 (2757 Spencer Road). Lot 3, Section 5, Esquimalt District, Plan 11379, Except Parts in Plans VIP62914 and VIP65827 (2761 Spencer Road, Lot A. Section 5. Esquimalt District, Plan VIP86897 (996 Preston Way)

Parking Requirement Provide a total of 55 parking stalls, of which 3 are assigned to the seniors' rental units.

That Council: i. Add to the MU1A zone that a 5-storey building is permitted on the properties at 2741.

2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road and 996 Preston Way, OR

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ii. Direct staff to prepare a Development Variance Permit for the properties at 2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757 and 2761 Spencer Road and 996 Preston Way to include the following:

a) That Section 6.51 A.05 of Zoning Bylaw No. 300 be varied to increase the maximum height of a principle structure from the required four-storeys to five-storeys.


5. Take no action at this time with respect to Z-09-23.

:d-' VK Matthew Baldwin, MCIP City Planner

Jj Leanne Blackwood, MCIP Senior Planner

Jason Parks Parks Manager

Michelle Mahovlich, P.Geo. Deputy Manager of Engineering

Bob Becket Fire Chief


Steve Ternent Treasurer

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Jim Bowden Administrator


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REZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT 2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757, 2761 Spencer Rd

and 996 Preston Way ZONING MAP (Z-09-23)

Scale N T S Last Revised January 20. 2010

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REZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT 2741, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2757, 2761 Spencer Rd

and 996 Preston Way ZONING MAP (Z-09-23)

Scale: N T S Last Revised January 20, 2010

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