Cinematic Analysis Third Quarter

Post on 30-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Cinematic Analysis Third Quarter

Cinematic Analysis

Cole Greenberg

Blue Group


Part A

The Movie Fail Safe filmed in 1964 captures the thrilling story of an alternate past which centers on the theme that humans should be careful not to place too much faith in technology. Taking place during the Cold War the movie follows the military through a catastrophic event which ends in both the destruction of New York and Moscow. During a tour of the Strategic Air Command Center in Omaha, Nebraska the Command Centers extensive radar technology picks up an UFO heading towards American soil. During the Cold War the American military created a fail-safe system so that if the soviets launched a surprise attack on America, American jets would be in position to launch a counter attack. So when this UFO remains unidentified the jets get into the Fail Safe position, bringing their planes just off side of International borders. Soon enough the UFO is identified as an off course airliner by American Fighters combing the area. Sadly when the Command Center goes to cancel the Fail Safe Preparations the technology running the whole system creates an error and Colonel Jack Grady flying just outside of Soviet boarders receives a fake command to initiate the Fail Safe. Under the Impression that the Soviets have just launch an attack on America the Colonel begins to fly past the Fail Safe point and on to Soviet land to bomb Moscow. No one is aware of the error until the radar technology shows an American fighter flying 300 miles inland to Russia. Coincidently right after the Go command was given, experimental Soviet technology is able to jam the planes radios making it impossible for the Command Center to contact the plane. General Black working at the command center makes the executive decision to contact the President as the situation grows worse by the minute. As pressure grows the President is forced to call back American Planes flying home to try and shoot down Colonel Grady and his fleet currently carrying the firepower to decimate Moscow. The Planes are unable to take down the Bombers and the President contacts The Soviet Chairman in an attempt to help the Soviets stop the planes. The President and Chairman discuss the situation, and the Chairman agrees to release the jamming signal. Unfortunately Colonel Grady is under orders not to turn back under any circumstances, even under the order of the President. Soviet planes are unable to take down all of the bombers even with the reluctant cooperation of American technicians. Colonel Grady and his wingman bomb Moscow going down in the blast, while the President comes to a compromise with the Soviet Chairman to stop an all-out nuclear fallout. After Moscow has been blown up, Colonel Black will fly a plane over New York to drop a nuclear bomb to appease the Russians. New York is nuked and although nuclear war is avoided the effects of the technological error are catastrophic. The reality of this movie is that the advanced technology that they relied on to protect their nation actually destroyed it.

Part B

The Film takes place in the ever so terrifying Cold War where the fear of a nuclear war trumped every other aspect of American life. Due to this constant fear it would be crucial for the American military to run a system close to the system portrayed in Fail Safe to enforce mutually assured destruction. Certain parts of the film capture the Americans hate towards the Soviets accurately, like the section of the film where many American engineers are uncooperative to the soviets even under the threat of the destruction of Moscow. Another feature of the film that holds a historical significance would be the Americans growing trust in mechanical systems which eventually leads to their down fall. During the Cold War America had begin to develop new military technology all the time during attempts to gain technology faster than the Russians. According to an article on the cold war Because of the Cold War and the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, many technological advances that we take for granted today were created( Competition drove each country into a state of constant paranoia ready to launch a counter strike at even the slightest hint of an attack. The Film captures this paranoid military excellently over the course of an hour and a half. Although this film will keep you on the edge of your seat for the entirety of the thrilling adventure, there are a few historical errors involved. A big error is the fact that the Fail Safe system was easily brought to hell by a small technical malfunction. According to historian, and reviewer Sidney Hook the positive command would have been transmitted by a coded voice message, verified in several stages by several members of the crew( So in the event of a technical error in real life the go- command would not be issued to the pilots. According to another reviewer the technical errors where too over dramatized and to many coincidences fell into place for the film to seem semi realistic. Other than these errors the film held an important historical significance and captured the Cold War with excellence

Part C

1. Discuss how various cinematographic techniques are used to increase the viewers awareness of the setting, characters or plot development.

During the Film Fail Safe the Cinematographic techniques are used to emphasize certain themes of the play. By using these techniques the director is able to convey a message to the audience, that while may not be spoken directly to the audience, takes place in the film. One of the messages of the film is that technology has become too much of a ruling factor in these peoples lives and instead of protecting them the technology has begun to control them. This is created by taking shots of people next to technology which towers over them creating the feeling that the humans have become miniscule in this whole equation. An example is of the long shots of the military base in Omaha where the military generals and technicians stand next to the large machines and the giant screen capturing the fail safe system towering over them. Along with this message comes the other important message that with creating this Fail safe system the United States has trapped themselves inside the system unable to do anything about the outcome of the bombing. Besides the shots of machines next to humans the film consists of multiple extreme close ups of the generals, president and many others. These claustrophobic shots cause even the viewer himself to feel trapped with these doomed soldiers and generals. The shots of the humongous electronics and close ups grow more frequent as the problem intensifies giving the viewer the impression that situation has grown worse and their system can no longer be controlled by man. These techniques come in handy later in the film once every thing comes into place, and the metaphors in the play are easily seen with the cinematography.

Works Cited Page

1. "The Cold War's on Science and Technology."Study the Past. N.p., 10 Apr. 2008.Web. 5 Mar. 2015. .

2. "Fail Safe."Strategy Page., n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2015..