Cinderella Improv Script

Post on 08-Sep-2015

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improvisational script

Transcript of Cinderella Improv Script

Enter stage rightMother: Okay girls, it is go time! This is chance bag the prince and secure myI mean YOUR future!Sister 1: Of course Mother! Hes most certainly going to pick me!Sister 2: She crazy Mother! The prince is obviously going to pick me!Sisters(overlapping): begin to argue and trade insults with each other about appearances and intelligence.Mother: Girls..GIRLS.. GIRLS!!!!!! Enough fighting! It doesnt matter who the prince picks because once one of you marries him, well all be in the big house! First things first, however, you cannot behave like the beasts you are! You have to behave like proper ME!Sister 1: How do we do that?Mother: Easy, Ill show you. To be viewed as a lady, one must first stand like a lady. Feet together, back arched, shoulders straight, bosom lifted. And for an extra touch, pucker the lips with a slight smirk.(The girls attempt to imitate their mother, one however doing duck face and the other pushing he non-existent bosom high to the sky.)Mother: Darling not so much pucker, and you dear..uhm we want to show off what we got, not what we dont got if you catch my drift. Next, you must walk like a lady. In high heels, a lady must always walk heel to toe like so.Girls follow her like chicks and their mother. Mother makes a sharp turn, sister 1 stops, sister two bumps into her, pushing her into mothers bosom and knocking them both back on the floor.Sisters: She did it!Mother: Just get up, you silly little twits! For our next tip, we will greet the royals. Im sure that you to know how to do thatSister 2:Of course mother! (Shouts) Good evening your honor! My name isMother: Darling, why are you shouting? They are royal not deaf! But you got the first part right. However, you must curtsy when in the presence of the royals. (Proceeds to curtsy and say): Good evening you highness!Daughters imitate her once more. Sister one extends herself a tad too far and almost falls off the stage!Mother: Very good girls ( with strained excitement) Lastly, when the prince meet you, he will ask you to dance(hopefully). So why dont you to show me what youve got.Sisters dance very poorly with each other. Sister 2 is much more aggressive and begins to shout and sister 1, the more whiny of the two.Mother: Here darling let me try.(Mother dances with Sister 1, who proceeds to continually step on her feet.) Darling you must be light on your feet. Remember you are a lady, not a man in a dress! How about you dear.( Dances with sister 2, who counts in double time and accidentally knocks her mother over)Sister 2: Mother! I am so sorry, please dont be mad at us!Sister 1: US? There is no us, you did that all by yourself!Sisters proceed to argue again!Mother: Will you to shut up and help me up! NO wait just stop! (Calmly) Just hold my feet, Ill get up myself.Sisters: Sorry motherMother: Thats alright darlings, its time for you to go in there and show them what youve got!Mother: Oh my god, Im doomed. Those girls couldnt get a man if they were passing them out in the open market. Then Its going to just be me and them, and they will never leave and they will grow old and turn into those old spinsters with a thousand cats. God, I hate Cats!( Memory). Well ladies and gentlemen, while I try and salvage my future, youll meet a beautiful young girl from Russia!