
Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of Cinderella



Once upon a time there was a young girl called Cinderella.

Who lived in a house with her Evil step mother and two ugly step sisters.

All day long they made Cinderella do the housework.

One day the Evil step mother was reading the newspaper,“There is going to be a ball atthe Place tonight” she said“Can we go!, Can we go!” shoutedthe two ugly sisters “Yes everyone in town is invited, we must get ready” replied thestep mother. Cinderella stopped cleaning so she could get ready for the ball.

“What do you think your doing? Your not going to the ball, the Prince won’t want to marry you. Get back to cleaning right now!”.

And with that Cinderella went outside and began to cry.

Suddenly there was a strange noise and Cinderella looked up,“Hello there dear, I am your Fairy God mother. What are you doing out here? Do you not know there is a ball tonight!” she said in a soft voice.Cinderella wiped away her tears, “I wasn’t allowed to go to the ball, but it doesn’t matter its too late now”“Its never too late” explained the Fairy God mother “Don’t you worry you will go to the ball”

With the swish of her wand the pumpkin turned into a coach and the mice turned into horses.“What am I going to wear?” panicked Cinderella.

The Fairy Godmother swished her wand again and transformed Cinderella's rags into a beautiful dress. Cinderella looked herself up and down, she couldn’t believe it all.“My glass slippers are lovely, thank you ever so much”

“One more thing before you go” said the Fairy Godmother, “You must be home before the clock strikes twelve!”

Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball, she danced with the Prince all night long.

In fact she was having such a good time, she forgot all about the one rule her Fairy God mother told her. The clock had begun to strike twelve, worried the Prince wouldsee her in rags, Cinderella started to run as fast as she could.

The Prince ran after Cinderella, but when he got outside the castle she was no where to be seen. Upset he decided to go back into the ball to see if anyone knew her. On his way back he spotted Cinderella’s glass slipper, “I will use this to find my true love” he said to himself.

The very next day the Prince began his search, he went from house to house, but wasn’t having much luck. There was just one house left, “I hope my love is here” he wished as he knocked on the door.

Inside the house the two ugly sisters pushed past Cinderella to try on the shoe, but it did not fit either of them.

“Why don’t you try it” said the Prince to Cinderella knowing she was the onlygirl left in town.Cinderella slowly sat downand tried it on, it was a perfect fit.

Suddenly the Fairy God mother appeared and with a swish of her wand Cinderella’s outfit turned from rags to her beautiful ball grown.

The Prince wasted no time and got down on one knee “Will you marry me” he said to her,“Of course I will” replied Cinderella.

And they all lived happily ever after, well except for the two ugly sisters but that’s another story!