Church of the Blessed to Blessed Sacrament...

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Transcript of Church of the Blessed to Blessed Sacrament...

We, the parish of the blessed Sacrament:

Serve God and Others

Unite cultures

Make disciples

Share the Gospel

Mass Schedule: (limited to 50% of capacity)

In Church

Saturday 5pm Sunday 8am

Sunday 9:30am (Spanish) Sunday 11am

Sunday 12:30pm Sunday 2:00pm (Nigerian-Igbo)

Please note our 5:00pm masses on Sunday are still on hold.

Intentions for these masses will be said in private masses by our priests.


Saturdays from 12pm-1pm. Not in confessionals—in church, to right of altar

Parish Office Open Monday-Friday 9am-3pm

Saturday-Sunday 9am-2pm

November 15th, 2020

201 North Central Avenue Valley Stream, New York 11580

Phone: (516) 568-1027 | Fax: (516) 872-1499 E-Mail: | Website:

Rev. Rejimon Benedict O.I.C. Associate Pastor

Rev. Lawrence Onyegu Pastor

Church of the

Blessed Sacrament

November 5th 1950– November 5th 2020

Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Parish! We hope that all residents of the Valley Stream area can feel at home in our parish and strive to be an active part of our faith community. Please take a moment to stop in the Pastoral Center Office to fill out a membership form and to meet a member of the Pastoral Staff.


Anointing of the Sick Those who are seriously ill or in danger of death should arrange to receive this Sacrament as soon as possible. For those able, you may come to the church at any time to request to be anointed. For those unable, please contact the parish office and one of our priests will come to you at home or in the hospital. We encourage those who are preparing for a planned hospital stay to celebrate the Sacrament before entering the hospital. Please note, that new safety protocols may limit the priests’ ability to anoint in hospitals and homes. Call to find out options.

Baptism Infant Baptisms are usually celebrated the Third Saturday of the month at 1:00 PM and on the Fourth Saturday of the month at 1:00 PM in Spanish. Parents & godparents are asked to attend a Baptismal Preparation class prior to the Baptism. Please contact the parish office as soon as you find out that you are expecting. Any child over 7 years old who has not been baptized should also be enrolled in parish Faith Formation and will need to attend classes for a time before being baptized.

Marriage Please contact the parish office as soon as you become engaged and not less than six months in advance of your anticipated wedding date. Contact the parish prior to making your reception plans to ensure date availability. All couples are required to attend a Diocesan Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation Program.

Reconciliation (Penance, Confession) Confession is on Saturdays between 12:00-1:00 PM and can also be heard by appointment.

Eucharist & Confirmation Inquiries for Eucharist (Communion) and/or Confirmation for all school-age children should be made to the Director of Evangelization, Guenevere Neuhedel.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) For adults seeking Baptism, Communion, and/or Confirmation or even simply inquiring about the Catholic faith. Call the Parish Office at (516)568-1027

Holy Orders and the Consecrated Religious Life The celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Orders is reserved to the bishop. Any young man who believes he is being called to serve God as a priest should speak to one of the parish priests or contact Fr. Sean Magaldi the diocesan vocations director, at 631-424-9888. Any married man who believes he is being called to serve God should consider becoming a deacon. For those who are considering serving God as a consecrated sister or brother, please also contact the parish office or contact Fr. Magaldi.

Parish Assistant & Secretary | Ms. Anne O’Shea 516-568-1027 ex:11 |

Baptisms, Records, & Rectory Office | Ms. Michelle Mata 516-568-1027 ex. 11 |

Parish Social Ministry | Ms. Judy Miccio 516-561-8969 |

Faith Formation | Ms. Guenevere Neuhedel 516-568-1027 ex. 18 |

Music Ministry | Mrs. Hannah Saint Joy 516-568-1027 ex. 13 |

Maintenance | Mr. Anthony Raduazzo 516-568-1027

Altar Servers ........................................................................................ 568-1027

Baptismal Preparation Fr. Rejimon Benedict ........................................... 568-1027 ex. 12

Catholic War Veterans Peter Rumore .......................................................... 718-341-0452

Children’s Music Ministry Mike Gittens .................................................................. 568-1027

Extraordinary Ministers Garole Valbrun ............................................................... 568-1027

Faith Formation Guenevere Neuhedel .......................................... 568-1027 ex. 18

Homebound Ministers Jim Cunningham ............................................................ 825-2563

Knights of Columbus

Tom Avallone .............................................................. 880-5397

Live Christ Share Christ Ron Acosta .................................................................... 568-1027

Lectors Andrew Walters ............................................................. 872-9180

Legion of Mary Rose Sciacca .................................................................... 561-7111

Living Rosary Vi Pultorak...................................................................... 791-7587 Prayer Warriors Lilly Gicala ..................................................................... 850-3654 Rainbow Club Gayle Andresen ............................................................. 872-3670 Respect Life Ministry Anne Marie Konzet ....................................................... 568-1027 Renovacion Carismatica Olga Mackay ................................................................. 406-7246 RCIA Christine Vessely ............................................................ 285-5736 Spanish Ministry Gustavo Vasquez ........................................................... 568-1027 Ushers George Peers ................................................................. 557-3798 Weddings Fr. Lawrence Onyegu .......................................... 568-1027 ex. 12


& Sacraments


Primera Lectura

Nuestro sabio judío describe un hogar

modelo que se rige por la sabiduría de

una esposa. ¿Qué encuentras

atractivo en esta representación?

Segunda Lectura

Pablo habla del día desconocido en

el que Cristo volverá como viniendo

"como un ladrón en la noche" y como

los inevitables "dolores de parto" de

una mujer a punto de dar a luz. ¿Por

qué crees que Pablo usa imágenes

tan estremecedoras?

Lectura del Evangelio

En su parábola de los talentos, Jesús

enseña sobre la importancia de usar

nuestros dones dados por Dios con

fidelidad y prudencia. ¿Cuál sería un

don natural que has usado bien en tu


First Reading

Our Jewish sage describes a model

household that is governed by a

wife’s wisdom. What do you find

appealing in this portrayal?

Second Reading

Paul speaks of the unknown day

upon which Christ will return as

coming “like a thief in the night” and

as the inescapable “labor pains” of a

woman about to give birth. Why do

you think Paul uses such jarring


Gospel Reading

In his parable of the talents, Jesus

teaches about the importance of

using our God-given gifts faithfully

and prudently. What would be a

natural gift you have used well in your


Este domingo escucharemos en la Liturgia sobre la parábola de los talentos y de cómo el Señor reparte

estos de acuerdo a las habilidades de las personas. Dios ha invertido en nosotros y espera que esa

inversión dé frutos de acuerdo a la capacidad personal. Hablando en términos actuales, algunas

personas ahorran en bancos, y hasta ponen su dinero en la bolsa de valores, otras en cambio prefieren

tener su dinero en casa, aunque no gane ningún interés.

De acuerdo al Evangelio, dos de los servidores hicieron muy bien. Sin embargo, el tercero no se

preocupó en lo absoluto de poner a trabajar lo recibido. "Es importante no encerrarse en sí mismos, enterrando el propio

talento, las propias riquezas espirituales, intelectuales, materiales, todo lo que el Señor nos ha dado, sino abrirse, ser solidarios,

tener cuidado de los demás". ¿Han pensado en los talentos que Dios les ha dado? ¿Han pensado en cómo se pueden poner

al servicio de los demás? ¡No entierren los talentos! Apuesten por grandes ideales, los ideales que agrandan el corazón,

aquellos ideales de servicio que harán fructíferos sus talentos". La vida no se nos ha dado para que la conservemos

celosamente para nosotros mismos, sino que se nos ha dado, para que la donemos. ¡Queridos jóvenes, tengan un corazón

grande! ¡No tengan miedo de soñar cosas grandes!" Y añadió el Papa. "Nos dice que la espera del retorno del Señor es el

tiempo de la acción. Nosotros somos el tiempo de la acción, tiempo para sacar provecho de los dones de Dios. (Papa

Francisco a los jóvenes).

sea piedra), y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi Iglesia”. (Mateo 16:18). ¿En tu vida, realmente Jesús es el Mesías?

VIVIR LA LITURGIA Dios nos ha confiado sus posesiones. Las posesiones de Dios no son cosas físicas terrenales como las nuestras: una casa,

una cuenta bancaria, artículos personales, etc. Las posesiones de Dios son mucho más grandes y profundas. La mayor

posesión de Dios es su propio Ser y es precisamente esta perla de gran precio la que Él nos otorga libremente. ¿Qué

haremos con esto? Nutrir los frutos de la sabiduría es de primer orden para determinar cómo vamos a usar lo que Dios

nos ha dado. Comprender que su regalo no se ha dado exclusivamente para nuestro propio beneficio es otro. La

sabiduría nos pide que ampliemos nuestros horizontes para abarcar todas las vías de la vida humana, incluidas las

necesidades de los pobres, los marginados y los necesitados. Manifestados principalmente en las virtudes de la fe, la

esperanza y el amor, lo que Dios nos ha confiado puede multiplicarse exponencialmente si invertimos su don

sabiamente y obtenemos los mayores beneficios. Si bien requiere una gran cantidad de enfoque y trabajo duro

persistente, experimentaremos un gozo tremendo cuando nos demos cuenta de cuánta confianza tiene Dios en

nosotros. No actuar sobre algo por miedo o falta de confianza no sirve para nada y no sirve para Dios ni para nosotros

mismos. @LPi


Weekly Scripture Readings

Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/ Ps 128:1-2,3,4-5[cf. 1a]/ Thes 5:1-6/ Mt 25: 14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21

Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [Rev 2:17]/Lk 18:35-4

Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Ps 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5 [Rev 3:21]/Lk 19:1-1

Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11/Ps 150:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6 [1b]/Lk 19:11-28

Thursday: Rv 5:1-10/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [Rev 5:10]/Lk 19:41-44

Friday: Rv 10:8-11/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131 [103a]/Lk 19:45-48

Saturday: Rv 11:4-12/Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10 [1b]/Lk 20:27-40

Next Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/Ps 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6 [1]/1 Cor 15:20-

26, 28/Mt 25:31-4

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, Cycle A

November 22nd, 2020

First Reading ~ Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 God himself will shepherd the people of Israel.

Responsorial Psalm ~ 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6 The Lord is our shepherd.

Second Reading ~ Corinthians 15:20-26,28 Because Christ has been raised from the dead, all those who have died

will also be raised. Gospel Reading ~ Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus teaches that when the Son of Man comes in glory, he wll judge the nations, separating the sheep from the goats.

We will honor ALL mass intentions. Mass that are not public will be said privately by the priests and the intentions offered then. We are sorry that loved ones cannot be present for these



SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15: THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM: Helen Brown ~Requested by: Phyllis & Will Gill

9:30 AM: Juan & Ramon Torres

Fe Esperanza Gonzaga Guerrero & Eric Colon

~Requested by: Maria Quezada

Edmund Fuentes

~Requested by: Linda Perez

Aurelio Calle & Ernesto Patino

~Requested by: Sara Calle-Patino

11:00 AM: Vasselman Family

~Requested by: The Family Healy

12:30 PM: John Watson

~Requested by: Pat & Richie Travis


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19: 9:00 AM: Mary Kane ~Requested by: Marie Murray FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20: 9:00 AM: Nathalie Pierre-Georges ~Requested by: Nathalie

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21: THE PRESENTATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 8:00 AM: Alberta & Damiano Di Piazza ~Requested by: Carol & Daniel Di Piazza 5:00 PM: Pauline & Ralph Avallone, Nicoletta, Jasper, John & Peter Mantione ~Requested by: The Avallone & Mantione Families

Mass Intentions

Altar Candles for the week of

November 15– November 21 2020

In Memory of:

Fran Haviken

Requested by:

Linda Melucci

The Sanctuary Lamp for the month of November


For the intentions of :

John Muligan

Requested by:

His Daughter , Barbara

In the month of November, we pray for our loved ones who have gone before us. May God grant them eternal rest.

This Veterans Day, Help us Support A Place to Call Home

Charles spent 17 years deployed at military bases throughout the world. Returning home after an incident involving

nerve gas, he began struggling with debilitating bouts of anxiety and depression. His circumstances worsened and he

couldn’t maintain a steady job. Charles

moved in with his mother, but within a year she died and his childhood home went into foreclosure. Catholic Chari-

ties’ Project Veterans’ Independence, which guides homeless veterans into permanent housing so they can live inde-

pendently and have access to support networks that get them back on their feet, reached out and helped Charles.

Please consider donating to the Appeal and making a difference in someone’s life. Thank you!

To make a donation, you can also visit or call us at

516-678-5800 ext. 296.

Make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish/ __________________________________ Pledge: $_______ Name ___________________________________ Down payment: $_______ Address__________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Signature: ____________________________Date:________

En este Día de los Veteranos ayúdenos a procurarles un hogar Charles pasó 17 años de su vida asignado a diferentes bases militares en diversas partes del mundo. Des-pués de sufrir un ataque con armas químicas, regresó a casa; y al poco tiempo comenzó a sentir depresión y terribles ataques de ansiedad. Su situación fue cada vez peor y le impidió mantener un empleo estable. Charles se mudó de regreso a vivir con su madre. Pero en cuestión de un año, ella falleció y la casa -donde él había vivido desde su niñez- fue embargada. El ‘Proyecto Veteranos Independientes’ de Caridades Católicas contactó a Charles. Este programa ayuda y guía a veteranos sin hogar a conseguir una vivienda permanente y vivir independientemente. El programa facilita el acceso a redes de asistencia y los ayudan a salir adelante.

Por favor considere hacer un donativo a la Campaña y así hacer la diferencia en la vida del prójimo. ¡Muchas Gracias!

Por favor considere hace un donativo a favor de la Campaña

Escriba su cheque pagadero a: Mi donativo total: $_______

Catholic Ministries Appeal Cuota Inicial: $_______

Balance: $_______ Mi Parroquia es: __________________________________

Mi Nombre: _____________________________________ ❑ Mensual ❑ Trimestral

Mi Dirección: __________________________________ ❑ Anual ❑ Otro

Ciudad, Estado, Código Postal: __________________________________Teléfono: __________________

Mi Firma: _____________________________ # Cuenta: _______________________

Faith Formation Registration is now available online:

Our classes will be semi-hybrid with virtual classes every two weeks, accompanied by an in-person class roughly

every 6 weeks. We look forward to developing your child’s faith in our “new normal”!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are seeking volunteer

catechists willing to teach our students both in the virtual environment as well as in-person. Training for the virtual

setup will be provided. Thank you in advance for your support.

Faith Formation & Catholic Stewardship

Faith Formation

Welcome back to another year of faith formation. We are excited to begin classes on October 31st ! If you have not already registered, registrations will be ac-cepted until November 15th. If you have already reg-istered please stop by the office to pick up your books and materials during our office hours.

With this viral outbreak and the global response, we know the economy has been hit hard. But amidst all of this, we must remain people of hope. The parish is also reliant on the income generated from our regular collections. Such revenue supports our facilities, outreach, and ministries. We know many of you may be impacted by this economic downturn, but hope that you can continue to be as generous with us as possible so we can continue serving you

and the community on your behalf. How can I still donate?

• If attending mass in person (drive-in or in church), there will be collection baskets available at the end of mass to drop in your envelope/donation.

• You can mail your offering to the parish office or put it in the offering boxes in the church.

• Give a One-Time Gift (no account needed) or set up a Recurring Schedule via ConnectNow, our online giving platform.

• Text the word “give” to 516-588-7800, do a quick, one-time set-up and then regularly be able to give through texts

• Or download the “ConnectNow Giving” App in the Apple Appstore and Google Play. Make sure to Search for us with zipcode 11580-3198

Get started here:

You can learn more about e-giving at

SACRAMENT UPDATES With the Phase II allowance of 50%

capacity in churches, we can now have baptisms,

wedding, funerals, and memorial

masses! We can also still

livestream all these and other events for remote


We also continue to offer:

Livestreamed memorial masses in lieu of in-person funeral masses.

Wake Services at funeral homes using Zoom.

Blessings outside the church on the way to the cemetery/crematory.

If interested in any of the

Service, Support, and Stewardship


Parish Social Ministry

Our Food Pantry is open by appointment only with curbside pick-up. Food

assistance is available for those who live within our parish boundaries. For days

and times for food pick-up please call 516 561-8969. If no one picks up please a

message and someone will get back to you a soon as they can.

Parish Social Ministry Thanksgiving Food Drive

It is an understatement to say that the coronavirus outbreak has changed life as we knew it. With many busi-nesses closed, restaurants closed, schools opening one day closing the next, and so many unemployed, life is cer-tainly not what it used to be. This pandemic has caused so many to have fear and anxiety not only by what is currently happening but also about what the future holds for us. Hopefully, it has brought something else: an opportunity for us to understand and relate to others felling the same. For some business is thriving, families are healthy, and then their others who are barely surviving, currently unemployed, having health issues, or lost loved ones. It has been my experience in life, going through my own ups and downs that one of the best ways to help ourselves it to help others. I hope that one of the things to come out of this crisis will be an increased ability for people to feel compassion and gentleness towards others and to act on it. I now kindly ask that if you able to donate any of the items on our thanksgiving list we greatly appreciate it. We would also gladly accept gift cards for King Kullen or Key Food. If you are not able to please consider another act of kindness you can show some-one. Reach out to someone who is alone, check in on an elderly neighbor, give some time to a caregiver or a par-ent working from home and homeschooling their children to get out of the house for a walk around the park. Re-member we are all in this together and what makes us alike is greater than what separates us. We all look for-ward to getting back to normal. Peace, Judy Miccio

Food Pantry Thanksgiving List Canned Yams Canned White Potatoes White rice Canned corn Jiffy corn muffin mix Hot chocolate Cookies Apple sauce

Apple juice

Cranber-ry sauce

Turkey gravy Macaroni & Cheese Brown rice We will also accept king Kullen & Key Food Gift cards !

Service, Support, and Stewardship

Collection data for the weekend of November 8,





Town of Hempstead Harvest to Home Meal Delivery Program Island Harvest is working in partnership with the Town of Hempstead to offer a specially designed program called Harvest to Home, an Island Harvest Food Bank home delivery meal service. The program is currently available for all those belonging to our target population. The Town of Hempstead approached Island Harvest to design a program that would support veterans, seniors 55+, people with disabilities, people who are immune-compromised and people in quarantine and all who have been impacted by COVID-19. Once each participant has been approved for the program, they will receive a weekly delivery containing 14 heat and serve/ ready to eat prepared meals. To apply for the Town of Hempstead Harvest to Home Meal Delivery Program, residents of the Town of Hempstead who are veterans, seniors 55+, people with disabilities, people who are immune-compromised and people in quarantine and all who have been impacted by COVID-19 participants should contact Island Harvest Food Bank by calling 516.456-2403 or email You will speak with a program Scheduler who will help you through the application process. Hi All,

We will once again be running the BJ's Membership Drive & the Lucky $1,000.00 Raffle.

BJ's Membership Drive Renew your membership or become a new

member to save $15 - $30 and renewals get

one Free Month! Applications are available at the church entrances and the parish office. Applications must be submitted to the office by December 6th!

Help your parish while taking a chance to win $1,000! Lucky $1,000 Raffle Is Back! This is your chance to win one of 30 Cash Prizes...

including the Grand Prize of $1,000!! Only 500 tickets will be sold and EVERY number will be drawn for a chance to win! Chances are $20 each, tickets are available at the Parish Office

Winners need not be present! Drawing will be held on Sunday, February 28, 2021.

Important Phone Numbers

• New York State Coronavirus Hotline: 888-364-3065

• Nassau County Coronavirus Hotline: 516-227-9570

• Nassau County Crisis Helpline: 516-227-TALK (8255) - for mental health or addiction crises.

• NYS COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline: 1-844-863-9314 - for those seeking mental health counseling

• Nassau County A.A. Hotline: 516-292-3040

• Nassau County Safe Center Hotline: 516-542-0404 - for experiences of abuse, domestic violence, etc.

VETERANS: Nassau County Veterans in need of assistance including essential

transportation, food pantry access, and counseling services, call: 516-572-6565 If you or a loved one is struggling with

substance abuse and cannot get through to the numbers above, please call the parish at

516-561-8969 or email at with your name, phone number, and a brief explanation of the


Nassau & Suffolk Law Services, providing FREE legal support to low income, disabled,

and disadvantaged individuals.


(516) 292-8100 SENIORS in NASSAU COUNTY:

(516) 292-8088

WESTERN SUFFOLK: (631) 232-2400

EASTERN SUFFOLK: (631) 369-1112

An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Ismael Maldonado Helen Costantakos

Nancy Lynn Fisher Gini Spinelli Liam Walsh Nancy Ward Raul Mata

Concetta Longo Betty McCormack

Oscar Rossel

*Names kept on list for 6 weeks

Please Pray for the Sick Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

Michael Smith

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. Amen.

At Blessed Sacrament

We live-stream all daily masses and the Sunday 11am mass. These streams can be viewed either live or later on our parish

webpage, Facebook, or YouTube.

Live Times:

Sundays: 11am

Mondays-Fridays: 9am

Saturdays: 8am

Parish Webpage:

StreamSpot Site:



Roku: search Blessed Sacrament, Valley Stream

Mass Online The Center for Rapid Recovery Inc.

The center for Rapid Recovery Mobile Intervention & Outreach Program (MIOP) offers Family Support Services (FSS)

to individuals at risk or diagnosed with developmental disabilities Help is available for those having difficulty in expressive speech, self-help, mobility, self-direction, understanding and making decisions, managing emotions, difficulty with learning simple tasks.

Call (516)292-6449 or email for more info