Church of St. Anthony2019/07/07  · reference to his or her sexual desires." "The heart of Courage...

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Transcript of Church of St. Anthony2019/07/07  · reference to his or her sexual desires." "The heart of Courage...

July 7th, 2019 • 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Assumption Church464 State Street North

PO Box 9Eden Valley, MN 55329

Assumption Churchof Eden Valley



Mass TimesWednesdays………….…...……………5:45 PMFridays……………………………………7:00 AMSaturday…………….…..……………….4:00 PMSunday……………….……..…………….8:00 AM

ReconciliationWed: 5:15 PM, Fri: 8:00 AMSat: 3:30 PM & Sun 7:30 AM

Office HoursMon: 12:30-4:30, Wed: 8-4

Fri: 8-12:00 (hours may vary)

Church of St. Anthony201 Central Ave South

PO Box 409Watkins, MN 55389

www.stanthonywatkins.comChurch of St. Anthonyof Watkins


Mass TimesTuesdays (at Nursing Home)……9:30 AMThursdays……………………….………8:30 AMSunday…………………………….……10:00 AM

ReconciliationThursdays: 8:00 AM, Sundays: 9:45 AM

Office HoursMon: 8-12, Tues: 8-4

Thurs: 8-4 (hours may vary)

Twinned Parish ContactsPastor Father Aaron NettSecretary Jessica TeicherDRE Christine LouwagieRE Assistant Bonnie MeyerSacramental Assistant Becky Haag

All Visitors and Guests Welcome to the Assumption and St.Anthony parishes! Thank you for joining us for the Holy Sacrificeof the Mass. If you would like to become a member of either parishplease call or email the parish offices. “May the Lord guard yourcoming and going both now and forever.” -Psalm 121

Twinned Parish NewsTotus Tuus We welcome our Totus Tuus teamto our Masses this weekend! We are so fortunateto have a familiar face leading our team, HeidiGeislinger from Watkins. The other team membersinclude Jaci Nelson, Neal Anderson, and NolanLemna. Please keep the team members in yourprayers this week as they share their love for theLord with our kids! You can still sign your child upfor the fun! Please see Bonnie or Christy after Massin the back of church; or come by Assumption forthe first session on Sunday night (for high school)or Monday morning (for elementary) and we cantake care of it then!Totus Tuus Daily Mass Please come and joinour Totus Tuus group for daily Mass this week! Itis an amazing opportunity to share this specialweek with our students! Mass will be held daily atAssumption Church: Tuesday-Thursday at 11:15am and Monday & Friday at 9:30 am.. There willbe no Thursday Mass at St. Anthony’s this week.Community Potluck - Wed. July 10thCome and gather with our Totus Tuus team, kids,staff, and community for Potluck on Wednesday,July 10th 5:15 pm-6:30 pm. Potluck will be atAssumption in between the elementary school andhigh school sessions. It's a great time forfellowship, fun, and to get to know the Totus Tuusteam that will be sharing their love of the Lord withour kids that whole week.Steubenville We are off to Rochester with 16students and 7 adults for the Steubenvilleconference July 12-14! Please keep all participantsin your prayers during this wonderful journey offaith!Mark Your Calendar!Parish Community Potluck & Cor Jesu - July 20Come and gather together for a potluck at 6:30pm on Saturday, July 20th, at St. Anthony. We willhave yard games available, basketball, chalk, etcoutside. Cor Jesu (pronounced core yayzoo) willbegin at 7:00 pm in the church. Cor Jesu is anopportunity to encounter our Lord in the BlessedSacrament during adoration, while singingcontemporary songs of praise, hearing a shortsermon, and reconciling oneself with God in theSacrament of Penance. Bring a dish to pass andjoin us for potluck and this special encounter withour Lord!

A Message from Father AaronCourage for Those in Need

Dear Friends,Last week my bulletin article addressed a very

sensitive issue in culture today regarding thetransgender movement and those who struggle withsame-sex attraction, are in a same-sex relationship,and what our reaction as concerned family and friends.This article is meant to be a follow-up with a resourcewhich could be of help.

Do you know of someone who is struggling with asame-sex attraction, in a same-sex relationship, orstruggles to understand the Churches teachings onhuman sexuality? The Catholic Church is here to helpyou.

Courage: A Catholic Apostolate is specificallydesigned to do that."The community aspect of Courage extends to anappreciation, on a deep level, of the importance ofassisting families with a member who experiencessame-sex attractions. EnCourage provides support forfamily members and concerned individuals with sons,daughters, spouses, or friends affected by same-sexattractions, helping members to understand this struggleand the necessity of embracing a life of chastity(Documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of theFaith, paragraph 16). Family members and friends alsosuffer, and they too need the support of a communityrooted in a reverence for Truth, one founded upon, andfaithful to, the belief that the human person, made in theimage and likeness of God, should not be reduced to areference to his or her sexual desires.""The heart of Courage and EnCourage spirituality, basedon the writings of Saint Francis de Sales and The FiveGoals of Courage, is the belief that sanctity is possible ineveryday life. Through the Courage Apostolate thosepersons experiencing same-sex attractions areencouraged to deepen their Christian discipleship throughparticipation in the sacramental life of the Church,particularly through the frequent reception of theEucharist and frequent confession, as well as through aregular prayer life, witness, counsel, service, andself-giving." Courage website:

Again, my support and prayers are with anyonewho is experiencing difficulty with this issue. Pleaseknow you can come and speak with me or I will directyou to those who are specifically trained to do so. Weare all called to love according to the Truth of who weare as God's children. May God gives us the grace toknow his loving Heart and ways in a profound way. God bless you,

Father Aaron

Assumption Parish NewsLector Schedules The new lector schedules through to the end of theyear are available in the back of church. Thank you to Sarah Kneip fortaking over the scheduling and to Lona Brutger for her years of help!Scheduling Help Needed! We are looking for someone who wouldbe willing to take on scheduling for the Eucharistic Minister schedule. Theschedule is up at the end of June and will be “filled in” each week asneeded until we get a volunteer. Please watch the bulletin and theschedule on the website for updates. Call the office or talk to Father ifinterested.Usher’s Needed The Assumption church is looking for volunteers thatwould be willing to help with ushering at the weekend Masses. CallReuben Stommes at 310-2493 if interested.Monthly Auto Transfers/Deposits We have a number ofparishioners who have their Sunday contributions automaticallytransferred to the parish via the bank. This amount is listed under the“financial blessings” as “total monthly auto transfers”. These amountsare deposited at different times of the month (according to theparishioners requests) and are NOT listed in the weekly totals, they arelisted as a monthly total only. If you would like to make your donationautomatically you can find the form on the website or contact the office.

Mass IntentionsMonday, July 8:9:30 am Mass: † Walter JohnsonTuesday, July 9:11:15 am Mass: † Loran EullWednesday, July 10:11:15 am Mass: † Kathleen MathiesThursday, July 11:11:15 am Mass: † Florence WeinmannFriday, July 12:9:30 am Mass: † Marie RuhlandSaturday, July 13:4:00 pm Mass: People of the ParishSunday, July 14:8:00 am Mass: †Anna Schoolmeesters

Ministry Schedule-July 13, 4:00 PMLector: Lona BrutgerUshers: Francis Bischof, Jim Schutz, Bud Binsfeld & Jim RademacherExtraordinary Ministers of Communion:Dean Lemke, Bobbi Jo Kneip & Volunteer

Servers: Nathan & Violet LangMusic: Marlene FischerRosary Leader: Rose Becker

-July 14, 8:00 AMLectors: Denise Nohner & Jake BlommerUshers: Art Holdvogt, Brian Nohner, Nick Thielen & Chad FieldExtraordinary Ministers of Communion:Sharon Schettler, Donna Bischof & Jenny EvensHomebound: Donna Bischof & Marge KuechleServers: Jack Evens, Mallory Evens, Amber Scherer & TBDMusic: Kris LatchamRosary Leader: Nick & Sheri Blonigen

Financial Blessings*Due to the early bulletin deadline,the financials are not available thisweek and will be published in next

week’s bulletin.

COMING IN JULY OF 2019 TO ASSUMPTION! SIGN UP TODAY!Totus Tuus is a fun and energetic Catholic youth program taught by seminariansand college students from throughout the Diocese. From catechetical sessions,Sacraments, and Mass to songs, games and skits – your child is sure to have funwhile learning more about their faith.Entering Grades 1-6 (2019-20) July 8–12, 9:00 am-2:30 pm ($25 each)Entering Grades 7-12 (2019-20) July 7–11, 7:00-9:00 pm ($10 each)JOIN US!-Daily Mass: Tuesday–Thursday at 11:15 am and Monday & Friday at 9:30 am

- -Parish Potluck: Wednesday, July 10, 5:15 pm – 6:30 pm. Everyone iswelcome, need not have children participating in Totus Tuus to attend. Pleasebring a dish or two to share.

Members and youth from both parishes are intvited to participate!

Join us on Thursdays in June & Julyto learn more about our Catholic

Faith! The topic is Catholic morality and how we, as Catholics, are calledto live our lives. Next “talk” July 11th at 7-8:30 PM at St. AnthonyTopic: The Sixth and Ninth Commandments: Sexual MoralityFrederick Blonigen “Uncle Fred” is an excellent speaker andexperienced teacher with a great love for the Catholic faith. You arestrongly encouraged to give these sessions a try. Come to just one or all!

Thursdays: 7:00-8:30 PMOnly 3 Sessions Left!!

St. Anthony Parish NewsMass Intentions

Tuesday, July 9:9:30 am Mass at Hilltop: †Olga SchneiderThursday, July 11:No MassSunday, July 14:10:00 am Mass: †Brian Walz

Ministry ScheduleJuly 14, 10:00 AMLectors: Chad Dockendorf & Tammy WinterUshers: Ron Molitor, Margi Schreifels, Joe Rathmann & Leander SalzlExtraordinary Ministers of Communion:Precious Body: Jack KinzerPrecious Blood: Rachel Kinzer & Joe KramerHomebound: Linda Faber, 310-1568Servers: Reyse Hesse, Cambel Hesse, Finn Lorentz & Avery SchmittRosary Leader: Kevin & Erin Donnay FamilyChildren’s Liturgy: Michelle/Amanda (Anna, Olivia & Emily)

Financial Blessings*Due to the early bulletin deadline,the financials are not available thisweek and will be published in next

week’s bulletin.

Weekly ScheduleMondays: Mary’s Cenacle, 2:00Thursdays: Thrift Shop, 9-12Saturdays: Thrift Shop, 9-12

Church Cleaners Leon

& Carol Pauly, Glenn,Adam and Alison Pauls,Terry & Kathy Pauls andEmily Piccerillo andfamilies.*Please call Theresia at764-7251 to unlock.

Blood Drive in Watkins A Red Cross Blood Drive willbe held on Wed., July 10, from 1– 7pm at the St. AnthonyChurch Social Hall in Watkins. The need for blood iscrucial. Please consider donating. We appreciate all who have donatedin the past but welcome any first time donors. To make an appointmentthere are many options: at the website or downloadthe Blood Donor App or call 1-800-REDCROSS or Theresia at 320-764-7251. If you have any questions about donating, call 1-866-236-3276.Please bring an ID along when you donate and hope to see you there.Funeral Dishes If you brought food for a funeral in the past months,please check the counter in the parish center for your dish.Schedules Available The new schedules for lectoring, ushering, theSunday and Thursday rosaries and the Eucharistic homebound ministryare on the back cabinet in church. Thank you for your help in theseministries!St. Theresa MissionThe St. Theresa sewing mission from St. Anthony’s is selling embroidereddish towels. Call Jeanette at 320-764-9411 if interested.Help “Beat the Heat” at St. Anthony’s The collection for AirConditioning for church is still ongoing. You can send your donation inthe Sunday collection, drop off at the office or mail directly. So far wehave collected $14,747.50 of the $19,992.63 needed. Thank you for yourdonations!

5th century Europe was a dark place.The Roman Empire had fallen, and barbarian tribes were picking over the scrapsof what remained. Faith hung on, but there was no consistent, coherent Christianculture in the world around. Young Benedict began his life with education andprivilege but became disillusioned by a life pursuing material success. He withdrewto a monastery and spent much time in solitude. He began attracting followers, whomhe organized over time into 12 monasteries, with a 13th established to train youngmonks. He wrote a rule of life including basic principles for living as Christ. Hismonks took three vows: conversion to Christ, obedience to the local abbot, andstability to remain with the community. Benedictine monasteries became lights inthe darkness, secure centers of Christian culture enlivening the faithful beyond theirwalls.

“The harvest isabundant but the

laborers are few; soask the master of theharvest to send out

laborers for hisharvest”

Monday: Gn 28:10-22a/Ps 91:1-2, 3-4, 14-15ab[cf. 2b]/Mt 9:18-26Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33/Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8band 15 [15a]/Mt 9:32-38Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a/Ps33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19 [22]/Mt 10:1-7Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5/Ps105:16-17, 18-19, 20-21 [5a]/Mt 10:7-15Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30/Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28,39-40 [39a]/Mt 10:16-23Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a/Ps 105:1-2,3-4, 6-7 [cf. Ps 69:33]/Mt 10:24-33Sunday: Dt 30:10-14/Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34,36, 37 [cf. 33] or PS 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [9a]/Col1:15-20/Lk 10:25-37

Marriage- Couples should contact the parish atleast 6 months prior to wedding date.Baptism-Parents or expecting parents shouldcontact the parish office to sign up for a baptismalprep class and to schedule a meeting with Father.The next baptism class is scheduled for August 4.Anointing of the Sick - contact the parish officewhen anointing is needed.

Bulletin announcements are due by noon on Tuesdays.

Totus Tuus & Vacation Bible SchoolPlease see the Parish Websites for more informationand registration forms. Registration Forms can alsobe found in the back of each parish. Totus Tuus,July 8-12, 9:00am-2:30pm, Grades K-5 (2018-19School Year). Totus Tuus, July 7-11, 7:00pm-9:00pm, Grades 6-12. Vacation Bible School,August 5-9, 9:00am-12:00pm, 4yrs old-4th gradeand grades 5-12 can be helpers. Make time withJesus a part of your summer!

Bonfire Nights at Vans Beachon Lake Koronis - Grades7-12 Join us for our AreaCatholic Community youth nightsthis summer! Come meet up atVans Beach on Lake Koronis(15612 Cedar Point Road,Paynesville) for swimming, snacks, a bonfire, andother fun outdoor activities. We will meet onWednesday nights July 17, 24, and 31 7:00-9:00.Bad weather back up plan: movie night at St. LouisCatholic Church. If transportation is needed, pleasecontact the Faith Formation office, 453-5765. We are excitedto see you there for some serious summer fun!

Bishop Kinney, Jane Anderson, Tim Eder, JackieBoulton Family, Theresa Welle, Jeff Pauls, the ErtlFamily, Alexis Vossen, Laura Miller, Alizabeth Ludwig,Grace Hohenstein, Paula Schlangen, Charlie Schoen,June Berg., Carol Wieneke, Laverne Torborg, MakaylaKammermeir & Gregory Perry.

Traveling Chalice and MadonnaA person receives "a call" not just for his ownbenefit but also for the benefit of others, for thewelfare and comfort of many. Thank you to allPriests, Deacons, and Consecrated Religious forbeing willing to be the hands and feet of JesusChrist. Thank you to Tom & Mary Mathies forhosting the Traveling Chalice and Madonna thisweek...may your prayers be extended to manypeople who offer their lives for man kind.

Assumption & St. AnthonyJul 7-11: Totus Tuus (entering grades 7-12), 7-9pm, EVJul 8-12: Totus Tuus (entering grades 1-6),9 am-2:30pm, EVJul 11: Uncle Fred Talk, 7:00 PM WATJul 12-14: Steubenville Youth ConferenceJul 17: Bonfire Night, Grades 7-12, 7-9 PM, PaynesvilleJul 18: Uncle Fred Talk, 7:00 PM EVJul 24: Bonfire Night, Grades 7-12, 7-9 PM, PaynesvilleJul 25: Uncle Fred Talk, 7:00 PM WATJul 21-26: Boundary Waters Canoe TripJul 31: Bonfire Night, Grades 7-12, 7-9 PM, PaynesvilleAugust 5-9: Vacation Bible School, 9am-12pm, WAT

ACC Corner: What is an ACC? ACC is an Area Catholic Community named by theDiocese of St. Cloud. The vision is for ACC’s to “share resources, talents, and efforts”so all parishes can thrive. All parishes of the Diocese have been placed in an ACC.

(Check back here each week for more info and updates on our ACC!)