CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA LA IGLESIA DE SAN ...17 de diciembre: O Sapientia (Oh,...

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Transcript of CHURCH OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA LA IGLESIA DE SAN ...17 de diciembre: O Sapientia (Oh,...


Fourth Sunday of AdventCuarto Domingo de Adviento

December 18th, 2016

Ask for a sign from the Lord your God; let it be deep as the netherworld or high as the sky!

¡Pide una señal al Señor, tu Dios; en lo hondo del abismo o en lo alto del cielo!


Sunday, December 18Nicholas M. Nikitas, 8 a.m.

Paul Marshall, 10 a.m.Edilberto Castillo, noon

Beverly Maynard, 5:30 p.m.Monday, December 19Avita Curry, 12:15 p.m.

Gerard Stanton, 5:30 p.m.Tuesday, December 20

Amedee Maurais, 12:15 p.m.Wednesday, December 21Edward Xavier, 12:15 p.m.Th ursday, December 22Yvonne Jarosz 12:15 p.m.

Dora Vise, 5:30 p.m.

The Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 18, 2016

Isaiah 7:10–14 ■ Romans 1:1–7 ■ Matthew 1:18–24

2 | December 18, 2016

James 5:7–10

From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear Parishioners of St. Ignatius,O Come, O Come EmmanuelAll of us know this hymn quite well.

We sing it every Advent and all through Advent. What we may not know is that the beginning of its verses derive from what are known as the O Antiphons. Th e O what? Well, antiphons are those short sentences sung or recited before or aft er a psalm or canticle. Th ey are also recited at certain times during the Mass in the absence of a hymn. Each year, beginning on December 17 until December 23, monks throughout the world—and individuals who have this individual religious practice—recite a diff erent O Antiphon each evening dur-ing Vespers of the Liturgy of the Hours (or the Divine Offi ce). Th ese are recited or sung before and aft er Mary’s beau-tiful Magnifi cat is proclaimed. Each antiphon uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Hebrew Scriptures to proclaim the coming of Christ. In short, they are pro-phetic titles for our savior:

December 17: O Sapientia (O Wisdom)December 18: O Adonai (O Lord)

December 19: O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse)December 20: O Clavis David (O Key of David)

December 21: O Oriens (O Dayspring)December 22: O Rex Gentium (O King of the

nations)December 23: O Emmanuel (O God with us)Actually, when I was with Father Jim

Coughlin this week driving back from a diocesan meeting in Braintree in which we were learning about the new rite of marriage (more of that at some other time), these O Antiphons happened to come up in our conversation. He didn’t know that I was already planning on writing about these antiphons as a follow up to last week’s bulletin letter about Gaudete Sunday. He reminded me (and without his reminder, I would have not thought to include it) that there is an acrostic or hidden puzzle when the fi rst letters of the titles in

Latin, aft er the O, are taken backwards. It spells ERO CRAS, which literally means “tomorrow, I will be” or more idiomatically, and in keeping with the hymn, “tomorrow, I will come.”

Of course, whether this acrostic is simply a happy coincidence or purpo-sively implanted by those arranging these verses sometime during the early middle ages, we know that it is not only tomorrow that Emmanuel comes, but God is ever and always with us. So, why pray for him to come? Why even cel-ebrate Christmas for that matter?

In next week’s Christmas bulletin, we will explore a possible answer. In the meantime, amidst the hustle and bustle and the feeling and sounds of Christ-mas in the air, perhaps you will fi nd a bit of time to discover various answers for yourself as well.

With blessings and prayers,—Father Joe

ARRUPE Awareness Sessions

Pope Francis has a special concern for refugees and has designated January 15, 2017 as World Day for Migrants and Refugees. Th is theme refl ects the Pope’s concern for the large number of child refugees: “Minor migrants, vulnerable and voiceless.”

Th e St. Ignatius ARRUPE group (As-sisting Refugee Resettlement Using Par-ish Energies) will off er two Refugee Awareness Sessions on Sunday, January 15, the fi rst one at 11 a.m. and the sec-ond one at 6:30 p.m.

Each session will be held in the Me-dia Room in the lower church. Find out what the Church does to help refugees: globally, around the country, in Massa-chusetts, and right here at St. Ignatius Parish. ARRUPE volunteers will be on hand to describe their experiences help-ing refugees in the Boston area. Don’t miss it!

Advent Taizé Prayer Continues

Th e fi nal evening of Advent Taizé Prayer will be held on Monday, December 19 at 7:15 p.m. in the upper church. Th e evening will include simple singing, hopeful scripture readings, and peace-fi lled silence.

To help set up, please come to the up-per church between 6–6:30 p.m. Clean up happens right aft er the service. For more information, contact Catherine at 617-782-5812 or

December 18, 2016 | 3

Christmas Plant Donation

For Christmas, we invite you to remember your loved ones by making a donation to purchase a poinsettia in their names. Th ese plants will be used to make the Church shine for the season. An acknowledgement of gratitude will appear in the bulletin.

If you would like to donate, please fi ll out this form and return to the parish offi ce by December 18 to-gether with your donation. (Suggested donation $30 per plant).

Name(s) of person(s) to be remembered:



Donation enclosed: $

Desde el Escritorio del Párroco

Queridos feligreses de San Ignacio:Oh Ven, Oh Ven EmanuelTodos conocemos este canto muy bien. Lo cantamos

todos y cada uno de los Advientos. Lo que es posible que no sepamos es que el comienzo de estos versos se derivan de lo que se conoce como las antífonas Oh. ¿Antif Oh, qué? Bueno, las antífonas son pequeñas oraciones cantadas o recitadas antes o después de un salmo o cántico. Ellas también son re-citadas en ciertos momentos durante la misa, en ausencia de un canto. Cada año, entre los días 17 y 23 de diciembre, los monjes alrededor del mundo- o individuos que tienen esta práctica religiosa- recitan una antífona Oh diferente cada noche durante las Vísperas de la Liturgia de las Horas (o el Ofi cio Divino). Estas son recitadas o cantadas antes de que el bello Magnifi cat de María sea proclamado. Cada antífona usa imaginería bíblica, tomada de las esperanzas mesiánicas de las Escrituras Hebreas para proclamar la venida de Cristo. En breve, ellas son títulos proféticos para nuestro salvador.

17 de diciembre: O Sapientia (Oh, Sabiduría)18 de diciembre: O Adonai (Oh, Señor)

19 de diciembre: O Radix Jesse (Oh, Raíz de Jesé)20 de diciembre: O Clavis David (Oh, llave de David)

21 de diciembre: O Oriens (Oh, Aurora)22 de diciembre: O Rex Gentium (Oh, rey de las naciones)

23 de diciembre: O Emmanuel (Oh, Dios con nosotros)En efecto, cuando estaba con el P. Jim Coughlin esta

semana regresando de una reunión diocesana en Braintree en la que estábamos aprendiendo sobre el nuevo rito del matrimonio (más de esto en otro momento), estas antífonas Oh vinieron a nuestra conversación. Él no sabía que ya yo estaba planeando en escribir sobre estas antífonas como una continuación de la carta del domingo de Gaudete. Él me recordó (sin su recordatorio, no habría pensado en incluirlo) que existe un acróstico o rompecabezas oculto donde las primeras letras de los títulos en Latín, después del Oh, se leen al revés. Se escribe ERO CRAS, que literalmente sig-nifi ca “mañana seré” o más idiomáticamente, coincide con el canto “mañana vendré”.

Por supuesto, Aunque este acróstico sea simplemente una feliz coincidencia o implantado adrede por esos versos arreglados en algún momento durante la temprana Edad Media, sabemos que no sólo mañana es que viene el Eman-uel, sino que Dios está siempre con nosotros. Entonces, ¿Por qué rogamos para que venga? ¿Por qué incluso celebramos Navidad por esa razón?

En el boletín navideño de la próxima semana, explorare-mos una posible respuesta. Mientras tanto, con el ajetreo, bullicio y sonidos de la Navidad en el aire, tal vez encon-trarán un poco de tiempo para descubrir también varias respuestas para ustedes.

Con bendiciones y plegarias.—Padre Joe

Off ertory Collection

September to November

2015 $247,3252016 $230,767Diff erence $16,558 behind last year Dear Parishioners,

As you can see, our off ertory collection is trailing last year’s results. Given our parish’s robust music pro-gram, our large Family Faith program, our spirituality off erings, and so much more, we need your support to address this gap. Please consider an extra end-year gift to our parish during this season of charitable giv-ing. Your gift will go a long way to help us make up this diff erence and will make a diff erence!

With our gratitude,—Th e Parish Finance Council


Confession: December 24 and December 31: 2–3:45 p.m.Confession for these dates will be held in both the upper church

and Lannon Chapel. Upstairs will be inside the confessional;downstairs will be face-to-face with a priest.

December 24: No 9 a.m. MassMass at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Pageant Mass

December 25:Midnight Mass (music starting at 11:30 p.m.)

8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon (upper church), noon Spanish liturgy (Lannon Chapel)No 5:30 p.m. Mass

December 31: Mass at 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.January 1—No Family Mass

Thank You, Open House Volunteers

A big thank you to all of our volunteers who helped make our parish open house a success last weekend. We hope that people had a great time, enjoying the food and

fellowship, and that they received some insight into the many active ministries we have as well as opportunities to share our faith with one another, starting the journey of

“Moving From Disciples to Apostles”! Special thanks to the Community Connections Commission for their hard work in planning and setting up this event.

December 18, 2016 | 4

5 | December 18, 2016

December 17O Wisdom of our God Most High,guiding creati on with power and love: come to teach us the path of knowledge!December 18O Leader of the House of Israel,giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai:come to res cue us with your mighty power!December 19O Root of Jes s`e’s stem, sign of God’s love for all his people: come to save us without delay!December 20O Key of David, opening the gatesof God’s eternal Kingdom: come and free the prisoners of darknes s`!December 21O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justi ce: come and shine on those who dwell in darknes s` and in the shadow of death.December 22O King of all nati ons and keystone of the Ch urch : come and save man, whom you formed from the dust!December 23O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law: come to save us, Lord our God!

The 'O' Antiphons



Th e next “Protecting God’s Children” training program will be held in the parish choir/media room in the lower church on Tuesday, January 10 at 6:30 p.m. To register, please email your specifi c ministry director or Th e Archdiocese of Boston requires that all parish community volunteers complete this safe environment training program prior to church service.

Help and Hope Program

“Help and Hope,” a 12-Step recovery program for family and friends, will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s Religious Education Building, 30 Pond Street, Waltham.

Are you worried about another person’s drinking? Is someone you know struggling with drug addiction? Don’t know what to do or where to turn for help? Join us for “Help and Hope” and learn how to live in the solution, not the problem!

All are welcome! If you have questions, please contact Donna at 781-893-4765 or

Outreach Ministries

■ The Christmas Gift Drive: Thank you for your gen-erosity in this year’s Christmas Gift Drive. Hundreds upon hundreds of folks will have a brighter Christmastime be-cause of your concern for them. A big thanks to Ann Car-mola, the Gift Drive Coordinator, who spent months (really) getting things organized and set for all that needs to be done to pull off a huge effort like this.

■ Shattuck Fourth Tuesday: We will not be serving supper at Pine Street Inn Shattuck Shelter this month. Stay tuned in January! And thank you for this past year’s worth of wonderful desserts (and love!) for the shelter guests.

Help Decorate the Church

for Christmas

Help decorate the church for Christmas on Saturday, De-cember 24, starting at 9 a.m. in the upper church. Come for a little time or the whole time. All ages and experience are welcome to help. For more information, contact Catherine at 617-782-5812 or at


December 18—Christmas Pageant Mass rehearsal, 3 p.m.December 19—Taizé Prayer, 7:15 p.m.

December 24—Church decoration for Christmas, 9 a.m.December 24—No 9 a.m. Mass;

there will be 8 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’sDecember 24*—Confessions, 2–3:45 p.m.

December 25—No 5:30 p.m. MassDecember 31*—Confessions, 2–3:45 p.m.

January 1—No Family MassJanuary 15—ARRUPE awareness sessions, 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m.

January 21–22—Women Religious Collection*Confessions in both the upper church (inside a confessional)

and Lannon Chapel (face-to-face with a priest)

Catholic School Open House

■ B.C. High School information night for grades 7–8, January 5, 2017. Visit for information and to RSVP.


28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467Phone: 617-552-6100 ■ Fax: 617-552-6101 ■ e-mail: ■ Web:

Th e parish offi ce is open Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., and Sunday, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. beginning in October.

The Parish Staff

Rev. Joseph Costantino, S.J., Pastor 617-552-6100Rev. James Coughlin, S.J., Associate Pastor 617-552-6100Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, BC Liaison 617-552-6113 Michael Burgo, Director of Music Ministry 617-552-6108Matt Anderson, Organist, Assistant Director of Music 617-552-6114 Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach 617-552-6107Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator 617-552-6112 Maureen Saldarini, Funeral Coordinator mcsaldarini113@gmail.comJocelyn Collen, Faith Formation Assistant 617-552-6103 Reenie Murphy, Parish Administrative Assistant 617-552-6102Jamie Huggins, Facilities Manager Kathy Maher, CAP Team Member, Chair katherine.maher@bc.eduRev. James Coughlin, S.J., CAP Team Member Marc Gervais, CAP Team Member mjg@gervaisdavenport.comMary Santapaula, CAP Team Member

The Celebration of the Eucharist

SundayUpper Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 noon, 5:30 p.m.Lower Church: 10 a.m. (Family Liturgy)12 Noon Misa en Español en la Capilla Lannon

WeekdayLower Church: 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.Lower Church: Adoration, Friday, 12:45 p.m.

SaturdayLower Church: 9 a.m.Upper Church: 4 p.m. (Vigil)

The Sacraments

Baptism—Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement.First Eucharist—Preparation begins in grade one and includes classes, retreats, and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in grade two.Confi rmation—Our Confi rmation program begins in the ninth grade; students are confi rmed in the spring of grade 10. Young adults who have been catechized but are not yet confi rmed should contact the parish offi ce for an alternative program.Matrimony—Couples are welcome to be married at St. Ignatius. Please contact Reenie Murphy in the parish offi ce for available dates.Reconciliation—Saturdays, 3–3:45 p.m., Upper Church or by arrangement. Anointing of the Sick by arrangement.

Parish Registration

Newcomers to St. Ignatius are encouraged to formally register as members of the parish so that we can stay in touch with you via email with faith formation news, notice of special events, volunteer opportunities, and more. Registration forms are available at the back of the church in the gathering space, in the parish offi ce, or on the website.

Please note that you must be registered for a least six months before we can issue any verifi cation of your status as a parishioner.

6 | December 18, 2016

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