Church News · continues to receive your giving, financial and personal, so that we can be the...

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Transcript of Church News · continues to receive your giving, financial and personal, so that we can be the...

22 March 2020

Lent 4

Church News

The Uniting Church in Australia


Minister of the Word / Team Leader: Rev Cameron McAdam


P: 9787 1683 M: 0425 774 780

Playgroup Coordinator: Barbara Mort


P: 9787 1683

Youth Engagement Coordinator: Tim Gordon


P: 0401 875 505

Pastoral Support: Shona Potts


P: 0424 787 204

Communication & Administration: Sally Mullins


P: 9787 1683


Following Jesus and walking together, the Village Church

aspires to live God’s unconditional love. We live Christian faith with integrity

and meaning and, with a servant heart, we offer a place of welcome, care,

inclusion and healing.


We will live out our vision by:

• Following Jesus who lived with integrity, honesty and justice.

• Building community both within and beyond the church.

• Nurturing a questioning and living spirituality.

• Fostering an inclusive and welcoming spirit.

You can find us at: @villagechurchmteliza


Christ before me—The Blind man

Sunday 22 March 2020




MUSIC Christ before me


READING John 9: 1-11

REFLECTION How will we respond?

MUSIC The Lord’s my Shepherd



MUSIC Shalom to you now


March 22 10:00am Morning Service led by Rev Cam McAdam

including live streaming on Facebook at


March 23


March 24


March 25


March 26

Friday Last day of Term 1

March 27


March 28


March 29 10:00am Morning Service led by Rev Cam McAdam via

Live streaming of service on Facebook



All face-to-face gatherings have been suspended at the

Village Church until further notice effective from 11am Sunday

22 March. This decision was made by Church Council to not

only ensure our members are safe, but also to reduce the

spread of the COVID-19 virus. Effective from Sunday 29 March,

we will only gather for Sunday services online.


Update from the Friendship group...

We enjoyed the exhibition of quilts our quilters Margot and Sue showed last

Tuesday. We loved the wonderful variety of colours and the build up of the

d e s i g n s a n d


The quilts were

many different

sizes, with the most

impressive one a

cover for a king size


We shared a lovely

day before we

closed until the

world is well again.

Ronda Jenkins



Friendship group

meetings have

been cancelled

until further


This week...with Cam

Well, what a week, and you will have likely by now seen my letter to our whole

church community and the decisions we have made to keep our church and

community safe. It is not only best practice to take these steps, but in line with

our vision to provide abundant care.

I want to offer my thanks to the Church Council and Ministry Team for the way

they have worked through this with diligence, grace and compassion, and for

the work that is unfolding in helping us [not stop] but transform into this new

and temporary way of being church.


We have put together an interim roster as you’ll see near the back pages of

Church News. This will likely change in coming weeks and we’d love to know

whether you’d like to take part.


We are fortunate that a large proportion of people give to the Village Church

electronically. We are aware that many people will be faced with economic

hardship across this time. However, we need to ensure the Village Church

continues to receive your giving, financial and personal, so that we can be

the church and meet our various costs. If you give through envelope or open

plate, please consider a direct transfer offering over this time. Details are

available on our website.


We want to share photos over this time, so please take a ‘Selfie Sunday’ and

send it to us so we can publish it and see each other. Better still – publish a

photo on social media of ‘Doing church at home’ and tag the church or

team member.

Directory and Contact

We are doing lots of work pastorally to ensure everyone is OK and will be

looking to group people into pastoral groups over the next week. We will work

to keep everyone connected. You can get a latest directory or check your

details are correct through phoning or emailing the church office.

We will be working on some creative ways to keep us all connected and in

community – perhaps you have an idea or might volunteer to oversee


Finally, please call or email across this time. We want to speak with

you, hear from you and how you’re going. I cannot be more sincere

in encouraging you to stay connected with each other and with us.

COVID-19: A Message from Cam (March 20) Dear Friends,

It will be no surprise I’m sure, that on Wednesday night the Church Council decided,

effective 11am Sunday 22 March, Sunday Church and all face-to-face gatherings will

be suspended until further notice. This extends to all church related groups, including

Playgroup. As staying connected as a community remains a high priority, the Council

approved the move to online church services and community activities, as


The Church Council’s decision to suspend all face-to-face gatherings was made not

only because we want to ensure all our members are safe, but because it is clear that

ceasing all non-essential activities is the best way to reduce the spread of the COVID-

19 virus, and therefore keeping the wider community safe as well. This decision is

taken on advice from the wider church and is in line with just about every other

mainline denomination.

This Sunday we will have church at the usual time of 10am. The service will also be live

streamed on our Village Church Facebook page. It will be a shorter, reflective service

that gathers our church community together. This Sunday you have the option to be

present in church, where we will respect social distancing requirements, or you can

watch the service online. Please ensure, that if you are in anyway vulnerable that you

stay at home. Our understanding is that you do NOT need to be a member of Face-

book to access the stream. Simply go to this website address

villagechurchmteliza and scroll down to where the service is streaming (you can also

Google “Village Church Mt Eliza Facebook”). From Sunday 29 March, church will only

gather online. A small number of people in the church will present the service with me,

including a musician, a bible reader and someone to record the service on Facebook.

Everyone else will be invited to connect into the service via the live stream on Face-

book. This is unchartered waters for us and overtime we will work to improve our live

stream and the online resources we send each week. We may need a little grace as

we navigate this new way of doing church – so please bear with us and give it a go.

We’d love for you to join with us online.

On other important matters, this week we have begun work to ensure all our members

are adequately cared for across this time. We have spoken with people we thought

might be vulnerable, and we are working to group all our church members into

pastoral groups. Please, if you need some assistance or would like to talk, call a

member of the ministry team or someone you know in the church/playgroup

community. Let’s look after each other, and yes, we have spare toilet paper!

Whilst we are suspending face-to-face church activities, the church is still running. Our

ministry team will be working hard to connect and support our community, although to

protect our team, we would ask that you do NOT drop into the office without

contacting us by phone or email first. As these are unprecedented times we are

navigating, we would appreciate you checking on us from time to time, including us in

your prayers, and working with us, to ensure everyone in the church remains

connected to our community.

So, things will be a bit different for a while, but we are still the church, we are seeking

to live our vision of following Jesus and walking together; of welcome, care, inclusion

and healing. Take care across this time.

Church Council meeting via ZOOM

This week Church Council met via Zoom web conferencing to conduct the

church council meeting,

welcoming new members

and importantly, to discuss

how best to respond to


Despite some initial

reticence, the meeting

ran really well and is an

example of how we can

creatively communicate

during these challenging


The Village Church

Outcome from Annual General Meeting

Sunday 15 March 2020

The Village Church Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held after the

service last Sunday 15 March 2020.

We are delighted to confirm that the following people were successfully

elected into key congregational roles:

Successful congregational representatives to Church Council:

• Andrew Stork

• Campbell Opie

• Mark Driver

• Mohan Jacob

• Sue Mills

Successful congregational representative to Presbytery:

• Shona Potts

Lent Series Home groups: Christ before us...

With formal services moving online after today’s service, Lent Home groups

remain a good way of staying connected in small numbers and taking a

deeper look at the topics covered through our Lenten Series. There are a

number of Lent Home Groups up and running. Groups details are as follows:

• Tuesdays 1pm at Shona’s house

• Wednesdays 7:30pm at Johanna’s house

• Thursdays 7:30pm at Cam’s house

• Friday 7pm at Kaye and John’s house

It’s not too late to join a group, so if you’re interested in participating, please

let Cam or Shona know or alternatively, speak directly with one of the hosts.

Could you Spare a Square


Following the launch of our initiative ‘Could

you spare a square?’, we have been

overwhelmed by the generosity of our com-

munity! THANKYOU!! This has meant we have

been able to provide toilet paper, tissues,

soap and hand sanitiser to those in need in

our community, including some people who

were running desperately low.

We will continue to deliver to those in need,

but if you are running very low (on toilet paper in particular), please contact

the church office as we can help you out.

We are here for you, so please ask!

March 29:

Service Leader: Cam McAdam

Bible Reader: Luisa Fosita

Music: Margaret Brown

Facebook filming: Tim Gordon & Alison House

March 22:

Service Leader: Cam McAdam

Bible Reader: Andy McGorlick

Music: Chris Opie

Sounds desk: Andy McGorlick

Facebook filming: Tim Gordon/ Steph Hill

Interim Roster availability

With our move to online services from Sunday 29 March, we have proposed

supporting rosters for key roles required. If you are not available or

unwell, please let the church office know. If you are also available

and comfortable to fill one of these interim roles, please let the

church office know.

Interim Church Roster 2020

Roles to support online service format

April 10th: GOOD FRIDAY

Service Leader: Cam McAdam

Bible Reader: TBC

Music: Elaine Johnston

Facebook filming: Tim Gordon & TBC


Service Leader: Cam McAdam

Bible Reader: Sally Mullins

Music: Chris Opie

Facebook filming: Tim Gordon & TBC


Service Leader: Cam McAdam

Bible Reader: Cam Opie

Music: Chris Opie

Facebook filming: Tim Gordon & TBC