Chrysomela 37 on PM6.5 (C) - The Coleopterists Society€¦ · Catherine N. Duckett (San Juan,...

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Transcript of Chrysomela 37 on PM6.5 (C) - The Coleopterists Society€¦ · Catherine N. Duckett (San Juan,...

Dedicated to information about the Chrysomelidae


Wolfgang Baese (Wittenberg,Germany) continues to work andassemble information on the faunisticsand biology of the middle Europeanspecies of Donaciinae. Has “Red” list ofendangered species of subfamilyDonaciinae of the district of Saxony-Anhalt.

Grace Barroga (Selangor, Malaysia)commencing a PhD program study onthe revision of the genus Aulacophora inSoutheast Asia under the supervision ofProf. Mohamed S. Mohamedsaid.

Laurence D. Chandler (Brookings,USA) is generally interested in IPM inagronomic systems; currently working

on areawide management of Western &Northern corn rootworm in corn/soybeanproduction systems; plans for futurestudies include the interaction of W. &N. CRW larvae, and evaluation oftransgenic corn for rootworm rot.

William H. Clark (Caldwell, USA)“I am starting an entomology collectionat CICESE in Ensenada, Baja California,Mexico. As far as I can determine, thereare no other collections in Baja” (seeinformation above and page 3).

Dang Thi Dap (Hanoi, Vietnam)continues to write on some of thesubfamilies and genera of chrysomelidsof Vietnam.

Catherine N. Duckett (San Juan,Puerto Rico) continues to work on theoedionychines and is willing to identifyNew World Oedionychina.

Blagoy Gruev (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)currently working on a supplement toGeneral Distribution of the Flea Beetlesin the Palaearctic Subregion. All newinformation and data by colleagues iswelcome!

Michael Langer (Lichtenwalde,Germany) is interested in Galerucinaewith a special interest in Diabrotica,Neobrotica, and Cerotoma.

Steve Lingafelter (Washington,USA) Research projects include:

2-Editors Corner2-Notes Up Front3-New Baja Insect Collection3-CICESE Contact Information4-Polymorphism in Bruchidae and

Chrysomelidae5-P.I.M.E. Update5-Chrysomelidae in Chicago’s Field

Museum of Natural History6-Hispinae of Lab Selva6-ICIPE Online Catalogue6-Catalogo Insectos Nicaragua7-16th NA Chrysomelidists7-FISCB Notice8-Specimens Needed8-Literature Needed9-Recent Chrysomelid Literature11-CHRYSOMELA Mailing List15-CHRYSOMELA Address List


Report No. 37 April 1999

Ensenada, Baja California, MEXICO:CICESE Formal Dedication

Formal dedication of the Entomology Collection at CICESE headquarters. from left:Ernesto FRANCO (CICESE Researcher), Horacio de la CUEVA (Collection Contact),Jesús PANIAGUA (Dir. of the Division of Oceanography), Rich MINNICH (UC-Riverside), Bill CLARK (Collection Contact), Jaime FARBER (Head, CICESE/Dept.Ecology). (story, page 3) —Photo by Mary Clark

Research Activities and Interests

(continued page 8)

2 CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

The Newsletter CHRYSOMELA–Founded 1979– is published semiannually in April and October by the California Department of Food & Agriculture, Plant PestDiagnostics Center, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832-1448. E-mail:; telephone (916) 262-1160; FAX (916) 262-1190. This newsletteris sent to students of the Chrysomelidae to encourage the exchange of ideas and to disseminate information on these insects. Editor: Terry N. Seeno, Sacramento.Advisors: Catherine Duckett, San Juan; Brian D. Farrell, Cambridge; R. Wills Flowers, Tallahassee; Elizabeth Grobbelaar, Pretoria; Pierre Jolivet, Paris andGainesville; Chris Reid, Townsville; Ed Riley, College Station; G. Al Samuelson, Honolulu; Eric H. Smith, Lynchburg; Charlie L. Staines, Edgewater; and KunioSuzuki, Toyama.

Congratulations to CatherineDuckett on receiving tenure at theUniversity of Puerto Rico.

Pierre Jolivet (fully recovered fromthe Gobi Desert broken arm) is currentlyvisiting in Gainesville and plans to travelto Central and South America while inthis half of the world.

Shinsaku Kimoto announced hisretirement effective March 31, 1999.Throughout his career, he publishedmore than 218 publications, the majorityof which focused on the Chrysomelidae.We wish him well, and thank him for along and productive career in leafbeetles.

We have a report that Jean-MichelMaes (Museo Entomologico S. E. A.) inNicaragua was able to prevent flooding

of the museum during hurricane ‘Mitch’and that there was no damage to thecollections or equipment. Unfortunately,his home received some major waterdamage.

R. F. Ruppel reports that he is givingup (reluctantly) on the study of Ceroto-ma, and has deposited his collection inthe Entomology Museum of MichiganState University. Best wishes.

Messrs. Takizawa and Jolivet have asecret to be revealed at the ICE meeting

of Chrysomelidists in Igacu Falls,August 2000.

Meetings and Communications

�U.S. Chrysomelidist 17th AnnualMeeting to be held in conjunction with theEntomological Society of Americameetings to be held in Atlanta, GA fromDecember 12-16, 1998).

�Brazil 2000 —August 20-26, 2000 -Iguassu Falls.—For currentannouncements see by contacting D. L. Gazzoni,President of the XXI InternationalCongress of Entomology at:<> or FAX: 55-43-371-6100 (see page 7).


Terry N. Seeno, Sacramento

US National Museum WebsiteUpdate

The searchable database for Chry-somelidae of the National Museum ofNatural Histoy is up and running.Currnently, the alticines, cassidines,aulacoscelines, and chlamisines are onthe web. Remaining subfamilies willslowly be added over the next severalyears. This database allows the user tosearch our collection by species, author,country, or U.S. state, among otheroptions. Please contace me for thecurrent URL. —Steve Lingafelter


Bishop Museum WebsiteUpdate

This is just to let you know that theBishop Museum website,, detailing entomological andecological research in New Guinea, hasbeen updated. It now includes over1,000 images of New Guinean insects,as well as an information on our recentactivities in Papua New Guinea.

Any comments would be greatlyappreciated. —Vojtech Novotny


It’s time for the FORUM to investigatea new subject. We’ve managed toexplore most of the nooks and cranniesof bruchids vs. chrysomelids, so let’smove on to something new. Sincerethanks to John Kingsolver for sitting inthe ‘hot seat’ and writing the FORUM’s

first article (CHRYSOMELA no. 30, 1995).Possibly, the next round of discus-

sions could center on something of anontaxonomic nature. Some suggestionsrecently sent to me include:

�Working as a Visiting Scientist atOther Institutions — All of us, at sometime, have either visited or borrowedmaterial from another institution. If so,what kind of treatment did you receive?Were you allowed full access to thecollections, and able to borrow thenecessary material to complete yourrevision? Or, were you treated like anintruder with limited access and borrow-ing privileges? Which museums are the

best, which are the worst, and why?�Bench Fees — This is another

disturbing trend that seems to threatenand restrict the progress of science.Which institutions are charging fees? Ifso, has this restricted progress on yourresearch?

�Specimen copyright — Any ofyou that have read Lepidoptera Newsknow that over six pages in the last issuewere devoted to this controversialsubject.

These are just a few suggestions toget the ball rolling. Don’t be shy. Theseitems should be discussed, and whatbetter place to talk about them than inyour newsletter and with your col-leagues. All contributions on all subjectsare welcome.

Twenty Years ofCHRYSOMELA

August 15, 1979 is the 20th anniver-sary of the newsletter CHRYSOMELA.

We didn’t run photographs until the4th issue, but we’ll run some of the oldones in the next issue just to see what welooked like 20 years ago! If you havesome historical photos or information,share it with your colleagues.

3CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

On June 12, 1998, the first formalentomology collection in Baja Califor-nia, Mexico was dedicated in theDepartment of Ecology at Centro deInvestigacion Cientifica y de EducacionSuperior de Ensenada (CICESE) (seepage 1). Bill Clark, curator of thecollection, received a recent appointmentas Investigador Adjunto at CICESE. Dr.Horacio de la Cueva is the contact forthe collection at CICESE.

After years of collecting in BajaCalifornia, I came to the realization thatthere has been no appropriate collectionin the peninsula to deposit voucherspecimens (there is a small, mostlyuncurated collection of insects atCIBNOR in La Paz, Baja CaliforniaSur). Working with the administrationand researchers at CICESE, we haveobtained Collection space. Currently,the collection is very small, but estab-lished and has the Museum, officeequipment and supplies to begin work.

There are four CAS cabinets withdrawers, workspace, microscope, smalllibrary and numerous supplies.

What we need are identified insect(or other arthropod/invertebrate)specimensthat have been collected inBaja California. Please feel free to usethe collection as a repository for permitpurposes. The collection also makes agood place to send material collected inthe past but is retained elsewherebecause there was no available collec-tion to house it in Baja California.

In the way of supplies, we currentlyneed CAS unit trays, insect pins,entomology journals and books, andreprints and monographs that relatedirectly to the entomology of BajaCalifornia. Specimens and othermaterials can be sent to Clark fortransport to Ensenada or mailed directlyto CICESE (see announcement sidebar,right).

Baja California hasEntomology Collection

William H. Clark, Caldwell

Bill Clark shows CICESE visitors the insect storage drawers during openhouse at the formal dedication on June 12, 1998.

CICESEMuseo de


Centro de InvestigaciónCientífica y de EducaciónSuperior de Ensenada, BC

Organismo Descentralizadode Interes Publico

Resident Contact:

Dr. Horacio de la CuevaCentro de Investigacíon Científica y

de Educación Superior de Ensena-da (CICESE)

Kilometro 103, Carretara Tijuana-Ensenada

Apartado Postal 2732Ensenada, Baja California, MexicoTel: 667-4-48-80Email: cuevas@cicese.mxor: P. O. Box 434844San Diego, CA 92143-4844

U. S. Contact:

William H. Clark, InvestigadorAdjunto

CICESE Museo de Entomologíac/o Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural

HistoryAlbertson College of IdahoCaldwell, ID 83605Tel: 208-375-8605Email:


Collection currently has—Entomology Room #128; basiccuration equipment and supplies;dissecting microscope and light; basiccomputer system, office supplies,sorting magnifer/light; four CAScabinets with drawers and unit trays;basic library of journals, books andreprints, desk, and work tables.

Collection needs— Baja Califor-nia specimens, CAS unit trays(approx. one cabinet); literature(duplicate journals, basic books, BajaCalifornia related reprints), laserprinter, insect pins (#2 and #4), fieldequipment and supplies (light trap,nets, etc.).

—Photo by Mary Clark

4 CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

Polymorphismin Bruchidae


K. K. Verma, Durg

It is generally accepted thatBruchidae and Chrysomelidae amongPhytophaga are phyllogenetically closelyrelated.

Among Bruchidae, Callosobruchusmaculatus (F.) shows polymorphism(Utida, 1954; Caswell, 1960). There are‘normal’ or ‘flightless’ individuals and‘abnormal’ or ‘flight’ individuals. Thelatter have greater migratory capacity.Among Bruchidae, this phenomenon isnot confined to C. maculatus (Sano-fujii,1984); it has been studied and describedin Callosobruchus analis (Tiwary andVerma, 1989a). The various parametersin which the morphs differ have beenwell studied in C. maculatus (Utida,1954, 1965, 1972; Southgate, etal, 1957;Caswell, 1960; Gill, etal, 1971; Taylorand Agbaje, 1974; George and Verma,1994). These parameters in C. analishave been studied by Tiwary and Verma,1989a).

In some chrysomelids too, there areindications of polymorphism. Flyingpopulations are known in Chrysolinaaurichalcea, (Mannerheim) (Suzuki,1978, 1981). A migratory phase hasbeen discovered in Leptinotarsa decem-lineata (Rankin, 1978). Wing polymor-phism has been described in the alticineLongitarsus (Furth, 1979).

There are some points of similaritybetween bruchid and chrysomelidpolymorphism:

1. In both groups, some speciesoccasionally produce ‘flight’ forms;

2. Polymorphic bruchids show, inaddition to ‘flight’ and ‘flightless’ forms,intermediate morphs. A similar situationis known in the chrysomelid Chrysolinaaurichalcea (Suzuki, 1982);

3. In Callosobruchus maculatus andC. analis, the ‘flight’ individuals arerelatively/fully sterile. In the chry-somelid Chrysolina aurichalcea, the

flying females are reproductivelyimmature (Suzuki. 1982).

It would be interesting to makedetailed comparisons between polymor-phism in bruchids and that in chry-somelids with reference to such parame-ters as body coloration, testis follicles,size of bursa, fecundity, longevity,behavior, etc., and such data are avail-able for polymorphic bruchids (Tiwariand Verma, 1989a; George and Verma,1994).

Tiwari and Verma, (1989b) haveinferred that there is a genetic basis forpolymorphism in Callosobruchus analis.

If it is shown that polymorphism inbruchids and chrysomelids is closelycomparable, it may be inferred that thereare common genetic potentials in thetwo phytophagous groups, and that thephenomenon of polymorphism amongthem has been a result of close polyphy-ly or parallelophyly.

References:Caswell, G. H. 1960. Observations onan abnormal form of Callosobruchusmaculatus (F.). Bull. ent. Soc., 50:671-680.Furth, D. G. 1979. Wing polymor-phism, host plant ecology and biogeog-raphy of Longitarsus (Coleoptera,Chrysomelidae) in Israel. Israel J.Entomol. 8:125-148.George, J. and K. K. Verma. 1994.Polymorphism in Callosobruchusmaculatus (F.) (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) -new dimensions. Russian Entomol. J.3(3-4):93-107.Gill, J., K. C. Kanwar, and S. R.Bawa. 1971. Abnormal “sterile” strainin Callosobruchus maculatus. Ann. ent.Soc. America. 64:1186-1188.Rankin, M. A. 1978. Hormonal controlof insect migratory behaviour. In:Evolution of Insect Migration andDiapause (Ed. H. Dingle). Springer-Verlag, New York.Sano-Fujii, I. 1984. Effect of beanwater content on the production of theactive form of Callosobruchus macula-tus (F.). (Coleoptera, Bruchidae). J.stored prod. Res. 20:153-161.Southgate, B. J., R. W. Howe, and G.

A. Brett. 1957. The specific status ofCallosobruchus maculatus (F.) andCallosobruchus analis (F.). Bull ent.Soc. 48:79-89Suzuki, K. 1978. Discovery of a flyingpopulation in Chrysolina aurichalcea(Mannerheim) (Coleoptera, Chrysomel-idae). Kontyû, Tokyo. 46:549-551.Suzuki, K. 1981. Additional data onflying populations in Chrysolinaaurichalcea (Mannerheim). Kontyû,Tokyo. 49:390-391.Suzuki, K. 1982. Geographicaldistrubution of two colour forms ofChrysolina aurichalcea, (Mannerheim)(Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in theTokai District. Central Honshu, Japan.New Entomologist. 31:25-34.Taylor, T. A. and I. A. Agbaje. 1974.Flight activity in normal and activeforms of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)(Coleoptera, Bruchidae) in a store inNigeria. J. stored prod. Res. 10:9-16.Tiwary, P. N. and K. K. Verma. 1989a.Studies on polymorphism in Callosobru-chus analis (Coleoptera, Bruchidae),Part I - Characteristics of the phases.Entomography. 6:269-290.Tiwary, P. N. and K. K. Verma.1989b. Studies on polymorphism inCallosobruchus analis (Coleoptera,Bruchidae), Part III-Mechanism of phasedetermination. Entomography. 6:301-316.Utida, S. 1954. “Phase” dimorphismobserved in the laboratory population ofthe cowpea weevil, Callosobruchusquadrimaculatus. Jap. J. App. Zool.18:161-168.Utida, S. 1965. “Phase” dimorphismobserved in the laboratory population ofthe sowpea weevil, Callosobruchusquadrimaculatus. IV-The mechanism ofinduction of the flight form. Jap. J.Ecol. 15:193-199. (In Japanese withEnglish summary.)Utida, S. 1972. Density dependentpolymorphism in the adult of Calloso-bruchus maculatus (Coleoptera,Bruchidae). J. stored prod. Res. 8:111-125.

5CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

Chrysomelidaein the

Field Museum of Natural HistoryCollection

Charlie & Suzy Staines, Edgewater

We recently spent a week working on the Chrysomelidaecollection at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.The chrysomelid holdings total 254 drawers. The majority ofthe holdings are Nearctic, but Neotropical and Palearcticregions are well represented.

Subfamily No. drawers

Alticinae 46

Aulacoscelinae 1

Bruchinae 19

Cassidinae 15

Chlamisinae 2

Chrysomelinae 26

Clytrinae 12

Criocerinae 5

Cryptocephalinae 29

Donaciinae 4

Eumolpinae 36

Galerucinae 35

Hispinae 18

Lamprosomatinae 1

Megascelinae 1

Megalopodinae 2

Orsodacninae 1

Synetinae 1

Two major collections are part of the Field Museumholdings; the N. M. Downie collection, and a portion of theAlfieri collection. The subfamilies Bruchinae, Donaciinae,Synetinae, Orsodacninae, Megascelinae, Criocerinae, Crypto-cephalinae, and Hispinae are well curated, however, the othersubfamilies need additional work.

As with many large collections, much of the material isunidentified. However, most of the chrysomelids are sortedsubfamily and geographic region for ease in filling loanrequests.

Loan requests can be directed to: Al Newton, AssociateCurator <>; (312) 922-9410 x.263; or

Phil Parrillo, Curatorial Assistant <parrillo@fmnh.or>,(312) 922-9410 x.354.

The P.I.M.E.An Update on the

MuseumRev. Carlo Brivio, Monza

The P.I.M.E. (Museuo Entomologico del Pontifico InstitutoMissioni Estere) entomological collections now contain about150,000 specimens, 95% of which are Coleoptera. Thecollection has increased three times in size since the 1994report on the museums holdings published in CHRYSOMELA

(no. 28). Briefly, the status of identified material is:Chrysomelidae—most of the Italian species, almost all of

the Cassidinae (World), and other smaller subfamily holdings.Carabidae—most of the Italian species, many Oriental and

USSR species, some species from China (including a newspecies, Stomis brivioi Sciaky).

Cerambycidae—all Italian and Oriental, as well as muchof the material from South America.

Aphodiinae—many of the specimens in this group areidentified.

Histeridae—mostly identified.Curculionidae—the Italian species are identified and only

a few of the specimens from the Philippines.Most of the identifications were done by specialists in the

group that visit the museum, who then hand-carry the moredifficult to identify material back to their work sites (this alsoreduces the chances of damage by the postal system).

Naturally, as the collection grows, space for insect storagecabinets is becoming the biggest problem. Those of you thatvisited the P.I.M.E. when it was located in Detroit willremember that there was suitable space for insect cabinets, aswell as work and rest areas.

The museum is growing at a good rate and progress shouldcontinue well into the next millennium.

Rev. Brivio shows us some of non-chrysomelid beetles inthe P.I.M.E. collection

6 CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

The Hispinaeof La Selva

Biological Station(Costa Rica)

Charlie & Suzy Staines, Edgewater

One of the target taxa of the Arthropods of La Selva Survey(ALAS) was the chrysomelid subfamily Hispinae (see CHRY-

SOMELA 1996, 32:9). The original intent of the work was toproduce a checklist of species. Due to the availability oftechnology and staff time, a web page was produced. Stillunder construction, the page contains scanned images anddescriptions of most of the hispines collected at La Selva.

Currently, there are 29 genera and 126 species from the1600 hectare study site (compare this to 72 known speciesfrom North America, North of Mexico). Most of the speciesused in the study have been identified, but those needingfurther study are designated as ‘sp. 1’, ‘sp. 2’, etc.

Interactive keys to tribes, genera, and species are available,as well as a summary of hispine biology and taxonomy. Eachspecies has a separate page which includes a description,recorded biological information, and an image. Text wasproduced by C. L. Staines. Pages were constructed by JackLongino. Images were scanned by Maylin Paniagua and NelciOconitrillo.

Visit the website at:

ICIPE Library CatalogueOnline

The online version of ICIPE’s library catalogue includesbooks, monographs, reprints of publications by ICIPE person-nel, and selected individual articles.

Coverage focuses on entomology, including agriculture,parasitology, public health, ecology, biodiversity, and conser-vation, especially related to tropical Africa. The presentonline catalogue includes over 4500 items entered between1990 and November 1998; older records will be added in thefuture. This includes citations issued in the “Pest ManagementDocumentation Systems and Service (PMDISS)” and “ICIPEBulletin of Library Information and Documentation Services.”< Search .html> ipeLibrary/icipe LibrarySearch.html

Other Online Literature Resources AvailableThrough ICIPE

Stemborer Information System: <>

African Entomology (Working Bibliography): Partialbibliography of systematics and ecology of Afrotropicalinsects, with over 4500 citations to papers on the systematics,distribution, and ecology of insects of Africa south of theSahara. < search.cfm> /icipedata/biodiversity/Africasearch.cfm

Methods of Entomological Survey and Analysis: Some900 citations to papers on the use of insects and other terrestri-al and freshwater arthropods in biodiversity studies. <> /icipedata/biodiversity/Methodsearch.cfm

African Insect Checklist (in progress): Currently includesabout 20% of the known Aftrotropical insects, specificallyOdonata, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Homoptera. <> ipedata/africachecklist/index.html

Library of Crongress Nairobi Office Databases: Twodatabases produced by the Library of Congress, covering allfields of knowledge, including agriculture and science: “Quarter-ly index to periodical literature, eastern and southern Africa”(some 18,000 citations) and West Africa periodical accessions.<http://www.icipe. org/locnairobi>

—Scott E. Miller, LeaderBiodiversity and Conservation Programme International

Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)Box 30772, Nairobi, KENYATel: +254-2-861680 [switchboard] -861309 [direct]Fax: +254-2-860110Email: or smiller@icipe.orgAfrican projects:

biodiversity_index.htmlNew Guinea projects:

natsci/ng/newguinea.htmlEcological data archive project www site:

TARIFACatalogo de los Insectos de

NicaraguaThis is a three volume set and is immediately available.Vol. I. (500 pp.) Apterygota, Ephemeroptera, Odonata,

Orthopteroida, Homoptera, Heteroptera. 25 US $ + postage (=$8 Central America, $11 N. America, $18 Europe, $21 Asia /Africa.

Vol. II. (700 pp.) Coleoptera. 35 US $ + postage (= $11Central America, $14 N. America, $24 Europe, $28 Asia /Africa.

Vol. III. (700 pp.) (in press; will born on Christmas).Neuropteroida, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hy-menoptera, Arachnida, Acarida. 35 US $ + postage. (= $11Central America, $14 N. America, $24 Europe, $28 Asia /Africa.

Orders to be prepaid by cheque made to: AsociacionNicaraguense de Entomologia, A. P. 527, Leon, NICARAGUA

The discount price of $400.00 for the purchase of fivecomplete sets (volumes 1-3, normal price for North America of$90, +postage) will be offered in 1999. For discounts of fiveor more sets elsewhere, please write or email for information.

—Jean-Michel Maes

7CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

The 16 th Annual Meeting ofThe North American Chrysomelidists

Dear Chrysomelid Colleague:It has now been about 6 months since

I last contacted you as a potentialparticipant for the Fifth InternationalSymposium on the Chrysomelidae inBrazil (FISCB) at the XXI InternationalCongress of Entomology (ICE) inIguassu Falls, Brazil (20-26 August2000). We are now officially registeredas an ICE Satellite Event (see the ICEWeb Page).

The formal oral presentations (15-20minutes each) of FISCB will be held onFriday (25 August 2000) with informaloral presentations, discussions, andposter presentations on Saturday (26August), and a field trip all day onSunday (27 August). Prof. Joao Vascon-cellos-Neto (Universidade Estadual,Campinas, Brazil) will be the Co-Organizer and Ms. Flavia Sa will behelping to organize the field trip. This

schedule gives our colleagues whoattend the entire ICE a chance to get toknow each other, especially eachevening at a specific restaurant, andthose only attending FISCB can comefor the weekend.

It is now important for you to beginplanning your attendance at FISCB andit is very helpful if you can look at theICE World Wide Web Home Page( which nowhas much information about the Con-gress, including registration, abstracts,hotels, travel, visas, collecting insects,tours, expeditions,, money exchange,etc.

The deadline for submitting Ab-stracts is 31 December 1999. To submita formal presentation you must beregistered with the ICE. However, Isuggest that if you think you have agood chance to participate in FISCB,

you should plan to submit an abstract by31 December 1999 and you should beginto plan your trip, including trying to getany financial assistance necessary.

I understand that some of you are notyet very certain whether you canparticipate in FISCB, however, if there iss good chance please start your planningsoon. If you need an official letter ofinvitation for the FISCB, I (as FISCBOrganizer) can send you one; however,such a letter does not promise anyfinancial support.

As Organizer, I will need to submit alist of potential participants to the ICECongress Organizers and to keep themcontinually informed of our possibleprogram for FISCB. At this time Iwould like to know your idea of thepossible presentation you plan to give atFISCB, including any informal oral orposter presentations.

If you do not have access to theWorld Wide Web or cannot find accessnear you, then please let me know and Ican send you any information you desireconcerning the ICE registration, ab-stracts, hotel information, visas, travel,etc. There will also be possibilities toshare hotel rooms which will be cheaper,if you are interested in this let me know.

I am pleased to announce that theFifth International Symposium on theChrysomelidae in Brazil (FISCB) will bededicated to one of the best known andmost productive chrysomelid biologistsof the 20th Century - DR. PIERREJOLIVET. As with previous Chry-somelid Symposia we are planning topublish the Proceeding of FISCB.

Please let me know your possibleFISCB plans at your earliest conve-nience. We look forward to a veryproductive and fun event in Brazil nextyear.

—David G. Furth, Organizer FISCBDept. of Entomo., Smithsonian Inst.

Washington, D. C. 20560-0165 USATel: (202) 357-3146

FAX: (202) 786-2894Email:

Rear, from left: Seeno Gilbert, Andrews, Furth Cavey, Reusink McClay,Hespenheide. Front, from left: Smith Riley Triplehorn, Clark, Ritz, Robertson.

FISCBSecond Notice

David G. Furth, Washington

8 CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

Revision of Palearctic Chaetocnema(with A. Konstantinov, a two yearproject), and Revision of world Psyl-liodes (longterm project).

Yuri Mikhailov (Novouralsk,Russia) is interested in populationecology, variability and polymorphismof natural populations, faunistics, andsystematics of Palaearctic Chrysomel-idae (mainly Cryptocephalinae).

Currently completing his thesis onthe structural-hierarchical approach tothe polymorphism in the Chrysomelidae(mostly Cryptocephalus). The work wasstarted as a student and continued as apostgraduate. Polymorphism of a largenumber of Palaearctic species ofCryptocephalus were used from manycollections in Russia, both public andprivate as well as exchange materials.

Also working on Chrysomelidae ofthe Urals. Planning to work on alpinespecies from montane tundra. Willing toidentify Cryptocephalus and Chrysolinafrom the Palearctic region.

D. R. Nash (Brantham, UK) current-ly producing a new Coleoptera of theCounty of Suffolk to replace that of 1899.It will be published by the SuffolkNaturalists’ Society. Also, mappingspecies in under recorded areas ofSuffolk.

Nguyen Thi Phuong Lien (Hanoi,Vietnam) graduated from Hanoi Agricul-tural University No. 1 in 1995. She iscurrently working on a chrysomelidproject with Dr. Dang Thi Dap, and islooking for scholarship opportunities fora Masters Degree in either Europe or theUS. Anyone having informationregarding available scholarships orprograms, please contact Miss Nguyenthrough Dr. Dang’s email address.

Chris Reid (Canberra, Australia)continuing work on various chrysomelidprojects including systematics ofChrysomeloidea, keys to Australiangenera, Australian, Pacific, South-EastAsian faunal revisions, larvae and pupae.

Thomas O. Robbins (Temple, USA)has recently begun collecting andstudying the Chrysomelidae of CentralTexas. Also preparing a database ofinformation on chrysomelids occurringat Miller Springs Nature Area, Bell

County, Texas. This information may beused in the future to prepare publishedmaterials useful for school age childrenwho regularly visit the Nature Area.

Haruo Takizawa (Matsuzawa)(Hasuda, Japan) planning revision ofMalaya-Indonesian Chrysomelidae,starting with Eumolpinae. Willing toidentify Eumolpinae of the area,excluding New Guinea.

K. K. Verma (Durg, India) workingon the classification, ecology andbiology of Chrysomelidae of the Indianregion.

Andrzej Warchalowski (Wroclaw,Poland) continues to work on thetaxonomy, systematics, and faunistics ofthe Chrysomelidae from the Palearctricand Oriental regions.

Wolfgang Baese (Wittenberg,Germany) has Donaciinae from middleEurope to exchange for worldwidespecies.

Grace Barroga (Selangor, Malaysia)would like to borrow Aulacophora spp.from southeast Asia.

William H. Clark (Caldwell, USA)Specimens of any arthropods collectedin Baja California that have beenidentified needed for CICESE project(see pages 1 and 3).

Catherine N. Duckett (San Juan,Puerto Rico) is interested in borrowingor exchanging oedionychines andalticines in all genera; needs specimensof adults or larvae preserved in 95-100%ethanol for molecular studies and allimmature stages preserved in alcohol.This material will be used in a study ofmimicry and phylogeny of the Oedi-onychina.

Yuri Mikhailov (Novouralsk,Russia) needs Cryptocephalus andChrysolina from the Mediterraneanregion, Iran, China and Japan, and canoffer Chrysomelidae (excl. Alticinae)from Russia and former USSR, includ-ing endemics from Altai, Tuva, etc.

Chris Reid (Canberra, Australia)Ovamela specimens needed. Pleasecontact for details.

Wolfgang Baese (Wittenberg,Germany) is looking for literature on thedonaciines and can offer entomologicalliterature in exchange.

William H. Clark (Caldwell, USA)needs any entomological journals (writefirst to see material is duplicate) andreprints or monographs that deal withBaja California or taxa found there.Books of a general entomological naturewould also be useful (see CICESEproject, pages 1 and 3).

Dang Thi Dap (Hanoi, Vietnam)needs all chrysomelid literature, espe-cially if pertaining to Asia.

Michael Langer (Lichtenwalde,Germany) would like information onavailability of Biologia CentraliaAmericana, vol. 6(1), 1880-1892,Phytophaga by M. Jaboby.

Steve Lingafelter (Washington,USA) has some reprints of R. E. White,D. Blake and S. Lingafelter available.Please write with your specific requests.

Yuri Mikhailov (Novouralsk,Russia) needs all publications onCryptocephalinae of China publishedafter Gressitt & Kimoto (1961/63). Canoffer reprints from his current publica-tions.

Chris Reid (Canberra, Australia) hasa few reprints available of 1995 Cladis-tic Analysis of Subfamilial Relationshipsin the Chrysomelidae.

Research Activities andInterests (cont. from page 1)



9CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

Aslan, I. and A. Warchalowski.1998. Eine neue kleinasiatische Artder Untergattung Burlinius Lopatin,1965 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae:Cryptocephalinae). Genus 9(3):343-350, 25 figs., 1 tab.

Aslan, I. and A. Warchalowski.1998. New records of the subfamilyGalerucinae (Coleoptera, Chry-somelidae) for the Turkish fauna.Zool. Middle East 16:85-87.

Bain, A. and L. LeSage. 1998.A late seventeenth century occur-rence of Phyllotreta striolata (Co-leoptera: Chrysomelidae) in NorthAmerica. Canad. Entomol. 130:715-719, 2 figs.

Borowiec, L. 1998. Agroiconotajudaica (Fabricius, 1781) and A.inedita (Boheman, 1855) - distinctspecies (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae:Cassidinae). Genus 9(3):387-393,10 figs.

Borowiec, L. 1998. Echomaanaglypta (Boheman, 1862) and E.anaglyptoides n. sp. (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Genus9(3):375-385, 7 figs.

Borowiec, L. 1998. Four newspecies of Aslamidium Borowiec,with descriptions of Neoaslamidiumnew subgenus (Coleoptera: Chry-somelidae: Hispinae). Genus9(3):367-374, 8 figs.

Borowiec, L. and H. Takizawa.1991. Notes on chrysomelid beetles(Coleoptera) of India and its neigh-boring areas. Jpn. J. Entomol.59(3):637-654, 8 figs.

Ciampolini, M., R. Regalin, D.Lunghini and G. Chimienti. 1998.Osservazioni su Aulacophorafoveicollis, specie fortemente dan-nosa al melone. Informatore Agrario54(16):99-101, photos.

Furth, D. G. 1998. New WorldBlepharida Chevrolat 1836 (Co-leoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae).Memoir Entomol. Soc. Wash. 21:1-109, 161 figs. (Price $12US - Toorder contact: Custodian, Entomo-logical Society of Washington, c/oDepartment of Entomology, Smith-sonian Institution, Washington, D. C.20560-0165 USA)

Geiser, E. 1998. 8000 Jahre alteReste des Bergblattkäfers Oreinacacaliae (Schrank) von der Pasterze.Wissenschaft. Mitt. NP Hohe Tauern4:41-46, 1 fig.

George, J. and K. K. Verma.1997. Variability in Callosobruchuschinensis (L.) and evolution ofpolymorphism in Callosobruchus(Coleoptera, Bruchidae). RussianEntomol. J. 6(1-2):41-48, 6 figs., 11tabs.

Hawkeswood, T., H. Takizawaand P. H. Jolivet. 1997. Observa-tions on the biology and host plantsof the Australian tortoise beetle,Cassida compuncta (Boheman), witha description of the larva, pupa andadult (Insecta: Coleoptera: Chry-somelidae). Mauritiana 16(2):333-339, 3 figs.

Hawkeswood, T. J. and H.Takizawa. 1997. Taxonomy,ecology and descriptions of thelarva, pupa and adult of the Austra-lian hispine beetle, Eurispa vittataBaly (Insecta, Coleoptera, Chry-somelidae). Spixiana 20(3):245-253,3 figs.

Hayashi, M. 1998. A newspecies of the genus Donaciella fromthe Lower Pleistocene in NagaokaCity, Niigata Prefecture, centralJapan (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae:Donaciinae). Bull. Osaka Mus. Nat.Hist. 52:37-47, 9 figs.

Janzen, D. H. 1998. How togrow a wildland: the gardenificationof Nature. Insect Sci. Applic. 17(3/4):269-276.

Jolivet, P. 1998. Jurassic Parkou les Coléoptères des Cycadales.Le Coléoptériste 33:77-85, 8 figs., 4photos.

Kimoto, S. 1998. Check-list ofChrysomelidae of South East Asia,South of Thailand and West of Irian-Jaya of Indonesia, VII. Cassidinae.Bull. Inst. Comp. Stud. Int. Cult.Soc. Kurume Univ. 22:59-113.

Kimoto, S. 1999. Chrysomel-idae (Coleoptera) of Thailand,Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. VI.Hispinae. Bull. Inst. Comp. Stud.Int. Cult. Soc. Kurume Univ. 23:59-159, 9 plates.

Lays, P. 1997. Les Donaciinae(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) de lafaune de Belgique. Notes Faun.Gembloux 33:67-143, 7 figs., 26maps.

Lee, J. E., S. W. Lingafelter andA. S. Kanstantinov. 1998. Larvalmorphology of Systena blandaMelsheimer (Coleoptera: Chry-somelidae: Alticinae). Proc. Ento-mol. Soc. Washington 100(3):484-488, 8 figs.

LeSage, L. 1997. Descriptiond’une nouvelle espèce de Clavicorn-altica en provenance de Taiwan(Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Nouv.Revue Ent. (N. S.) 14(3):239-247, 12figs., 2 tabs.

Literature on theChrysomelidae

10 CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

Levesque, C. and G.-Y.Levesque. 1998. Faunal composi-tion, wing polymorphism andseasonal abundance of some fleabeetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)in southern Quebec (Canada). GreatLakes Entomol. 31(1):39-48, 2 figs.,1 tab.

Lingafelter, S. W., A. S. Kon-stantinov and J. E. Lee. 1998.Systena Chevrolat (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae: Alticinae): notes onnomenclature, redescription of thegenus, and a preliminary discussionof characters and phylogeneticrelationships. Proc. Entomol. Soc.Washington 100(3):467-483, 46 figs.

Medvedev, L. N. and R. Rega-lin. 1998. Nuove o interessantispecie di Clytrinae afrotropicali eorientali (Coleoptera Chrysomel-idae). Boll. Zool. agr. Bachic. Ser. II30(1):1-32, 71 figs.

Medvedev, L. N. and R. Rega-lin. (1996) 1997. Plecophthalma n.gen. di Clytrinae afrotropicali(Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Boll.Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Venezia 47:135-151, 30 figs. (in 4 plates).

Moura, L. d. A. 1998. Iucetima,gênero novo de Galerucini da regiãoNeotropical (Coleoptera, Chrysomel-idae, Galerucinae). Iheringia Ser.Zool. 85:75-88, 24 figs.

Moura, L. d. A. 1998. Revisãodo gênero Neolochmaea (Coleoptera,Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Galeru-cini). Iheringia Ser. Zool. 85:169-188, 32 figs.

Petitpierre, E. and J. Gómez-Zurita. 1998. Los Chrysomelidaede León; NO de España (Co-leoptera). Nouv. Revue Ent. (N. S.)15(1):13-26, 2 figs., 2 tabs.

Ramos, T. C. 1998. Revisão dasespécies brasileiras de OxychalepusUhmann, 1937 (Coleoptera, Chry-somelidae, Hispinae). Rev. Bras.Entomol. 41(2-4):305-315, 30 figs.

Sassi, D. and R. Regalin. 1998.Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) biondiin. sp. dell’arcipelago sardo-corso edell’isola di Capraia (Toscana)(Coleoptera Chrysomelidae). Boll.Soc. Entomol. Ital. 130(2):135-146,13 figs.

Staines, C. L. 1998. A newspecies of Cephaloleia Chevrolat(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: His-pinae) from Costa Rica. Proc.Entomol. Soc. Washington100(4):672-673, 1 fig.

Takizawa, H. 1998. Notes onJapanese Chrysomelidae (Co-leoptera). Part 3. Elytra 26(1):217-222, 3 figs.

Takizawa, H. and M. Daccordi.1998. Description of a new speciesof the genus Gonioctena Chevrolatfrom Japan (Coleoptera: Chrysomel-idae). Entomol. Sci. 1(1):105-108, 4figs.

Takizawa, H. and K. Kusige-mati. 1996. Notes on Chrysomel-idae of the Palau Islands (Insecta,Coleoptera). Kagoshima Univ. Res.Cent. S. Pacific (Occas. Pap.) 30:23-25, 1 fig.

Takizawa, H., M. Minami andK. Sato. 1998. Notes on Crypto-cephalus luridipennis pallescensKraatz and C. instabilis Baly inJapan, with description of theirlarvae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).Entomol. Rev. Jpn. 53(2):67-75, 5figs., 1 tab.

Virkki, N. and J. A. Santiago-Blay. 1998. Chromosome numbersin 71 Puerto Rican species of leafbeetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).J. Agric. Univ. P R 82(1-2):69-83.

Warchalowski, A. 1998. Bes-chreibung der neuen Art Derocrepis(Aeschrocnemis) whiteheadi sp. n.und ihres Standortes in Kleinasien(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Haltici-nae). Genus 9(3):361-365, 8 figs.

Warchalowski, A. 1998. Chry-somelidae - Stonkowate (Insecta:Coleoptera) Czesc VI (podrodzinaHalticinae: rodzaje Hermaeophaga -Dibolia. Warzawa: Museum andInstitute of Zoology of the PolishAcademy of Sciences, 292 pp., 517figs.

Warchalowski, A. 1998. De-scription d’une espèce nouvelle deLongitarsus de Turquie (Coleoptera,Chrysomelidae). Nouv. Revue Ent.(N. S.) 15(3):291-293, 7 figs.

Warchalowski, A. 1998. DieWestpaläarktischen Arten derGattung Phyllobrotica Chevrolat,1837 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae,Galerucinae). Ann. Zool. (Warsza-wa) 48(1/2):91-98, 28 figs.

Warchalowski, A. 1998. Longi-tarsus kippenbergi n. sp., eine neueArt aus Marokko (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae: Halticinae). Genus9(3):351-360, 35 figs.

Warchalowski, A. 1998. Übereinige kleinasiatische Arten derGattung Pachybrachis Chevrolat,1837 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae:Cryptocephalinae). Ann. Zool.(Warszawa) 48(1/2):85-90, 26 figs.,3 tabs.

11CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

CHRYSOMELA Mailing List April 1999Laurent AMSELLEMKasetsart UniversityNat. Biological Control Res. CenterP. O. Box 9-52Bangkok 10900,THAILAND

Seung Lak ANNatural Science MuseumDept. of Nat. Hist.32-2, Kusong-dong, Yusong-kuTaejon, 305-338,,KOREA

Pamela ANDERSONCentro Internacional de AgriculturaTropicalCIAT-Virus Research Unit1380 NW 78th Ave.Miami, FL 33126-1606USA

Robert S. ANDERSONCanadian Museum of NatureP.O. Box 3443, Station DOttawa, Ont., K1P 6P4,CANADA

R.S. ANNADURAILoyola CollegeEntomology Research InstituteMadras 600 034,INDIA

Ross, H. ARNETT, Jr.American Insects Project, Inc.2406 NW 47th TerraceGainesville, FL 32606-6583USA

Ulf ARNOLDGartencenter ArnoldNeuenhagener Chaussee 115566 Schöneiche/Berlin,GERMANY

Ingolf S. ASKEVOLDP. O. Box 21Tallahassee, FL 32032USA

Wolfgang BAESEEntomologyBelziger Str. 1 (über Schulweg)Wittenberg/OT Dobien 06896,GERMANY

E. BALCELLS R.Cent. Pirenaico de Bio. Exp.Apartado 64Jaca (Huesca),SPAIN

George E. BALLUniversity of AlbertaDepartment of EntomologyEdmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3,CANADA

Ladislav BARABÁSDept. Plant Breed. & Prot. ÚKSÚPMatúßkova 21,833 16 Bratislava, S.S.P.,CZECH REPUBLIC

Mariá Fernanda BARBERENAUniversidad de Puerto RicoDepartamento de BiologiaP. O. Box 23360San Juan , PR 00931-3360

Robert J. BARNEYKentucky State UniversityCRS/Plant and Soil ScienceAtwood Research FacilityFrankfort, KY 40601USA

Grace F. BARROGAUniversiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaDept. of Zoology43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan,MALAYSIA

Yves BASSETTROPENBos12E Garnett St.Georgetown,GUYANA

Gloria BASTAZOEntomologyCoronel Osuna, 18, 4-E29006 Malaga,,SPAIN

C. R. BASUZoological Survey of IndiaNew Alipore, M-BlockCalcutta-700053,INDIA

Bohumila de BECHYNÉUniv. Central de VenezuelaInst. de Zoologia Agri./AgroMaracay,VENEZUELA

Miriam BECKERUniv. Federal do Rio Grande do SulDept. Zoologia, Inst. BiocienciasAv. Paulo Gama s/nº90.040-060 Porto Alegre, RS,,BRAZIL

Ron BEENENEntomologyMartinus Nijhoffhove 51NL 3437 ZP Nieuwegein,THE NETHERLANDS

Alpina BEGOSSINEPAM-Nucleo de Est. Pesquisas AmbUNICAMP - CP 117013081, Campinas, SP,BRAZIL

Michel BERGEALEntomology10 Impasse de la Reine78000 Versailles,FRANCE

María BERIOWashington 20 Cond. Caribe 7BSan Juan, PR 00907USA

Nicole BERTIMus. d’Hist. Nat./Lab. d’Ent45 rue de BuffonF-75005 Paris,,FRANCE

Jan BEZDEKMendel University of Agriculture &ForestryDept. of ZoologyZemedelska 1613 00 Brno,CZECH REPUBLIC

Andrzej O. BIENKOWSKIZelenograd, 1121 - 107K-460, 103460 Moscow,,RUSSIA

Maurizio BIONDIUniversita’ di L’AquilaDipartimento di Scienze AmbientaliVia Vetoio, 14I-67010 Coppito (AQ),ITALY

Javier G. BLANCOJard. de Borinquen1-D-15Aguadilla, PR 00603USA

Paul BOLDTUSDA ARS808 Blackland Rd.Temple, TX 76501USA

Arturo BONETInstituto de EcologiaApartado Postal 6391000 Xalapa, Veracruz,,MÉXICO

Christian BONTEMSLaboratoire d’Entomologie4 bis rue Lazare HocheF-91120 Palaiseau,FRANCE

Michael BOPPREForstzoologisches InstitutAlbert-Ludwigs-UniversitätD-79085 Freiburg,GERMANY

Arnaldo BORDONIUniversita degli Studi di FirenzeMuseo Zoologico de “La Specola”Via Romana, 1750125 Firenze,,ITALY

Bernard BORDYEntomologyLe Val Saint EloiF-70160 Faverney,FRANCE

Lech BOROWIECZoological InstituteSienkiewicza 2150-335 Wroclaw,POLAND

Jean-Claude BOURDONNÉ2, rue cité ReilleF-30100 Alès,FRANCE

John K. BOUSEMANIllinois Natural History Survey607 E. PeabodyChampaign, IL 61820USA

Felix BREDENSimon Fraser UniversityDepartment of Biological SciencesBurnaby, BC V5A 1S6,CANADA

Carlo BRIVIOP.I.M.E. Entomological MuseumVia Lecco 73I-20052 Monza (MI),ITALY

V. M. BROVDYAcad. Sci. UkraineInst. of Zoo.Lenina str. 15Kiev-30, 252 650,UKRANE

Horace R. BURKETexas A & M UniversityDept. of EntomologyCollege Station, TX 77843USA

Zundir José BUZZIUFPRDepartamento de ZoologiaC.P. 1902081531-990 Curitiba, PR.,BRAZIL

Nora CABRERACs. Naturales y MuseoFac. Depto. EntomologíaPaseo del Bosque 5/m.1900 La Plata,ARGENTINA

Clinton CAMPBELLCalifornia Dept. of Food & Agriculture7845 Lemon Grove Way, Suite ALemon Grove, CA 91945USA

Pierre CANTOTEntomologiste INRA28 Le Grand BreuilF-86480 Rouillé,FRANCE

John L. CAPINERAUniversity of FloridaDept. of EntomologyGainesville, FL 32611USA

Bert F. CARREntomology24 Dalrymple Green N. W.Calgary, Alberta T3A lY2,CANADA

Helen E. CARREntomologyP. O. Box 217Big Oak Flat, CA 95305-0217USA

Shannon CARTERUniv. of AlabamaDept. of Biol. SciencesBox 870344Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0344USA

J. F. CAVEYUSDA, APHIS, BATS4700 River Road, Unit 133Riverdale, MD 20737USA

Caroline S. CHABOOCornell UniversityDepartment of EntomologyComstock HallIthaca, NY 14853USA

Laurent CHABROL6 rue Waldeck-Rousseau87000 Limoges,FRANCE

Laurence D. CHANDLERUSDA-ARS N. Grain Insects Res. Lab.2923 Medary Ave.Brookings, SD 57006

Henri CHEVIN17 reu des Marguerites78330 Fontenay le Fleury,FRANCE

Michio CHUJO1-6-16-505Kamata, Ohta-kuTokyo 144,JAPAN

Petr CíZEKNádrazní 55564 01 Zamberk,CZECH REPUBLIC

Shawn M. CLARKWest Virginia Dept. of Agriculture1900 Kanawha Blvd., EastCharleston, WV 25305-0191USA

William H. CLARKAlbertson College of IdahoOrma J. Smith Museum of Nat. History2112 Cleavland Blvd.Caldwell, ID 83605-4432Shaoguang CONGNorth Dakota State University#1 Bison CourtFargo, ND 58102USA

Giovanni COSTAUniv. CataniaDipt. Bio. Anim.Via Androne 8195124 Catania,ITALY

Thomas COÚE4,rue Jacques OffenbachBarentin (76360),FRANCE

Michael L. COXInternational Inst. of Entomology56 Queen’s GateLondon, SW7 5JR,ENGLAND

R. A. CROWSONGlasgow UniversityGrahm Kerr BuildingUniversity of GlasgowGlasgow, G12 8QQ,U. K.

Mauro DACCORDIMuseo Regionale di Scienze Naturalisez. di Entomologiav. Giolitti, n° 3610123 TORINO,ITALY

Thi Dap DANGVietnam National CenterNatural Sciences and TechnologyInst. of Ecology and Biological ResourcesHanoi,VIETNAM

Roy DANIELSSONLund UniversityMuseum of Zoology Insect CollectionHelgonav. 3,S-22362 Lund,SWEDEN

T. W. M. DAVISEntomology1223 Greyrock CrescentOttawa, Ont. K2C 2A6,CANADA

David W. De LITTLENorth Eucalypt TechnologiesP. 0. Box 63Ridgley, Tasmania 7321,AUSTRALIA

María Teresa DEFAGÓUniv. Nacional de CordobaFac. de CiencesAv. Velez Sarsfield 299(5000) Cordoba,ARGENTINA

Mike DENTON77 Hawthorne TerraceCrosland Moor, HuddersfieldYorkshire, MD4 5RP,ENGLAND

Konrad DETTNERUniv. BayreuthLS Tieroekolgie IIPostfach 1012528580 Bayreuuth,GERMANY

Manfred DÖBERLEntomologySeeweg 34D-93326 Abensberg,GERMANY

Serge DOGUET75 rue Andre Laurent94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois,FRANCE

Roman DOMINQUEZUniversidad Autonoma ChapingoDept. de ParasitologiChapingo, Mexico,MÉXICO

Catherine N. DUCKETTUniversidad de Puerto RicoDept. de Biología/P. O. Box 23360San Juan, PR 00931-3360USA

Franck DUHALDEBORDE6, square Arthur RubinsteinF-33700 Mérignac,FRANCE

Astrid EBENInstituto de Ecologia, A.C.Apartado Postal 6391000 Xalapa, Veracruz,MEXICO

J. Gordon EDWARDSSan Jose State UniversityDept. of Entomology/BiologySan Jose, CA 95192-0100USA

Wilbur R. ENNSEntomology506 Bourn Ave.Columbia, MO 65203USA

Dieter ERBERJ. L. Univ. GiessenInst. Biol.Karl-Glockner-Strasse 21D-6300 Giessen,GERMANY

12 CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

CHRYSOMELA Mailing List April 1999Jean R. E. FAGOTI. P. E. S. P. A. - La ReidAvenue de la Bovière, 7B-4900 Spa,BELGIUM

Bill FAKES4 Lorne VillasWorkington, Cumbria CA14 4BY.,UNITED KINGDOM

Brian D. FARRELLHarvard UniversityMuseum of Comparative ZoologyCambridge, MA 02138USA

Ilena FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍAInst. de Ecología y SystemáticaApartado Postal: 8010Varona km 3.5 Capdevila, BoyerosCuidad de la Habana,CUBA

José Luis FERNANDEZ-CARRILLOC/. Alcantara, 7, 3 FE-13004 Ciudad Real ,SPAIN

E. M. de Oliveira FERRONATTOInst BiocienciasDept. Zool.UFRES, Au. Paulo Gama s/n90040 Porto Alegre, RS,BRAZIL

Jonathan E. FETTEREntomology4030 Hill Church RoadLebanon, PA 17042USA

R. Wills FLOWERSFlorida A. & M. UniversityAgricultural Research ProgramsTallahassee, FL 32307USA

Valter FOGATOEntomologyvia F.LLI Zoia 6120153 Milano,ITALY

Peter A. FOLLETTUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa3050 Miale Way, Gilmore 310Honolulu, HI 96822USA

Frank FRITZLAREntomologyKernbergstrasse 73D-07749 Jena,GERMANY

Fumio FUJITAEntomology6-6, Shin-nakazato 2-chomeYono-shi, Saitama 338,JAPAN

Daniel J. FUNKUniversity of ArizonaDept. of Ecology and EvolutionaryBiologyTucson, AZ 85721USA

Victor FURSOVInst. of Zool. of Ukrainian Acad. ofSciencesDept. of TaxonomyBogdan Kjmeinitskiy St., 15252601 Kiev-34,UKRAINE

David G. FURTHSmithsonian InstitutionSmithsonian InstitutionNHB, MRC 165Washington, DC 20560USA

Douglas J. FUTUYMAState University of New YorkDept. of Ecology & EvolutionStony Brook, NY 11794USA

Elisabeth GEISERSaint-Julien-Strabe 2/314A-5020 Salzburg,AUSTRIA

G. H. GERBERAgriculture Canada Research195 Dafoe RoadWinnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M9,CANADA

Arthur J. GILBERTDept. of Food & Agriculture2889 N. Larkin, Suite #106Fresno, CA 93727USA

Ali GOKS.D.U. Fen Edb. Fak.Biyoloji Biol32260 Isparta/,TURKEY

Jesús GOMEZ-ZURITAUniversidad Islas Baleares (UIB)Lab. Genética, Dpto Biologia AmbientalCarretera Valldemossa km 7,507071 Palma de Mallorca,SPAIN

J. C. GREGOIREUniv. Libre BruxellesFac. ScienceAv. F.D. Roosevelt 50, Lab. Bio.B-1050 Bruxelles,BELGIUM

David GRIMALDIAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryDepartment of EntomologyCentral Park West at 79th St.New York, NY 10024-5192USA

Elizabeth GROBBELAARPlant Protection Research Inst.Biosystematics DivisionPrivate Bag X134Pretoria 0001,SOUTH AFRICA

Jürgen GROSSInstitut für Zoologie, fu BerlinHaderslebener Str. 9D-12163 Berlin,GERMANY

Blagoy A. GRUEVPost Office Box 2894000 Plovdiv,BULGARIA

Maylin P. GUERREROProyecto ALASLa Selva Biological Station Interlink 341P. O. Box 02-5635Miami, FL 33152USA

Gonzalo HALFFTEREntomologyApartado Postal No. 4191501, Coatepec, Veracruz,MÉXICO

Don HARRINGTONHeard Natural Science MuseumOne Nature PlaceMcKinney,, TX 75069-9244USA

Trevor J. HAWKESWOODP. O. Box 39Hastings Point, NSW 2489,AUSTRALIA

Uwe HEINIGEntomologyLöcknitzstrabe 39D-12587 Berlin,GERMANY

Lee HERMANAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryDepartment of EntomologyCentral Park West at 79th StreetNew York, NY 10024-5192USA

Hugh D. C. HERONEntomologyP. O. Box 39042Queensburgh, 4070,SOUTH AFRICA

Henry A. HESPENHEIDEUniversity of CaliforniaDept. of BiologyLos Angeles, CA 90024-1606USA

Monika HILKERFreie Universität BerlinFachbereich BiologieHaderslebenerstr. 9D-12163 Berlin,GERMANY

Padagogische HOCHSCHULEN.K. Krupskaja, Halle-KothenSektion Biologie/Chemie PSF 763Halle (Salle) 4002,GERMANY

Cristina D. HOINIC “Grigore Antipa” Natural History MuseumDepartment of EntomologySoseaua Kisseleff Nr.1RO-79744 Bucuresti,ROMANIA

Pavel HOSEKEntomologyZavadilova 24, 160 00Praha 6, C.S.P.,CZECH REPUBLIC

Ting H. HSIAO6005 Crossmont CourtSan Jose, CA 95120USA

J. HUIGNARDUniv. François RabelarisLab. Ecol. Exper.Avenue Monge, Parc GrandmontF-37200 Tours,,FRANCE

S. M. IABLOKOFF-KHNZORIANErevan Inst. of ZoologyParuir Sevac str.7Erevan, 375044,RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Takenari INOUEForestry & Forest Products Research Inst.Shikoku Research CenterTei 915 Asakura, KochiKochi 780,JAPAN

Viviane JEREZUniversidad de ConcepciónDepartamento de ZoologíaCasilla 2407(45) Concepción,CHILE

Clarence Dan JOHNSONNorthern Arizona UniversityBiologyP. O. Box 5640-BiologyFlagstaff,, AZ 86011-5640USA

Paul J. JOHNSONSouth Dakota State UniversityInsect Research CollectionBox 2207ABrookings, SD 57007USA

Pierre H. A. JOLIVETEntomology67 Boulevard SoultF-75012, Paris,FRANCE

Pierre H. A. JOLIVETFlorida State Collections of ArthropodsDivision of Plant Industry (to 10/95)P. O. Box 147100Gainesville, FL 32614-1700USA

Walter J. KAISERPeace Corps VolunteerCuerpo de PaxCasilla No. 749Sucre,BOLIVIA

T. KANNANIARL1 Shishir HostelNew Delhi - 110012,INDIA

Frantisek KANTNEREntomologyLipí 90373 84 p. Dubné,CZECH REPUBLIC

Jay B. KARRENUtah State University,Dept. of BiologyLogan, UT 84322-5305USA

Halil KASAPCukurova UniversityFaculty of MedicineDept. of Medical Biology01330 Balcali, Adana,TURKEY

Natalie KEALSAgriculture Western Australia (CLIMA)The University of Western AustraliaNedlands 6907,AUSTRALIA

Shinsaku KIMOTO7-97, MikunigaokaOgori City, Fukuoka Pre., 838-0103,JAPAN

John M. KINGSOLVERFlorida State Collection of ArthropodsP. O. Box 147100Gainesville,, FL 32614-7100USA

Seniz KISMALIEge Üniversitesi Ziraat FakültesiBitki Koruma Bölümü35100 Bornova Izmir,TURKEY

Alfred KOEPFFeldmann AGKanalstr. 178152 Glattbrugg,SWITZERLAND

Yoshiaki KOMIYA1-6-5 MukogaokaBunkyo-KuTokyo 113,JAPAN

Alexandr KONSTANTINOVNational Museum of Natural HistoryUSDA/SELNHB, MRC 168Washington, DC 20560USA

Hans U. KOSTENBADEREntomologyOlgastrasse 105D-7000 Stuttgart 1,GERMANY

O. V. KOVALEVUSSR Academy of SciencesZool. Inst.University Embankment 1St. Petersburg 199034,RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Sigvald KRISTENSENEntomologyLystruplund 14DK-8520 Lystrup,DENMARK

James L. KRYSAN1048 Cherokee Road-Apt.#3Louisville, KY 40204USA

D. KUMARGovt. Arts & Science CollegeDept. of ZoologyDurg, M.P. 491001,INDIA

Vincent LABEYRIEEntomologyLes Gelis?81630 Salvagnac,FRANCE

Michael LANGEREntomologyAn der Eiche 3D-09381 Lichtenwalde,GERMANY

Paul R. LARSONEntomology3400 Kings Lake DriveVirginia Beach, VA 23452USA

John F. LAWRENCECSIRODivision of EntomologyBox 1700Canberra, ACT,AUSTRALIA

Pascal LAYSUniversity of Liege22, Quai KE. Van BenedenB-4020 Liege,BELGIUM

Andre LeBLANCEntomology1109 DufaultLaval, H7E 4T8 Quebec,CANADA

Douglas G. LeDOUXEntomology2012 West Ash, Apt. L-10Columbia, MO 65203-1171USA

Jong Eun LEEAndong National UniversityDept. of Biology, College of Nat. Sci.Andong, Kyungbuk, 760-749,KOREA

Vincent LEECalifornia Academy of SciencesDept. of EntomologyGolden Gate ParkSan Francisco, CA 94118

Carlo LEONARDIMuseo Civico di Storia Nat.Corso Venezia, 5520121 Milano,ITALY

Laurent LeSAGEAgriculture CanadaBio. Res. Inst.K. W. Neatby BuildingOttawa, Ont. KlA 0C6,CANADA

Richard LESCHENNew Zealand Arthropod CollectionLandcare Research, Private Bag 92170120 Mt. Albert RoadAuckland,NEW ZEALAND

Humberto H. LEZAMAUniversidad de Costa RicaMuseo de InsectosEscuela de FitotecniaSan Jose,COSTA RICA

Steve LINGAFELTERU. S. National MuseumSystematic Ent. Lab./USDANHB, MRC 168Washington, DC 20560USA

Roberto LISAEntomologyVia della Villa Demidoff n.2750127 Firenze,ITALY

13CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

CHRYSOMELA Mailing List April 1999Igor K. LOPATINByelorussian UniversityDepartment of ZoologySkoryna Prosp., 4220080 Minsk,BELARUS

Qing-Guang LUSine-American Biological Control Lab.30 Baishiqiao RoadBeijing, 100081,CHINA

Nilgun MADANLAREge Universitesi Ziraat FakultesiBitki Koruma Bolumu Anastirma Gorevlisi35100 Izmir,TURKEY

Jindrich MADARCzech. Entomological Soc.Zateckych 14140 00 Praha 4, C.S.P.,CZECH REPUBLIC

Jiri MADAR Jr.Dept. of Plant Protection UKZUSZateckych 14140 00 Praha 4, C.S.P.,CZECH REPUBLIC

J. L. MADDENUniversity of TasmaniaGPO Box 252 CHobart, Tasmania 7001,AUSTRALIA

Jean-Michel MAESMuseo Entomologico S. E. A.A. P. 527León,NICARAGUA

Agenor MAFRA-NETOUniversity of California, RiversideDept of EntomologyUniversity of California, RiversideRiverside, CA 92521USA

Santiago N. MALDONADOUniv Autónoma de TamaulipasC. Univ. Adolfo Lopez MateosC. P. 87149 AP. 337Victoria, Tams,MEXICO

Jasbir S. MANN9070 Prince Charles Blvd.Surrey, BC V3V 1R5,CANADA

D. MARIAUIRHODpt. Oleagineux du CIRADDiv. du Entomologie BP 50 3534032 Montpellier Cedex,FRANCE

Jane E. MARSHALLBritish Museum (N. H.)Dept. of Ent.omologyCromwell RoadLondon, SW7 5BD,ENGLAND

Kazuhiro MATSUDATohoku Univ.Fac. of AgricultureTsutsumidori-AmamiyamachiSendai 980,JAPAN

Joachim MAUSERBelchenstr. 479282 Ballrechten-Dottingen,GERMANY

Jay R. MCCLELLANEntomology709 W. CoralRidgecrest, CA 93555USA

Lenice MEDEIROSDEBQ - UNIJUIC. P. 56098700.000 Ijui, RS,BRAZIL

Lev N. MEDVEDEVInst. of Animal Morph. & Ecol.Leninski Prospect 33Moscow 117071,RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Fernando MEJIAInst. Nac. de Biodiversidad (INBio)Apdo: 22-3100Santo Domingo - Heredia,COSTA RICA

Ayres MENEZES Jr.Universidade Estadual de LondrinaDept. of AgronomiaCr. P. 6001Londrina-PR 86.051-970,BRAZIL

Winrich MERTENSEntomologyIn der Worth 37D-2817 Doerverden,GERMANY

Frank J. MESSINAUtah State UniversityDept. of Biology, College of ScienceLogan, UT 84322-5305USA

Yuri MIKHAILOVLenin str. 53-7Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk region 624130,RUSSIA

Scott E. MILLERICIPEBox 30772Nairobi,KENYA

Mohamed S. MOHAMEDSAIDUniversity Kebangsaan MalaysiaDepartment of Zoology43600 Bangi, Selangor,MALAYSIA

Andrew R. MOLDENKEOregon State UniversityDepartment of EntomologyCorvallis, OR 97331USA

Jeniffer MONSON

Gilson MOREIRAUniv. Federal do Rio Grande do SulDept. Zoologia, Inst. BiocienciasAv. Paulo Gama s/nº90.040-060 Porto Alegre, RS,,BRAZIL

Geoff MORSEHarvard UniversityMuseum of Comparative Zoology26 Oxford StreetCambridge, MA 02138USA

Luciano de Azevedo MOURAFun. Zoobotånica do Rio Grande do SulMuseu de Ciencias Naturais RVA Dr. S.Franga, 1427Caixa Postal 118890.001-970 Porto Alegre, RS,BRAZIL

Sandra MOYÁ-GUZMÁNUniversity of Puerto RicoDepartment of BiologyP. O. Box 23360San Juan, PR 00931-3360USA

Susana MURUAGA de L’ARGENTIERUniversidad Nacional de Jujuy,Fac. Ciencias AgrariasAlberdi 47San Salvador de Jujuy, (4600) ,ARGENTINA

Koji NAKAMURAKanazawa UniversityEcol.Lab., Dept. of BiologyKanazawa,JAPAN

Takehiko NAKANENirenokidai 2-19-502Asahigaoka-cho 3273, Hanamigawa-kuChiba-shi, 262,JAPAN

David Ridley NASH

Alfred F. NEWTON, Jr.Field Museum of Natural HistoryRoosevelt Road and Lake Shore DriveChicago, IL 60605USA

Jens Kvist NIELSENRoyal Veterinary & Agri. Univ.Dept. ZoologyBulowsvej 13DK-1870, Copenhagen V,DENMARK

Jan A. NILSSONSouth Texas Community CollegeBiology DepartmentP. O. Box 9701Valley City, TX 78502-9701USA

Flávia NOGUEIRA de SÁUNICAMPDepto. Zoologia - IBC. P. 6109Campinas - SP 13083-970,BRAZIL

Felipe A. NOGUERAUniv. Nac. Auton. Mex-Inst. de BiologiaApartado Postal 21San Patricio, Jalisco,MÉXICO


Charles J. O’KELLYNational Science Foundation4201 Wilson Boulevard, rm. 635Arlington, VA 22230USA

Clifford P. OHMARTScientific Methods Inc.P. O. Box 599Durham, CA 95938USA

Masao OHNOToyo UniversityNatural Science Laboratory11-10, Oka 2Asaka-shi, Saitama Pref. 351,JAPAN

Karen OLMSTEADUniversity of South DakotaDepartment of Biology414 East Clark St.Vermillion, SD 57069-2390USA

Michal OUDAPharmacyPlzenska 41Plasy, 331 01,CZECH REPUBLIC

H. R. PAJNIPanjale UniversityDepartment of ZoologyChandigarh-160014,INDIA

T. K. PALZoological Survey of IndiaM-Block, New Alipore,Calcutta - 700053,INDIA

V. F. PALIIAcad. Nauk Uzbekskoi SSRInst. Zool. and Parasit.Tashkent, Uzbek,UZBEKISTAN

Charles S. PAPP7451 Albezzia LaneSacramento, CA 95828USA

Stephanie PAPPERSUniversity of NijmegenDepartment of Aquatic Ecology andEnvironmental BiologyToernooiveld 16525 Ed Nijmegen,THE NETHERLANDS

Jacques M. PASTEELSUniv. Libre de BruxellesBiologie animale/cellulaireC. P. 160/12; 50 Av. F. D. RooseveltB-1050 Bruxelles,BELGIUM

Renaud PAULIANMus. d’Hist. Nat./Lab. d’Ent45 rue de BuffonF-75005 Paris,,FRANCE

Francy PEDREROSUniversity of Puerto RicoDept. of Biology-FB 253San Juan, PR 00931-3360

Zhong-liang PENGJiangxi Forest Pest & Disease Contrl.Station361 # ERQI Rd.Nanchang, Jiangxi, P.R.,CHINA

Jörg PERNERUniversität JenaInst. für ÖkologieNeugasse 23D-07743 Jena,GERMANY

Eduard PETITPIERREUniversitat de les Illes BalearsLab. Genètica, Dept. Bio. AmbientalCarretera de Valldemossa/kms.7,5Palma de Mallorca,SPAIN

Gary PFAFFENBERGEREastern New Mexico UniversityDepartment of Life SciencesPortales,, NM 88130USA

W. M. PHILLIPSLoughborough Gram. Sch./Biol.Burton Walks, LoughboroughLeicestershire,ENGLAND

Bernard PINSONEntomology64 Avenue de Soubise59130 Lambersart,FRANCE

K. D. PRATHAPANUniversity of Agricultural SciencesDepartment of EntomologyGKVK, Bangalore 560 065,INDIA

Martine RAHIERInstitute de Zoologierue Emile Argand 11 CH-2007 Neuchâtel,SWITZERLAND

Tiago C. RAMOSUniversidade de São PauloMusea de ZoologiaC. P. 42672São Paulo, SP 04299-970,BRAZIL

Nathen E. RANKSonoma State UniversityDepartment of BiologyRohnert Park, CA 94928USA

R. W. J. READ43 Holly TerraceHensingham, WhitehavenCumbria, CA28 8RF,ENGLAND

Elisabetta REDIGOLOVia S. Maurizio 141/H20047 Brugherio (Milano),ITALY

Renato REGALINIstituto di Entomologia AgrariaVia Celoria, 2I-20133 Milano,ITALY

Chris REIDCSIRODivision of EntomologyGPO Box 1700Canberra, ACT 2601,AUSTRALIA

Cibele S. RIBEIRO-COSTAUniv. Federal do ParanáDepartamento de ZoologiaCaixa Postal 1902081531-990 Curitiba, PR,BRAZIL

Edward G. RILEYTexas A&M UniversityDepartment of EntomologyCollege Station, TX 77843-2475Thomas O. ROBBINS2706 Alamo TrailTemple, TX 76502Lisa ROBERTOAgente AssicurazioniVia della Villa Demidott, 27Via Nazionale 3550127 Firenze,ITALY

Judy ROBERTSONEntomology362 Scenic Ave.Santa Rosa, CA 95407USA

Viterbo RODRIGUEZSmithsonian Tropical Research Inst.PanamaUnit 0948APO , AA 34002-0948USA

Sergio ROIG-JUÑENTIADIZABajada del Cedrro de la GloriaC. C. 507.5500 Mendoza,ARGENTINA

Jesús ROMERO-NáPOLESCentro de Entomología y AcarologíaColegío de PostgraduadosChapingo, Estado de México C. P. 56230,,MÉXICO

William G. RUESINKIllinois Natural History Survey607 E. PeabodyChampaign, IL 61820USA

Sandro RUFFOMuseo Civico di Storia NaturaleLungadige Porta Vittoria, 9I-37100 Verona,ITALY

Robert F. RUPPEL2504 RoyceEast Lansing, MI 48823USA

Antoni SACARÉS MASMuseu Balear de Ciencies NaturalsCtra Palma-Pont de Sóller07100 Sóller,SPAIN

Mitsugu SAKAIToshima-en Insectarium25-1 Kouyama 3-Chome, Nerima-kuTokyo 176,JAPAN

G. A. SAMUELSONB. P. Bishop MuseumDept. of EntomologyBox 19000-AHonolulu, HI 96817USA

14 CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

CHRYSOMELA Mailing List April 1999Luigi SANNINOInst. Sper. per il TobaccoVia P. Vitiello, 6684018 Scafati (SA),ITALY

Jorge A. SANTIAGO-BLAYThe University of ChicagoDivision of Biological Sceinces954 East 57th StreetChicago, IL 60637USA

Jose SANTISTEBANCornell UniversityDept. of EntomologyComstock HallIthaca, NY 14853-0999USA

Davide SASSIvia S. Rocco 1722030 Castelmarte,ITALY

Vilma SAVINI P.Univ. Cent. VenezuelaDept. Zool. Agric.Fac. Agron.Maracay, Edo. Aragua,VENEZUELA

Gerhard SCHERERKardinal-Wendel-Str. 80,D-82515 Wolfratshausen,GERMANY

Michael SCHMITTZoologisches Forschungsinstitut undMuseum Alexander KoenigAdenauerallee 160D-53113 Bonn,GERMANY

Matthias SCHOELLERBiologische Bundesanstalt fuer Lane-und Forstwirtschaft Institut fuerVorratsschutzD-14195 Berlin,GERMANY

William T. SCHULTZThe Ohio Historical SocietyNatural History Department1982 Velma Ave.Columbus, OH 43211USA

Radoslaw SCIBIORAgriculture UniversityDepartment of ZoologyAkademicka 1320-950 Lublin,POLAND

Virginia SCOTTUniversity of Colorado at BoulderHenderson Building, MuseumCampus Box 218Boulder, CO 80309-0218USA

Terry N. SEENODept. of Food & AgriculturePlant Pest Diagnostics Laboratory3294 Meadowview RoadSacramento, CA 95832-1448USA

Carmen SEGARRADept./Genetica, Fac./BiologiaAuda. Diagonal 637-647Barcelona 28,SPAIN

B. J. SELMANUniv. of Newcastle upon TyneDept. of Agricultural BiologyNewcastle upon Tyne, NEl 7RU,ENGLAND

T. SENGUPTAZoological Survey of IndiaNew Alipore, M-BlockCalcutta-700053,INDIA

Baldev SHARMAUniv. of JammuDept. of BioscienceJammu-180001, (Tawi) J & K State,INDIA

Andrew W. SHEPPARDCSIRODivision of EntomologyGPO Box 1700Canberra, ACT 2601,AUSTRALIA

Sharon L. SHUTEThe Natural History MuseumColeoptera /2nd floor EntomologyCromwell Rd.London, SW7 5BD,ENGLAND

Dieter SIEDEMühlenweg 8Caroline-Hershcel-Sts. 1AD-22929 Kasseburg,GERMANY

David H. SIEMENSUniversity of MontanaDivision of Biological SciencesMissoula,, MT 59812USA

Hans SILFVERBERGZoological MuseumN. Jarnvagsgatan 13SF-00100 Helsingfors 10,FINLAND

Václav SILHAEntomologyZahradní 1032271 01 Nové Strasecí, ,CZECH REPUBLIC

J. P. SINGHPunjab UniversityDepartment of ZoologyPatiala-147002 (Pb.),INDIA

John SIVINSKIP.O. Box 145651700 SWW 23rd Dr.Gainesville, FL 32604USA

S. Adam SLIPINSKIPolish Academy of SciencesMuseum & Institute of Zoologyul. Wilcza 64. P. O. Box 100700-679 Warszawa,POLAND

Eric H. SMITHDobson Bros. ExterminatingP. O. Box 10249Lynchberg, VA 24506-0249USA

Ray F. SMITH3092 Hedaro CourtLafayette, CA 94549USA

Eva SPRECHERNaturhistorisches MuseumAugustinergasse 2CH-4001 Basel,SWITZERLAND

Peter SPRICKWeckenstr. 15D-30451 Hannover,GERMANY

C. L. STAINESEntomology3302 Decker PlaceEdgewater, MD 21037-1616USA

Walter R. STEINHAUSENBavarian Zoological State CollectionMünchhausenstr. 21D-81247 München,GERMANY

Vernon STIEFELPacific Lutheran UniversityDepartment of BiologyTacoma, WA 98447-0003USA

Ross I. STOREYQueensland Dept. of Primary IndustriesP.O. Box 1054Mareeba, QLD 4880,AUSTRALIA

Rev. James M. SULLIVANHoly Family Church124 Holy Family Church RoadNew Haven, MO 63068USA

Kunio SUZUKIToyama UniversityDepartment of BiologyFaculty of Science3190 Gofuku, Toyama, 930,JAPAN

Zuzana SWIGONOVARutgers University/J. B. Smith HallGeorges RoadNew Brunswick, NJ 08903USA

J. 0. TAHVANAINENUniversity of JoensuuDepartment of BiologyJoensuu,FINLAND

Haruo TAKIZAWA (MATSUZAWA)Kami 2-7-16Hasuda 349-1022,JAPAN

J. S. TARAUniv. of JammuDepartment of BiosciencesJammu-180001, (Tawi), J & K State,INDIA

Regina TEOJames Cook Univ. North QueenslandDepartment of ZoologyQLD 4811 Townsville,AUSTRALIA

Arturo Luis TERANFundación Miguel LilloMiguel Lillo 201(4000) S. M. de Tucumán,,ARGENTINA

Michael THOMASFlorida State Collection of ArthropodsDivision of Plant IndustryP. O. Box 147100Gainesville, FL 32614-7100USA

Gérard TIBERGHÍENINRA-CNRS Univ. Beaulieu ILab. Zool. et d’EcophysiologieBeaulieu, Avenue du General LeclercF-35042 Rennes Cedex,FRANCE

Vassil TOMOVUniv. Plovdiv ”P. Hilendarski”Chair of Zoology4000 Plovdiv,BULGARIA

Werner TOPPUniversity of KolnZoologisches InstitutWeyertal 119D-50923 Köln,GERMANY

Ferit TURANLIEge University-Plant Protection Dept.E. U. Ziraat FakultesiBitki Koruma Bolumu35100 Bornova-IZMIR,TURKEY

Robert H. TURNBOW, Jr.Directorate of Public WorksBldg. 1404Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5000USA

Margarete VALVERDE de MACEDOUniv. FederalDept. EcologiaCP 68020 Ilhordao FundaoRio de Janeiro, 21941 RJ,BRAZIL

S. VARADARASANIndian Cardamom Research InstituteKailasanadu P.O.Myladumpara-685 553,INDIA

João VASCONCELLOS-NETOUniv. EstadualDept. ZoologiaCP 6109Campinas 13028 SP,BRAZIL

José M. VELAEntomologyCoronel Osuna, 18, 4-E29006 Malaga,,SPAIN

Fredric V. VENCLSUNY@Stony BrookDept. of Neurobiology & BehaviorStony Brook, NY 11794USA

Peter VERDYCKKoninklijk Belgisch Inst.Natuurweten., EntomologyVautierstraat 29B-1040 Brussels,,BELGIUM

K. K. VERMAM. P. Govt. P. G. CollegesHIG I/ 327,Housing Board ColonyBorsi, Durg, (M.P.) 491001,INDIA

Alfredo VIEGA FERNáNDEZEntomologyC/Luna, 18 2º-B32005 Orense,SPAIN

Karoly VIGSavaria MuseumDept. Natural HistoryH-9700 SzombathelyKisfaludy Sandor u. 9,HUNGARY

Charles VINCENTAgriculture CanadaResearch StationP.O. Box 457Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec J3B 6Z8,CANADA

Roger VINCENTEntomologyPlace du Souvenir71960 IGÉ,FRANCE

Niilo VIRKKIAgricultural Experiment StationP. O. Box 21360San Juan, PR 00928USA

J. H. VISSERResearch Inst. for Plant ProtectionBinnenhaven 5P.O.Box 9060 IPO-DLO6700 SW Wageningen,THE NETHERLANDS

Michael J. WADEUniversity of ChicagoDepartment of Ecology and Evolution1103 East 57th StreetChicago, IL 60637USA

Thomas WAGNERMuseum Alexander KoenigZFMKAdenauerallee 160D-53113 Bonn,GERMANY

Shu-yong WANGAcademia SinicaInst. of ZoologyZhongguancun Lu, 19Beijing 100080,CHINA

James E. WAPPESAmerican Coleoptera Museum179 Fall CreekBulverde, TX 78163-1879USA

Andrzej WARCHALOWSKIInstytut Zoologiczny UWr.Sienkiewicza 2150-335 Wroclaw,POLAND

Monika WASOWSKAPolska Akad. NaukInst. Zoologhul. Wilcza 6400-679 Warszawa,POLAND

Richard E. WHITEU.S. National MuseumSyst. Entomology Lab., Rm. W-612Washington, DC 20560USA

John A. WILCOXEntomology710 Medill Ave.Lancaster, OH 43130USA

Charles E. WILLIAMSClarion University of PALaurentAMSELLEMKasetsart UniversityNat. Biological Control Res. CenterP. O. Box 9-52Bangkok 10900,THAILAND

15CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

Chrysomela Telephone and Email DirectoryName Work Phone FAX Phone Email Address

AMSELLEM, Laurent shared email, use name, Pamela 57-2 445-0000 57-2 445-0073 p.anderson@cgnet.comANDERSON, Robert S. (613) 364-4060 (613) 364-4027 randerson@mus-nature.caARNETT, Jr., Ross, H. 352-371-9858 352-371-0962 oedemeridae@msn.comARNOLD, Ulf 49-30-5623072ASKEVOLD, Ingolf S. isaskevold@aol.comBALL, George E. (403) 492-2084 (403) 492-1767 gball@gpu.srv.ualberta.caBARBERENA, Mariá Fernanda (787) 764-0000 x.7558 (787) 764-3875 mgamboa@rrpac.upr.clu.eduBARNEY, Robert J. (502) 227-6178 (502) 227-6381 rbarney@mis.netBARROGA, Grace F. (03) 829-3818 gbarroga@hotmail.comBASSET, Yves +592 2 72954 +592 2 62846BECKER, Miriam (051) 228-1633 (051) 316-3391BERGEAL, Michel michel.bergeal@wanadoo.frBERIO, María (787) 764-0000 x7558BERTI, Nicole berti@cimrs1.mnhn.frBEZDEK, Jan bezdek@mendelu.czBIENKOWSKI, Andrzej O. symbol@glasnet.ruBIONDI, Maurizio +39 (862) 433206 +39 (862) 433205 biondi@aquila.infn.itBLANCO, Javier G. 802371062@rumac.upr.clu.eduBOLDT, Paul boldt@brcsun0.tamu.eduBOPPRE, Michael +49 761 203 3663 +49 761 203 3661 boppre@uni-freiburg.deBORDONI, Arnaldo (055) 222.451/2BOROWIEC, Lech cassidae@biol.uni.wroc.plBOUSEMAN, John K. bouseman@mail.inhs.uiuc.eduBRIVIO, Carlo 039/389518 0039-39-2300702BUZZI, Zundir José (041)366.3144 R141 (041)266.2042 zbuzzi@bio.ufpr.brCABRERA, Nora (54)-021-25.7744 (54)-021-25.7527CAMPBELL, Clinton (619) 698-0211CAPINERA, John L. (904) 392-1901 x111 (904) 392-0190 entnem@gnv.ifas.ufl.eduCARTER, Shannon (205) 348-4883, J. F. (301) 734-8547 (301) 734-8700CHABOO, Caroline S. (212) 769-5616 (212) 769-565277 chaboo@amnh.orgCHANDLER, Laurence D. 605-693-5239 605-693-5240 lchandle@ngirl.ars.usda.govCíZEK, Petr 0446 2441CLARK, Shawn M. (304) 558-2212 (304) 558-2435 sclark@ag.state.wv.usCLARK, William H. 208-459-5507 bclark@acofi.eduCONG, Shaoguang scong@plains.nodak.eduCOX, Michael L. 0171 938 9468 0171 938 9309, R. A. 041-330-4432 041-330-5971DACCORDI, Mauro 011/ 011/, Roy 46-46-222 8456 46-46-222 4541 LITTLE, David W. +61 3 6434 3420 +61 3 6434 3400, Catherine N. (787) 764-0000 x7558 (787) 764-3875 catherineduckett@hotmail.comDUHALDEBORDE, Franck, Astrid ++52 (5) 622 90 33 ++52 (5) 622 89 95 astrid@sun.ieco.conacyt.mxEDWARDS, J. Gordon (408) 924-4876 (408) 924-4840 jgedwards@biomail.sjsu.eduFAGOT, Jean R. E. 32 (0) 87-376301 32 (0) 87-376940FARRELL, Brian D. (617) 496-1057 (617) 496-1844 farrellb@oeb.harvard.eduFERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, Ilena 44 6335 or 6927 (537) 331325 ecologia@ceniai.cuFLOWERS, R. Wills (904) 561-2215 (904) 561-2221 rflowers@famu.eduFOLLETT, Peter A. (808) 956-8774 (808) 956-2428 pfollett@hawaii.eduFRITZLAR, Frank +49 684311 +49 684222 itreag@vz.uni-jena.deFUNK, Daniel J. (520) 626-8155 (520) 621-9190 funkd@u.arizona.eduFURSOV, Victor (044)- 244-9333 (044)- 224-1569 dudkin@mam.freenet.kiev.uaFURTH, David G. (202) 357-3146 (202) 786-2894, Douglas J. (516) 632-8608 (516) 632-7626GEISER, Elisabeth ++43-662-870905, Arthur J. (209) 445-5031 (209) 445-6638 httg89a@prodigy.comGOK, Ali, Jesús 34 71 173332 34 71 173184 dbajgf4@ps.uib.esGRIMALDI, David (212) 769-5615 (212) 769-5277 grimaldi@amnh.orgGROBBELAAR, Elizabeth (012) 323-8540/8/9 (012) 325-6998 vreheg@plant5.agric.zaGROSS, Jürgen 0049/30/838 59 07 0049/30/823 09 691 jugross@zedat.fu-berlin.deGRUEV, Blagoy A. 359-32-624147GUERRERO, Maylin P., Don (214) 562-5566 (214) 548-9119HAWKESWOOD, Trevor J., Lee (212) 769-5603 (212) 769-5277 herman@amnh.orgHESPENHEIDE, Henry A. (310) 825-3170 (310) 206-3987 henryh@biology.lifesci.ucla.eduHILKER, Monika 0049 30 8383918 0049 30 8383897HOINIC, Cristina D. (40) 01 650-5250HOSEK, Pavel vesmir@mbox.cesnet.czHSIAO, Ting H. (408) 268-6591 tingh@ihot.comHUIGNARD, J. 33 67 36 69 65 33 67 36 69 65, Takenari 0888-44-1121 0888-44-1130JEREZ, Viviane 204965 244805 vijerez@halcon.dpi.udec.clJOHNSON, Clarence Dan (520) 523-2505 (520) 523-7500 johnson@nauvax.ucc.nau.eduJOHNSON, Paul J. (605) 668-4438 (605) 668-4602 px53@sdsumus.sdstate.eduJOLIVET, Pierre H. A. 01 46 28 87 49 01 46 28 87 49 pjolivet_timarcha@compuserve.comJOLIVET, Pierre H. A. (352) 372-3505 x197 (352) 955-2301KAISER, Walter J. (509) 335-1502 (509) 335-6654 wjkaiser@wsu.eduKANTNER, Frantisek +42 38 7312787 +42 38 7312793KARREN, Jay B. (435) 797-2514 (435) 797-1575 jayk@ext.usu.eduKASAP, Halil 90-322-338-6897 90-322-338-6572, Natalie (08) 9368 3755 (08) 9368 3223, John M. (352) 372-3505 x197 (352) 955-2301 bruchid@aol.comKISMALI, Seniz 00 90 0232 3884000 x2667 00 90 0232 3881864, Alfred ++41-1-8107402 ++41-1-8107191 koepf@bluewin.chKONSTANTINOV, Alexandr (202) 382-1794 (202) 786-2894KRYSAN, James L. jkrysan@aol.comLANGER, Michael +49-37206-70685 +49-37206-84570 Langer_@t-online.deLAWRENCE, John F. johnl@ento.csiro.auLeDOUX, Douglas G. (314) 445-7685 (314) 573-884-1469 ledouxdg@missouri.eduLEE, Jong Eun 571-50-5618 571-841-1629, Vincent (415) 750-7230LeSAGE, Laurent (613) 759-1770 (613) 759-1926

16 CHRYSOMELA no. 37, April 1999

Chrysomela Telephone and Email DirectoryName Work Phone FAX Phone Email Address

LESCHEN, Richard +64 9 849 3660 x.6102 +64 9 849 7093 leschenr@landcare.cri.nzLINGAFELTER, Steve (202) 382-1793 (202) 786-9422 slingafe@sel.barc.usda.govLOPATIN, Igor K. (17) 229-39-21 lopatin@biobel.bas-net.byMAES, Jean-Michel (505) 311-6586 (505) 311-5700 (x527), Agenor (909) 787-6328 (909) 787-3681 mafranet@citrus.ucr.eduMALDONADO, Santiago N. 91(131)-2-70-65 jcorb01v@voyager.uat.mxMANN, Jasbir S. (604) 585-7387 (604) 951-8806 -MAUSER, Joachim 0049 7634 69255MEDEIROS, Lenice (055)332 7100 x220 (055)332 9100 dbqlm@super.unijui.eche.brMEJIA, Fernando (506) 236-7690 (506) 236-2816 Jr., Ayres, Frank J. (801) 797-2528 (801) 797-1575 messina@cc.usu.eduMIKHAILOV, Yuri +7 (3432) 629680 +7 (3432) 552277 yuri.mikhailov@usu.ruMILLER, Scott E. +254=2=861680 +254-2-860110 smiller@icipe.orgMOHAMEDSAID, Mohamed S. 03-829 2872 03-825 2698, Gilson (051) (051)MORSE, Geoff (617) 496-8146 (617) 495-5667 gmorse@oeb.harvard.eduMOURA, Luciano de Azevedo (5551) 336 1511 R.151 (5551) 336 1778Á-GUZMÁN, Sandra (787) 764-0000 x.7667 (787) 764-3875 smoya@upracd.upr.clu.eduMURUAGA de L’ARGENTIER, Susana 54-88-221544 54-88-221547, Jr., Alfred F. (312) 922-9410 x263 (312) 663-5397 newton@fmnh.orgNILSSON, Jan A. 956-668-6407 956-668-6413NOGUEIRA de SÁ, Flávia +019-239-7022 +019-239-3124 fnsa@obelix.unicamp.brNONVEILLER, Guido nonveill@eunet.yuO’KELLY, Charles J. (703) 306-1481 x.6417 (703) 306-0367 cokelly@nsf.govOLMSTEAD, Karen (605) 677-6172 (605) 677-6557 kolmstea@charlie.usd.eduOUDA, Michal 0420/182/2025 0420/182/2025 timmo@plz.pvtnet.czPAJNI, H. R. 0172-541942 0172-541801*1081 staff%zoo@puniv.chd.nic.inPAL, T. K. (0091) 33-400-3925PAPPERS, Stephanie 024-3652337 024-3652134 pappers@sci.kun.nlPASTEELS, Jacques M. 02/650.40.14 32-2-650.2445, Renaud paulian@cimrs1.mnhn.frPEDREROS, Francy 787-764-0000 x.7667 787-764-3875 is975999@upracd.upr.clu.eduPERNER, Jörg +49 3641 630352 +49 3641 239245 bjp@rz.uni-jena.dePETITPIERRE, Eduard 34-71-17.31.51 34-71-17.31.84 dbaepv@ps.uib.esPRATHAPAN, K. D. 080 3330 153 x.288 91 080 3330277RAHIER, Martine 41 32 718 3137 41 32 718 3001 martine.rahier@zool.unine.chRAMOS, Tiago C. (5511) 274-3455 (5511) 535-3785 or hispinae@ibm.netRANK, Nathen E. (707) 664-2995 (707) 664-3012 rank@sonoma.eduREGALIN, Renato ++39 - 0223691933 ++39 - 0226680320 entom@imiucca.csi.unimi.itREID, Chris 6246 4283 chris.reid@ento.csiro.auRIBEIRO-COSTA, Cibele S. 55-41-3663144 x100 55-41-2662042 stra@bio.ufpr.brRILEY, Edward G. (409) 845-9711 (409) 845-6305 egrchryso@tamu.eduROBBINS, Thomas O. (254) 770-6553 (254) 770-6561 robbins@brc.tamus.eduROBERTO, Lisa 039 55-2382025 039 55-2382027RUESINK, William G. (217) 244-2163 (217) 333-4949 wruesink@ux1.cso.uiuc.eduRUPPEL, Robert F. (517) 339-6260SACARÉS MAS, Antoni (971) 17 33 32SAMUELSON, G. A. (808) 848-4197 (808) 847-8252 alsam@bishop.bishop.hawaii.orgSANNINO, Luigi 081/850 61 68 081/850 62 06SANTIAGO-BLAY, Jorge A. (312) 702-3234 (312) 702-9740 jsantiag@midway.uchicago.eduSASSI, Davide d.sassi@pn.itnet.itSCHMITT, Michael +49-228-9122-286 +49-228-9122-286 m.schmitt@uni-bonn.deSCHOELLER, Matthias 0049 83 04 2573 0049 30 296673 mschoell@tricho.b.shuttle.deSCHULTZ, William T. (614) 297-2630 (614) 297-2233SCIBIOR, Radoslaw +48 (81) 445-66-73, Virginia (303) 492-6279 scottv@spot.colorado.eduSEENO, Terry N. (916) 262-1160 (916) 262-1190 & 1191 tseeno@ns.netSHEPPARD, Andrew W. (61) 6 246 4135 (61) 6 246 4000 andys@ento.csiro.auSHUTE, Sharon L. 0171 938 8763 0171 938 8937, David H. (406) 243-5722 (406) 243-4184 dave@popgen.dbs.umt.eduSILFVERBERG, Hans +358-9-1917432 +358-9-1917443 hans.silfverberg@helsinki.fiSILHA, Václav 02-6114 3361 (Prag) 02-426 563SLIPINSKI, S. Adam (48 22) 628-73-04 (48 22) 629-63-02 adamsli@robal.miiz.waw.plSMITH, Eric H. (804) 847-9051 (804) 847-2034SPRECHER, Eva +61 266 55 81 +61 266 55 46 eva.sprecher@bs.chSPRICK, Peter 0511/97852-29/STAINES, C. L. (410) 956-2174, Walter R. 0049 89 8107102 0049 89 8107300STIEFEL, Vernon 253-535-8002 stiefevl@plu.eduSTOREY, Ross I. 0740922555 0740923593, Rev. James M. (573) 459-6441SUZUKI, Kunio +81-764-45-6626, Zuzana (732) 445-3032 zswigon@eden.rutgers.eduTAKIZAWA (MATSUZAWA), Haruo 048-769-6333TEO, Regina (61) 077-81-5740 (61) 077-25-1570, Arturo Luis (81) 230056 (81) 330868TIBERGHÍEN, Gérard gerard.tiberghien@univ-rennes1.frTOPP, Werner +49-221-470-3152 +49-221-470-5032 wtopp@novell.biolan.uni-koeln.deTURANLI, Ferit 00 90 232 388 40 00/2668 00 90 232 388 18 64, Jr., Robert H. 334-255-3710 334-225-2058, Fredric V. (516) 632-8661 (516) 632-6660, Peter 32-2-627-4295 32-2-646-4433 FERNáNDEZ, Alfredo maristasmo@pl ????VISSER, J. H. *31 317 476001 *31 317 410113 j.h.visser@ipo.dlo.nlWADE, Michael J. (312) 702-9638 (312) 702-9740 mwade@pondside.uchicago.eduWAGNER, Thomas +49-228-9122-298 +49-228-216979 th.wagner.zfmk@uni-bonn.deWANG, Shu-yong (861) 2565680WAPPES, James E. 830-980-2631 beetle@texanet.netWARCHALOWSKI, Andrzej (48 71) 322-50-41 awar@biol.uni.wroc.plWINDSOR, Donald M. 011 (507) 227-6022 011 (507) 232-5978, J. S. 91-01744-20410 x.498 91-01744-20046 kuru@doe.ernet.inYANG, Xing-ke (861) 2565680YU, Peiyu 6256-2719 (861) 6256-5680, Stefano +39-2-2362880 +39-2-26680320 entom@imiucca.csi.unimi.itZUBER, Miroslav +420 326 812452