Chronicle trailer analysis

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Jordan's Chronicle Trailer Analysis.

Transcript of Chronicle trailer analysis

Chronicle Trailer Analysis

Genre Signifiers Editing – the editing within the trailer is full of cuts and fasted paced transitions from the start as the trailer progresses they gradually pick up pace. This is connative of the thriller genre seeing as this technique is used to build tension and emotion for the audience.

Introduction of enigma codes – enigma codes are connative of the thriller genre because they make you ask questions on what and why certain things are happening within the trailer they are introduced as soon as one of the friends Andrew decides to stab the other in the hand and don’t pierce the skin nor hurt him.

Setting – the trailer is set around urban areas, urban areas are also an iconic connative of the thriller genre because the audience are able to relate to the characters more when they have something in common.

Editing & Lighting

Within the Chronicle trailer, the footage has more of a faux found footage style seeing as the activities the friends are participating in is being filmed by one of the group members. This allows the audience to establish a sense of realism with the trailer.

Lighting – within the trailer they’ve used natural lighting, this has been done to compliment the faux found footage style. Enigma

Codes Why is he able to withstand being stabbed by a fork and bend it?Where did they get these powers?How did they learn to use these powers?What did they do to get these powers?

Mise En SceneSettings and Propssettings/surroundings - the settings used within the chronicle trailer are more rural and urban this then allows the audience to relate to the characters. Also the composition between the surroundings and characters feelings is reverse, this is because at the start of the trailer the group of friends are In the car all laughing an joking whereas the weather outside is rainy. Usually the weather and surroundings/lighting can suggest how a characters feeling.Props – the props used within the trailer contribute to the style of the trailer for example the trailer embraces the faux found footage more than anything so the camera that is used contributes to the sense of realism within the trailer.

Use of costumeWithin the trailer the friends have more of a vibrant teenage look to them but when one of the friends (Andrew) decides to write of a car a kill someone the others start to resent him. As the resentment continues Andrew decides to split away from the group and his costume changes he has more of a ominous look about suggesting that he’s evil.

NarrativeThe trailer chronicle starts of on a weird equilibrium where they all have super powers and are going out and playing jokes on people which allows the audience to get a feel of who and what the characters are/like.then one of the characters named Andrew decides to write of a car who was continuously honking at them from behind then his friends start to think that he had done that on purpose and start to resent him, eventually Andrew decides to break away from the group and become a lone wolf (disruption of equilibrium) and starts to get more powerful until he channels his anger and starts causing destruction and mass mayhem forcing the others to combat him.