CHRISTMAS WISHES · In March we will hold a tech seminar at the garage of ... 8200 W. Kellogg...

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Transcript of CHRISTMAS WISHES · In March we will hold a tech seminar at the garage of ... 8200 W. Kellogg...

Letter From The Chairman By Kurt Geis

Inside This Issue: Page

Letter from Chairman 1

Calendar of Events 2

Judging Pics 4

Meeting Minutes 5

Did You Know 6

Membership Application 8


As you all were made aware at the November meeting, we have a new website to go to and drool over. Thanks to John Jones and his time and efforts in getting this project up and going. Now the job of maintaining it begins. If you haven’t been on the site yet, the address is By the way, the site looks great. From the content of the meeting minutes, and the lack of comments from Rick, I’m guessing that no one threw their hat in the ring to take my, or any other officer position for the 2014 year. So, with that in mind, unless someone steps up at the meeting in December to vol-unteer or nominate some poor, unsuspecting sole that

doesn’t attend the meeting, I guess you guys are stuck with the same bunch of us next year. As you all know, this year’s chapter Christmas party is be-ing held on the evening of De-cember 14, beginning at 6:00 pm at the home of Dee and Jim Coote. The meal will be a traditional holiday meal. If you haven’t already responded to the request emailed earlier with your contribution to the meal, please make sure you do so very quickly. It is a “bring your own beverage” affair, as in years past. The only thing not figured out is how to go about raising the funds for our chapter charity

(Continued on page 2)

As I sit hear at my trusty computer thinking about how much turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet po-tatoes and pumpkin pie we are all gonna stuff into our faces on Thanksgiving, I’m trying to put together yet another yammering of a newsletter article. But, not being able to think on that big of a scale, here goes. Rather than wax poetic about the year that, yet again, seemed to flash past, I’ll get into what we have coming up in the future, with just a little fanfare over the accomplishments of the year 2013. Besides, it’s too cold to be waxing anything, any-way.

December 2013 Volume 5, Issue 12

Midway USA Tune Up

Midway USA Tune Up Page 2

NCRS Events Calendar (National & Local)

NCRS web site then click on the Events link.

Dec 14 - Midway USA Chapter Meeting

& Officer Elections

Dec 14 - Midway USA Chapter Christmas Party

Jan 11 - Midway USA Chapter Meeting

& Judging School

Jan 17 -> 19 - Starbird - Devlin Rod & Custom

Charities Car Show

Jan 22 -> 25 - Winter Regional @ Kissimmee, FL

Feb 7 -> 8 - Sunflower Swap Meet

@ KS Coliseum Pavilions

Feb 8 - Midway USA Chapter Meeting

May 15 -> 17 - North Central Regional

@ Rochester, MN

Jun 14 - All Corvette Benefit Car Show

Jul 13 -> 17 - NCRS National Conv @ KC, KS

Midway USA Chapter of NCRS, Inc.

Officers & Committee Chairs

Chairman Kurt Geis (316) 773-0774

Vice-Chairman Rick Smiley (316) 729-8388

Secretary Jim Coote (316) 789-0005

Treasurer Dallas Keller (316) 729-4290

Judging Tracy Crisler (620) 752-3131

— Newsletter Editors —

Kurt Geis and Dale Green

Midway USA Chapter Merchandise Midway USA Chapter Banner

2 x 5 is $25.00 3 x 7 is $57.40

X-Press Signs & Graphics (has moved to)

3845 W. Harry (316) 613-2360

Midway USA Name Tag

$7.00 for either the magnetic or pin type

Can be purchased at Apple Graphix

2429 W Douglas Ave (316) 942-5426

as we have done in the past. We’ll leave that up to Jim and Dee. Now, I have a couple of other somewhat pressing issues to discuss. First, if you haven’t paid your chapter dues for 2014 yet, Dallas tells me he will be glad to lighten your wallet at the December meeting, or you can mail the check directly to him. Second, Kent Michael is working on a 2014 Corvette calendar. He is hoping to have it finished by the December meeting, but that might be wishful thinking. Let me take a little break here and apologize for the length of this part of the newsletter this month. In that I have had very little time this month to squirt my creative juices (OK, Jim, that’s enough) and put to-gether another article, I will, as has been pointed out many times in these pages and at meetings, ramble on. On the morning of November 26, the executive board met to have some breakfast, discuss a few items and for the primary purpose of putting together an event schedule for the 2014 year. So, without further ado, and to fill the pages, here goes. January will play host to a judging school, with the top-ic again, CDCIF. I know, it sounds very repetitious, but with this judging technique being “new” to many of the members, our vice-chairman thought it would be bene-ficial. February will hold yet another judging school. This school will be a kind of “stump the chump” school. The plan is to present photos of similar sections or parts of a car with one being correct and one not so correct. Your job as class members will be to spot the “errors”. This will help in the reinforcement of the CDCIF judging methods. In March we will hold a tech seminar at the garage of Dallas Keller, where he and Jim Coote will make it look simple to overhaul disc brake calipers. April will host a chapter judging school, using a 1970 Convertible and a 1972 Coupe as victims. Bet you can’t guess who’s they are. The purpose of the school is to

Midway USA Tune Up Page 3

Published by: Midway USA Chapter of NCRS, Inc.

14123 W. Onewood Ct. Wichita, KS 67235


Newsletter Editors Kurt Geis and Dale Green

Chapter Web Site

Proudly sponsors Midway USA Chapter


Davis-Moore Chevrolet

8200 W. Kellogg Wichita, KS

(316) 749-4000

Letter from the Chairman (continued) - Photos by Kent Michael

help members learn what to look for and find items that may or may not be correct. Yea, it’s a prep for a regional meet. May is pretty much open, with not much planned oth-er than the meeting and discussion of the upcoming car show. June. Well, that goes without much comment. It’s Corvette Car Show time. We are hoping for over 100 cars this year. We got really close last year.

July for the chapter will be open. However, not so open. Many of our members will be joining road tours to the National Convention that begins the following day in Kansas City. More information will be dis-tributed later. August will host our chapter picnic. Hopefully Dale will be able to corral his neighborhood community building for the event again this year. As in years past the chapter meeting will be delayed until about 10:30 and be held at the picnic location.

In September the chapter will host it’s annual edition of our chapter judging meet. This will give those of our chapter members and others time to get their cars ready October is an open month for the chapter, with many of our members already preparing for the annual trek to Frisco, TX for the best little regional this side of the Pecos. (How’s that for a plug Bob?) By the way, rooms are already available in a block at the host hotel, the Embassy Suites on John Q Hammons Dr. in Frisco.

(Continued on page 4) Click this link to check out the rest of the event pictures.

Midway USA Tune Up Page 4

Letter from the Chairman (continued) - Photos by Kent Michael

November is planned to host an-other judging school, but a sub-ject has yet to be determined. Hey, we gotta give Tracy some-thing to do. December will host another Christmas party. It was men-tioned that it might be a nice idea to rent a place in 2014, but several comments were made that the cozy atmosphere and person aspect of holding the event at a members home is much more user friendly. So, with that being said, Karin had already volunteered to host the par-ty at our (Geis’) home. Oh, and I failed to mention, all of the events mentioned above are being held on our usual meet-ing day of the second Saturday of the month. Way less confusing that way. So, there you have it. 2014 looks like a full year for us, and this is only an outline of the chapter events planned for the year. In addition we will have other events, like the annual Air Capital Corvette Club all Corvette car show and the road trip to Lake Afton for the all wheels show (unless we decide to boycott since the featured vehicle this year is some Ford pony or something like that) One last item and I’ll give it up for this issue, and for the year. Scattered through-out this issue of the Tune-up are photos taken at the judging meet held at Roy’s garage, featuring yet another fine restoration of a ’57 by guess who. Click this link to check out the rest of the event pictures.

Midway USA Tune Up Page 5

The November 2013 monthly meeting was held on the 9th and called to order at 9:01 AM by the chapter Vice Chairman, Rick Smiley, due to the absence of our Chairman, Kurt Geis. (He, Kurt, likes to see his name in print, even when he's not here) There were 21 members in attendance. NOTE: These minutes may read differently this month due to the change in the meeting Chair. The "scribe" is use to being told, "don't write that down", while this interim Chair told me, "write that down". It seems that this temp thinks everything he says is worth repeating! Chapter Business: Rick welcomed everyone and noted the new leadership. He didn't apologize, just noted the

change. Our member who resides the furthest from our meeting place, Mike Harrington, was in attendance

as Rick noted. We suspect that he might have had more than one reason to leave Florida. Surely he didn't come all the way back to see if the meetings had gotten any better. If so, wonder what his conclusion was. Rick said that there was not a long distance award which didn't seem to upset Mike.

Joe Elliott commented that he had read the minutes and agreed with everybody that they should be accepted as written in the current newsletter. That vote always makes me very nervous.

Dallas Keller, our current treasurer and newest Black Hat awardee, announced that we had $2789.13 in the bank and is expecting some more accumulation with the club's membership fee of $20 becoming due next month. Don't forget your checkbook at the next meeting-December 14th.

Rick called attention to the events down in Frisco, Texas in the middle of October. I'm not sure if he told me to put this down or not, but he said something about the newly acquired Black Hat looked small on Dallas' head. Can't imagine what he was trying to convey. Suspect that Rick has-n't found one of those cherished hats to fit his head! Tracy Crisler, our Judging Chairman, also earned his Black Hat while at Frisco. As Judging Chair, I would have thought he had earned his long ago. Guess not!

I was too shocked to write down what Rick said in complementing Dallas on his really slick re-stored '70, but I did hear that the Kellers Top Flighted in Frisco. While Rick was going on about Dallas' car, his wife, Bev, had her face covered. She's never sure what he's going to say next, so this is a posture she frequently takes, I guess. Amazing what couples do to maintain sobriety dur-ing a prolonged courtship. On the other hand, some don't even try to stay sober!

The Kellers received a score of 98.3 on their car. One of their high points was the paint job. The judges kept going back to their car for an example as to "how it should be". Must have made the Kellers proud of all their work. Little did the judges know how many coats of paint the car had on it. It's a wonder that the hood support was sturdy enough to hold it up. Dallas told us how much time he spent at Kent Michael's mixing paint. Now Joe Elliott knows why Kent has only removed one bolt in his project car which has been at Kent's for some time. Progress should improve now Joe!

Rick pointed out that Kurt excelled at his PV (Performance Verification) on his '72. He passed on the first try, which apparently is quite a feat in itself. At least to hear Rick talk about it. You'd al-most think Kurt had told him what to say. But then, not even Bev can tell Rick what to say.

According to my notes, Kent moved! I'm not sure if he stirred in his chair, moved to the back of the room, or actually made a motion for the club to do something. There was so much laughter going on, I must have missed something important. Or not. Most of the frivolity was not even about Kurt, but yet it was still humorous. Sorry you missed it, absentees.

New Business: Rick asked John Jones to give us an update on the club's website that he volunteered last month to

work on. Guess what! It's up and running. Already! Wonder if his employer knows what he's been doing with his office door closed this last month. Dave Houlihan is concerned that if some-one in Washington hears of John's expertise with web-sites that he will be pulled off to work on Obama Care, otherwise known as The Affordable Care Act. When Dave reaches a realistic retire-

(Continued on page 6)

November Meeting Minutes - Midway USA Chapter of NCRS, Inc. Minutes Prepared By Chapter Secretary Jim Coote

Midway USA Tune Up Page 6

The 1st Corvettes were literally rolled off the assembly line. The early production line was not prepared for grounding to a

fiberglass body and thus the 1st cars would not start. Did You Know

ment age he won't have to be concerned about the ACA, he will just settle in on another Democrat-ic program, Medicare. We all voted that John should be reimbursed expenses for his work on the site, which he estimated at about $100. Thanks for all your work John. And thank your employer too please.

Kurt has asked for an Executive Board meeting the week before Thanksgiving, so if any of you have any ideas or suggestions as to what the club should do next year, let any of the board mem-bers know. Otherwise, it'll probably be more of the same-constant entertainment, interspersed with gales of laughter, at least when Kurt is absent!

Joe Houlihan mentioned that Ken Ross in the Texas Chapter is organizing a caravan from Weath-erford, just outside Fort Worth to Kansas City for next years' National Convention in July. That's info for the rest of you 'cause at my age I don't plan anything out more than six months. Hope to see you there!

Rick reminded us that next Saturday, November 16, the club will be judging Roy Ester's '57. Judging starts at 8 AM and judging assignments were sent out by our Judging Chairman, Tracy Crisler. Sure wish Roy would try his hand at a C2, C3, or C4. It kinda gets boring looking at the same ole thing all the time. There are several '63's in the club that could be made available to you Roy if you decide to branch out. Kent moved that the club should buy lunch for the judging meet. And only Dallas was concerned about where the lunch would come from. The rest of us voted yea!

At this point, apparently Rick was trying to take up time, but I can't read my smudged notes due to either tears from hysterical laughter or a runny nose. There was a comment from Dave Houlihan about the judging at Frisco and a rusted frame and Rick trying to make some sort of point about a '66 race car, also at Frisco, but nothing worth putting in the record. Houlihan also got a ride in a 2014, all of 200 yards, but don't bother remembering that either.

Somehow Dale Green got serious and made a motion about having new club business cards made up which was followed by a unanimous vote in favor. They will have our new club website ad-dress on them.

Next thing we knew, we all had voted to adjourn, which was about 10 AM. ANOTHER NOTE: Now that I read these minutes, I realize it isn't much different than when Kurt is here. This might explain that. After the meeting I saw that Rick had a script that was given to him by Kurt to follow. Follow it he did. Thus, the minutes are just as convoluted as usual.

November Meeting Minutes - Midway USA Chapter of NCRS, Inc. Continued


December 2, 2013!

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Midway USA Tune Up Page 7

Member ______________________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________ City: _______________________________

State ___________ Zip: __________ - ______ Email: _________________________________

Home Phone ________________ Mobile _______________

List of Corvettes:

Year Color Style Additional Comments for Corvette

_____ _______________ _______ _________________________________________

_____ _______________ _______ _________________________________________

Restoration Experience (if any) _____________________________________________________


Midway USA Membership Date ___________ NCRS Member # _______

National Corvette Restorers Society

Midway USA Chapter of NCRS

Membership Application

Membership Dues:

Midway USA Chapter of NCRS ($20.00) __ Check # ____ Cash

A NCRS Membership is Required. By Internet

NCRS Membership is $35.00 By Phone (513) 385-8526

Mail this application and check written to Midway USA Chapter NCRS:

Kurt Geis (NCRS-KS) Membership Chair / Chairman

14123 W. Onewood Ct.

Wichita, Ks 67235

(316) 773-0774

The Midway USA Chapter of NCRS promotes the enjoyment, preservation and restoration of Chevrolet Corvettes.

We meet the 2nd

Saturday of each month at Davis-Moore Chevrolet 8200 West Kellogg.

The National Corvette Restorers Society Mission

Formed in 1974, the National Corvette Restorers Society is a non-profit hobby group of 15,800+ fami-

lies dedicated to the restoration, preservation, history and enjoyment of Corvettes made from the model

years 1953 through 1996.

If you are looking for a 1953 - 96 Corvette: The seller is telling you "the numbers match". Do you know

what they mean? Are they truthful? Join the NCRS and learn from all of the information we have gathered

in the last 33 years to make a wise decision when you purchase your Corvette.

If you already own a 1953 - 96 Corvette: No matter what you are up to, NCRS members have been

there before. Benefit from all of the information we have gathered in the last 33 years to make better and

smarter decisions as you restore and maintain your valuable Corvette.