Christmas STAY IN SHAPE OVER STAY IN SHAPE OVER€¦ · But you won’t go without, I’m telling...

Post on 15-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Christmas STAY IN SHAPE OVER STAY IN SHAPE OVER€¦ · But you won’t go without, I’m telling...


Your workout and nutrition strategy


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What we do at Road To Aesthe.cs?Hey! My name is Ma, West, and I’m the founder and CEO of Road to Aesthe=cs. If you’ve seen my videos

you’ll know that I come across as pre,y confident, but I haven’t always felt that way.

Fortunately I came from a really loving family growing up. However, my childhood and adolescence was a real struggle. I would get teased and bullied at school because of the way I looked. It led me to leave school

when I was only 16. I moved to Tasmania to get a fresh start. I thought I had made it! I’d escaped the bullies

and life was pre,y good, however, aLer about 6 years, I was s=ll so unhappy and insecure with the skin that

I was in. I just knew I was des=ned for more. I knew things needed to change.

So I started training in my local gym. ALer my workouts I no=ced how good I felt, and wanted to see what

else was possible. I reached out to the most experienced trainer in my gym to get the right training and

nutri=on coaching. This was the turning point in my life. That’s when the results flowed. I was stronger,

leaner and really confident in my body.

It was then I realised fitness was my des.ny. I wanted to make people feel the same way I felt. So I studied

to become a Personal Trainer and started my new career as a fitness coach. Since then I have been able to

lead 100’s of people to feeling strong and confident! I’ve put together all my experience and secrets in an

easy to follow system that provides proven, las=ng results and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

I believe everything is possible with a proven system and support, whether that be chasing the ul=mate

aesthe=c physique, shaping up and maintaining a healthy lifestyle or making the big decision to lose the

unwanted kilos that have been burdening clients for years.

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Is it possible to stay in shape over the fes2ve season? Hell yes! Actually, it may be easier than you think. But do you need to?

Trust me.. your January 2020 self will thank you!

What are the common challenges we face come this 2me of year?

• Social ouDngs • Christmas ParDes • Away from home visiDng family • Holidays

The list goes on!

It’s not surprising that the average person puts on 2-4kgs over the Christmas period. And while that may not

seem like much, the thing is, if you let yourself go over Christmas, you don’t actually lose it. It’ll sDck around

a hell of a lot longer than that new year hangover.

I’m here to make sure you sDll enjoy every part of the fesDve season and show you an easy way to stay in

shape whilst doing so! Perhaps even drop a few pounds!?

You can have your pudding and eat it too. This eBook is purposefully built to ensure you enjoy the fesDve season and overcome the common

roadblocks we face at this Dme of year such as never ending ouDngs, trips away and delicious tempDng

Christmas foods! But you won’t go without, I’m telling you that you can have your pudding and eat it too!

So what’s included?

• A nutriDon strategy that takes into consideraDon two parDes a week! Yes! you can drink beer and wine

and not have to worry.

• A four week training plan you can perform absolutely anywhere! You won’t need a gym.

• A Christmas strategy to put these two key elements into place.

The Game PlanSo, what’s the game plan? Well… sePng a plan in place is a good start.

There’s no denying that December brings more calories than we normally consume each month. But it

doesn’t mean you can throw away a whole month of eaDng well because of a few bad days!

All we need to do is follow a few basic rules and you’ll be fine.

The rules are:

1. S2ck to the meal plan, pre-plan your func2ons and eat-out meals ahead of 2me.2. Make sure you’re doing at least 3 x 30-minute exercise sessions a week. 3. Stay ac2ve and don’t become lazy.

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Nutri&on | Your 7 Day StrategyFirstly, let’s talk about nutri&on.

The idea of the 7 day strategy is to s2ck to a controlled amount of calories throughout the week and enjoy your Christmas ou2ngs without the worry of blowing the calorie budget.

All you need to do is work out your maintenance calories. You can do this by downloading the MyFitnessPal app on your phone. Follow the prompts and answer all the ques2ons as accurately as possible. The app will then work out your daily calorie intake based on your age, weight, height, ac2vity level and fitness goals.As we are going to be consuming more calories over the fes2ve season, we are going to be ea2ng in a calorie deficit. This deficit is going to compensate for those func2ons and par2es each week.We’ll be working off a 300 calorie/day deficit, so once you have your maintenance calories from MyFitnessPal, deduct 300 calories. This is your daily target.

How many meals a day should you be having?

Eat as you normally would, whatever suits your lifestyle. Whether that be three large meals a day, or five small meals, anything is fine. We’re not making major changes here. We just want to slightly decrease the calorie intake. A really good way to reduce caloric intake is to eat lots of extra non-starchy vegetables with each meal. Make sure you have a good variety of whole foods at each meal, and be sure to incorporate quality protein, good fats, and carbohydrates to ensure you have a good balance of all the macronutrients (protein, fats, carbs).

Here are some examples of foods in each category you can eat to help keep the kilos off.

PROTEIN: Chicken breast, lean red meat, kangaroo, lean pork, lean lamb, all seafood, egg whites/whole eggs, low fat dairy (beware of hidden sugar! Check the ingredient list)

FATS: Fish oils, olive oils, nut oils, nut buRers (100%, no added sugar or salt), nuts, egg yolks, coconut oil

STARCH CARBS (Eat around a workout): Oats, sweet potato, potato, basma2 rice, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, dark or rye breads, mountain breads, beans, legumes, len2ls, bananas, chickpeas, etc.

NON-STARCH CARBS (Eat throughout the day): Dairy, low fat/fat free dairy (stay away from flavoured dairy, this is where the majority of hidden sugar lies), fruits & berries, blueberries, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, apples, oranges, grapes, unsweetened dried fruit (try to eat fruit 1-2 x day), eat unlimited amounts of broccoli, leRuce, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, asparagus.

Maintenance Calories Target Calories


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Workout PlanThis workout plan can be performed absolutely anywhere, it is super easy and simple to follow.

There is a full body workout for each week of December. Perform your workout at least 3 >mes a week, all in 30 minute dura>on. Feel free to do these workouts up to 5 >mes per week! You don’t need any specific equipment, a space to sprint will be useful, as will some pumping tunes to keep that mo>va>on high. Remember to hit these workouts with intensity as they are designed to get the blood flowing fast!If you get no workouts in one week - don’t give up and throw in the towel. Move on to the next week and aim to do 5 sessions.

Workout Guidelines

3-5 %mes per week | 30 minute dura%on | Space to sprint | High intensity

4 round circuits with 90 seconds rest in between

Pu1ng it all together

Focus on keeping your 300 calorie deficit on days you don’t have par%es. Smash out your workouts as if they were top priority. When you do go out, follow these %ps to ensure you don’t go overboard:

Eat a healthy meal 30 minutes prior to your func<on. This will prevent you from blowing out and bingeing on party food.

Posi<on yourself away from the food table.

Stay hydrated (with water). This will help immensely with diges<on and alcohol recovery the next day. Plus your belly will feel fuller making you less likely to stuff your face.

Week 1 Week 2

15 Star Jumps

20 Walking Lunges

15 Pushups

20 Leg Raises

1 minute Plank

100m Sprint

20 Pushups

20 Chair Step Ups

30 Seconds bicycle crunch

10 Burpees

30 Second FluRer Kick

100m Sprint

Week 3

20 Chair Step Ups

20 Leg Raises

30 Second Star Jumps

30 Second Ab Bicycle

20 Pushups

100m Sprint

Week 4

20 Walking Lunges

20 Squats

15 Jack Knife Sit Ups

15 Burpees

15 Pushups

100m Sprint

Join before January 1st 2020 and use the special discount code “santashred”. Apply this to the weekly package and enjoy your discounted price for life!

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Looking for an even easier way?I’ve given you a simple yet effec4ve plan that means you can enjoy christmas and stay fit and healthy. The key is to stay on track by being ac4ve and watching your calorie intake outside of all the fes4vi4es. All it takes is some forward thinking and a liAle extra effort.

Now, if you want to take things a liAle more seriously over the fes4ve season and get a hell of a lot more mo4vated for 2020 let’s join forces!

My training and nutri4on plans are 100% customised based on your unique goals and needs. You’ll have con4nuous ongoing support and coaching to keep you accountable and access to a VIP Facebook Community for extra mo4va4on. Your plan is delivered on an exclusive members only mobile app which makes it super easy for you to take to the gym and supermarket.

What you’ll receive:

100% personalised training planBased on your goals, injuries and training abili4es. Delivered with exercisebreakdowns and detailed videos. 100% personalised nutri4on plan 7 day meal plan reviewed and adjusted monthly based on your body composi4on results. Includes a shopping list for yourmeal plans & step by step cooking instruc4ons. There are 300 meal op4ons in total! 24/7 Email supportYour results are my main priority, so you can emailme at any 4me regarding your plans or programs.RTA VIP Facebook Group Join our community and share your results with others on the same journey as you. Ask ques4ons and receivebonus content that will be answered through live Q&As.

Because everything is 100% customised, I have alimited number of new clients I can take on eachmonth (At the 4me of wri4ng this, December/Januaryis already 80% full).

So if this has got your super excited about going into the new yearwith a REAL plan and making 2020 your best year yet - let’s do it!

www.roadtoaestheFcs.comCancel at anyFme! 100% risk free.