CHRISTMAS 2017 NEWSLETTER · Franklin Beekeepers Club Newsletter – Sept/Oct 2017 © Franklin...

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Transcript of CHRISTMAS 2017 NEWSLETTER · Franklin Beekeepers Club Newsletter – Sept/Oct 2017 © Franklin...

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CHRISTMAS 2017 NEWSLETTER President: Greg Harrington

09 294 9005

Secretary: Joan Leitch

Treasurer: Kate Jackson

09 235 6278

Editor: Ross Jackson



Christmas is upon us and the season has started early this year with many beekeepers extracting

honey before Christmas. How cool is it having your own honey on the table?

We held our first club day at our new premises, at Sim Road on Sunday 6th December. Another great

millstone for the club. We still have a little work to do but we are still able to use the new premises.

I would like to thank everyone for their help in getting us to this stage.

Our extraction plant is up and running at the cowshed for the 2017 / 2018 season. Please call Joan as

she will be taking bookings.

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We have had a minor setback with funding for our new extraction plant but the committee has a few

new ideas that will hopefully achieve the funds required.

We will make announcements about this in the new year.

Our first meeting for 2018 is on Sunday 14th January.


Your committee has been continuing to work towards replacing the extraction room. Our current

thoughts are for a 40ft container, properly fitted out, and moveable to another site if our residency

at Sim Rd expires.

At a club day earlier this year, it was suggested that members might make a one-off donation

towards this.

If you would like to donate $200 towards the new extraction room, please let President Greg know.

Generous members who make such a donation will be honoured on a plaque in our new club rooms.

Donations of a water tank and a generator would also be welcomed!


An interview recently on Radio NZ had beekeeper Brian Alexander talking about teaching a handful

of prisoners about the practical aspects of beekeeping. He said “They’re like sponges, they just

absorb everything about the bees. Bees are just so fascinating, they just see it and it just grabs them.

It’s nature at work.”

To listen to the full interview, visit


This year, inmates at Wiri Women’s helped to harvest honey from their own hives. However, honey

is a banned substance in prison because it can be turned into alcohol. So participants are given a

small sample which is locked away and only accessed on beekeeping days, for a taste of what is to

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Venue: 137 Sim Rd



From Pukekohe-

Carry on past the old club rooms and Caltex/Golf club (Karaka Rd). The second road on the right is

Sim Rd, and it has a turning bay halfway along the passing lane.

From Drury –

Head towards Pukekohe. Once you have passed Blackbridge Rd on your right, Sim Rd will be coming

up on your left. At Christmas, trees are sold at this

corner. There is also an equine vet clinic at this


137 Sim Rd is nearly 1.4 km along this road, on the

right. Watch the sharp right hand corner halfway

along. Please park on the verge. This allows room for

other residents to get past. We want to stay in their

good books!

Electricity supplied by generator. Queries? Ring Greg

0272 924 958

Quarantine rules

To reduce the risk of spreading disease, the

committee decided (20th October 2014) to restrict the bringing of any used bee keeping equipment

(including gloves) to club days – the only exception is bee suits.

Where required, gloves and other equipment is provided by the club.

This rule is not just to protect the club hives, but also protects you from taking diseases home to

Your hives.


To try and finish off the exterior area of the new club rooms we need donations of material,

particularly 150x 10 wooden rails, 1.8me fence palings in quantity, and full round posts , All

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donations welcome. If you have anything you think may be useful that you could donate please

contact RSVP, we would like to co ordinate materials so they can be

available for a working bee


If you are willing to assist, we require volunteers to aid the hive master. The current work load to

check and look after 2 apiary sites coming into peak season can be time consuming, if anyone would

like to assist Martyn, please contact Greg at, and we can arrange a

suitable time.


We would like to involve members more at club meetings, if anyone is able to assist in setting up the

room for a meeting , and clearing away at the end please contact,


Two club members gave interesting talks at a local family garden night in November. The annual

event, sponsored and held at Mega Mitre 10, was well attended, and quite a crowd gathered around

the speakers.

Joan Leitch talked about beekeeping. There were plenty of questions, especially from the

two teenage boys who were keen to start into keeping bees straight away. Joan spoke about the

usefulness of honey bees as pollinators, and the increasing numbers of participants in beekeeping in

New Zealand.

Marian Jones spoke about bees and plants, and also about other beneficial insects in the

garden. As you will have heard from her talks at the club, she is particularly knowledgeable about

which plants to grow for these important insects.

As you will know from experience, the public are always fascinated to her more about honey

bees and how they are doing in our country. Keep the conversations going?

Honey Extraction Room

Our extraction room is up and running. We hope to continue using it this honey season, before the

bulldozers reach us.

The booking fee has increased to $30 per day, while the cost per box remains at $10. Bookings can

be made through our membership system. Go to and click Join the Club.

Then Login. There is an option if you’ve forgotten your username or password. Hint: Username is

usually the first three letters of your first name, and the first three of your surname. So John Smith is


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Under Tasks, you’ll find purchases and bookings. Available booking dates are shown. We need to

have a club member meet you at the extraction room, to go over safety rules and check that

everything is working correctly. If you are booking for the following day, please contact separately. Usual opening time is 9am, but that can be negotiated.

Tutin Testing

The club has decided not to offer composite tutin tests this year, because of concerns with liability to

the club and its officers.

We encourage you to get your samples tested, especially if the summer continues to be hot and dry.

Tutin poisoning is nasty and life-threatening, so don’t leave it to chance.

A number of companies do tutin testing. The club has used Hill Laboratories (www.hill- and Analytica Laboratories

( ) previously. Check out their websites for more



You may be very interested in these recent publications from Dr Linda Newstrom- Lloyd.

Plus Auckland Council today published this on protecting pollinators from pesticides










Note Planting for Bees, and Power of Pollen are sizeable documents

Thank you Don Macleod

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Present: Grant Tetley, Martyn Brown, Joan Leitch, Greg Harrington, Andrew Daken, Sue Tetley,

Ross Jackson, Kate Jackson, Julie Ashford, Tania Brown, Bob Kitcher

Apologies: Victoria Fray

Minutes of the last meetings: These were read and passed as a true record of the previous meeting. October minutes Moved: Sue Seconded: Tania Passed September minutes Moved: Andrew Seconded: Martyn Passed

Matters Arising: Will be discussed during meeting

Health and Safety:

Joan will put out rat bait in the Sim Rd premises.

Stairs have been erected at Sim Rd. We need exit signs etc – Greg will buy and install these.

The Taratahi students will report on H&S matters, and Greg will compile a list for us to consider

Honours Board – Joan is still to arrange this

Incoming Correspondence:

Don MacLeod, with more interesting links. We should post these to Facebook and the newsletter

Richard Zhu, a past member, wanting information for an English language class assignment

Auckland Council, about us not paying our kitchen fees yet

An advertising company, wanting to film the hives (did not go ahead)

Marian, about the new garden plans. We may be able to get free mulch from Josh Morgan

John Burns, about the website

A response to our grant application, turning us down

Outgoing Correspondence:

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Various, relating to incoming

Financial Report:

Kate reported that the balance of the cheque account was $6107.88, and the savings account was

$14,991.28 to give a total of $21,099.16.

Payments to be made include:

ClubHub $157.32 membership system

Execam $200 for DVDs

Grant Tetley $195 for tables and chairs

Hills Labs $598 for 3 outstanding invoices

Moved that the financial report be accepted Andrew/Sue


It was agreed that the club should reduce the membership fee from now until the end of the

financial year to $20, in keeping with our policy of pro rata.

Other ways of making money for the club were discussed.

It was proposed that a subcommittee be formed for grant applications. Initial members are

Greg and Sue, with the intention of asking Victoria and Martin Bollard to join.

Martyn/Andrew Passed

It was proposed that the booking fee for the extraction room be doubled to $30 This was

passed, but Kate was not in favour.

It was agreed to offer a topbar nuc to Steve Benham for $250, in appreciation of his work on

the current garden

It was agreed to sell the donated topbar hive, complete with bees, at the Christmas club

meeting, with a reserve of $500. Joan to send emails, ‘the perfect Xmas gift for your

beekeeper. Tania will include the topbar book.

It was decided to defer offering the use of the extraction room to commercial users until the

January committee meeting.

It was decided to ask for $200 donations towards the new extraction plant, in exchange for

their name on a plaque. Joan/Andrew passed

Hive Masters Report:

The club hives are good, including the topbars.

However, Sim Rd hives are struggling.

We need to treat with Apivar

Apiary Needs:

Apivar for treatment and a box of Manley frames.

Andrew has offered to waterblast frames.

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Last day for articles is Sunday 10th December, please. The newsletter should be ready to send out on

17th December.

Joan asked about including a message about a club member with a paraffin wax dipper, but it was

decided that this should not be included in the newsletter


John is still happy to manage the website, and to make any improvements we want. He will put the

newsletters on when he receives them (rather than waiting, as a previous committee preferred).

Please send Greg any recommendations for upgrading the website.

New Premises:

We have been allowed the use of the lean-to on the north side. Four windows have been put in. It

was suggested that we also have a door from the premises into the apiary – reuse the screen door

from the current site.

A platform at the back would allow a vista of hills, paddocks and cows, and a convenient chatting


The extraction plant would be sited on the south side.

Wiring and power points have been set up, suitable for running off a generator. It seems that

connecting to the grid is too expensive and commits us to ongoing costs, so a generator seems a

preferable option.

We need Wesley to agree before we get the fencing done.

Phill Harris has offered to paint the inside walls. Peter Schloots is getting some paint we may use.

Grant will look for suitable water tanks.

Debrief of November Meeting:

75 members, so parking was again a problem. One member ran over a water trough in the paddock

and broke it. Jim Greenhough from Execam spoke about the DVDs, and we sold all the advanced

version and some of the beginners version. Good questions and experienced members of the club

such as Greg Young and Graham Dyche were willing to share their thoughts.

Next club days:

10 December. Christmas function, to be held in the new premises, 137 Sim Rd. A committee working

bee to be held there Monday 4 December at 5:30

We need a generator and a toilet. Joan will hire these.

Wear something Christmasy, and bring a plate of shared food. Topbar auction and Open forum for

questions. Club will provide tea, coffee and juice.

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14th January. Herbal plants by Sue, Edible plants by Marian and Kathrina

11th February. AFB presentation by Victoria

General Business:

Julie asked the committee to consider donating to a bee charity. She will gather more information

for the committee to base their decision on.

Meeting closed 9:10pm


The club membership continues to grow. We now have 190 full members, and another 60 who are

active ‘partners of member’ who belong as part of our family membership system.

We are pleased to have been able to keep the fees at a low $40 per year. There are still a few who

have not paid for the current year, and reminder emails have gone out. If you do not receive any

further emails or newsletters, your membership may have been put on hold. Please contact if you are unsure of your status!

These new members are just in time to take advantage of the new season of beekeeping. Welcome

to our club. We hope we can assist in your path of learning about bees.

Bob Burke

Jinny Craig

Earl Mardle and Linda Hand

Maureen Blackie

David Patrick

Kirsten Orec

Eric Zylstra

Grant Astley

Kathy Rutherfurd

Jasper Campbell

Michaela Williams

Hayley Rusden

Lee Daniels

Walter Iown

Rowan Ewens

Simon McAvinue

Michael Fester

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We hope that you will get involved in club day activities. We aim to share our knowledge, so that

your beekeeping is easier and better-informed.

BEE CLUB COMMITTEE MINUTES Should anyone require a copy of the minutes from the last committee meeting, please send me an e

mail at , and I will gladly send them by return

BEE CLUB NOW ON FACEBOOK Please join us on the new facebook group share your experience and questions, help us create a new


Did you know that old newsletters are published ‘an issue late’ on our website at

If you would like to contribute articles, recipes, photos or any other content for

the newsletter or website, please get in touch we would love to hear from you

Email Ross

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