christa’s star garland · christa’s star garland Hook F hook recommended, or hook size of your...

Post on 18-Oct-2020

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Transcript of christa’s star garland · christa’s star garland Hook F hook recommended, or hook size of your...

christa’s star garland Hook F hook recommended, or hook size of your choice to achieve the size or gauge you prefer

Yarn Any yarn of your choice, I used red heart in the ones pictured above

Abbreviations ch: chain st: stitch slst: slip stitch sc: single crochet hdc: half double crochet dc: double crochet tr: treble crochet

Pattern for 1 star To start: magic ring technique (or chain 3 and join)

Round 1: ch 2, dc 10 into the ring, join with a slst to top of chain2, pull magic ring tight

Round 2: ch 2, 2 dc in same st then 2 dc in each stitch around, join with slst to top of ch2

Round 3: ch1, (sc, hdc) into same st, (dc, tr) into next st, chain 2, (tr, dc) into next st, (hdc, sc) into next st, *(sc, hdc) into next st, (dc, tr) into next st, chain 2, (tr, dc) into next st, (hdc, sc) into next st,* repeat *to* around, slst to top of first sc, finish off and weave in

Make as many stars, in as many colors as you would like, you can combine them into a garland, or use them individually for ornaments or gift tags.

To combine your garland: Chain 4, slst together, chain 20, attach first star, chain 15, attach second star continue to last star, then chain 24 and slst into 4th chain from end, finish off.

designed by carefreechrista feel free to sell stars and/or garlands made with this pattern, but please don’t resell the pattern