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Aboriginal communi ty workers 164 Aboriginal Courts 167-8 Aboriginal Deaths In Custody

caulioningand bail 155,157 genocide 147 memoring 301 recommendations on overrepresenta­

lion of Indigenous youth in justice system 153-4. 164-8

Aboriginal Justice Groups 165-6 Aboriginal youth see Indigenous youth

abuse of detainees 289 see also detention

accommodating approaches to crime pre­vention 312,316-17

negotiated approach the key 316-17 accountabili ty 101-5,314 adolescents 16

see also teenagers; youth age 67-70.85

crimmal responsibility 249 poverty and 122

agency and restorative Justice 348 alcohol abuse 75 Alder. C 209.219 alienOluon 287--8 Allen. Judith 205 Amnesty Imernanonal 93, 100 ami violence strategies 190 Arab Australians 189 arrest rates 58, 62

Aboriginal people 147-9 cross coumry comparisons 63-4,



see also crime statistics; juvenile of­fending

arrests 23 ] Asian youth 72,243

see also ethmc minonties asylum seekers 187-8,279 attendance orders 298-300 atlOrney-generals departments 97-8 Australian Association of Social

Workers 269-70 Australian Law refonn Commission

(ALRC) 211-12.249 duty solicitor schemes 273-4 sentencing 262,269-70 youth conferencing 349

aUlhoritalianism 234-5,289 au thority, defiance of 152,287,289

bail 157-8.210 balanced restorative approach 10

Justice 340 Becker. H. 38 behaVlour

labelhng theories and 38-40.43 positiVlsm and 30-3 schools and youth organisations

and 21 Beijing Rules 103-4 , 255-61 ,273 Bernard, T.]. 5, 7 Bin Laden in (he Suburbs (Poynting

" al.) 176 biological determinism 31 biologicall'eductionism 43

Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (BCCS) 41

Blagg, H 225 Blue Light discos 239 bodily samples 231 bonds 253,27 1,297

see also diversion; good behaviour bonds

boot camps 302 boredom 289 BowlbY,John 214 Braithwane, J. 77, 33~9, 345 Brisbane Youth Mum Coun 168 budgets and resources, for detention

centres 285 bureaus of crime statlStlcs 98 burglary 57,151

CabramaH3 178 camps 301-4 C,nada 14, 17,48,321,334

sentencing circles 167 car stea lmg 5~7, 62, 64 Carpenter, Mary 9, 11 Carr, Bob 236 Camngton. K 200. 202 case management 293 case planning 102,300

cautions 90. 155-6.230-1,271. 343-4

~e also diverSlon cluld labour 5--<> Child 1V"!are Act 1947 (WA) 235--<> Child Welfare Act 1960 (Tas) 107 child welfare system 5. 7-B Chifdnm and Young Persons Ac/1989

(Vic) 107 children. best interests of and

semencmg 25~7

Children (Care and ProfecliorV Act J987 (N5W) 107

Children (Criminal Proceedings) Aa 1987 (N5W) to7

Otifdren (lXlention Cenfm AcU 1987 (NSW) 277

Children (prolection and Parenlal Responsibilily) ACl1997 (N5W) 55--<>,104,236,319



childrens courts 13-15 contact with 66-7 Indigenous youth and 160-3 judicialthe:rapy 16-17 Ulilizallon of sentencing options

b), 271-2 \\>'elfare and crimmal role 15 wtlfare model of 107-9 young peoples cxperienc<s of 272-5 see also juvenile couns, Juvenile Justice

church and Aborigtnal people 144 Circle sentencmg 167-8.340 city spaces and consumption 127-8,

228-30,310-1 1 Clarke, J 263 class

Australian society 117 classical theory ove rlooks 30 feminism and 204 Juvenile justice and III multifactorial explanations of

offending and 46, 73-4 people and police 2 I, 245 ~e also underclass: worktng class

dasslcaltheory 27-30. 106 coercive approaches to crime

prevenuon 312,313 coercive mStllUtlOns 308-9 Collier, R 2 16 commercial institutions 310--11 Commonwealth gO\'emment 98-9

see a/so state communal obJectives 352 communllariamsm 338 Communities That Care preventlon strat­

egy 321 communily

Correctlons 296-304 cnme and 131-8,236 enhancement 318-19 fea r and policing of young people

226,236 mput. crime prevention 104.316--20 justice 350 Justice groups 165-6 legal centres 100 policing 239-41 protection 257.284

redistribution of resources of 139 resources 352 reslOrative justice and 348 service orders 253,271,

298-300 violence 121, 185-6, 188-90

Community Services Victoria 212-13

community wellbeing, social justice and 351

complaint mechanisms 101, 102 compulsory education, control of youth

and 21 , 24 conditional release orders 300-1 conditioning 32 conflict resolution 232 Connell , B, 206,214-15,217 conservatism 29 consumption, fashions and

inequality 126-7 control theory 36 Convention for the Elimination of All

Forms of Racial Discrimination 266 Convention on the Rights of the Child

(CROC) 91-4,255-61, 266, 313, 323-4

corporal punishment 20 corporatism 110, 11 1 court appearances by young

people 60 court decision making 160-3

fac tors in 251-5 Indigenous youth 160-3 see also children's courtS; juvenile

courts Cozens, M. 209-10 Cressy, D. 36 crime, political economy of 119-31 crime prevention framework

components 322-3 crime prevention plans 104, 316-20

approaches to 307-15 community based and girls 210--11 cross cultural policies 190-2 framework 322-9 path\"'ays to 320- 2

Crime Prevention Through Community Enhancement 318



crime statistics changes in the rate of 62-4 erhnicity and 176, 192-3 explaining of juvenile offending by

analysing 77-9 extent of juvenile crime 53-8 level of serious 64 limitations of 54 proportions of young people

58-60 see also arrest rates; juvenile offending

Criminal Code 89 criminal justice procedures 89

see also childrens courts; juvenile courts

criminal records, Indigenous yomh 161, 163-4

criminal responsibili ty 6,248--50 criminalisation process 118, 245

Aboriginal people 147-9 sexist assumptions of 44 , 201-3,209

criminality 28 see also classical theory; feminis t

theory; Marxist theOlY; multifactorial explanations

critical analysis and young people 22 Cronulla 185,233-4 Crouse , Mary Anne 10- 11 cultural background and sentencing 163 cultu ral identity 188

education and 190 cultu ral transitions 34-5 curfews 235-6,237-9 custody 231

as form of welfare 210

day-in-prison scheme 298 see also diversion

decision making community involvement i.n 139-40,

316-17 court and fac tors considered 251-5

Defence. for Children [nternational 94, 100

detention 276-305 budgets for 285, 29 1 conditions in , abuse and

resentment 288-92

dIscretion and 90 elhnicllY <lnd 176, 2BO, 281 experiences of 285-96 food 291 freedom from arbllranness 260-1 home 299 illegal Immigrants and 187--8, 279 indigenous people 280 lasl resort 259-6] medIca l services 292 perceptions, resentment and

alienation 287-90,303-4 professional staff and research into

program development 294 rates by Junsdiclion 277-f3 religIOn and other behds and 292 service provision in 28.5-96 use of 277--84 violence 281 vishors and 289 see also Juvenile detemion centres

determimsm 3 1 deterren<% 27-30,254. 282- 4 de\'elopmemal approaches LO crime pre·

vemion 312 , 313-15 Crime Prevenuon Consor·

lium 120-2 developmental U1SIIlUtlOns 309-10 devia nt behaviours 37,42 dIfferential association 36 dIfferentIal policing 24 1-4 discretion

juvenile delenllon and 90 police 225,231-2

dispute resolution procedures AbOriginal 167-8

diversIon 255--6 community corrections 296-304 gIrls and 202 juvenile conferencing 341--6 poliO! use of 156-60 su also bonds; camps; cautions: good

behaviour bonds; day.m.prison scheme

DNA tesung 231 doli Incapax 248-50 domlmon 336-9 Donzelot, J. 16


Dowd.J 274 dnvmg offences 152 drug abuse 75, 207, 286-7 drug courts 270-1 duty soliCItor schemes 273

educationalopponulllUe5 51 . 119,

122-3, 133,325-7,350 elhnicllyand t77,190 Intergeneral iona} al tltudes to 132

Eisenstein, H 203-4 electronic monitoring 299 employment and SOCIal inclusion 123,

124-5,131-2, 35 l-3 su also unemployment

empowerment 351 equality and sentencmg 254 ethniC mmori ties 66. 171-94

crinunal jusLice system and 174-7 police <lnd 177 -f30 . 191 programs for 328

elhlllc youth gangs 171 , 177-9. 245 pubhc spaces and 180-6 rtsptct and membershtp of 184 violenO! and 185, 188-90

ethnlcity 71-2,172-5, 24S and criminal juslIce 175-7 programs recogn ising difference 328

Eysenck, H 32

family 4 contact wuh JUStice system and 74 deStrucllon of Aborlgmal 145-6 delinquency and 32,49. 214 interdependency and shaming slrat-

egy 338 migrants and tensions with in 187-8 slate agenCies and 16.24 violence and 206

family group conferencing 340, 344-6 fare evasion, as cnmmal act 201 Famngton. 0 48 rashlon 127 fear of cnme 225. 226, 236 female offenders 43

see also girls feminimty as social consLruct 197-8



see also gender feminist theory 42-4

challenging essenualism 203-5 girls and justice system 196-203

fines 253, 271 fingerprinting 231 Finnane. M. 24 First Offend", Act 1887 (UK) 15

Gale, F. 149 gangs 17l, 245

sec also ethn ic you th gangs Ge.lsthorpe. L. 198 gender

contact \'li th justice system and 70-1, 195-203,2 19

essentialist nmions of 203--5 sexand 17-18

genetic determinism 31 geographic isolation 162-3 ghenoisation L 20 girls 195

arrest rale 63 contact with justice system 66,70-1,

19>-7 developing programs for those in cus-

tody 211-13,276 in detention centres 285 in the justice system 205-11,219 opportunities fo r 327 .st:t: also female offenders; femininity;

gender good behaviour bonds 253,

271,297 set: also bonds; diversion

Gollfrecison, M. 36 governmentality 110, 111-12 guideline judgments 267--8 gUilty pleas 250-1,274

Hancock, L 199 Hanson, Pauline 175 hard cases 286 High Coun 93

sentencing principles and 261 Hi rschi, T. 36 history, and gender 206 Hollands. R. 128


home detention 298-300 homeless people 55,76-7

girls 207 homophobia 217 hooliganism 4 Human Righ~ Act 200i (ACf) 93 Human Rights and Equal Opponunity

Commission (HREOC) 97,249 girls in custody recommendations

211-12 Mental lllness Inquiry 76-7 sentencing 262, 269-70 youth conferencing 349 young peoples experiences of

courts 273-4 human rights standards 91-4

crime prevention and 323 sentencing 255-61,266 see also Convention on the Rights of

the Child (aOC) Humphnes, S. 19

identity 127, 138 ethmc minorities and 173 gang membership and 184-5 .see also cultural identity

illegal Immigrants J87--8,279 illicit drugs 56,64,75, 183,193 lHLnois Juvenile Court Act 1899 13 image 79-83.85

masculinity and 213-19 police 242 underdass 138

incapacitation 282, 283-4 incarceration rales 277

ethnicityand 184 Indigenous youth 142-3 su also detention

Indigenous youth 66, 72-3, 141-70 camps as diversion from

detention 301 characteristics of offences committed

by 149-53 conferencing 344-court decision making 160-3 criminal records 161,163--4 detention rates 280 history and culture 143--4


incarceration rates 142-3 pohce tnletvcntion decision making

l53-60,227 programs for 327-8 protection legtslalion and destruction of

community 145-7 responses to o\,errepresentarion of in Justice system 164-70

welfare model and 109 welfare LO criminaHsation 147-9 women 204

individual choice 27-30, 47

positivism and 30-3 individualism 119, 213,315 mdustrial schools 5,8-1 1

conditions m 11-13 Indu,mialSchools Act 1857 (UK) 5 Inequality 30,40-4,50,352-3 inspect ions 102 institutionalisat ion 144,207- 9 intellectual dtSabilllY 76-7, 286 Intemauonal Convenuon on Civil and

Polincal Rights 266 international law 93 interpreters 191 interrogation 23 1

Jaggs, D, l 7 Jamrozik, A 131 Jefferson, T 215 Joumalists and police BO-I Judaeo·Chnsrtan principles, restorative

justice and 334-5 judicial commissions 98 Judicial reviews 103 Judicial therapist, courlS as 16--17 Juniperi na Centre 213 Justice model, of Juvenile justice 106,

109-10 girls and 201-3

Juvenile couns 13-15 cnmmal matters to 60-2

juvenile delmquency 4-7 gender and 17-18,70-1,214,219 police and the law 18-21,81 poor or criminal 7-8

juvenile detemlon centres 90, 252, 276-305


DeSign Guidehnes 104 girls In 207-8,285,286-7 service provision In 285-96

juvenile instituuons 6-8 su also childrens couns, juvenile

couns; juvenile detenllon centers; juvenile justLce

juvenile jusllce cmena, legislation and young people

and 91 Indigenous Austral ians and 141-70 principles of 105-9

JuY,nll'J",'I" ACl J992 (Qld) 261- 2, 268,277

Juvenile jusnce depanments 96 juvenile justice. workers

ethnic groups and 191-2 services by, budgets and training

285-96 Juveni le offenders

classical theory and 27-30 guilty pleas 25()-J labelling 38-40 Marxist and remmist theory and

40--4 media identification of 250 mul tifacto rial explanations

45-51 positivism 30-3 repeat 281, 282-4 risk ractors 47-8 sociological theory 33-8 violence 281

juvenile offend1Og changes 10 the ralc of 62-4 COStS of 62 court appearances 60-2 extent of 53-8 self-reponing of 65-6 5tt! also arrest rates; crime statistics

KariongJuvenile Justice Cent re 287 knives BS KowanyamaJustlce Group 165-6

labelling commercial institutions 310-11 developmental ins ti tutions and 310

labelling theories JS--40,43 labou r market 118, 119-20

lack of work ror youth 119-21 sa also employmem and social indu­

sian; unemployment Lake Jasper Project 302 law

imparlialuyor 28 police and Juveniles 18-21 set' also juvenile justice; police

law and order 79, 82.227,306-7,312 Lebanese youlh 179, 180, 184 Lee, Cj 263 legal aid 274 legal aid comnllssions 98 legal representation 273-4 legislation aimed at j uveniles 87-94

by junsdiclion 88-9 human righLS and 91-4,266,32.3--4

leisure, costs of 126--7 lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project

217 liberal analysis and young people 22 libertarianism, right wing 28 life course, risk factors and crime pre\'en-

tion 320-2 local government 99,104,236--7,319 LOWry, Lord 249-50 Lungtalanan na 30 1

McKay, H 34 Macquarie Fields 138 male role models 213-14 male you th , perceptions of 21 management reVIews 101-2 managenahsm 240 mandatory sentencing 265-7 marginalisallon 1 18, 120-1. 132-9, 245

ethmc groups 184 market state commulllty 122 MarrickVl lle Legal Centre 202 Marxist theory 40-2 masculinity 213-19

and gang membeTshi p 184 contempt for women and 2 15

massacres, of Aboriginal people 144 Mathews,Justice 262 Matza , D. 40



media idenuficalion of young offenders 250

media represemalions. of youth 79--83, 85

elhnicity Bnd gangs 176, 180-2. 183, 186, 189-90

pohcmg and 226, 245 medical mode.! of delinquency 32 Melbourne, study of ethniC gangs 177-

8, 182-3 men lal illness 76--7 menloring programs 165,301 Messerschmidt, J . 215 migration

family tension and social exclUSion 187-8

lime of and work 173 mimslerial advisory bodies 98 missionaries 144 modern ity 128 monitored orders 297 moral panics 79-80, 129,244--54 mOtor vehicle theft 64 , 218 Mt Druitt High School smdems 81 muhifactorial explanations 45--51

piL ralls or 77-9 SilualionaJ 45-9 structural 49-51

m USIC 138 Muslims 186, 189 Myer Youth Cemre Protocol 317

National Children~ and Youth Law Cen-

lre 94,99, 100 National Police CuslOdy Survey 143 Nallonal Quality of Care Standards 104 Native Police 144 neglected children 9-10 Neglecud Childfln and Juvtnilt Offenders Au

1905 (NSW) 18 neolibe ralism 49.109--10 net Wldening, conferencmg as 345

su also diversion New Righl 112 New South Wales

community mvolvement In 319 drug couns 270-1 guidelinejudgmems 267-8

Indigenous people and criminal records 163-4

Judioal Commission 161 New York House or Refuge 6-7 New Zealand 345 News Limited 81 non-English Speaking background people

(NESB) 172,227 see also ethnicity

non-government organisations 99-101 normality 111 Nonhbridge Business Association 25

O'Connell case 11 O'Connor, I. 108-9,273 O'Malley, P 112 offence, what is It? 44

su also Juveni le offending ombudsmen's offices 97, 23 1 One Nation Party 188 Operallon Sweep 235 opponuruty

lack of 37,51 providmg 324-5

opponunity theories 35,314 orphan schools 7-8 outdoor programs 301

Pacific Islander youth 72. 174 Palmer, 0 234 parens patriae 10, 13-14 parental neglect 133 Parramaua InduSlrial School for Girls

17-18 participation 256, 325-6 Pascoe, Tony 168 pathways to prevention 320-1 Pe-Pua, R. 181 peacemaking 348 Pearson, G 4

peer group empowering relationships 314 pressure 133--4. 314

performance measurement and community poliCing 240--1

perishing classes 5,8-11 conditions in schools for 11-13

Peuit, P 336-9



Pmkenba IOdclem 154 plastiC cops 232-3 PlaH, A. 11 polIce 95-6

arrest figures 58,62, 156-8 crackdowns on panicular offences

55-6 crime mirumlsallon role 224 deCIsion making 153-60 ethnic groups and 177-80, 191 fear of crime and practices of 225 gi rls, expected behaviour and

arrests 198-9 Image of 242 Indigenous youth apprehension rates

and 149-53,156-8 Journalists and 81 law and Juvemle delinquency 18--2] perceptions of young people 225-6

242-4 plastiC cops versus real pohce 232-3 powe~ 82,1 11-12,154-5,230-41 protection legislalion and 146-7 trammg 227 YOUlh and pubhc order 224--46 zero tolerance 233-7,245

Pollet andjuyenilt SafelY Ace 1998 (NSW) 55

police decision making, Indigenous youth and arrest, summons or diversion 156-

7 bail 157-8 cautiomng 155-6 Intervention 153--5 youth conferencing 158--9,341-3

police powers and operational slyles 230-41

problem-solving versus aggression 232- 3,240,242,246

police procedures and young people 230-3

Police Schools Involvement program 239-40

policing the young 223-46 commercial property and residemial

estates 228--30, 235-6 consultalion and problem-solving



harassment 242-4 socia l regulation and 224-7 Slreet li fe and 24 J-4

poor, undeserving and deservmg 8,24 SCI: "Iso poverty; underdass

posiuvism 7. 30-3, 106 post-mdustrialism 128 post release camps 302 poslStNclurallsm 215-16 poverty li B, 120, 135

and cnme 50 power 23, 41

working class males and 216--17 see also masculinity; police powers

Poynling, S. 176 Prall ,] !l0, 111-12 precarious employment 123, 124-5

see also unemployme.m pre-sentence reports 268-70 private police 224.227-8,234 pnvate property, rights of 28,227- 30,

235-6 privatism,ion of public space 128-30,

139, 228-30,316-]7 probauon 15,25.253,271,297-8,340 programs and servtces, developmg and

maintaimng 323 propenyoffences 59.64

Indigenous youth 150-1 protective factors 49.320 psychiat ric theory, deviant behaviour 32 p5}'chological explanations, delinquency

and 31-2,215-16,315 psychOlherapy 212 public labelhng 39

see also labelling pub lic-order offences 19--20

girls 210 Indigenous youth 151-2

Public Schools ACl 1866 (NSW) 5 public space 12S-30

ethniC youth gangs and 180-6 young ptople and surveillance of

20-1, 139, 22B, 326 public transpon 325 pUnishment 6.92

contammation and separation of youlh 6,24


deterrence purpose 27-30.254 message of 254 prohibition on inhumane. degradmg or

cruel 258 tough on offenders idea 29-30

racial vilifical lon 186. 18S-90 racism 49,174,175,177, IB6. 243

femlOlsm and 20+-5 mandatory semenci ng and 266 reponing of crime and 184

Rally for ]usue< (WA) 82 rational choice theory 29 rectdivsm 284

see also reoffenders ~cogniuon of victims 337 recompense of victims 337-8,351 reconCiliation 190 ~duced responsibility 254 ~formatories 5. B-l 1

condmons in 11-13 see olso juvenile detention cemrts

R<jOlmalory 5<hools All J866 (UK) 5 refugees, children of 125-6 regulation 10 1, 112

expansion of 345 professional bodies 103

rehabilita tion 108,257-8,263-4 reimegration 338 rehglous views of delinquency 7 ~orr'nde~ 68-9.254,2BI.2B2-4

see also recidiVism reparative probation 340 republican theory and rtSlorauve jus­

tice 336-9 resentmem 287-8 residemial estates, policing of

228-9 respect

for young people 323 gang m'mbe~hip 184 police and 225-6,242-4

resptctable and non respectable poor 8, 24

responslbtlity, of orfenders 254 restorative Justice 332-54


Judaeo-Chlistian principles and 334-6

origins of 33~9

practical forms of 339-54 republican theory 336-9, 342 strengths and weaknesses of 347-50

.ributive Josuce 334 new mechanisms 101 ItOUS behaviou r 20-1 .k facto rs 47,78.315,320 bb,ry 58

girls 63 IS<, N. lll, 1I 2 ral areas, couns and Indigenous louth 162

fer community compact 319 see also community

'hissel, B. 284 hool, attachment to and crime rate 77 arches 231 rurity firms 228-30.234 gregauon 289 If<omrol 36 If·detemlinBtion 168 ·If·es teem 37 , 212 ·Irhaml 289 ·If-reponing 65-6 :ntencing

age and 6 case law and 263-4 circumstances and 11 connlcting demands of 261-4 detention as last resell 259-61 guts and 199-200 guideline judgments 267-8 Indigenous youth and 16-3 international human rights

standards 255-61,266 laws 89-90, 110 mandatory 265--7 opt ions and hierarchy of 252-3,

258.271-2 pre·semence reports 26S-70 princIples 253-5,261- 3,

265-6 proportionality 258-9 review rights 259


rights of young peo ple al 92 sex and gender, juvenile justice and

17-18,43-4, 276 sexual assault 83, 206-7. 213 sexuality and behaviour, of gifts 197-9 shammg 338 Shaw, C. 34

shopping centres 128.228-9, 310-11 , 316

situational analysIs and ),oung people 23

6PR (radio station) 82 social bonds, lack of 35-6, 51 social change and juvenile

delinquency 34 social cohesion 134. 314 social condiuons 6-7, 32, 33-8 social control 23, 346, 348 social cnme 19

prevention 318-20 social developmem and crime preven­

non 311-12, 32 1. 322-3.329 social ecology 34 socia] exclusion 131. 134-9. 153,351-3

migranLS 186-7 policing and 232 , 245-6

social fac tors, young people and comact with justice system 67-77,78,232

social functiomng 131 socialldemily 127-8, l38 social infrastructure 314 sodal institutions and young people

308-11 social Justice and community well

berng 351-3 social power 41 social problems 131

and cnme prevemion 314-15 social reaction 38 social structure 46. 49-51 .

232 see also class

social welfare Aboriginal people 147-9 decline of 119, 135,314 girls and 209

socialisation 36 crime as transgression 51


social inclusion 351-3 sociological theory and criminality 33-8 solitary confinement 289-90 Somali people 174 Somebody's DaughltT program (Victoria)

287,293 SoUlh Ausualia

Childrens Aid Panels 344 lndigenous youth and couns 160--1 ,

163,344 juvenile crime Stalislics in

59-60,61,251 spatial inequality 120, 132-4

Indigenous youth and 162-3 specificity 254 stakeholders 3] 6 Standard Minimum Rules for tbe

Administration of Juvenile Justice see Beijing Rules

standards, establishing 103-4, 169 Stale

control and refonn of youth, analysis of role 21-3, 112

criminalisation and arrest rates of girls 201-3, 209

family and 16,24 human rights and crime prevention

approach 323-4 interventions in Indigenous lives

143 policies and crime rate 78, 122--4 role of for the 'perishing classes' 5,

S-II welfare role and courts 13--15

state agencies family and 16,24 gendered nature of 218,219

state government depanments and bod­ies 97--8,212- 13

state jurisdictions , range of legislation 87- 91

state police see police state wards 285 statutory bodies 96-7 stereotyping 179,185-6 srigmatisation 39,284,296,338 SLOlen Generation 142,157,



sirain theories 34-5.43 Stratton, J 126 street an 138 street life and differential poliCing

241-4 subcultures 41,80,127-9 subjectivity 38 suicide 76 summary offences 19 Summa ,.y Offel1ces Acr1988 (NSW) 55.

82,235 summons 156--8,231 supervised orders 297

see also diversion Supreme Court 248 surveillance 23 suspended sentences 297-8 see also sentencing Sutherland . E. 36 Sunon, A. 307

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre 301 teenagers 68 theory and juvenile offending 26-52

classical 27-30 I,belling 31>-40 main focus of 45-6 Marxist and feminist 40-4 multiractorial explanations 45-51 positivism 30-3 sociological 33-8

thrill 51 Tomsen. S. 217 traming 51, 325-7 transgression 51 [rials. righLS of young people at 92 Turkish YOUlh 173--4

uncontrollable youth 9 see also youth

underclass I L8. 134-9 unemployment 35, 51,73, 83, 1 LB,

119-26 ethnicityand underclass and young women

United Kingdom

173-5, l84-5 132-9

203 321


child ren's courts 14 girls and juvenile j ustice

199-200 Jurisdiction of 24B-51 reform,uones and schools 5, 8-10

United Nauons 103 Unucd Stales of America (USA) 321

girls and juvenile jusuce 200 juvenile crime statistics 63-4 state and young people in 10-1 1,

13-14 urbanisation 7, 34

Van Knek.1n. R. 2., Vun v The Quccn 261 vic[imisauon 83 \'icttms 44

mediation wuh offenders 340 restor-Hive Justice and 334. 337,

345,348 surveys of 54 young people as 83-4

'v;clims' compensallon tnbunals 98 Vietnamese: youth 173.176.193

police and 177 violence 62 , 121

aga inst women ...... , 206-8

elh n ic groups and 185, 188-90

homophobia nnd 217 street 216

volumansm 28 vulnerabilittes of youth 321

Wagga Wagga 343

welfare model, of juvenile Justice 105-6 Australian experience of 107-12 drift of to JuStice model 110 girls and drift to jusllct model

20 1-3, 209 welfare. Stale 122, 314

Set also social welfare Western Australian police

girls and 19&-7 intervention rates of Aboriginal peo­

ple 147-8, 155-6 Operation Sweep 235


Wilderness programs 30 L--4 Wllkie. M, 225 Woolloomooloo 240 women

mequalilY 42-4 sexuality and JUsuce systcm 17 see also femmimty; gender. glrls

working class cultures of 37 inequality and cnminalisatlon 40--4 ,

119-20,245 Indigenous youth and 152-3 man,imageof 2 13-14,216-17 respectable and non-respeclable 8,

24 underdass and ) 34-9

Wundersltz, J 60, 63, 64

Yasmar centre 212 Yeldham, J. 263 Yack, Daniel 155J-.oi young offenders 10

punishment approaches (0 332 Tf!SI.oratl\·e approaches 332 slyle of responses 10 332-54 welfare approaches 332

Young Offenders ACI 1993 (S.A.) 108 y" ng Offenders ACI 1997 (NSW) 158 Young Women In Custody program

211-12 youth

contact \'Il th police L5 high 241- 2 coun appearances 60 criminal stal1SUCS 7 harassmem H 2-4 media representations of 79-83 perception of police 225--6,243-4 police powers and styles of dealing

with 230--41 policmg of 223-46 proportion of offences commUted

by 58-{i()

reluctance to repon cnme 54 reporting cnme 65--6 schools and youth org301sations, be­

haviourand 2),3 14-15 seriousness of offences 64 social background 232

social construction of 3, 5-7 social factors and contact with justice

system 67-77 Youth Affairs Councils 100 youth clubs 240 youth conferencing 158--60,253,340,

341-3,344-6, 349- 50 youth crime prevention 307-30

models of 311- 17 units 98

youth employment 35 see also employment; unemployment

Yomhjuslice Coalition 58,90, 94, 104-5, 209,211

youth organisations 21 youth outreach 325 yomh policy, community fears and

226-7 yomh spaces and facilities 325 youth training centres 252,276

Zehr, H. 334-5 zero tolerance policing 233-7