Chp22wef jw

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Transcript of Chp22wef jw

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Twenty Two


    Operations & ServiceManagement

    2000 by Harcourt, Inc.

    ll rights reserved. !e"uests #or per$ission to $a%e copies o# any part o# the

    &or% should be $ailed to the #ollo&ing address' Per$issions Depart$ent,Harcourt, Inc., (2)) Sea Harbor Drive, *rlando, +lorida 2--)())).

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Operations Management

    /he #ield o# $anage$ent that specialies in the

    physical production o# goods or services and uses

    "uantitative techni"ues #or solving $anu#acturingproble$s

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    The Organization as an

    Operations Management System

    Products and FacilitiesProduct design

    +acilities layout

    Capacity planning

    +acilities location

    Structure!eporting relationships


    Control ProcessesInventory $anage$ent



    Operations ManagementInputs

    !a& $aterials

    Hu$an resources

    and, buildings





    Operations Strategy

    The Technical Core


  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Manufacturing and Serice Operations

    Service sector has increased three ti$es as #ast as the

    $anu#acturing sector

    More than onehal# o# all businesses are service


    Manu#acturing organiation3produces physical goods.

    Service organiation3produces nonphysical outputs that

    re"uire custo$er involve$ent and cannot be stored ininventory.

    Service sector has increased three ti$es as #ast as the

    $anu#acturing sector

    More than onehal# o# all businesses are service


    Manu#acturing organiation3produces physical goods.

    Service organiation3produces nonphysical outputs that

    re"uire custo$er involve$ent and cannot be stored ininventory.

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Operations Strategy

    /he recognition o# the i$portance o# operations to

    the #ir$5s success and the involve$ent o# operations

    $anagers in the organiation5s strategic planning.

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw

    7/17Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Four Stages of

    Operations Strategy

    Stage !

    Initiates Competitie


    6dvanced capabilities

    developed andsigni#icant input to

    strategic process


    7e& products

    7e& services

    7e& technologiesInternational

    Stage #




    co$petitive strategyclosely #ollo&ed and


    dvanced process


    7e& plants

    8hat to $a%e #or the9nited States

    Stage $

    Industry Current

    6:oals set according to

    industry practice

    6Concerns'Capital invest$ent

    1uality control

    Inventory $anage$ent


    Stage %

    &o Inolement

    67o positive

    contribution to

    strategy #or$ulation6Concerns'


    abor e##iciency

    Source' ;ased on !.H. Hayes and S.C. 8heel&right, !estoring *ur Co$petitive

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    'esigning Operations

    Management System

    9sing D+M is etre$ely epensive

    D+M o#ten re"uires'

    restructuring operations

    creating tea$s o# designers


    +our obEectives o# product design'



    "uality reliability

    !eengineering process'

    $anage$ent syste$s

    Eob design

    9sing D+M is etre$ely epensive

    D+M o#ten re"uires'

    restructuring operations

    creating tea$s o# designers

    $anu#acturers +our obEectives o# product design'





    !eengineering process'

    $anage$ent syste$s

    Eob design

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Facilities (ayout

    Process layout' $achines that per#or$ the sa$e #unction

    are grouped together in one location.

    Product layout' $achines and tas%s are arranged

    according to the se"uence o# steps in the production o# asingle product.

    Cellular layout' $achines dedicated to se"uences o#

    production are grouped into cells.+iedposition layout' the product re$ains in one location

    and the re"uired tas%s and e"uip$ent are brought to it.

    Process layout' $achines that per#or$ the sa$e #unction

    are grouped together in one location.

    Product layout' $achines and tas%s are arranged

    according to the se"uence o# steps in the production o# a

    single product.

    Cellular layout' $achines dedicated to se"uences o#

    production are grouped into cells.+iedposition layout' the product re$ains in one location

    and the re"uired tas%s and e"uip$ent are brought to it.

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Production Technology


  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Fle*ible Manufacturing Systems

    9se o# auto$ated production lines that can be

    adapted to produce $ore than one %ind o# product.

    uto$ated #unctions include'

    loading unloading

    storing parts

    changing tools $achining

    Support a strategy o# $ass custo$iation.

    9se o# auto$ated production lines that can be

    adapted to produce $ore than one %ind o# product.

    uto$ated #unctions include'



    storing parts

    changing tools $achining

    Support a strategy o# $ass custo$iation.

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Capacity Planning

    Deter$ination and adEust$ent o# an organiation5s abilityto produce products or services to $atch de$and.

    Can do several things to increase capacity'

    ?.create additional shi#ts eisting people to &or% overti$e

    .outsource or subcontract etra &or%

    A.epand a plant and add $ore e"uip$ent

    ;iggest proble$ #or $ost organiations'

    ?.ecess capacity

    2.add capacity as needed &ithout ecess

    Deter$ination and adEust$ent o# an organiation5s abilityto produce products or services to $atch de$and.

    Can do several things to increase capacity'

    ?.create additional eisting people to &or% overti$e

    .outsource or subcontract etra &or%

    A.epand a plant and add $ore e"uip$ent

    ;iggest proble$ #or $ost organiations'

    ?.ecess capacity

    2.add capacity as needed &ithout ecess

    The +)reen 'ean,
  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Inentory Management

    /hree types o# inventory'

    +inishedgoods inventory' ite$s that have passed

    through the entire production process but have not beensold.

    8or%inprocess inventory' $aterials $oving through

    the stages o# the production process that are not

    co$pleted products.

    !a& $aterials inventory' basic inputs to the

    organiation5s production process.

    Office 'epot
  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Two -asic 'ecisions that can .elp

    Minimize Inentory Concerns

    /conomic Order 0uantity Materials 1e2uirement Planning

    Manufacturing 1esource Planning3ust4in4time Inentory System

    /echni"ue designed to

    $ini$ie the total o#

    ordering and holding costs

    #or inventory ite$s.

    Techni2ues forManagement

    Dependent de$and

    inventory planning and

    control syste$ that

    schedules the eact a$ount

    o# all $aterials re"uired tosupport the desired end


  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Managing Productiity

    /&o approaches #or $easuring productivity'

    /otal #actor productivity' the ration o# total outputs tothe inputs #ro$ labor, capital, $aterials, and energy.

    Partial productivity' the ration o# total outputs to a

    $aEor category o# inputs.

    Productiity is the organization5s output ofgoods and serices diided by its inputs6

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    chieve gro&th by

    attracting ne&


    chieve gro&th by

    attracting ne&


    &ay to position #or

    the #uture &ay to position #or

    the #uture

    T0M Can Improe

    Operations Management

    8ay to $a%e co$pany

    one o# the best8ay to $a%e co$pany

    one o# the best

    T0M (eads To7

  • 7/26/2019 Chp22wef jw


    Developed by Stephen M.Peters Copyright 2000 by Harcourt, Inc. ll rights reserved.

    Improing Productiity

    Three places to look7

    /echnological productivity' the use o# $ore e##icient

    $achines, robots, co$puters, and other technologies toincrease output.

    8or%er productivity' having &or%ers produce $ore

    output in the sa$e ti$e period.

    Managerial productivity' $anagers do a better Eob o#running the business.