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Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-0010176-2

Abstract Various techniques are available to quantifyrecharge; however, choosing appropriate techniques isoften difficult. Important considerations in choosing atechnique include space/time scales, range, and reliabili-ty of recharge estimates based on different techniques;other factors may limit the application of particular tech-niques. The goal of the recharge study is important be-cause it may dictate the required space/time scales of therecharge estimates. Typical study goals include water-re-source evaluation, which requires information on re-charge over large spatial scales and on decadal timescales; and evaluation of aquifer vulnerability to contam-ination, which requires detailed information on spatialvariability and preferential flow. The range of rechargerates that can be estimated using different approachesshould be matched to expected recharge rates at a site.The reliability of recharge estimates using different tech-niques is variable. Techniques based on surface-waterand unsaturated-zone data provide estimates of potentialrecharge, whereas those based on groundwater data gen-erally provide estimates of actual recharge. Uncertaintiesin each approach to estimating recharge underscore theneed for application of multiple techniques to increasereliability of recharge estimates.

Résumé Il existe différentes techniques pour quantifierla recharge; toutefois, il est souvent difficile de choisirles techniques appropriées. Les points importants pour lechoix d’une technique sont l’échelle de temps et d’espa-ce, la gamme de valeurs et la validité des estimations de

la recharge basées sur différentes techniques; d’autresfacteurs peuvent limiter l’application de techniques par-ticulières. Le but des études de la recharge est importantparce qu’il peut imposer les échelles de temps et d’espa-ce des estimations de recharge. Les buts de ces étudesconcernent habituellement l’évaluation des ressources eneau, qui requiert des informations sur la recharge à deséchelles spatiales étendues et sur des durées comptées endizaines d’années, et l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité desaquifères aux contaminations, qui exige des informationsdétaillées sur la variabilité spatiale et les écoulementspréférentiels. La gamme des taux de recharge qui peu-vent être estimés par différentes approches doit êtreadaptée aux valeurs attendues de la recharge sur le site.La validité des estimations de recharge faites par destechniques différentes est variable. Des techniques s’ap-puyant sur des données concernant les eaux de surface etla zone non saturée fournissent des estimations de re-charge potentielle, tandis que celles basées sur les don-nées des eaux souterraines donnent généralement desestimations de la recharge réelle. Les incertitudes de cha-que approche d’estimation de la recharge mettent en re-lief la nécessité d’appliquer des techniques multiplespour accroître la validité des estimations de la recharge.

Resumen Existen diversas técnicas para cuantificar larecarga, pero elegir las apropiadas es a menudo difícil.Entre las consideraciones a tener en cuenta, hay que citarlas escalas espacial y temporal, el rango y la fiabilidadde las estimaciones de la recarga obtenidas por medio detécnicas diferentes; hay otros factores que pueden limitarla aplicación de técnicas particulares. El objetivo de unestudio de recarga es importante, ya que puede condicio-nar las escalas temporal y espacial de las estimaciones.Los objetivos típicos comprenden la evaluación de recur-sos, cosa que requiere información de la recarga para es-calas espaciales extensas y escalas temporales cifradasen décadas, y la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad del acuí-fero a la contaminación, para lo que hace falta informa-ción detallada sobre la variabilidad espacial y el flujopreferente. Se debería contrastar el rango de los valoresestimados de recarga mediante enfoques diferentes conlos valores esperados en un emplazamiento. La fiabilidadde las estimaciones basadas en técnicas diferentes es va-riable. Así, las técnicas basadas en datos de aguas super-ficiales y zona no saturada proporcionan estimaciones

Received: 15 March 2001 / Accepted: 14 October 2001Published online: 17 January 2002

© Springer-Verlag 2002

B.R. Scanlon (✉ )Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78713, USAe-mail: bridget.scanlon@beg.utexas.eduFax: +1-512-471-0140

R.W. HealyUS Geological Survey, MS 413, Denver Federal Center, Denver,Colorado 80225, USA

P.G. CookCSIRO, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064, Australia

Choosing appropriate techniques for quantifying groundwater rechargeBridget R. Scanlon · Richard W. HealyPeter G. Cook


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0176-2

del potencial de recarga, mientras que las que se funda-mentan en datos de aguas subterráneas proporcionan es-timaciones de la recarga real. La incertidumbre asociadasa cada método corrobora la necesidad de aplicar variastécnicas distintas para aumentar la fiabilidad de las esti-maciones de la recarga.

Keywords Groundwater recharge/water budget · Numerical modeling · Arid regions · Unsaturated zone ·Groundwater age


Determining which of a wide variety of techniques islikely to provide reliable recharge estimates is often dif-ficult. Various factors need to be considered when choos-ing a method of quantifying recharge. A thorough under-standing of the attributes of the different techniques iscritical. The space/time scales of recharge estimates areimportant because different study goals require rechargeestimates over different space and/or time scales. Where-as some studies focus on recharge estimates for water-re-source assessment (Luckey et al. 1986; Kearns andHendrickx 1998), others concentrate on estimates forcontaminant transport or aquifer vulnerability to contam-ination (Egboka et al. 1983; Flury et al. 1994; Scanlonand Goldsmith 1997). Although spatial variability in re-charge at local and intermediate scales may not be criti-cal for water-resource assessment, it is critical for con-taminant transport, because focused recharge and prefer-ential flow allow contaminants to migrate rapidlythrough the unsaturated zone to underlying aquifers. Lo-cating areas of low recharge is important for radioactiveand hazardous-waste disposal sites (Tyler et al. 1996;Scanlon et al. 1997). Aquifer vulnerability to contamina-tion is controlled to a large extent by recharge-transport-ing contaminants to aquifers (Robins 1998); therefore,delineation of zones of high recharge is critical to defin-ing zones that are vulnerable to contamination. The timescales of recharge estimates are also important. Informa-tion on recharge at decadal time scales is generally re-quired for water-resource planning, whereas time scalesrequired for contaminant transport range from days tothousands of years, depending on the particular contami-nants being considered.

Background information on potential controls on re-charge is extremely valuable. The climate, geomorpholo-gy (including topography, soil, and vegetation), and ge-ology of a site control the location and timing of re-charge and therefore impact the choice of technique forestimating recharge. Humid and arid systems representend members for different climates and generally requiredifferent approaches to quantify recharge. Humid regionsare usually characterized by shallow water tables andgaining streams. Aquifers are often full, and groundwa-ter is usually discharged through evapotranspiration andbaseflow to streams. Diffuse recharge is dominant. Re-charge rates in these regions are often limited by the

ability of aquifers to store and transmit water, processesthat are strongly affected by subsurface geology. In con-trast, deep water tables and losing streams are commonin alluvial valleys in arid regions. Focused rechargecommonly dominates. Recharge rates are limited in largepart by the availability of water at the land surface,which is controlled by climatic factors, such as precipita-tion and evapotranspiration, and by surface geomorphicfeatures.

The purpose of this paper is to outline the attributes ofthe various techniques that have been used to quantifyrecharge, including the applicable space and time scales,the range of recharge rates that have been estimated witheach technique, the reliability of the recharge estimates,and important factors that promote or limit the use of aparticular technique. Because a detailed review of eachtechnique is beyond the scope of this report, the reader isreferred to various papers and books in the literature(e.g., Simmers 1988, 1997; Sharma 1989; Lerner et al.1990; Lerner 1997; Robins 1998) and in this volume.

TerminologyInfiltration refers to water movement from the surfaceinto the subsurface. In many unsaturated-zone studies,terms such as net infiltration, drainage, or percolationare used to describe water movement below the rootzone, and these are often equated to recharge. Althoughrecharge can be broadly defined as water that reaches anaquifer from any direction (down, up, or laterally) (Lerner 1997), this paper focuses on downward watermovement across a water table. Diffuse (direct) rechargerefers to recharge derived from precipitation or irrigationthat occurs fairly uniformly over large areas, whereas fo-cused or localized recharge refers to concentrated re-charge from depressions in surface topography, such asstreams, lakes, and playas. Some classifications restrictthe term localized recharge to recharge from small de-pressions, joints, or rivulets and use the term indirect re-charge for recharge beneath mappable features such asrivers and lakes (Lerner 1997). Rushton (1997) also dis-tinguishes actual recharge, estimated from groundwaterstudies, and which reaches the water table, from poten-tial recharge, estimated from surface-water and unsatur-ated-zone studies, and which is water that has infiltratedthat may or may not reach the water table because of un-saturated-zone processes or the ability of the saturatedzone to accept recharge.

Background Information for Recharge EstimationThe first stage of a recharge study in an area that has notpreviously been studied should involve collecting exist-ing data on potential controls on recharge, such as cli-mate, hydrology, geomorphology, and geology. Thesedata are used to develop a conceptual model of rechargein the system. The conceptual model describes location,timing, and likely mechanisms of recharge and providesinitial estimates of recharge rates.

Climate plays a major role in controlling recharge, asshown by differences in recharge sources and rates be-tween arid and humid settings. Preliminary rechargerates for a site can be estimated using available meteoro-logical data and soil hydraulic-parameter data in unsatur-ated-zone models. Available hydrologic data should alsobe evaluated, including streamflow data (for evaluatinggaining and losing sections of streams) and water-tabledepth (for determining unsaturated-zone thickness).

Variations in geomorphology reflect differences in to-pography, vegetation, and soil type, which can affect re-charge. The impact of topography on local and regionalgroundwater flow paths was demonstrated by Tóth(1963). Recharge is generally considered to occur in to-pographic highs and discharge in topographic lows inhumid regions, whereas in arid alluvial-valley regionsrecharge is usually focused in topographic lows, such aschannels of ephemeral streams. The concept of hydro-geomorphic units was originally described by Tóth(1963) and Meyboom (1966, 1967). Delineation of hy-drogeomorphic settings on the basis of topographic attri-butes – including slope classes, breaks in slope, curva-ture, and elevation – is greatly facilitated by the use ofgeographic information systems (GIS) and digital eleva-tion models and is used widely in Australia (Salama etal. 1994; Hatton 1998). Vegetation cover is important inassessing recharge potential at a site. Recharge is gener-ally much greater in nonvegetated than in vegetated re-gions (Gee et al. 1994) and greater in areas of annualcrops and grasses than in areas of trees and shrubs (Prych1998). The impact of vegetation was demonstrated inAustralia, where replacement of deep-rooted native Eu-calyptus trees with shallow-rooted crops resulted in re-charge increases of about two orders of magnitude(<0.1 mm/year for native mallee vegetation to5–30 mm/year for crop/pasture rotations) (Allison et al.1990). Therefore, information on land use/land cover isimportant for evaluating recharge. Irrigated areas shouldalso be identified because irrigation return flow oftencontributes significant amounts of recharge. Soil textureand permeability are important because coarse-grainedsoils generally result in higher recharge rates than dofine-grained soils. Cook et al. (1992) notes an apparentnegative correlation between clay content in the upper2 m and the recharge rate. Information on soil type andpermeability is available from databases such as STATSGO(US Department of Agriculture 1994).

Information on topography, land use/land cover, andsoil types is combined to define geomorphic systems thatcontrol recharge. Such systems are closely related to un-derlying geologic systems. Physiographic provinces re-present regions of similar climate and geology that hadsimilar geomorphic history. Examples of such provincesinclude alluvial-fan, fluvial, eolian, glacial, and coastalregions that may have characteristic recharge attributes.Lerner et al. (1990) describe recharge characteristics ofseveral provinces, including alluvial-fan and fluvial sys-tems and sand, sandstone, and limestone provinces. Forexample, alluvial fans near the base of mountain fronts

usually receive recharge from streams draining adjacentmountains; therefore, techniques that quantify surface-water input to these systems are used to assess the totalvolume of recharge in alluvial fans. An understanding ofthe physiographic provinces is useful in developing aconceptual model of recharge in a system, and analogiescan be drawn to similar physiographic provinces else-where. Insight is thus gained into recharge sources, flowmechanisms, and spatial and temporal variability in re-charge.

Techniques for Estimating Recharge

For purposes of discussion, techniques for estimating re-charge are subdivided into various types, on the basis ofthe three hydrologic sources, or zones, from which thedata are obtained, namely surface water, unsaturatedzone, and saturated zone. This subdivision of techniquesis somewhat arbitrary and is probably not ideal. The dif-ferent zones provide recharge estimates over varyingspace and time scales. Within each zone, techniques aregenerally classified into physical, tracer, or numerical-modeling approaches. This overview focuses on aspectsof each approach that are important in choosing appro-priate techniques, such as the space/time scales, range,and reliability of recharge estimates. The range of re-charge rates for different techniques is based on evalua-tion of the literature and general evaluation of uncertain-ties and should be considered only approximate. Becausemany techniques in the different zones are based on thewater-budget equation, this topic is described separately.

Water BudgetThe water budget for a basin can be stated as:

(1)where P is precipitation (and may also include irriga-tion); Qon and Qoff are water flow onto and off the site,respectively; ET is evapotranspiration; and ∆S is changein water storage. All components are given as rates (e.g.,mm/day or mm/year). Individual components consist ofsubcomponents. Water flow onto or off the site is writtenas the sum of surface flow, interflow, and groundwaterflow. ET is distinguished on the basis of the source ofevaporated water (surface, unsaturated zone, or saturatedzone). Water storage takes place in snow, surface-waterreservoirs, the unsaturated zone, and the saturated zone.Rewriting the water-budget equation to incorporatemany of these subcomponents results in:

(2)where superscripts refer to the subcomponents describedabove, R0 (runoff) is surface-water flow off the site, andQbf is baseflow (groundwater discharge to streams orsprings). Groundwater recharge, R, includes any infiltrat-


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-0010176-2

ing water that reaches the saturated zone and can be writ-ten as (Schicht and Walton 1961):


This equation simply states that all water arriving at thewater table either flows out of the basin as groundwaterflow, is discharged to the surface, is evapotranspired, oris retained in storage. Substituting this equation intoEq. (2) produces the following version of the water bud-get:

(4)Water-budget methods are those that are based, in oneform or another, on a water-budget equation. They in-clude most hydrologic models, such as surface-water andgroundwater flow models. For any site, some of theterms in Eq. (4) are likely to be negligible in magnitudeand therefore may be ignored.

The most common way of estimating recharge by thewater-budget method is the indirect or “residual” ap-proach, whereby all of the variables in the water-budgetequation except R are measured or estimated, and R isset equal to the residual. An advantage of water-budgetmethods is flexibility. Few assumptions are inherent inEq. (1). The methods are not hindered by any presuppo-sitions as to the mechanisms that control the individualcomponents. Hence, they can be applied over a widerange of space and time scales, ranging from lysimeters(centimeters, seconds) to global climate models (kilome-ters, centuries).

The major limitation of the residual approach is thatthe accuracy of the recharge estimate depends on the ac-curacy with which the other components in the water-budget equation are measured. This limitation is criticalwhen the magnitude of the recharge rate is small relativeto that of the other variables, in particular ET. In thiscase, small inaccuracies in values of those variablescommonly result in large uncertainties in the rechargerate. Some authors (e.g., Gee and Hillel 1988; Lerner etal. 1990; and Hendrickx and Walker 1997) have there-fore questioned the usefulness of water-budget methodsin arid and semiarid regions. However, if the water bud-get is calculated on a daily time step, P sometimes great-ly exceeds ET on a single day, even in arid settings. Av-eraging over longer time periods tends to dampen out ex-treme precipitation events (those most responsible for re-charge events). Methods for measuring or estimatingvarious components of the water budget are described inHillel (1980), Rosenberg et al. (1983), and Tindall andKunkel (1999).

Techniques Based on Surface-Water StudiesThe status of recharge related to surface-water bodies de-pends on the degree of connection between surface-waterand groundwater systems (Fig. 1; Sophocleous 2002, thisvolume). Humid regions are generally characterized bygaining surface-water bodies because groundwater dis-


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0176-2

charges to streams and lakes. In contrast, arid regions aregenerally characterized by losing surface-water bodies,because surface-water and groundwater systems are oftenseparated by thick unsaturated sections. Therefore, sur-face-water bodies often form localized recharge sourcesin arid settings. Recharge can be estimated using surface-water data in gaining and losing surface-water bodies.

Physical techniquesChannel-water budgetSurface-water gains or losses can be estimated usingchannel-water budgets based on stream-gauging data.Lerner et al. (1990), Lerner (1997), and Rushton (1997)provide detailed reviews of this approach. The channel-water budget is described as (Lerner 1997):


where R is recharge rate, Q is flow rate, Qup and Qdownare flows at the upstream and downstream ends of thereaches, Qin and Qout refer to tributary inflows and out-flows along the reach, Ea is the evaporation from surfacewater or stream bed, and ∆S is change in channel and un-saturated-zone storage over change in time (∆t). Theterm transmission loss refers to the loss in streamflowbetween upstream and downstream gauging stations (Lerner et al. 1990). This loss reflects potential rechargethat can result in an overestimate of actual recharge be-cause of bank storage and subsequent evapotranspira-tion, development of perched aquifers, and inability ofthe aquifer to accept recharge because of a shallow watertable or low transmissivity (Lerner et al. 1990). Rechargevalues generally reach a constant rate when the water-ta-ble depth is greater than twice the stream width, becauseflow is generally controlled by gravity at these depths(Bouwer and Maddock 1997; Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Water fluxes related to the degree of connection betweenrivers and aquifers. The aquifer discharges to the river when thegroundwater head is greater than the river stage, whereas the riverrecharges the aquifer when the river stage is greater than thegroundwater head. Recharge values generally reach a constant ratewhen the water-table depth is greater than twice the river width(Bouwer and Maddock 1997)

The range of recharge rates that can be measured us-ing this technique depends on the magnitude of the trans-mission losses relative to the uncertainties in the gaugingdata and tributary flows. Gauging data in the US are gen-erally considered to be accurate to ±5% (Rantz 1982).Lerner et al. (1990) indicate that measurement errorsduring high flows are often ±25% and sometimes rangefrom –50 to +100% during flash floods in semiarid re-gions. The recharge estimates represent average valuesover the reach between the gauging stations. The tempo-ral scales represented by the recharge values range fromevent scale (minutes to hours) to much longer timescales that are estimated by summation of individualevents.

Seepage metersSeepage to or from surface-water bodies can be mea-sured by using seepage meters (Kraatz 1977; Lee andCherry 1978). A seepage meter consists of a cylinderthat is pushed into the bottom of the stream or lake. At-tached to the cylinder is a reservoir of water; the rate atwhich water within the cylinder infiltrates is determinedby changes in reservoir volume. This method is inexpen-sive and easy to apply. An automated seepage meter isdescribed by Taniguchi and Fukuo (1993). Uncertaintiesin estimated fluxes can be determined from replicatemeasurements. Seepage fluxes measured in different US studies vary greatly, from approximately 1 to3,000 mm/day at a site in Minnesota (Rosenberry 2000),9 to 223 mm/day in Minnesota and Wisconsin (Lee1977), and 12 to 122 mm/day in Nevada (Woessner andSullivan 1984). Because seepage meters provide pointestimates of water fluxes, measurements may be requiredat many locations for a representative value to be ob-tained. Time scales range from those based on individualevents to days. Recharge over longer times is estimatedfrom a summation of shorter times.

Baseflow dischargeIn watersheds with gaining streams, groundwater re-charge can be estimated from stream hydrograph separa-tion (Meyboom 1961; Rorabough 1964; Mau and Winter1997; Rutledge 1997; Halford and Mayer 2000). Use ofbaseflow discharge to estimate recharge is based on awater-budget approach (Eq. 3), in which recharge isequated to discharge. Baseflow discharge, however, isnot necessarily directly equated to recharge becausepumpage, evapotranspiration, and underflow to deepaquifers may also be significant. These other dischargecomponents should be estimated independently. Bankstorage may complicate hydrograph analysis becausewater discharging from bank storage is generally derivedfrom short-term fluctuations in surface-water flow andnot from areal aquifer recharge and could result in over-estimation of recharge. Various approaches are used forhydrograph separation, including digital filtering (Nathan and McMahon 1990; Arnold et al. 1995) and re-cession-curve displacement methods (Rorabough 1964).The accuracy of the reported recharge rates depends on

the validity of the various assumptions. Recharge esti-mates based on hydrograph separation range from 152 to1,270 mm/year in 89 basins (Rutledge and Mesko 1996)and from 127 to 635 mm/year in 15 basins (Rutledge andDaniel 1994) in the eastern US. Rutledge (1998) recom-mended an upper limit on basin size of 1,300 km2 for ap-plication of this method because of difficulties in sepa-rating surface-water and groundwater flow and bank-storage effects in larger systems and because of the ar-eally uniform recharge assumption. The minimum timescale is a few months. Recharge over longer times can beestimated by summation of estimates over shorter times.Recent progress has been made on the use of chemicaland isotopic techniques to infer the sources of stream-flow from end members such as rainfall, soil water,groundwater, and bank storage (Hooper et al. 1990;Christophersen and Hooper 1992). This approach is dataintensive, but it provides information that is useful inconducting hydrograph separation. Suecker (1995) usedsodium concentrations in a two-component mixing mod-el to determine the subsurface contribution to three al-pine streams in Colorado, USA.

Tracer techniquesHeat tracerInstallation and maintenance of stream-gauging stationsare expensive and difficult, particularly in ephemeralstreams in semiarid regions that are subject to erosion.As an alternative to stream gauging, heat can be used asa tracer to provide information on when surface water isflowing in ephemeral streams and to estimate infiltrationfrom surface-water bodies (Stallman 1964; Lapham1989; Constantz et al. 1994; Ronan et al. 1998). Moni-toring depths vary, depending on time scales, sedimenttypes, and anticipated water fluxes beneath the stream.Diurnal temperature fluctuations are generally monitoredat depths of ~0.05 to 1 m for fine-grained material, and0.3 to 3 m for coarse-grained material. Depths for moni-toring annual temperature fluctuations are generally anorder of magnitude greater. Measured temperature isused with inverse modeling using a nonisothermal vari-ably saturated flow code, such as VS2DH (Healy andRonan 1996), to estimate hydraulic conductivity of thesediments. Data analysis is complex, and inverse solu-tions are not always unique. Percolation rates can be es-timated if the hydraulic head is calculated from mea-sured data. Temperature can be monitored accurately andinexpensively using thermistors or thermocouples. Heatdissipation sensors can be used to monitor temperatureand matric potential simultaneously in unsaturated me-dia.

The minimum net infiltration rate that can be estimat-ed using heat as a tracer depends on the range of surface-water temperature fluctuations and the time scale consid-ered. Stallman (1964) suggests a minimum recharge rateof ~20 mm/day in the stream bed using diurnal tempera-ture fluctuations, and ~1 mm/day using annual tempera-ture fluctuations in natural media with average heat


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-0010176-2

properties. Reported infiltration rates from various stud-ies include 0.05 to 6.4 mm/day (Maurer and Thodal2000), 18 to 37 mm/day (Bartolino and Niswonger1999), and 457 mm/day (Lapham 1989). Previous stud-ies generally used a single vertical array of temperaturesensors and therefore provide an estimate of one-dimen-sional flow at a point; however, some ongoing studies in-clude two- and three-dimensional arrays of sensors toprovide more realistic three-dimensional flux estimatesbeneath streams (R. Niswonger, US Geological Survey,personal communication, 2001). Recharge can be esti-mated for time periods ranging from hours to years.

Isotopic tracersStable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen are used to iden-tify groundwater recharge from rivers and lakes. In re-gions where rivers have headwaters at high elevations (inmountainous areas), river water is often depleted in sta-ble isotopes relative to local precipitation in adjacent ba-sins. If rivers retain the depleted isotopic signature of theheadwaters, the difference in stable-isotope signatures ofrivers and local precipitation can be used to determinethe relative contribution of these two sources of ground-water recharge. Recharge to groundwater on the WairauPlain and on the Canterbury Plains, South Island, NewZealand, is attributed primarily to rivers (depleted stableisotopes from mountain catchments), whereas the contri-bution of locally infiltrated precipitation is much smaller(Taylor et al. 1989, 1992). Groundwater recharge in anaquifer in the Netherlands was attributed to bank infiltra-tion from the Rhine River because of the depleted 18Osignature, which is a result of the Alpine catchment ba-sin of the Rhine (Stuyfzand 1989). Isotopic tracers pro-vide information on recharge sources; however, it is gen-erally difficult to quantify recharge rates. The time scalesrange from seasonal in areas of high flux to hundreds ofyears in areas of low flux.

Numerical modelingWatershed (rainfall/runoff) modeling is used to estimaterecharge rates over large areas. Singh (1995) reviewedmany watershed models, which generally provide re-charge estimates as a residual term in the water-budgetequation (Eq. 4; Arnold et al. 1989; Leavesley andStannard 1995; Hatton 1998). The minimum rechargerate that can be estimated is controlled by the accuracywith which the various parameters in the water budgetcan be measured (~±10%) and the time scale considered.The various watershed models differ in spatial resolutionof the recharge estimates. Some models are termedlumped and provide a single recharge estimate for theentire catchment (Kite 1995). Others are spatially disag-gregated into hydrologic-response units (HRUs) or hy-drogeomorphological units (HGUs) (Salama et al. 1993;Leavesley and Stannard 1995). Watershed models areapplied at a variety of scales. Bauer and Mastin (1997)applied the Deep Percolation Model to three small water-sheds (average size 0.4 km2) in the Puget Sound in

Washington, USA. Average annual recharge rates are 37,138, and 172 mm for the three basins. Arnold et al.(2000) applied the SWAT model to the upper MississippiRiver Basin, USA (492,000 km2). The basin was dividedinto 131 hydrologic-response units with an average areaof 3,750 km2. Estimated annual recharge ranged from~10 to 400 mm. Small-scale applications allow moreprecise methods to be used to measure or estimate indi-vidual parameters of the water-budget equation (Healy etal. 1989). Time scales in models are daily, monthly, oryearly. Daily time steps are desirable for estimation ofrecharge because recharge is generally a larger compo-nent of the water budget at smaller time scales. Other re-cent applications of watershed models to estimate re-charge include Arnold and Allen (1996; recharge rates85 to 191 mm/year, Illinois, USA), Sami and Hughes(1996; recharge rate ~6 mm/year in a fractured system,South Africa), and Flint et al. (2002, this volume; re-charge rate 2.9 mm/year at Yucca Mountain, Nevada,USA).

Techniques Based on Unsaturated-Zone StudiesUnsaturated-zone techniques for estimating recharge areapplied mostly in semiarid and arid regions, where theunsaturated zone is generally thick. These techniques aredescribed in detail in Hendrickx and Walker (1997),Scanlon et al. (1997), Gee and Hillel (1988), and Zhang(1998). The recharge estimates generally apply to small-er spatial scales than those calculated from surface-wateror groundwater approaches. Unsaturated-zone tech-niques provide estimates of potential recharge based ondrainage rates below the root zone; however, in somecases, drainage is diverted laterally and does not reachthe water table. In addition, drainage rates in thick unsat-urated zones do not always reflect current recharge ratesat the water table.

Physical techniquesLysimetersThe various components of the soil water budget are ac-curately measured by using lysimeters (Brutsaert 1982;Allen et al. 1991; Young et al. 1996). Lysimeters consistof containers filled with disturbed or undisturbed soil,with or without vegetation, that are hydrologically isolat-ed from the surrounding soil, for purposes of measuringthe components of the water balance. All lysimeters aredesigned to allow collection and measurement of drain-age. Precipitation and water storage are measured sepa-rately in drainage lysimeters (also termed pan or non-weighing lysimeters). Weighing lysimeters are generallyused for accurate measurements of evapotranspiration.They are constructed on delicate balances capable ofmeasuring slight changes in weight that represent precip-itation and water-storage changes. Surface areas of lysi-meters range from 100 cm2 (Evett et al. 1995) to~300 m2 for large pan lysimeters (Ward and Gee 1997);depths range from tens of centimeters to 10 to 20 m (Gee


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0176-2

The ZFP technique cannot be used when water fluxesare downward throughout the entire profile or when wa-ter storage is increasing, because downward movementof a wetting front generally masks the zero-flux plane. Asimplified water-budget approach is generally used forthese conditions (Hodnett and Bell 1990; Roman et al.1996). The ZFP technique is relatively expensive interms of the required instruments and amount of datacollection. This technique works best in regions wherelarge fluctuations exist in soil-water content throughoutthe year and where the water table is always deeper thanthe ZFP.

Darcy’s lawDarcy’s law is used to calculate recharge (R) in the un-saturated zone according to the following equation:


where K(θ) is the hydraulic conductivity at the ambientwater content, θ; H is the total head; h is the matric pres-sure head; and z is elevation. Application of Darcy’s lawrequires measurements or estimates of the vertical total-head gradient and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivityat the ambient soil-water content. The method has beenapplied in many studies under arid and semiarid condi-tions (Enfield et al. 1973; Sammis et al. 1982; Stephensand Knowlton 1986) and also under humid conditions(Ahuja and El-Swaify 1979; Steenhuis et al. 1985; Kengni et al. 1994; Normand et al. 1997). For thick un-saturated zones, below the zone of fluctuations related toclimate, in uniform or thickly layered porous media, thematric pressure gradient is often nearly zero, and watermovement is essentially gravity driven. Under these con-ditions, little error results by assuming that the total headgradient is equal to 1 (unit-gradient assumption) (Gardner 1964; Childs 1969; Chong et al. 1981; Sisson1987). The unit-gradient assumption removes the need tomeasure the matric pressure gradient and sets rechargeequal to the hydraulic conductivity at the ambient watercontent. The unit gradient assumption has been used inmany studies (Sammis et al. 1982; Stephens and Knowl-ton 1986; Healy and Mills 1991; Nimmo et al. 1994).

The minimum recharge rate that can be estimated byusing Darcy’s law depends on the accuracy of the hy-draulic conductivity and head-gradient measurement ifthe latter is not unity. Accurate measurements of hydrau-lic conductivity as low as 1×10–9 cm/s can be obtainedby using the steady-state centrifuge (SSC) method; thisvalue corresponds approximately to 0.3 mm/year (Nimmo et al. 1992). However, problems with sampledisturbance and drying during collection and spatial vari-ability in hydraulic conductivity generally result in ameasurement limit of about 20 mm/year. Recharge ratesdetermined by the Darcy method range from 37 mm/yearin an arid region (New Mexico, USA; Stephens andKnowlton 1986) to about 500 mm/year for an irrigated


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-0010176-2

et al. 1994). If the base of the lysimeter is not deeperthan the root zone, measured drainage fluxes overesti-mate aquifer recharge rates. Therefore, lysimeters aregenerally unsuitable for areas with deep-rooted vegeta-tion. Recharge rates can be estimated at time scales fromminutes to years. The minimum water flux that can bemeasured using a lysimeter depends on the accuracy ofthe drainage measurements and the surface area of thelysimeter. For large lysimeters (surface area ~100 m2),recharge rates of about 1 mm/year can be resolved. Theupper flux that can be measured depends on the designof the drainage system but should exceed drainage fluxesin most natural settings. A wide variety of recharge rateshas been measured using lysimeters: 342 to 478 mm/yearover a 3-year period for the Bunter Sandstone, England(surface area 100 m2; Kitching et al. 1977), 200 mm/yearfor the Chalk Aquifer, England (surface area 25 m2;Kitching and Shearer 1982), and 1 to 200 mm/year in an18-m-deep lysimeter in a semiarid site (Hanford, Wash-ington, USA; Gee et al. 1992). Most lysimeters have adrainage-collection system that is open to the atmo-sphere, which creates a seepage-face lower-boundarycondition. For thick unsaturated zones, this artifact caus-es different moisture and pressure-head profiles in the ly-simeter relative to those in the adjacent undisturbed area(van Bavel 1961). In an effort to minimize the influenceof the bottom boundary, some lysimeters have been builtwith a porous plate on the bottom that is set at a pre-scribed pressure head. Lysimeters are not routinely usedto estimate recharge because they are expensive and dif-ficult to construct and have high maintenance require-ments. They are more suitable for evaluation of evapo-transpiration than recharge.

Zero-flux planeThe soil-water budget can be simplified by equating re-charge to changes in soil-water storage below the zero-flux plane (ZFP), which represents the plane where thevertical hydraulic gradient is zero. The ZFP separates up-ward (ET) from downward (drainage) water movement.The rate of change in the storage term between succes-sive measurements is assumed to be equal to the drainagerate to the water table or the recharge rate. The ZFP re-quires soil matric-potential measurements to locate theposition of the ZFP and soil-water-content measurementsto estimate storage changes. The ZFP method, first de-scribed in Richards et al. (1956), has been used in variousstudies (Royer and Vachaud 1974; Wellings 1984; Dreissand Anderson 1985; Healy et al. 1989). The minimum re-charge rate that can be measured is controlled by the ac-curacy of the water-content measurements (generally±0.01 m3/m3). Recharge rates estimated by this methodrange from 34 to 149 mm/year (eight sites, semiarid re-gion, Western Australia; Sharma et al. 1991), 78 to300 mm/year (Chalk and Sandstone aquifers, England;Cooper et al. 1990), and 345 to 469 mm/year (UpperChalk aquifer, southern England; Wellings 1984). TheZFP provides a recharge estimate at the measurementpoint. Time scales range from event scales to years.

site having a thin unsaturated zone (near Grenoble,France; Kengni et al. 1994). If hydraulic conductivity isstrongly dependent on water content, uncertainty in-creases (Nimmo et al. 1994). This method provides apoint estimate of recharge over a wide range of timescales; however, if applied at significant depths in thickvadose zones, it may represent a larger area. An attrac-tive feature of the Darcy method is that it can be appliedthroughout the entire year, whereas the ZFP can be ap-plied only at certain times of the year.

Tracer techniquesApplied tracersChemical or isotopic tracers are applied as a pulse at thesoil surface or at some depth within the soil profile to es-timate recharge (Athavale and Rangarajan 1988; Sharma1989). Infiltration of precipitation or irrigation transportsthe tracer to depth. Commonly used tracers include bro-mide, 3H, and visible dyes (Athavale and Rangarajan1988; Kung 1990; Flury et al. 1994; Aeby 1998; Forreret al. 1999). Organic dyes are generally used to evaluatepreferential flow (Flury et al. 1994; Scanlon and Gold-smith 1997). Although 3H is the most conservative of alltracers, its use is prohibited in many areas because of en-vironmental-protection laws. Kung (1990) showed thatbromide uptake by plants is often significant, and sorp-tion is important for organic dyes. The subsurface distri-bution of applied tracers is determined sometime afterthe application by digging a trench for visual inspectionand sampling, or by drilling test holes for sampling. Thevertical distribution of tracers is used to estimate the ve-locity (v) and the recharge rate (R):


where ∆z is depth of the tracer peak, ∆t is time betweentracer application and sampling, and θ is volumetric wa-ter content. The minimum water flux that can be mea-sured with applied tracers depends on the time betweenapplication and sampling and, in the case of surface-ap-plied tracers, the root-zone depth. If the rooting depth isassumed to be 0.5 m and the average water content0.2 m3/m3, a recharge rate of 100 mm/year would be re-quired to transport the applied tracer through the rootzone in 1 year. Lower recharge rates can be measuredwhen the tracers are applied below the root zone. Themaximum water flux that can be measured depends onthe depth to the water table. Recharge rates resultingfrom excess irrigation were evaluated by Rice et al.(1986) using surface-applied bromide to a bare field fol-lowed by 45 cm of irrigation water for 159 days. The re-sultant recharge rate was 3.3 mm/day, which exceededthat estimated using a water balance by a factor of 5. Thediscrepancy was attributed to preferential flow. The tri-tium injection technique (at a depth of 0.7 m) was usedto estimate recharge rates that ranged from 6.5 to100 mm/year in several basins in southern India (Athavale and Rangarajan 1990). Sharma et al. (1985)

applied bromide at the soil surface under natural precipi-tation in a vegetated area and estimated a recharge rate of224 mm for a 76-day period. Tracers are generally appliedat a point or over small areas (10 to 200 m2). The calculat-ed recharge rates represent the time between applicationand sampling, which is generally months to years.

Historical tracersHistorical tracers result from human activities or eventsin the past, such as contaminant spills (Nativ et al. 1995)or atmospheric nuclear testing (3H and 36Cl) (Fig. 2).These historical tracers or event markers are used to esti-mate recharge rates during the past 50 years (Phillips etal. 1988; Scanlon 1992; Cook et al. 1994). Industrial andagricultural sources produce contaminants such as bro-mide, nitrate, atrazine, and arsenic, and these can pro-vide qualitative evidence of recent recharge; however,uncertainties with respect to source location, concentra-tion, and timing of contamination, as well as possiblenonconservative behavior of contaminants, make it diffi-cult to quantify recharge. The presence of an event mark-er in water suggests that a component of that water re-charged in a particular time period. The peak concentra-tion of thermonuclear tracers can also be used to esti-mate water flux by using Eq. (7), where z is approximat-ed by the depth of the peak concentration of the tracer, θis the average water content above the tracer peak, and tis the time period between the peak tracer fallout and thetime the samples were collected. The minimum rechargerate that can be estimated using thermonuclear tracers isabout 10 mm/year, because of the time required to movethrough the root zone (Eq. 7; Cook and Walker 1995). Inmany areas where these tracers have been used, thebomb pulse peak is still in the root zone (36Cl,1.8 mm/year, Norris et al. 1987; 36Cl, 2.5 to 3 mm/year,3H, 6.4 to 9.5 mm/year, Phillips et al. 1988; 36Cl,1.4 mm/year, 3H, 7 mm/year, Scanlon 1992), indicatingthat water fluxes at these sites are extremely low, whichis an important consideration for waste disposal. Becausemuch of this water in the root zone is later evapotran-spired, water fluxes estimated from tracers within theroot zone overestimate water fluxes below the root zoneby as much as several orders of magnitude (Tyler andWalker 1994; Cook and Walker 1995). Deep penetrationof thermonuclear tracers has been found in sandy soils inarid settings (3H, 23 mm/year, Dincer et al. 1974; 3H, 22to 26 mm/year, Aranyossy and Gaye 1992). The maxi-mum water flux that can be estimated may be limited bydepth to groundwater. For example, if the average watercontent is 0.1 m3/m3 and the time since peak fallout is40 years, a recharge rate of 50 mm/year would result in apeak at a depth of 20 m. Therefore, this technique is gen-erally unsuitable where recharge rates are much greaterthan 50 mm/year. Theoretically, the technique could beused for higher recharge rates if the water table weredeeper; however, the difficulty of soil sampling at thesedepths and locating the tracer peak may be prohibitive.Historical tracers provide point estimates of water fluxover the last 50 years.


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Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-0010176-2

Environmental tracers – chlorideEnvironmental tracers such as chloride (Cl) are producednaturally in the Earth’s atmosphere and are used to esti-mate recharge rates (Allison and Hughes 1978; Scanlon1991, 2000; Phillips 1994). The mass of Cl into thesystem (precipitation and dry fallout, P) times the Clconcentration in P (CP) is balanced by the mass out ofthe system (drainage, D) times the Cl concentration indrainage water in the unsaturated zone (Cuz) if surfacerunoff is assumed to be zero:


Chloride concentrations generally increase through theroot zone as a result of evapotranspiration and then re-main constant below this depth. Bulge-shaped Cl profilesat some sites have been attributed to paleoclimatic varia-tions or to diffusion to a shallow water table (Fig. 3).Drainage is inversely related to Cl concentration in theunsaturated-zone pore water (Eq. 8). This inverse rela-tionship results in the Cl mass-balance (CMB) approachbeing much more accurate at low drainage rates, becauseCl concentrations change markedly over small changesin drainage (Fig. 4). The CMB approach has been mostwidely used for estimating low recharge rates, largelybecause of the lack of other suitable methods. Waterfluxes as low as 0.05 to 0.1 mm/year have been estimat-ed in arid regions in Australia and in the US (Allison andHughes 1983; Cook et al. 1994; Prudic 1994; Prych1998). Low recharge rates are reported to be consistentwith radioactive decay of 36Cl at a site in the US (Scanlon2000). Somewhat higher recharge rates have been calcu-lated from Cl concentrations measured in sinkholes inAustralia (>60 mm/year; Allison et al. 1985), sand dunescleared of vegetation in Australia (4 to 28 mm/year;Cook et al. 1994), and sands with sparse vegetation inCyprus (33 to 94 mm/year; Edmunds et al. 1988). Themaximum water flux that can be estimated is based onuncertainties in measuring low Cl concentrations and po-tential problems with Cl contributions from other sourc-

es and is generally considered to be about 300 mm/year.Scanlon and Goldsmith (1997) report uncertainties of anorder of magnitude beneath ephemeral lakes (playas) inthe US because of uncertainties in Cl input from runonto playas. The CMB approach provides point estimatesof recharge rates. Temporal scales range from decades tothousands of years (Scanlon 2000).

Numerical modelingUnsaturated-zone modeling is used to estimate deepdrainage below the root zone or recharge in response tometeorological forcing. Recent advances in computertechnology and in computer codes have made long-termsimulations of recharge more feasible. A variety of ap-proaches is used to simulate unsaturated flow, includingsoil-water storage-routing approaches (bucket model;Flint et al. 2002, this volume; Walker et al. 2002, this

Fig. 2 Input functions for historical tracers, including 3H, 36Cl,CFC-11, and CFC-12 (3H data from Ottawa, Canada; 36Cl data,Phillips 2000; CFC data,

Fig. 3 Typical chloride profiles in unsaturated systems: bulge-shaped chloride profile attributed to a paleoclimatic variation(Scanlon 1991) and b diffusion to a shallow water table (Cook etal. 1989)

Fig. 4 Sensitivity of drainage calculated using the chloride mass-balance approach to chloride concentrations, based on data fromboreholes at a site in the Chihuahuan Desert, Texas, USA (Scanlon2000)

Physical TechniquesWater-table fluctuation methodThe water-table fluctuation (WTF) method is based onthe premise that rises in groundwater levels in uncon-fined aquifers are due to recharge water arriving at thewater table. Recharge is calculated as

(9)where Sy is specific yield, h is water-table height, and t istime. The WTF method has been used in various studies(Meinzer and Stearns 1929; Rasmussen and Andreasen1959; Gerhart 1986; Hall and Risser 1993) and is de-scribed in detail by Healy and Cook (2002, this volume).The method is best applied over short time periods in re-gions having shallow water tables that display sharp ris-es and declines in water levels. Analysis of water-levelfluctuations can, however, also be useful for determiningthe magnitude of long-term changes in recharge causedby climate or land-use change. Difficulties in applyingthe method are related to determining a representativevalue for specific yield and ensuring that fluctuations inwater levels are due to recharge and are not the result ofchanges in atmospheric pressure, the presence of en-trapped air, or other phenomena, such as pumping. Themethod has been applied over a wide variety of climaticconditions. Recharge rates estimated by this techniquerange from 5 mm/year in the Tabalah Basin of SaudiArabia (Abdulrazzak et al. 1989) to 247 mm/year in a small basin in a humid region of the eastern US (Rasmussen and Andreasen 1959). Water-level fluctua-tions occur in response to spatially averaged recharge.The area represented by the recharge rates ranges fromtens of square meters to several hundred or thousandsquare meters. Time periods represented by the rechargeestimates range from event scale to the length of the hydrographic record.

Darcy’s lawDarcy’s law is used to estimate flow through a cross sec-tion of an unconfined or confined aquifer. This methodassumes steady flow and no water extraction. The sub-surface water flux (q) is calculated by multiplying thehydraulic conductivity by the hydraulic gradient. The hy-draulic gradient should be estimated along a flow path atright angles to potentiometric contours. The volumetricflux through a vertical cross section of an aquifer (A) isequated to the recharge rate (R) times the surface areathat contributes to flow (S):


The cross section should be aligned with an equipoten-tial line. The Darcy method has been used by Theis(1937) and Belan and Matlock (1973). The method iseasy to apply if information on large-scale, effective hy-draulic conductivity and the hydraulic gradient is avail-able. The area should reflect a natural system with mini-mal pumpage. Recharge estimates based on Darcy’s laware highly uncertain because of the high variability of


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0176-2

volume), quasi-analytical approaches (Kim et al. 1996;Simmons and Meyer 2000), and numerical solutions tothe Richards equation. Examples of codes that use theRichards equation include BREATH (Stothoff 1995),HYDRUS-1D, HYDRUS-2D (Simunek et al. 1996),SWIM (Ross 1990), VS2DT (Lappala et al. 1987; Hsiehet al. 2000), and UNSATH (Fayer 2000). Theoretically,the range of recharge rates that can be estimated usingnumerical modeling is infinite; however, the reliabilityof these estimates should be checked against field infor-mation such as lysimeter data, tracers, water content, andtemperature (Scanlon and Milly 1994; Andraski and Jacobson 2000; Simmons and Meyer 2000; Flint et al.2002, this volume). Bucket-type models can be usedover large areas (Flint et al. 2002, this volume); howev-er, models based on the Richards equation are often re-stricted to evaluating small areas (≤100 m2) or to one-di-mensional flow in the shallow subsurface (≤15 m depth).Time scales that can be evaluated range from hours todecades; however, many recharge modeling studies eval-uate periods of 30 to 100 years because of availability ofmeteorological information (Rockhold et al. 1995; Stothoff 1997; Kearns and Hendrickx 1998). Because ofuncertainties in hydraulic conductivity and nonlinear re-lationships between hydraulic conductivity and matricpotential or water content, recharge estimates based onunsaturated-zone modeling that use the Richards equa-tion may be highly uncertain. Numerical modeling isgenerally used as a tool to evaluate flow processes and toassess sensitivity of model output to various parameters.Stothoff (1997) evaluated the impact of alluvial-coverthickness overlying fractured bedrock on recharge andreports high recharge rates (≤50% of precipitation) if al-luvial-cover thicknesses are less than 25 to 50 cm andlittle or no recharge for alluvial-cover thicknesses of 50to 500 cm. The effect of soil texture and vegetation wasevaluated by Rockhold et al. (1995) for a 30-year period(1963–1992). Recharge rates range from 0.5 mm/year(sagebrush on sand) to 22 mm/year (bare sand). Re-charge rates also vary with soil texture (7.6 mm/year,bare silt loam, to 22 mm/year, bare sand). A similarstudy was conducted for a 100-year period by Kearnsand Hendrickx (1998), who also demonstrate the effectsof vegetation and soil texture on recharge rates.

Techniques Based on Saturated-Zone Studies

Most unsaturated-zone techniques provide point esti-mates of recharge; saturated-zone techniques commonlyintegrate over much larger areas. Whereas surface-waterand unsaturated-zone approaches provide estimates ofdrainage or potential recharge, saturated-zone approach-es provide evidence of actual recharge because waterreaches the water table.

hydraulic conductivity (several orders of magnitude).The applicability of laboratory-measured hydraulic con-ductivities at the field scale is also questionable. Thistechnique can be applied to large regions (~1 to≥10,000 km2). The time periods represented by the re-charge estimates range from years to hundreds of years.

Tracer techniquesGroundwater datingHistorical tracers or event markers such as bomb-pulsetritium (3H) are used in both unsaturated and saturatedzones to estimate recharge. Tritium has been used widelyin the past (Egboka et al. 1983; Robertson and Cherry1989); however, bomb-pulse 3H concentrations havebeen greatly reduced as a result of radioactive decay. Inthe southern hemisphere, where 3H concentrations inprecipitation were an order of magnitude lower than inthe northern hemisphere (Allison and Hughes 1977), it isoften difficult to distinguish bomb-pulse 3H from current3H concentrations in precipitation. The use of 3H to dategroundwater is generally being replaced by the use oftracers such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and tri-tium/helium-3 (3H/3He). These gas tracers can be usedonly as water tracers in the saturated zone, where theycan no longer exchange with the atmosphere. The firstappearance of tracers such as CFCs or 3H/3He can beused to estimate recharge rates where flow is primarilyvertical, as in recharge areas near groundwater divides.Recharge rates can also be determined by estimating ag-es of groundwater. Age is defined as the time since waterentered the saturated zone. Groundwater ages are readilyestimated from CFCs by comparing CFC concentrationsin groundwater with those in precipitation (Fig. 2). Theage of the groundwater, t, is calculated from 3H/3He datausing the following equation:


where λ is the decay constant (ln 2/t1/2), t1/2 is the 3H halflife (12.43 years), and 3Hetrit is tritiogenic 3He. Use ofthis equation assumes that the system is closed (does notallow 3He to escape) and is characterized by piston flow(no hydrodynamic dispersion).

In unconfined porous-media aquifers, groundwaterages increase with depth, the rate of which depends onaquifer geometry, porosity, and recharge rate (Cook andBohlke 2000). The vertical groundwater velocity de-creases with depth to zero at the lower boundary of theaquifer. The age increases linearly with depth near thewater table and nonlinearly at greater depths. Near thewater table, the influence of the aquifer geometry isgreatly reduced. The recharge rate can be determined bydating water at several points in a vertical profile, calcu-lating the groundwater velocity by inverting the age gra-dient, extrapolating the velocity to the water table if it isnot measured near the water table (Cook and Solomon1997), and multiplying the velocity by the porosity forthe depth interval [similar to Eq. (7)].

The range of recharge rates that can be estimated byusing groundwater dating depends on the ranges of agesthat can be determined. CFCs and 3H/3He are used to de-termine groundwater ages up to approximately 50 years,with a precision of 2 to 3 years (Cook and Solomon1997). Radioactive decay of 14C can be used to estimategroundwater ages of 200 to 20,000 years. The estimatedrecharge rates are average rates over the time period rep-resented by the groundwater age. Groundwater rechargerates of 100 to 1,000 mm/year have been determined us-ing 3H/3He (Schlosser et al. 1989; Solomon et al. 1995)and CFCs (Dunkle et al. 1993; Cook et al. 1998). Re-charge rates much less than 30 mm/year are difficult todetermine accurately using these tracers because of prob-lems associated with diffusion of 3He into the unsaturat-ed zone (Cook and Solomon 1997) and the difficulty ofobtaining discrete samples near the water table. Disper-sive mixing can result in ±50% uncertainty in 3H/3He ag-es prior to 1970, when 3H input varied markedly duringthe bomb pulse (Solomon and Sudicky 1991). Rechargerates of 0.1 to 100 mm/year have been determined using14C (Vogel 1967; Leaney and Allison 1986; Verhagen1992), although diffusional transport at very low re-charge rates probably means a lower limit to the methodof about 1 mm/year (Walker and Cook 1991). The meth-od is most accurate where piezometers have been com-pleted with relatively short well screens. Recharge ratescalculated using groundwater dating spatially integraterecharge over an area upgradient from the measurementpoint. Therefore, spatial scales can range from local (de-cameter scale) if samples are collected near a groundwa-ter divide (Szabo et al. 1996) to regional (kilometerscale; Pearson and White 1967).

Horizontal flow velocities can be estimated from ra-dioactive decay of 14C or 36Cl in a confined aquifer.These data can be used to estimate recharge rates (R):


where v is velocity, n is porosity, A is the cross-sectionalarea of the confined aquifer where the velocity is deter-mined, and S is the surface area of the recharge zone. Ifnecessary, corrections should be made for any leakage toor from the confined aquifer. Using this method, re-charge rates of ~50 mm/year were estimated for theCarrizo aquifer in Texas, USA, on the basis of 14C datafrom Pearson and White (1967), assuming no verticalleakage to the confined aquifer.

There are various restrictions to the use of these trac-ers to date groundwater. CFCs can be used only in ruralareas not affected by septic tanks because of contamina-tion associated with industrial and residential areas,whereas 3H/3He can be used in contaminated and uncon-taminated areas. The concentrations of 3H/3He and CFCsat the water table are assumed to be equal to those in theatmosphere. Any difference in concentrations would re-sult in errors in the estimated ages. Cook and Solomon(1995) conclude that errors are negligible if the unsatur-ated-zone thickness is ≤10 m. Other issues that need tobe considered when using these tracers include the effect


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-0010176-2

of excess air for both 3H/3He and CFCs and the effect ofrecharge temperature, sorption, and degradation onCFCs. Sampling for 3H/3He and CFCs is complex, andanalysis is relatively expensive.

Environmental tracers – chlorideThe chloride mass-balance (CMB) approach can be usedin the unsaturated and saturated zones to estimategroundwater recharge. The CMB approach was orig-inally applied in the saturated zone by Eriksson andKhunakasem (1969) to estimate recharge rates (30 to326 mm/year) on the Coastal Plain of Israel. Rechargerates estimated from groundwater Cl concentrationsrange from 0 to 8 mm/year in South Africa (Sami andHughes 1996), 11 mm/year in the Southern High Plains,USA (Wood and Sanford 1995), 13 to 100 mm/year insouthwestern Australia (Johnston 1987), and 150 to660 mm/year in northeastern Australia (Cook et al.2001). Recharge rates based on groundwater Cl by Johnston (1987) are as much as two orders of magnitudegreater than those based on Cl in the unsaturated-zonepore water. The discrepancy between the two rates is at-tributed to preferential flow. Slightly higher rechargerates can be estimated using Cl in groundwater than insoil water because extraction of water from the soil gen-erally requires additional dilution. The CMB approachspatially integrates recharge over areas upgradient fromthe measurement point. Spatial scales range from~200 m (G.A. Harrington, CSIRO, personal communica-tion, 2000) to several kilometers (Wood and Sanford1995). The time scales range from years to thousands ofyears.

Numerical modelingEarly estimates of groundwater recharge were made bygraphical analysis of flow nets for both unconfined andconfined aquifers (Cedegren 1989); however, this ap-proach has largely been replaced by groundwater flowmodels. Groundwater-model calibration or inversion isused to predict recharge rates from information on hy-draulic heads, hydraulic conductivity, and other parame-ters (Sanford 2002, this volume). Because recharge andhydraulic conductivity are often highly correlated, modelinversion using hydraulic-head data only is limited to es-timating the ratio of recharge to hydraulic conductivity(Fig. 5). The reliability of the recharge estimates dependson the accuracy of the hydraulic-conductivity data. Be-cause hydraulic conductivity ranges over several ordersof magnitude, estimation of recharge rates using modelcalibration may not be very accurate. The estimated re-charge is often nonunique because the same distributionof hydraulic heads can be produced with a range of re-charge rates, as long as the ratio of recharge to hydraulicconductivity remains the same (Fig. 5). Recharge andhydraulic conductivity are fixed for steady-state simula-tions, whereas transient simulations reproduce temporalvariations in recharge that further constrain the rechargeestimates.


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0176-2

Recent studies have used joint inversions that com-bine hydraulic heads and groundwater ages to furtherconstrain inverse modeling of recharge (Reilly et al.1994; Szabo et al. 1996; Portniaguine and Solomon1998). Manual trial and error procedures or automatedprocedures, which use nonlinear regression betweenmeasured and simulated data, are used. Whereas hydrau-lic heads are sensitive to the ratio of recharge to hydrau-lic conductivity, groundwater ages are sensitive to the ra-tio of recharge to porosity (Portniaguine and Solomon1998). Use of both head and age data provides con-straints on recharge, hydraulic conductivity, and porosi-ty. Because these three parameters are highly correlated,a unique solution requires information on one of them.Porosity generally varies much less than recharge or hy-draulic conductivity; therefore, porosity can be estimatedfor the system (Portniaguine and Solomon 1998). Auto-mated inversions provide information on the nonunique-ness of the solutions. Joint inversions were used to esti-mate zonal recharge rates that range from 10 to2,000 mm/year at a site in the US (Portniaguine and Solomon 1998). Spatial scales are generally much great-er than those for unsaturated-zone modeling and rangefrom several meters squared to 1,000,000 km2 or greater.Time scales generally range from days to 100 years be-cause of the availability of hydrologic data.

Mixing-cell models (compartment models, lumpedmodels, and black-box models) have been used to delin-eate sources of recharge and estimate recharge rates onthe basis of chemical and isotopic data. The hydrologicsystem is treated as a series of interconnected cells orcompartments, which are fully mixed internally. Eachcell can have more than one input and output. Fluxes be-tween cells are varied iteratively until a good fit betweenmeasured and simulated hydrologic, chemical, and/orisotopic data is obtained. An estimate of the mean re-charge to the system is calculated by dividing the vol-ume of the system by the mean residence time. Allisonand Hughes (1975) used a mixing-cell model based onconservation of 3H to assess the relative contribution of

Fig. 5 Relation between change in recharge and change in hy-draulic conductivity. Groundwater-model calibration using hy-draulic heads only provides information on the ratio of recharge tohydraulic conductivity. Model error can be minimized using awide range of recharge and hydraulic-conductivity values if the ra-tio between recharge and hydraulic conductivity is constant.(Modified from Luckey et al. 1986)

lateral inflow from a mountain range and rechargethrough the unsaturated zone. Yurtsever and Payne(1986) used a nine-compartment mixing-cell model hav-ing shallow, intermediate, and deep reservoirs to repro-duce discharge and 3H concentrations in a large karstsystem in southern Turkey. Hydrochemical and isotopicdata were used by Adar et al. (1992) to define a mixing-cell model in the Arava Valley, Israel. Multivariate clus-ter analysis was used to define recharge sources and de-lineate mixing cells. Mass-balance equations were devel-oped for each cell on the basis of conservation of water,dissolved chemical species, and isotopes. These equa-tions were solved simultaneously for unknown rechargerates into the various cells.

Comparison of Range of Recharge Rates and Spatialand Temporal Scales of the Various Techniques

The various techniques for quantifying recharge differ inthe range of recharge rates that they estimate (Fig. 6) andthe space and time scales they represent (Figs. 7 and 8).The range of recharge rates estimated with a particulartechnique should be evaluated on a site-specific basis byconducting detailed uncertainty analyses that include un-certainties in the conceptual model and in the input andoutput parameters. The ranges shown in Fig. 6 are basedprimarily on measured ranges from the literature dis-cussed previously and provide some indication of possi-ble ranges for each technique. Numerical-modeling ap-proaches can generally be used to estimate any range inrecharge rates; however, the reliability of these rechargeestimates should be evaluated in terms of the uncertain-ties in the model parameters. Some techniques have defi-nite restrictions on the recharge rates that they can esti-mate. Surface-applied and historical tracers in the unsat-urated zone require a minimum recharge rate to transportthe tracers through the root zone. In addition, historicaltracers in the saturated zone, such as 3H/3He, require aminimum recharge rate of ~30 mm/year to confine the3He. Use of environmental tracers, such as Cl, is one ofthe few techniques that can estimate very low rechargerates and is generally more accurate in this range. Theupper range of recharge rates shown for the various tech-niques (Fig. 6) generally reflects the measured rates inthe literature and may not reflect a true upper limit forthe technique. Upper recharge limits for applied and his-torical tracers in the unsaturated zone may reflect limita-tions of the thickness of the unsaturated zone or the abil-ity to locate these tracers at depth. In many cases whererecharge rates are high, the unsaturated zone is not verythick. Analytical uncertainties in Cl measurements anduncertainties in Cl inputs restrict the upper range of re-charge rates that can be estimated with the CMB tech-nique.

The surface areas represented by the recharge esti-mates vary markedly among the different techniques(Fig. 7). In general, many techniques based on unsaturat-ed-zone data provide point estimates or represent rela-


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-0010176-2

tively small areas, whereas some of the surface-watertechniques and many of the groundwater approaches re-present much larger areas. Surface-water techniques suchas seepage meters and heat tracers provide point esti-mates of recharge. Watershed modeling can be used toestimate recharge rates over a large range of scales, asshown by previous studies (up to 500,000 km2; Arnold etal. 2000). Although many of the unsaturated-zone tech-niques provide point estimates of recharge, such esti-mates may represent much larger areas, as shown bycomparisons of point estimates from several basins(Phillips 1994) and by relating point data to geomorphicsettings (Scanlon et al. 1999a) in the southwestern US.In addition, electromagnetic induction has proved to be auseful tool to regionalize point estimates (Cook et al.1992; Scanlon et al. 1999b). Saturated-zone studies spa-tially integrate recharge fluxes over large areas. Thisspatial integration is important for water-resource assess-ments where large-scale estimates of recharge are oftenrequired. Using tracers to date water near groundwaterdivides may provide estimates of local recharge rates.

The time scales represented by recharge rates arevariable (Fig. 8). Many surface-water approaches pro-vide recharge estimates on short time scales (eventscales), and estimates over longer time scales are ob-

Fig. 6 Preferential flow shown by FD&C (Food Drug and Cos-metic) blue dye in structured soils (Scanlon and Goldsmith 1997)

Fig. 7 Unstable flow in the shallow subsurface at a site in theNetherlands (Hendrickx and Dekker 1991)


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0176-2

tained by summing those from individual events. Unsat-urated-zone techniques, such as lysimeters, zero-fluxplane, and applied tracers, and saturated-zone tech-niques, such as water-table fluctuations, provide re-charge estimates on event time scales also. These tech-niques are restricted to providing recharge estimates forthe length of the monitoring record. Numerical-modelingapproaches can be used to predict recharge over any timescale; however, recharge estimation based on climaticdata is generally restricted to about 100 years. The onlytechniques that can provide integrated, long-term esti-mates of recharge are tracers such as 36Cl, 3H, 3H/3He,CFCs, 14C, and Cl. Tracers are very useful for estimatingnet recharge over long time periods but generally do notprovide detailed time series information on variations inrecharge.

Application of Multiple Techniques

Because of uncertainties associated with each approachfor estimating recharge, the use of many different ap-proaches is recommended to constrain the recharge esti-mates. In many cases, different approaches complementeach other and help refine the conceptual model of re-charge processes. Examples of multiple approaches in-clude the use of various tracers in unsaturated zones(e.g., Cl, 36Cl, and 3H; Scanlon 1992; Cook et al. 1994;Nativ et al. 1995; Tyler et al. 1996; Prych 1998) and sat-urated zones (CFC-11, CFC-12, 3H/3He; Ekwurzel et al.1994; Szabo et al. 1996). Other studies have combinedsoil physics and environmental tracers (Scanlon et al.1999a) and also numerical modeling (Scanlon and Milly1994; Fayer et al. 1996).

Ideally, as many different approaches as possibleshould be used to estimate recharge. Techniques basedon data from surface water and unsaturated and saturatedzones can also be combined. Sophocleous (1991) showshow unsaturated-zone water-balance monitoring couldbe combined with water-table fluctuations to increase thereliability of recharge estimates. Some studies have usedcatchment-scale surface-water models to provide esti-mates of recharge to groundwater models (Davies-Smith

et al. 1988; Handman et al. 1990); however, such an ap-proach assumes that no time lag occurs between infiltra-tion and groundwater recharge. More recently, surface-water and groundwater models have been integrated,such as the SWAT and MODFLOW codes by Sophocleousand Perkins (2000). This integrated model provides aframework for the total system that can be used to checkcontinuity and better constrain model parameters. Pa-rameter optimization is conducted by calibrating againstmultiple targets, such as groundwater levels, streamflowdata, and other data, that should result in more reliableresults than obtained when using watershed or ground-water models separately. In this integrated model, re-charge is constrained by an overall water budget for thesurface-water system, and stream–aquifer interactionsare constrained by the watershed model.

Recharge Estimation Related to Aquifer Vulnerability to Contamination

Spatial variability in recharge and preferential flowthrough the unsaturated zone are critical issues for con-taminant transport and for assessing aquifer vulnerabilityto contamination. The occurrence of focused flow andpreferential flow should be identified because they great-ly reduce transport times through the unsaturated zone.Quantifying recharge in areas subjected to preferentialflow is quite complicated. Whereas preferential flowmay be demonstrated using unsaturated-zone tracer ex-periments, recharge rates in areas of preferential flowshould be based on saturated-zone data because the satu-rated zone generally integrates contributions from pre-ferred pathways.

Preferential flow includes macropore flow and unsta-ble flow (Steenhuis et al. 1994). Macropore flow refersto flow along noncapillary-size openings such as those infractured chalk (Nativ et al. 1995), fractured basalts, ka-rst, and structured fine-grained sediments (Flury et al.1994). Macropore flow occurs mostly in humid sites thathave high precipitation (Gish and Shirmohammadi 1991)or in arid settings subjected to ponding. Applied tracerexperiments using organic dyes are often conducted at or

Fig. 8 Range of fluxes that canbe estimated using varioustechniques


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-0010176-2

near land surface to demonstrate preferential flow(Fig. 9). Unstable wetting fronts have been reported inseveral field sites (Glass et al. 1988; Hendrickx and Dekker 1991; Hendrickx et al. 1993; Fig. 10). Importantfactors in the development of unstable flow in porousmedia include layering of sediment (Hillel and Baker1988; Glass et al. 1989), air entrapment (Glass et al.1990), and water repellency (Hendrickx and Dekker1991; Dekker and Ritsema 1994).

The importance of preferential flow in assessing aqui-fer vulnerability to contamination depends on the type ofcontaminants. Preferential flow is much more importantfor contaminants that exceed health standards in theparts-per-billion range (e.g., pesticides) than the parts-per-million range (e.g., nitrate) (Steenhuis and Parlange1991). Nitrate contamination requires movement of thebulk of the pore water, which is much greater than thegenerally smaller water volume transported along pre-ferred pathways. Arrival of the first 1% of the chemical atthe groundwater is more readily accommodated by pref-erential flow than is the transport of the bulk of the mass.

Estimation of recharge in areas of preferential flow isdifficult. Preferential flow may be evidenced by multiplepeaks of thermonuclear tracers such as 36Cl and 3H in theunsaturated zone. For calculating recharge rates, the trac-

er center of mass rather than the tracer peak should beused, because the latter does not conserve mass. Deeppenetration of 3H (~20 m) beneath clay-rich playas in theSouthern High Plains, USA, is attributed to preferentialflow along cracks, as shown by blue-dye tracer experi-ments at the surface (Scanlon and Goldsmith 1997). Mi-gration of 3H to a depth of 12 m in fractured chalk in Is-rael resulted from preferential flow along fractures (Nativ et al. 1995). Water fluxes as great as 110 mm/yearwere calculated from the 3H data. Chloride concentra-tions in the unsaturated zone were insensitive to prefer-ential flow. High 36Cl/Cl ratios have been observed todepths of 440 m at Yucca Mountain (Liu et al. 1995;Flint et al. 2002, this volume), suggesting that preferen-tial flow occurs along fractures. Recharge rates could notbe calculated from these data because of uncertainties inflow-path lengths and average water contents along theflow paths. Estimation of recharge in areas of preferen-tial flow may be improved by focusing on areas whereflow from preferred pathways is integrated, such as inperched water in unsaturated systems or in groundwater.Chloride concentrations that are much lower in ground-water than in the unsaturated zone reflect the contribu-tion of preferred pathways in structured zones at a site inWestern Australia (Johnston 1987).

Fig. 9 Spatial scales represent-ed by various techniques for es-timating recharge. Point-scaleestimates are represented bythe range of 0 to 1 m

Fig. 10 Time periods repre-sented by recharge rates esti-mated using various tech-niques. Time periods for unsat-urated- and saturated-zone trac-ers may extend beyond therange shown


Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39 DOI 10.1007/s10040-001-0176-2

General Approach to Choosing a Technique for Recharge Estimation

The goal of the recharge study plays an important part indetermining appropriate techniques for quantifying re-charge because the objective determines the space/timescales required. Evaluation of water resources generallyrequires techniques that provide regional estimates of re-charge, whereas spatial variability of recharge and pref-erential flow are critical to contaminant transport or de-termination of aquifer vulnerability to contamination.Estimates of future recharge generally require numerical-modeling approaches. Background information on cli-mate; geomorphology, including topography; vegetation,irrigation, soil type, and permeability; physiographic set-ting; subsurface geology; and hydrology (water-tabledepth, gaining vs. losing streams) can be used to developa conceptual model of recharge at a site and to delineaterecharge sources. Sources and mechanisms of rechargemay also dictate the techniques to be used to quantify re-charge. Surface-water sources require techniques such aschannel water budgets, heat tracers, and water-table fluc-tuations. Climatic regions, e.g., arid vs. humid, have fun-damental differences in recharge that may require differ-ent approaches (Table 1). Surface-water and saturated-zone techniques are more widely used in humid regions,whereas unsaturated-zone techniques are widely used inarid and semiarid regions. Watershed-modeling ap-proaches may be more accurate in humid regions, whereperennial surface-water flow can be used for model cali-bration. Although historical tracers can be used in theunsaturated zone in humid regions, their use is limitedbecause of generally thin unsaturated zones and the easeof using such tracers in the saturated zone. Water-tablefluctuations and Darcy’s law could also be used in aridand semiarid regions where water tables are shallow.

The space and time scales of the various techniquesalso affect the choice of technique used. Surface-waterand groundwater approaches provide regional estimates

of recharge, whereas unsaturated-zone techniques gener-ally provide estimates at points or small scales (Fig. 7).However, point estimates may represent much larger ar-eas. Time scales of different approaches are variable(Fig. 8). Surface-water approaches provide recharge esti-mates on the time scale of events or longer by summingup events, whereas unsaturated-zone and saturated-zonetracers provide recharge estimates over long periods (≤ thousands of years), which may be important for stud-ies related to disposal of radioactive waste. Long-termrecharge estimates provided by tracers are not always ad-vantageous, however, because they do not provide de-tailed information on variations in recharge over time.

The estimated recharge rate at a site may determinethe most appropriate procedures for quantifying rechargebecause different techniques measure recharge over dif-ferent ranges (Fig. 6). Initial estimates of recharge ratescan be obtained by analogy to other sites having similarclimatic and geomorphic settings or by numerical simu-lations that use existing climatic data. Water-table depthmay also be important because some techniques (e.g.,3H/3He, CFCs) are used only in areas of relatively shal-low (≤10 m) water tables.

The required accuracy and reliability of recharge esti-mates influence the choice of technique. Saturated-zonetechniques generally provide recharge estimates that aremore reliable because they estimate actual recharge,whereas surface-water and unsaturated-zone techniquesestimate potential recharge. With the exception of lysi-meters, water-budget approaches are generally less accu-rate in semiarid and arid regions than in humid regions,because in dry areas recharge constitutes a smaller frac-tion of the water budget and the recharge term accumu-lates the errors in all the other terms of the water-budgetequation (Gee and Hillel 1988). Techniques that requirehydraulic-conductivity data, such as Darcy methods andunsaturated- and saturated-zone models, are inherentlyinaccurate because hydraulic conductivity can vary overseveral orders of magnitude. Various sources of uncer-

Table 1 Appropriate tech-niques for estimating rechargein regions with arid, semiarid,and humid climates

Hydrologic zone Technique

Arid and semiarid climates Humid climate

Surface water Channel water budget Channel water budgetSeepage meters Seepage metersHeat tracers Baseflow dischargeIsotopic tracers Isotopic tracersWatershed modeling Watershed modeling

Unsaturated zone Lysimeters LysimetersZero-flux plane Zero-flux planeDarcy’s law Darcy’s lawTracers [historical (36Cl, 3H), Tracers (applied)environmental (Cl)]Numerical modeling Numerical modeling

Saturated zone – Water-table fluctuations – Darcy’s lawTracers [historical (CFCs, 3H/3He), Tracers [historical (CFCs, 3H/3He)]environmental (Cl, 14C)]Numerical modeling Numerical modeling

tainty include those related to measurement of hydraulicconductivity, applicability of data at the measurementscale (laboratory vs. field scale) to the scale of rechargecalculation, and spatial variability in hydraulic conduc-tivity. Uncertainties in hydraulic conductivity are evengreater in unsaturated systems than in saturated systemsbecause of nonlinear relationships between hydraulicconductivity and water content. These uncertainties in hy-draulic conductivity could readily result in order-of-mag-nitude uncertainties in recharge estimates. Uncertaintiesin recharge estimates based on tracer data include thoseassociated with measurement of tracer concentrations, es-timated inputs of tracers, and assumptions about tracertransport processes. These uncertainties are generally lessthan those associated with water-budget approaches ormethods that use hydraulic-conductivity data.

Additional concerns that can influence the choice oftechnique include time and expense constraints. If re-charge estimates have to be developed in a short time(months), then techniques based on long-term monitor-ing (several years) cannot be used. Tracer techniquesmay be more suitable because they generally require on-ly one-time sampling and may represent long time peri-ods. Cost of the various approaches may also be a con-sideration. Although sampling and analysis of chemicaland isotopic tracers are usually considered to be expen-sive, one-time sampling is generally sufficient; therefore,the costs may be less than those associated with long-term monitoring that require monitoring equipment andcontinual collection and analysis of data.

The process of recharge estimation is iterative and in-volves continual refinement of recharge rates as addi-tional data are collected. Multiple techniques should beused to estimate recharge because of uncertainties asso-ciated with each approach.


A wide variety of techniques is available for quantifyinggroundwater recharge; however, choosing appropriatetechniques for a particular site is not straightforward. At-tributes of the various techniques, including the range,space/time scales, and reliability of recharge estimatesare described because they determine which approachcan be used for different studies. The goal of the re-charge study is important in choosing a technique be-cause it affects the required space/time scales of the re-charge estimates. Typical study goals include water-resource evaluation, which requires recharge estimatesover large space and long time scales; and evaluation ofaquifer vulnerability to contamination, which requiresrecharge estimates over small space scales, includingpreferential flow and variable time scales. Most tech-niques based on data from unsaturated-zone approachesprovide recharge over relatively small spatial scales,whereas those based on data from surface-water andgroundwater approaches provide information over awide range in spatial scales. The range of recharge rates

that can be estimated by different techniques varies anddetermines, in part, which technique to apply. The reli-ability of the recharge estimates is also quite variable.Surface-water and unsaturated-zone approaches usuallyprovide estimates of potential recharge, whereas ground-water techniques generally provide information on actualrecharge, because water has reached the water table. Un-certainties associated with techniques that require hy-draulic-conductivity data are generally high because hy-draulic conductivity can vary over several orders of mag-nitude. Water-budget approaches may also have fairlyhigh uncertainties because errors in all terms accumulatein the recharge rates; however, these errors can be mini-mized by using small time steps. Tracer techniques maybe more accurate than other techniques. Models play avery useful role in the recharge estimation process. Theyare used to evaluate conceptual models, to determinesensitivity of recharge estimates to various parameters,and to predict how future changes in climate and landuse may affect recharge rates. Recharge estimation is aniterative process that includes refinement of estimates asadditional data are gathered. A wide variety of approach-es should be applied in estimating recharge in order toreduce uncertainties and increase confidence in rechargeestimates.

Acknowledgements The senior author acknowledges fundingfrom the Texas Water Development Board to evaluate rechargetechniques. The authors appreciate the reviews provided by AlanDutton, David Lerner, Robert Mace, and Marios Sophocleous.Publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau ofEconomic Geology.


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Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:347 DOI 10.1007/s10040-002-0200-1

Hydrogeology Journal (2002) 10:18–39

The x axis in figure 4 should have units of mg/L ratherthan mm/yr.

Figures 6 and 7 should be figures 9 and 10 and figures 8, 9, and 10 should be figures 6, 7, and 8.

Published online: 16 March 2002

© Springer-Verlag 2002

The online version of the original article can be found at

B.R. Scanlon (✉ )Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78713, USAe-mail: bridget.scanlon@beg.utexas.eduFax: +1-512-471-0140

R.W. HealyUS Geological Survey, MS 413, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225, USA

P.G. CookCSIRO, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064, Australia

ErratumChoosing appropriate techniques for quantifying groundwater rechargeBridget R. Scanlon · Richard W. Healy · Peter G. Cook