Choose The Best Advertising Agency in Lucknow

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Choose The Best Advertising Agency in Lucknow

Top Advertising Agency in Lucknow via releaseMyAd


Lucknow is the capital city of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. A majormetropolitan city of India, Lucknow is the administrative headquarters of theeponymous District and Division. It is the 8th most populous city of India andthe largest in Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow has always been known as amulticultural city that flourished as a North Indian cultural and artistic huband seat of Nawab power in the 18th and 19th centuries.


Our Journey

releaseMyAd started up in 2009, and we've been on anawesome ride ever since. From our beginnings as anewspaper advertising company to launching the firstonline advertising booking portal, we've tried to stay trueto our core beliefs and deliver an exceptional experienceto our clients. We owe a huge thanks to our happycustomers for joining us on this awesome journey, andwe hope that you'll continue to be a part of our story.releaseMyAd creates top ad agencies in Lucknow toincrease business growth with profit .


About UsreleaseMyAd has a best advertising agency based in Lucknow,

tells you how to do it. We plan and place your ads in the right medium, at the right time, in the right format and at the right cost. Be it newspaper advertising, radio advertising, cinema advertising or online advertising, we have the most effective solutions to all. From our beginnings as a newspaper advertising company to launching the first online advertising booking portal, we've tried to stay true to our core beliefs and deliver an exceptional experience to our clients. releaseMyAd is a reputed advertising agency which helps you capture the city’s audience in the most efficient way.Weprovide remedies to all kinds of advertising needs at the most reasonable prices!


RecognitionINS:(Indian Newspaper Society) Accreditation-anewspaper and media governing body which has beenensuring that all publications maintain their basicstandards of content and authenticity in newsreporting have accredited releaseMyAd. Thisrecognition ensures that advertisers are allowed tobook display ads in any Indian newspaper through ourbooking portal and helps us stay up-to-date with therules and regulations of the media industry

Google Partner: We are Google's chosen expertsproviding innovative and powerful digital marketingsolutions to SME advertisers who want to target anexpanded customer base. Take advantage of our SMEpartners' local knowledge, product expertise andaccess to Google technology to create high-performing local campaigns.


Our Services Media Planning: releaseMyAd uses

a combination of world class researchtechniques, deep experience andanalysis to determine with our clientswho their most likely, or mostdesired, customers are. We helps youdevelop the most suitable MediaPlan for your brand, keeping yourtarget audience in mind, based onthe different demographics of yourcity. We can give you best advertisingmethods in Lucknow throughNewspapers, Radio, Cinema and theInternet in the most strategicallyefficient way.


Media Buying:releaseMyAd offers commendable media buying

facilities to businessmen, marketers, proprietors, and all those who areseeking to advertise their brand across Lucknow and boost their sales.Our agency makes advertising simpler for advertisers by buying the bestmedia for you, which includes getting your adverts published in theleading newspapers of the city, or getting your brand live on the radio,getting your message seen and heard on cinema screens and makingyour brand presence felt on the web. Explore the ad agency fees inLucknow through releaseMyAd.



Creative Designing:Creative

advertising is more impactful,memorable, works with less mediaspending, and builds a high brandequity faster. Ad creativity helps youmake a statement and enables smallbrands to gain the confidence ofprospective customers. releaseMyAdensures you that our ad creatives willsuccessfully bridge the gap betweenyour brand and your audience.Lucknow creative advertising agencyoffers big advertisements in differentmedia platforms such as newspaper,radio & Cinema.

Newspaper advertising via releaseMyAd

ReleaseMyAd provides big newspaper ad agency in Lucknow . Book an Advertisement for all Indian Newspapers in different categories. NewspaperAdvertising agency has certain advantages:

• Newspaper ads potentially have unlimited exposure, as it is possible forreaders to view and review the ads as many times as they desire

• You have the complete freedom to design the size and shape of your ad

• Classified ads on newspapers generate enormous responses

• Newspaper classified ads are among the most financially viable ways toadvertise

List of Top Newspaper Ad Agency in Lucknow:


Radio advertising through releaseMyAd

Radio Ad agency in Lucknow is the perfect tool for advertisers, which successfully influences the purchasing decision of listeners.Radio Advertising has certain advantages:

• More economical than other forms of media

• The radio has an aesthetic appeal that helps you connect to your audiencethrough ads

• Carry out extensive campaigns over the radio

• Advertise effectively by targeting focus groups and demographics

List of Top Radio Stations in Lucknow:


Cinema advertising through releaseMyAd

ReleaseMyAd helps you to effortlessly conduct a cinema advertising agencies in Lucknow at the most affordable prices. Cinema Advertising has certain advantages:

• Your ad will be displayed in a distraction-free environment, having deep ramifications

• An ad seen on a big screen with exceptional sound quality enhances the brand image

• Production costs are low

List of Top Cinema Theatres in Lucknow:


Contact Us & Get Started


Customer Relations Office: DN18 Sector V, Saltee Tech Park, 10th Floor,Kolkata-700091, IndiaWebsite: book+lucknow@releasemyad.comPhone: 09830629298