Choice Villas & Apartments Italy

Post on 10-May-2015

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Italy From the mountains, lakes and great cities of the north, to the dreamy landscapes and rugged islands of the south, Italy has more variety, more culture and more to enjoy than you could possibly imagine.

Transcript of Choice Villas & Apartments Italy


Amalfi Coast, Campania, ©De Agostini Picture Library

From the mountains, lakes and great cities of the north, to the dreamylandscapes and rugged islands of the south, Italy has more variety, moreculture and more to enjoy than you could possibly imagine.

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ITALY IS A WORLD-FAMOUSCUISINE, THE MOSTGLAMOROUS CARS,FOOTBALLING LEGENDS,AND SOME OF THE MOSTBEAUTIFUL ART, MUSIC ANDARCHITECTURE THE WORLDHAS EVER SEEN, AS WELLAS ONE OF ITS GREATESTEMPIRES AND MOSTINFLUENTIAL LANGUAGES.Italy is a popular destination for holidays in all seasons. Italiansand international visitors mingle together in the famous resortsduring the summer months. Spring comes early and autumnlingers, perfect for leisurely enjoying the art and culture on offerin the large cities. And in winter, the Italian Alps are unequaledfor scenery and skiing.

Depending on the region, you could have a verydifferent experience in Italy. The NORTH is theindustrial and commercial powerhouse of thenation, and boasts many fascinating cities,including the region’s largest, Milan and Turin,as well as such delights as Venice, Verona andMantua. Ringed by the Alps, it also featuressome spectacular scenery – most famously theItalian Lakes that stretch from Switzerlandsouth-east into Venetia – and the resorts of theLigurian coast, known as the Italian Riviera.

The SOUTH is dominated by Naples; as well asbeing an unforgettable city in itself, it has the added attractionof nearby Mount Vesuvius and the excavations at Pompeii andHerculaneum. Campania has beautiful seas and architecturaltreasures of all eras and styles, and Abruzzo is known as "theregion of parks" with 30 per cent of its territory protected byenvironmental legislation, more than any other region in Europe.

The stunning beauty of nature of SARDINIA, the ancienttraditions, and the various expressions of Sardinian culture aremore authentic and more genuine than elsewhere, whether youchoose to enjoy the magnificent sea or visit museums, to studythe mystery of the "nuraghi" or to try a delicious typical dish.

SICILY is a sunny island whose landscape is rich in contrasts,with a splendid coastline and a refined, delicious and

varied cuisine of traditional flavours and exquisitearomas. Every style and every movement in art is

richly represented in Sicily.

Between north and south lies the Italy that hasbecome the beloved haunt of distinguishedcelebrities and their families. This is the cradleof the Roman Empire and the Renaissance,achievements whose legacy suffuses the region;

but it is also where you will find the archetypalItalian landscape of rugged, shrub-strewn hills

dozing in the golden light. From the pull of theEternal City of Rome, to regions rich in varied

countryside, the Adriatic sea, gentle hills, deep and mysteriouscaves and protected areas of natural beauty, CENTRAL Italyis a delightful destination enriched with towns, villages, palaces,and religious buildings, all of them of important architecturaland artistic value.

The‘Caves of

Matera’, Basilicata,are one of the most

peculiar, ancient andextraordinary human

settlements in theworld

Gallipoli, Apulia ©De Agostini Picture Library

Fact fileNORTHERN ITALY has some of the world'smost renowned winter sports resorts, easilyreached from Torino, chief city of the westernmostPiemonte region; from Milano, hub of the centralmountain and lake district; and from Venezia,leading city of the eastern region. Skiing is also asummer sport in the Torino Alps and the loftymountains surrounding the Valle d’Aosta.

The Italians love the BICYCLE so if cycling isyour thing, then there is no better place. Fromflats to rolling hills to steep climbs, the scenery,villages, history, art and landscape will inspire youevery day with new surprises. Spring and autumnare the best times of the year for cycling in Italy.

Most of the year the BEACHES are sunny andwith 5,310 miles of shoreline bordering Italy andits islands, you can usually find waters where thetemperature is right for swimming.

Mirroring the snow-covered Alps that surroundthem, the LAKES of Lombardy welcome touriststo Italy. The three largest lakes are Maggiore (82sq.miles), Como (56 sq.miles), and Garda (143sq.miles). They provide a busy season ofswimming, sailing, golf and tennis from earlyspring to the late mild autumn.

Italian style has always been associated withcreativity and elegance. One of the most successfulareas of Italian design has beenAUTOMOBILES, where designers likePininfarina have created works of art like theFerrari and more down-to-earth cars like thePeugeot 205 and the Fiat Uno. There are 10 topdesign firms for cars, all concentrated aroundTurin, the centre of Italian auto manufacturing.


Official language Italian

Average summer temperatures (July)Rome: 25Milan: 24Naples: 26Sardinia: 24Sicily: 26

Currency Euro

Average flying time from UKLondon–Rome 21/2 hours

Did you know?

Summer temperatures in the southare far hotter than in the north -especially in the mountain regionswhich have heavy winter snowfalls.The wettest months are October toDecember.

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet wasset in Verona, Italy.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) thefamous Renaissance painter was alsoa sculptor, architect, engineer andscientist.

Temple of Concord, Valley of the Temples, Sicily ©De Agostini Picture Library

Elba Island, Tuscany ©De Agostini Picture Library

Paradise Beach, Sardinia

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