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Transcript of Chocolate






by Russ Michael

Russ Michael is a best-selling author

of more than 30 BLOCKBUSTER self-help books



CHOCOLATE For HEALTH The Amazing Ingredients & Benefits of CHOCOLATE

© 2008 by Russ Michael. All rights remain in force.

Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse.

Copyright strictly enforced © 2008 by Russ Michael Front Cover Art: A highly talented volunteer Russ Michael eBook Team artist who prefers to remain anonymous created the beautiful front cover art for this book and for most of the other Russ Michael eBooks. The artist states:

“I just have to say this. Because of this immense ef-fort that I have been putting forth, it has kept me co-herent, sane and remaining in the light. It has kept me happy, moving forward in creative endeavors, and most of all, ALIVE. Thank you, dear Michael, for your giving freely to all that have ‘ears to hear, and eyes to see” of yourself, and that you are fulfilling the reasons that you came back into this life at 18 years old. Whenever you embark on ANY journey, you do it in a BIG way … and that is incredible. A wonderful example to ALL …”

Edited by Pamela Leach

email: TEL: 616-642-0308

Published by: Russ Michael Books P.O. Box 654 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 USA



For the Love of Chocolate

Dedicated with love and gratitude to

each and every one of my companion ar-

dent chocolate lovers on Earth.

May your family, friends and everyone

you know be pleased and uplifted to dis-

cover you are a bearer of such wonderful

good news about the factual high nutri-

tional value of CHOCOLATE.

Bless us all.

Ed Robertson says, “Finally a real ‘save the

Earth’ motivation:

Save the Earth;

It's the only planet with chocolate.”



LEGAL NOTICE: The Author specifi-

cally invokes the First Amendment

rights of freedom of speech and of the

press in this book without prejudice.

All information given in this book is pre-

sented for educational and research pur-

poses only under the rights guaranteed by

the First Amendment of the Constitution

for the United States of America, and

should not in any way be used as a substi-

tute for the advice of a physician or other

licensed health care practitioner. The

statements contained herein have not been

evaluated by the FDA. The products dis-

cussed herein are not intended to diagnose,

cure, prevent or treat any disease. In no

way should this information be considered

to be a substitute for competent health care

by a professional of your choice. If you use

this information without your doctor's ap-

proval, you are simply prescribing for your-

self, which is your constitutional right.


Table of Contents

Preface by Author ................................................... ix

1 Are You A CHOCOLATE Queen or

A CHOCOLATE King–Like Me .................... 1

2 The World Is Full of CHOCOLATE Lovers .... 5

3 Who Can Resist Tasty, Sweet, Mouth-

Watering Quality CHOCOLATE .................. 10

4 Look Out! Heating Foods is Known to

Destroy Nutrient Value .................................. 18

5 The Soothing Sedative and Calming

Value of CHOCOLATE ................................... 20

6 Beware of Inferior CHOCOLATE Bars

or CHOCOLATE Drink Products .................. 24

7 CHOCOLATE Lovers UNITE ........................ 26

8 ORAC, HORAC or NORAC Scientific

Nutrient Value Gauge .................................. 36

9 Common Foods With a High ORAC

Value ................................................................ 40

10 CHOCOLATE Has the Highest ORAC

Nutrient Value ................................................ 42

11 What Doctors Say About CHOCOLATE ...... 44

12 Historical Known Medical Uses of

CHOCOLATE .................................................. 50

13 Are Deadly Cancer Cells Fearful of

CHOCOLATE? ................................................ 54

14 The Many Health Benefits of

CHOCOLATE .................................................. 58


15 CHOCOLATE and a Happy, Healthy

Heart .............................................................. 60

16 CHOCOLATE Discovered To Lower

Blood Pressure ............................................. 68

17 Can CHOCOLATE Help Diabetics

Feel Better? ..................................................... 70

18 Does Eating CHOCOLATE Daily Help

` You LOSE WEIGHT? .................................... 74

19 CHOCOLATE & Age Reversal .................... 78

20 Where and What Does CHOCOLATE

Come From? .................................................... 80

21 The Divine CHOCOLATE Bean ..................... 82

22 Medical Values of Pure High-Grade

CHOCOLATE .................................................. 84

23 The Ultra Value of Cold-Pressed

CHOCOLATE .................................................. 88

24 The Fun of Eating CHOCOLATE .................. 92

25 CHOCOLATE Is Big Business Worldwide .... 94

26 From Home Kitchen to More Than 300

Million CHOCOLATE Sales in 5 Years ......... 98

27 CHOCOLATE Health Drinks Beat Out

Other Drinks in ORAC Value Greatly ......... 100

28 Guideline to Shopping For Highest

Quality CHOCOLATE .................................. 104

29 Your Body Deserves the Best Quality

CHOCOLATE ................................................ 106

30 Join Me In Spreading the ‘GOOD WORD’

About Our So Lovable CHOCOLATE ........ 110


Alarming Facts About the FDA ................. 113


Tax Facts Taxing Facts Relative to Our

Health and Personal Well Being .................. 113

Recommended High Vibration Books and

Study Data .............................................................. 118

What People Are Saying ........................................ 122

More Offerings by Russ Michael ............................ 136

Final Note from the Author Scribe ........................ 143


Preface by Author

Tell me now, who does not like choco-late? Since somewhere between six and seven billion people live on Earth today, it is probably no exaggeration to say that there are a billion of us lucky enough to live the good life and who really and pas-sionately love chocolate.

Note: To love chocolate is a quantum leap greater than to merely like choco-late. People who merely like chocolate perhaps account for yet another billion or more chocolate buyers, nibblers and munchers on our Earth.

Let's face it, some chocolate buyers and eaters may have not yet reached the maturity, the more refined vibratory evo-lutionary stage, where they have learned to love chocolate.

All in all, this still accounts for bil-lions of chocolate nibblers, tasters, munchers or occasional imbibers who enjoy getting their taste buds “high” or who satisfy their craving for sweets with a daily dose or more of sweet-tasting, mouth-watering chocolate.


Since you are reading a book titled CHOCOLATE for Health, it is a good guess that you may even BE the family-acclaimed chocolate Queen or a famed chocolate King or even, like me, a proud “chocoholic.”

If so, I am sure you will enjoy learning why and how chocolate not only tastes good, but is also one of the most nutri-tious and healthiest foods. Chocolate’s many benefits revealed here were tested under laboratory and clinical conditions by reliable, concerned human health re-searchers and health specialists.

Three cheers for chocolate! Bless us all.

I am, Russ Michael



Chapter 1


Like Me?

ome folks have gone past the stage of liking or loving chocolate. As noted, many have been fun-heartedly identified by family,

friends, work associates and everyone else close enough to know them as genu-ine chocolate Queens or Kings, or even as chocoholics.

Yes, I too confess–I am one!

Are you one? If so–don't be shy, con-fess it, admit it. Be proud to be what you are!

It is no crime against yourself or hu-manity to be a chocolate lover or a real-life long-reigning chocolate Queen or King, or even a chocoholic!

In fact, pull yourself and your spirits up to your full height. Here is why:



You personally have chosen what has been tested and found to be one of the top nutritional foods on Earth, the choco-late we love!

So do not let anyone bully or badger you out of enjoying your occasional or daily treat of ultra-healthy, luscious high-grade chocolate bars or highly nutritious chocolate health drink.

Stand your ground. Once you read this book, you will know far more factu-ally than any chocolate critic!

Let any uninformed chocolate detrac-

tors know the leading-edge nutritional

facts about the extraordinary nutritional

value of chocolate. Let them know “the

good news” that you can now happily

share as a well-informed chocolate lover.

Chocolate has recently been widely tested at prestigious universities and by doctors and health specialists in reputa-ble and reliable laboratories. It’s official. Chocolate, especially raw dark chocolate, is a highly nutritious and top-rated health food.


The facts speak for themselves. You might want to study and memorize some of the results of recent studies about chocolate that are included in this book. Chocolate is more healthful than anyone could have imagined or dreamed.

Give thanks! The facts are in. Search the Internet–the only remaining true worldwide source where truth about nu-tritional facts can be found, not just those bought, paid for and published by dark corporate profit interests.

We chocoholics and chocolate lovers ought to be wearing a gold medal or a “badge of honor” instead of being accused of overdoing our daily natural taste for sweets and often “gorging” on chocolate treats. At some intuitive or inner physical gut level, we knew–probably at first taste–that since chocolate tasted so incredibly good it had to be good for us. Yes, choco-late definitely is that–and much, much more!

Chocolate is good for body, heart, mind and soul.

Therefore, unenlightened chocolate detractors beware! When you open your


mouth to be critical, you are better off putting a sweet piece of dark raw choco-late into it instead of your own big foot. (Grin)


Chapter 2

The World is full of Chocolate Lovers

et's come back to my initial ques-tion. Who does not love chocolate?

Chocolate will soothe and tantalize our craving for something sweet like nothing else except, perhaps, honey–another tasty and natural ultra-healthy food.

Ed Robertson, of Virginia Beach, Vir-ginia–whom I know for a fact is a long-reigning, self-admitted chocolate King–is quick to share his so very well stated, long-lived credo with us. Ed smilingly states the equation that he loves to share with his many friends: “PIECE of choco-late = PEACE of mind!”

Over the years of a long friendship, be assured that Ed and I have enjoyed many wild, ravishing, adventurous chocolate party binges. Many included chocolate ice cream, chocolate cheesecake, chocolate mousse, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate



bars and other newly discovered choco-late treats. As you must know, it feels good to feast on chocolate treats with someone who shares your avid love of chocolate.

Ed Robertson and I are fully matched chocoholics, so it really does not matter who takes the lead and who follows. When it comes to either one of us having a need for a “chocolate fix,” we both know we can count on the other faithful, time-tested connoisseur of chocolate to join in any sudden new chocolate feast with equal passion and zest.

Did you know that in the USA, each person eats and drinks an average of 12 pounds of chocolate per year?

Imagine the total volume of chocolate consumed worldwide.

Who could contest the fact that the world is full of chocolate lovers!

Since you were drawn to read these pages, my guess would be that you are also one of the myriad of us who are out in the open, transparent, self-admitted chocoholics! Most of us are humbly proud to admit it.


By the time you finish reading this book, you will know and appreciate even more deeply and fully why chocolate has been enjoyed and loved for thousands of years in almost every civilized place on Earth.

Hats off to self-certified, self-chosen, self-confessed, genuine chocolate lovers.



Chapter 3

Who Can Resist Tasty, Sweet, Mouth-Watering Qual-


erhaps, instead of asking who can resist the sweet mouth-watering taste of chocolate, I should re-phrase the question: “Who in their

heart does not love chocolate?”


There are literally two parties involved in making our 3-D body, mind and soul, decisions; our mind and our heart.


The mind thinks it knows best, yet it never does. Your mind, in ignorance, may stubbornly try to talk you out of the sweet pleasure of enjoying a daily choco-late treat like a tasty chocolate bar, a steaming hot chocolate drink or a newly discovered chocolate dessert special.

As you may have already observed and know, the mind listens to what others say



or think. It really does not walk in the same shoes as your physical human body and heart does. My suggestion is to ig-nore it.

Your mind, if not already well disci-plined, will argue that everyone around you is in full-step agreement with it. Your mind simply does not know the truth. Your mind is often managed by a ruth-less, self-serving ego that cares nothing about the truth, and without conscience, will consciously lie in order to have its own determined way.

Remember, you are NOT your mind. It was gifted to you as a tool, not to be your master. A mind is a wonderful, powerful and faithful personal servant when well trained.

Without factual evidence to prove it, your ego-backed mind will “rain on your parade.” Your mind will declare with a self-satisfied smirk that chocolate is fat-tening. If you are not listening, or choos-ing to ignore it, your mind will kick and scream that your pure natural craving for a delectable piece of chocolate is an abso-lute “no-no!”


Let's face it. Unless well trained and highly disciplined, our minds want to be our bosses. Even when we staunchly ig-nore our minds and shamelessly indulge in our daily chocolate cravings, our dis-gruntled minds leap up and try to talk each and all of us out of the sweet, sen-tient joy that we feel with every sip or bite of heart-warming chocolate


Your heart knows better. The mind thinks but the heart knows. A whole di-mension or an entire world of difference is involved in the outcome for you.

Your knowing, loving heart knows and follows that innermost divine cardinal rule of life that is ingrained in your DNA or cellular genetics–”what feels good is good.”

This rule, imprinted in our genes and our DNA, was already known by all of us before our bodily birth. This rule is worth repeating and holding before us at all times: “What feels good is good.”

Your heart knows that your body, my body, and the body, mind and soul of any chocolate lover lives and grows naturally,


by following or acting upon what triggers it into feeling good.

Let's face the truth.

Feeling “bad” is a real downer while feeling good naturally uplifts our body, mind and soul. I can hear my quick-witted chocolate buddy Ed Robertson spring up to say, “Chocolate is good for the spirits.”

The heart is no fool like the ego mind. The spark of your ‘I Am’ life within your heart knows what it knew before it was birthed in a human body. It knows that if chocolate makes your body feel good–if it uplifts your body, mind and spirit–chocolate is good.

Most of my book readers know already that most new words are sourced or de-rived from other known and used words, and a specific word can be a simple or clearly obvious ”corruption” of another word.

In light of this, it's obvious that the word GOOD is a “corruption” of the word GOD. It is why the phrase “God is good and good is GOD” is an absolute truth that holds throughout all Creation.


God is not “bad.” God is good!

What feels good and tastes good is good. What feels good–under any and all occasions–translates to a personal feeling of more of GOD Source being merged or embodied in our ‘I Am’ self identity at a sentient or sensual human, animal or even plant level.

You know how good dogs or cats feel when you pet them. You transmit your love to them through your hands and through the caring, loving tone of your voice.

Even live plants tested in laboratories, wired with sensors by scientists, show that plants, like all other life forms, can and do feel bad or good.

A plant measurably expands with vi-tality. It grows and flourishes when a lab technician or scientist sends a loving, caring stream of thought or genuinely felt appreciation toward it.

However, that same happy, healthful plant will cringe, contract and grow sickly, when exposed to thoughts of hate or simply exposed to harsh music such as hard rock or heavy metal. In addition,


that distressed plant will wither and die if exposed too long to continual bursts or steady streams of any kind of negative vibrations.

Now then, back to our grand angelic humanly embodied kingdom on Earth. The heart within all chocolate lovers worldwide knows that chocolate is good. Why? Simply because every taste of chocolate brings such an irresistible, ul-tra-high vibratory and pleasing taste sen-sation that instantly communicates a wave of good feeling to all of our body cells and senses.

So rise up! Take charge of your body and your humanly embodied life-stream. Be kind always, but be firm and tell your mind to “take a flying leap.”

With conscious effort and in due time, your mind can be trained to be an in-stant, powerful and faithful servant of your body for Well Being on all human and divine fronts.

Meanwhile, until your mind is mature and responsible, trust your heart.

Your heart knows what is good for you. By nature, your heart knows that


eating chocolate is good for your body, mind and soul.



Chapter 4

Look Out! Heating Foods Is Known To Destroy Nutrient Value

ealth research tests have shown raw cacao powder delivers around seven times the amount of healthful antioxidants to your

body than cooked cacao powder. This amounts to approximately a 723 percent increase in nutritional benefit.

If you are not familiar with the fact that heat-processed foods rob your body of most of the essential vitamins and minerals it needs, take or make the time to search the internet for information about it.

I especially recommend the book Raw Food Family, a delightful true story of how the Boutenko family of four lost a great amount of excessive weight and re-covered from all of their ills. They were all restored to a natural extraordinary health of body, mind and soul by staying on a



daily regime of raw foods only. Contact Victoria, the dear mother of the super-healthful Boutenko raw food family at

Now that you are equipped with this knowledge, you are fully prepared to un-derstand why and how cold-processed chocolate lives up to the claims of being the highest rated ORAC tested foods known on Earth today.


Chapter 5

The Soothing Sedative and Calming Value of


he praises and now well-known, well-proven, time-tested health values of chocolate are surfacing in health research circles more and

more each day. Among all these heart-warming revelations is the now emerging wonderful good news that chocolate has a known sedative effect that soothes and calms our body and mind.

Professor Gordon Parker, a psychia-trist and the director of the Black Dog In-stitute in Sydney, states that chocolate can activate the same chemical reactions as various anti-depressant drugs.

He compares snacking on a bit of chocolate, which aids his patients to calm their stress or anxiety, to moving them-selves voluntarily into the category of treating themselves with a natural form of self-medication.



Biologists have noted that when you eat chocolate there are two easily seen body chemistry or chemical related ef-fects.

Chocolate triggers the body to release the mentally and emotionally uplifting hormones known as endorphins. “These endorphins provide us all with a comfort-ing, good feeling sensation,” says Doctor Parker.

Chocolate falls in the category or list of foods that the body naturally and wisely craves because it is a food rich in a substance called L-tryptophan.

L-tryptophan helps increase higher levels of the calming agent serotonin in the brain.

Nature knows how to do it best!

Eating and basking one's whole being in the delectable lingering taste of choco-late is nature's own self-therapy for our sacred, priceless sentient human bodies.

Dr. Parker says he has learned from studying his patients that many of them crave chocolate when feeling stressed or jittery. Thus by giving in and satisfying


that craving, they naturally fulfill their hearts inner desire for a more relaxed and stress-free state through the almost in-stant natural calming effect of a “choco-late fix.”

So be it.



Chapter 6

Beware of Inferior Chocolate Bars or Drink Products

hat exactly is an inferior choco-late bar or an inferior chocolate drink?

Indeed our own being can and does tell us on the spot whether something tastes good or not to our own sense of taste. An inferior tasting chocolate bar or drink sends its own specific message to our body and brain. We do not need to be rocket scientists to figure out which brands of chocolate tastes superior.

However, I am directing your attention specifically to other more vital telltale fac-tors that chocolate lovers ought to know.

In terms of health and nutritional value factors, a chocolate bar or drink can be measured from three major per-spectives.

FIRST: What percentage of high qual-ity chocolate is in each serving?



SECOND: Was the chocolate cold-pressed or heated when processed by the manufacturer?

THIRD: What kind of natural–or un-natural–additives (if any) are in it?

We will probe into these factors, and their importance to the health of con-sumers and lovers of chocolate in the fol-lowing chapters.

Bless us all.


Chapter 7


lease, if you are a chocolate lover and you value high standard chocolate, read and evaluate every statement and word published in

this book. When standards are lowered, the manufacturers and sales distributors automatically gain a much higher income at your and my personal expense. The warning flag is up!

When enough of us learn about any conspiracy to lower the standards of chocolate or any health product or envi-ronmental standard, we must unite as one powerful body standing together for truth. By doing so, we become an un-stoppable, invincible force that can and will maintain our rights to make our own well-informed sovereign choices about any natural food of our choice on Earth.

The following article was published in the The Virginian-Pilot on August 12, 2007:



Would You Eat Chocolate Made with Vegetable Oil?

By Andrew Bridges, The Associated Press

LIKE MANY BATTLES, this one is being

fought block by block. Victory, for whomever

prevails, will be sweet or bitter–or even bitter-


It all depends on how you like your choco-


At stake is the very definition of chocolate,

and whether cheaper vegetable oils can be

substituted for what many consider the very

quintessence of every block, bar and square

of chocolate: cocoa butter.

In Europe, the cocoa butter vs. vegetable

oil fight took 30 years to resolve. In the United

States, it’s been less than a year since the

first volley. Hundreds of ‘chocoholics’ have

joined the fray, the outcome of which could in

turn affect the livelihoods of millions of cocoa

farmers in Africa and South America.

It all began in October, when a dozen in-

dustry groups filed a petition with the Food

and Drug Administration seeking to amend the


standards that guide how nearly 300 foods

can be produced, from canned cherries to

evaporated milk.

Broadly speaking, the so-called standards

of identity are intended to ensure listed prod-

ucts contain the right amount of key ingredi-

ents and are both properly made and not

deceptively packaged. For example, chocolate

in its purest state–the “liquor” made from

ground, processed cacao beans –must con-

tain between 50 percent and 60 percent cocoa

butter, also known as cocoa fat.

The Grocery Manufacturers Association,

Chocolate Manufacturers Association and 10

other food industry groups want more flexibil-

ity in those rigid standards. They seek broad

permission to add ingredients, use different

techniques, employ new shapes and substi-

tute ingredients–something the standards cur-

rently don’t allow.

The petitioners say it’s all about moderniz-

ing antiquated standards that now can take

years to change.

“If you’re trying to innovate, the process is

not amenable to introducing change in a rea-


sonable amount of time. It’s not efficient,” said

Regina Hildwine, the Grocery Manufacturers

Association’s senior director of food labeling

and standards.

Opponents of the change say it’s out of

step with the times.

“It’s a real philosophical thing, just about

the foods we eat. There is such a focus on

people’s wanting to know what’s in the foods

they eat, how they’re grown, where they come

from–this seems to fly against the direction of

the way things are moving,” said Gary Guit-

tard, the president of California’s Guittard

Chocolate Co. and a leader of the opposition.

The broadly written petition skimps on the

details but includes an appendix that lists ex-

amples of proposed changes. Tucked be-

tween requests to allow antifungals on bulk

cheese and powdered milk in yogurt is what

has people riled up the most: a proposal that

would let manufacturers “use a vegetable fat

in place of another vegetable fat named in the

standard (e.g. cacao fat).”

Manufacturers already can use vegetable

fats instead of cocoa butter–they just can’t call


it “chocolate.” Hundreds of people have filed

comments with the FDA, with the overwhelm-

ing majority seeking to keep it that way, ac-

cording to an Associated Press review of the


“It is a passionate debate. You don’t get

that about yogurt. People feel very protective

about their chocolate,” said Beth Kimmerle,

author of Chocolate: The Sweet History.

The FDA has yet to completely analyze

the petition.

“Greater flexibility is one of the goals of our

modernization. However, we always have to

look at whether it results in a food that retains

the basic nature of the food, retain the essen-

tial character of the food and is something that

consumers expect. So that would be very dif-

ficult to do in a very short time,” said Gerald-

ine June, a supervisor in the regulations and

review team of the agency’s food labeling and

standards staff.

For centuries, if not millennia, chocolate

has been made from the cacao bean, with co-

coa butter as an essential ingredient. That in-

gredient is the essence of the taste, texture


and “mouth feel” of chocolate, according to

Jay King, president of the Retail Confectioners

International, an industry group.

Allowing chocolate in the United States to

be made with vegetable oils could have an

“extraordinary and unfortunate impact” on

those millions, Steven J. Laning, an executive

with Archer Daniels Midland Co.’s cocoa divi-

sion, wrote to the FDA.

But the shift would make chocolate

cheaper to produce, since cocoa butter can be

at least four times the cost of shea, palm oil

and other vegetable fats.

The petition comes as scientists find evi-

dence that suggests chocolate–when eaten in

moderation–can lower blood pressure, among

its other health benefits.

Chocolate makers have capitalized on

those findings and trotted out products they

tout as healthful, especially dark chocolates

high in flavanols, antioxidants found in cacao


“It just seems to position chocolate in a

murky field, especially now with all this great


news about its health benefits coming into the

light,” Kimmerle said. “It feels like a better time

to get clearer about standards.”

Jeff Chiu of The Associated Press


Industry groups filed a petition with the

Food and Drug Administration seeking to

amend the standards that guide the produc-

tion of chocolate. The proposal would let

manufacturers “use a vegetable fat in place of

another vegetable fat named in the standard

(e.g. cacao fat).” Manufacturers already can

use vegetable fats instead of cocoa butter–

they just can’t call it chocolate.

Ed Robertson–a life-long trusted,

highly regarded, greatly respected friend

of this author writes:

“Yes! I AM fully supportive of Saving

Chocolate!! Save the Whales, Save the Envi-

ronment, Save Health Care, save ‘fill in the

blank’, all worthy goals, but SAVE

CHOCOLATE!! Tops the lists of priorities!!!



Eat more chocolate now!! Tell chocolate

makers that we will continue to eat chocolate

as long as they use cocoa butter and their cof-

fers will overflow!! Then they will know how

much money they will lose when we stop eat-

ing chocolate if they put in any other type oil

(rapeseed being the most unforgivable)! This

will be a strong voice to the makers!

I am doing my part now by upping my

chocolate intake by going to the Heritage

Store and buying a box full of Fair Trade

chocolate and eating it as my way of lending

my voice to this issue!!

If you agree with the goal, but do not want

to eat the extra volume of chocolate, please

purchase a large supply and send it TO ME!! I

will see that it is properly used! (Address

available on request from publisher or author.)

Don't worry about any extra pounds I may

put on because if the chocolate makers get

foolish and change the oil, I will be going on a

Hunger Strike and will need the extra pounds

at that point.


Cocoa butter reigns supreme!!

Bless chocolate and bless us all!

Brother Ed

Hopefully like me, you will stand

alongside other Ed Robertson, and other

chocolate and freedom lovers worldwide

to let our positions be known to the FDA

or any dark-hearted and usually uncon-

stitutional government agency that would

willfully seek to lower our life standards.

We will let them know we are a force to be

reckoned with because we stand for Crea-

tor God Source's light of knowledge and

truth on Earth and the freewill of 'we the

people' will be done.

So be it.



Chapter 8


Scientific Nutrient Value Gauge

ere is the meaning of the follow-

ing acronyms:

ORAC: Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity

HORAC: Hydroxyl Radical Absorbance Ca-


NORAC: Nitric Oxide Radical Absorbance


The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorb-

ance Capacity) measures the antioxidant

level of protection any product has via the

latest scientific testing method developed

by Tufts University, located in Boston.

Oxidative stress has been shown to

accelerate the aging process in our cells



and blood vessels. Scientists report that

this oxidative stress also increases the

risk of falling prey to coronary heart dis-

ease, certain forms of cancers and many

other health ills.

ORAC antioxidant laboratory analysis

confirms that there are over 25,200 anti-

oxidants in a single spoonful of raw

chocolate powder!

If a food has a high ORAC score, then

it means the food is high in antioxidants.

These published tests show the health

benefits of dark chocolate and cocoa.

An average serving of fruits and vege-

tables measured about 500 ORAC units.

Compare that to one brand of choco-

late mix drink that measured a whopping

21,000+ ORAC units per one daily serv-


The USDA and Harvard School of Pub-

lic Health claim we need to consume at

least five servings of vegetables and fruits

to be healthy enough to ward off diseases,

especially those related to aging.Isn't it


obviously really good news to know you

can obtain up to eight times as many

healthful ORAC units from one serving of

a chocolate drink?

Certainly, if you or your children are

not eating the recommended five servings

of fruits and vegetables per day, then

treating yourself and your children to

healthy chocolate drinks or other health-

ful chocolate desserts makes good sense

to me.



Chapter 9

Common Foods With a High ORAC Value

ere is a recently compiled sliding

scale list of common fruits, leg-

umes or vegetables and the ORAC

value per gram measured in each

of them.

Cucumber 1.15

Tomato 4.00

Cashew nuts 7.19

White potato 11.00

Apple 22.10 to 42.75

Peanut 31.66

Milk chocolate 71.30

Medjool dates 85.78

Prune 85.78

Cranberry 92.60

Wild blueberry 92.60

Watermelon 95.00

Small red kidney bean 49.00

Pecan nuts 179.40

Acai berry 1027.00

Cocoa baking chocolate 1032.00



Obviously then, chocolate, according

to these scientific measurements, is now

rated as our most nutritious known food.

Do I hear an avalanche of cheers sounding

out all over the world?

Isn't this priceless information to

know and pass along to your friends and

to any critics of your wonderful and en-

dearing love of chocolate?


Chapter 10

CHOCOLATE Has the Highest ORAC Value

ikipedia, a free on-line free ency-

clopedia, again chocolate is

listed as having the highest Oxy-

gen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC).

To quote, “Cocoa has a high ORAC value,

giving baking chocolate a value of 1032

and milk chocolate an average of 71.30.”

In his book ORAC Value of Herbs, Ray

Sahelian, M.D., reveals that the ORAC

value of a serving of 100 grams of dark

chocolate is 9000 ORAC units.

Researchers also report, and it is

worth emphasizing, that dark chocolate

has twice as much ORAC value as milk

chocolate. So if you are really, really

health-minded, reach for the dark choco-

late bars or dark chocolate drink mixes

that are at least 53 percent cacao.




Chapter 11

What Doctors Say About CHOCOLATE

GOOGLED headlines and quotes!

Instead of: “An apple a day” make it “A choco-

late a day.”

“Chocolate every day will keep the doctor


“Chocolate is good for you,” doctors say.

“A small bar of dark chocolate is about equiva-

lent to an apple or a few glasses of red wine.

Milk chocolate has a lower amount of

flavenoids, and white chocolate has none.”

“Cocoa acts like low-dose aspirin,” U.S. re-

searchers report.

“Eating Chocolate Is Healthy, Doctors Say,”

By Patricia Reaney.



“An ingredient found in chocolate

seems to exert its anti-cancer proper-

ties, findings that might be used one

day to design novel cancer treat-



Chapter 12

Known Historical Medical Uses of CHOCOLATE

ocoa residues were recently identi-

fied in a 2600-year-old Mayan pot

found in Belize. This was a find

that pushed back humankind's known

love affair with chocolate by at least 1000


Throughout its long history, chocolate

has been consumed not just for its taste,

but as a medicine to treat a range of con-

ditions from anemia to tuberculosis.

Wouldn't you know it!

Culturing and eating of cocoa beans

was restricted to the elite of Mayan soci-

ety and normally served as an unsweet-

ened cocoa drink.

The Aztecs and Mayans used cacao

bean powder in a royalty chocolate drink

known as Xocolati.



(The following information and quotes

were all found on the internet using


QUOTE from the Department of Nutri-

tion, University of California, Davis, CA


The word cacao is derived from Olmec

and the subsequent Mayan language (kakaw);

the chocolate-related term cacahuatl is Na-

huatl (Aztec language), derived from Ol-

mec/Mayan etymology.

Historical researchers state the cul-

ture and medical use of cacao or choco-

late, either as a primary vehicle or a

secondary vehicle to deliver other medical

formulations started in the New World

and wound up in Europe in the middle


Tracking of this data indicates the use

of chocolate with the Olmec, followed by

the Maya and Aztec civilizations.


The Badianus Codex (1552) noted the use

of cacao flowers to treat fatigue, whereas the


Florentine Codex (1590) offered a prescription

of cacao beans, maize and the herb tla-

coxochitl (Calliandra anomala) to alleviate fe-

ver and panting of breath and to treat the faint

of heart. Subsequent 16th to early 20th cen-

tury manuscripts produced in Europe and New

Spain revealed more than 100 medicinal uses

for cacao/chocolate. Three consistent roles

can be identified: 1) to treat emaciated pa-

tients to gain weight; 2) to stimulate nervous

systems of apathetic, exhausted or feeble pa-

tients; and 3) to improve digestion and elimi-

nation where cacao/chocolate countered the

effects of stagnant or weak stomachs, stimu-

lated kidneys and improved bowel function.

Additional medical complaints treated with

chocolate/cacao have included anemia, poor

appetite, mental fatigue, poor breast milk pro-

duction, consumption/tuberculosis, fever,

gout, kidney stones, reduced longevity and

poor sexual appetite/ low virility. Chocolate

paste was a medium used to administer drugs

and to counter the taste of bitter pharmacol-

ogical additives. In addition to cacao beans,

preparations of cacao bark, oil (cacao butter),

leaves and flowers have been used to treat


burns, bowel dysfunction, cuts and skin irrita-



Currently, 54 percent of young people in a

US survey designated chocolate as being ‘un-

healthy,’ although they also described it as

awesome, calming, dangerous, delectable,

erotic, heavenly, intoxicating, irresistible, mys-

terious, satiating, sexy, sinful, sticky and tran-


One Californian Chocolate Research

team argues: “Chocolate is more than the

sum of its interesting phytochemicals. It

is more than a beverage or a confection.

To taste chocolate is to share in a com-

mon connection through history, from

antiquity to the present, from the frothy

cacao beverages prepared at the court of

King Montezuma, to the era of the mod-

ern chocolate bar.”


Chapter 13

Are Deadly Cancer Cells Fearful of CHOCOLATE?

fast answer is to ask another per-

tinent question: is chocolate acid

or alkaline?

All cancer cells know that an alkaline en-

vironment is deadly to them. Yes indeed!

You can bet your bottom dollar that

chocolate is alkaline–so any enlightened

well-informed cancer cell would be deadly

fearful of being anywhere near a good

mouthful or even a tiny taste of delicious


Many decades ago, Dr. Otto Warburg

proved beyond a doubt that cancer cells

exposed to high states of oxygen could

not live in such a highly alkaline envi-

ronment. When cancer tumors were in-

jected with pure oxygen all the cancer

cells died off and were quickly replaced



by normal healthy body cells in that or-

gan or limb.

Leading edge alternative health re-

searchers have known for some time now

that cancer cells thrive in an acid envi-

ronment and will die off rapidly in an al-

kaline base environment.

I would highly recommend Dr. Theo-

dore A. Brody's book, Alkalize or Die,

which was first published in 1991 and

has probably gone through a dozen edi-

tions by now, as a wonderful source of

well-researched information on this sub-


The good news is that cold-pressed

(unprocessed) cocoa powder or chocolate

is extremely alkaline. Therefore, you can

be sure that cancer cells do not want to

be around anyone eating or drinking any

good tasting, quality dark chocolate.




“An ingredient found in chocolate seems to

exert its anti-cancer properties: findings that

might be used one day to design novel cancer




Chapter 14

The Many Health Benefits of CHOCOLATE

ew research from Germany adds to mounting evidence linking dark chocolate with health benefits, but it's the first to suggest that just a

tiny amount may suffice.

The facts are in. All the new alterna-tive medical health research has proven chocolate is a decisive top quality health food.

Very recent studies reported in pres-tigious medical journals acclaim what many uphold and believe to be the best medical news in ages–dark chocolate is healthy.

The facts are found with very little re-search. Search engines (I prefer Google) are a fast track to documented facts about almost anything today. Yes, of course, there are many paid misinforma-tion postings, but all in all far more truth can be found on the internet than



through the CORPORATE PHARM and ONE WORLD CORPORATION that has a death-grip control over major mass media outlets today where outright lies, disin-formation, misinformation, non-information, terror and violence is the main-meal course–with trimmings–each day!

Dark, unprocessed, very alkaline chocolate is reported to be loaded with a host of beneficial health values.

One publicly posted report states:

“Eating 2 ounces (50 grams) a day of plain

chocolate with a minimum content of 70%

chocolate solids can be beneficial to health,

providing protection against heart disease,

high blood pressure, and many other health

hazards as well as essential trace elements

and nutrients such as iron, calcium and potas-

sium, and vitamins A. B, C, D and E, and it's a

lot tastier than boring old vitamin pills, too.”

In fact, “A 1-1/2-ounce square of chocolate may have as many cancer-fighting antioxidants as a five-ounce glass of red wine.”


In addition to cacao beans, prepara-tions of cacao bark, oil (cacao butter), leaves and flowers have been used to treat burns, bowel dysfunction, cuts and skin irritations.



Chapter 15

CHOCOLATE and a Happy, Healthy Heart


On the heart front, chocolate, a plant-

based food, is rich in substances called fla-

vonoids, which can act as anti-oxidants, help-

ing the body's cells resist damage from free


University of Cologne researcher Dr. Dirk

Taubert, the study's lead author, said the

blood pressure reductions with dark chocolate

were small but still substantial enough to po-

tentially reduce cardiovascular disease risks,

Chocolate also contains cocoa butter,

which has fatty acids that, like those in olive

oil, may protect the heart. Although studies

have not yet confirmed that chocolate is as

effective as red wine in reducing risk of car-

diovascular disease, it is clear that a 40-gram

serving of dark chocolate has the same poly-

phenol content as a 5-ounce glass of red

wine. A 40-gram milk chocolate candy bar


contains more than 300 milligrams of poly-

phenols–about the same amount as five serv-

ings of fruits and vegetables.

About 50 percent of all food cravings are

for chocolate, far more than cravings for

“something sweet” (16 percent), salty foods

(12 percent), baked goods (11 percent) and

fruit (4 percent). Some people go so far as to

say they are addicted to chocolate. But that's

no license to go on a chocolate binge. Eating

more dark chocolate can help lower blood

pressure. Remember, you do have to balance

the extra calories by eating less of other



Chapter 16

CHOCOLATE Discovered To Lower Blood


ests suggested that steady exposure to dark chocolate prompted chemi-cal changes that helped dilate blood

vessels and regulate blood pressure, the researchers said.

Here are some of the captions a Google search brought up:



“Dark Chocolate is Healthy Chocolate”




“Dark chocolate seems to lower blood

pressure, but it requires an amount less than

two Hershey’s Kisses to do it, about 30 calo-

ries’ worth, a small study suggests. The re-



search is the first to suggest a tiny amount of

chocolate can make a difference. “

Reporting on a test conducted in Ger-

many, Lindsey Tanner of The Associated

Press states:

Volunteers for the German study ate just

more than 6 grams of dark chocolate or white

chocolate daily for almost five months.

Average blood pressure at the start was

about 147 over 86. Systolic blood pressure,

the top number, fell an average of nearly 3

points, and diastolic dropped almost 2 points

in the dark chocolate group, compared with no

change in the white chocolate group.

University of Cologne researcher Dr. Dirk

Taubert, the study’s lead author, said the

blood pressure reductions were small but still

substantial enough to potentially reduce car-

diovascular disease risks, although study vol-

unteers weren’t followed long enough to

measure that effect.


Cocoa contains flavanols, plant based

compounds that also are credited with giving

red wine its heart-healthy benefits.

Dark chocolate has ingredients that lower

blood pressure and fight disease. Eating more

dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure.

Chocolate Lowers Blood Pressure, Dark

Chocolate, Other Cocoa-Rich Foods May

Lower Blood Pressure Better Than Tea, by

Jennifer Warner, Web MD Medical News Re-

viewed by Louise Chang, MD April 9, 2007.

A chocolate treat may be better than green or

black tea at keeping high blood pressure in


A new study suggests that dark chocolate

and other cocoa-rich products may be better

at lowering blood pressure than tea.

Researchers compared the blood pres-

sure-lowering effects of cocoa and tea in pre-

viously published studies and found eating

cocoa-rich foods was associated with an av-

erage 4.7-point lower systolic blood pressure

(the top number in a blood pressure reading)


and 2.8-point lower diastolic blood pressure

(the bottom number). But no such effect was

found among any of the studies on black or

green tea.

Cocoa and tea are both rich in a class of

antioxidants known as polyphenols. But re-

searchers say they contain different types of

polyphenols, and those in cocoa may be more

effective at lowering blood pressure.

Polyphenols Help Blood Pressure: Cur-

rent guidelines call for people with high blood

pressure to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegeta-

bles, which are also high in polyphenols.

These compounds are thought to contribute to

their beneficial effects on protecting against

heart disease and high blood pressure.

But researchers say there are no current

recommendations for people at risk for high

blood pressure or heart disease to include

polyphenol-rich cocoa and tea products in

their diet, despite the fact that tea and cocoa

products account for the bulk of people’s total

intake of polyphenols in Western countries.

In their review, researchers reviewed the

effects of cocoa-rich products, such as dark


chocolate or specially formulated polyphenol-

rich milk chocolate, and blood pressure in five

studies, which totaled 173 participants and

lasted on average two weeks.

They also reviewed black and green tea

and blood pressure in five different studies

that totaled 343 participants and lasted on av-

erage four weeks. All studies were published

between 1966 and 2006.

The results showed four of the five cocoa

studies reported a reduction in both systolic

blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.

The reduction was an average of 4.7 points

systolic and 2.8 points diastolic.

Researchers say those effects are similar

to those found using one-drug therapy with

common blood pressure-lowering medications

such as beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors.

None of the five studies on green or black

tea were associated with any significant re-

duction in blood pressure.


Applied to the population as a whole, re-

searchers estimate that the blood pressure-


lowering effect associated with cocoa would

be expected to reduce the risk of stroke by

about 20 percent, coronary heart disease by

10 percent, and death from all other causes

by 8 percent.

However, they say their findings should

not be interpreted as a widespread recom-

mendation to raid the candy counter.

But they say it appears reasonable to sub-

stitute polyphenol-rich cocoa products like

dark chocolate for other high-calorie or high-

fat desserts, such as having a piece of dark

chocolate rather than a slice of cheesecake.

“We believe that any dietary advice must

account for the high sugar, fat, and calorie in-

take with most cocoa products,” writes re-

searcher Dirk Taubert, MD, PhD, of the

University Hospital of Cologne in Germany.

“Rationally applied, cocoa products might be

considered part of dietary approaches to lower

hypertension risk.” SOURCE: Archives of In-

ternal Medicine, April 9, 2007; vol. 167: 626-

634. News release, Archives of Internal Medi-



Yes indeed!

Hot Chocolate Reduces Blood Pressure

Research published in the American Medi-

cal Association’s Archives of Internal Medicine

reports “cocoa appears to have some benefit

for those with high blood pressure.” The

source of that article was a review of 10 other

studies that, in addition to cocoa, examined

five different kinds of tea, including black tea

and green tea.

In total, the results showed that while tea

did not seem to offer any benefit for blood

pressure, cocoa led to blood pressure reduc-

tions–about a 5mmHg reduction in systolic

blood pressure and a 3mmHg reduction in dia-

stolic blood pressure.

Cocoa is a recent substance of interest in

heart and high blood pressure research be-

cause it is a rich source of chemicals called

polyphenols, also known as flavonoids, which

are known to have protective effects on the

heart and circulatory system. While this study

focused on cocoa as a beverage (hot choco-


late), solid forms of chocolate also contain

high levels of polyphenols.

The effects of polyphenols are similar to

single drug therapy with medications like beta

blockers and ACE inhibitors, according to re-

searchers, but no current dietary recommen-

dations exist for polyphenols. Vegetables are

also a rich source of polyphenol compounds.


Chapter 17

Can CHOCOLATE Help Dia-betics Feel Better?

n 1900, diabetes had a low incidence

of 0.0028 percent per capita. This sky-

rocketed 1,000 percent in the United

States by 1933. In time, diabetes grew to

destroy the health of over 50 percent of

the American population. By 1990, diabe-

tes would incapacitate nearly 20 percent

of us living in the USA.

Now more than half of the people who

live in the USA suffer from at least one or

several symptoms of diabetes. A third of

the USA population is morbidly obese

and half of our population is greatly

overweight. Doctors report that Type 2

diabetes is appearing routinely in chil-

dren six years old or younger. We obvi-

ously need to offset the terrible suffering

of those with diabetes in every natural

healthful way possible.



Chocolate may help diabetes patients

feel better.

Since chocolate is loaded with hun-

dreds of known and many as yet un-

known beneficial health nutrients, it

stands to reason it would help our im-

mune system bring about a more bal-

anced body state, which most likely

would control the correct release of insu-

lin in our blood stream and help lower

cholesterol in hypersensitive patients.

If you will search the internet for in-

formation, you will find many reports that

indicate eating dark chocolate can be

beneficial in helping to terminate diabetes

symptoms. A recent Italian study con-

firmed that eating 100 grams of dark

chocolate daily can decrease blood pres-

sure and also revealed that dark choco-

late may help prevent Type 2 diabetes.


Chapter 18

Does Eating CHOCOLATE Daily


at Candy & Lose Weight! What a

title for a BLOCKBUSTER best-

seller that would be. Maybe in due

time I will take or make the time

to write that book (grin). Naturally, we are

not talking about any old kind of fatten-

ing candy. We are talking about tasty,

healthful, sweet natural chocolate bars

and, more specifically, cold-processed

dark chocolate bars and raw dark choco-

late drinks.

Did Hippocrates, the “Father of Medi-

cine,” know intuitively exactly what he

was talking about so many centuries ago

when he urged, “Let food be thy medi-


In that vein, what better “medicine” for

whatever ails us than chocolate for




How does eating chocolate related to

losing excessive weight? Diabetes Care, a

health journal published by the American

Diabetes Association, reported people in a

test who cut out all meat and dairy prod-

ucts and ate a low-fat vegan diet lost

more weight than did those who followed

a standard American Diabetes Associa-

tion diet.

It was also reported by the partici-

pants that the vegan diet was far easier to

follow because they did not bother to

measure portions or to count their calo-

ries. The president of the Physicians’

Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dr.

Neal Barnard, who helped conduct the

test, candidly stated, “I hope this study

will rekindle interest in using diet

changes first, rather than prescription


The test was conducted for 22 straight

weeks and the results showed 43 percent

on the vegan diet and 26 percent on the

standard diet were able to stop using in-

sulin or glucose-control prescription

medications, while some were able to


lower their doses–which proved what

Hippocrates said so long ago, “food really

can be your medicine.”

Vegan dieters had shed an average of

14 pounds compared to the diabetes as-

sociation dieters’ loss of only 6.8 pounds.

In addition, the glucose control–called

A1c dropped by 1.23 points for the ve-

gans but only was lowered 0.38 points by

the standard association dieters. This

A1c gave the measure of how well-

controlled the blood sugar in both groups

had been during the test period.

Obviously, there is a need to repeat

similar tests and add healthful dark

chocolate to any tests aimed at showing

weight gains or weight loss as healthfully

needed by each individual.



Chapter 19

CHOCOLATE & Age Reversal

esearch suggests that eating

plenty of high-ORAC foods may

help slow the process of aging in

both body and brain.

Recent studies have shown that the

antioxidants found in colorful foods such

as blueberries, red wine and chocolate

may offer a wide variety of health bene-

fits. They may help reduce some of the

stress associated with oxidation reac-

tions. Oxidation can be dangerous be-

cause it produces free radicals–

substances that have lost an electron,

leaving them incomplete and looking for a

way to become whole again. If they

snatch an electron from another molecule

to balance their electrical charges, that

will leave the other molecule unbalanced.

That can set off an uncontrolled chain re-

action that may disrupt normal bio-

chemical reactions.



Polyphenols: Powerful Antioxidants

Scientists are currently focusing a

great deal of attention on polyphenols, a

large group of antioxidants composed of

several subgroups, including flavonoids.

The chemical structures of polyphenols

make them natural deterrents to uncon-

trolled chain reactions; they are termed

antioxidants because they are able to ab-

sorb the free radicals that oxidation pro-


Common in the plant world, polyphe-

nols are found in the bark of various

trees; their presence may account in part

for the durability of wood. In chocolate,

their presence may explain why this food,

despite its high-fat content, does not spoil

easily. In addition, chocolate, like tea and

other flavonoid-rich foods, appears to of-

fer antimicrobial action that can help

prevent cavities and oral disease, despite

its high sugar content.

Scientists classify the power of anti-

oxidants–their ability to subdue free radi-

cals–according to their oxygen absorbent

capacity (ORAC). Colorful flavonoid-rich


fruits, including prunes, raisins, blueber-

ries, blackberries and strawberries, are at

the top of the ORAC scale–far ahead of

broccoli, garlic and spinach in terms of

units/gram. Only kale edges out straw-

berries in the top ten.

S. Mitchell Harman, MD, PhD, is Di-

rector and President of the Kronos Lon-

gevity Research Institute, a not-for-profit,

501(c)(3) organization that conducts

state-of-the-art clinical translational re-

search on the prevention of age-related

diseases and the extension of healthier

human life.



Chapter 20

Where and What Does CHOCOLATE

Come From?

orty percent of chocolate comes

from the Ivory Coast of Africa and


Illegal child labor is a major problem on

the West African cocoa farms. Let's hope

that any forced child labor crime is elimi-

nated soon–wherever it thrives anywhere


Cacao is grown around the globe

within a narrow band that straddles the

equator. As many as 50 million people

depend upon cacoa for their livelihood,

according to the World Cocoa Founda-





Chapter 21

The Divine CHOCOLATE Bean

ccording to an article in the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia:

Chocolate is made from cacao, a natu-

ral product containing more than 600 different

compounds. Cacao contains a variety of poly-

phenols, including tannins, which give choco-

late, tea and wine a slightly astringent taste

and feel. Chocolate also contains cocoa but-

ter, which has fatty acids that, like those in

olive oil, may protect the heart. Although stud-

ies have not yet confirmed that chocolate is as

effective as red wine in reducing risk of car-

diovascular disease, it is clear that a 40-gram

serving of dark chocolate has the same poly-

phenol content as a 5 ounce glass of red

wine. And a 40-gram milk chocolate candy bar

contains more than 300 milligrams of poly-

phenols–about the same amount as five serv-

ings of fruits and vegetables. However, you

should not substitute a chocolate candy bar

for your daily fruits and vegetables, as they



contain other important nutrients not found in


Based upon ORAC values per 100 grams,

cocoa powder is the most powerful chocolate

product, followed by dark chocolate and milk



Chapter 22

Medical Values of Pure High-Grade CHOCOLATE

edicinal uses for cacao/choco-


Three consistent roles can be

identified: 1) to treat emaciated

patients to gain weight; 2) to stimulate

nervous systems of apathetic, exhausted

or feeble patients; and 3) to improve di-

gestion and elimination where ca-

cao/chocolate countered the effects of

stagnant or weak stomachs, stimulated

kidneys and improved bowel function.

Additional medical complaints treated

with chocolate/cacao have included:

• Anemia

• Poor appetite

• Mental fatigue

• Poor breast milk production

• Consumption/tuberculosis



• Fever

• Gout

• Kidney stones

• Reduced longevity

• Poor sexual appetite/low virility.

Chocolate paste was a medium used

to administer drugs and to counter the

taste of bitter pharmacological additives.

In addition to cacao beans, prepara-

tions of cacao bark, oil (cacao butter),

leaves and flowers have been used to

treat burns, bowel dysfunction, cuts and

skin irritations.


Chapter 23

The Ultra Value of Cold-Pressed CHOCOLATE

ome folks simply are not aware

that heating, baking, frying and

cooking vegetables, grains, cereals,

fruits, etc., destroys most of the

nutritional value.

WORTH REPEATING: “Health research

tests have shown raw cacao powder de-

livers around seven times the amount of

healthful antioxidants to your body than

cooked cacao powder–which amounts to

approximately a 723% increase in nutri-

tional benefit.”

Cacao beans are cold-pressed into

cakes, which separate the oil from the fi-

ber and protein. Temperature is held

around 104°F and never exceeding 120°F.

Compare that to the fact that all other

batches of cocoa powders are heated to

300°F or more.



In the cold-press process, highly accu-

rate thermometers are used to measure

the temperature, always trying to main-

tain an ideal 104°F reading. Then in due

time the pure, liquid cocoa butter starts

to separate into a stainless steel con-

tainer. This leaves a dry and very cake-

like cocoa residue that is cold-ground,

then fine-milled and carefully sifted so

that the raw, now bio-available cocoa par-

ticles comprise a finely finished chocolate

product. This cold-process enhances

maximum antioxidant and absorptive di-

gestion value, imparting an ultra-rich

chocolate flavor when consumed.

The big difference is none of the other

food processing chemicals, like hexane

and other solvents, are utilized in the

cold-processing of the natural cacao bean

into a highly nutritional chocolate bar or

chocolate powder drink mix.

Please remember to store natural,

cold-processed chocolate in a cool, dry

area. It's not wise to store most natural

foods, even if they are free of microbes or

highly stable, in direct sunlight. That of


course includes your store of fine, rich

dark chocolate.



Chapter 24

The Fun of Eating CHOCOLATE

he secret is out. In fact, the whole

world is beginning to know, the se-

cret is no secret anymore!

Most of the readers of my books know

we are not our body. We are not our feel-

ings. We are not even the 50,000+ daily

thoughts we generate (about 20 per sec-

ond as measured by scientists research-

ing the astounding and powerful field of

divine or human thought).

You and I give rise to new thoughts or

process existing ones passing into our

minds through the Law of Attraction. We

each and all are free at any moment to

accept and hold, or to dismiss and re-

lease, any and every thought entering our

individual ‘I Am’ identity mind space.

We are truly not our minds or even

our feelings. We are divinely much, much

more than our thoughts, feelings, or soon



discarded bodily cloak of flesh, blood and

skin. The ‘I Am’ that I individually am, or

the ‘I Am’ that you individually are in our

innate God Oneness is divinely, eternally

and immensely more.

This God-loved, sacred, genuinely

godly human being that you are and that

I am is far more than that brief “center

stage” humanly embodied star role we

play in this magnificent theater-in-the-

round called our planet Earth.

As the genuine, eternal, non-physical

spirit beings that we are, we each and all

came into these highly mobile human

embodiments on Earth to have a good

measure of joy, of daily fun and of high


We also came here to this particular

planet at this specific “end times” not

only to further our own spiritual growth,

but to help aid and uplift this planet and

our One Human Family–the billions of

loving brothers and sisters who share our

Earthly existence and our natural over-

flowing abundance on this so greatly

blessed “Garden of Eden” planet.


Though our minds may be ignorant

and in denial of this truth, our hearts

know we are one collective huge human

family and each and all of us within it

needs to feel supported and to be lovingly

uplifted. That includes having unending

day-in and day-out, night-in and night-

out, deeply embraced, human experi-

enced, fun and joy!

How then does delicious, healthful

CHOCOLATE enter this genuinely accu-

rate and delightfully true Earth picture?

Here is how:

Most of us discovered even before we

could crawl or walk the wonderful sweet

and subtly lingering taste of our first

piece or drink of chocolate. We would

never forget it. Chocolate had such a de-

lightful lingering aftertaste.

So now let's explore and wisely treat

ourselves to the fun of knowing and reso-

nating to what leading edge health re-

searchers have discovered.



Chapter 25

CHOCOLATE Is Big Business Worldwide

hirty-six million boxes of chocolate

are sold annually for Valentine's

Day alone.

The biggest vendor of chocolate

sold to shoppers is M&M MARS, as

reported by industry spokesperson (an

industry with over $14 billion in sales

annually in the USA alone).

There are over 3 million tons of choco-

late harvested annually worldwide.

Forty percent of chocolate consumed

worldwide comes from Western Europe.

The EU imports 90 percent of the cocoa

from West Africa, mainly from Cote.

It is no secret that Swiss-based Barry

Callebaut is the giant in the chocolate

world, selling one out of every four

chocolate bars, pralines and chocolates

sold worldwide.



A spokesperson reports, “Our chocolate

sales in Asia have been growing. It has an

annual rate worldwide of chocolate and

confectionery sales of 8.65 billion Swiss,

while the USA chocolate sales are fore-

cast to reach 18 billion by 2011.


Chapter 26

From Home Kitchen to More Than $300 Million in CHOCOLATE Sales

in Five Years

ost people have never heard of

multi-millionaire housewife,

Jeanette Brooks, but this lady is

very well known in the world of


I love success stories! If you have not

yet read my book, The Secret SUCCESS

FORMULA to Health, Wealth and True

Love (available in eBook form at my

BLOCKBUSTER general website:, you are

in for a treat! My book is loaded with suc-

cess stories that will inspire and uplift

you, including a few of my very own.

Jeanette Brooks is in a high-level suc-

cess story category of her own making.

Janette began her worldwide “Pure De-

light” chocolate business at home in her



kitchen. She formulated a tasty dark

chocolate bar named “Pure Delight” that

was loaded with extra high quality cocoa.

Selling for about $2 per bar, these be-

came an instant success in most of her

neighborhood stores.

Customers were soon buying her

“Pure Delight” brand of chocolate bars

almost faster than she could make them.

Her business expanded rapidly into chain

stores like Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreen,

Safeway and a host of others. In less than

five years, Jeanette's “Pure Delight”

chocolate bar sales soared to more than

300 million dollars worth of chocolate

worldwide, requiring a 65,000 square foot

refrigerated warehouse, as her famous

chocolate bars are manufactured using a

cold-press process.

What was so amazing was that doctors

and cardiologists were recommending her

brand of “Pure Delight” chocolate bars to

their patients as being good for their

blood vessels and hearts. Janette also

learned that a host of doctors were telling

each other about it and actually were


buying her high quality natural dark

chocolate bars in large wholesale quanti-

ties and selling them at retail to their pa-


To her credit, when Jeanette began

realizing she needed to expand her

manufacturing process to keep up with

the sales demand of her now famous

“Pure Delight” dark chocolate bars, she

insisted on a cold process of the cocoa

bean into powdered chocolate. She knew

that a heat process would destroy as

much as 80 percent of the nutritional

value of her chocolate.

Jeanette was told that there was no

mass cold-process manufacturing

method for chocolate yet invented or util-

ized. She insisted that her manufacturing

company design and create their own

patented mass cold processing method

for converting the cocoa bean into a pure

chocolate powder while retaining its

natural high nutritional value, which

through her continued uncompromising

insistence was soon done. Bless her



From information I have gleaned, 100

grams of spinach has a 1,260 ORAC rat-

ing, while 100 grams of “Pure Delight”

(sold now also under a different name)

has a 26,000 ORAC rating. This makes

Janette's dark chocolate bar 20 times

more powerful than spinach!

Therefore, Popeye might have been 20

times more powerful if he had chosen to

eat a few ounces of luscious dark choco-

late rather than gobble down a whole can

of green spinach! (SMILE))

In checking Google, I see that Jeanette

Brooks has now brought two chocolate

companies into existence and each of the

two is worth of 400 million dollars. This

lady is surely a huge boon to the pure,

dark chocolate industry worldwide

You can Google more info about

Jeanette (telling her own story) at: XOCAI

(Sho-sigh) Chocolate for Health on Squi-



Chapter 27

CHOCOLATE Health Drinks Beat Out Other Drinks in ORAC Value Greatly

oogled Organic Chocolate mix

drink reports found worth sharing

Vitamins & Minerals

The Mexican Mayan Kings drank up to

30 pure chocolate drinks per day to

maintain an ORAC value of 95500. Squi-

doo: Mayans and Aztecs used cacao in a

royal chocolate drink called Xocolatl.

Instant Bliss Beauty Drink Health, an

organic dark chocolate beauty drink by

Eccobella claims chocolate's ORAC value

is more than two times higher!

Xocai dark chocolate beverage. The

most impressive aspect of this modern

chocolate beverage is its high antioxidant

content. The ORAC value of one ounce of

the Xoçai™ Beverage is 3097.



XOCAI (Sho-sigh) Chocolate for Health:

The chart that was shown contained the

ORAC values of several high-antioxidant

Health by Chocolate reports that their

chocolate's ORAC value is more than two

times higher! They report both their

health by chocolate bar and health by

chocolate drinks contain only 2 teaspoons

of sugar.


Chapter 28

Guideline in Shopping For Highest Quality


aim to be brief and to the point here.

The most healthfully beneficial choco-

late bars or chocolate drinks will have

at least 60 percent or more (70 percent or

more is better) of cocoa in them. Most

chocolate bars fall far short of that. The

widely sold dark chocolate for baking may

often contain only 39 percent or less co-

coa. Even well known brands of milk

chocolate sold worldwide such as the

Hershey's brand may contain only 30

percent cocoa.



TIP: Look through chocolate bars at your local health food or natural food stores or at chocolate sold through natural food outlets on the easily ac-cessible internet via Google or your favorite search engine. Check for yourself which bars and which brands contain the most cocoa and the least chemical ingredients.

If any way possible, buy and consume

only dark chocolate that has NOT been

chemically processed or heat treated.

Cold-pressed chocolate, cereals, grains,

etc., are by far the most healthful foods

you can ingest.

A standard rule when you read labels

is the fewer number of ingredients or

chemical-sounding additives in any food

you buy, chocolate included, the more

natural and more healthfully nutritious it

will be.

Do NOT buy chocolate bars made with

margarine or hardened oil instead of pure

natural cocoa butter.


NOTE: Heart attacks, gall bladder

stones, diabetes, etc., became major dis-

eases or grave illnesses only after marga-

rines and hard oils such as canola oil

(rapeseed oil) were allowed by an obvi-

ously miscreant FDA to be smuggled into

and made “part and parcel” of most of

our processed foods.

Finally, the higher cost trade of

greater nutritional value far outweighs

the lesser cost of an inferior chocolate bar

or chocolate drink.



Chapter 29

Your Body Deserves the Best Quality CHOCOLATE

f you have read any of my more than

30 books, you will know that I regard

our human embodiments as a sacred

abode of our human soul. Therefore, it

ought to be no surprise that I recommend

you seek and find the highest quality

sources of dark chocolate bars or dark

chocolate drink mixes you can find–even

if you have to make the chocolate bars or

chocolate drink mixes with your divine

human body's own two hands.

Hippocrates knew that value of eating

the best natural foods if you want to in-

gest the best possible known medicine in

the world.

When it comes to chocolate, why not

be wise and treat your body with the best

kind of natural “medicine” that Hippo-

crates himself would choose. Look for the



best chocolate you can find. Consume the

best chocolate that money can buy or a

master chef can invent.

If it helps, think of Hippocrates or of

me looking over your shoulder when you

make that final last moment purchase.



Join Me in Spreading the GOOD WORD About Our So Lovable CHOCOLATE

sn't it time that everyone knew about

the surprising and pleasing fact that

chocolate is good for health? It cer-

tainly is time for you and me to be

the bearer of good news about the amaz-

ing very high nutritional value of choco-


Yes, indeed. It is also highly important

to recognize and to emphasize that it is

the organic or raw, cold-pressed, unproc-

essed, darker chocolate that is jam-

packed with nutritional value for your

body and mine.

We addressed the fact that raw foods,

whether milk, fresh ripe fruits, fresh ripe

veggies, or ripe unprocessed grains, cere-

als, nuts, etc., are the most beneficial to

our bodily health in a former chapter, so

no need to stress that fact further.



I felt in my heart and soul a genuine

“call to duty” to write this book, Chocolate

For Health knowing innately the truth

about the high nutritional value of choco-

late. This truth has been ignored by the

mainstream, dark-controlled press that

works mainly to support the sale of drugs

and the plethora of additives in our daily

foods, to the detriment of our health. Big

Pharm and dark One World Corporate

powers reap the clearly observed, huge

shameful income benefit from the control

of all of our major religious, financial, po-

litical and government bodies on Earth.

Here are some of the things you can

do with chocolate or cocoa powder. You

may add it to your favorite smoothies

(one heaped tablespoon will do) and

watch them instantly become raw choco-

late masterpieces!

You can blend it with raw coconut oil

and agave nectar for instant raw choco-

late syrup! (Then put this on top of raw

ice cream or fresh fruit–AMAZING!)

You can blend it in a food processor

with raw nut butters and agave nectar for


the most delicious desert you've ever had.

(In fact, similar nut butters mixed with

roasted cocoa powder are very expensive

in health food stores.)

You can make any cookie, brownie or

pie more chocolate tasting and delicious

by just adding a tablespoon or more to


You can blend it with sweet almond

milk. This results in a creamy dark

chocolate milk that's LOADED with anti-

oxidant power and tastes out of this


Make your own chocolate and so

much more!

It is my hope that you will “feel the

call” within your own heart and soul to

spread the facts that chocolate is good for

your health far and wide across our

Earth. Bless you. Bless us all.





Former commissioner of the FDA, Dr

Herbert Ley, in testimony before a U.S.

Senate hearing, commented: “People

think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't.

What the FDA is doing and what the pub-

lic thinks it's doing are as different as

night and day.” The financial and political

influence of this medical community has

almost totally subverted the original in-

tent of our regulatory agencies. They rou-

tinely approve death-dealing, ineffective

drugs with insufficient testing.

Here too, so very obviously, the FDA is

NOT to be trusted as our public guardian!

ALERT: From the Organic Consumers




Under pressure from industrial agricul-

ture lobbyists, the USDA has quietly ap-


proved a new regulation that will effec-

tively end distribution of raw almonds,

while putting many family farmers out of


The rule requires pasteurization of

almonds, including organic, yet allows

those same almonds to continue to be la-

beled as “raw.” Nutritionists point out

that raw, organic almonds are far supe-

rior in terms of nutrition than pasteur-

ized almonds.

One of the FDA-recommended pas-

teurization methods requires the use of

propylene oxide, which is classified as a

“possible human carcinogen” by the In-

ternational Agency for Research on Can-

cer and is banned in Canada, Mexico and

the European Union.

Organic and family-scale almond

farmers are protesting the proposed rule,

saying it will effectively put them out of

business, since the minimum price for

the pasteurization equipment is



The USDA claims pasteurization is

necessary since there have been two food

contamination incidents with raw al-

monds since 2001.

But both of these incidents were, in

fact, the result of blatant mismanage-

ment on large industrial-scale almond


Take action now to demand that the

FDA reopen this proposed rule to public





Taxing Facts Relative to our Health and Personal Well Being

Note: At first this highly revelatory poem seems rather funny–then you real-ize the awful truth of it as you read on. It seems crystal-clear that taxes are not good for anyone's health!

Tax Him from Birth to Death

Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table at which he's fed.

Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule.

Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat.

Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think.

Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries, then Tax his tears.


Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways to tax his ass.

Tax all he has then let him know you won't be done till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers, then tax him some more,

Tax him till he's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin , Tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he's laid.

Put these words upon his tomb, “Taxes drove me to my doom.”

When he's gone, Do not relax, It’s time to apply the inheritance tax

• Accounts Receivable Tax

• Building Permit Tax

• CDL license Tax Cigarette Tax

• Corporate Income Tax

• Dog License Tax

• Excise Taxes

• Federal Income Tax

• Federal Unemployment Tax


• (FUTA) Fishing License Tax

• Food License Tax

• Fuel Permit Tax

• Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)

• Gross Receipts Tax

• Hunting License Tax

• Inheritance Tax

• Inventory Tax

• Liquor Tax

• Luxury Taxes

• Marriage License Tax

• Medicare Tax

• Personal Property Tax

• Property Tax

• Real Estate Tax

• Service Charge Tax

• Road Usage Tax Sales Tax

• Recreational Vehicle Tax

• School Tax

• Provincial Income Tax

• Utility Taxes Vehicle License Regis-tration Tax

• Vehicle Sales Tax

• Watercraft Registration Tax

• Well Permit Tax


• Workers Compensation Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago.100 years ago we had abso-lutely no national debt.

What happened?

Can you spell “sell-out politicians?” Can you spell “sell-out governments?” “Can you spell “The Beast?” Can you spell “the sleeping masses?”

If so, you are certainly on the track of how, why and what happened in this past century. Meanwhile, keep your spirit light and joyful and know that Creator God Source has a far better plan for us–so enjoy your chocolate and spread the up-lifting news far and wide about what you now know about Chocolate for HEALTH.

Bless us all!



Recommended High Vibration Books

and Study Data

Heavenletters - Book One, by Gloria Wendroff.

Gloria has received over two thousand Heav-

enletters; one hundred fit in one book, so expect

a huge series of books soon worldwide. In-

credibly high vibration. The book currently is

published in English, German, Greek, Roma-

nian, and is expected to be published in about

15 more languages soon. Gloria also conducts

awesome Godwriting Workshops. I attended

one she held in Munich, Germany. It was fan-

tastic. Join Gloria’s worldwide email list to re-

ceive her FREE daily email Heavenletter by

signing up on her website at

Ask and It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

The Law of Attraction, by Esther and Jerry

Hicks. Hay House, Inc. - P.O. Box 5100, Carls-

bad, CA 92018 USA;;

800-654-5146. Extremely high vibration. Read

ALL of what they offer. Take a world cruise

with Esther and Jerry. See study data, books,

CDs, etc., at


Home With God, by Neale Donald Walsch. Atria

books. I highly recommend ALL the “Conver-

sations With God” books by Neale Donald

Walsch, likewise, a very, very incredibly high


All four of the “Matthew” books by Suzanne

Ward., and Tell Me About Heaven, by Suzanne

Ward. Terrific insights. Matthew died at 17 and

speaks from Heaven. Great E.T. information.

Suzanne Ward is on my top 10 list of current

spiritual authors. Email:

SETH Speaks, by Jane Roberts. Read all of the

many “SETH” books.

Autobiography of a Yogi, by Yogananda Parmah-

ansa. A classic that is published in 40 or more

languages. Be sure to read this one. Wowee!

The Masters of the Far East, by Baird Spaulding

(series of four books). Very inspirational and a

fascinating adventures read.

The Seven Rays, by Alice A Bailey. All 20-plus

books in the Alice A. Bailey series.

The Magic Presence, by Godfre Ray King. All of

the 20-plus St. Germain ‘I Am’ book series


Godfre Ray King.


ALL Deepak Chopra books

ALL Louise Hays books

ALL my own Russ Michael books (please see the

final section, “Final Note from the Author

Scribe…”, for information on how to obtain

eBooks and how to subscribe to my FREE daily

email Michael Worldwide Newsletter)

Finding Your Soulmate, by Russ Michael. In 13

languages, this best seller is still selling strong

after 35 years. Publisher: Jan Johnson Red

Wheel/Weiser Books/Conari Press, 500 3rd

Street, Suite 230, San Francisco, CA 94107.

Phone: 415-978-2665, x102. Fax: 415-869-

1022. Email:

or visit their website at

Your Soulmate is Calling, by Russ Michael. Haz-

ard Press–New Zealand (in 12 languages).

Email: or visit their

website at

Autobiography of an IMMORTAL, by Michael, ‘I

Am’ (AKA Russ Michael). Already contracted

for publication in Romanian, Greek and Ger-

man. I am expecting to contract publication

with an English language publication soon.

Available to publishers in Word or as a PDF


file through email:

THE SECRET–is No Secret Anymore. ASK and

There Is NOTHING You Cannot BE–DO or

HAVE, by Russ Michael. Available through

this publisher, and probably many others

worldwide. Available to publishers in

Word or as a PDF file through my email: OR order

directly from the website

Soulmates, Twin Rays and Special Lovers, by

Russ Michael. Latest authored book is expected

to be published in many languages soon. Avail-

able to publishers in Word or as a PDF file

through my email:

HARNESSING the Power of The Universe, by

Russ Michael. Coming up next. When com-

pleted, it will be available to publishers in

Word or as a PDF file through email:



What People Are Saying

What eBook and Michael Worldwide Newsletter (emailed daily) Readers Say

“I love reading your e-mails and am collecting

your books. Have three would now like to order

books #1 -5- 7. That makes three more! Please

forward instructions...”

I have been receiving you wonderful daily infor-

mation letters for a long time, for which I thank

you very much. I am always sharing all the infor-

mation with my friends and students Lately I have

had problems in receiving my mails. Please send

them to my other address … we are on a wonderful

Journey, getting closer every day. Much love and

light to you,

Hi, Michael...

Thanks for printing the GREAT feedback in your

newsletter regarding both the presidential cam-

paigns AND the British talent show videos. I

really appreciated learning more about Paul Potts

and his CD that is out now...and what a treasure to

see and hear the sweet and talented 6-year-old girl

who was also part of the show! I don't watch

much TV except to keep up with news and weather


and only look at "youtube" when someone sends a

link. So I do appreciate the many informative and

fascinating links that you send us in your newslet-


Hugs and Blessings…


I would like to receive a list of the works/eBooks

by Michael Russ, so that I can choose the title(s)

which appeal to me and order them. Thank you

very much.


Enzo (from Italy)

Dear Michael,

Had to be away for a few days and came home

to all your WONDERFUL messages that I had

missed. Thankyou, Thankou. You are truly a treas-

ure !!!.

Thanks again!Have a Blessed Day,Barbara

Hello Michael - Thanks for your speedy reply Mi-

chael. I get up early in the ayem, sit down with a

cup of coffee (with Neutralizer it it :) and read

your mail. It is a pleasure to wake up that way to

the world at large.

Love and Hugs, Pat


Dear Michael

Every word pours from you like gold.

Gloria Wendroff [Heavenletters]

Dear Michael:

I'm working hard on myself so I could have this

'equal' to drop in, soon I hope! I am just now read-

ing the part about 'what' we are really looking for

in our soulmate etc. It's most inspiring Michael.

Thanks a ton!

Many blessings to you and yours

I am enjoying the Ebooks I received and am

really grateful that you have put this material alto-

gether so well and easy for anyone to understand,

with no conditions around it except to understand

and choose to convert the information to knowl-


Thank you very much for all the work you are


Blessings, Sybil

I love the newsletter....It's the only way I can stay

in the “know” of what's happening "up/out

there".....Love&Light to your “lightworking” as

well as mine...............Wayne S.


Dearest Russ Michael,

First of all "You rock"!

Thanks for being such a light, and helping to

spread the love.

I would like to have yesterday's Michele Eloff from

Africa's report part two...

I so thank you my brother....

Namaste, Sophia (Rev. Sophia of Sedona)

What Readers Say

“Thank you for autographing my copy of Finding

Your Soul-Mate. ...the book was fascinating.”

“My days....were filled with enlightenment. Your

lecture and books added tremendously to such. I

bought two books then and want to order 3 more.”

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your

books. As I read them I cry and am electrified as

my being comes to know and understand the forces

uplifting within.”

“I have enjoyed two of your books already … my

neighbor … is now reading your [book about]

White Brotherhood. They're fine books.”

“Just finished The Secret Great White Brotherhood

and almost finished with Why & How of Medita-


tion. Must say I am thoroughly enjoying each of

them. Send me catalog of all your books, tapes,

etc. … put my name on your mailing list for other

items … I would like to know more about you and

your work.”

“I obtained the pamphlet ‘There is No Death’. ...

Please send me as many copies as this will pay for

including postage ... I feel the concept is one which

will bring great personal happiness to many who

are not fortunate enough to believe in this.”

“Send Russ Michael books … I enjoyed Finding

Your Soulmate and look forward to reading the


“Dr. Michael has opened a whole new dimension

for me...I agree with Don Curtis, Russ Michael is

great and more, he is.”

“Just wanted you to know how much Finding Your

Soul-Mate meant to me...I have given away about

5-6 copies of your book.”

“Your lectures and ideas set forth in your book


searching for ours. The time we spent with you

created another level of consciousness...we all en-

joyed it very much.”

“...glad you decided to return to this planet for a

while, we need you.”


“I’ve loaned SOUL-MATES to Sue Ann, WHITE

MAGIC to Billie, and I’m reading the


“I found your book Finding Your Soul-Mate at the

ICC Brotherhood." I literally could not put it down

till I had completely read it. Bless you.”

“I want to let you know how much many of us in

Omaha enjoyed your latest books.”


“I certainly applaud your intention and efforts to

bring more responsible programming to television,

and to foster a spiritual cleansing in our nation.”

-Pat Boone

“By the way, Sue Ann said she mentioned to you

about Willie Nelson loving your book, The Great

White Brotherhood, and that he wanted more cop-

ies of it–maybe a half dozen or so would do it for


Note: Willie shared this book with Kris Kristoffer-

son and many of his other peers. This book also

led to a deep spiritual and personal friendship be-

tween Willie and me, as disclosed in my autobiog-




“I do feel very enlightened by your teachings and

by this–my efforts to create good positive soul

force has greatly improved.”

Lecture, Conference and Workshop Attendees Say

“Workshop last Saturday was very meaningful to

me...I have been studying your book on Medita-

tion. It is wonderful.”

“...a lifetime Experience to my husband

and myself.”

“Just a short note to let you know what a

profound effect you have had on my life

and the lives of many others since your

visit to St. Louis.”

“I must say you are the first teacher that I

have met that has left us with so much

knowledge, and so very much to think

about for a long time to come.”

“I got what I needed from your lec-

ture...thank you for your help and encour-



“A huge thank you for a super terrific

training conference. The quality of the

training ... was the most outstanding of

any conference or seminar I’ve ever at-


“Russ, thanks so very much for giving our

community this wonderful opportunity to

hear TRUTH. You are an exceptionally

gifted teacher and I want to tell you that I

am personally grateful for what you have

brought to us.”

“Thanks for a real experience found during your

seminar in find new and real beliefs.”

“Thank you again for coming to Tucson and shar-

ing your light and knowledge with us, we enjoyed

your visit above all else this year...want to add a

word of personal praise to your books, I read them

all and am suggesting them to many others.”

“My friend...of St. Louis called me today and told

me about the wonderful experience she had in at-

tending your lecture and seminar there. I’m very

sorry not to have been present.”

“You have left me much to think about, probe into,

thrill over and work with. Thank you for another

marvelous workshop.”


“Two years ago Russ Michael gave a seminar on

the mysteries here in Santa Cruz. I have made

rapid progress since then.”

“It was truly a blessing to be able to attend your

lecture...all of us in Little Rock are waiting with

open arms for your return.”

“We want to tell you how much everyone appreci-

ated your enlightening lectures and workshops. So

many people have been helped with the formula for

creating a better self image.”

“A huge thank you for a super terrific training

conference. The quality of the training...was the

most outstanding of any conference or seminar

I’ve ever attended. Doors are opening for me on

subtle I examine my current belief sys-

tems and see the effect they have been having on

me. It’s a very interesting time.”

“ gives me such pleasure and joy to be saying

to you–"thank you for your help–you brought love

back into my life.”

“Your instructions had the effect of synthesizing

all the previous information I received.”


Other Instructors Say

“I might add that I have read several of your

books and find them quite complementary to my

own studies and experience.”

“I’m writing to thank you for your books and your

work... your writing has been a great help to many

of my students and friends.”

“Fate had it that I didn’t meet you personally Sat-

urday when you spoke at AUM–I must say you left

a ‘Glorious Impression’ all I heard was ‘he is so

gentle and loving’–some said you were just like

me–which means you must be terrific.”

And from another instructor who heads a new-age

institution: "You help us all to see ourselves in the

true light of love and great potential! I want to add

a word of personal praise to your books. I read

them all and am suggesting them to those who are

truly seeking. We have adopted your words as our

motto. We uphold all that unites, uplifts and ex-

pands, etc. Beautiful!


What TV Viewers Say

“I enjoyed you so on Damien Simpson’s program.

Please tell me how much "Soul-Mates" is so I can

order it right away.”

“I trust you and would heed your words...just be-

ing able to write to you is a pearl of great price.”

What Radio Listeners Say

“I listened to you on the radio...never have I been

so delighted at such a public declaration of Truth,

and what with all the hurdles that were thrown in

your direction by the M.C. and all those who

called in later on.”

“I must say how overjoyed I was to hear question

after question met with such spontaneous lucidity


thoroughness, in a manner that, in most cases, the

questioner seemed to be able to understand and

relate to on one level or another. Amazing all the

soul force

a radio show like that can stir up, all over a city.”


Appreciation from Universities

“...our appreciation of your lecture here at St.

Cloud State and to tell you of the widespread in-

terest in your commentary throughout the campus.

You adapted yourself well...and presented your

format in an easily understood manner.”

“I would like to thank you for the interesting and

informative presentation you gave to St. John’s

University...the Psychology Club felt that the eve-

ning was most successful and appreciate the boost

your appearance gave our program.”

Appreciation from Unity Churches

“Thank you for sharing your insights and your

consciousness with Unity of Little Rock. I feel that

your philosophy blends very well with Unity’s

thinking and I welcome your return to the Little

Rock area.”

-Don Bould

“Russ Michael is truly a teacher of the New Age.

His books, lectures and seminars have reached

thousands of students, inspiring them to find within

their own consciousness the spiritual expansion

and direction which will lead them to true soul ful-


fillment. I consider him truly one of the highly

evolved and inspired teachers in the world today. I

know that all who are in touch with him will be

inspired and will gain new vision for their own po-


-Donald Curtis



More Offerings by Russ Michael


The Amazing Health Benefits of


Russ Michael asks the Queens and

Kings of Chocolate to indulge their

minds with this new Blockbuster eBook. Now is

the perfect time to learn about the amazing health

benefits of Chocolate.

The Secret Doctrine of the Ancient

Mysteries Through your awareness of these

once secret MYSTERIES--and their

study and use of the laws outlined

within them--you are enabled to escape the old

prison house of matter. You realize your true iden-

tity as the soul. You find a true recognition of your

source as a spirit.

The Secret Great White Brotherhood Is life as we know it here upon earth

more than a mere accident of nature?

Is there a deeper, higher, broader and

truer meaning to your life and mine

than what we feel or perceive at this moment in

space and time? All these important questions -


and many more - may fully be answered for you in

this volume.

The Secret is No Secret Anymore

If you want to understand more about

The SECRET mysterious powers of

the Universe, read the authoritative

work by world renown author, Russ

Michael. This is a how-to guide for everything

you desire. "The SECRET" is expanding with light

speed before our eyes!


Part 1 Part 1 is FREE! It is jam-packed

with life-saving information on the

benefits of Miracle Products, Miracle

Services and Miracle Mind. Download your FREE

copy today.


Part 2 Part 2 contains all of the "How-To"

self-help resources and information to

attain Miracle Health, including the

story of Jim Humble and his fight against the

world's diseases using his 100 percent effective

MMS Product formula. Learn how he battled ma-

laria to discover the formula that has cured 75,000

cases so far.


Finding Your Soulmate This best-selling classic was first pub-

lished in 1971, when Russ Michael

brought the concept of and the actual

word "Soulmate" into mass conscious-

ness on Earth. While most books are out of print in

a few years, this book is still a top-selling item

over 37 years later and read in 12 languages world-


Autobiography of an


The exciting true story about the life

and adventures of Russ

Michael. If you want to understand

more about the powers of the uni-

verse, learn from a key world spiritual mentor,

himself. Russ Michael shares his personal experi-

ences from a very low point in 1965 when he

found himself homeless, barely eking out a daily

existence and living in abject poverty, to his ex-

periences founding global companies and traveling

the world. This incredible story puts you into the

mind of the man who has worked for decades to

bring readers The Light.

The Secret of Sex and Sexual At-

traction You can draw anyone or any thing to

you by the deliberate use of the Law

of Attraction and a large personal


stock of pheromones. "Your conscious co-creator

job on Earth is to learn how to live your life fully

in a safe world. In that safe world, you will most

aptly find that sex is good. Violence against an-

other is bad, guilt is bad, to judge is bad, regret is

bad, and even living in the past is bad - but sex is


Soulmates, Twin Rays and Special


Given a choice (and who does not

have free choice?) most of us on

Earth today would choose sharing

what remains of this day and the re-

maining days of our physical human life on Earth

with a warm, fun-loving Soulmate or a genuinely

blissful Twin Ray or special lover.

Your Soulmate is Calling Somewhere deep inside every one of

us is the knowledge that somewhere--

at this very moment--someone special

is calling out to us for recognition.

Your Soulmate is calling you, wherever on earth

he or she resides. Your Soulmate is sending out a

distress signal. The essence of his or her signal is:

“Where are you? I am waiting here for you. I want




RIGHT Mr. Right or Mrs. Right wants you as

much as you want him or her. You

only need to know what you really

want. Combine that decision with the knowledge

you gain here about how to increase your attrac-

tiveness or personal magnetism, and you are al-

ready moving forward on your way to a really,

really bright and RIGHT love relationship! Why

not recognize and swiftly cut those painful cords

that bind you to the past?




All that magic means is the wise use

of applied knowledge. The word

stems from Magi, wise men from the East. As you

read on, you will soon notice that I make many

references to law.

The Birth of Earth as a Star

End times is not an idle phrase. The

old is about to vanish and the new is

already starting to begin. What is the

END at one level of being is the

BEGINNING at another.


Life in the Dead Zone

Death is merely the cessation of

three-dimensional motion. It is a per-

sonal state of rest that will return to a

state of motion again. Rest and mo-

tion, or death and life, are now, and have been for-

ever, interwoven.

Eleven Magic Steps to Success

There is nothing you cannot be, do or

have. You only need to ASK - and

through the sacred heritage of who and

what you are, your every request is

granted at the moment it is made.

The Mental Room of Mirrors

The Room of Mirrors self-therapy

technique - presented here is indeed a

valid precious gift to humanity. I

know it well and I am pleased to pass

on this powerful healing technique along to hu-

manity in this volume.

100 True RAMTHA Miracle Sto-


I wish to personally thank each and

all of these grand masters who have

shared their experiences with me and

whose beautiful, inspiring miracle stories are now

here presented to be shared with you.


There is NOTHING You Cannot


The real gold is found in and through

your own creative thought or socially

cooperative co-creative ideas coupled

with the fire--or the fuel--of a desire for something

in you so strong you can taste it.

When GOD Speaks, I Listen

Have you noticed in a loud crowd that

when someone suddenly speaks up in

a soft and quiet voice how everyone

now stops talking to listen? That is

how God usually speaks, in soft whispers!

Why & How of Meditation

As you progress in the art of medita-

tion, you discover--perhaps with as-

tonishment--that the most profound

things in life are more simply ex-

pressed. A Blockbuster classic! Read by thou-

sands in print!


Final note from the author scribe...

In addition to my best-seller, Finding

Your Soulmate, which is still selling in 12

languages, I have written more than 20

published self-help books and I invite you

to obtain and read them all.

After my death experience at age 18

and in the unfolding due course of my

spiritual work, I have received thousands

of letters of gratitude from readers of my

books and from many grateful attendants

of my workshops who have found their

soulmates or their Twin Ray life compan-

ions, or made their wildest, most impos-

sible dreams come true. A few days ago, I

received an email from someone who re-

cently obtained and read my 360-page



Dear kindly eBook reader,

This is what Carolyn Tester had to say to me about

Autobiography of an IMMORTAL. Bless her heart.

I don't think I have ever enjoyed reading anything as I

am now doing with your autobiography. I'm now be-

ginning to read slower and slower … as the end of it

gets nearer … a habit I've acquired when in a GOOD


Love to you and yours,

Carolyn Tester

If you enjoyed this or any other books

of mine, please encourage your loved

ones, friends and associates to obtain

and read them all.

I suggest that you obtain my own

Autobiography of an IMMORTAL or any

of my current eBooks–soon to be 35 or



Enquire now (or later) at:

Or contact me at my personal email


You can soon listen to my 3-minute

podcast, read my brief bio or surf through

the “Table of Content” pages of my many

obtainable eBooks.

To receive my FREE daily spiritual

“Michael Worldwide Newsletter” in your

inbox, email me at:


and ask to be subscribed. (Again, this is

free. Just ask!)

We appreciate and love to have new

readers come to Russ Michael

eBooks through you.

Bless your heart, forever and forever.

Bless us all. We are all blessed.

In living and loving gratitude to All

That Is

I Am–Russ Michael