Chloé Morris, London

Post on 17-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Chloé Morris, London



Chloé Morris - Edible Stories+44 (0) 7414881815 Edible Story


This dinner uses my life story and brings it to life through an interactive edible experience. In order to achieve a concise retelling my story I have broken it down into 10 different chapters. The Edi-ble event is a dinner composed of 10 courses lasting about 2 hours and for 10 people. The diner becomes integrally part of the story and the telling, as they discover throughout the course of the evening that they impersonate a chapter, and therefore are the protagonist of their own experience. The only information that they receive before-hand is the time, place, date and that they will be living my life story. But they do not know which chapter they will be associated with. Throughout the course of the 2 hours experience, the unfolding of the story becomes clear through interactions between the diners and their food.


Introducing a dynamic, interactive, and original event : Edible Storytelling!

The entire evening will be recorded and the footage will be edited in order to make the person watching relive every moment as if they were part of it. This will then be sent to you as a record.


Kyra Maya Phillips and Will McQuillan the two London ambassadors were kind enough to identify the hub’s active members and pass on their bio and contact details.

Kyra Maya Phillips x

@misfiteconomy, explorer of the dark side, dinosaur lover and culture hacker. never underestimate the power of misfits.

William McQuillan x

Startup-banking, finance, e-commerce, fashion, venture capital. Irish, loves extreme sports and adventure travel.

Rebecca sweetman x

She founded and runs Tutu desk, convincing companies around the world to sponsor proper desks for schools in Africa.

Henrik storm dryssen x

Co-founder of NGO 180 Degrees Consulting that inspires and coaches university students to socially entrepreneurial action through consulting projects. He also works for the advancement of social finance.

Yonatan Raz-Fridman x

Making a product that is trying to teach kids about building computers... think computer electronics but as easy as lego.

Peter Gregson x

One of the top cellists in the UK «working at the forefront of the new music scene» (The New Yorker). He also collaborates with many of the world’s leading technologists in order to mix up his performances.

Nicolò Wojewoda x

European Campaigner at @350. Making sustainable development the legacy of my generation.

Rajeeb dey x

Founder of Enternships and Startup Britain, advises David Cameron on startup policy and very connected in the UK startup scene.

Philipp Moehring

Investing in early stage startups at @seedcamp. Startups little helper, making the waters of the investment world more navigable.

James Mcbennet

Focusing on his startup Fabsie, trying to change the way people design, buy and manufacture furniture.



I will be setting up an Eventbrite asking the 10 sandboxers to contribute £25 - £30 to cover the evening’s costs.



Wanting to add to the London hub social encounters I have invited the existing members to donate one of their homes for the occasion.

ReBecca sWeetMaN (saNdBoX)16F linden Gardens, london, W2 4es


Notting Hill Gate


eveNt BReaKdoWN


I am using the methodology that I have established for my startup Edible Stories to recount not fairytales but my life story. I have broken it down into 10 chapters; they are in chronological order and based on moments that influenced change in my behaviour and made me who I am today.

My parents and I left South Africa when I was 2 and we have only been back 6 times since.I have lost all connection with the true meaning of being South African.

Savoury candy of traditional South African flavours. : Empowering essence of South Africa, but when the candy is tasted individually, they

almost taste bland.



I am still struggling to feel 100% or rather 50% South African. I like to say that I am, and follow the occasional springbok game, enjoy a tasty malva pudding, and feel emotional when I see Madiba (Nelson Mandela). The truth is I was never given the chance, as our family had many conflicts, but I am not giving up. I will tackle this, I know that this is something I am looking forward to persueing in the future.

The first 3 years after I learned how to speak the conversations with my parents were trilingual. My mother would speak in French, my father in English and I would answer in

Bavarian. As I had no connection with either cultures (French or South African) I was

searching for belonging and identity within the new one. This led me to be slightly reserved, shy, and sometimes confused.

Melted cheese with spicy mango chutney and brown bread enclosed in a caramel hard shell.crack open to discover the inside.

: combination of flavours and textures that strangely work together, one of them is stronger than the others.



Today I am proficient in all three languages and still only speak french to my mother and english to my father. I am no longer looking to be one or the other, but have taken a little bit of all three and the other cultures that I have had the pleasure of plunging into and they have shaped me to become stronger.

International Schooling: I was behind at school, as I came from a Bavarian kindergarden and they concentrated their work on bringing out the artistic side of students rather than teaching

academics early on. I felt inferior, became self conscious, and was constantly embarrased to be singled


Spherified chilhood favourites.The fragile encasing can easily be burst and let the interior run onto the plate.



At the time I was coming into a nex school, having to make new friends, learn all these things that seemed like memorising the periodic table at the age of 8. Throughout the years I became stronger and stronger and purposely placed myself into unconfortable situations so that I would get over my fear. And rather than being afraid compensate my lack of self esteem by holding an opinion and speaking my mind.

At the age of 12 my family and I moved to Philippines. It was different to anything I had ever seen before.

I had to adapt to a climate, new friends, new food, new rules, the unknown.

Within an aerosol inhaler a combination of tapioca maltodextrin with flavours unknown to most for example Szechuan Buttons which numbs your mouth.

Using a form of food intake that is foreign to most creating a moment of adaption and comprehension.



This was my first real challenge in life. I was and had to forget the sense of belonging that I had established in Germany and attempt to recreate it in Asia. Going through this gave me the courage to become stronger and rather than being scared of the new, embrace it and make it mine. Through this early experience, I have become extremely confortable in meeting new people. I sometimes still need to the first nudge, but as soon as I am introduced there is no stopping me.

Arriving in France and discovering what ‘La gastronomy française’ was all about. Paying attention to my mothers cooking, learning from it, inventing my own recipes,

and finding my passion for hosting and cooking meals.

Steak Tartare recomposé.Notes of the traditional Tartare but with a twist, combining flavours of the world.



This was a turning point for me as french gastronomy was really something truly different to what I had seen in the other countries. As they say nothing in the plate, everything on the bill and it can be unnecessarily pretentious. I have learnt to enjoy simplicity, showcase the ingredients and combine unique flavours.

My parents mariage exploded when I was preparing my BA in Paris. This created a lot of conflict, disapointment and even hatred between what I had

always considered a closely net family. The loss of stability in family life led to many hard choices.

Struggle between two parents, tears, confrontation, anger, disappointment, torn.

Flambée duck breast with a twist served with a tear cocktail.Explosion of flavours as soon as the ingredients touch your lips.



This chapter of my life (still not finalised) has hugely impacted me and the relationship I have with parents. I was placed in the middle of all disputes and decisions and was sufficating under the pressure of helping two people who clearly were poison for each other. I had to take a stand and fight for some air. The problem was greater than anything I could solve and it was unhealthy for me to be involved. Entering the third year of the divorce procedure, I have found peace and am able to enjoy time with each of them individually.

I made the decision to leave the (no longer) family home and live alone. Becoming independent, adapting, figuring things out for myself, finding myself.

Chocolate sphere with warm coulis and revealed suprise.The contents within the sphere is revealed when the hot sauce melts away at the




For the first time I had to depend on myself for things that came so naturally before (not financially). Being an only child I often found refuge by myself, but here I was able to keep to myself and learn to prioritise, start saving, cleaning, cooking. My passion for entertaining others grew as I was so often alone and had time to develop recipes hours on end.

My BA results were grately influenced by the impact my parents divorce had on me but it also was something that was painfully not cut out for me.

I dragged on this course for four years and tried to make it work. It was the first time that I was in an all french system, and it took me a long time to realise that it wasnt for


Szechuan button cocktail with a blocked straw.The effort of trying to drink through the straw will become unbearable and you will be forced to drink the cocktail, this is before realising the terrible but yet delicious

mistake you just made.



When I look back, yes this is one of my biggest failures, but only because I wasn’t strong or determined enough to make it my own. That is not to say that I would do it again but I also wouldn’t through everything away because I have learned to be rigorous, have a high work load, and become even more of a perfectionist.

Moving to London, finding something I was truly passionate about, living in a city that corresponds with my and my lifestyle, creating my own path.

Putting my foot down and really thinking about what I wanted, what I couldn’t accept and finding away to make me truly happy.

My favourite dessert.Hopefully my love for this will be translated.



Having to think and move fast after my BA, I made a decision to leave and start over somewhere that I felt was more appropriate for me. I had always been in international schooling and found the British culture to be something more familiar. This allowed me to not struggle, but rather concentrate, push myself, and make a lot of changes in my personal, professional, and family life. I have a vision, a goal, and I am on the route to discovering its full potential.

Edible Stories entering the start up community (Sandbox), creating something worth while and testing it on my users.

Having multiple options of outome, excitement, something like a fairytale.

Colourful candy platter that all have the same basic shape but the flavour and texture varies.Appetising, exciting, enchanting, teasing curiosity.



This has been a new and exciting adventure. I have starting to discover the true potential of the startup but still have so much. I am looking for guidance so that I dont pick up the first opportunity but rather think strategically about the best approach in all situations. Im exciting to embark in this adventure with sandbox.