Chicken cage designs some ideas

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Chicken cage designs some ideas

Chicken Cage Designs –

Some Ideas

by Jean Corlette

Chicken Cage Designs– Some Ideas

There are some great ideas to cultivate new hobbies and relax. Experts recommend spending time outdoors in order to boost one’s mood and get rid of the stress of daily life. Keeping chickens in your backyard can be just the perfect hobby to take up if you have the time and space. It is like having a pet, but also with additional perks such as getting fresh homegrown eggs everyday.

By Jean Corlette

Chicken Cage Designs– Some Ideas

Like any other pet, chickens are also a commitment. Hence you will need to get all the information you need before you get chickens. The most important aspect when you bring chickens or any pet for that matter is to create a special place for them. You need a good chicken coop or cage for your chickens. There are many chicken cage designs to choose from.

By Jean Corlette

Chicken Cage Designs– Some Ideas

Chickens require space to move around as well as to sleep and lay their eggs in. There are chicken cage designs that serve these purposes well. When you choose a cage bear in mind that it should be easy for you to clean and maintain as well. Don’t go for a too complicated designs which is difficult to clean as the chickens cannot be litter trained like other pets.

By Jean Corlette

By Jean Corlette

Chicken Cage Designs– Some Ideas

Also make sure that there is enough space in the coop for the chickens to move around. Chicken cage designs vary depending upon the number of chickens you need to keep. This is because there must be adequate space for the chickens to move around. There should be adequate light and proper ventilation in the cage so that the chicks don’t feel uncomfortable.

Chicken Cage Designs– Some Ideas

Consider the changing weather so that the cage is suitable for both summers and winters. If you want to collect the chicken droppings and use them as manure you can even have a cage with a special droppings tray that can be removed easily.

By Jean Corlette

Chicken Shed Plans – Plan your own and save money

Another vital consideration is safety of the birds. The height of the cage should be sufficient enough so that any animals are not able to enter the cage or the coop. The cage should also be safe from burrowing creatures that you could enter the cage from below. All the entrances to the coop must be secure. A standard cage will have two openings; one for you to use and the other for the birds.

By Jean Corlette

Chicken Cage Designs– Some Ideas

You can build your own chicken cage or buy a ready one. Whichever option you choose, keep in mind your own living space as well the requirement of the chickens before you get the cage or coop.

By Jean Corlette

Chicken Cage Designs– Some Ideas

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By Jean Corlette

Chicken Cage Designs –

Some Ideas

by Jean Corlette