Chicken and rice dog food recipe

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Chicken and rice dog food recipe

Recipe by Carlye and Alfred


20lbs chicken thighs with skin on

12 cans assorted beans 12 cans green beans, french cut 10 cans sliced carrots 5lbs long grain rice

Place the chicken in a 20 quart pot. Fill with water just enough to cover the chicken. Cover and cook on high heat until the meat falls off the bone (approx 1-1/2 hours)

Drain carrots and green beans Keep liquid from beans

Chop vegetables

Remove chicken from pot when is it thoroughly cooked. Do not drain.

Broth remaining will smell like Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Pour the rice in the pot with the broth left over from the chicken. Place on medium to low heat and cook.

While the rice is cooking, remove the bones and cartilage from the chicken thighs.

Chop the chicken into small pieces.

Store in the freezer until ready for use.

Mix the rice, chicken, vegetables and beans in equal parts. 1 cup portions create a 4 cup mix in a large mixing bowl. Mix ingredients.

Place in Tupperware size that can be consumed in 5 days or less.

The best part is cleaning up!