Chewbahat Identity Style Guide 2014

Post on 17-May-2015

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A comprehensive guide of the Chewbahat's brand identity. Created by Gerald Holubowicz.

Transcript of Chewbahat Identity Style Guide 2014

1Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014



2Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

1 Introduction

1.1 The Guidelines

2 Printed guidelines

2.1.1 Visual Style

2.1.2 The logo

2.1.3 Logo size

2.1.4 Logo position

2.1.5 Isolation area

2.1.6 Colors & Variations

2.1.7 Typography

2.1.8 Chewba Font

2.1.9 Writting guide



Visual identity guidelines | Summary

3Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

1 IntroDUctIon

Since the brand was created back in 2011,Chewbahat needed a strong identity to convey the philosophy that supports our actions. We strongly believed right away that by choosing the right identity, the right set of colors we could communi-cate more about our creative DNA than by writing a long page of text.

The original logo though was still a bit con-fusing and slightly out of touch. We needed to conduct a rebranding effort to actually convey a clearer vision of who Chewbahat is made of.

1.1 thE GUIDElInEs

Whether it is seen on screen or in print, the logo is continuously changing. It canadapt its texture and colour to the surrounding environment.

The new identity reflects Chewbahat. It is challenging, distinctive and innovative.However, the new identity can only make a positive impact if it is used consistently and correctly.

The Identity Style Guide has been devel-oped to provide a comprehensive under-standing of the new Chewbahat identity. It shows how to correctly implement the new design elements on print and online

Visual identity guidelines | Introduction

4Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014


The term off air defines anything produced by Chewbahat that is not shown in a video or interactive format. The first section of the guidelines describes the broad principles of the printed identity .

The subsequent sections of the guidelines – Print and poster advertising, Literature, Sub-brands, Programme support and Consumerproducts – describe in more detail how the brand is implemented in differentoff air areas.

Visual identity guidelines | Using the brand

5Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

2.1 VIsUal stylE

Since the brand was created back in 2011, The visual identity is the outward expression of Chewbahat. The logo is the primaryelement of that identity. However, other component parts play an important role in establishing the Chewbahat visual style.

These elements are:

ColourTypographyImageryTone of voice

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

Imagery produced or commissioned by Chewbahat

Headline (Avenir Next Bold Font) placed in front of a 70% transparent black box.

Powerful and short copy

Monochrom Visual Tag

6Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

7Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Logo & website url

Authors names & release date

Title of the project in the headline font

Imagery produced or commissioned by Chewbahat

Colors are choosen from the color palette, fonts are the ap-propriate ones for the type of the copy.Logo has the right size and is placed above the url.

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

8Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

2.1.2 thE loGo

In print, the facia of the logo can be invisible, so that it integrates with its surroundings. We see its distinctive contour overlaying photographs, illustrations and textures. The logo always foregrounds the real stars of the lab – the productions.

2.1.3 loGo sIZE

The Chewbahat visual tag has been de-signed to reproduce at a minimum height of 10 mm. On the web the minimum size of the Horizontal logo is 30 pixels deep and 100 pixels for the vertical one. There is no maximum reproduction size of the logo.

Page 43 of the Identity Style Guide will give you more information about sizing thelogo in different formats.

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

Visual Tag Vertical Logo Horizontal Logo

10 mm

9Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

2.1.4 VIsUal taG PosItIon

Many brands place their logos in the bottom right position of the page. However Chewbahat places its logo in a distinctivecentre right position. This is unique to the Lab and is therefore instantly recognisable.

Page 39 of the Identity Style Guide will give you more instruction about how to position the logo in many different formats and situ-ations.

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

10Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

2.1.5 IsolatIon arEa

The Chewbahat identity should always be surrounded by a minimum area of space.The area of isolation ensures that head-lines, text or other visual elements do not encroach on the logo. The area is defined by using a third of the height of the logowhich is referred to as x. A margin of clear space equivalent to 0.3x is drawn around the logo to create the invisible boundary of the area of isolation.

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

Isolation Area

Isolation Area

11Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

2.1.6 VarIatIon of thE loGo (colors)

Chewbahat uses a basic color palette to avoid using different versions of the samecolor. Percentage tints can be used in any of these colors. Other colors may be used where appropriate.

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online


hexa : #F4C900

r: 247G: 204B: 14

c: 4%M: 17%y: 99%K: 0%

PantonE : 116 C

BlacK (loGo)

hexa : #2F2F2F

r: 47G: 47B: 47

c: 70%M: 64%y: 63%K: 62%

PantonE : BLACk C

BlacK (BacKGroUnD)

hexa : #212121

r: 33G: 33B: 33

c: 72%M: 66%y: 65%K: 73%

PantonE : NEuTrAL BLACk C

12Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

13Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

14Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

15Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

16Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

hexa : #7A71E8

r: 122G: 113B: 232

c: 62%M: 60%

y: 0%K: 0%

PantonE : 2725 C

hexa : #FFDA27

r: 255G: 213

B: 39

c: 1%M: 14%y: 93%K: 0%

PantonE : 115 C

hexa : #A3DE36

r: 163G: 222B: 54

c: 40%M: 0%y: 97%K: 0%

PantonE : 375 C

hexa : #E9665C

r: 233G: 102B: 92

c: 4%M: 75%y: 62%K: 0%

PantonE : 7416 C

17Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

hexa : #FD9848

r: 253G: 152

B: 72

c: 0%M: 48%y: 79%K: 0%

PantonE : 7413C

hexa : #7169B4

r: 113G: 105B: 180

c: 63%M: 64%

y: 0%K: 0%

PantonE : 272 C

hexa : #9FD9B4

r: 159G: 217B: 180

c: 38%M: 0%y: 37%K: 0%

PantonE : 344 C

hexa : #DBD3F8

r: 219G: 211B: 248

c: 12%M: 16%y: 0%K: 0%

PantonE : 263 C

18Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

2.1.7 tyPoGraPhy

Very early in Chewbahat’s history a bespoketypeface has been choosen to be used throughout the Lab. It is called Planer. Planer is supplied in the Open Type format and is supported by pc and mac.Planer is a clean, modern font. Another font completes the typography of the lab: Avenir Next, which is stronger font used for titles and to highlight certain part of the copy in the Chewbahat’s communication.

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

Planer Headline RegularPlaner Guides (used to make text boxes)Planer Text Regular

AvenirNext Headline Regular

avenirnext Guides (used to make text boxes)

AvenirNext Text regular

AvenirNext Text Italic

AvenirNext Medium

AvenirNext Medium Italic

AvenirNext Text Bold

AvenirNext Text Italic

19Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

2.1.8 font

This fonts have been choosen to create headlines in print. It is recommended foruse with large titles and it should be used extensively when designing posters.AvenirNext Headline looks most effective when it is used at 14pt and above “All Caps”. In print it is the only type face that shouldbe placed in a box. Type in boxes should al-ways be upper and lower case.

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzßæoe•ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÆOE&0123456789*#@+<=>’”÷±%‰⁄μ£$€ƒ¥¢,.:;…“”‘’«»‹›·‚„!?¿¡(/)[\]{|}®©™ÄÅÂÁÃÀÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑØÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙŸáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñøóòôöõúùûüÿ†‡§ªº¬•¶ı°`~^ˆ˜¯˘˙ •-–—_






úùûüÿ†‡§ªº¬•¶ı°`~^ˆ˜¯˘˙ •-–—_

20Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

2.1.9 wrIttInG GUIDE

Depending on the copy to write, there’s different styles to apply, different fonts, size, weight to use in order to state the message correctly. Here’s some of the rules.

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

CHEWBAhat Brand name alone

CHEWBAhat storytelling lab Brand name full

ALAIN GarywalD Writting a full name (capital letters)

Alain Garywald Writting a full name ( no capital letters)

coPyLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eius-mod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Regular copy is “Avenir Next” Regular, font 12-14pts, interlines 18pts, justified.

21Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014


22Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

DarK Glossy loGo

The vertical logo is crafted to appear in differ-ent color, on various type of texture with the ability to remain recognizable and readable by everyone that would see it.

black Glossy logo on dark matte paper - 2013 © GH/chewbahat

23Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

carVED wooD loGo

carved wood logo - 2013 © GH/chewbahat

24Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

lUxE loGo

gold plated logo on dark matte paper - 2014 © GH/chewbahat

25Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Visual identity guidelines | Print & Online

PrEssED loGo

pressed cartboard logo on textured fine art paper - 2014 © GH/chewbahat

26Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014


27Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

Dark background barely lighted

Use of heavy black glasses combined with a funny face

Dark classy shirt of top

Frontal LED panel light

Photo sEt UP

The official portraits are shot with 50mm straight in front of the subject with a LED panel right above the optic axe.

28Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014


29Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014


30Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

front - tExtUrED

31Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014


32Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

InsIDE - tExtUrED

33Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

InsIDE - GrEy

34Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014

BacK - tExtUrED

35Design & conception by © Gerald Holubowicz - 2014


2014Design & conception of the chewbahat identity © 2013-2014 Gerald holubowicz

Contact: chewbahat@gmail.comweb: chewbah.attwitter: @chewbahat