Chess Puzzle Solving Pilot Event · Fall/winter distriCt 2011-2012 a+ aCademiCs University...

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Transcript of Chess Puzzle Solving Pilot Event · Fall/winter distriCt 2011-2012 a+ aCademiCs University...

Chess Puzzle SolvingPilot Event

grades 2 & 3 do not open test

until told to do so

Fall/winter distriCt 2011-2012

a+ aCademiCs

University Interscholastic League

Instructions for UIL Chess Puzzle Solving 1. There are 30 minutes to complete the test.

2. Skipping puzzles is okay; there is NO point deduction for skipping a puzzle.

3. Three points for each correct answer (there is no partial credit) for a maximum a total of

60. Full solutions are required, including the Black moves in the multiple move puzzles.

4. It is White to move in all puzzles – there is specific direction for each puzzle – checkmate in how many moves.

5. Use the following symbols for notation of the answers: K = King Q = Queen R = Rook B = Bishop N = Knight No symbol is needed for a Pawn move, just notate to which square the Pawn is moving. It is NOT enough to write only the name of the square, unless it is a Pawn move. Answers require only the “raw” solution in standard short chess algebraic notation (Bg5 or Nf6, etc.); letter first, number next, and to where the piece is moving. A move that results in Pawn promotion (to a Q, R, B, N) would also have the relevant letter included after the name of the square – for example c8Q. If two pieces of the same kind can move to the same square, the answer must specify which one. For example: Nfd5 or R1d5 (Nf4-d5 or Rd1-d5 also acceptable).

6. Graders will ignore any x (capture), + (check), # (checkmate) or P (Pawn) signs on the answer sheet. Examples g8=Q#, Rf5+ or Nxf6. These additional symbols do not cause an answer to be incorrect, but they are not required for a correct answer.

7. For multiple choice questions, write the letter answer ("a", "b", "c", or "d") corresponding to the notation. However, the "raw" notation in standard short chess algebraic notation (for example Bg5) for the correct answer option is also acceptable.

8. When done with the test, submit the original test and answer sheet according to instructions given by the contest director.

9. Write legibly!

UIL Chess Puzzle Solving District Meet Fall 2011/Spring 2012 - Grades 2-3

Copyright - Susan Polgar Page 1

#1 (Checkmate in 1)

a) Qh6

b) Qe7

c) Qd8

d) Qh5

#3 (Checkmate in 1)

a) Ng6

b) Kf7

c) Nd7

d) Nf7

#2 (Checkmate in 1)

a) Qh2

b) Qh7

c) Qf4

d) Qg3

#4 (Checkmate in 1)

a) Kf6

b) Bf3

c) Bf7

d) Be6

UIL Chess Puzzle Solving District Meet Fall 2011/Spring 2012 - Grades 2-3

Copyright - Susan Polgar Page 2

#5 (Checkmate in 1)

a) Nbd5

b) Ncd5

c) Re1

d) Nc8

#7 (Checkmate in 1)

a) Qh6

b) Qg5

c) Qf3

d) Qe5

#6 (Checkmate in 1)

a) Rc5

b) Be6

c) Bg2

d) Rd6

#8 (Checkmate in 1)

a) Nc6

b) b4

c) Nc4

d) Ra4

UIL Chess Puzzle Solving District Meet Fall 2011/Spring 2012 - Grades 2-3

Copyright - Susan Polgar Page 3

#9 (Checkmate in 1)

#11 (Checkmate in 1)

#10 (Checkmate in 1)

#12 (Checkmate in 1)

UIL Chess Puzzle Solving District Meet Fall 2011/Spring 2012 - Grades 2-3

Copyright - Susan Polgar Page 4

#13 (Checkmate in 1)

#15 (Checkmate in 2)

#14 (Checkmate in 1)

#16 (Checkmate in 2)

UIL Chess Puzzle Solving District Meet Fall 2011/Spring 2012 - Grades 2-3

Copyright - Susan Polgar Page 5

#17 (Checkmate in 2)

#19 (Checkmate in 2)

#18 (Checkmate in 2)

#20 (Checkmate in 3)