Chenoa Fund Program - · Chenoa Fund Program Disclaimer While every effort has been made...

Post on 23-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Chenoa Fund Program - · Chenoa Fund Program Disclaimer While every effort has been made...

Chenoa Fund Program


Chenoa Fund Program


While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the webinar content, PRMG’s product profiles and their updates, are the official statements of PRMG and in the event of discrepancies between the information in this webinar and the product profiles, the product profiles will always supersede the information provided here.

Chenoa Fund Program

FHA 30 Year Fixed First Mortgage

Chenoa Fund Program

Chenoa Fund Program

Retail Channel Only

Loans referred to AFS Division

Release date: February 1, 2017

Chenoa Fund Program

Down Payment Assistance Chenoa Gift

• Up to 3.5% of the adjusted value of the property.

• Available to borrowers whose income is 115% AMI or less

• Not Available as of 4/5/18

Chenoa Soft Second Forgivable DPA

• Up to 3.5% of the adjusted value of the property

• Available to borrowers whose income is at 115% AMI or less

• No monthly payments, the loan will be forgiven after the borrower has made 36 monthly payments on the First Mortgage.

Chenoa Repayable Second 30-Year DPA

• Up to 3.5% of the adjusted value of the property

• Available to borrowers whose income exceeds 115% AMI

• 5% interest amortized monthly payments over a 30-year period

Chenoa Fund Program

Program HighlightsProgram is available in all states except

NY, SD (See Product Prfile for possible updates)

30 year fixed

Credit score 620

Purchase, Primary Residence

Single Family Residences, PUD and Warrantable Condos

Chenoa Fund Program

Loan Parameters

No minimum loan amount

The maximum loan amount is the lesser of $424,100 or the particular county’s maximum HUD loan limit.

Chenoa Fund Program

Borrower Requirements

First time and non-first time homebuyers

All borrowers must occupy the property as their primary residence within 60 days of closing

Homebuyer education is not required

Borrower may own another property at close of escrow

Chenoa Fund Program

Program Fees and Documentation

Origination points and non-bona-fide discount points

are not allowed

Standard PRMG Underwriting and Processing Fees to be charged

Chenoa requires a soft credit pull or credit monitoring for all three credit

bureaus within 10 days of closing

Chenoa Fund Program

Appraisal Requirements

• One full appraisal is required

Chenoa Fund Program

Maximum Program Compliance Income Limits:

• Borrowers whose qualifying income is less than or equal to 115% of AMI can receive the gift or soft second. Borrowers whose qualifying income exceeds 115% of AMI must use the repayable second

• Income used towards limits include only the qualifying income of the occupying borrower(s). In other words, whatever income on 1003 for any borrower occupying the property would be used. If there is a non-occupying borrower than that income is not counted toward the income

Chenoa Fund Program


• MCCs can only be used if the entity providing the MCC will allow CBC Mortgage Agency to purchase the FHA insured first mortgage.

• MCCs can be added to Gross Income

• PRMG does allow MCCs to be used to reduce payments

Please Note: For additional information on MCCs please refer to program guidelines

Maximum Program Compliance Income Limits:

1. Log into HUD Area Median Income Site:1.

2. Select the most recent fiscal year

3. Select button under Access Individual Income Limits Areas (Click Here for FY 20XX IL Information)

4. Select the state and county

5. Determine the generic median income number (located on the left hand side of the results screen under the column heading Median Income), do not be concerned with income listed in the columns based on the number of persons in family.

6. Multiply Median Income result by 115% to determine limit

• A worksheet to calculate 115% of median income can be found in the Resource Center


Chenoa Fund Program






First Lien AUS Requirements

• Desktop Underwriter (DU) only allowed• Approve/Eligible required• The Agency AUS for the first lien must be included in the file• Manual Underwriting is not allowed• Loan Product Advisor (LPA) not allowed

Chenoa Fund Program

Completing the 1003 with a Gift (Not Available as of 4/5/18)

• On page 1 of the 1003 form, select the following gift options from the Source of Down Payment dropdown:

1. FHA – Gift – Source Government Assistance

2. For the Explanation of Down Payment, Enter CBC Mortgage Agency

• Please review the DU and verify the Source of Down payment, explanation of down payment and amounts are correct in the Terms & Property section

• In the Assets Section please ensure the Asset Type is Gift and the cash value amount is correct



Chenoa Fund Program

Completing the 1003 with a Gift (Not Available as of 4/5/18)

• On page 2 of the 1003 form, enter the following information VOD Screen

• Name: CBC Mortgage Agency

• Balance: Enter the Amount of the Gift in the balance field600N100E


Tax ID # 46-2780478


Donor: CBC Mortgage Agency Borrower(s):

600 N 100 E

Cedar City, UT 84721

866 563-3507 FHA Case #:

Gift Amount:

CBC Mortgage Agency is a governmental agency operating Chenoa Fund, a program that provides homeownership

assistance to low-and moderate-income families through a gift for the down payment (Minimum Required Investment

or MRI). Funds provided to the borrower under the Chenoa Fund are a bona-fide gift to the borrower and must be

used to purchase the property located at:



With a purchase price of: -$

The entire amount of the gift must be utilized towards the purchase of the property referenced above and may not

result in cash back to the borrower(s) (except to reimburse borrower(s) for verified funds the borrower(s) has all

ready paid such as earnest money, appraisal fees, credit report fees, etc.).

In accordance with the procedures outlined in Mortgagee Letter 2013-14, CBC Mortgage Agency, with this document,

has incurred a legally enforceable obligation to provide the funds towards the borrower(s)’ MRI. The Lender should

deliver funds for the MRI to the closing entity prior to or at the time of loan closing. CBCMA will reimburse Lender

from funds legally belonging to CBCMA at or before closing under this obligation once the following conditions are


The first mortgage associated with this assistance must be closed and delivered to CBCMA for purchase

All purchase conditions for the first mortgage associated with this assistance have been satisfied.

If these items are not delivered to CBCMA, this obligation will be void. WARNING: Failure of CBCMA to satisfy the

obligation may result in a determination that the funds for the Borrower(s)’ MRI were provided by a prohibited

source and the first mortgage obligation may not be insurable under the FHA insurance program.

Sincerely, Borrower Acknowledgment







Gift Letter and Funding Obligation

Chenoa Fund Program

Completing the 1003 with a Gift (Not Available as of 4/5/18)

• Complete the VOD fields as follows:

1. Enter the name of the agency followed by GIFT FUNDS in the name of Depository field

2. Select the Gifts Not Deposited option from the Account Type dropdown

3. Enter the reservation number in the Account Number field

4. Enter the amount of the gift in the Balance field



Chenoa Fund Program

Entering Gift as a File Contact (Not available as of 4/5/18):

• The applicable agency must be indicated in the File Contacts section on the Tools tab

1. In locate the tools tab and select file contacts


Chenoa Fund Program

Entering Gift as a File Contact (Not available as of 4/5/18):

• Locate a Custom Category

1. Select one of the Custom Category options available


Chenoa Fund Program

Entering Gift as a File Contact (Not available as of 4/5/18):

• Access PRMG’s business contact list by clicking on the lookup icon

1. Select the Down Payment option from the Category dropdown list


Chenoa Fund Program

Entering Gift as a File Contact (Not available as of 4/5/18):

1. Locate the applicable agency and click on Select to update the main File Contact page


Chenoa Fund Program

Closing Disclosure Gift Requirement (Not Available as of 4/15/18):

1. The amount of the gift must be indicated in Section L on page 3 of the Closing Disclosure this is an agency requirement

2. All Final CDs are sent to the agency before closing



Chenoa Fund Program

Entering Subordinate Financing on the 1st TD if required:

• Forms -> Borrower Summary

1. Click the Sub. Financing Button2. Enter your 2nd Mortgage amount in

the second mortgage field3. Click OK




Chenoa Fund Program

Lien Position and Down Payment:

• Forms -> Borrower Summary

1. Verify the lien position is correct for both the first and additional loans

2. Down Payment is the down payment in addition to the subordinate financing being utilized to complete the purchase

3. Verify the Subordinate Financing appears in VII details of Transaction




Chenoa Fund Program

1003 Page 1 (Borrower Information)

• Borrower phone number must be completed

CBC Mortgage Agency has partnered with Hope Loan Port, a HUD approved counseling agency, to provide borrowers with information, free counseling, and support after the borrowers have received their home loans in order to help borrowers better understand how and when their loan will be sold, let them know to whom they need to make their payments for which month, and to reassure them that none of their loan terms will change. They will also be available for counseling if borrowers encounter challenges or need help understanding the responsibilities of homeownership at no cost to them. In order to ensure all of our borrowers have a positive experience and to avoid the confusion that has resulted in the past from the multiple loan transfers after home purchase, CBCMA will need contact phone numbers for all borrowers prior to issuing closing documents.

CBCMA will not issue a Funding Obligation Letter until they have a valid phone number, so if your 3.2 file does not contain the borrower’s phone number, their staff will be reach out to you to get this number.

Chenoa Fund Program

1003 Page 3 (VIII. Declarations):

• When completing the declarations section of the 1003 locate question H

1. Question H: Mark Y (Yes) for is any part of the down payment borrowed for borrower and co-borrower


Chenoa Fund Program

Completing DU:

• Prior to running DU please verify

• Section 2 Terms & Property information are correct • Section 5 Assets information is correct

• Reflect the amount and subordinate financing information are properly filled and carried over from FT360

1. Process your DU findings

Chenoa Fund Program

Duplicating a loan for Subordination if Required:

1. Right mouse click on the loan you wish to duplicate

2. In the options menu select Duplicate Loan



Chenoa Fund Program

Duplicating a loan for Subordination if Required:

• You are presented with three different duplication options:

➢ Duplicate the selected Loan➢ Create a second lien using the

data from the selected loan➢ Create a second lien linked as a

piggyback using the data from the selected loan

1. Select the folder where you would like the Duplicate Loan to reside

2. Click OK



Chenoa Fund Program

Verifying a Lien Position and Down Payment on a Subordination if required:

• On the newly duplicated loan verify the Lien Position and Down payment information is correct

• Forms -> Borrower Summary

1. Verify the lien position is correct for both the first and additional loans

2. Down Payment is the down payment in addition to the subordinate financing being utilized to complete the purchase



Chenoa Fund Program

Mavent Compliance:

• Subordinate financing may cause Mavent to Fail

• Support has access to the ATR/QM Eligibility screen which bypasses Mavent provided the circumstances are allowed

Chenoa Fund Program

Chenoa Fund Repayable/Silent Second:

• Qualifying Income > 115% AMI

• 30-Year term 5% interest rate

• Requires monthly payment

• Payment must be included in housing ratio

• Borrower must indicate down payment borrowed in declarations section of 1003 (question H)

600 N 100 E

Cedar City, UT 84721

Lender: ABC Lender

Loan Application Number: 151110001

FHA Case Number 123-230598230-704

Borrower(s): John Doe

Jane Doe

Purchase Price of Property: $200,000.00

Property Address: 123 Main Street

Anywhere, TN 34222

Form of Assistance: Soft Second

Amount of Assistance: $7,000.00

Interest Rate (If Applicable): 0

Term (If Applicable): 360

Monthly Payment Amount (If Applicable): $0.00

Commitment Date: 11/10/15

As of the commitment date, CBC Mortgage Agency has incurred a legally enforceable obligation to

provide the funds towards the Borrower(s)’ Minimum Required Investment. Lender should

deliver funds for the MRI to the closing entity prior to or at the time of loan closing. CBCMA will

reimburse Lender from funds legally belonging to CBCMA at or before closing under this

obligation once the following conditions are met:

• The first mortgage associated with this assistance must be closed and delivered to CBCMA

for purchase.

• All purchase conditions for the first mortgage associated with this assistance must be


If these items are not delivered to CBCMA, this obligation will be void. WARNING: Failure of

CBCMA to satisfy the obligation may result in a determination that the funds for the Borrower(s)’

MRI were provided by a prohibited source and the first mortgage obligation may not be insurable

under the FHA insurance program.


MRI Funding Obligation

Chenoa Fund Program

Chenoa Loan Process Details• In Optimal Blue Locate the Chenoa 30 Year

FHA fixed loan program and follow normal lock procedures locating the target rate and desired lock days (your loan is not locked until secondary completes the process with Chenoa)

1. Complete the Chenoa Loan Registration Lock Request Form and send it to This form will need to be completed in its entirety

2. If registering and floating lock only mark the check box located on top of the PDF form

Special note: This form can be located in the resource center under: Chenoa Registration / Lock Request Form. Once completed Secondary will email information to Chenoa



Chenoa Fund Program

• Secondary will export the FNMA 3.2 files sending them to directly to Chenoa

• Secondary will receive the following items from Chenoa:

1. Rate Lock Form2. Funding Obligation Letter3. Loan Estimate (LE)4. Doc Request form (for use by closing)5. Printable PDF initial disclosures (these

must be sent to borrower by email along with FT360 1st mortgage disclosures during initial disclosure process by PRMG LO or Processor by secure email. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE 3rd BUSINESS DAY to request or complete this)

6. Disclose 1st and Second together

• Secondary will email you items above in addition to placing a copy inside the eFolder for each loan respectively

Special Note: This is how initial disclosures for the 2nd

mortgage must be obtained (applies when not utilizing Chenoa gift option) and the disclosures must be sent to borrower by loan officer.

Special Note: If disclosures are requested before 4:00 PM MST turn times from Chenoa are 2 hours. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL 4:00 PM MST. If locking locks must be submitted to secondary prior to 1:00 PM PST

1st eFolder Place Holders1. Chenoa Lock Registration2. Chenoa Documents

2nd eFolder Place Holders1. Chenoa Lock Registration2. Chenoa Documents

Chenoa Fund Program











Chenoa Mortgagee Clause

Chenoa Fund Program



CORONA, CA 92879 Loan # _____________

Chenoa Title Policy

Chenoa Fund Program

You do not need a title policy for the second TD

Logging into Chenoa Fund Client Site Post Closing Only:

• Accessing the Chenoa Fund Login Page

• Loan Application and Process

1. Enter your email address

2. Enter Your Password

3. Click Logon

Chenoa Fund Program

Logging into Chenoa Fund Client Site:

1. After the loan closes, using the proper Stacking Order, Post Closing uploads the credit file and closing packages (including the Collateral Package*) into the Client Portal. To login to the Client Portal, you will need to contact us for credentials or complete the form to the left

2. Originator sends the Collateral Package (including an Allonge endorsing note to CBCMA) to Originator’s warehouse bank

3. Originator pays the FHA insurance fee and requests an FHA insurance endorsement. Evidence is uploaded by Originator into the Client Portal

4. The Mortgage Loan is underwritten and conditions sent to Originator

5. The Collateral Package* is sent to Chenoa Funds’s warehouse bank from Originator’s warehouse bank.

6. Any conditions are uploaded into the Client Portal for review.

7. Chenoa Fund provides purchase and reimbursement advice to Originator.

8. Chenoa Fund wires funds to Originator’s warehouse bank

9. Originator sends a Goodbye letter to borrower and transfers MERS to Chenoa Fund

10. Upon endorsement, Originator transfers the FHA Case Number to Chenoa Fund

Chenoa Fund Program

Loan Cancellation

Cancel Reservation

Notify Secondary


• Cancel email

• Email Secondary cancellation request

• Upload cancellation request into FT360

Chenoa Fund Program

Homebuyer Advantages


Not restricted to

first time homebuyers

Credit score as low as


May be layered with

Mortgage Credit


Chenoa Fund Program

Realtor® or Lender Advantages

Ability to offer DPA options

Flexibility of financing

More qualified borrowers=More closed


Increase in referrals

Dream of homeownership a


Chenoa Fund Program


• Chenoa Fund Training Material is available in the PRMG University Training Portal.

• Chenoa Fund Product Profile is available in the Resource Center under Product Profiles

• Other Resources: • Chenoa Program Guidelines:

Chenoa Fund Program

Marketing Material

PRMG Marketing Department

Chenoa Fund Program
