Chemical Engineering Personal Statement

Post on 11-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Chemical Engineering Personal Statement


    Below is an example of a professionally written chemical engineering personal statement, you are

    advised not to copy it word to word, but instead to use it as a guide.


    "Virtually everything you see around you today has had some input from a chemical engineer at

    some point in its development. This fact demonstrates how this field touches the lives of virtually

    everyone in the country. Chemical engineering is at the forefront of solving global problems such

    as climate change and sustainable energy production, it does this by firstly making processes

    operate safely, efficiently and economically, and secondly by modify old processes and devise new

    ones. For me its a broad ranging subject that holds a significant amounts or responsibility, and

    will allow me to be involved in coming up with solutions to problems in industries as diverse as

    foods, pharmaceuticals, fuel, plastics, textiles, paint and cosmetics.

    My other main reason for choosing to study Chemical Engineering is that unlike other

    specialisations, the subject would leave a wide range of doors open for me in the future. Chemical

    Engineering offers, both in the UK and overseas, a wide and changing range of career

    opportunities, from design, research and specialist engineering to manufacturing, marketing and

    management. It provides new and exciting opportunities for individual enterprise and career

    flexibility with rapid progress to responsible, financially rewarding jobs. Chemical engineers are

    employed across a range of businesses by both large and small companies, and this is a degree

    that can take you wherever you want to go, both in terms of both job sector and geography.

    Looking back at my college experience which I have just finished, I would describe it as being hard

    work and challenging academically but generally good fun. I really enjoyed the camaraderie that

    existed between staff and students alike and also the real sense of accomplishment from

    successfully passing my three A levels. I was given a lot of control over the direction of projects I

    was involved in and allowed to use my own interpretation and judgement to choose subsequent

    experiments. My time at college has left me feeling fulfilled, more educated, and confident that

    Ive been fully prepared for what lays ahead academically.

    I have a very logical approach to problems and the ability to think outside the box. This is

    essential for this subject, as often all the components you have to put together work in theory, but

    putting them together and making them work in the real world requires lateral thinking. I am also

    patient and persistent person, who is practical and logical, and able to able to pay attention to

    detail for long periods of time.

    One of my ambitions is to gain an industrial placement as I feel that the experience will not only

    look good on my CV, but it will also put my university work into real context and also allow me to

    earn more money for my final year.

    I chose your university because of its very good reputation not only in the UK but also around the

    world. The chemical engineering programme at your institution is rated as one of the best in the

    UK and is highly accredited. When I visited your campus on an open day, I felt instantly welcomed

    into the warm, relaxed atmosphere of the department and I have never looked back. The large

    student population almost guarantees that there will be quite a lot of people with the same

    interests as me and I noticed that the university has a society for almost anything. I am really

    looking forward to being a undergraduate, as I believe it will be a most rewarding time in terms of

    personal development and in establishing my career direction for the future."