Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction ARCO 502 …5… · D. Klonazepam (Klonopin) E....

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Transcript of Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction ARCO 502 …5… · D. Klonazepam (Klonopin) E....

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 1

Light University Online

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction

ARCO 502

Module 3

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 2

Light University Online

Module Three

Table of Contents

Prescription Drug Abuse Michael Lyles, M.D. ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

The Angry Brain Barry Lord, Psy.D. ..................................................................................................................................................... 13


Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 3

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Description Dr. Michael Lyles provides students with a survey of prescription drug abuse in the United States. He cites these highly addictive substances as one of the top threats in terms of addiction due to the accessibility in communities. Dr. Lyles also presents the various types of prescription drugs utilized in abuse including narcotic pain medications, amphetamines and psychostimulants, and tranquilizers.

Learning Objectives: A. Identify and describe the various aspects of narcotic pain medication

abuse including the drugs’ impact on users in addition to various treatment recommendations.

B. Identify and describe the various aspects of amphetamine and

psychostimulant abuse including the drugs’ impact on users in addition to various treatment recommendations.

C. Identify and describe the various aspects of tranquilizer abuse including the drugs’ impact on users in addition to various treatment recommendations.



Michael Lyle, M.D.

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 4

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I. Drivers of Prescription Drug Abuse

A. Less Stigma B. Often Initiated for Legitimate Reasons

C. Availability – Friends, Family, Parents

D. Available via Internet without Prescription E. Less Cost (Insurance may cover)

F. Available via Doctor Shopping

G. 19% teenagers say it is easier to get purchase prescription drugs than cigarettes, beer, or marijuana.

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 5

Light University Online

II. Types of Drugs Abused

A. Narcotic Pain Medications

B. Amphetamines & Pscyhostimulants

C. Tranquilizers

III. Narcotic Pain Medications

A. Codeine

Empirin, fiorinal, tylenol (all with codeine)

Captain cody, schoolboy, doors and fours, loads, and pancakes and syrup

Injected, swallowed

Less sedation, analgesia and respiratory depression than stronger opiates

Mild-moderately severe pain

Dizziness, sedation, constipation, suppressed breathing

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 6

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B. Fentanyl

Actiq lozenges, duragesic patches, fentora (tablet)

Apache, china girl, china white, dance fever, friend, goodfella, jackpot, murder 8, TNT, tango, and cash

Injected, smoked, snorted, swallowed

Dental decay, suppresses breathing/blood pressure

Used for severe chronic pain maintenance

C. Morphine

Avinza, kadian, ms contin (extended release)

M, miss emma, monkey, white stuff

Injected, swallowed, smoked

Used for severed pain

D. Other Prescription Opioid Medications

Tylox, percodan, Percocet (oxycodone)

Demerol (meperidine, hydromorphone)

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 7

Light University Online

Dilaudid (hydromorphone)

Darvon, Darvocet (propoxyphene)

Dolophine, methadose (methadone)

A. Signs of Opiate Use Needle marks (tracks), scars (abscesses)


Small (pinpoint) pupils (eyes)

Nodding, drowsiness

Withdrawal syndrome

Respiratory depression

Treatment same as for non-prescription opiates IV. Amphetamines and Stimulants

A. Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)

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B. Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Focalin, Methylin, Metadate, Concerta, Daytrana)

Jif, mph, r-ball, skippy, the smart drug, vitamin m Injected, swallowed, smoked, snorted

Indicated for ADHD

Abuse low in ADHD; diversion is the issue

Abuse is high in non-ADHD

C. Mixed Amphetamine Salts (Adderall, Vynase)

D. Used in ADHD, Narcolepsy, Depression

E. In ADHD, Abuse and Addiction are Less the Problem; Diversion is the Problem

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V. Tranquilizers

A. Diazepam (Valium) B. Alprazolam (Xanax) C. Lorazepam (Ativan) D. Klonazepam (Klonopin) E. Pentobarbital (Nembutal)

F. Sleeping Pills Ambien, lunesta, dalmane, restoril, sonata

Abused with stimulants to decrease agitation from the stimulant

Abused to sleep all day long

Can become dependent on these for sleep

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G. Barbiturates

Amytal, Nembutal, seconal, Phenobarbital

Barbs, reds, red birds, phennies, tooles, yellows, yellow jackets

Injected, swallowed VI. Over-the-Counter Medications

A. Dextromethophran (Cough Medicine): Dissociative Effects

B. Ephedrine (Decongestants): Used in Making Crystal Methamphetamine

C. Non-Addictive Medications



Mood Stabilizers

Strattera (ADHD)


Inderal (Beta Blockers)

Clonidine (Catapres)

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 11

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VII. Treatment Pearls

A. Must be Comprehensive

B. Medication has a Limited Role

C. Dual Diagnosis D. Detoxification is the Beginning E. Denial – The Lie that You Tell Yourself F. Recovery is about Learning how to Live Sober G. To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you

are really my disciples.” -John 8:31

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 12

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Study Questions

1. What are the narcotic pain killer medications often used as substances of abuse?

2. What are the amphetamine and psychostimulant medications often used as substances of abuse?

3. What are the tranquilizers often used as substances of abuse?

4. Describe and expound upon three of the “treatment pearls” provide by Dr. Lyles.

5. What are the non-addictive medications that Dr. Lyles provided?

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 13

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Description In this lecture, Dr. Barry Lord explains in a user friendly way the physical workings of the human brain. It is designed to help the student understand anxiety (worry), stress (the buildup of stress), anger and the explosive nature of a person. The presentation also offers ways to help clients manage anxiety and stress and improve health and relationships by better understanding and controlling their own explosive behaviors.

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the natural workings of the human brain, enabling students to have a working knowledge of how their brains physically process anxiety into stress which may result in violent behaviors.

2. Gain tools for understanding the inner workings of anxiety, stress and anger, which will aid in developing a better understanding of relapse prevention techniques.

3. Identify specific ways to help clients improve the safety in their family relationships.



Barry Lord Psy.D.

Chemical Dependency, Neurobiology, and Addiction 14

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