Charlie Robb Jr. often says, “God does not

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Transcript of Charlie Robb Jr. often says, “God does not







Lifelong Learners: (L-R) Othella Burns, Annis

White, Ursula McGowan & Richard Smith

Rev. Wendell M. Bass Jr. (Teacher),

Nick Nixon are in the learning zone!

Charlie Robb Jr. often says, “God does not

reveal His Wisdom to lazy people!”

Messianic Judaism class being covered by

“The Dust of Rabbi Yeshua HaMaschiach”!

Study To Show Yourself Approved … 2 Timothy 2:15

Roots: Messianic Jewish Class – The Hebrew Alphabet (Pt. 2)


Grace and peace be multiplied unto each of you in the glorious name of Jesus the King!

Well, here we are again with the privilege of studying to show ourselves approved unto God as a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

We are clearly informed in Hebrews 4:12, that “the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edge sword, piercing even to the divisions of soul and spirit, and joints and marrows, and is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart!

What great mercy God has shown us by revealing Himself in the pages of the Bible.

During this year you will have the wonderful opportunity to discover new and helpful insights that will deepen your knowledge and strengthen your walk. The New Creation Church’s Christian Education Ministry provides to this church and the community, one of the most invigorating and comprehensive programs in the city of San Diego.

Prayerfully consider the classes offered and then invest your time in learning lessons that will transform your life!

I like to put it this way. “Being a lifelong learner makes you love life longer” ( R.L.G)

Your teachers are ready! Here we “grow” again!!


Pastor Gary


2016 Beyond Sunday Academy (BSA)

Welcome to a new and exciting 2016 Beyond Sunday Academy (BSA) year. We, as the New Creation Church’s Christian Education Department are proud to be able to offer 33 power-packed topical classes designed to increase your knowledge of God’s Word, bringing you closer to Jesus Christ. The course lineup this year will include high interest, 6 week classes, while at the same time keeping some of our 12 week classes. This will allow those that cannot commit to a 12

week class have the option of taking shorter classes. Authors such as Tony Evans, Whitney Phipps, Chrystal Evans Hurst, Priscilla Shirer, David Jeremiah, John Piper, Malcolm Gladwell and other’s curriculum will be utilized. It will be a fantastic voyage! BSA Changes: No more leveling of classes! You may take any class. Complete 2 classes and become a BSA graduate. Graduation certificates will read NCC Biblical Scholar. Jesus says that we must renew our minds daily. In other words, we must continue to grow and stay fresh! So must the Academy and we are excited about the changes and class offerings! We want every NCC member to take at least one class. Sign-up! Come out and enjoy the fun as we increase our knowledge in God’s Word and grow closer in Christ Jesus! Rev. Wendell M. Bass Jr Pastor of Christian Education


A Man After God’s Own Heart


January 11-February 15, 2016

God is looking for men who stand on His Word! He is looking for those men

to build His Kingdom! NCC Pastor Reginald Gary and Tony Evans will teach

the Biblical principles that not only define what a man is but they will teach

each man the steps necessary to help build God’s Kingdom!

Text: Kingdom Man: Every Man’s Destiny, Every Woman’s Dream (Member

Book) by Tony Evans $12.99 + Tax and Shipping

Mondays Winter Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


Rabbi Sha’ul (Paul) Enlightens the Ephesians

(12 Weeks)

January 11-March 28, 2016

Rabbi Sha’ul (Paul) was not a Christian. His spiritual encounter while on a donkey on the road to Damascus was not a conversion to Christianity, but it was an encounter with Mashiach Yeshua (Messiah Jesus). The text for this course is a brilliant Messianic commentary of The Book of Ephesians. It is written by Rabbi Barney Kasdan of Kehilat Ariel Synagogue in San Diego. Text: Rabbi Paul Enlightens the Ephesians on Walking with Messiah Yeshua by Rabbi Barney Kasdan $18 + Tax & Shipping


Spiritual Warfare and Prayer

(6 Weeks)

April 11– May 16, 2016

Utilizing clips from the movie “War Room”, scholars will learn what spiritual

warfare is about, how to deal with it and what the solution is to win the war.

Scholars will learn how to handle spiritual lukewarmness, how to be ac-

countable to God, how to trust God before, during and after prayer and

scholars will understand what God’s Grace is all about.

Text: War Room Bible Study Student Book by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

$7.99 + Tax & Shipping

Mondays Spring Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


Journaling Your Spiritual Walk

(12 Weeks)

April 11– June 27, 2016

Whether you are a longtime journal keeper or someone who has never kept a

journal at all; this course will help you go below the surface of your life with

God. It is not about the art of writing, but how journaling can form us, sup-

port us and lead us to a closer and more intimate walk with our Savior.

Text: Journaling as a Spiritual Practice by Helen Cepero– $11.99 + T & S

The Gospel Message in the Stars

[Messianic Judaism Perspective]

(12 Weeks)

April 11– June 27, 2016

When the heavens and earth were created and before there was the oral and

written Torah (Bible), Yeshua put His Gospel message in the stars. God taught

this message to Adam and Adam would have taught his sons and grandchil-

dren the Gospel message in the stars and they passed it down through the

generations. Psalm 19, written by King David, confirms the Gospel in the stars

and though no Words are spoken audibly, the stars speak, give honor to Ye-

shua, obey His Will and show His birth, death, resurrection and future return

to establish His Kingdom.

Text: God’s Voice in the Stars by Ken Fleming $8.99 + Tax & Shipping


Defeating Fear: A Faith Walk

(6 Weeks)

September 12 – October 17, 2016

How do you face down and overcome your fears? How do you overcome de-

pression, failure, being alone, the fear of serious illness and how do you over-

come the fear of death? It is a daily, winnable battle with simple strategies

that you can apply to help you overcome your fears. God expects us to live a

live of freedom, not fear. This powerful course will help you live a powerful

and victorious life!

Text: What Are You Afraid Of? (Member Book) by David Jeremiah

$11.99 + Tax and Shipping

Mondays Fall Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


Journaling Your Spiritual Walk

(12 Weeks)

September 12 – November 28, 2016

Whether you are a longtime journal keeper or someone who has never kept a

journal at all; this course will help you go below the surface of your life with

God. It is not about the art of writing, but how journaling can form us,

support us and lead us to a closer and more intimate walk with our Savior.

Text: Journaling as a Spiritual Practice by Helen Cepero –

$11.99 + Tax & Shipping

Hebrew Word Study

[Messianic Judaism Perspective]

(12 Weeks)

September 12 – November 28, 2016

Looking for a way to make your personal Bible study deeper and richer, this is

the course for you. Not a course in how to speak Hebrew or take a placement

test in Hebrew, it is designed for any Christian that wants to find a deeper un-

derstanding of scripture by peering into the ancient Hebrew language and

study a particular word. This course will help one go beyond a simple search

in Strong’ Concordance and a Bible Dictionary to find new meaning. Join us

as we peer deeper into God’s Word!

Text: Hebrew Word Study by Chaim Bentorah $13.77 + Tax & Shipping


Fundamentals of Faith

(6 Weeks)

January 12 – February 16, 2016

A must course for scholars beginning their Christian walk or for those scholars

that want to know God’s Will, Way and Word much better. Topics include:

Faith; Forgiveness; Redemption; Baptism; Prayer and Evangelism.

Text: Bring Your Own Holy Bible

Tuesdays Winter Course Lineup for NCC Scholars

Discovering Divine Purpose

(10 Weeks)

January 12 – March 15, 2016

Whether you’re newly saved, a mature saint, or somewhere in the middle,

one thing we have in common is that we desire to uncover God’s purpose in

our lives. Have you wondered what part your purpose plays in your life and in

others? Let’s discover which spiritual gift(s) has your name on it and how

they work together within the body of Christ to help you fulfill your purpose

in life!

Texts: Your Divine Design Study Guide by Chip Ingram $7.99 + T & S and

Ministering Through Spiritual Gifts- Charles Stanley $7.99 + T & S


Qualities of a Team Leader: Leadership Development

(12 Weeks)

January 12 – March 29, 2016

Leadership is critical to a healthy, vibrant church. God is seeking strong,

Christian leaders to lead according to His Will, Way, and Word so that His

Church can become what He has ordained it to be. All NCC Church leaders

required to take this course. The skills learned in the program will help

leaders lead in both the church and the secular world.

Text: The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player (Participant Guide) by John

Maxwell $11.99 + Tax and Shipping (Available in Class)


African Presence the Bible

(6 Weeks)

April 12 – May 17, 2016

Christianity and Judaism are African rooted religions. God called the Hebrews

out of Egypt which is in Africa and set them apart. He chose them. They

spoke Hebrew, an African language. They settled in the Promised Land which

was located in Northeast Africa. This area is now known as the Middle East, a

term created in the World War 2 era. Learn about the African presence in the

Bible, which is huge. God, Himself, is described as having feet of burnished

bronze and white hair like lamb’s wool. Learn how Biblical history was

altered with a paint brush and a pen! Join us for this powerful study!

Text: Africa and the Bible: The Earliest Roots of the Faith (Participant Guide)

by Wintley Phipps $4.79 + Tax and Shipping

Tuesdays Spring Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


What Jesus Wants From Us

(6 Weeks)

April 12 – May 17, 2016

What does Jesus require of us? What does Jesus require and how does that

measure against what the world requires in order to be called a success?

Topics include: 1) You must be born again; 2) Loving God with your whole

heart; 3) Render to Caesar… 4) Laying up treasurers in Heaven; 5) The Great

Commission. What Christ demands requires us to perfect our “Walk in

Holiness” so that one day, when we are face to face with Him, He will say,

“Job well done good and faithful servant!”

Text: What Jesus Demands from the World (Bible Study Book) by John Piper

and Brian J. Tabb $12.99 + Tax and Shipping

Discovering Divine Purpose

(10 Weeks)

January 12 – March 15, 2016

Whether you’re newly saved, a mature saint, or somewhere in the middle,

one thing we have in common is that we desire to uncover God’s purpose in

our lives. Have you wondered what part your purpose plays in your life and in

others? Let’s discover which spiritual gift(s) has your name on it and how

they work together within the body of Christ to help you fulfill your purpose

in life!

Texts: Your Divine Design Study Guide by Chip Ingram $7.99 + T & S and

Ministering Through Spiritual Gifts- Charles Stanley $7.99 + T & S


Knowing God’s Names

(6 Weeks)

September 13 – October 18, 2016

There is internal peace and power in knowing God’s Names! Our NCC Facilita-

tor and Pastor Tony Evans will take you on a wonderful journey where you will

understand the majesty of God’s Names, learn about the essence of God and

you will learn about the character attributes of God. No single name can cap-

ture Him or define Him, however, after this course you will more deeply know


Text: The Power of God’s Names (Member Book) $12.99 + T & S

Tuesdays Fall Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


David and Goliath: Defeating Your Giants

(12 Week Class)

September 13 – November 29, 2016

Giants are nothing but a figment of your imagination and fear! Come and

learn how David really defeated Goliath. It will amaze you how he really did

it! Magnificent author, Malcolm Gladwell, recaptures for us the scene that

day, in the valley of Elah and tells us how a “Shepherd Boy” trained in the art

of “The Sling Shot” defeated “His Giant!” Through the genre of storytelling,

Gladwell tells about “Modern Day Sling Shot Artists” who everyday are

destroying Giants, using everyday strategies that you have at your disposal

right now, that can help you defeat your Giants! David’s solitary times in

“Green Pastures” with the Lord were well spent and his victory over Goliath

still inspires us today!

Text: David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, the Art of Battling Giants

$16.99 + Tax & Shipping

Discovering Divine Purpose

(10 Weeks)

January 12 – March 15, 2016

Whether you’re newly saved, a mature saint, or somewhere in the middle,

one thing we have in common is that we desire to uncover God’s purpose in

our lives. Have you wondered what part your purpose plays in your life and in

others? Let’s discover which spiritual gift(s) has your name on it and how

they work together within the body of Christ to help you fulfill your purpose

in life!

Texts: Your Divine Design Study Guide by Chip Ingram $7.99 + T & S and

Ministering Through Spiritual Gifts- Charles Stanley $7.99 + T & S


A Woman After God’s Own Heart

(6 Weeks)

January 14 – February 18, 2016

A woman after God’s own heart is brilliant, loving, powerful, beautiful, and

independent, who walks in holiness before God and others! Come together

women and learn from First Lady Karen Gary, Chrystal Evans Hurst and Pastor

Tony Evans about the value of, the making of, the hope of, the refining of, the

legacy of and the potential of a Kingdom Woman and a woman after God’s

own heart. It will be a powerful and life changing course!

Text: Kingdom Woman (Study Guide) by Chrystal Evans Hurst and Tony

Evans $7.99 + Tax and Shipping

Thursdays Winter Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


Financial Peace

(10 Weeks)

January 14 – March 17, 2016

We are responsible for being good stewards of the resources that Jesus has

given us. After taking this course, the average family will have the tools to im-

prove their financial picture and become good stewards! Wow! Enroll now!

Text: Financial Peace Kit $50 (First 10 students buy at $50, after $100)

The Apocalypse of Yeshua (Part 3)

(Messianic Judaism)

(12 Weeks)

January 14 – March 31, 2016

Apocalypse means to reveal or a lifting of the veil. This course is a study of

the Book of Revelation from an Hebraic/Messianic point of view. Through the

use of the Menorah a complex Book of the Bible will be made so simple that

a child can understand it.

Text: Lost in Translation: The Book of Revelation: Two Brides and two

Destines (Vol. 3) $15.29 + Tax and Shipping


Women Resting in Jesus: The Sabbath Principle

(6 Weeks)

April 14 – May 19, 2016

Harriet Tubman said, “If I could have convinced more slaves that they were

slaves, I could have freed thousands more!” How do you free yourself to rest

in God? Learn what the Sabbath Principle is all about. How do you rest in

Jesus and become free of worldly things, hobbies, negative people, ungodli-


Text: Breathe: Making Room for the Sabbath (Bible Study Book) by Priscilla

Shirer $9.99 + Tax & Shipping

Thursdays Spring Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


The Treasurer Principle

(12 Weeks)

April 14– June 30, 2016

We are blessed to be a blessing! God has blessed us and He expects us to

bless others. This companion course to Financial Peace teaches us that not

only are we to be good stewards but we should use what He has given us to

help build His Kingdom and serve others. Learn how to be a powerful man

and woman of God helping Him to repair the world through the blessings

that He has given us!

Roots: Let’s Go Down by the River

(Messianic Judaism)

(12 Weeks)

April 14– June 30, 2016

This introductory Messianic Judaism course is designed for those that are

interested in learning about the Jewish Roots of Christianity. Jesus’ Jewish/

Hebrew name is Yeshua and He was called that when He walked the earth.

Scholars will understand what Messianic Judaism is. This course is not a

course in Hebrew but a study about the history of the early Jewish believers,

their customs and how that they followed the Hebrew/Jewish Bible, which

is our Bible! Let’s go down by the river!

Text: Messianic Church Arising by Robert D. Heidler and Chuck D. Pierce

$10 (Buy it in class the first night)


Praying to a Prayer Answering God

(11 Weeks– Meeting on Saturday only)

April 16 – June 25, 2016

Scholars will learn the purpose of prayer, how to pray and what to pray for

each day. You will learn how to have an intimate and personal conversation

with God. As a scholar, you will learn that prayer is a two way conversation

and that it is critical for one to listen to what God has to say to them. It is a

mutual conversation and requires you at times to be quiet in order to hear

God. God answers prayers that are done in the name of Jesus! You will never

pray the same way after this class!

Text: The Hour that Changes the World: A Practical Plan for Personal Prayer,

25th Edition by Dick Eastman $7.99 + Tax & Shipping

NCC class closing in Prayer. God answers Prayer!

Saturdays Spring Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


Hush: Somebody’s Calling My Name

(6 Weeks – For Women)

September 15 – October 20, 2016

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” This course, designed

for women, is about how to develop a simple relationship with God. Scholars

will learn how to prepare themselves to hear from God, how to listen to God

and then respond obediently to Him. During prayer and even during quiet

times throughout the day, one must be still to listen to God and what He has

to say. There is a big difference between listening and hearing! Join this ex-

citing class!

Text: He Speaks to Me (Bible Study Book) by Pricilla Shirer $12.99 + Tax &


Praying to Our Father: A Messianic Prayer

[Messianic Judaism]

(12 Weeks)

September 15– December 1, 2016

Join the authors as they take us on a journey to understand the Hebraic

meaning of the “The Lord’s Prayer”, how it was taught and where it was

prayed. Scholars will also gain tremendous insight into the Jewish culture, Is-

rael and the history of the incredible events in Yeshua’s life!

Text: A Prayer to Our Father by Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson $19.95

+ Tax & Shipping

Thursdays Fall Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


Celebrating Recovery

This course is Monday evening and helps

Fellows seek Biblical solutions that help

them remediate personal problems and

issues so that they can positively move

forward in life!

Required Text: TBA by the instructor

Wednesday Noon Bible Study

This is a yearlong Bible Study. It is taught

by a minister and the study is designed

to help students perfect their walk in


Text: Provided by the Instructor (free)

Men of God Under Construction

This is a very powerful course for men

and meets each Friday evening through-

out the year. It is designed to help men,

utilizing the Bible, find Christ-centered

solutions to their problems!

Text: Provided by the Instructor (free)

Weekly Year Long Course Lineup for NCC Scholars


Beyond Sunday Academy Textbook Policy

The NCC Christian Education Department and Senior Pastor Reginald

L. Gary thanks you for enrolling in one of our exciting Beyond Sunday

Academy (BSA) classes. We look forward to serving you and teaching

you. All students must order their own books. [***Do not pay for

your books via the Church’s online website]. We will no longer be

able to provide a supply of books the first night of class for you to

purchase, except for the Leadership Development class and Messian-

ic Church Arising. Books will be available in those classes the first

night because we had extra books left over from the 2015 year.

We use several sources for our books. For most of the 6 week

classes we recommend that you use Lifeway. There is a Lifeway

store in San Diego or you can go to Other excellent

sources for books can be found at, The RockPile

Bookstore which is affiliated with the Rock Church in San Diego, and There may be other sources

for books as well.


Beyond Sunday Academy (BSA) Registration Form

(use this Form if you cannot register online)

Turn this Form into Rev. Bass’ mailbox or turn it into Partner Services after completing it.

Name_____________________________________________ Phone__________________________


Street City State/Zip

Email_________________________________________ Church Affiliation_____________________

(Check Below)



____A Man After God’s Own Heart

(6 Weeks) [Jan. 11 - Feb. 15, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 1

____Ephesians: A Messianic Commentary

(12 Weeks) [Jan. 11 - March 28, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 1


____Fundamentals of Faith

(6 Weeks) [Jan. 12 - Feb. 16, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 1

____Divine Purpose

(10 Weeks) [Jan. 12 - March 15, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 4

____Leadership Development

(12 Weeks) [Jan. 12 - March 29, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 1



____A Woman After God’s Own Heart

(6 Weeks) [Jan. 14 - Feb. 18, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 1

____Financial Peace

(10 Weeks) [Jan. 14 - March 17, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 4

____The Apocalypse of Yeshua: Part 3

(12 Weeks) [Jan 14 -March 31, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 1



____Spiritual Warfare Thru Prayer

(6 Weeks) [April 11 - May 16, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 2

____Journaling Your Spiritual Walk

(12 Weeks) [April 11 - June 27, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 4

____The Gospel Message in the Stars

(12 Weeks) [April 11 - June 27, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 1


____What Jesus Wants From Us

(6 Weeks) [April 12 - May 17, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 1

____African Presence in the Bible

(6 Weeks) [April 12 - May 17, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 1

____Divine Purpose

(10 Weeks) [April 12 - June 14, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 4


Thursdays -

____Women Resting in Jesus

(6 Weeks) [April 14 - May 19, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 1

____Treasure Principle

(12 Weeks) [April 14 - June 30, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 4

____Down by the River (Roots)

(12 Weeks) [April 14 - June 30, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 1

Saturdays -

____Praying to a Prayer Answering God

(11 Weeks) [April 16 - June 25, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 4


Mondays -

____Defeating Fear: A Faith Walk

(6 Weeks) [Sept. 12 - Oct. 17, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 2

____Journaling Your Spiritual Walk

(12 Weeks) [Sept. 12 - Nov. 28, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 4

____Hebrew Word Study

(12 Weeks) [Sept. 12 - Nov. 28, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 1


Tuesdays -

____Knowing God’s Names

(6 Weeks) [Sept. 13 - Oct. 18, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 1

____Divine Purpose

(10 Weeks) [Sept. 13 - Nov. 15, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 4

____David and Goliath: Defeating Your Giants

(12 Weeks) [Sept. 13 - Nov. 29, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 1

Thursdays -

____Hush: Somebody is Calling My Name (Woman’s Study)

(6 Weeks) [Sept. 15 - Oct. 20, 2016] Amos Hall, Room 1

____Praying to Our Father: A Messianic Prayer

(12 Weeks) [Sept. 15 - Dec. 1, 2016] MBJ Annex, Room 2


____Wednesday Noon Day Son (Each Wednesday of the Year) Amos Hall, Room 1 ____Celebrating Recovery (Each Monday of the Year starting at 6:00 pm) MBJ Annex, Room 2 ____Men of God Under Construction (Each Friday of the Year starting at 6:00 pm) Amos Hall, Room 1


Beyond Sunday Academy Online Registration

To register for classes:

1. Visit the church website at

2. Go to the Contact Us pull down menu and select the Partner Links page.

3. On this page there are three (3) options: (methods “a” and “b” below are

the preferred methods)

a. Click on the Member Login link. If you have a valid username/email

and pass word enter it here. If you need a username and password and have

an email address that is in the database click on the blue link next to Need a

Login? Enter your email address and your first and last name. If the system

matches the information you entered with a record on file you will get a

message to check your email for your password. Retrieve that and enter it for

access to your record.

b. Click on the First Time Member Login link. As before if you have a valid

username/email and password enter it here. Otherwise, click on the blue link

next to login. Need a Login? Complete the short form and click the Continue



c. Click on the Upcoming Events Page link. This will bring up a list of

classes that you can register for. You can select any class name for additional

information about the class.

4. If you entered the system through either method “a” or “b” above look in

the “I want to View” box and select the “Available Registrations” link. Locate

the class in the list and select register. You will be guided through the registra-

tion process associated with registering for the class.

5. If you looked at the list (method “c” above) you can click on the Register

button and You will be taken to the Login page. If you have a valid username/

email and password enter it here. If you need a username and password and

have an email address that is in the database click on the blue link next to

Need a Login? Complete the form, log into the system and proceed to



2Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is given by inspiration from God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for

correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete,

thoroughly equipped for good work.

NCC Beyond Sunday Academy Graduation

Sunday, December 11, 2016, 3:30 pm!

W i t h M u c h A p p r e c i a t i o n a n d G ra t i t u d e …

Were it not for the following individuals and groups, the Beyond Sunday Academy Graduation

Ceremony, Course Catalog and the Academy itself would not be possible:

Ms. Betty Reusch, Ms. Lakesha Maddox and Bill Moss for their work on the 2016 BSA Course

Catalog, the BSA Master Schedule, graduation diplomas, online course registration process

and the Christian Education link on the NCC Website

Pastor Reginald Gary for his unwavering support of the Christian Education Department

Our NCC Ushers for welcoming and seating our attendees at our Graduation ceremony

Our Music and Sound Ministry for providing music and sound for our Graduation ceremony

Mr. Amuel Hilliard for producing photos and DVD’s of the Graduation ceremony

Above all, were it not for the creativity, dedication and excellence of the Christian Education

Department’s Faculty, the Beyond Sunday Academy and our Bible Discovery Hour would not be

what it is today.

Many Thanks, Many Thanks, Many Thanks!

New Creation Church of San Diego Reginald L. Gary, Senior Pastor Amos Johnson, Pastor Emeritus

3115 Altadena Avenue, San Diego, CA 92105 Phone: 619-584-5460 Fax 619-584-1571