
Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Characters

This film supports Erving Goffmans theory because he believed there are 4 main types of broad characters which are;The protagonist (leading character)The deuterogamist ( secondary character)The bit player (minor character whose specific background the audience is not aware of)The fool (the character that uses humour to convey messages)

The Purge

The bit player…

Mysterious characterEdwin's character who is known as the ‘Bloody stranger 'and he does not fit with the theorists. The reason for this is because at the beginning of the film he is made out to be a bad guy as he automatically runs for hiding but towards the end of the film he is shown to be the hero by saving the family.

From they way he is shown in this film, he looks very vulnerable, but because he has a gun he is made to look like he is taken part in the ‘purge’ towards the end it is made clear that he is actually a homeless man who had no where to hide when the purge came.

Lena Headey’ Mother

The Deuterogamist

Innocent/loving characterLena who plays the mother, is showed to be very innocent character. She is also shown as though she leaves her husband to do what he thinks is best. She is completely focused on the wellbeing of her children rather than herself. Towards the end of the purge she comes out of her shell and starts been the ‘The helper’ the reason for this is because her and her husband decide its time to ‘fight’ and therefore have to work together.

The reason she is the Deuterogamist is because she helps her husband and ends up been one of the main characters. Therefore she counts as the second most important character

Tony Oller

The Fool

Evil-Bad GuyThis character is part of the purge and is seen to be ‘The Fool’ the reason for this is because the way he is saying what he is saying to the family is in a threatening way but saying it in a funny and unserious way . This character seems to have more authority over the family as they seem to be very distressed and scared by what he is saying. Due to him wearing a mask it is seen as a bit of joke but in actual fact he was been serious.

Ethan Hawke

The Protagonist

The ‘Hero’

In this film the father of the family is seen to be the hero as he is constantly thinking about his family. He would do anything to make sure that they don’t get hurt and if it means putting himself at risk he will do so.