Characteristics of the Effective Project Manager · Characteristics of the Effective Project...

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Transcript of Characteristics of the Effective Project Manager · Characteristics of the Effective Project...

Characteristics of the Effective Project Manager What is needed? What is available?

by Tom Taylor principal of dashdot joint founder of Buro Four President of APM

Characteristics of the Effective Project Manager

A different, stimulating approach

– to help individuals and organisations,

– for managers to confirm they are suitably focussed

– or want to become effective or even more effective

Characteristics of the Effective Project Manager

Demand and Supply Project Managers need to be versatile

they need a full palette of general knowledge

wide interests,

and positive personal characteristics

Yet the need for and application of these characteristics vary with:

the type of project/sector

the abilities of the project team

the needs of the client customer

and the stage of the project

Characteristics of the Effective Project Manager

Primary Groupings of Characteristics (in 3 groups) Leadership, Direction and Management Reporting, Resolution and Risk Control, Contacts and Contract

For self assessment For interviewing candidiates For staff reviews

‘Demand’ – for each characteristic, what is the level of requirement 0 to 10

‘Supply’ – and what is available, provided, on offer 0 to 10 Are there any differences? Are they significant? Does anything need to be done? – what? – when?

Leadership, Direction and Management (A1)

Consider Leadership

in teams, of projects, of programmes,

confidence in the leaders

or confident leaders

“The Charismatic Leader”

“A self-made, natural-born leader”.

So What level of Leadership Talent is required?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Leadership, Direction and Management (A2)

Need a Strategist?

thinking ahead

the big picture

thinking behind

“The Strategist”

“He is thinking about the future

– someone has to”

Does the Project Manager need to be the Project Strategist as part of the role?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Leadership, Direction and Management (A3)

Helpfulness to the client

too helpful/supportive?

too independent?

“The Puppet”

“The glient gould ‘ike more gredd

and gutter”

To what extent should the Project Manager appear to be independently minded while still representing his employer?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Leadership, Direction and Management (A4)

Solving Problems

by themselves?

through their team?

“The Problem Solver”

“I’m here to sort out your problem”

To what extent is a good, effective problem solver required?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Leadership, Direction and Management (A5)

The Sheriff

does order need to be maintained?

is it an issue or requirement?

“The Sheriff”

“Yep. Sometimes a Project Manager has

got to do what a Project Manager

has got to do. Yep”“

Will the Project Manager need to do and be seen to do the right thing in difficult or sensitive circumstances?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Leadership, Direction and Management (A6)

Experience needed?



experience of what?

“The Trainee”

“It only needs practice”.

To what extent is Project Management experience relevant?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Reporting, Resolution and Risk (B1)

Record Keeping

as a task – administration

as an interest – project conscience

“The Diarist”

“Record what needs to be

recorded – only”

Will the Project Manager also need to be the practising administrator?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Reporting, Resolution and Risk (B2)


prompt and direct

careful and selective

“The Postman”

“Right message, right means,

right destination, right response”

Is management of the communication mediums and content an important issue?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Reporting, Resolution and Risk (B3)


in the middle/facilitator

one side or other


(see Problem Solver)

“The Negotiator”

“Being somewhere near the middle?”

Will negotiation and dispute resolution skills and application be needed?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Reporting, Resolution and Risk (B4)

Stirring up

to avoid complacency

to motivate

to get things going

“The Stirrer”

“The ingredients will not do it by themselves”.

To what extent must the Project Manager push things along and stir things up?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Reporting, Resolution and Risk (B5)


as threats

as opportunities



“The Risk Specialist”

“What are the chances of that happening?”.

Does the Project Manager need particular Risk Management abilities?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Reporting, Resolution and Risk (B6)


of information

of people

of processes

“The Magnet (for information)”

“Information? – I got it!”

Will the Project Manager(s) need to be involved in and knowledgeable of all the day to day activities and issues?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Control Contacts and Contract (C1)

Cost Expertise

of costs

of value

of budget

“The Cost Reporter”

“*Money isn’t everything/ Money is

everything” (*Delete as required)

What level of fiscal expertise is required?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Control Contacts and Contract (C2)






“The Contract Specialist”

“Locating the big, medium and

small print”.

How much of such contract specialist knowledge and application is required of the Project Manager?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Control Contacts and Contract (C3)





“The Technician”

“A little knowledge can go a long way”.

How much technical and sector knowledge is required of the Project Manager?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Control Contacts and Contract (C4)





managing time

“The Timekeeper”

“Time only goes one way”

What level of time programming and time management is required?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Control Contacts and Contract (C5)

“The PM with Contacts”

“Those special connections – know

what I mean – say no more”.


know the team

know the industry


To what extent does the Project Manager need to have ‘commercial’ know how?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Control Contacts and Contract (C6)


for the project

within the project

to be a manager

“The Computer Buff”

“This is such fun”.

To what extent are computer skills and knowledge required of the Project Manager for this project or post?

And what is available, provided, on offer?

Conclusion 1

A different, stimulating approach

– to help individuals and organisations,

– for managers to confirm they are suitably focussed

– or want to become effective or even more effective

Conclusion 2

Demand and Supply Project Managers need to be versatile

they need a full palette of general knowledge

wide interests,

and positive personal characteristics

Yet the need for and application of these characteristics vary with:

the type of project/sector

the abilities of the project team

the needs of the client customer

and the stage of the project

Conclusion 3

Review the presentation / book.

Do the exercise.

Think about it.

Do something about the situation?

(Do the exercise again when required.)

So what is required?!

And what have you got to offer?!

Best wishes.

Tom Taylor.

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