Chapters 8 18: Metabolism and Movement of Lipids What types of fats are needed for cell function?...

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Transcript of Chapters 8 18: Metabolism and Movement of Lipids What types of fats are needed for cell function?...

Chapters 8 & 18: Metabolism and Movement of Lipids What types of fats are needed for cell function? Where are each of these types of fats manufactured? How do phospholipids in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane get there? How do lipids move from place to place in the cell? Where is cholesterol made? What are lipoproteins? How is lipid metabolism regulated? How does imbalance in lipid metabolism contribute to atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes? What types of fats are needed for cell function? Fatty Acid Synthesis and Transport Acetyl coA carboxylase Acetyl CoA carboxylase catalyzes the reaction: acetyl CoA + HCO3- + ATP -> malonyl CoA + ADP + Pi Six molecules of malonyl CoA and one molecule of acetyl CoA then interact sequentially with fatty acid synthase to yield the final product, palmitate. Gene NameCommon NameOther Names (species) Expression FABP1LiverL-FABP h-FABP Z protein liver, intestine, kidney, lung(est) FABP2IntestinalI-FABP gFABP intestine FABP3Heart/MuscleH-FABP M-FABP MDGI c-FABP heart, mammary, skeletal muscle FABP4AdipocyteALBP aP2 A-FABP p422 p15 adipose, macrophage FABP5EpidermalKLBP (murine) mal-1 (murine) E-FABP (human) PA-FABP (human) C-FABP (rat) S-FABP (rat) LE-LBP (rat) DA11 (rat) LP2 (bovine) Melanogenic Inhibitor abnormal skin, lens, adipose, endothelial cells, lung, mammary, brain, stomach, tongue, stomach, placenta, heart, skeletal muscle, intestine, testis, retina FABP6IlealIlLBP ILBP BABP IL-FABP I15P Gastrotropin ileum Gene NameCommon NameOther Names (species) Expression FABP7BrainB-FABP BLBP MRG R-FABP (chicken) brain, olfactory bulb FABP(9)TestisT-FABP TLBP PERF15 testis MP2Myelin P2Myelin P2 PMP2 MLBP My-FABP Schwann cells cytosol ER