CHAPTER#17 ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Lecture No. 16Course: Engineering Management MED...

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Transcript of CHAPTER#17 ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Lecture No. 16Course: Engineering Management MED...


Lecture No. 16 Course: Engineering Management



What is the difference b/w




Maintenance“Maintenance” means to keep equipment in operational

condition or repair it to its operational mode.

Its main components are:Preventive MaintenanceCorrective Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance is the maintenance which is carried out to prevent/avoid the upcoming breakdowns.Corrective Maintenance is the maintenance which is carried out to avoid the reoccurrence of the same breakdown.

Maintenance Engineering

Its main objective is to ascertain that the new products are designed for ease of performing

maintenance and that the proper economic support subsystem is provided at the moment of need.

Maintenance Engineering Department Functions

• Maintenance of installed equipment and facilities.• Installation of new equipment and facilities.• Modification of already installed equipment and facilities.• Inspection and lubrication of existing equipment.• Management of inventory.• Disposal of waste and salvage.• Production of utilities.• Administration.• Supervision of manpower.• Keeping records.

Maintenance Manual

It contains:PoliciesObjectivesProceduresOrganization concerning execution of

maintenance functions.

Why Maintenance Manual is Needed….?

Why Maintenance Manual is Needed….?

Due to following reasons maintenance manual is important in an organization:

Unclear authorityUnclear responsibilityExecution bureaucracyIncomplete proceduresExistence of duplicated effort and facilities

Objectives of Maintenance Engineering

An Approach For Upgrading Maintenance

This approach is composed of following steps:

1. Determine the existing deficiencies.2. Set goals for maintenance improvement3. Establish priorities by taking into consideration the saving

from each project under study.4. Select indices to measure performance of each objective.5. Establish plans for both short and long term. 6. Implement plan.7. Report status on a semi-annual basis.8. Review the plan at the end of each year.

Effective Maintenance Management

The important components of managing maintenance function:Maintenance PolicyControl of materialsPreventive maintenanceWork orderJob planningPriority and backlog controlData recording systemPerformance measurement indicesWork measurement

Maintenance Policy

Document which clearly describes the policies, objectives, authorities,

responsibilities, maintenance performance measuring techniques.

Control of Materials

Material control is a important perspective for the efficiency of the maintenance organization. The improper control of materials may be the cause for the delay in performing maintenance, false start, ineffective utilization of manpower.One of the important problems of the material control is the inventory control.

Inventory Control Model

Following symbols were used to develop equations for the model.



Preventive Maintenance

This is performed to keep equipment in satisfactory working condition by providing inspection and correction of early stage malfunctions.During preventive maintenance following factors must take under consideration.Economics(maintenance cost is compared with

downtime cost)Standards compliance(government, insurance,

professional, fire, safety standards)Process Reliability(critically consideration of

production schedule deadlines )

Preventive Maintenance BenefitsReduction in catastrophic failuresReduction in maintenance costs.Reduction in production downtimeReduction in overtime payment for the

maintenance workersReduction in the requirement of the backup

equipmentReduction in the manufacturing unit cost.Improvement in safety for workers

Work Order

The purpose of work order is to authorize and direct an individual or a group to carry out a specified task.

Work order should include following information: The requested and planned completion dates.The planned start dateWork description and its reasons.Cost of materials.Cost of labor.Approval signatures.Work category(i.e: repair, installation)Affected items.Job planning

Job Planning

For effective maintenance management following items have to be planned:Procurement of tools, materials, components.Security safety permit.Delivery of tools.Methods and sequencingDevelopment of designs.

Data Recording System

The data recording system is used to keep various types of equipment or property records.

These records are classified into four catagories:1. Maintenance costs records2. Work performed records3. Inventory records4. Files records (warranties, drawings etc)

Performance Measurement Indices

• Index I This index is known as the broad indicator and is defined as:



I1 is the index parameter.

Ctmc is the total sum of maintenance costs

Po is the total output