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2.1 Corn/maize (Zea mays)

Cereal grains such as maize, wheat and barley are the main source of dietary

energy in poultry nutrition and maize is the most important grain in this respect. It

contains the highest amount of energy (ME 3350 Kcal/kg) among cereal grains and

is highly palatable. White, red and yellow are the three types of maize and among

all, yellow variety is commonly used for animal feed. Yellow maize unlike white

maize, provides carotene and xanthophyll pigment for coloration of egg yolk,

poultry fat and skin. Maize is also an excellent source of linolenic acid. The seed is

high in starch (65-70%), but low in protein (8.8%), fibre and minerals. Maize

protein is mainly deficient in tryptophan and lysine.

The energy value of corn is contributed by the starchy endosperm (65-70%),

which is comprised mainly of amylopectin and the germ, which contains most of the

oil. Most corn contains three to four per cent oil. The protein in corn is mainly as

prolamin (Zein) and as such amino acid profile is not ideal for poultry. Maize is also

more susceptible for infestation with mycotoxins producing fungi than other grains

such as wheat, sorghum and millets (Devegowda et al., 1998, 2004). The nutrient

composition of the maize is given in table 1. In India, the maize production is 11.5

million tones with the productivity of 1.7 tones / hectare.

2.1.1. Antinutritional effects

Maize can be included in the poultry diet up to 70 per cent. It has been

reported that at high levels, when fed for prolonged periods yellow carcass fat may

results due to the xanthophyll content. The non-starch polysaccharide composition

of the maize is discussed in the subsequent chapter.

2.2. Soybean meal (Glycine max)

Soybean meal (SBM) is an excellent source of protein and contains well-balanced

amino acid profile. This makes SBM a valuable ingredient in the diets of poultry. Protein

and energy content vary in soybean meal depending on protein level of the beans,

residual fat after processing and whether or not hulls have been removed. The protein


content of dehulled material ranges from 47.5 to 49.1 or more and material with hulls

ranges from 40 to 50 per cent with 44 per cent considered the norm.

SBM is an excellent source of lysine, tryptophan and threonine but is deficient in

methionine. The amino acid in corn protein and soy protein combine well to provide a

balanced mixture for most poultry requiring only minimal levels of synthetic methionine

to be used. Digestibility of lysine and methionine is over 89 per cent in properly

processed SBM. The energy level of SBM depends on residual oil, fibre content and ash

levels. ME levels for poultry have been estimated to be 120 to 250 Kcal/kg higher for

dehulled meal versus meal containing hulls (Rhonen Poulnec, 1993).

Properly processed SBM is an excellent ingredient that can be used as the sole

protein supplement for virtually any class of animal with no restrictions except perhaps in

piglet prestarter feed (20-25% max) or shrimp feed (15-20%). SBM is sometimes

adulterated with moisture (water) and rice bran, deoiled rice bran, urea and under

processed or other processed SBM. The nutrient composition is given in Table 1. The

production of soybean in World and India is given in table 2 and 3, respectively.

2.2.1. Antinutritional factors

Like most other high protein plant materials, SBM too contains

antinutritional factors (ANFs) like trypsin inhibitors (protease inhibitor),

hemagglutinins (lectins), phytate phosphorus and indigestible carbohydrates such as

oligosaccharides and nonstarch polysaccharides (Pack and Bedford, 1997;

Marsman et al., 1997; Zenella et al., 1999; Malathi and Devegowda, 2001; Graham

et al., 2002). Trypsin inhibitors (Protease inhibitor)

The most problematic natural toxin of soybeans for poultry is trypsin inhibitor.

They will disrupt the protein digestion by rendering unavailable the digestible enzymes

trypsin and chymotrypsin and their presence is characterized by compensating

hypertrophy of the pancreas (Monari, 1998). At least, five trypsin inhibitors have been

identified, however, the principal TIs present in raw soybean are the Kunitz factor and

Bowman Brik factor, the latter is more resistant to the action of heat, alkali and acid.

Their average levels in raw soybean are of the order of 1.4 and 0.6 per cent, respectively.


1.Table Nutrient composition of corn and soybean meal

Corn Soybean meal

Major nutrients1 Crude protein (%) ME (Kcal/kg) Fat (%) Fibre (%) Calcium (%) Total phosphorus (%) Average phosphorus (%) Linolenic acid (%)


3300 3.8 3.0

0.02 0.28 0.13 1.9

48.0 2400 0.8 6.0 0.29 0.65 0.27


Amino acid composition (%)1 Lysine Methionine Methionine + cystine Tryptophan Arginine Threonine

0.24 0.18 0.35 0.06 0.39 0.30

2.80 0.69 1.39 0.62 3.28 1.81

Mineral composition2,3 Chloride (%) Mg (%) Sodium (%) Potassium (%) Fe (%) Mn (mg/kg) Zn (mg/kg) Se (mg/kg)

0.04 0.15 0.05 0.38 0.01 9.00 29.00 0.04

0.05 0.26 0.01 2.02

119 (mg/kg) 29 40 0.1

Vitamin composition2,3 Vitamin B12 (mg/kg) Vitamin. A (IU/kg)

Xanthophyll (mg/kg) Riboflavin (mg/kg) Vitamin E (mg/kg) Choline (mg/kg) Biotin (mg/kg) Thiamin (mg/kg)


2.40 20.0 1.3

19.0 60.0 0.07 4.4

2.0 - -

2.9 4.5

2762 0.3 4.5


1Devegowda, 2005; 2Reddy and Bhosle, 2001; 3Leeson and summers, 2001

Table 2. World soybean production (2004-2005)

Country Million

metric tonnes


United States





















Total 190.0 100

(American Soybean Association, 2004 – 2005)

Table 3. Soybean production in India (Million metric tones)

State 2003-04 2004-05

Madhya Pradesh


Uttar Pradesh




Andhra Pradesh & others















Total 5.85 6.85


(Solvent Extractors Asso. of India, 2004 – 2005) Haemagglutinins / lectins

These are proteinaceous compounds present in soybean at a rate of one to three

per cent. Being the glycoproteins they have the ability to bind to cellular surface via

specific oligosaccharides and glycopeptides (Olivera et al., 1989) and have a relatively

high binding affinity to small intestinal epithelium (Pusztai, 1991), which results in a

reduction in nutrient absorption. Lectins can produce impairment of brush border

continuity and ulceration of villi, which may result in increased nitrogen losses and

depressed growth rate in young animals (Pusztai et al., 1990). Thus, the growth

depressant effect of lectins is believed to be primarily due to their damaging impact on

intestinal enterocytes and through appetite depression. However, these two

antinutritional factors are heat labile and are removed by heat processing.

ANFs in other plant protein sources – notably gossypol in cottonseed meal, both

glucosinates and erucic acid in rapeseed meal, alkaloids in lupin and tannin in peas are

not heat labile and must be managed in other ways. The processing of SBM involves a

series of heat treatment that include conditioning, rolling, flaking and extraction followed

by desolventizing and roasting. Roasting is the process in which SBM is cooked at 105

to 1100C for a period of 15 to 30 min and is a critical step in controlling the nutritive

quality of SBM.

Undercooking results in insufficient destruction of TI and other ANF, whereas

overcooking decreases amino acids availability, lysine in particular, is very heat sensitive

and subsequently leads to a reduced growth performance (Araba and Dale, 1990; Parson

et al., 1991). The industry monitors SBM quality by using urease activity to detect

underheating and potassium hydride (KOH) solubility to detect over heats. Destruction

of the urease enzyme activity is correlated to distruction of TI and other ANFs. The level

of urease activity should not exceed a pH rise of 0.2 units (Devegowda, 2005; Monari,

1998). To measure KOH solubility, soy products are mixed with 0.2 per cent KOH and

the amount of nitrogen solubilised decreases as heating time increases, indicating

decrease amino acid availability. The solubility index should be 80 to 85 per cent in

commercial SBM (Araba and Dale, 1990).

21 Nonstarch polysaccharides (NSPs)

Polysaccharides consist of macromolecular polymers of manosaccharides joined

by a specific type of linkage called glycosidic bond. NSPs are defined as polymeric

carbohydrates, which differ in composition and structure from amylose and amylopectin

(Gruppen, 1996). In starch, glucose molecules are mainly joined by (1-4) bonds with a

smaller number of (1-6) bonds. NSPs contain glycosidic bonds other than (1-4) and

(1-6) bonds present in starch. The nature of the bonds determines their susceptibility to

cleavage by avian digestive enzymes. Glycosidic bonds other than (1-4), (1-6), (1-2)

and (1-1) are resistant to digestive enzymes, but can be cleaved by microbially derived

enzymes (Smits and Annison, 1996). These NSPs have high molecular weight ranging

from 8000 to a million.

The non-starch polysaccharides content of corn and soybean meal is given in

Tables 4-8.

Table 4. Free sugars and neutral non-starch polysaccharides (NNSP) composition of

SBM (g/kg DM)

Soybean meal Sugars Free sugars Insoluble
















































(Kocher et al., 2002)


Table 5. Total pentoson, cellulose, pectin and total NSP content of different feed


Ingredients Total pentosan

(%) Cellulose

(%) Pectin

(%) Total NSP

(%) Maize 5.35 3.12 1.00 9.32 Sorghum 2.77 4.21 1.66 9.75 Finger millet 3.31 3.03 1.76 9.40

De oiled ricebran 10.65 15.20 7.25 59.97

Soybean meal 4.21 5.75 6.16 29.02 Peanut meal 6.11 6.55 11.60 29.50 Sunflower meal 11.01 22.67 4.92 41.34 Rapeseed meal 8.85 14.21 8.86 39.79

(Malathi and Devegowda, 2001) Table 6. NSP composition of corn and soybean meal

LMW sugars Maize Soybean meal


Manosaccharides Sucrose

Rabinose Xtachyose

Total sugars Starch

Fructose NSPb

-glucose S-NCPc

Rhamnose Arabinose

Xylose Mannose Galactose Glucose

Uronic acids I-NCPd

Rhamose Arabinose

Xylose Mannose Galactose

Uronic acids Cellulose Total NSP

Dietary fibre CHOe and lignin

Analysed Calculated

4 13 231 20 690

6 1 - 9 0 3 2 2 1 1 1

66 0

19 28 1 4 9 6

22 97 11 108 823 830

7 70 10 47 3

137 27 -

63 1 9 2 5 16 6 25 92 2 17 17 8 25 1 23 62

217 16

233 400 416

(Khudsen, 1997)

a Low molecular weight sugar; b Non-starch polisaccharide c soluble non-cellulosic polysaccharides; d insoluble non-cellulosic

polysaccharides; e carbohydrate


Table 7. Non- starch polysaccharide (%) content of some feed ingredient Ingredient Soluble NSP Insoluble NSP

Maize 5.5 3.8

Jowar 4.3 5.5

Ragi 6.7 2.7

Groundnut extrn. 8.6 20.9

Soybean meal 13.90 16.40

Sunflower meal 4.60 23.10

Rapeseed meal 11.30 34.80

(Sreedhara, 2000)


Table 8. Soluble, insoluble and total NSPs content of different feed ingredients (% DM)

(1Ramesh and Devegowda, 2004; 1Kumar, 2002; 2Devegowda, 2005)

Ingredient Pentosan (%)1 Pectin (%)1

Cellulose ( %)1

Oligosacch2 arides (%)

Total2 NSP (%)

Soluble2 NSP (%)

Maize 5.12 0.80 2.91 0.3 9.3 5.5

Jowar 2.87 1.52 3.82 0.1 9.8 4.3

Rice broken 1.18 0.53 0.73 - 5.2 -

Ricebran, deoiled 10.23 5.62 14.40 - 59.9 -

Soybean meal 4.20 6.50 5.90 5.1 2.90 9.1

Groundnut extraction 7.11 11.00 6.20 3.1 29.5 8.6

Sunflower extraction 10.10 5.50 23.50 2.9 41.3 4.4

Rapeseed extraction 7.30 10.92 11.50 0.4 39.8 5.4

Double zero rapeseed meal

3.05 9.41 9.20 - - -

26 Structure of plant cell wall

The starchy endosperm of any grain is covered serially of subaleurone layer, aleurone

layer and pericarp of plant cell wall (Fig 1) in a highly ordered way and consists of

different NSPs, which are closely associated with other polysaccharides and

noncarbohydrate material such as protein, lipids and lignin (Smith and Annison, 1996). Classification of NSPs

The NSPs contains arabinose, xylose, mannose, glucose and galactose residues as

the principle constituent sugars.

1. Cellulose: Cellulose is the most abundant organic compound in nature, comprising

over 50 per cent of all the carbon in vegetation. Cellulose is a linear unbranched chain of

(1-4) linked D-glucose molecules. It is of high molecular weight and cellulose of up to

7,000 to 10,000 glucose units can be found in plant materials.

2. Hemicellulose: Hemicellulose is the second most abundant plant structural

polysaccharides. They are found most often as heteropolymers and less commonly as

homopolymers of manosaccharides and mainly include D-xylose, D-mannose, D-

galactose, L-arabinose, D-glucourinic acid, and D-glucose, etc.

The commonly occurring hemicellulose includes,

a. Arabinoxylan (Pentosan): Main chain is made of (1-4) xylose units and side chain

made of (1-3) linked arabinose units attached to C-3 position of the xylan main


b. -glucans: Consists of linear chain of glucose units joined by both (1-3) and (1-

4) linkages.

c. Xyloglucans: Made of (1-4) linked D-glucans main chain to which side chains of

D-xylose units are attached at C-6 positions.

d. Galactomannan: Made of (1-4) linked D-mannans backbone to which D-

galactose side chains are attached at C-6 position.

3. Pectic substances

a. Polygalactouranans: Main chain is made of (1-4) linked D-galactouronic acids

and side chains consists of either (1-3) linked D-xylose, (1-6) linked D-galactose

or (1-4) linked L-arabinose.


b. Rhamnogalactouronans: Similar to polygalactouranans except that the main chain

in addition to D-galactouronic acid contains (1-2) linked rhamnose residues

resulting in a bent macromolecule.

4. Oligosaccharides (-galactosides): Successive addition of -D galactosyl residues to

sucrose primer lead to formation of raffinose, stachyose, verbacose and ajugose. Antinutritive effects of NSPs in poultry

1. Increases intestinal Viscosity

Ingestion of soluble NSPs like arabinoxylans, -glucans and pectins etc.,

increases the digesta viscosity in broilers. The soluble NSPs increase the viscosity by

directly interacting with water molecules. At higher concentrations, the molecules of the

NSPs interact themselves and become entangled in a network further increasing the

viscosity (Morris and Ris-Murphy, 1981; Malathi and Devegowda, 2001). Because of

the formation of networks with water, water holding capacity of soluble NSPs are

relatively high compared to insoluble NSPs. The insoluble NSPs like cellulose pass

through the gastrointestinal tract unchanged and are biological inert (Annison and Choct,


The increased viscosity decreases physical contact between endogenous enzymes

and nutrients by acting as a barrier, thus decreased movement of enzymes and substrate

molecules inturn digestibility of starch, proteins, lipids and reduced performance of

broilers. Also increased viscosity reduces rate of passage of digesta and increases

retention time leading to stasis of food for long time, stimulates secretion of digestive

juices more than the required amount thus causes increased endogenous nitrogen loss

besides increasing thickness of unstirred water layer adjacent to intestinal mucosa, this

reduces diffusion of nutrients.

Langout and Schutte (1996) reported that inclusion of high methylated citrus

pectin and low methylated citrus pectin at two levels (1.5 and 3.0%) into the diet had

significantly increased the in vitro viscosity of the diets by 42.7 per cent and water

holding capacity of the diets by 42 per cent.


Channegowda et al. (2001) reported an increased intestinal viscosity with the

increasing levels (10%, 20% and 30%) of sunflower extraction in the broiler diets.

Similarly, Ramesh and Devegowda (2004) recorded an increased intestinal viscosity with

the increasing levels of double zero rapeseed meal in the broiler diet and they concluded

that increased viscosity is mainly due to the increased concentration of soluble NSPs in

the diet. Increased intestinal viscosity was recorded with the feeding of high levels of

sunflower meal and deoiled rice bran in laying hens (Raghavendra, 2003; Shivaramu and

Devegowda, 2004).

2. Alters gut microbial profile

Soluble NSPs increase the viscosity of the digesta, leading to changes in the

physiology and the ecosystem of gut (Choct et al., 1996). This is mainly related to a

slower digesta rate. A slow moving digesta with low oxygen tension in the small

intestine could provide a relatively stable environment where fermentative microflora can

establish (Wagner and Thomas, 1978). The increased bacteria inturn compete for

nutrients with host (Fig 2), cause irritation and thickening of gut mucosa, additionally

increases proliferation of enterocytes, this changes morphology of villi. Increased

viscosity diminishes the function of fatty acids binding protein, which is present in villi


Choct et al. (1996) demonstrated a large increase in fermentation in the small

intestine of broilers by adding soluble NSP in the diet. At first, it could be thought that

increased production of volatile fatty acids would increase the energy content of the feed,

but due to the drastic change in the gut ecosystem, the net effect was decreased nutrient

digestion accompanied by poor bird performance and subsequent depolymerisation of the

soluble NSP in vivo using glycanases to over come this problem.







Germ free Coventional

Mean wt












Fig 2. Influence of microbial status on AME and BW of Leghorn chicks

(Bedford, 2000a)

The implication of increased dietary soluble NSP in the onset of other diseases,

such as necrotic enteritis in poultry has also been documented (Kaldhusdal, 1999). The

presence of viscous polysaccharides increases the intestinal microbial activity that are

associated with the bile acid deconjugation, leading to an impaired lipid digestion and

this has been suggested to be partly responsible for poor broiler performance (Choct and

Annison, 1992).

Wagner and Thomas (1978) reported an increased ileal anaerobic counts of

broiler chicks fed diets containing rye or pectin were two or three logarithmic cycles

greater than chicks fed a corn soybean meal diet. Murphy et al. (2004) have also reported

increased number ileal Coliform counts in broilers fed wheat-based diets compared to

control diet.

3. Hinders nutrient digestibility and absorption

It has been clearly demonstrated that presence of NSPs in broiler diets affects the

digestibility of starch, protein and lipids (Devegowda, 1991; Bhat, 1998). Lipid

digestibility is particularly depressed than starch and protein. The probable reason may

be that the increased digesta viscosity resulting from the soluble NSPs may reduce the

constant interaction between potential nutrients and the digestive secretions like

Germfree Conventional


enzymes, bile salts etc. In addition, the viscous NSPs are capable of entrapping the bile

salts thereby limiting fat digestion and absorption (Ebihara and Schneenan, 1989).

The end products of digestion, in order to get absorbed must cross an aqueous

barrier, the unstirred water layer, which is adjacent to the intestinal mucosa. The mucus

produced by the goblet cells of intestine participates in the formation of unstirred water

layer by increasing the volume and viscosity adherent to mucosal fluid (Smithson et al.,


Presence of viscous NSPs induce a secretory response of mucus increase the thickness of

the unstirred water layer thus increasing the resistance for the transport of nutrients

through it adjacent to the epithelial surface. In addition, absorption may be affected by an

increase in proliferation rate of enterocytes and change in the morphology of the villi and


Nagalakshmi and Devegowda, (1992) and Rao and Devegowda, (1996) reported

decreased performance of broilers fed diets containing higher concentration of neutral

detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber. Similarly, Bhat, (1998) reported decreased ME

and crude protein digestibility in broiler chickens with the inclusion of rapeseed meal.

Classen et al. (1985) observed a dose dependent decrease in fat and starch

absorption in three-week-old broiler chicks when fed diets with huskless barley replacing

wheat. Fengler and Morquardt (1988) reported a dose dependent decrease in lipid

digestibility in chicks fed when crude pentosan extracted from rye was added to wheat-

based diet at the rate of 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0 per cent. al (1993) studied the effect of

soluble polysaccharides, carboxy methylcellulose on the absorption of minerals from the

gastrointestinal tract of broiler and noted reduced cumulative absorption of minerals with

increasing dietary concentrations of carboxyl methylcellulose. Leske et al. (1993)

reported depressed true metabolizable energy digestibility with the feeding of raffinose

and stachyose from SBM fed to adult birds.

Choct and Annison (1992) observed significant reduction in starch, protein and

lipid digestibility in broiler chickens fed graded levels of wheat pentosans and also

observed that the digestibility of starch, protein and lipid were lower in chicks fed water


extracted pentosans than alkali extracted pentosans. Almirall et al. (1993) noted reduced

ileal digestibility of starch, protein and lipids in broiler chicks fed barley-based diets

compared to that in birds fed maize based diets. Similarly, Choct et al. (1996) reported

that addition of soluble NSPs from wheat to broiler diet depressed the ileal digestibility

of starch, protein and lipids by 37.4 and 33.9 and 59.0 per cent, respectively. Silversides

and Bedford (1999) reported an increased intestinal viscosity and reduced apparent

metabolizable energy digestibility in broiler chickens fed wheat based diets

4. Affects the performance of birds

The increase in intestinal viscosity, altered gut microbial profile and reduced

nutrient digestibility and absorption caused by the soluble NSPs leading to decrease in

growth rate and feed efficiency. Several studies have demonstrated these effects and few

of them are reviewed. Classen et al. (1985) reported significant reduction in body weight

of broilers fed varying levels (20, 40 and 60%) of husk less barley.

Choct and Annison (1992) observed depressed AME, growth rate and feed

conversion efficiency of broilers fed sorghum based diet rich pentosans. Inclusion of

graded levels of D-xylose and L-arabinose in broiler diets reduced weight gain, AME,

feed efficiency and dry matter content of droppings (Schutte, 1990). Increased feed

efficiency and litter moisture was reported in laying hens fed diets containing varying

levels of fiber (Mohandas and Devegowda, 1993, Jayanna and Devegowda, 1993 and

Prakash and Devegowda, 1997)

Nagalakshmi and Devegowda, (1992) reported decreased body weight and

increased feed conversion ratio of broiler chickens fed varying levels of crude fiber (12.8,

15.8, 20.7% NDF). Choct et al. (1996) reported reduced AME of the diet, growth rate

and feed conversion efficiency of broiler chickens fed water soluble NSP from wheat.

Langhout and Schuttle (1996) reported significant reduced growth and feed utilisation in

broiler chicks when high methylated pectin was added at 1.5 and 3.0 per cent level.

Suresh and Devegowda, (1996) and Arunbabu and Devegowda, (1997) reported

decreased body weight and feed efficiency in broilers fed diets based on maize, soybean

meal, sunflower meal and deoiled rice bran.


Channegowda et al. (2001) and Kumar, (2002) recorded decreased body weight

and feed efficiency of broilers fed on diets containing sunflower meal and deoiled rice

bran, which are rich in fiber content. Shivaramu and Devegowda, (2004) reported an

increased feed intake and feed conversion ratio in laying hens fed higher levels of

sunflower meal based diets and similarly Raghavendra (2004) reported an increased feed

conversion efficiency with higher levels of de oiled rice bran in laying hens. Methods to alleviate the adverse effects

1. Water treatment

The positive effect of water treatment is well established and it is most likely the

result of the removal of water soluble NSPs and the activation of endogenous enzymes

capable of degrading these polysaccharides. The degree of improvement is dependent on

the combination of the water soluble NSPs in the ingredient. This method is found to be

partially effective.

2. Antibiotic supplementation

The response to antibiotic supplementation is also related to the NSP content in

the feed. The probable mechanism of action has been hypothesized as the result of

inhibition and elimination of intestinal microflora, which compete with the host for

available nutrients thus alleviating the antinutritive effect of NSPs.

3. Irradiation

Gamma irradiation has been reported to improve the nutritive value of NSP rich

ingredients, which may be due to its ability to degrade the NSPs with subsequent

reduction in the digesta viscosity.

4. Enzyme supplementation

The enzyme-induced improvement in the nutritive value of poultry diets is well

documented and it is generally conceded that the improvement in performance in relation

to enzyme supplementation is due to the hydrolysis of NSPs and subsequent absorption


of the released sugars. Enzymes are proteins with highly complex three-dimensional

molecular structure. They are biological catalysts and act under very specific reaction

conditions (temperature, pH and humidity) only with their specific substrates. They

accelerate the chemical reactions by several folds.

2.3. Feed enzymes

Five types of feed enzymes have been used in the feed industry: NSP-degrading

enzymes, phytate-degrading enzymes, protein-degrading enzymes, starch-degrading

enzymes, and lipid-degrading enzymes. The following section provides a brief overview

of each type of enzyme in terms of their target substrate and mode of action.

2.3.1. NSP-degrading enzymes

Poultry have a limited ability to digest NSP, because of lack of digestive

enzymes. In poultry diets based on ingredients such as wheat, barley, rye or triticale, a

large proportion of the NSP consist of arabinoxylan and β-glucan. NSP-degrading

enzymes (xylanase, β-glucanase and α-galactosidases) have been developed to break

down this type of fibre. The mode of action of NSP-degrading enzymes remains largely

unknown. One or more of the following mechanisms are thought to be involved (Bedford

and Schulze, 1998): (i) Degradation of the NSP in the cell wall matrix of the ingredients

with, the release of encapsulated nutrients, (ii) lowered viscosity of digesta caused by

soluble NSP and improved the rate of diffusion between substrates, enzymes, and

digestion end products, (iii) increased accessibility of nutrients to endogenous digestive

enzymes, (iv) stimulation of intestinal motility and improved feed passage rate, and (v)

supplementation of the enzyme capacity of young animals.

2.3.2. Phytate-degrading enzymes

Phosphorus is stored as phytate (phytic acid) in most plants and therefore is

present in all plant-derived ingredients. About two-thirds of the phytic acid in plant-


derived ingredients is not digested or absorbed by monogastric animals. Phytate can also

bind with proteins and minerals to form phytate-protein complexes (Ravindran, 2001).

Phytase can be produced by many species of bacteria, yeast and fungi as well as plants.

However, commercial phytases are commonly produced by Aspergillus niger. Phytase

hydrolyses phytic acid, and liberates phytate-bound P and decreases the need for

inorganic P that is usually added to poultry diets. The effects of microbial phytase on P,

protein, apparent metabolisable energy (AME), and mineral utilisation in poultry and its

mode of action are discussed in the relevant sections of this chapter.

2.3.2. Protein-degrading enzymes

Vegetable proteins contain various anti-nutritional factors. Most legumes contain

lectins and protease inhibitors. Protein inhibitors can cause a reduction in chymotrypsin

activity and impair digestion, while lectins can damage gut wall, impair immune response

and increase endogenous nitrogen loss. Protease works by hydrolyzing proteins or

peptides, and thus improving protein digestibility (Thorpe and Beal, 2001).

2.3.4. Starch-degrading enzymes

The addition of amylase in poultry diets complements endogenous enzymes,

especially in young animals. Amylase can degrade cereal starch to dextrins and sugars,

thereby improving energy availability.

2.3.5. Lipid-degrading enzymes

Use of lipase in broiler diets containing animal and vegetable fats can help the

birds to hydrolyse fats. Thus lipase can improve fat digestibility and enhance energy

utilization in birds.

2.3.6. Sources of feed enzymes

Various fungi, bacteria and to some extent yeast are employed in enzyme

production. It is essential for these microorganisms to produce enzymes as they sustain


their own viability by producing enzymes to breakdown substrates for further

metabolism. Fungi represent largest group among enzyme producing microorganisms.

The most important genera are Aspergillus sp., Trichodema Sp., Penicillin sp. And

Hemicela sp. Among bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus lichaniformis.

2.3.7. Production of enzymes

There are mainly two ways of production of enzymes on an industrial scale. They

are, Submerged liquid fermentation

Submerged fermentation involves submersion of the microorganisms in an

aqueous solution containing all the nutrients needed for growth.

Commonly used enzymes in animals nutrition

Enzyme Substrate


Pentosanase (xylanase)









Pentosans (arabinoxylase)



Resistant starch



Phytic acid / phytates

Tannins Solid substrate fermentation (SSF)

Solid substrate fermentations are generally characterized by growth of

microorganism on water insoluble substrates in the presence of varying amounts of free

water. This process is also known as solid-state fermentation Differences in enzymes produced by SSF and submerged liquid fermentation


The enzymes produced by SSF technology were found to be more resistant to

heat denaturation and contained more mixtures of enzyme activities than those produced

in submerged liquid fermentation by the same strain.

Ayers et al. (1952) reported that pectinases produced by SSF had noticeable

biochemical differences from those produced by submerged fermentation. A glucosidase

produced by Aspergilus phoenicis in SSF was more thermotolerant than when produced

in submerged liquid fermentation (Deschamps and Huet, 1984). Alazard and Raimbault

(1981) showed that amylases produced by A. niger using SSF were more resistant to heat

denaturation than those produced in submerged liquid fermentation by the same strain.

Exoenzyme production in SSF system results in increased amounts of some

enzymatic activities not produced by cultures in liquid fermentation. A phytase produced

by SSF also contains a mixture of activities not found in enzyme mix from submerged

culture systems. The complex nature of feedstuffs makes there side activities beneficial

to the animal industry (Classen, 1996).

In vitro comparisons have shown increased rates of reducing sugar and amino nitrogen

and an associated increase in phosphate release by an SSF phytase product (Filer et al.,


Comparison of enzyme activities of two commercial available phytases

Production method Enzyme assayed

Submerged liquid SSF


Fungal -amylase



Fungal protease

1500 PU/g

Below detectable level

Below detectable level

Below detectable level

Below detectable level

1500 PU/g

240 FAU/g

2160 BGU/g

310 CMCU/g

7380 HUT/g

2.3.8. Effect of enzymes on performance of broilers fed corn-soy based diets

Published literature on the effects of enzyme on the performance of broilers fed corn-

soybean meal based diets is summarized in the Table 9, 10 and 11. The addition of

enzymes to corn-soybean meal based broilers diets have been found to improve weight


gain and feed intake of broilers by 0.25 to 8.13% and –7.41 to 5.80 %, respectively. Feed

conversion ratio lowered by 0.10 to 3.8%.

2.3.9. Effect of enzymes on intestinal viscosity

Classen et al. (1996) observed that increased viscosity of the digesta was mainly

due to soluble NSPs (pentosans), which acts as a barrier between endogenous enzymes

and nutrients. Additionally, increases moisture of droppings leads to not only

environmental pollution by release of ammonia, but also cause hock and breast damage

of birds.

Choct et al. (1996) observed an increased gut viscosity, reduced AME and feed

efficiency of broilers with the addition of soluble NSPs (extracted from wheat) to the diet

and they reported that enzyme supplementation reversed the adverse effects by

improving weight gain, AME and feed efficiency. Bedford et al. (1991) reported that

pentosanase supplementation to rye based broiler diets improved weight gain and feed

efficiency and reduced foregut and hindgut viscosity and they stated that improved

weight gain and feed efficiency was correlated much with foregut viscosity rather than

hindgut viscosity.


Table 9. Effect of enzyme complex on performance of broiler chickens References Diet type Enzymes Body weight

gain (%) Feed intake

(%) FCR (%)

Nagalakshmi and Devegowda. (1992)


Beta-glucanase Cellulase


+9.04 - -3.2

Marsman et al. (1997) Corn-soy Protease Carbohydrase

+1.05 +0.9 0

Graham (1996a) Corn-soy Xylanase Protease Amylase

+2.5 - +3.6

Graham (1996b) Corn-soy Enzyme complex +1.33 -2.34 -3.62

Suresh and Devegowda. (1996)

Corn-soy-SFE Beta-glucanase Cellulase


+2.1 +2.3 +1.2

Swift et al. (1996) Corn-soy (pelleted)

Protease (24,500 HUT/g) Amylase (6700 FUA/g)

Pentosanase (1000 XU/g) Cellulase (250 CMCU/g)

+1.79 -7.41 -2.63

Schang et al. (1997) Corn-soy Protease (24,500 HUT/g) Amylase (6700 FUA/g)

Pentosanase (1000 XU/g) Cellulase (250 CMCU/g)


+4.7 +3.2 -1.3


Table 10. Effect of enzyme complex on performance of broiler chickens

References Diet type Enzymes Body weight gain (%)

Feed intake (%)

FCR (%)

Bhat. (1998) Corn-soy-SFE Avizyme 1500 +5.02 +2.23 -2.58

Zanella et al. (1999) Corn-soy Xylanase (800 U/g) Protease (6000 U/g) Amylase (2000 U/g)

+1.9 - -2.2

Channegowda et al. (2001)

Corn-soy Xylanase Pectinase


+6.60 +2.80 +1.0

Roy et al. (2003) Corn-soy -galactosidase (20 IU/kg) Cellulase (560 IU/kg)

+4.85 +2.66 -1.90

Graham et al. (2002)

Corn-soy -galactosidase 2.63 3.85 -1.21

Kocher et al. (2002) Corn-soy Endo-1,3(4)--glucanase (54.7 FBG/g)

Hemicellulase (15000 UHCU/g)) Pectinase (3017 U/g) (2.0 g/kg)

+0.25 -0.88 -1.16

Kumar. (2002) Corn-soy Xylanase Pectinase Cellulase

+3.77 +2.3 +1.86


Table 11. Effect of enzyme complex on performance of broiler chickens

References Diet type Enzymes Body weight

gain (%) Feed intake

(%) FCR (%)

Rao et al. (2003) Corn-soy Amylase (1008 SKBU/kg) Xylanase (1040 U/kg)

Protease (1379 HUT/kg) Phytase (77 FTU/kg)

Cellulase (3000 CMU/kg)

+8.13 +4.72 -0.54

Kocher et al. (2002) Corn-soy Xylanase (800 U/g) Protease (60000 U/kg Amylase (2000 U/kg)

+ - +4.28

Kocher et al. (2003) Corn-soy -glucanase (54.7 FBG/g Hemicellulase (15000 UHCH/g)

Pectinase (3,017 U/g)

+ - +0.10

Rani et al. (2003)


-amylase Cellulase Xylanase Pectinase




Jackson et al. (2004)

Corn-soy -mannase (80 or 110 MU/ton)

+4.8 -1.11 -3.8

Dalibard et al. (2004) Corn-soy Enzyme mix (Rovadio Excel)

+1.6 - -2.5

Ramesh and Devegowda. (2004)

Corn-soy Xylanase Pectinase Cellulase

+1.93 +3.37 -


Bedford and Classen (1993) identified foregut digesta viscosity as a major determinant

on performance of broilers fed wheat-barley based diets and reported soluble and high

molecular weight polysaccharides are responsible for high digesta viscosity, which

resulted in poor feed efficiency and depressed the body weight. Crouch et al. (1997)

evaluated the efficiency of xylanase (1000 U/g) supplementation to 40 per cent wheat

and corn-soy based diets and concluded that enzyme supplementation had lowered the

intestinal viscosity and improved the performance of chicks.

Dusel et al. (1998) reported significant reduction in intestinal viscosity, improved

AME and nutrient digestibility with the addition of xylanase in broiler fed wheat based

diets. Silversides and Bedford (1999) studied intestinal viscosity, AME and performance

of broilers fed on wheat based diets and found that intestinal viscosity accounted for 50

to 90 per cent of the variation of AME, indicating increased viscosity due to soluble

NSPs of wheat reduces the availability of energy.

Channegowda et al. (2001) conducted a trial of six-week duration to determine

the effects of two enzyme mixtures (A and B) on sunflower extraction (SFE) based diets

fed broilers. Birds were fed on diet containing 0, 10, 20 per cent SFE supplemented with

or without enzyme A (1 kg/ton) or B (2 kg/ton). The relative viscosity of intestinal

contents was increased in parallel with SFE levels. Addition of enzyme A or B reduced

the digesta viscosity considerably, but did not improve performance.

Malathi and Devegowda (2001) conducted a two-stage in-vitro digestion assay to

evaluate the NSP digestibility of different feed ingredients by enzymes and digestibility

was assessed by measuring the relative viscosity. They reported that addition of enzymes

(xylanase, pectinase and cellulase) significantly reduced the relative viscosities of the

digesta after first phase of incubation.

Kumar (2002) recorded decreased intestinal viscosity with the supplementation of

enzymes (xylanase, cellulase and pectinase) in broilers fed diets containing varying levels

of full fat deoiled rice bran. Channegowda et al. (2001) observed similar results in


broilers fed sunflower meal and Shivaramu and Devegowda (2004) and Raghavendra.

(2003) in laying hens fed varying levels of sunflower meal.

Zenella et al. (1999) and Kocher et al. (2002) did not notice any change in

intestinal viscosity of broilers chicken fed on corn-soy diets with the enzyme addition.

Kocher et al. (2000) reported similar results in broilers fed sunflower meal and rapeseed

meal with enzyme addition. Ramesh and Devegowda (2004) recorded reduced intestinal

viscosity with enzyme supplementation (xylanase, pectinase, cellulase) in broilers fed

double zero rapeseed meal.

2.3.10. Effect of enzymes on gut microflora of broiler chickens

Overall responses to the enzyme supplementation in growing birds are variable.

Factors affecting enzyme response in wheat-based diet include variability in added

enzymes, quality of ingredients, breed and age of birds (Bedford, 1996). Some evidence

also suggests that the enzyme response may be related to gut microflora of birds and

microbial interactions (Choct et al., 1996, Apajalathi and Bedford, 1999).

It has been suggested that the increased digesta viscosity, caused by high levels of

soluble NSP may stimulate the growth of anaerobic microflora and their interaction with

nutrients. The anaerobic microflora that are generally found in large numbers in the

cecca, also tend to migrate to small intestine where most nutrient absorption takes place

(Campbell and Bedford, 1992). Those unbeneficial bacteria can irritate the gut lining and

result in a thicker lining with damaged microvilli. It has been shown that enzyme

supplementation appears to reduce the microbial population in the intestinal tract (Choct

et al., 1996, 1999, Sinale and Choct, 2000) and thus the negative effects of NSP on

intestinal villi.

Choct et al. (1999) reported that supplementation of xylanase to wheat based diets

reduced the microbial activity in the ileal digesta as indicted by reduced concentration of

volatile fatty acids. Sinale and Choct (2000) reported that addition of xylanase to a

wheat-based diet reduced the number of undesirable organisms such as clostridium

pefringens in the caeca.


Choct and Annison (1992) reported that NSPs could increase the viscosity of the

intestinal contents, thereby affecting nutrient absorption. Furthermore, the finding that

dietary addition of antibiotics improves the performance of chickens fed cereal-based

diets, especially those containing rye, has led to the suggestion that the anti-nutritional

effect of NSP is directly or indirectly mediated by the gut microflora. Engberg et al.

(2004) reported that xylanase addition stimulates growth of lactic acid bacteria in the

small intestine, which was confirmed by higher lactic acid concentration and higher ATP

concentration at the location. However, they reported that the concentrations of other

shorter chain fatty acids, in particularl acetic acid, in the small intestine were not

influenced by xylanase supplementation. Engberg et al. (2004) in the same study

reported the significant decrease in the cecal pH in the birds supplemented with xylanase.

It has been suggested that sugars such as xylose and xylo-oligomers that escape

enzymatic digestion may enter cecum and may be fermented by cecal microflora, which

contributed for the decrease in pH.

Murphy et al. (2004) reported that xylanase addition to wheat based broiler diets

resutled in a significant increase in the coliform count in the crop and no significant

difference between diets in the lactic acid bacterial counts in the crop or ileum.

However, the ileal counts tended to be numerically lower for the diets treated with the

new xylanases suggesting that, reductions in intestinal viscosity and the subsequent

increase in absorption, results in reduced bacterial colonisation through substrate

limitations. Apajalathi and Bedford (1999) reported that addition of enzyme increased

the number of the species of Peptostreptococcus, Bacteriodes, Propionibacterium,

Subacterium and Bifidobacterium and decreased the number of the species of

Clostridium, Enterobacteriacaea and Campylobacter. Lactic acid bacteria as a group is

unaffected in this study, however they have reported an increased lactobacilli numbers by

inclusion of xylanase in wheat based diets. A same author investigated the effects of

enzyme addition on an ileal microfloral population of broiler chickens and he stated that

addition of enzyme has improved the digestibility of the ration as far as chick is

concerned, which results in these being less substrate (starch, protein and fat) available

for the bacterial community. As a result, use of enzyme reduced ileal population

significantly. Such a significant reduction in bacterial number not only results in terms of


competition for nutrient but also reduces the likelihood of a critical threshold being


Research conducted by Tan and Hruby (2003) in the United Kingdom has shown

that the use of feed enzyme significantly reduced the number of food poisoning bacteria

in broilers. These authors conducted several trials to evalute the effect of enzymes on the

cecal microflora population and they reported that in the eight wheat based trials, there

was two third reduction in the number of campylobacter found in birds fed the enzyme

supplemented diet and in the four corn based trials there was a reduction of over a third

in birds fed the enzyme treated diet, compared with the control. In the three corn based

trials, there was a reduction of almost 60 per cent in the number of Salmonella found in

birds fed the enzymatic treated diet and a significant reduction in the number of

Salmonella found in birds fed the enzyme treated wheat based diets.

The reduction of microflora populations with addition of enzyme appears to be

linked to three key modes of action. (1) A reduction in intestinal viscosity associated with

wheat results in increased feed passage rate, which means that there is less substrate

available to support the harmful bacteria. (2) An increased in nutrients digested by the

bird – results in fewer nutrients for the growth of harmful bacteria. (3) An altered

carbohydrate profile in the intestine – results in more of substrate preferred by beneficial

bacteria eg., Lactobacillus.

So, the effect of these enzymes is to reduce the amount of substrate available for

the development of potentially harmful bacteria in the gut.

2.3.11. Effect of enzymes on nutrient digestibility of broilers

The effect of enzymes in improving the apparent metabolizable energy (AME) in poultry

fed corn-soy based diets has been demonstrated in few recent studies in broilers (Pack

and Bedford, 1997, Bhat, 1998, Zanella et al., 1999, Graham et al., 2002, Kocher et al.,

2002, 2003). Overall, the addition of enzymes to broiler diets based on corn-soy

increased in the AME by 0.52 to 11.9% (Table12 and 13).


Nagalakshmi and Devegowda, (1992) and Rajeshwara Rao and Devegowda,

(1996) reported an improved digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent

fiber with the supplementation of enzyme complex containing


Table 12. Effect of enzyme complex on apparent metabolizable energy in broiler chickens AME

References Diet type Enzymes

– +

Improvement (%)

Charlton (1996) Corn-soy Protease Amylase

Pentosanase Cellulase

-galactosidase (Allzyme vegpro)

- - +4.2

Swift et al. (1996) Corn-soy (pelleted)

Protease Amylase

Pentosonase Cellulose

-galactosidase (Allzyme vegpro)

68.9 71.5 +2.6

Pack and Bedford (1997)

Corn-soy Amylase Xylanase Protease

2907 2971 2.2

Bhat. (1998) Corn-soy Avizyme 1500

2838 2909 2.5

Zanella et al. (1999) Corn-soy Xylanase (800 U/g) Protease (6000 U/g) Amylase (2000 U/g)

2580 (ME Kcal/g)

3658 2.18

Graham et al. (2002)

Corn-soy -galactosidase 2974 3328 11.9

Table 13. Effect of enzyme complex on apparent metabolizable energy in broiler chickens



References Diet type Enzymes + _

Improvement (%)

Endo%3(4)--glucanase (54.7 FBG/g)

Hemicellulase (15,000 UHCU/g)

Pectinase (3017 U/g)

3068 3116.56 1.58 Kocher et al. (2002) Corn-soy

Carbohydrase (-


(0.94 g/kg)

3068 3118.95 1.66

Xylanase (800 U/g)

Protease (6000 U/g)

Amylase (2000 U/g)

3040 3056.00 0.52 Kocher et al. (2003) Corn-soy

-glucanase (54.7 FBG/g) Hemicellulase (15,000

VHCH/g) Pectinase (3,017 U/g)

3040 3116.56 2.52


the activities of cellulase, hemicellulase, beta-glucanase and xylanase, amylase,

protease, respectively, in the broiler diets.

Bhat, (1998) reported an improved ME with the inclusion of Avizyme 1500 to

corn-soy diet (2909 Vs 2838) and Avzyme 1500 to rapeseed meal diet (2925 Vs 2852) of

broiler chickens. Similarly, Devegowda (1996) reported an improved nutrient

digestibility with the supplementation of enzymes in broiler.

The published information on the effects of enzyme on protein utilization in

broilers fed corn-soy diets is limited. The effects of enzymes on protein utilization in

broilers fed corn-soy diet have been examined by Graham. (1996), Swift et al. (1996),

Pack and Bedford. (1997), Marsman et al. (1997), Bhat. (1998), Zanella et al. (1999), and

Kocher et al. (2002). Improvements in digestibility have been reported in most studies. In

general, the improvement in nitrogen digestibility with addition of enzyme in poultry fed

corn-soy diet, ranging from 1.5 to 9.5%(Table 14).

2.3.12. Effect of enzymes on mortality

Pack and Bedford (1997) pooled the research observation of effect of enzymes on

mortality from 51 growth trials conducted at different research institutions in different

husbandry conditions and reported a substantial reduction in bird mortality in the groups

fed the enzymes up to 19 per cent. Similarly, Jackson et al. (2004) reported reduction in

mortality by 43 per cent in the birds fed


Table 14. Effect of enzyme complex on apparent ileal digestibility of protein in broiler chickens * Nitrogen digestibility

Ileal digestibility

Improvement (%)

References Diet type Enzymes – +

Swift et al. (1996) Corn-soy (pelleted)

Allzyme vegpro 24.3* 33.8 +9.5

Graham (1996b) Corn-soy Protease 79.5 84.9 +5.4

Marsmann et al. (1997) Corn-soy Protease Carbohydrase

83.7 85.2 +1.5

Pack and Bedford (1997) Corn-soy Amylase Xylanase Protease

80.0 82.0 +2.0

Bhat. (1998) Corn-soy Avizyme 1500

65.71 66.43 +1.1

Zanella et al. (1999) Corn-soy Xylanase (800 U/kg) Protease (6000 U/kg) (1 g/kg)

Amylase (2000 U/kg)

70.9 73.6 +2.7

Endo 1,3(4)--gluconase (54.7 FBG/g)

Hemicellulose (15000 VHCU/g) (2 g/kg)

Pectinase (30 HU/g




Kocher et al. (2002)


Carbohydrase (-galactonase)

(0.94 g/kg)





corn-soy diet with the enzyme -manase and also Rajamane (1992) recorded higher

survivability in broilers fed diets with enzyme than their controls.

2.3.13. Effect of enzymes on dressing percentage

Zanella et al. (1999) and Roy et al. (2003) reported that, addition of enzymes to

corn-soy diets had no effect on dressing percentage of broiler chickens and the mortality

was negligible in all the groups.

2.4. Phytate phosphorus

Most of plant seeds contain more than 60 to 80 per cent of phosphorus in phytate

form (phytic acid), which is not available to the bird (Ravindran et al., 1995). The phytic

acid also exerts a negative influence on the solubility of proteins and function of pepsin.

The phosphate groups of the inositol ring can bind various cations like calcium,

magnesium, iron and zinc in a fixed complex and thus interfere with their availability.

Supplementation of phytase enzyme in the feed releases the bound phosphorus and other


Figure 3. Structure of phytic acid

As seen in Figure 3, phytate bears six P groups on one 6-carbon molecule. At neutral pH

the phosphate groups in phytic acid have either one or two negatively charged oxygen

atoms (Reddy et al., 1982). Therefore, various cations can chelate strongly between two

phosphate groups or weakly with a single phosphate group. As a result, phytic acid can

bind mineral elements and amino acids, and reduce their bioavailability.


2.4.1. Phytate Phosphorus Concentration in Plant-Derived Ingredients

The levels of phytate P in common feedstuffs have been reported by a number of

workers (Nelson et al., 1968a, Reddy et al., 1978, Ravindran et al., 1994, Devegowda,

2005). Compilation of phytate P in common feedstuffs are also available (Reddy et al.,

1982, Ravindran et al., 1995). Typical levels of phytate P of common feedstuffs are

shown in Table 15 and 16.

The level of phytate P in a feedstuff generally depends on the part of the plant from

which it is derived. In general, oilseeds meals and cereal by-products contain large

amounts of phytate P, whereas, cereals and grain legumes contain only moderate amounts

(Ravindran et al. 1995). The proportion of phytate P varies from 60-80% of the total P in

seeds of cereals, grain legumes and oil-bearing plants. In most cereals, phytic acid is not

uniformly distributed within the kernel, but associated with specific morphological

components of the seed. Phytate concentration in plant materials depend on several

factors including the stage of maturity, degree of processing, cultivar, climate, water

availability, soil, geographical location and year (Reddy et al., 1982).

Table 15. Phosphorus content in plant materials

Ingredients Total P (%) Phytate P (%) Avail P (%) Soybean meal

Groundnut extraction Sunflower extraction

Fish meal Meat meal

Dicalcium phosphate Maize

Rice broken Bajra

Rice polish De oiled rice bran

0.65 0.68 0.92 2.00 4.00 16.18 0.36 0.32 0.65 1.25 1.35

0.38 0.49 0.62

- - -

0.23 0.28 0.41 1.10 1.16

0.27 0.19 0.30 2.00 4.00

16-18 0.13 0.04 0.24 0.15 0.19

(Devegowda, 2005)


Table 16. Phytate phosphorus (P) content in various feed ingredients

Ingredient Phytate P

g/100 DM

Phytate P

(as % of total P)


Barely 0.27 94

Corn 0.24 72

Rice (polished) 0.27 77

Sorghum 0.24 66

Wheat 0.27 69

Cereal by-products

Rice bran 1.03 80

Rice polishings 2.04 89

Wheat bran 0.92 71

Grain legumes

Field peas 0.24 50

Oilseed meals

Rapeseed meal 0.70 59

Sesame meal 1.02 81

Soybean meal 0.39 60

Sunflower meal 0.89 77

(Ravindran et al. 1995)


2.5. Phytases

The phytate can be hydrolysed by phytases. There are three sources of phytase

namely, plant phytase, intestinal phytase and microbial phytase.

2.5.1. Plant Phytase

Endogenous phytase activity in feedstuffs is variable (Table 3). The highest

activities are reported in rye, wheat and wheat bran (Ravindran et al., 1995a). In contrast,

corn, sorghum and oilseeds have very little endogenous phytase activity. Published data

on the effects of plant phytase activity on animal performance is limited.

2.5.2. Intestinal Phytase Activity

The presence of intestinal phytase activity in poultry is controversial. Liebert et

al. (1993) reported that the phytase activity in the contents of the crop, stomach and small

intestine of chickens is negligible. Kornegay and Yi (1999) stated that the significance of

phytase produced by microorganisms residing in the intestinal tract is negligible. Maenz

and Classen (1998), however, reported that intestinal brush border alkaline phosphatase

could contribute to degradation of phytate P. The specific and total activities of alkaline

phosphatase in intestinal brush border were highest in the duodenum and declined in the

jejunum and ileum. When 4-wk-old broilers and laying hens were compared, the specific

activity of alkaline phosphatase were comparable, but the hens had a 35% higher total

activity of alkaline phosphatase in the brush border.

2.5.3. Microbial Phytase

Microbial phytase can be found in numerous bacteria, yeast and fungi.

Aspergillus is the most widely used fungi in the commercial production of microbial


2.5.4. Factors that affect phytate p utilisation

The ability (or inability) of chickens to utilise phytate P has been reviewed by

Nelson (1967), and Ravindran et al. (1995). Phytate P utilisation by poultry is influenced

by several factors including dietary levels of calcium (Ca), P, ratio of Ca to total P, levels

of vitamin D3, age and genotype of the animal, citric acid, dietary fibre and size of feed

particles. Phytate P utilisation in poultry has been shown to range from 10 to 87%

depending on dietary levels of Ca, P, vitamin D3, microbial phytase, and diet type


(Edwards, 1993). The following sections provide an overview of the abovementioned


1. Ca, P and Ratio of Ca to Total P

Dietary levels of Ca, P, and the ratio of Ca to total P are the major factors that

affect phytate P utilisation, with the effects of dietary Ca being much greater (Ravindran

et al., 1995). Two possible mechanisms for the decreased phytate P utilisation at high

dietary Ca levels have been proposed (i) the precipitation of phytate by Ca through the

formation of extremely insoluble Ca-phytate complexes that are less accessible to

phytase, (ii) the direct depression of phytase activity resulting from extra Ca competing

for the active sites of phytase. In addition to dietary Ca and P levels, the ratio of Ca to

total P plays an important role in phytate P utilisation. A Ca to total P ratio between 1.1

to 1.4 appears to be optimal for phytase action (Qian et al., 1997). This was further

confirmed by Zyla et al. (2000) who reported that weight gain, feed intake, and toe ash of

broilers fed diets supplemented with phytase were negatively affected when the dietary

ratio of Ca to total P was increased from 1.44 to 1.93. These adverse effects were

attributed to the formation of Ca-phytate complexes that are resistant to phytase action.

2. Vitamin D3

The interaction of dietary vitamin D3 with both dietary Ca and P levels can affect

phytate P utilisation. When birds are fed diets marginal or deficient in vitamin D3,

phytate P utilisation is depressed (Ewing, 1963). Applegate et al. (2000) reported that

apparent ileal phytate P digestibility was increased from 42.9 to 64.0% by 1,25-(OH)2D3

supplementation. Phytate P utilisation in response to vitamin D3 supplementation is

related to dietary levels of Ca and P. Mohammed et al. (1991) reported that a decrease in

dietary calcium improves phytate digestibility in broilers. Phytate P digestibility was 50%

when the diet contained 1.0% calcium, 0.69% total P, and 12.5 µg/kg 1,25-(OH)2D3.

The utilisation increased to 77% when both levels of Ca and total P in the diet were

decreased to 0.5%. The mechanisms of improved phytate P in response to vitamin D3

supplementation are unknown. However, one or more of the following may be involved

(Ravindran et al., 1995): (i) increased synthesis or activity of intestinal phytase, (ii)

increased phytate hydrolysis by stimulation of calcium absorption, thus rendering the

phytate more soluble and available for utilisation, or (iii) enhanced absorption of P.


3. Age and Genotype of Birds

It is generally accepted that older birds hydrolyse more phytate P than chicks, as

there is more dephosphorilating activity present in the gastrointestinal tract of older birds

(Ravindran et al., 1995). The ability of poultry to utilise phytate P also increases with


2.5.5 Effect of Microbial Phytase on Bird Performance and Bone Mineralisation

The effects of microbial phytase on the performance, bone mineralisation and P

utilisation in various poultry species are summarised in Tables 17 and 18. The addition of

microbial phytase (500-750 FTU/kg) to low-P corn-based diets have been found to

improve weight gain and feed intake of broilers by 5.9-99.7%, and .1-59.1%,

respectively. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) values can be lowered by 1.9-16.2%.

Improvements in feed efficiency with phytase addition have been reported in a number of

studies but not in others (Denbow et al., 1995, Kornegay et al., 1996, Sebastian et al.,

1996, Ravindran et al., 1999, Jayashree, et al., 2001). The influence of microbial phytase

on bone mineralisation has been consistent in both corn- and wheat-based diets. Addition

of phytase to low-P diets improved bone mineralisation to levels comparable to those of

adequate-P diets in growing birds (Tables 17 and 18) and layers (Klis et al., 1997, Carlos

and Edwards, 1998).

2.5.6. Effect of Microbial Phytase on P Digestibility and Utilisation

The beneficial effect of supplemental phytase on P availability, measured as bone

ash, in broilers was first reported by Nelson (1971). The effectiveness of microbial

phytase in improving phytate-bound P availability, P retention and reducing P excretion

has been demonstrated in studies with broilers (Table 17), Addition of microbial phytase

to broiler diets (500-750 FTU/kg) increased apparent P retention by 3.1-12.5 percentage

units. When compared to adequate-P (0.45-0.47% non-phytate P) diets, addition of

microbial phytase to low-P (0.15-0.37% non-phytate P) broiler diets reduces P excretion

by 20-57% (Table 17).

2.5.7. Effect of microbial phytase on the utilisation of Nutrients other than


Phytate-Protein Complexes


Phytic acid is generally considered as a factor primarily limiting P availability

from plant derived materials. However, phytate can also form phytate complex with

protein and a range of minerals. In the highly acidic stomach region, amino acids, in

particular lysine (Lys), methionine (Met), arginine (Arg) and histidine (His) can bind

directly to phytate P creating insoluble phytate-protein complexes. In the less acidic

region of the intestine, mineral cations (Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe) act as a bridge between phytate

P and protein, resulting in protein-mineral-phytate complexes. Phytate-protein complexes

are insoluble and less subject to attack by proteolytic enzymes than the same protein

alone (Anderson, 1985).

In vitro studies have shown that phytate may form complexes with proteins and

free amino acids. Jongbloed et al. (1997) reported that soluble proteins in casein, corn,

rice polishings, soybean meal and sunflower meal were substantially precipitated in the

presence of phytic acid. Incubation of feedstuffs with microbial phytase largely prevented

the precipitation.


Table 17. Effects of phytase on bird performance, bone mineralization, and phosphorus (P) utilization in broiler chickens

References Diet type Phytase





gain1 (%)

Feed intake1

(%) FCR1

Toe ash1

(% units)

P retention1

(% units)

Simons et al. (1990) Corn-soy 500 0.15 + 84.3 - -15.7 - +9.8

750 0.15 + 99.7 - -16.2 - +9.8

Pernery et al. (1993) Corn-soy 500 0.32 + 12.5 +8.6 -3.8 +1.2 +8.0

Denbow et al. (1995) Corn-soy 600 0.20 + 70.9 +59.1 -10.9 +2.3 -

600 0.27 + 36.9 +39.0 +2.0 +1.6 -

600 0.30 + 13.6 +13.1 - +1.1 -

Kornegay et al. (1996) Corn-soy 600 0.20 + 37.9 +40.2 -2.3 +1.6 +3.1

0.27 + 10.4 +10.7 - +1.5 +8.7

0.34 + 5.9 +4.1 -1.9 +0.5 +6.3

Sebastian et al. (1996)

Corn-soy 600 0.33 + 13.3 +13.5 - - +12.5

Camden et al. (2001) Corn-soy 500 0.28 + 12.1 +8.0 -3.4 +0.8 +4.6

Jayashree et al. (2001) Corn-soy 1000




















- 1Percentage changes for phytase addition diets over the low-P basal diets;

nP=non-phytate P


Table 18. The effects of combination of microbial phytase with other enzymes on the performance

References Treatment Diet type Weight

gain1 (%)


intake1 (%)





Simbaya et al. (1996) B+phytase Wheat-canola meal +1.0 - -2.6 -



+6.3 - -7.2 -

Ravindran et al. (1999) B+phytase Wheat-soy - - - +4.5

B+phytase +xylanase +5.0 +1.6 -3.2 +6.6

Zyla et al. (1999) B+phytase Wheat-soy +9.6 +5.0 -4.4 -

B+phytase +xylanase +21.5 +8.3 -10.8 -

Zyla et al. (2000) B+phytase Wheat-soy +13.4 +7.4 -5.1 -

B+phytase +xylanase +26.4 +18.1 -6.3 -

Selle et al. (2001) B+phytase Wheat-soy +3.8 -3.0 -6.9 -

B+phytase +xylanase +6.7 -3.0 -9.4 +2.8 1 Percentage changes over the low-P unsupplemented basal diet

B=basal diet


Phytate can inhibit a number of digestive enzymes such as pepsin, α-amylase and

trypsin (Ravindran, 2001). The inhibition of digestive enzymes by phytate appears to

involve non-specific protein binding. Inhibition may also result from the chelation of

calcium ions that are essential for the activity of trypsin and α-amylase, or possibly from

an interaction with the substrates used by these enzymes (Ravindran, 2001). Phytate can

inhibit a number of digestive enzymes such as pepsin, α-amylase and trypsin (Ravindran,

2001). The inhibition of digestive enzymes by phytate appears to involve non-specific

protein binding. Inhibition may also result from the chelation of calcium ions that are

essential for the activity of trypsin and α-amylase, or possibly from an interaction with

the substrates used by these enzymes (Ravindran, 2001).

2.5.8. Effect of Microbial Phytase on Protein Utilisation

Influence of microbial phytase on protein/amino acid digestibility in broiler

chickens (Ravindran et al., 2000, Ravindran et al., 2001), has extensively been examined.

In general, the improvement in nitrogen digestibility by addition of microbial phytase in

poultry diets is small, ranging from 0.9 to 4.9% (Table 19).

2.5.9. Effect of Microbial Phytase on Energy Utilisation

An “ energy effect “ for phytase addition to broiler diets was first reported by

Rojas and Scott (1969). In this study, the AME contents for chickens fed cottonseed meal

and soybean meal following treatment with a crude phytase preparation from Aspergillus

ficuum were significantly improved. Using a similar crude enzyme product, Miles and

Nelson (1974) also observed that there was a significant improvement in the AME

content for chickens fed phytase-treated


Table 19. The effect of phytase on apparent ileal digestibility of

nitrogen (N) in broiler chickens

References Phytase




N improvement


Sebastian et al. (1997) 600 0.31 4.9

Namkung and Leeson (1999) 1200 0.35 3.2

Ravindran et al. (2000) 400 0.23 3.6

800 0.23 3.0

Ravindran et al. (2000) 400 0.45 2.2

800 0.45 2.4

Camden et al. (2001) 500 0.30 2.3

Ravindran et al. (2001) 500 0.45 4.0

750 0.45 3.7 1 non-phytate P


cottonseed meal (7.1 vs 8.5 MJ/kg) and wheat bran (4.6 vs 7.0 MJ/kg), but not for

soybean meal (11.5 vs. 10.7 MJ/kg). It is, however, possible that the energy responses

observed in these studies may have been partly due to the presence of other enzymes in

the crude preparations. The effect of microbial phytase in improving AME in poultry fed

corn-, wheat- and sorghum-based diets has been demonstrated in a number of recent

studies in broilers (Ravindran et al., 2000). Overall, the addition of phytase to poultry

diets increased the AME by 1.1-6.3% depending on dietary level of non-phytate P and

diet type (Table 20). The mode of action underlying the effect of microbial phytase on

energy utilisation is not fully understood. Several possible mechanisms have been

proposed (Ravindran, 1999). Firstly, improvements in protein and amino acid utilisation

with added phytase may contribute, at least in part, to the observed energy effects.

Secondly, a wide ratio of Ca to total P leads to the formation of insoluble Ca-phytate

complexes. The latter complexes can further react with fatty acids in the gut lumen to

form insoluble metabolic soaps thereby lowering fat digestibility. Microbial phytase may

prevent the formation of the insoluble Ca-phytate complexes by hydrolysing the phytate.

It is also possible that phytase may reduce the adverse effects of phytic acid on starch

digestion and endogenous losses.

2.5.10. Effect of Microbial Phytase on Ca Utilisation

Supplementation of microbial phytase in poultry diets has been shown to improve

Ca availability and retention in broilers (Simons et al., 1990, Sebastian et al., 1996,

Kornegay and Yi, 1999 and Jayashree et al., 2001). Simons et al. (1990) reported that the

addition of 500 FTU/kg microbial phytase to a low-P diet (0.15%


Table 20. The effect of phytase on apparent metabolizable energy (AME; MJ/kg dry matter) in poultry



Phytase (FTU/kg)

nP (%)

– +



Martin and Farrel (1994) 1000-500 0.56-0.71 11.7 12.3 4.7 12.4 12.8 4.7

Selle et al. (1999) 600 0.50 12.6 12.9 2.6

600 0.39 12.4 12.9 4.0

Ravindran et al. (2000) 400 0.23 13.1 13.8 5.3

800 0.23 13.1 13.3 1.5

Ravindran et al. (2000) 400 0.45 12.6 13.1 3.9

800 0.45 12.6 13.4 6.3

Ravindran et al. (2001) 500 0.45 14.2 14.6 2.8

750 0.45 14.2 14.7 3.5

Selle et al. (2001) 600 0.25 14.2 14.1 - nP=non-phytate P

non-phytate P) improved apparent faecal availability of Ca by 12% compared to an

adequate-P diet (0.45% non-phytate P). Sebastian et al. (1996) reported that the

addition of phytase to low-P diets significantly increased Ca retention by 12.2% in

male broilers but not in females. Qian et al. (1996, 1997) reported that phytase

supplementation improved Ca retention at various levels of non-phytate P and at

varying dietary Ca to total P ratios. Calcium retention increased linearly as the amount

of supplemental phytase increased, and decreased as the Ca to total P ratios became


2.6. Optimization of nutritional matrix in broilers fed corn-soy diets

Nutrient composition of different feed ingredients differs among different

geoclimatic regions. Such a composition, known as nutrient matrix of that particular

nutrient, would help better diet formulation to suit the bird’s needs. It is also essential

to have a ‘nutrient matrix of enzyme’ which would give us the level of improvement

in availability of different nutrients brought in by enzyme supplementation. This

would help in more accurate formulation of diets than the vague system of top-

dressing of enzymes, being followed in most parts of the country. More and more

enzyme manufacturers, therefore, are recommending their own ‘nutrient matrices’ for

their enzyme brands, developed after several biological experiments. Using such

nutrient matrix, one can reformulate diet reducing the levels of different nutrients as

per the level of enzyme inclusion for better performance and economy.