Chapter Five

Post on 20-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Chapter Five



Teacher Education plays a vital role in education system. ADE is newly started program

in Pakistan. This study highlighted some important areas of STs Satisfaction level of the

program. The first part of the questionnaire was about the physical facilities provided in the

institute. The date shows that STs are satisfied with physical facilities in the institute. REF ----

While the STs have a concern with the administrative support. It is a truth that administrative

support have a major role in learning and teaching process.

In the second part of the questionnaire STs were asked about their teaching methodology.

Presents participants’ perceptions of qualities that make online learning efficient associated with an instructional associate (IA) or graduate assistant (GA). The highest percentage of students strongly agreed that IA’s constructive feedback on student work is important to make their learning satisfactory. More than 95% of students either strongly agreed or agreed that their online learning was more satisfactory when the IA/GA had the following qualities and behaviors: knowledge of the course materials, prompt reply, constructive and timely feedback on student work.


The major findings of this research study can be summarized as follows -


Students feel fairly well adjusted to their academic and social lives student of ADE

program at PITE Sindh

Poor attendance relates to low motivation, lack of integration and risk of withdrawal.

Staff has a fairly accurate awareness of students‟ lifestyles but would like more

information and more accurate information about these.

A relatively high number of students state that they sometimes lack motivation.

Satisfaction is in a vicious cycle with good study habits, have of enjoyment and

integration, and a success to engage with personal development aspects of the course.

A number of students are „deliberate‟ entrants to PITE Sindh; they are feeling like to a

success and/or insertion.

A number of students take a „considered‟ approach to their course; this puts them at risk

of a success/insertion and order the learning of other students, in particular making it

easy to use „ students centered‟ teaching methods

Reasons for entry shape students behavior; students who decide to go to PITE Sindh

because of interest in a particular subject are more likely to persist and be satisfied.

Realistic expectations lead to a more satisfying experience and better adjustment.

Perceptions of PITE Sindh are shaped by the relationship of expectations to experience.

Many non-traditional students are highly motivated and have strong study habits.

Staff feels positive towards non-traditional students.

Students‟ perceptions of staff approachability relate at least partly to the academic

support available

 Limitations of the Study

1) It is confined to the student of ADE program at PITE Sindh only.

2) Geographical area covered in the study is limited. It includes only PITE Sindh.

3) The sample size of the present study is limited to student of ADE program at PITE Sindh.

4) Limitation of the study may also include the lion-serious attitude of students towards filling

the questionnaire.

 Conclusion Well-educated population is considered as a powerful resource of a country. The study

shows that majority of the students are mostly satisfied with the present quality of student of

ADE program at PITE Sindh. The most important dimension which positively influences

students Satisfaction is faculty quality. Actually students showed their satisfaction in their

teaching and learning process with the faculty whose knowledge and expertise is up to the mark.

Based on the sample analysis of the survey findings using basic percentage measurement shows

that there’s need to practice e effective teaching management, well supported communications,

efficient administrative staff and a quality placement which can satisfy the students expectations

of ADE program at PITE Sindh along with others public sector counterparts are playing an

important role in generating the resource base for the country by creating skilled human

resources of ADE program at PITE Sindh , which want to gain competitive edge and

sustainable growth, need to improve quality of education to enhance the satisfaction level of the

